The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Omega Girl 2

by J. Darksong


Maddison Jeffries stared out the window into the summer night sky. A brief flash of lightning and thunder cracked the serenity of the night, but instead of feeling anxious, she felt nostalgic. It had been a night just such as this one, nearly a year ago, that she had met her destiny...

* * *

Maddison Jeffries sighed to herself as she walked home alone. The dark overcast sky reflected her feelings exactly. She’d moved to River City hoping for a new start, to escape that ever-present air of failure and disgrace that had clung to her from grade school through high school. Known teasingly (and hurtfully) as ‘Jinx’ Jeffries, she had been shunned and avoided by all but her own family members, and even her family kept a wary eye around her.

As if it were MY fault that bad things always happen when I’m around, she thought dejectedly. I mean, its not as I actually DID anything!

It had begun in Kindergarten, when the teacher had asked her to flip off the lights so the class could watch a movie, and the entire school had lost power for two days. Everywhere she went, things went wrong. Fuses blew out, clocks stopped, engines stopped running. Nine times out of ten, any electronic equipment she handled refused to work. If she were sitting at a campfire, the wind would inevitably blow the fire out. Everyone around her viewed Maddy as a walking bad luck charm.

Being accepted to River City University, she’d hoped that she could start anew, in a new town with a clean slate. For a while, everything had seemed to be going well. Her instructors were impressed with her grades, and the students, if not beating down the door to spend time with her, at least no longer went out of their way to avoid contact with her. She’d even been asked by Greg Thompson, the football team’s star running back, on a date. With shoulder length auburn hair, green eyes hidden behind glasses, and a modest C size chest, Maddy knew she was no beauty model. Nervous and shy, she’d accepted, and he’d picked her up from her dorm room.

That was when the trouble started.

No sooner had they taken off for the movie theater than Maddy’s luck went foul. Wanting some music on the short drive, Greg had switched on the car’s radio, only to have it short out on him. The concession stand also suffered from electrical problems, and the only thing available to snack on was a pack of licorice sticks. During the movie, the film projector kept shutting off, to the annoyance of the crowd, finally failing completely in the middle of the climax. Dejected, Maddy and her date headed for home, Greg murmuring softly under his breath about the string of bad luck... until a traffic light misfired, and he slammed his BMW into an oncoming Ford pickup.

At least no one was hurt, she thought glumly, though I might as well have died. Greg will never ask me out again. After this... when her tells his friends back in class about tonight, no one will ever ask me out. She sighed. It’ll be just like Cedar Mills all over again.

Just then, a flash of light lit of the sky, a crack of thunder rolled, and rain began to pour down. “Great, just great!” Maddy yelled, throwing her hands up. “Could this day POSSIBLY get any worse?!?”

“I suppose that depends,” a rough, gravelly voice said from behind her, “on how you look at things.”

Maddy yelped, whirling around. A tall, bulky figure, half-concealed in a trench coat and a hat, stepped out from the tree line. Obscured by the moonless night darkness, all Maddison could see were a pair of bright yellow eyes, peering out at her, and the flash of teeth, pale, white, glittering teeth, drawn in a feral smile. The being towered over her, and arms the size of tree trunks reached out for her, quickly snatching her up before she could even think to flinch, let alone escape.

Frightened, Maddy screamed, struggling with all of her strength. It was for naught; she might as well have been bound with steel cables for all the give in the brute’s grip. Her captor, for his part, carried her easily, as if she were a baby in his arms. Making his way through the dark rainy night, he kept silent for the most part, content to let Maddy scream her fool head off, knowing there would be no rescue. Feeling her mouth clamping down on one of his arms, however, he stopped, tightening the grip around her chest.

“I don’t think you’d be wanting to do that,” he warned her, effectively cutting off her air supply. “It would be bad for both of us... me as well as you. I can crush you into pulp if I have to,” he reminder her, gripping her just a bit tighter to illustrate his point. Maddy gasped, feeling like an eggshell about to be crushed. “Nod if you understand me,” the strange man barked. Maddy nodded, and he relaxed his grip. “Good. I suggest you behave yourself, girlie. Who knows? You might make it out of this alive and in one piece.”

For the rest of the trip, Maddy hung there in his arms, still scared but silent. She had no doubts as to how this would end; she hoped only that if she didn’t make too much trouble, the end would come quickly. A strange calmness settled over her at the thought. It was a dangerous city, after all. Evil ran rampant, in everything from muggers and carjackers, to rapists and killers, to crooked politicians and supervillans. It seemed Maddy’s time was up; she was about to become just another statistic.

“We’re here.”

