The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Nina’s Nostalgic Weekend

Note: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts and situations. It is not for (and shouldn’t be read by) those under 18 years old. Remember that this is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. Hypnosis does not work this way. Mind control like this is not possible. Don’t try this at home but feel free to enjoy the story.


Sometimes it was nice to have the house to yourself. Nina Boxton certainly thought so. She was 32 and a married mother of two well-behaved children, Sasha, 10 and Walter, 7. She also had a freelance job writing early childhood educational materials. Her husband Wayne worked as a long haul trucker.

Indeed that was part of why she had time to herself this weekend. Sasha and Walter were on a two week camping trip with their respective scout troops (though neither had attained the status of scout yet). Wayne had to deliver an order all the way to Calgary, Alberta and would be away for at least the entire weekend and probably more than that. While she would certainly miss the family, their absence allowed her to get several things done. This included completing an educational booklet that would be used in the upcoming school year, renewing her passport, and getting a haircut. Right now she was shopping for groceries at Costco.

Ah, Costco, the great megastore that had almost every foodstuff and household item a housewife could want. Because she was shopping alone she could take the time to select exactly the right items (provided they were in stock). Even better, she could taste all of the myriad free samples of food and drink for sale. You could get a whole meal out of it!

In forty minutes, Nina had collected all of the items she needed and was waiting her turn in the checkout line. She reached into her purse and paid the cashier. She began to put the items back into the shopping cart.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” the cashier said. “I’m afraid you’re two dollars short.”

“Oh,” Nina said surprised. “Sorry about that. Let me get it from my purse.” She searched into her purse but found nothing. Then she looked into her wallet. There was nothing there either.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” the cashier said, “but could you please go a little bit faster there is a long line.”

Nina relented and was about to get her credit card when she heard a male voice.

“Here’s two dollars. I can pay the difference.”

Nina looked behind her. There was a handsome Caucasian man wearing a grey t-shirt and beige shorts. He had a muscular build, hairy legs and was wearing New Balance running shoes and white socks. He also had quite the face. It looked quite strong with a thin mouth sturdy nose, bright blue eyes and a crew cut hairstyle. The man placed the money into her hand.

“Thank you so much,” Nina said sincerely. “She turned to the cashier. “Here it is.”

“Thanks,” the cashier said. 2.

Nina put the rest of her items in her shopping cart. She was a little tired, so she sat on one of the benches found at the mini-restaurant often found at Costco locations. About two minutes later she saw the man who’d help pay for her groceries come to her.

“Hello, miss, is your name Nina?”

“Yeah,” Nina said.

“Nina Nunez?”

“Well, its Nina Boxton now, but, yes, my maiden name was Nunez.”Nina got a little annoyed. “Look, thank you for helping me pay for my groceries, but I feel a little uncomfortable with you asking me all these questions. We don’t even know each other’s names.”

“I think we do. Don’t you remember me Nina? It’s Bradley.”

“Bradley? Do you mean Bradley Stanton-Smith?”

“Yes, though I go by Brad now” Brad confirmed.

“Wow! I haven’t seen you for what, 8 years? I know it’s cliché, but my, how you have grown! You’ve come a long way from when I was your nanny.”

Indeed, Nina had worked as a nanny for the Stanton-Smith family since Brad was six and she was 22. She had also cared for her older brother Quentin, and younger sister Monique. However, Brad and Nina had the greatest bond between them all, bar none. She was the one who acted as his chaperone on overnight Boys and Girls Club camping trips, kissed his knee better when he scraped it, and she made him the second-best pancakes he had ever tasted (first place went to his mother’s). At least that’s what he said. Brad had even had a crush on her. He never admitted this, but it was obvious to Nina. They had even joked about marrying each other on several occasions. To be fair, who could blame him? Nina had been blessed with amazing looks since she was a teenager and still had them now. She had an extensive Spanish heritage and it showed. She had beautiful Hispanic skin, shoulder length brown hair, cute brown eyes and full pink lips. She had a lithe figure and breasts that would put Pamela Anderson to shame. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt and jean shorts, giving passersby a great view of her toned legs. She also wore a pair of comfortable but sturdy black sandals

Of course, like all good things, her time with the Stanton-Smith family came to an end. Nina had to move to another city to seek better employment. Brad out and out cried when the time to say goodbye to her came. That said, by moving to a new city she eventually met Wayne and settled down in her hometown. “So Brad,” she asked, “How have you been?”

