The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Ooh, Look! A Falling Star!

“It’s midnight,” Scott said irritably to his sister Cindy. There was a distinct note of disapproval in his voice … and disdain. “Thought you were staying in tonight. For once. Going out to party at the clubs?”

“Nope,” Cindy answered. “Just going to the beach, to look at the stars. And the moon. The moon’s supposed to be extra special tonight, y’know.” Standing by the door in just a black string bikini, she flashed a smile at her brother, a merry twinkle in her eyes, hoping she’d surprise him … or at least get some sort of reaction out of him. Her smile faded a little, though, as Scott didn’t even look up from the piles of equation-filled papers covering his desk. Instead, he kept poring over his notes, stopping on occasion to cross something out with a red pen, or to look up at the small television next to his desk that was constantly tuned to the 24-Hour News Network.

Unbelievable, Cindy thought, rolling her eyes. Scott’s got an amazing house, right on the beach … so beautiful. It’s like heaven. And he never spends any time outside, looking at those pretty sunsets … he’s always in here, working on his string-theory whatever stuff that nobody understands … if it wasn’t for those long morning runs he takes on the beach every morning, he might as well just live in a cave.

Cindy pretended to cough. Loudly. “I said, I’m going out to look at the moon,” she repeated. “They said on the radio it’s supposed to be a phenomalon.”

“Phenomenon,” Scott correctly absently. He leaned back in his swivel chair, tucking his red pen behind his ear. He gave Cindy a critical look. “There’s nothing special about the moon tonight. It’s a full moon. That’s all.”

“But it’s not just a full moon,” Cindy said excitedly. She felt very proud of herself. Scott was the resident genius in the family … for that matter, he was one of the resident geniuses of the world. It wasn’t often that Cindy felt like she knew something her older brother didn’t, especially when it came to science and stuff like that. “It’s a blue moon. I’ve never seen one of those before. I bet it looks gorgeous when it’s blue.” She clapped her hands together, unable to contain her joy. “I’ve never seen a picture of one, though. Have you, Scott? Is it like a baby blue, do you know? Or darker, like a sapphire? I hope it’s like a sapphire, they’re so pretty.”

Scott stared blankly at his sister for a moment … and then he sighed wearily. Cindy’s face fell in disappointment. She knew what was about to come.

“A blue moon,” Scott said patiently, like he was talking to a six-year old child, and not his twenty-year old sister, “doesn’t mean that the moon. Is. Actually. Blue.” He gave Cindy a withering look as he emphasized each word. “If there’s two full moons in a month, one’s called a blue moon, because it happens so infrequently. But it doesn’t actually change color, Cindy. I mean, c’mon … you should know better.”

Cindy felt her face burning hotly as Scott gave her a dismissive wave, taking out his red pen out turning back to his papers. “Think a little sometimes, huh?” Scott said to her. “Just because you look like a dumb hot blonde doesn’t mean you have to act like one.”

“Dumb … hot … blonde … ?” Cindy said. She felt tears brimming in her eyes. “Y’know, Scott, it’s a good thing you’re my brother, and I love you, otherwise …”

Cindy waited for some reaction – any reaction – from Scott.

Scott didn’t pay any attention to Cindy. Instead, he resumed studiously looking over his notes. “Hmm,” Scott muttered under his breath, “interesting.” He made a small red check on one of his papers.

Cindy stormed out of the beach house, slamming the door behind her.

The night was warm, with clear skies. A soft breeze came tumbling off of the ocean, and the sea air felt wonderful and soothing against Cindy’s skin. She loved that feeling – that perfect ocean breeze, sand between her toes, the sound of crashing waves echoing through the evening. For a moment, Cindy thought about stripping off her bikini, and just taking a long, luxurious walk along the beach completely naked.

I’m practically naked anyway, Cindy thought. Which was true. Her thong wasn’t covering very much, and her teeny-tiny top didn’t really cover anything more than her nipples of her ample-sized breasts. She thought the sea breeze whispering across her bare breasts and between her legs would feel fantastic … but she finally decided against it. Scott would probably be glued to his papers for the rest of the evening, but on the off-chance he actually got up to look out the window, Cindy didn’t want to hear the disappointment in his voice as he gave her another one of his lectures.

