The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“The Odyssey”

by ThatSquickGuy ()

Chapter 3

Part 5: Sabotage

Lucy’s hair started standing on end. She only really noticed when it started blocking her view from inside her suit. She had gone back to the shuttle bay with Grace to look at the alien ship some more. She knew that she really should have headed back down to engineering, but she was too interested in the alien ship. Grace, likewise, should have been in her lab, but Lucy convinced her that the Captain’s order to ‘return to their stations’ could mean any important job they had on the ship. After a bit of reluctance, Grace agreed and talked about how she wanted to investigate some of the interesting materials that comprised the alien ship.

So, they went back after the shuttle launched to see what they could find out about the alien ship’s mysterious fate. Without the data core, Lucy couldn’t do much until Grace found something else interesting. She was looking over the parts that Grace said she could touch when some of them started floating off the bench in front of her.

“Uh... Is this normal?” Lucy, herself, was now floating about 10 centimeters off the floor.

“The bay’s grav-plating turned off.” Grace said, matter-of-factly. As she tried to get back to the floor, a sudden realization hit her. “But the shuttle isn’t due back… Oh, God!”

Just then, a red light starting flashing and an alarm went off.

“Lucy, get over to the other shuttle! Now!” Grace had floated up much higher than Lucy who had grabbed onto the bench to stop herself. Grace was struggling. Kicking against anything she could to get some leverage. And her suit wasn’t making it any easier.

* * *

Meanwhile on the bridge, Wash was struggling to keep his eyes open. He was nearing the end of his very long shift and wanted to wait until the shuttle was back to go get some shut-eye. “Just a little longer.” Wash mumbled to himself.

It was just him, the Captain, and Nancy. May had left a few minutes ago after a private meeting with the Captain. It always seemed like she was running off somewhere lately. As he rubbed his face and yawned, he noticed a light blinking on his control panel.

Huh, the shuttle bay was going through its one-minute opening cycle countdown. I wonder why I didn’t get any notice. He thought.

“Did I miss the shuttle coming in?” Wash mumbled and looked over at the scanner and saw nothing. Confused, he turned his bleary eyes back to the readings from the shuttle bay. “Wait. The shuttle bay is still pressurized!” This snapped him wide awake, Wash quickly pushed several buttons and an angry sound from the computer told him he couldn’t depressurize the bay. “Captain!”

Captain Wayman walked over quickly. “What is it Lieutenant?”

“Captain, override the shuttle bay sequence! Now! It’s still pressurized!”

The Captain quickly entered a code, but it was summarily rejected just like Wash’s attempt. “What’s going on? Show me the shuttle bay!” She commanded.

Nancy quickly got the internal security cameras online and sent the view up to the main screen and then gasped as she saw Lucy and Grace still in the bay. Everyone was horrified watching them struggle, trying to get to safety in the shuttle bay.

“What are they doing there?!” Captain Wayman yelled.

* * *

Lucy had reached the back of the remaining shuttle by bouncing off the bench and holding on for dear life as she hit the shuttle. She opened the rear hatch of it and looked back for Grace.

Grace was still trying to get a foothold as a recorded voice in background warned that the shuttle bay would open in 15 seconds. She managed to reach the chunk of alien ship floating next to her and pushed off it heading for the emergency override button on the wall near the bay doors. She hit the wall full force, but managed to hit the button as well. To her dismay, the automated recording continued its countdown. “Close the shuttle!” She shouted.

“3…2…1…” There was a tremendous rush of air as the shuttle bay doors opened. Lucy, safe inside the clamped down shuttle, watched in horror as everything that wasn’t secured to the ship flew out the bay doors after Grace.

Grace didn’t have a chance to grab onto anything. Not that it would have made a difference. The force of the vacuum ripped her away from the ship. The alien ship chunk and all her tools flew towards her. She saw the temporarily built clean room start to disconnect from the floor before, it too, blew out of the ship. As she flew out of the ship, she watched the Odyssey tremble from the force of the released air. She scarcely had time to scream as a small, pointed piece of the alien craft flew towards her helmet. The vacuum she was now floating in silenced her high pitch shriek.

* * *

Back on the bridge, everyone was tossed around as the shuttle bay decompressed. The ship creaking and groaning from the torque. Wash, thrown from his chair, reached out from the floor and hit several buttons leading the ship to stabilize its orbit again.

“Damage report!” The Captain barked.

Nancy had gotten her head smacked into the computer in front of her and sat up quickly holding her head. She brushed her long, red hair out of the way and surveyed the computers. “It looks like nothing hit the ship on the way out. I’m not detecting any hull damage. But the bay’s camera is offline. It might have gotten hit by something.”

“What’s happening?!” Lucy had gotten the comm on the shuttle to work and now had called the bridge. “Is Grace alright?!”

Other calls were now coming in from all over the ship reporting light injuries and minor damage. They were all overlapping and starting to deafen those on the bridge. At the Captain’s motion, Nancy moved over to the comm station and turned it down. “Lieutenant?”

“This isn’t good. I’m not getting any life signs from any of the debris. But I do have something that might be her.”

“On screen.”

Wash put the zoomed in image on screen, but quickly turned it off after a scream from Nancy. He wished he had never seen it either. “She didn’t make it.” He said quietly. Nancy sobbed.