“I’ve been alright,” Brad said. “I’m actually on vacation. I thought I’d spend it in my hometown. I actually came here with some friends. Say, do you think we could catch up over coffee?”

“I suppose so, but don’t you need to drive your own car to where you are staying?”

“I can take care of that on my own,”Brad assured. “How about I inform my friends about how I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon and then I help you transport your groceries to your car?”

“Sure,” Nina said. “I could use some help carrying these.”


Nina smiled. Even after all these years, Brad was a helpful and humble guy. He even took her shopping cart back to its corral once he finished loading her groceries into her car. Nina said in the driver’s seat while Brad looked sy through her seat window.

So Nina,”Brad inquired. “Do you think we could go back to your place?”

“Well,” Nina said hesitantly. “I am not sure if that’s a good idea. I’m married now and I have two kids. Granted, all of them will be away for the weekend, but I wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea. I can give you my email and send you the link to my Facebook page, though.”

“I see,”Brad said with the disappointment showing in his voice. “There is one thing I want to say to you, though.”

“What would that be?”

“Time for naptime Nanny Nina”

With those words Nina’s eyes shut and her head slumped forward, colliding with the centre of the steering wheel. Brad smiled, pleasantly surprised that the trigger phase actually worked (even after all these years). You see, on their last night together before Brad moved, Nina granted Brad one reasonable request. As long as the activity was in reason he could select it and Nina would go along with it. He suggested hypnosis. He would try to hypnotize Nina. Nina didn’t think he could do it, but she decided to play along. He would give commands and Nina would obey them. Brad would then “wake up”Nina and erase her memory of ever being “hypnotized.”For Nina, it was all a fun (if strange) game and she was never really hypnotized. At least that’s what she thought. Brad was surprisingly skilled at hypnotism even at his young age. He entranced her with—of all things—a yo-yo he purchased a while back. It was dark green with an extensive spiral design. It even glowed. Several swings and some spiral flashes later. Nina was out like a light and under his control. He made her do all sorts of silly things like think she was a chicken, cat, and sheep, let him stroke her hair, hug him, and even kiss him on the cheek.

Brad knew that Nina wasn’t faking was when Brad saw her apply trance logic. This is where a hypnotized individual accepts suggestions no matter how absurd or illogical. For example, when Brad gave her the suggestion that she was freezing, goose bumps appeared across her up her body and she rushed to get a parka, even though it was 30 degrees Celsius. When he told her to think that she would see him sitting in a folding chair in the living room and he then came into the same living room, she was genuinely surprised to see him standing there. How, she asked, could Brad be standing up if he was also sitting in the folding chair? That’s right. She accepted the absurd situation that that there were two Brad Stanton-Smiths!

He had recently hit puberty and realized how pretty Nina really was. However, he did not dare try to have sexual intercourse with Nina (at that time. he barely understood the concept himself). He did place in a trigger phrase to put her back under his control (as she now was). He began to speak“Nina, can you hear me?”

“Yes, I hear you,” Nina said sleepily, still slumped over the steering wheel.

“You are hypnotized and under my control. Isn’t that right? “

“Yes...under your control,”Nina slurred.

“That means you must do whatever I tell you to do.”

“Must do...what you tell me to do,” Nina said.

“Good,”Brad said smiling. “Now Nina, please sit up and open your eyes, but remain deeply hypnotized.”

“Yes, Lord Brad,”Nina responded. The woman was now upright and staring blankly ahead.

“Now Nina you will let me get into your car and then drive us to your home. On the way there I will give you instructions you will listen to them and follow them carefully. Do you understand?”

“Yes Lord Brad,” Nina said mindlessly.

Brad smiled as he got into the car. It seems his other suggestion was still working as well. For some reason he felt Lord Brad ran off the tongue much better than “Master” did. Nina started the car and off they were.


