The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Opening Andora’s box

Outpost QC-234

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the loneliest of them all?” The question was voiced in a wry tone. Pete Draeck had been out here in sector QC-234 for 8 months now and still had a year and a half to go. Officially, he was in command of a communications and observation outpost. In reality he was just babysitting it, the AI was running everything. And if something went so catastrophically wrong that the AI couldn’t handle it, chances were Pete would already be dead.

He was simply here because the law required human supervision and the company had found the cheapest way to comply with that law. Hire someone that hadn’t even finished college, give him a few quick courses so he would technically qualify for the job and that was it.

The company could get away with it because this particular region was practically dead. There were few solar systems, no inhabitable planets and no rare resources in any significant quantities. Even the criminal element usually avoided this region of space because there really was nobody to rob and few places to hide. The only reason this outpost was here was to facilitate interstellar communications and to keep an eye on local space. The navy paid the company for that since it was cheaper than stationing one of their sparse patrol vessels here.

Pete himself didn’t really mind the isolation; he had sought it out so that he could concentrate on his thesis. That, and he had always been fascinated by space. Besides, it wasn’t total isolation. The AI kept him company and electronic mail only took a few days to reach him.

“Me,” an equally wry voice replied. But unlike Pete’s this one was very feminine and belonged to the artificial intelligence that was actually doing all the work. Surprisingly enough not all AI’s were designed to sound like sex goddesses, just half of them.

“Oh, and how do you figure that Angela?” Pete wanted to know.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m the only intelligent lifeform in the system.”

“Very funny Angela.” Pete got serious. “I take it this means there is nothing new to report?”

“Your assumption is correct, I have not det...” Her report was interrupted by the repeated chirping of one of the monitors. Angela remained quiet as she digested the information the various sensors were feeding to her. “Jump window detected. Distance from this outpost, 25 million kilometers. One ship is emerging.”

Pete’s attention switched from Angela’s camera to the monitor that had sounded the alert and was now showing the glowing fountain of light that signaled the formation of a jump window. The ship that emerged from it was small, according to the telemetry he was getting. It took the computer a second to identify the exact type of ship, it wasn’t one that Pete recognized.

And the reason for that became apparent when he began reading the information he had requested about that class. From the visuals he had already guessed it was a tramp-freighter but according to what he was reading this ship was even older than most. “Have you contacted them yet Angela?”

“My hails have yet to be acknowledged. In addition, its fusion reactor seems to be offline. Without engines its momentum will crash it into the second planet in 35.2 hours.”

Unlike those old science fiction shows, sensors couldn’t actually detect lifesigns inside a ship. Which meant that there really was only one way to find out what was wrong with that ship if it was unable to communicate. And it meant leaving the station. Pete wasn’t eager to leave its protection but he saw no other way. Somebody might be alive in there and they would be dead if Pete didn’t do something. “Angela, prep a skiff.”

tramp freighter

As the skiff made its final approach to dock with the dead ship, Pete and Angela got a better look at the ship. After analyzing the damage that was obvious even to Pete, Angela had concluded the ship had run afoul of a gravimetric eddy. They were a known threat but they rarely took ships these days, any sane captain dropped to sublight the moment one of them was spotted.

But not the crew of this one, they must have only caught the edge of one or there wouldn’t be anything left of the ship. It did make it more unlikely that there was anybody left alive on the ship but the people back home would still like a full report on this. And a full report included some information as to who was on the ship when it had its accident and to whom it belonged in the first place.

Pete of course wasn’t actually piloting the skiff. He was to busy getting suited up. It wasn’t a modern spacesuit, those were deemed to expensive for a post that shouldn’t need one in the first place. The one he was struggling to get into was barely more advanced then the ones used in the 21st century.

With a clunk the two crafts connected, Pete waited as Angela interfaced with the ship and tried to determine if there was still a breathable atmosphere on the other side of the air lock. The answer turned out to be no. So Pete put on his helmet, checked the seals and let Angela double-check the suit’s systems. Once they were both satisfied the skiff’s airlock depressurized.

