New Year Hiking Holiday
Three college buddies go hiking on the New Year holiday weekend. Will they find a missing meteor, or fall prey to an alien invasion?
Story preamble—
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Chad, Blake and Tyler were keen hikers, and the three college buddies would often head off on weekend walking trips.
But it was Chad who was the keenest on the choice of their latest trip, over the long New Year holiday weekend, exploring the remote Ouachita Bohannon Trail in Oklahoma. Specifically, that part of the trail where six months earlier, a large fiery meteor had been widely seen, but despite the best efforts of scientists, the expected corresponding meteorite had still not yet been found.
“Just imagine if we discovered it” Chad told them excitedly. “They’d have to put our names in the museum with it and everything”. Blake and Tyler were less fussed about rock-based fame, but the trail offered challenging hikes, and the weather over the holiday period was forecast to be warm enough for the time of year, and free of snow.
So Chad had booked a nice looking hiking cabin as their base, and each had researched a different day’s route from there, for the three days of their long holiday weekend. Chad’s only stipulation had been that their three routes fanned out from the cabin in roughly a 90-degree southerly arc, to give themselves the best chance of stumbling across the projected route of the still missing meteorite.
They made good progress on the Thursday, arriving at the cabin a few hours before dark. The plan was to walk their three routes over the next three days, and with New Year falling on the Sunday, use the Holiday Monday to head back to campus.
Tyler had kept them entertained on the drive up, trawling the web and reading out every crazy story about the meteor he could find. And there were many. Perhaps because it had been so bright, or perhaps because the resulting meteorite hadn’t been found, it had become a bit of a cause celebre among UFO freaks and conspiracy theorists.
From the crashing of a secret deep state satellite or North Korean super weapon, to an all-out alien invasion and sudden unexplained disappearances of local people, the internet had it all in hilarious detail. To be honest, Tyler was more excited by the prospect of meeting a Bonafide, tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nutter, than he was about finding a lump of old space rock.
They used a key code box to let themselves into their cabin home from home for the weekend. Originally the owner has going to meet them with the keys, until just yesterday, Chad had received phone call from the lettings company saying they had installed the key safe because the owner was suddenly no longer available at short notice. But it was no bother to let themselves in, and the cabin was comfortable and well appointed.
Their walking routes for each of the next three days were all quite long, necessitating early starts to pick up each path. So Blake sensibly suggested, as they had arrived in good time, that they make use of the last couple of hours of light left in the day, to each check they could find the starting points for their trails from the cabin, so as not to waste anytime each morning.
Agreeing it was a good idea, the three friends fanned out in slightly different directions from the cabin within their 90-degree arc, maps in hand, to search for the starting point of their chosen routes.
It only took Chad about ten minutes to satisfy himself he had found his trail for the first of their planned hikes tomorrow.
He was about to turn back to the cabin, when he saw a figure coming along the trail towards him. As the figure drew nearer, details resolving, Chad was amazed to see his college crush, Kayla, improbably walking towards him. He was so certain it was her that he was about to shout a greeting, when he suddenly realised the girl getting ever closer wasn’t quite Kayla after all.
She looked almost identical, but was somehow a sort of even better version. As if someone had taken Kayla, already a perfect ten, and turned everything up to eleven. Even in her hiking clothes this girl was a vision of sex on legs. Her long red hair somehow even fuller and bouncier, like she has just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. Her skin more radiant and glowing, eyes sparkier, luscious lips fuller. And her tits, oh boy, even under that jumper, obviously bigger and perkier.
Chad was practically drooling when the not-quite-but-somehow-even-better Kayla stopped, smiled at him, and said hello. Dazzled by her sexy smile, he just about managed a stammered hello in return, like some village idiot.
She asked if they could compare maps to double-check her position and leaned in close against him. She smelt as beautiful as she looked, making his head spin, a relaxing warmth from her body enveloping him like a loving soporific hug.
They peered at his map, heads getting closer… and closer… until… they were kissing. Chad couldn’t even quite remember how the kissing had started, only that now, he never wanted it to stop. He’d never felt so incredibly horny, so absolutely in love.
His excitement only grew stronger. He looked down for the source. Somehow, he couldn’t quite remember how, she had unzipped him, her fantastic warm hand wrapped around his rock-hard cock, giving him the hand job of an angel fallen from heaven.
Swimming in mindless pleasure, the image flickered for just a moment. For a spilt second Chad thought he saw, not a hand, but a sort of black flipper around his cock, covered in thousands of tiny little sucker-like protrusions, rippling in waves up and down his turgid phallus.
But no sooner had it appeared, than the disturbing image had vanished again, her hand reassuringly on his dick, still giving him the wank of the century, until finally his cum exploded out like a blocked fountain.
In a braindead stupor, Chad started staggering back towards the cabin. He couldn’t even think to ask the angel for her number.