Cindy thought she’d heard enough disappointment from Scott already.

Walking closer and closer to the ocean, Cindy looked up at the night-time sky. There were all sorts of stars and planets and constel-something-or-others twinkling up there in the darkness, looking so, so pretty. Cindy didn’t know what any of them were, or what they were called, or even which ones were planets and which ones were stars. She supposed that Scott knew all that shit. Scott was the resident genius of the family – he always had been. It seemed like Scott knew just about everything sometimes.

Most people were stunned to find out that Scott and Cindy were related. Cindy didn’t quite understand the confusion, although she supposed it made a little sense – Scott was ten years older than her, had dark hair, had a doctorate in just about everything scientific, and was one of the world’s leading minds in quantum physics. Cindy was a gorgeous, slender blonde who barely made it out of high school, wanted to be an actress, and worked as an exotic dancer in a nightclub called Hott 33.

Apart from that, Cindy thought that she and her brother were a lot alike.

Cindy remembered getting invited by Scott to one of the faculty events where her brother taught – Coastal Learning Institute of Technology, one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Cindy hadn’t known that “prestigious” meant “really, really good” until Scott had invited her. It had been about a year ago, right after Scott’s wife had left him, right after Cindy had moved to the coast to try and become an actress, and needed a place to crash for a little while. She’d been happy to go with her brother – it gave her an excuse to wear some really cute shoes and a slinky black dress, and have some drinks – at least until she’d started hearing the whispers towards the end of cocktail hour.

That’s his sister? Guess she got the looks, and he got the brains, she’d heard. Maybe she’s adopted. Carl said she thought the physics lab was a gym where they did experiments ‘and stuff’ …

Pretty girl, friendly, great smile, amazing tits. Too bad she’s about a sharp as a bowling ball. She looks just like this hot stripper I saw the other night at Hott 33, though …

What’d you expect Scott to do? His wife left him, he doesn’t have time for a girlfriend, and the board of directors hate it if you don’t bring a guest to these things. Besides, he’s her brother. He probably doesn’t see that his own sister is just a blonde airhead …

Cindy didn’t agree with the whispers. Especially the mean ones about her getting the looks, and her brother getting the brains. Cindy thought her brother looked pretty damn good. He had a lean body, and while he wasn’t ripped, he was definitely toned and in great shape. He ran a lot, when he wasn’t buried in his studies, and he usually worked out in the gym in the basement a couple of times a week. Cindy had caught a few glimpses of Scott coming out of the shower some mornings, sometimes just wearing a towel, sometimes wearing nothing at all … she found herself wishing she could find a boyfriend with a body like Scott’s. She bet he would be great in bed with her.

Her brother getting the brains, though …

Cindy shook her head. Sighing, she ran her fingers through her long mane of blonde curls, twisting those curls idly between her fingertips. It was hard being Scott’s sister sometimes.

But …

But Scott let her live at his fantastic beachside house, for free. He let her use his car – a Lexus, no less – when she needed it. Cindy knew that he didn’t approve of just about anything she did, but he supported her whenever she needed it, even if that support always came along with Scott’s long lectures and cold, disapproving stares. When she’d gotten busted on charges of marijuana possession a few weeks ago, he’d come and bailed her out, no questions asked. And he’d made arrangements with the authorities to have the charges quietly dropped as well.

So Cindy knew Scott cared about her, in his own weird way. And she cared about him as well.

But …

Cindy looked up at the moon.

“I just wish you didn’t make me feel so stupid sometimes, Scott,” Cindy whispered to the moon. It wasn’t blue, though it was bright and round and full. “I … I know I’m not smart. I know your friends, and the professor people you work with, they think I’m pretty dumb too. Though that didn’t keep some of them from hitting on me at the bar, at that faculty party. I guess I wasn’t too dumb to try to fuck.”