Maddy opened her eyes, brushing the rain-damp hair from her face. On the side of the road, hidden in the gloom, a black van flared to life, illuminating the dark with light as its engine roared to life. The side door opened as they approached, but before Maddy could even begin to make a fuss, one of the massive heavy hands pressed hard against her neck, and darkness overwhelmed her.

* * *

It seemed an eternity later when Maddison came to, finding herself being carried inside an office building, slung over the back of her heavyset captor like a sack of potatoes. The brute laid her carefully down on a large green couch, then stepped back, moving aside as a tall, dusky-skinned, dark-haired woman in a scarlet dress stepped into view. Maddy’s jaw dropped, and she found herself staring, but was unable to tear her gaze away. She was easily the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. There was just... something... something about her that made Maddy’s heart beat like a kettle drum. The young girl had never felt sexual attraction for a member of her own sex before in her life, but staring up at the perfect being before her, Maddy found herself wondering what it would be like to be kissed by those ruby red lips...

“I trust you didn’t injure her, Robert?” the female asked, staring only at Maddison.

“No, Mistress,” the huge brute replied, bowing slightly. “She is completely unharmed.”

Maddy rubbed her neck and her sides, grimacing. I wouldn’t go THAT far.

The woman arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Well, good. See that she stays that way. The good Doctor has gone through a lot of trouble to track down this particular girl, and the last thing we need is to have her injured.”

Robert visibly swallowed. “Yes Mistress.” Pause. “Is it true, what the Doctor said about her?”

A soft feminine laugh. “You tell me. You’re the one that’s been in contact with her. How do you feel?”

“That’s just it... I dunno. I feel a little strange, but not different. Not weak, just... different.”

Maddy’s mind was racing. Doctor? What doctor? The way they’re talking, this wasn’t just an abduction, or anything. Someone sent these guys after me! But why? And... what did they mean about him feeling DIFFERENT just by being around me? Am I sick? Do I have some kind of disease?

The woman took a step forward, reaching out a hand. “It’s okay, dear,” she purred. “Take my hand. It’s all right, I won’t bite... I promise.”

Gazing into the greenest eyes she’d ever seen, Maddy reached out a trembling hand. She gasped at the contact, a slight shock, as if there’d been a static discharge. The beautiful woman frowned slightly, then nodded, releasing Maddy’s hand.

“I see. Very interesting,” the female remarked. “She’s everything the Doctor promised, and more. Robert, keep her back here until we are ready for her. Make her behave herself... but do not hurt her. We need this very special girl intact.”

Special? “I... I don’t understand,” Maddy spoke up at last. “There’s nothing special about me, other than my bad luck. Why would anyone want me? Who ARE you people? Why did you bring me here?”

Robert snarled, clenching his teeth. “Quiet, you! Sit down and shut up!” He raised a hand, as if to strike her, only to cower back in fear at some unseen signal from the woman. Retreating into the corner, Robert whined softly, reminding Maddy strangely of a chastened dog. The woman continued to glare at him for several more seconds before turning again to face her.

“My apologies,” she said smoothly, brushing aside a lock of raven hair. “My name is Amber Reyes. You’re already familiar with my servant, Robert. As to why we brought you here... well, my dear, rest assured, you ARE special. Very special indeed. You, my dear, have a unique gift, one that, with the right training, will be very beneficial to a certain group of people.”

A gift? Me? Gifted? “But... what if I don’t want training? What if I just want to go home?”

“Oh, well, I’m quite afraid you have no choice in that, dear girl.” A tall thin, elderly grey-haired man entered the room. He smiled, a glimmer of teeth that seemed even more feral that the grin Robert had flashed earlier, and much more menacing. “You see, I have been searching for you for a very long time. I had hoped to bring you into the fold, so to speak, to have you join me willingly... but alas, recent events have caused me to speed up my timetable. I have need of your talents, girl, and I won’t be accepting NO for an answer.” He nodded, and the woman stepped forward again, this time holding a hypodermic needle in her hands.

“No!” Maddy screamed, drawing back, trying to somehow disappear through the wall behind her. She knew she couldn’t escape the crowded room, but damned if she was going to let them drug her without a fight. “Get away from me! HELP! HELP!! Someone, anyone!! HELP MEEEE!!”

The woman scowled. “Robert, restrain her!”

Again, Maddy found herself held in the unshakable iron grip of Robert’s arms. Held aloft, struggling uselessly, she had just enough time to notice that he seemed somehow smaller, before the needle entered her arm. A warm, comforting lassitude quickly spread over her, and Maddy’s struggles ceased. Her head buzzed, and soft sparkling lights seemed to dance before her eyes. Satisfied that she was under control, the elderly man stepped forward again.

Taking a small object from behind his back, he held it up for the dazed girl to see: a shiny golden pocket watch on a chain. Maddison’s wide, glazed eyes tracked to it instantly, following it as it spun slowly, reflecting the room light in a short rhythmic pulse. Amber scoffed, shaking her head. The man turned to glare at her.