Pete had to open the air locks of the freighter by hand, a task made easier by the servo’s built into his suit. Once that was done he got his first look into the dark interior of the dead ship. Helmet-mounted lights shone into that darkness, lighting a filthy passageway. Pete had to take measured steps to give his boots the time they needed to lock to the floor. If he didn’t do that he would be floating in this zero-gravity environment.

He wasn’t exactly alone, two small camera-drones had preceded him and were now exploring the ship independently. It was one of them who found the first member of the crew or what was left of him anyway. Apparently the eddy had knocked out the inertial sump before the ship vented its atmosphere. The crew had been crushed to death rather then suffocated. At least it had been quick.

Pete had elected to inspect the cargo hold rather then risk encountering any of the deceased crew and was about to enter that hold when Angela contacted him. “I just finished going through this ships navigational log. Most of the computer’s memory has been erased, probably by the storm but I found where it came from and where it was going. They were going from Sigma-Delta 35 to Pavonis Primus.”

Even Pete had heard of Pavonis Primus, it was famous for the pleasure palaces orbiting the various moons of its only planet. It was also rumored that there were other, more hidden stations were one could indulge in a number of illegal activities. “What’s in Sigma-Delta 35?”

“According to my records, there is a small extraction facility there. The system isn’t that far from here actually,” Angela informed him.

“I think I can guess what happened,” Pete mused. “They hit the grav eddy which damaged the ship and killed the crew. But it wasn’t enough to actually knock its engines out, so it kept going until something shorted out, vibrated loose or what have you just as they arrived here. Pure chance they dropped out on our doorstep.”

“My conclusion as well,” Angela responded as Pete finally entered the cargo hold. It was fairly full but most of it had been thrown against the far wall. At the front of that pile was one large box that had a viewing port as well as a lit display.

“I found something,” Pete needlessly reported. Angela could see what he saw through the camera installed in the suit. He approached the box as fast as he could but stopped when he got a good look at what was inside.

It was a girl, or more precise a young woman. She had pale blond hair and a pale skin you rarely saw these days. He was looking at a stasis tube. They were most often used on cheap liners to transport loads of people. They also functioned as lifepods. It kept a person in suspended animation and protected that person against g-forces, which was why the girl was still alive. He examined the display and grimaced at what he read. It was obvious this tube had been cobbled together, the controls were so simple even Pete could use them.

The girl inside might have come through the accident all right, the stasis tube hadn’t. Pete spotted the broken power cable that had fed power to the tube, without that cable it had to operate on whatever backup power the tube had left. And it was running out of that and if that happened while the girl was still inside, she would die.

Pete didn’t waste time and lifted the pod, a task made easy by the lack of gravity. “Angela, do we have anything on the skiff we can use to power this thing?” He asked as he began maneuvering the tube to the exit and the skiff.

Angela was silent for a moment as she did an inventory. “Negative, that particular size of cable is not in stock, either on the skiff or on the station. You will have to pressurize the skiff and revive the girl. I will talk you through the procedure.” Angela was silent for a moment before changing the subject. “You do realize that she might be the victim of illegal activity?”

Pete just grunted as he pushed the tube down the corridor with the airlock only a few meters away. While the tube didn’t weigh anything, it still had the same mass, which made managing turns with the thing difficult. But he managed and then hastened to seal the airlock, cursing the fact that it couldn’t be done by Angela.

Pete spent a few moments to get rid of his helmet once the skiff had something to breathe again. Luckily there was no password on the tube and the reviving process started without any sparks flying. Pete took a seat as it would be a while before the woman would wake up.

Outpost QC-234

It turned out that took a long while. The skiff had just finished docking with the outpost when the tube beeped to signal it had finished. The lid of the tube didn’t swing open with the dramatic hiss of escaping air. Instead it swung open accompanied by the groaning of badly maintained hinges. Pete swung his chair around but didn’t move forward. He didn’t want to crowd the occupant.