Cindy laughed softly, and absently wiped a tear away from her cheek. “Um, I know that I’m supposed to wish on a star, and not the moon,” she said softly to the full moon hanging in the sky, “but I feel better wishing on you, for some reason.” She reached a hand out towards the moon, like she was trying to touch it. She knew she couldn’t, though. She knew it was at least a couple of miles away. Like, twenty miles. Or maybe even thirty.

“I wish … I wish my brother Scott wouldn’t make me feel dumb anymore,” Cindy said, nodding emphatically as she gazed upwards at the moon. “I wish he wasn’t so smart. And I wish … oh, I don’t know. Are those wishes okay, moon?”

The moon didn’t answer.

Cindy sighed. “That’s what I thought,” she said. “Figures. Still, thanks for trying, moon.”

Suddenly, Cindy saw a light, streaking away from the moon. The light was bright and blue … like a tiny, tiny sapphire. It circled around the blackness of the night sky, darting between the stars, growing as it drifted downwards. Cool sea water lapped at Cindy’s feet as the tide rolled in, but Cindy barely noticed. She watched in awe as it grew bigger and bigger, from a tiny little speck of light, to a small sphere the size of a golf ball … and as it began to buzz like a hornet as it zipped about the sky.

Without warning, the glowing blue sphere dropped out of the sky. Cindy let out a scream as it plunged to earth, splashing into the churning water of the sea, just a few hundred yards away from where she stood. The blue light from the sphere burned brightly, almost like a flame, flickering as the waves from the sea crashed into it. Terrified, Cindy wanted to run … but found that she couldn’t. Instead, she found herself walking slowly towards the sphere with slow, halting steps, scared of this mysterious glowing object … but unable, for some reason, to resist the urge to take a closer look at it.

Clouds of steam were pouring off the blue sphere by the time Cindy reached it. The sphere, probably just a little bigger than a bowling ball, was bright but barely visible. It was half-buried in sand, and seawater kept washing stubbornly over it as the waves came. The water was up to Cindy’s knees as she finally stood over the sphere, looking down through the steam and the water at its blue, pulsing glow.

Bending down, Cindy reached for the sphere. In the back of her mind, she wondered if it was hot, and if it might burn her. The thought scared her, very much so, and she really didn’t want to pick it up. But much like her desire to run away, Cindy found what she wanted didn’t matter at all. Despite her fear, she felt compelled to touch the sphere, to pick it up and hold it … and her hands reached out for it, trembling in fright.

To Cindy’s utter surprise – and delight – the sphere was cool to the touch, and light. She picked it up easily. She turned the sphere over in her hands a couple of times, squinting at it as she examined it, trying not to let the pulsing sapphire glow of the sphere blind her. As far as she could tell, it was just a rock, pitted and chipped, with a big crack in its side. Blue light poured out of the crack, making the rock glow … along with an icky, goopy blue slime. Cindy tried not to get any of the gross-looking goop on her hands, but she couldn’t help it as she looked over the sphere, and some of it dripped on her fingers.

“What are you?” Cindy murmured. “A falling star? A piece of the moon? A comet?” She knew there was some sort of big proper science-ish words for big fucking rock that falls out of the sky, but she didn’t know what they were. She peered more closely into the crack of the sphere, wondering if big space rocks were supposed to be all sorts of nasty-squishy inside.

The crack flashed intensely. For a moment, Cindy couldn’t see. Blue lights danced in front of her eyes. And she heard a voice, inside her head, deep and calm and relaxing.

{{{{{{{{{{ OBEY }}}}}}}}}}

The lights faded a little, and Cindy could see again.

Cindy smiled. And nodded. And understood. She might not know the right word for big fucking rock that falls out of the sky, but she knew someone who did.

“SCOTT!!!” Cindy called. She started to run back towards the beach house, holding the glowing rock close to her heaving breasts. “SCOTT, COME QUICK!!! I FOUND A FALLING STAR!!!”

By the time Cindy reached the house, her hair and skin were damp with seawater and sweat. Breathing hard, she pushed open the door with a bare foot … and saw Scott, still seating in his chair by his desk, looking annoyed as he absently looked up at her.

