Noise Complaint
Synopsis: Officers Stevenson and Jones respond to a noise complaint at a bachelor party. But, as they arrive on the scene, they find themselves joining in on the festivities.
It was another beautiful evening in Garnet Hills. The sun was beginning to set and the city was bathing in its golden hue as the GHPD squad car pulled up to the Evans household.
Officers Nicole Stevenson and Pamela Jones approached the door. Various noise complaints had been made and, supposedly, another officer had already checked the situation out. Judging from the booming music that echoed throughout the neighbourhood, however, Jones noted that either the other officers clearly had not done their job or were immediately disregarded as soon as they left the premises.
Stevenson knocked on the door but it was met with no response. The two officers looked at each other and sighed before banging on the door with an increased intensity. The music stopped and voices were heard inside.
“Hang on a minute, fellas. That must be the entertainment,” one voice stated and was answered with cheers.
“Entertainment? Is this another fucking bachelor party?” Stevenson asked, rolling her eyes. “I hate bachelor parties….”
A tough, no-nonsense feminist, Nicole Stevenson truly hated bachelor parties. A bunch of drunken meatheads degrading women, making jokes about how their buddy is about to throw his life away for his “dead weight” fiance or some other derogatory term. It was all so disgusting.
The cheers subsided and the officers could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened slowly as a well-dressed man greeted them. “Oh, good evening, officers. Is there something I can help you with?”
The officers could barely hear him over the pounding bass of the music. It was incredibly distracting and frustrating to them, and they were both annoyed that it hadn’t been turned down. Even worse, the smug grin he gave them made Officer Jones want to throw him in the back of the squad car just to make him sweat a little. She hated assholes like this.
“Sir, there have been reports of excessive noise coming from the premises,” she explained, “We even believe another officer already came by to warn you. Please turn the music down or we will ask you to shut down your event.”
The man chuckled, “Oh my! I’m so sorry, ma’am. Are we being bad boys?” The tone of his voice suggested that he didn’t think the two women were actually police officers at all. And neither woman could believe the audacity of this guy.
“Sir…” Officer Stevenson began to speak when the man’s eyes met hers. She was happily married, but the man in front of her was easily the most handsome man she had ever met. His look, coupled with the booming music echoing in her head, caused her to stumble over her words, “I... um... we are actually police officers. I am sorry if you were expecting us to be your entertainment, I believe you said?”
“Oh, of course you are, ladies,” the man responded. A devilish grin appeared on his face, “Please forgive me; I only assumed that women as beautiful as yourselves had to be our ‘performers’ for the evening.”
Pamela felt herself blush and could see her partner doing the same. “That’s... um, very kind of you, sir. But —”
“Please come inside, ladies. I’m sure the other guests would love to meet you both,” he interrupted the flustered officer.
Both women found themselves at a loss for words. Had he… what… what was even happening right now? The man gestured for them to enter the house and they both froze for a moment before each followed his lead without question.
Once inside, the officers noticed they were correct in their assumption. There was very clearly some kind of bachelor party going on. Each room seemed to have its own stripper, or multiple in some cases, and a group of people cheering her on. The same, bass-heavy music blasted through the entire house. The repeating “oontz, oontz, oontz” made it difficult to focus on anything else. And, while the party did seem a little rowdy, neither officer seemed to think there was anything that bad happening here. It was just a bit of harmless, sexy fun.
“So, um, Mister...” Nicole began to speak, before realizing that the man had never given his name.
“Evans,” the man answered her, “but, please, call me Damien.”
Oontz. Oontz. Oontz.
“Mister Ev.. sorry... Damien, it seems everything here is fine,” Officer Stevenson continued, “Just turn the music down a little and… um, we’ll be on our way?”
Damien smiled at the officer. “Of course, Nicole, just let me show you one last thing and you and Pamela can be on your way.”
Nicole and Pamela stopped and looked at each other, both of them looking incredibly confused. Neither could remember telling the handsome and mysterious man her name. In fact, they both found their thoughts slipping away from them. The music was so distracting. And, as he guided them deeper into the house, both felt the music in their heads more and more. Moving through the house felt like moving through clay. Their heads were swimming. Something didn’t make sense here. Nothing made sense right now. They both knew something; yet neither could seem to do or say anything about it. They both just followed Damien mindlessly.
Oontz. Oontz. Oontz.
“I...” Pamela tried to gather her thoughts, but any coherent idea fell from her mind. “Wha —”
“Shhh,” Damien quieted her. “We’re here.”
He motioned for the two women to enter the living room area. As in every other room, there was a stripper. This one, however, caught Officers Stevenson and Jones by surprise with the slutty cop outfit the girl was wearing. Some part of them wanted to be disgusted at the defilement of their uniform but all either girl could seem to think about was how she would look in the costume.
“Oh mi gosh! Nikki! Lala!” the busty stripper squealed as she skipped toward the women, giving each a big hug and kiss. “Like, is Master gonna make you two silly, sexy strippers like me?”
Oontz. Oontz. Oontz.
Nicole and Pamela’s minds were drowning in a sea of dullness and confusion. Each smiled and giggled softly when the bimbo kissed them. Her kiss seemingly sent both their minds over the edge, and they lost themselves completely.
Oontz. Oontz. Oontz.
“That’s right, ladies. I’m sure by now your silly little brains are totally lost. You have no idea who you are anymore, do you?” Damien spoke and, as before, his words drowned out any thoughts Pamela and Nicole were having. He smiled at the two officers, their eyes glazing over. “Nikki, Lala,” he said, kissing each girl on the forehead, “You were never police officers, were you?”
Oontz. Oontz. Oontz.
Suddenly, their careers... their names... were changed forever. Lost in the music. Nikki and Lala were never the tough, professional women that first walked through the door.
“No, of course not. You’re both way to dumb and silly to be cops, aren’t you?” he asked as their intellect drained away, pulled out of their minds by his words. They stared at him, blinking dumbly. “No, you are both nothing but horny, slutty strippers just like your bimbo bestie, Becki,” he motioned to the big boobed blonde squeezing her tits together in her costume.
Lala and Nikki felt waves of pure pleasure and lust-fueled energy wash over them as they continued to change to become more like Becki. Their outfits changed and became more revealing, sexier parodies of their old uniforms. Their faces were instantly covered in sexy, flawless make-up as their chests swelled with silicone enhancements that looked obviously fake and strained against the cheap fabric their tops had become.
“You see,” Damien continued, “Becki was confused when she got here too. She tried to tell me her name was Rebecca Jennings. Can you believe that? A slut like her with a respectable name like that? What an airhead!”
The girls burst into giggles as their minds melted into lust and depravity. Their colleague Rebecca disappeared from their minds because, as they were told, she was always the silly bimbo, Becki. They were all slutty strippers, full of silicone and ready to tease and fuck whomever hired them.
“Go on, now,” Damien instructed them, “time to put on a show for us.”
With a quick hand gesture, he removed their clothes and sent the trio to the stripper pole in the center of the room. Becki cheered and jumped up and down, her tits bouncing as she clapped excitedly for Lala and Nikki. The strippers began to strut their stuff in front of the gathered guests, moving in rhythm with the beat. They gave each other wet, sloppy kisses and pressed their trashy, pornstar tits together as the crowd cheered them on. It didn’t take long for their routine to devolve into a threesome as the sluts fucked what little remained of their brains out forever.
And, as the sun set on Garnet Hills, the three bimbofied women crawled into bed… each of them eager to please their new Master.