“Lieutenant, I want you to find out what happened and get those doors closed.” The Captain commanded.

Wash sighed sadly. “Yes, Ma’am.” Wash quickly got to work as the Captain made a ship wide announcement.

“We’ve just had an unplanned decompression in the shuttle bay. Anyone with serious injuries report to sick bay. Otherwise, remain at your stations. We are investigating this incident.” The Captain hesitated before continuing. “I’m sad to report that Ensign Stamper was in the bay at the time and was killed as a result.”

“No!” Wash heard Lucy wail over the comm. “No! No! No!” The Captain motioned Nancy to cut off the transmission.

After a couple of minutes, Wash called the Captain back over. “I found the problem! It wasn’t a technical malfunction at all. Everything’s working fine. It looks like someone entered a local override code to start the sequence and lock the bridge out. They must have known we wouldn’t find it right away or have time to get down there.”

“So, it’s sabotage.” The Captain paused for a moment, thinking. “There’s only one person on board other than me that might have that kind of full access to the ship’s computer system.” Wash saw a look of rage cross her face as she figured it out. “Check it against Ms. DeWitt’s government authorization!”

Wash quickly typed and was stunned by the answer he got back. “It’s a perfect match… But, how? Why…”

“We’ll find out soon, Lieutenant.” She walked over to the comm station and called Lieutenant Ibanez and her team to come to her quarters. “Use that code to unlock the system and get Ensign Westenra out of there. I will see about our saboteur. And have that code removed from our computer banks.” She turned and headed back to her quarters as Lieutenant Ibanez arrived.

Wash tried the code and was simultaneously happy and concerned that the code worked to allow him access to the shuttle bay systems again. What was going on? He had never been fond of Ms. DeWitt’s attitude, but he couldn’t believe that she’d sabotage the ship. But if she didn’t, who did? And why? Nothing about this made any sense. Wash quickly got the doors closed and the grav-plating working again. Nancy was on a private channel trying to calm Lucy down without much success. Lucy was talking about how everything in the shuttle bay had flown out after Grace.

Carmen and her team left the Captain’s quarters looking like they meant business. They were armed only with electrified stun batons since blasters could just rip a hole right through the unshielded inner hull of the ship. “We will hold her in the storage area, Ma’am.” Carmen said as she headed out of the Captain’s door.

Wash slowly realized that he hadn’t heard Chloe call in earlier. “Nancy, I’ve got to check on Chloe. I’ll be back in just a second. Hold down the fort for me.” Wash waited until the Captain closed her door then took off running for Chloe’s quarters. “Please be okay.” He whispered to himself.

* * *

Elizabeth picked up her data pads off the floor and straightened her dress. She had just starting going thought the damaged video footage of Marybeth’s fall and her time in the pit on the planet when the ship had lurched to one side. Her arm hurt a little from where she’d hit the wall. She was that glad none of her stuff seemed damaged. When the Captain came on to report that Grace had died, Elizabeth was instantly suspicious. Something was going on. The timing and nature of this ‘accident’ were too coincidental. Getting rid of the alien ship part? Killing the people working on it? It was too perfectly targeted. She quickly started locking her computers and putting them away when she heard the door open behind her. Lieutenant Ibanez was there flanked by two of her guards.

“Please come with us. The Captain has a few questions she’d like to ask you.”

“Do I have a choice?” Elizabeth asked, eyeing their stun batons.

“No, Ma’am.”

“Very well.” She said calmly. Her fears had been confirmed.

“Gather her computers and take them to the Captain’s quarters.” Lieutenant Ibanez commanded.

As Elizabeth was escorted away, she was glad that she’d hidden her own private data pad and the alien data core behind a loosened panel in her room. It would be safe there until she could get back. She had been right. There was something important about that ship and its data core. Now, she just needed to figure out who wanted the core. Or, perhaps, wanted to get rid of it.

* * *

Nancy had calmed Lucy down and she turned off the comm channel as she heard the shuttle’s door open in the background. Lucy would be okay now. At least she had her friends around her. Nancy, on the other hand, had been left alone on the bridge as the Captain went down to question Elizabeth.

God! She couldn’t get that image out of her head. Poor Grace. Nancy knew that being in the Federation Fleet she’d eventually have to deal with the possible deaths of her friends and comrades. But not on just a simple scouting mission. It was somehow worse. Before she left, the Captain had told her that they wouldn’t be trying to retrieve Grace’s body as they had nowhere to store it. That was worse. Now, they wouldn’t even have a place to mourn her. Nancy made the announcement and also mentioned that anyone who wanted to could meet during the shift change in the commissary to celebrate Grace’s life.

“That will be nice.” Nancy sniffled a little.

“Shuttle 1 to Odyssey. Come in.” Marybeth’s voice came over the comm.

Odyssey here.”

“We’re detecting some debris around the ship. Is everything alright?”

“We had an accident in the shuttle bay. And Grace… was.. killed.” Nancy sniffled a little then composed herself and continued. “We lost everything in there, including the clean room. The Captain is investigating what happened right now. Go ahead and dock, but don’t leave the bay yet until we can get Evelyn to check you guys out.”

“Okay, we’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“At least they’re okay,” Nancy thought. “This star system has been nothing but disaster. How could everything go so wrong so fast?” She looked at the approaching shuttle on the scanner and hoped they were bringing a little good news.