“A falling star?” Scott began. He sighed in exasperation. “Honestly, Cin, I just wish you’d stop and think sometimes, I mean –”

Scott’s voice trailed off. His jaw dropped as he saw the glowing spherical rock in Cindy’s small hands.

“What … what the fuck is that?” Scott finally blurted out.

Cindy laughed. It wasn’t easy to surprise her brother. “I told you,” she said, “it’s a falling star.” She frowned a little. “Although I guess it isn’t falling anymore, is it?” She shook the glowing rock around like a beach ball for a moment, laughing merrily as drops of blue goo dripped out of the crack and onto the floor. “Anyway, it fell from the sky. Isn’t it cool? It’s like something out of a movie …”

“Put. It. Down,” Scott ordered. He looked like he wanted to stand up and run, but all he could manage was to push feebly with his feet, backing his chair away from the glowing sphere until it hit a table. “You don’t know what that … that slime is, it could be dangerous, it could be radioactive …”

Puzzled, Cindy shook the sphere again. “I don’t think so,” she said uncertainly. “I mean, just because it’s some alien thingy from outer space doesn’t mean it’s daooOOOHHH!!!”

Suddenly, the sphere spun in Cindy’s hands, and leapt up into the air. It floated up towards the ceiling, rotating slowly as it drifted directly between Cindy and Scott. The blue light emanating from the crack in the sphere flashed brightly again, and Cindy thought she heard the same deep, relaxing voice that she’d heard earlier, out on the beach, echoing inside her head. She was pretty sure, for some reason, that Scott heard the voice, too.


{{{{{{{{{{ STIMULATE }}}}}}}}}}

“Oh, wow, Scott,” Cindy said. The spinning, floating sphere didn’t seem all that interesting to her anymore. Instead, she stared at her brother with unashamed lust. “I so want to fuck you right now.” She was totally shocked by what she was saying … and yet, she strangely didn’t care at all. The lithe blonde quickly reached behind and pulled on the strings of her bikini top, letting it fall to the floor. She hooked her thumbs under the straps of her thong and tugged it down, stepping out of them so she stood completely naked in front of her brother. The nipples of her spectacular tits were rock hard with desire, and her eyes shone with excitement as she watched Scott, still sitting in his chair, looking uncomfortable and aroused at the same time.

“What’s the matter?” Cindy said teasingly to Scott. The words startled her as they came out her mouth. She found herself looking at Scott – her own brother – in ways she’d never considered before. He looked good, damn good. He was fit, handsome … and she wanted to see him naked. And she wanted to see his cock. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment at the thought. I can’t, he’s my brother, I can’t … Cindy thought weakly. But as much as she knew doing any of the naughty things running through her head with her brother was wrong, and sick … it was also really, really turning her on as well. It was as though she couldn’t help herself. It was as though something had unlocked a hidden, twisted desire inside of her, one she’d never be able to act on herself …

{{{{{{{{{{ OBEY }}}}}}}}}}

Cindy smiled. She felt better. Much, much better. She didn’t know why, but that was okay.

Besides …

Cindy dropped to her knees, resting her arms on his thighs, putting her face just inches from his crotch. She smiled as she saw his cock swelling inside his shorts, straining against the fabric as it grew nice and hard. “Haven’t you ever thought about it? Y’know, fucking me?”

“Um … well …” Scott’s face started to turn crimson.

Cindy put one hand to her mouth in wondering surprise. “Oh … wow,” she whispered. “You have, haven’t you! You … wow …” She gave his thigh a gentle squeeze, then ran a finger up his leg to the bulge in his shorts. She circled her finger lightly around the tip of that bulge. “For how long … ?”

“You … you brought one of your boyfriends over here, a, umm, a few weeks ago,” Scott replied. He inched back in his chair a little, squirming as his blonde sister caressed his crotch. “I, uhh, I think that you, umm, thought I was out for my morning, uhh, run.”

