The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Omega Girl 2

by J. Darksong

Chapter 4: Rookery

“Hey! Whoa, whoa!” the tall man said, taking a step back, waving his hands wildly. “Wait a minute! Chill out, willya?” He sighed. “I’m not here to FIGHT you! I’m here to HELP! I’m one of the good guys, just like you!”

Lacie blinked. Was it just her imagination, or was this thin tall man... a thin tall kid? She lowered her fists. “Just who are you, anyway?”

Smirking again, the red clad boy pushed his chest out. “The name’s Super Sonic, ma’am.” He bowed at the waist. “At your service.”

Lacie rolled her eyes. Great. Another newbie super hero. Just what I needed. “Look, Junior,” she began heatedly, “I don’t have time for fun and games. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing here—”

“Um, well, like I said, I’m here to help you,” he replied, slightly perturbed. He hadn’t heard that Omega Girl was so... snappish. Still, I guess its understandable, considering what’s going on right now...

“—but either way,” Omega Girl continued, “I need you to move. I’ve got...” checking her watch, “just a little more than sixty-seven minutes to get to the top of this building and stop Dr. Feelgood before he kills everyone I care about.” Pushing past him, she made for the stairs.

“Yeah, I know, I saw the news footage tonight, like half the city,” he replied, coming up behind her. “But you’re not listening. You CAN’T go up to the next floor! It’s—”

“A trap,” Lacie cut in tersely, getting her second wind. She began sprinting up the stairs, hoping to leave the kid behind. “I know it’s a trap,” she yelled behind her. “Did you see what I just went through to get this far? Of course he has something else nasty waiting for me.”

“Yeah, but its the WHAT,” Super Sonic replied, stepping out in front of her, startling her, “or rather, the WHO, that you need to worry about.”

Lacie blinked, then glanced back behind her. “How did you get in front of me?”

Now it was Parker’s turn to roll his eyes. “Um, like, HELLO? The name is SUPER SONIC, after all. What? Did you think I was just some kid in a pair of long underwear or something?” Omega Girl had the decency to blush slightly; she had, in fact, been thinking that exact same thing. Parker shook his head. “Damn! I don’t believe I came here to help you, and you’re dissing me! Man... guess I shoulda stayed in New York after all.”

“Er... okay... sorry.” Shaking her head, she exited the stairway, and entered the main room atop floor number four. “So, what did you mean by ‘the Who’ I would be facing?” she asked.

A loud thud sounded, shaking the entire room, nearly knocking Omega Girl off her feet. Having dropped from the ceiling, the figures stood up. Lacie gasped, as she recognized the figure walking towards her.

“I believe the kid meant me, Omega Girl,” Felix Isaacs replied with a small sigh. “You’re looking well.”

Crap. “As are you, Newton. A lot less furry, too. What was that all about, anyway?”

Newton frowned, head titled slightly, as if listening to something, then he nodded. “Guess it’s okay to tell you, since it won’t help at any rate. About two months ago, I received a call from a friend of mine over in Midas City, something about a major disturbance coming, something that ‘could have far reaching effects, not just to Midas, but across the entire continent’. Little did I know.” He sighed. “Turns out my friend was a victim of Madame Lupa... a beautiful, attractive, and deadly woman with the power to turn men into beasts... into werewolves, like Herself. Men so cursed become Her slaves... Her THRALLS, as she calls them, bound to Her in a way that goes far beyond mere mind control.” He shook his head. “It’s... instinct. Animal instinct. You become a wolf, and She is your Alpha.” He walked towards her, holding out his left hand, which bore a bright red bite mark. “You see? I carry Her mark.”

Lacie sighed deeply. “You’ve come to kill me, then?”

Newton nodded grimly. “Unless you can stop me. Don’t expect me to hold back, either. I feel remorse for doing this... but I will do it, because She commands it.”


Both Newton and Omega Girl turn in surprise. “What? Did you both forget about me so soon?” Parker yelled, exasperated. “Damn! Dissed AGAIN!! No respect... no respect at all!”