Brad carried Nina’s groceries into her home and put them on a table. Nina had a pretty decent home. It was a redbrick structure with four bedrooms, one guest room, a state-of-the-art kitchen and dining room at least two big-screen televisions, and high-speed internet access and a hot tub in the backyard, among other things. He was particularly impressed with the master bedroom. It had a landline and phone charger, a fully stocked bookshelf, and a spacious and clean bathroom. Most importantly, it had an inviting queen-sized bed. Brad sat on its edge.

“Nina,”Brad commanded. “When I clap my hands you will strip out of your clothes. With every item you remove you will become more and more sexually attracted to me. When you are naked you will want to make love to me more than anything in the world. Understood?”

“Yes, Lord Brad,” Nina uttered compliantly. Brad clapped his hands and she went to work. Dancing to a beat that only existed in her mind; she pulled her shirt over her head. This revealed a sturdy grey bra. She then undid (and stepped out of) her sandals. She then slid off her shorts, taking her grey panties with them. She finished her striptease by removing her bra. It revealed the most magnificent breasts he’d ever seen (and he had had more than a few girlfriends). Her thick brown bush and golden brown legs were also impressive. It seemed she had not aged a day since he had last seen her.

Naked by now, Brad beamed as Nina ran to the bed. Nina leapt on top of him and kissed him. Brad kissed her back forcefully and pulled her towards him. Nina and Brad switched positions. Brad went from her lips to her breasts, burying his head between them. It felt like kissing two fluffy pillows. He also licked her cleavage dragging his tongue up and down with glee. Nina was enjoying it too. She moaned softly as his tongue jabbed at her cleavage. He then moved down to Nina’s belly and began to tummy-kiss her. He smooched and sucked on her bellybutton as Nina laughed uncontrollably. After the kissing frenzy, Brad decided to work with his hands. He ran them down Nina’s exotically coloured legs. He then reached her feet and began to rub and tickle them. Nina giggled and sighed in response, her mind lost in pleasure.

He would have gone right into Nina’s vagina but Brad did not have any condoms (that would come later) and he did not want to risk getting Nina pregnant. Thus, he settled for the next best thing. He lied down on the bed and arranged Nina so she was once looking down on him.

“Nina,” Brad commanded. “When I clap my hands, we will have oral sex. You will perform it to the best of your ability and you will enjoy it greatly. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord Brad” she responded as she licked her lips. She immediately went for his penis, took it in his hand and sucked it. It tasted so smooth and soft. Nina went even deeper in the area between Brad’s legs. She licked his penis from beginning to tip, Brad in complete ecstasy all the while, quite impressed with his slave’s performance. His penis went hard causing Nina to intensify her already vigorous efforts.

“Great job Nina!”He said that as he climaxed shooting his entire load into Nina’s throat. She gulped it all down, enjoying every millilitre.

“Thank you so much Lord Brad,”she said, belatedly responding to his compliment.


“Well Brad, it was so nice to see you again. Thank you for spending the weekend with me and giving me your contact information. I hope we can re-establish our relationship via email. Muchos Gracias.”They were at where Brad was staying on his vacation. The two had experienced a great weekend, with Nina making Brad her famous pancakes, them going to an amusement park and a movie theatre on Saturday, and taking a nice dip in her hot tub earlier today (among many other fun activities).

“It was my pleasure,” Brad said (and in more ways than one he thought). It was so nice to see you again!” “Likewise,”Nina said. “Well I have to get back home now. Wayne’s route ended early and if everything went well he would be back by nightfall. She also had to purchase more pancake mix. She had used all of it feeding her guest. She then hugged him “All the best mi amore!”

“It sure was. Thank you Nina,”Brad said gratefully. Brad smiled as she got into her car and drove off. After a trip the pharmacy, the two had spent a lot of the weekend making love and proving that the pancake mix had more than one use. He thought about commanding Nina to leave Wayne but decided against it. Whatever you could say about Brad, he would never breakup a family for carnal reasons. He was not above using Nina’s trigger and taking her when the desire and time came though. Indeed, even after all these years, he still thought of her as his nanny. Over the weekend she showed how she could still care for him (and vice versa).

Brad chuckled at the whole situation. He still had a week of vacation left. He wondered if he’d run into his old babysitter Terra Puccini while he was here.

The End