Blake took a bit longer to find where his chosen trail crossed near to their cabin, when he too saw a girl coming along the path towards him.
Blake was currently between girlfriends. A persistent state of affairs, his friends liked to joke, because Blake seemed to be on a one-man mission to date every single blonde chick on campus, by getting through them as quickly as possible. But there was no denying that this young hiker coming towards him was a blonde bombshell to end all blonde bombshells.
There was no way Blake was going to miss the opportunity to get this girl’s number. He found himself getting much more than that though. One moment they were chatting, then suddenly kissing, then she was somehow wanking his over-excited cock. Perhaps he’d simply died and gone to heaven.
As he watched her hand deliver waves of unbelievable pleasure, the image flickered, and just for a second, Blake thought he saw a black flipper like paw instead of a hand. And where the thumb would be, a thin wire-like black tentacle curling up and over, pushing down and into the urethra of his penis.
But Blake was far too lost in mindless euphoria to freak out, and just as suddenly, the image of her human hand wanking his needy cock returned. Blake could feel himself about to cum like never before.
Of the three friends, Tyler’s planned trail looked on the map to be the furthest from their cabin. So he was last to see a figure walking towards him.
Tyler was struggling to come to terms with his sexuality in public. He knew for certain that he was gay, but he was still nervous about actually coming out to his friends and family, and how they might react.
In fact, he had thought about maybe trying coming out first this weekend to Chad and Blake, as sympathetic an audience as he was likely to get. Tyler would have laughed at his own nervousness if he had known that Chad and Blake had already decided for themselves that Tyler was probably gay and was just waiting for the right time to tell them. No big deal.
Tyler’s nervousness about coming out was reflected in his relatively inexperience sexually. So far it had been limited to some kissing and rubbing on a couple of furtive visits to the College LGBTQ Society disco nights. So for that reason, Tyler had yet to really form a type of guy he was most attracted to.
Despite that, Tyler was instantly in no doubt, that if he did have a type, then the adonis walking towards him right now would most definitely be it. The hot young guy with bright blue eyes, a sexy grin to die for and super cute boyish mop of black hair. He even smelled like the most beautiful person in the world, Tyler thought, as they leaned in close to compare map grid-references.
He wasn’t sure quite exactly how it happened, but this unexpected encounter was quickly turning into Tyler’s greatest sexual experience to date. Somehow they were kissing, and then almost miraculously, he was getting the first full-on gay hand job of his life.
It felt just so unbelievably amazing, that Tyler very quickly had to start concentrating super hard on not ejaculating too prematurely. But he couldn’t hold out long.
As he felt the first rope of cum pump from his engorged cock, Tyler looked down to see the image flicker for a split second. Instead of a hand wrapped around his exploding dick, for just a moment there was a black paw, with a thin black tentacle embedded down his urethra. And instead of his cum shooting out, there were bulges in the wire-like tentacle pumping something into him, down his cock.
Before the entranced, sexually blissed out Tyler could even make sense of the bizarre scene, it had flickered back to normal, and he saw the hand around his cock pump a second, third and fourth rope of cum onto the ground in front of him.
The three mindless young friends each staggered back to the cabin like zombie automatons. There was an eerie, other worldly feel as, in silence, they cocked and ate their meal. Then, still without saying a word, proceeded to cook and eat all the groceries they had brought with them for the whole long weekend.
With painfully bloated stomachs, they silently retired to their own beds, each curling up into the foetal position, cradling their gurgling tummies.
They awoke at dawn, and still on silent autopilot, simply left the cabin naked, each mindlessly heading back towards the start of their trail, unconcerned that rather than digesting their food from last night, their stomachs were even more distended, as if each young man was somehow heavily pregnant.
As each braindead meat sleave reached the point of yesterday’s sexual encounter, they saw that overnight, something had scrapped a sort of shallow bowl depression in the ground, and lined it with moss and leaves like a big nest.
Each man flopped into their depression on all fours, head down, ass up, reaching for their butt cheeks to expose their anus’ to the fresh early morning air. They couldn’t see just how gapped their own assholes were, as if they had spent the night toying themselves with the fattest dildos known to mankind.
Suddenly, from that dark exposed hole, two little black paw-like flippers appeared, grasping at the taught white skin on either side as if trying to get out.
Slowly, the flippers forced the hole wider and wider, first bloodied skin splitting, and then the sounds of bone breaking, until a grotesque alien head emerged.
Once fully freed from the incubating corpse, the young alien fed on the rent asunder remains, starting with the best part, the soft, blood rich, meat of the engorged penis.
As it fed, the alien let its mental powers expend across the landscape, finding others of its kind nearby, and then further out, the strange thoughts and desirers of new breeding vessels it could, and would, impregnate.
Soon, they would be able to fully explore their new planet.