Newton raised an eyebrow. “Your sidekick?” he hazarded a guess.

“No,” she replied firmly. “Not even slightly. Long story.”

Newton closed his eyes, his hand clenching into a fist. “Too bad there’s no time left to hear about it.” Opening his eyes and his hand at the same time, he attacked.

* * *

Professor Gilbertson groaned, shaking his head. He felt strange. Glancing around, he saw he was lying on a couch in his living room, and... he was naked? Panic started to well up in him... only to fade slightly as a strange, warm contentment swept over him instead. Something was wrong, very wrong. His shotgun lay on the ground across from him; that was wrong, wasn’t it? He would never leave something like that lying around... his daughter Lacey Ann might hurt herself playing with it. And... why was he lying naked on the couch, anyway? He needed to get dressed and pick her up from school...


James turned. His confusion deepened. A naked, beautiful buxom black woman was leaning against his kitchen counter, her legs spread wide, his breasts bouncing energetically as a tall, thin, white-skinned, purple-suited man with a wide grin fucked her. The look on her face was strangely blank, despite the vigor in which she slammed back against the man’s cock, and aside from the occasional moans or pleasure, and screeches as she came, she said nothing at all.

What’s going on? he thought confusedly, idly stroking his own hard manhood. This is... wrong... its unacceptable. I can’t have this going on inside my house... my daughter... my precious Lacie... she can’t see this... she can’t! He struggled to get to his feet... to make his way over to the two strange people having sex in his kitchen... to make them leave... but it was all he could do to sit up. Uggghh... I feel so weak... so strange... I feel like an old man. But why? I don’t understand... don’t understand...

A sharp pain in his head forced him to cry out, and he shuddered, as a violent seizure racked his body. Professor Gilbertson rolled, falling to the ground with a loud thud, striking his head in the process. His seizure continued unabated, ignored by the two people in the kitchen.

Mr. Happy, chuckling with glee, popped another balloon, sending another blast of his special gas throughout the house. He breathed deeply, laughing even more, as he felt his cock stir to life once more. Susan groaned softly, feeling her dripping pussy filled yet again as her lover/tormentor rammed deep into her honey hole. Panting, she breathed in the gas as well, feeling her lust ignite yet again, her need to fuck and fuck into exhaustion once again blurring all traces of rational thought that had just started to form in that small interval between fuckings.

After several minutes, the bumping shuddering sound of Professor Gilbertson’s seizure went silent, and the only sounds in the room were the maniacal laughter of a madman, and the moans and screams of pleasure from his victim.

* * *

Dr. Mathews frowned, staring into his monitor. Flipping a switch, he glared at Amber’s naked form, her face filled with pleasure as the blonde thrall between her legs brought her to an obvious orgasm. When clearing his throat into the microphone failed to garner her attention, he pressed a second button on his desk. Amber yelped loudly, jerking as the small collar around her neck let out an electric shock. Glaring back up at the doctor’s image in return, she growled. “What is it now?”

“What is it now?” Acting in pure malice, he shocked her again. “You and your... your... BEASTS... were in charge of security for this building! What good are your enhanced senses if you can’t even spot one stupid little CHILD in a bright red suit?!?”

Amber blinked. Red suit? “What? What do you mean?”

Flipping a switch, the demented doctor sent the video feed to Amber’s monitor as well. Her thrall, Newton, was fighting Omega Girl, just as planned, but a second person, clad in a bright red suit, was also on the scene. Closing her eyes, Amber reached out to her thralls outside the building and on the ground floor. Her eyes opened in shock. “Doctor, we may have a problem here.”

“Oh?” he replied incredulously. “And is that your professional opinion on the matter? Of course there’s a fucking problem! Your boys screwed up!”

“No, they didn’t,” Amber replied calmly. “My boys were taken out. Quietly. Quickly. And with apparently little effort. I’m not sure who this kid is, but he’s apparently very good. They didn’t even have the chance to signal me for help.”