Cindy was delighted. She’d never seen her brother so flustered before. He always knew the answer to every question, always was so confident … about … everything. Not now, though.

“I gave him a blowjob,” Cindy said casually – at least as casually as a statement like that could be made to her own brother. Her fingers found the zipper of her brother’s shorts, and tugged them down. “Did you watch us?”

Scott made some kind of guttural animal noise. Looking up at him, Cindy could see her brother’s head nodding, while his body shook. She supposed the noise meant yes.

“Did you see me swallow his cum?” Cindy asked. Her small fingers reached into the fly of Scott’s boxers. His cock, rock-hard with desire, sprang out as he made another guttural noise. Cindy smiled admiringly. Wow, he’s pretty big.

“Would you like me to suck your cock, just the way I sucked his?” Cindy said teasingly. She giggled as she took his length in her hand and began to stroke it. “Would you like me to mmmMMMFFFF!!!!!”

Cindy was somewhat stunned – and completely turned on – by the fact that Scott didn’t bother to speak, nod, or make a noise to answer her question. Instead, she felt Scott’s hand suddenly grip her hair, pulling it tightly … and then his throbbing cock pushed past her hungry lips, invading her mouth.

“Suck it, sis,” Scott said hoarsely to Cindy. He didn’t wait to see whether or not she’d answer. Instead, his grip tightened on her head, and he shoved his cock violently into her mouth, fucking her face like it was a pussy. “You have no idea how … how much I’ve dreamed of this. Suck my cock, you fantastic little slut …”

The words were music to Cindy’s delighted ears.

“MmmMMFFF!!!” Cindy grunted. Eagerly, her head began to bob with wild abandon up and down the length of her own brother’s dick. Her pretty cheeks hollowed as she took him in her hot mouth, gagging slightly as the crown of his cock pushed against the back of her throat. Closing her eyes, Cindy relaxed, and his cock slid deeper into her throat. Saliva ran down Cindy’s chin as Scott crammed his cock into her pretty face, and then she gasped loudly for air as he pulled his length out of her mouth. Cindy looked at Scott’s cock, glistening with her spit … and then she stuck out her tongue, licking the underside of his shaft frantically as she took him in her hand and started to stroke him.

“Ohh … oh, shit, Cindy,” Scott grunted. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to … I can’t believe … it’s wrong, we shouldn’t, but … oh, fuck yes, you’re so hot … your mouth is goddamn amazing …”

Cindy looked up at her handsome brother with adoring eyes. His eyes were closed, but she could clearly see how much he was enjoying her oral talents. She swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, licking up the hot drops to pre-cum that were dribbling from his slit. Tasty, Cindy thought as she lapped them up, and she smiled as her brother groaned louder.

Taking Scott’s hard cock back in her willing mouth, Cindy didn’t know why she’d been so hung up about giving him a blowjob. The feeling of his hard dick crammed in her mouth, sliding between her lips, excited for her … god, it’s fantastic, Cindy thought as she slobbered messily on his cock. She’d never been so turned on by sucking anyone off before. Her hand wandered down between her legs as she blew him, slipping into her pussy so she could play with herself. Her cunt was wet and slippery, practically frothing with desire, and she began furiously finger-fucking herself, the strokes of her fingers inside her hot hole matching the strokes of her brother’s cock fucking her mouth.

It was utterly amazing. Wriggling in wanton delight as she sucked Scott’s cock, Cindy suddenly started thinking about Scott’s cock between her legs, instead of her fingers. For a moment, she hesitated. That … well, giving her brother a blowjob was wrong, but actually fucking him would be really wrong.

Would it? Cindy thought uncertainly. I mean, it’d make him happy … it sure as fuck would make me happy. Especially if he made me cum. God, I bet Scott could make me cum. And it’s important, being happy, surrendering to pleasure … copulating so the Home World can understand the erogenous pleasure centers of humanity, and can see how they reproduce …”

Cindy stopped for a second, utterly confused.. Scott howled in frustration.

WHAT? Cindy thought. I don’t even know what that fucking means!