That was one of the reasons he had removed the spacesuit too. With his lanky body and dressed in loose-fitting pants and a white T-shirt he looked harmless. It felt more comfortable too.

A hand gripped the edge of the tube as the young woman extracted herself from her confines. She was a little more alert than Pete had expected. She was also more beautiful. The stasis field must have distorted her appearance. Pete could now see that her hair actually looked like spun-gold that cascaded down her back. Her skin wasn’t actually as pale as it had appeared either although it was still lighter than that of anybody Pete had ever met.

Her crystal-blue eyes didn’t hold the confusion or fear Pete had expected. They were so captivating that Pete actually didn’t notice the rest of her body for a moment. But that changed when she stepped out of the tube. Her body could only be described as voluptuous and it wasn’t encased in a whole lot. Pete’s melting brain informed him that the little, white piece of cloth she was wearing was called a negligée.

The woman observed him for a moment, not even sparing a glance for the window showing outer space. Suddenly she moved, kneeling smoothly while keeping her gaze directed towards Pete. “What is your first command Master?” She asked in a husky tone.

Given the situation, given the person making the offer and what was offered there really was only one way Pete Draeck could respond. “My what?”


It hadn’t actually taken a lot of trouble to get Andora, as she called herself, to sickbay. Getting her to call him Pete instead of Master was a different story. She had been surprisingly firm on that point explaining to Pete that knowing his name didn’t change what she knew him to be. She had startled Pete again right before entering the medical facility by offering to suck him off. Apparently she thought he needed relaxing and that was the first solution she thought of.

Now Andora was lying on the reclined chair with several medical devices hovering over her body. Angela wasn’t a dedicated doctor but she was capable of diagnosing and treating most conditions that could befall her crew. “I believe I know what has happened to her,” the AI announced after a few minutes. “They performed a neural restructuring on her.”

Pete winced, neural restructuring gave most people the willies and he was no exception. Molding a person’s mind into a new personality by restructuring someone’s brain with nanobots was actually pretty old. The first cases had propped up while nanotechnology was still in the early stages. And even today it was still the favored tool of slavers, but thankfully there were defenses too.

“Can you access her back-up Angela or does she need a specialist?”

“I am afraid that she doesn’t have a back-up.” Angela informed him.

Pete was stunned. Everybody got a shot of nanobots keyed to their person as a baby. Those nanobots were meant to boost the immune system and had replaced vaccines. They also functioned as a defense against slaver nanobots by actively combating them. If that failed the nanobots would make a back-up of their person’s mind. Of course the slaver could even destroy that back-up but almost none did. It took too much effort and the courts considered it murder.

Angela continued. “I have done some digging and I discovered that the extraction facility at Sigma-Delta 35 was operated by two people. The records show that Jaso and Eldora Chrysler took up that position 18 years ago. Medical records of the time also show that Eldora was pregnant. I have done a genetic comparison of Andora and the Chryslers, they are a match. This also offers an explanation for why Miss Chrysler lacks a back-up.

“Both Jaso and Eldora are followers of a movement which holds that modern civilization is corrupting the purity of the human soul. This includes modern technology like nanobots. It would appear that Andora never received her shot and therefore lacked any kind of defense against the slaver nanobots.”

Pete closed his eyes. Her parents had thought they were saving her when in fact they had doomed her. Angela’s voice intruded into his thoughts. “The freighter is now a suspected crime scene and must be preserved. I have launched a skiff containing 3 maintenance drones. They will put the ship in a geosynchronous orbit and collect all the relevant evidence. You also need to make a report about this and quickly. The authorities and the company must be alerted of this.”

“You’re right, of course.” Pete marshaled his wits. “Oh, and can you prep a room for Andora. And scrounch up some clothes for her too.” “I already did that while you were bringing her to sickbay,” was Angela’s smug reply. “The examination is finished,” Angela informed Andora as the diagnostic tools retracted into the ceiling. “Pete here will show you to your room and if you have any questions you can ask me.”