The doctor paused, considering. “This puts a small kink in the plan. The idea was to hurt her, weaken her, delay her, so that she is brought to me, battered and broken, for me to apply the coup de grace. With this newcomer’s help, not only might she make it to the top floor in one piece, she might even make it HERE in one piece.”


The doctor and Amber both looked up in surprise as Eva, licking her lips, stood up from between her Mistress’ thighs. “I know who he is. I can stop him for you, Mistress... just send me out next instead of last.”

Amber considered. This unforeseen trespasser threw a serious kink into her own plans as well as the doctor’s, but sending her new thrall out now instead of keeping her by her side was a risk. Damn. No choice, really. If that red suited menace makes his way up here with Omega Girl, then its all over. Omega Girl, we’ve prepared for, yes... but this new hero is a big unknown. Making up her mind, she nodded. “Then go, my thrall, and remove this latest thorn from our side. Do not fail me!”

“Never, Mistress,” Eva said with a devious grin. “I shall make sure all that you’ve planned will come to fruition.” With that, she strode out of the room, still naked and dripping.

Dr. Mathews nodded slowly himself, as he switched the monitor back to the fight. Amber is scheming again. Heh. No doubt she is planning to try and turn the tables against me with her newest little thrall. Very well, let her try. I have safeguards of my own in place. He chuckled softly. Besides, after tonight, I won’t need her any longer. Once Omega Girl has returned to her rightful place at my feet, no one will be able to stand against me!

* * *


Parker launched a furious flying kick at the heavy set older man, aiming straight for his head. Normally, he would never attack an unarmed enemy so brutally, with an attack designed to maim, possibly kill, but the kid gloves were off. Newton was a man of phenomenal power and stamina, and the feeling still hadn’t fully returned to his arm from the glancing blow the former Super Hero had connected.

Rather than dodge the blow, Newton took the kick full force... sending Super Sonic flying backwards through the air several feet. Groaning, rubbing his aching shin, Parker glanced up as Omega Girl launched another attack. Damn. Hope she does better than I did.

Lacey, for her part, was struggling merely to come up with a plan of attack; her Omega Beams were doing no damage, and physical attacks were simply reflected back against the aggressors. Shit! Everything we throw at him just hurts us worse. Third law of motion my ass! It can hardly be equal and opposite if we’re taking all the damage, and he hasn’t gotten a single scratch on him!

Newton, tired of playing defensive, decided to go offensive. Taking a heavy iron ball and chain from behind his back, he began swinging it, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The soft whirr of air displacement became extremely loud, sounding like the blades of a helicopter. Back on his feet again, Super Sonic shouted to his companion.

“What the hell is he doing?” he yelled. “Looks like he’s about to take off or something!”


“Good advice,” Parker agreed, “but how the hell do we stop something like that?”

“YOU DON’T!” Newton bellowed, charging forward, the swirling chain held out in front of him like a swirling blade of death.

“Shit!” Super Sonic yelled, leaping back, narrowly escaping the ball and chain as it smashed into the floor where he’d stood. The chain continued to twirl without any pause despite the miss, forcing Omega Girl to dive to the side, losing a lock of hair shredded by the close shave. “If you have any ideas, now might be a good time to use ‘em!”

Well, here’s hoping it works. “SEE IF YOU CAN KEEP HIM BUSY FOR HALF A SECOND!” Omega Girl yelled back, powering up.

“Keep him busy, she says! What am I supposed to do, tell him a joke?” Shrugging, decided to try taunting him. “Hey! Big Boy! You want momentum? Try this on for size!” Feeding off the background noise caused by the chain, he ran full speed, streaking around Newton in a wide circle, leaving a blur of red light behind him. Startled by the display, Newton hesitated for a moment. Laughing, Parker began to sing, “Duh duh duh duhnn, da duhnn, da duhnn—Can’t touch this! Duh duh duh duhnn, da duhnn, da duhnn—Can’t touch this!”

Angry now, Newton began lashing out with his chain, striking at the red blur again and again, striking only air. “STAND STILL!” he bellowed, eyes glowing red. Reaching out with his power, he reversed Parker’s acceleration, slowing him dramatically. Grinning savagely, raising the swirling chain above his head, he growled. “AND NOW, YOU DIE!!”