Out of the corner of her eye, Cindy thought she saw lots of small, blue blinking lights. They blinked insistently. Urgently.

{{{{{{{{{{ COPULATE }}}}}}}}}}

Everything made sense again, and Cindy began to feverishly suck her brother’s cock once more, with a frantic urgency.

“Mmmnnn … mmmfff … ohhh!!!” cried Cindy. Gasping for breath, she pulled her wet mouth away from her brother’s erection. Long, thick strings of drool ran from her lips to the shaft of Scott’s dick.

Cindy looked up pleadingly at her brother, who stared back down at her with lust-filled eyes. “Scott, I need … I need your cock inside me,” she blurted out. Dimly, she was aware of what she was saying, and exactly how wrong it was. But that didn’t matter. She couldn’t think of anything but Scott fucking her senseless. She didn’t just need it, she craved it. “Please fuck me … fuck me hard, fuck me now …”

Scott didn’t need any encouragement, though. From the ravenous expression on his face, Cindy could tell that he needed to fuck her as badly as she needed to be fucked.

Scott abruptly stood up from the chair, nearly knocking over Cindy as he got up. He stripped off his shirt, and yanked off his shorts. Still fingering herself, Cindy squealed with delight as Scott roughly grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her about so she wound up crouched on the floor, on her hands and knees. She let out an excited, breathy sigh as she felt Scott moving to kneel behind her, his hands on her waist, his legs spreading her legs further apart.

Cindy wiggled her ass invitingly at her brother, but it didn’t seem like Scott needed much of an invitation. She already could feel the tip of his cock pressing against her pussy lips, teasing them as they began to part. She looked over her shoulder at him, and grinned … and was delighted to see him grinning wickedly right back at her.

“Ready?” Cindy said, her voice trembling with desire.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Scott whispered back. He leaned forward, so his stomach pressed against the curves of his sister’s delectable ass … and his cock pushed inside the wet, eager depths of Cindy’s pussy. She mewled with unashamed delight, loving every inch of his big, lovely shaft filling her cunt – and then mewled louder as his hips began to rock, and he began to fuck her hard with relentless, insistent strokes.

“Oh … shit!” Cindy cried out happily. Her fingers curved and gripped the rug tightly, and she bit her lip as her brother fucked her doggystyle. She slammed her ass back against his hips, wanting more and more of his delectable cock inside her. It was all she could think about – how good it felt, the walls of her slick, steamy cunt hugging Scott’s cock as his cock slid in and out of her.

Cindy was dimly aware of her brother grabbing her long blonde hair with one hand as he fucked her, pulling it as his strokes grew harder and harder, slamming against her in a savage frenzy. She didn’t care. She was also dimly aware of screaming – loudly – in delight, yelling at him to fuck her even harder, screaming at him to fill her dirty slut pussy with his cum …

{{{{{{{{{{ IMPREGNATE }}}}}}}}}}

“UNNNGGGH!!! OH YEAH!!!” Scott shouted. He viciously slapped his sister’s succulent ass cheeks as he plowed her hungry pussy from behind, fucking her with wild abandon, his hips ramming hard against her sex-crazed body. A crazed, wild look filled Scott’s eyes … the cool, confident air of control that always emanated from him was gone, long gone. Instead, he was grinning madly, almost out-of-control with primal lust … and he didn’t seem to care.

Cindy didn’t care, either. She thought she was in heaven.

“HARDER! HARDER! OH, FUCK, OHH, MMMMFFFF!!! FUCK, SCOTT, I’M CUMMING!!!!!” Cindy’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she arched her back, and a wave of ecstatic delight spread between her legs. Dizzy and light-headed, she almost fell flat on her face as one massive orgasm rocked her body, then another, and then another, even as her brother kept relentlessly fucking her. Her dripping cunt spasmed and clenched against the length of Scott’s wonderful invading cock, hugging it tightly … and then, through the delirious joy of her own orgasm, Cindy heard her brother groan loudly, and then began to feel hot spurts of his hot semen flooding her welcoming pussy.