“A pocket watch? Not very original, Doctor,” she replied, tilting her nose down at him. “I didn’t even know they still made those things.”

“It’s a family heirloom,” he responded, testily. “Besides, its not as if I could simply TOUCH her and dig my way through her mind to turn her into my obedient little puppet... the way I did you, Amber.”

Amber looked away, growling softly under her breath. Her eyeteeth grew longer, and her fingernails thickened and sharpened. Her raven black hair grew spiky and rough, and her jade green eyes began to take on a yellowish tint. Times like this it positively galled her that the old bastard had actually gotten the better of her. As the werewolf Madame Lupa, she had feared no man or beast, coming or going as she pleased, destroying those who dared to challenge her, or beguiling the useful ones, like Robert, enslaving them to her will. And yet, for all her power, it was her human persona, Amber Reyes, that had fallen victim, succumbing to the older man’s enchantments instead of the other way around.

Flexing her claws, she glowered at her Master, the man holding her “leash”. As always, she briefly contemplated trying to disembowel him, before dismissing it out of hand. In the beginning, she’d attempted it. Once. Whatever the old man might have been, he was no fool; before Lupa’s claws had come within three feet of the Doctor’s body, the safeguards he’d placed in her mind had activated. Every single nerve, every neuron in her brain, ever pain receptor in her entire body had fired at once, sending her into a maelstrom of pain and agony that lasted only an instant—though to Madame Lupa it had seemed an epoch. When she had regained consciousness, she found herself right where she had fallen, the Doctor staring down at her with a smug look on his face. He’d said not a word. He hadn’t needed to. Right then and there she had been taught the new pecking order.

“...deeper and deeper,” the Doctor was crooning, still dangling the watch before the entranced girl’s eyes. “Your resistance is fading away, fading into nothingness. Your mind is empty of thought... you do not think... you simply listen and obey. My voice is now the only thing in your mind... the only thoughts you have are the thoughts I give you.”

“My only thoughts... are the thoughts... you give me...” Maddy replied listlessly.

Amber sighed, re-exerting her humanity. Much as she hated to admit it, the man was talented. Besides, it wasn’t quite so bad being a helpless pawn in his evil scheme when they both shared the same goal. She listened idly as he finished programming the girl, savoring the day in which their plan would come to fruition.

“Now, my dear, listen carefully. You are going to ask me to help train you in the use of your power. You know that I am the only person you can come to... the only person you can trust. You trust my judgment completely in all things. My cause is now your cause, my goal, your goal. Together, we will crush those to stand in our way!”

Standing stiffly, still seeing the golden sparkle dancing before her eyes, Maddy mindlessly repeated the Doctor’s words, absorbing them deep into her mind.

The Doctor chuckled evilly. “Yes,” he said softly, “you will help me to finally realize my goal... to get my revenge on Omega Girl!”

* * *


Turning away from the window, Maddy faced Dr. Reginald Matthews. The thin old man held a small package in his hands, as well as an evil smirk on his lips. “Ah, my dear girl. There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Anxiety and excitement both fought in the pit of her stomach as she stepped forward to meet her mentor. “Is it finally time, Master?”

“Yes, my girl. It is time. All of the pieces are finally in place, and it is time to start our little game.”

Maddy quivered inside. For months, she had been trained and conditioned for this day, leaning to focus and control her strange ‘non-power’, to hone and focus her other skills as well, molding herself into the perfect weapon in which to strike out at her mentor’s most hated rival. At first, she had despaired of ever being worthy of the honor, but slowly, day by day, she had improved. Now she was ready. Now the time had come.

Taking the package from her mentor, Maddy opened it. Inside she found a costume of black shiny material. Despite its size, the skintight suit felt heavier than expected.

“It’s a completely synthetic mix,” Dr. Feelgood replied to her unspoken question. “The inner lining is Kevlar, capable of stopping rounds from a .44 magnum at close range. The outer lining, however... that is something special! Hybrid microweave protoplasmic-silica fibers. Makes the damn thing part living matter, part energy conductive material. When its on, it bonds to your living cells, linking directly to your consciousness, giving you total control.” He chuckled softly. “I managed to ‘acquire it’ from another old friend of mine... not that he’ll miss it, locked up in the Federal Pen.”

Maddy folded the suit back up, clutching it under her arm. “I thank you, Sir. I will try to make you proud.”

“If you truly wish to please me, my dear,” he said, turning to face the window, “then go! Carry out our great plan. And do not fail me.”

Smiling an evil grin, Maddy turned and left. “Yes, my Master, rest assured. I will not fail you. Soon, very soon, Omega Girl, will fall.”

<<to be continued...>>