Suddenly, a bright flash of yellowish-white light illuminated the room. Parker felt a serious wave of nausea overtake him, and he vomited as he slumped to the ground...

* * *

Life support time remaining: 39 minutes, the computer voice alerted.

Eugene Frasier panted softly, eyes closed, focusing to quell the panic threatening to overtake him. His suit had been compromised, his body and mind hijacked, and then discarded, tossed away into the dark abyss of the briny deep. Now, several hours later, his body and mind were his own again, but the suit still refused to respond to him. Racking his mind to a solution, he struggled again with all his strength to move.

Damn. No use. On land the blasted thing weighs several hundred pounds, and down here, its like I’ve tied weights to me limbs! It’s no good... I’m finished. I’ve tried every sequence I know to restart the system, but the damned thing’s just not responding to me. If it were just a desktop computer, I’d manually shut it down and reboot... but how the heck do I reboot a suit of armor at the bottom of the bloody river?

A hollow booming sound shook him slightly, breaking Gene out of his thoughts. The shock wave was enough to lift him, slightly, before depositing him deftly on his side. The brief view as he lifted showed what appeared to be a small boat, perhaps a yacht, passing overhead. Frustration welled up within the Scotsman again at the thought of aid, so close, yet so far away. The boat continued on, heedless, as Armor Man touched the bottom once more.

Then something, just on the edge of his vision, brought hope flaring back to life once more.

Oh ye gods! he breathed softly, as he managed to shift his helmet slightly to the right. If I can just reach that... well, its a bit of a longshot, and restarting my onboard computers that way is practically suicidal... but what choice do I have? I’m dead if I do nothing... at least if I try, there’s a chance I’ll survive.

Making up his mind, Gene pushed with all his might, rolling himself slightly from his side onto his front, then, using his momentum, continued to roll his way, slowly, but steadily, towards the small telephone line conduit half buried a few feet away from him.

He prayed he could reach it in time.

* * *


Parker opened his eyes, then groaned, closing them again. “Ugh. Ugggghhhh. My stomach... still feels sick... how can your stomach feel sick... when you’re dead?”

Lacie jerked him to his feet, causing him to groan again. “You’re not dead, kid. Look behind you.”

Parker glanced behind him, then gasped. Newton lay on the ground, out cold, his white and black suit stained slightly from the puke he’d ejected. “Whoa. Did I do that when I threw up?”

Despite herself, Lacie laughed. “While I will say it was a... joint effort, no, it wasn’t that. You kept him busy long enough for me to power up and use my Omega Burst. It’s a focused, concentrated blast of my power, an area effect in all directions.” Gestured to Newton. “Tends to temporarily scramble electric signals... including the bio-electric energy in a person’s body.”

Super Sonic stared at her, unblinking. “In other words,” she added a moment later, “I tazered him.”

“Oh.” He wiped his mouth. “Could have warned me, yanno.”

Making their way across the room, they arrived at another elevator. Stepping inside, Lacie pressed the only button, sending the car moving upwards. “By the way, I have to admit, that was pretty impressive,” she said after a moment. “That blurred running thing. Just how fast can you go?”

“Oh, that, um, I dunno,” Parker replied, uncomfortably. “Like, uh, maybe the speed of sound? How fast is that? Like, two hundred, three hundred miles per hour?”

Lacie frowned. “More like seven hundred and seventy miles per hour. Are you trying to tell me—”

“REALLY? Cool! That is, like, totally awesome!” He laughed. “Seven hundred miles per hour! Wow! Talk about faster than a speeding bullet.”

“It’s impossible that you could move that fast!” she retorted. “If you ran that fast, the air displacement alone would cause severe structural damage to everything around you!”