“Oh … shit! Yeah, Cindy … holy shit, you’re an amazing fuck, sis … ohhh!” Scott’s thrusts grew slower, but no less insistent. He shuddered as he came, over and over, and his sperm filled her pussy and her womb, filling it so much that it started spilled out of her, dribbling down the sides of her thighs.

Breathless with happiness, Cindy let out a loud, ragged sigh of contentment. Her body trembled with unashamed, wanton pleasure, and she found herself unable to stop smiling. The lovely, decadent feeling of her own brother’s creamy cum filling her cunt made her feel … well, feel perfect. For a moment, she wondered guiltily if her brother felt the same way … and then she felt him leaning over her, stroking her hair and tenderly kissing her shoulder, his slowly softening cock still buried inside her cunt, and she knew exactly how he felt.

“You,” Scott said to Cindy, “are an amazing fuck, sis.” One of his hands wandered to her chest, and lightly squeezed her tits. Cindy giggled. “We should’ve done this a long time ago.”

“Yeah,” Cindy agreed. “You’re … well, fuck, Scott, you’re an amazing fuck, too.”

Feeling his cock finally fall out of her cum-filled pussy, Cindy crawled forward a little, and lazily rolled over. She lay on her back, her legs spread lewdly open. She looked up at the spinning sphere, which still floated high in the air, close to the ceiling. Its blue lights pulsed and blinked expectantly, as though they were trying to evaluate the frantic, wild fucking they’d just witnessed. The lights began to grow brighter, and then the sphere began to hum …

{{{{{{{{{{ COMPLETE }}}}}}}}}}

There was a loud popping sound. Blue light filled the room, blinding Cindy for a moment.

When she was able to see again, the sphere was gone.

“Fuck,” Cindy said breathlessly, her chest heaving. She suddenly was aware that her naked body was completely drenched in sweat. She felt exhausted, and sore … and unbelievably happy. “I don’t even know what that thing was …”

Cindy looked down, and started to say something to her brother … and discovered that he’d crawled next to her on the floor. She let out a soft moan as he nuzzled her neck, kissing it softly as his hand caressed the inside of her thigh.

“I don’t care what it was,” Scott murmured. His fingers continued up her thigh, up between her legs, where they began playing with her drenched sex. Cindy was dimly aware of the fact her brother’s cock was growing nice and deliciously hard again. “It doesn’t matter. Neither does the work I was doing tonight … work that I was doing, instead of doing you, you sexy bitch.” He grinned lovingly at her, and nibbled her ear playfully. “I think I know how I’ll be spending my nights from now on, my dear sister.”

Cindy looked at Scott in wonder. What they’d just done – shamelessly fucking like a pair of weasels in heat – it’d been utterly amazing, but she knew that she never would’ve done it unless the sphere hadn’t compelled her. She definitely knew that Scott wouldn’t have done it, either. Part of her knew that fucking her own brother, no matter how great it felt, was wrong …

… and part of her really didn’t care about that.

Most of her, in fact.

Okay, to be honest, all of her.

And she knew, even though the sphere was gone, she wanted very badly to do it again.

Curiously, Cindy ran her hand down her taut, flat stomach as her brother caressed and fondled her. She knew it wouldn’t be taut and flat for long. She was on the pill, but somehow she instinctively knew that didn’t matter – the sphere had taken care of that, she thought. And she was fine with that. Somehow, the thought of her brother’s seed growing inside her just made her all the more excited …

Especially since that means he can keep shooting his cum inside me, Cindy thought. A naughty smirk crossed Cindy’s face, and then she turned her head and kissed Scott, her tongue intertwining deliciously with her brother’s. She closed her eyes, dreaming of his cock fucking her again and again, unable to imagine anything she could possibly want more.

“Well,” Cindy said with a laugh, “I know how we’ll be spending tonight, anyway.”

Getting up on her hands and knees again, Cindy dipped her head down between her brother’s legs. Her tongue savored the warm, sticky taste of her brother’s cum and her own juices on his throbbing cock … and then her hot mouth greedily – and happily – began to suck him once more.