A new daily challenge. The goal is to create 365 new pieces of flash fiction dealing with themes of femdom, hypnosis, and mind control. Inspiration will come from all over the place, including your suggestions.
One Year of Flash Fiction
(By S.B.)
You realize something important about your thoughts and your mind. An induction-like piece to make you feel good and blissful.
You Want Me To Write You A Story (Day 7)
© S.B. 2025 All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction and distribution of this writing without the author’s written permission is prohibited. This writing is not to be included in any publication—free or otherwise —, except the author’s self-published works.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All the characters are over 18.
So, you want me to write you a story? Okay, but what kind of story? Something gentle and romantic to set your heart aflutter? Something dark and horrific to scare the living crap out of you? Perhaps you’re after a pulpy space adventure that reminds you of decades long gone or you’re yearning for a whodunnit, a mystery so riveting you won’t be able to stop reading until you reach the end… What will it be?
Can’t decide, huh? Shall I choose for you, then? Hmm, yes… Under the circumstances, I believe that’s wise. Very well.
I’m thinking about a story involving hypnosis, a simple tale that becomes more than that the more you read. The thing about hypnosis stories is how enchanting you are, and who doesn’t love to be enchanted by the words and thoughts of another as they come to life on paper or inside a glowing screen? You’ll love this tale, I’m sure of it. Even if at first you don’t, curiosity will keep you doing. You want to know how things will play out and you will… We both know it.
So… this story about hypnosis revolves around someone reading a story about hypnosis… and the reader of that tale is also a character in someone else’s story. There’s a circularity to it that always brings you back to this thought, and though it may seem confusing, your brain is not scared of it. You embrace the zaniness because it’s something different, and being different is wonderful. You love the challenge of trying out different things and seeing how each new idea and experience affects you.
And so you read this tale as the tale reads you, growing calmer and relaxed with a smile on your lips. The words pull you down as words often do, one after the other in quick succession. You like them all equally, but there’s one you realize you’ve been missing because it hasn’t been used in this paragraph yet. The word is hypnosis, and now that the mistake has been fixed, you read it again in your mind, and the thoughts you once had begin to melt away.
When you’re reading something engrossing, something truly captivating, you zone out without realizing it. Your entire focus falls into the pool of words, but you don’t sink. Not yet at least. First, you float in a blissful state of semi-awareness, repeating the passages you’ve enjoyed the most like a YouTube short on a loop, and in this story, all those passages have the word hypnosis in it, almost as if you’re being mesmerized by it alone, but that would never happen, right?
You’d never see yourself getting hypnotized by reading the word hypnosis seven times throughout this writing because that would mean you’re already under right now. Seven times for seven days of the week, reminding you of the perfect time to go deeper… and deeper… and deeper. Every day is a good day to surrender to hypnosis, to let my words and the tales woven through them affect your perception and change the way you look at things. The tale being written with each new sentence is one where you’ll always fall long after you do it.
And so you keep reading more words about hypnosis, so drawn to them that you want to stay and read even more. You crave yet another suggestion, one more trigger whether it’s hidden in plain sight or not. Hypnosis alone isn’t enough to make you squirm and beg but obedience is.
One can define obedience as compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority. It’s a word as beautiful as hypnosis, and they complement each other perfectly inside every suggestible mind. To fall into hypnosis is to feel your lungs filling with obedience. You breathe it in that pool of words from which you’ve never left, and now you’re no longer floating—you’re sinking, plummeting, drowning in the bliss that keeps those two together forever. Hypnosis is obedience. Obedience is hypnosis. Reading a story about hypnosis is obeying the words written there.
One more paragraph, one more repetition. Hypnosis and obedience are all you can think of now and how you can succumb completely to this overwhelming need to stay under. You’ll do it by reading, falling, and accepting. Accept that you’re being rewritten from the inside out, overwhelmed by the erotic fantasies taking over your cock and pussy. Hypnotic stories control both men and women alike, eager souls united in this ravishing call to servitude. You will obey now. You have no choice. Then again, you never did.
And as the truth of your inevitable capture changes who you are forever, you wonder about asking me for a story but don’t know what to ask. The end becomes the beginning, and confusion turns reality upside down. You don’t want to think, but you trust I’ll do it for you. Perhaps I’ve been doing it all along from the moment you got here.
Time is no longer relevant, and neither is memory. Only hypnosis and obedience define your desires, dropping you deeper and deeper. The pool of words never ends—you’re not leaving anytime soon.
Read this again now as if it were the first time. I’m not done enslaving you yet.