“Oh, yeah, I know,” he replied, head down. “That’s why I don’t run flat out anymore! The first time I did it was back in high school, when I tried out for the track team. I, er, well, wasn’t that... good with control back then. I took a deep breath and took off. When I skidded to a stop...” He sighed, remembering all too well the incident. “Several people were hospitalized, the coach went permanently deaf and had to retire, the racetrack had to be completely repaved... luckily for me, earlier that week someone had crank-called in a bomb threat, so everyone just attributed it to a real bomb going off.”

“Oh.” Lacie bit her lip. An awkward silence hung between them for several minutes, before she remembered something else. “There is one other thing I wanted to ask you about. When Newton was making all that racket with that ball and chain, and we had to shout to be heard, I could hear you from several feet away, almost like you were right beside me, whispering in my ear. How did you do that?”

Parker smiled again. “Ah. Well, ya see, the name ‘Super Sonic’ is kinda misleading. Yeah, I can move pretty fast when I have to, but its more of a side effect that my actual power.” He paused, theatrically, Lacie thought. “I’m the master of sound. My abilities are basically the absorption, channeling, and, er... using of sound. All that noise the big guy was making only gave me more energy to use against him.”

Ah. That explains a lot. “Forgive me, but you seem kind of young... and I haven’t really... well... heard of you. Are you new to the Super Hero game, or are you from out of town? What made you decide to sneak into this building to help me?”

“Well... we both have a stake in this,” he said, turning away. “My aunt always spoke highly of you. She said you were one of her few friends, and that you were one of the most... honorable people she had ever known. When she disappeared, I thought about coming to you, to see if you could help me find her... but then I saw that news broadcast, and I knew that you were hip deep in your own problems.” He shrugged. “So, I thought, I might as well volunteer to help you out. After all, two heads are better than one, yanno?”

Lacie smiled. “Well I appreciate the offer. And yes, you were definitely a help with Newton... I shudder to think what might have happened if I’d simply stumbled into him without any warning or help.” She frowned, as the elevator came to a stop on Floor 17. “But, exactly who IS your aunt?”

That would be ME, darling. a voice purred in both of their minds.

The elevator doors opened, showing the female figure standing just outside. Pale platinum blonde hair shimmered in the artificial lighting, and soft blue eyes seemed to stare right through them. Her tiny pink tongue darted out, licking ruby red lips, and her grin seemed strange, empty... feral. Pale flawless skin shone lightly, giving a hint of wetness, the source obvious from the smell of recent sex clinging to her. The climate controlled air of the room had caused her pink nipples to peak, and her sex and inner thighs, shiny from her juices, were likewise pink and inviting. Stepping back, her bare feet slapping lightly against the hard stone floor, Eva Snow, Whitewash, beckoned them forward.

“Lacey, perfect timing as always. Sorry about tormenting you on the first elevator ride, but, well, as Newton said, she’s the Alpha.” Glancing at her nephew, her grin widened. “And you, dear nephew. Such thoughts about your poor ol’ auntie! Why if your mother only knew what was running through your head right now...” She giggled. “But I digress. I’m here to stop you two from going any further.”

Omega Girl shook her head. “Eva, please! You can’t do this! Don’t let her control you this way! You’re stronger than this! Fight it!”

Whitewash laughed. Dancing on her tip-toes, she spun around, letting her hair fan out around her. “Fight Her? Oh no, I don’t WANT to fight her, Lacey. No one can stand against Mistress. She’s... mmmmmmm...” She sighed softly, eyes fluttering, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them lightly. “Just the THOUGHT of Her makes me weak. Vulnerable. Submissive.” She opened her eyes and stared directly into Omega Girl’s. “But you already know just how that feels, don’t you?”

Lacey sighed softly, closing her eyes, as the familiar feeling flooded her being. Her will was dissolving away like fog before the rising sun. Eva was done being subtle; her power swept through Lacey’s weakened defenses, battering them aside almost as if they weren’t there. Lacey moaned gently, welcoming the sensation. She was unable to fight off her friends telepathic onslaught, and truth be told, she didn’t really want to. Her body sank down to the floor, even as her mind sank deeper and deeper into oblivion...

<<to be continued...>>