Andora’s inquisitive gaze turned to the blue camera mounted on the wall, the source of Angela’s voice. “And how do I call you?”

“My name is Angela. But you don’t have to say my name to get my intention. Looking into one of my eyes like you are doing now is enough to let me know you are addressing me.”

Andora nodded and hopped off the bed. She strode to Pete and then patiently waited. Pete tried to engage her into some small talk but came up short on subjects. He had never been very social and there was precious little weather to talk about in outer space. But in the end he managed to guide her to her new quarters and get out again without getting another tempting proposal.

Seven days later

The last seven days had certainly been interesting, although not all the news had been good. When Angela had started digging into the guts of the slaver-ship she had discovered that Andora wasn’t the only victim. But unlike her, their stasis tubes had remained connected to the ship’s power grid. And when that grid blew out, so did the tubes taking their occupants along with them.

Additional sad news had arrived after Angela took genetic samples of everyone aboard. Apparently Andora had a sister who had also been taken aboard, she hadn’t survived either. Pete decided not to tell Andora, she didn’t remember anything from before waking up and didn’t seem to care about that fact.

And speaking of Andora, things on that front had actually been a little more positive. Pete had suggested that she go read or watch something and she had. Unfortunately that didn’t last for long and in desperation he had let her do some of his chores. It seemed to make her happy to follow orders but Pete still wasn’t used to it. He hoped he never would be.

She wasn’t prancing about in her underwear anymore but wore a T-shirt and a coverall with the sleeves tied around her middle. And no underwear was literal; her breasts were free to bounce around and distracted Pete on numerous occasions. Angela had assured him that she had provided Andora with several bras but apparently she didn’t want to wear them. And Pete had decided to keep his orders to a minimum and take this as an act of independence.

But there had been problems too. Like what had happened the morning after Pete had rescued Andora.

Pleasure was the first thing he became aware of as his mind slowly woke up. The sensation seemed to originate from his cock so Pete slowly opened his drowsy eyes to see what was going on. The sight before him cleared his sight up wonderfully.

Andora’s head was blocking the view of her body but seeing what she was doing was stimulus enough. Her left hand was grasping his rod by its base, holding it straight up so she could bob her head up and down around it. Most of him actually stayed inside her mouth, which was fine with Pete.

Somehow Andora must have known she was being watched because she angled his cock a little differently so she could look him in the eyes. She only held his gaze for a moment before closing her eyes in rapture while licking his staff as if it were a popsicle. That look of someone eating something scrumptious combined with the new sensations was enough to make Pete mimic Andora and close his own eyes.

He moaned and felt himself getting ready to shoot his load, but something was holding him back. It was then that it hit him that this was not a dream and just who it was that was giving him a blowjob. He wrenched his eyes open and with great effort bit out the words, “Andora, stop.” He didn’t want to sound harsh but he was too busy fighting against his own body to do much about it.

Unfortunately, as far as Pete’s body was concerned anyway, Andora obeyed immediately and not only let Pete’s dick slip out of her mouth but sat up as well. While this averted his orgasm, the sight of Andora kneeling on his bed without a stitch on her as her saliva was cooling his heated body kept him rock-hard.

“Did I do something wrong?” She asked with some trepidation.

Pete took a deep breath. His eyes involuntarily drifted down to her almost bare pussy, only a few golden hairs remained. ‘Probably to show prospective buyers that her hair wasn’t a die-job.’ That thought sobered him up enough to deal with his own raging hormones. He knew he needed to formulate his answer very carefully. Firm enough to let Andora know she couldn’t do this but without hurting her feelings. She wasn’t really to blame for all of this.

“You did surprise me Andora and I rather not have you come into my quarters uninvited. Just like I won’t come into yours without an invitation.”

Andora’s reply made his answer fall a little flat. “Oh, but you are always welcome to come into mine. I am yours after all.”

Pete did his best to rescue the situation. “Thank you, but I like to be polite. Lets just agree that we won’t enter each others quarters without letting the other know about it. I would feel more comfortable that way.”

“Okay. Do you want me to finish sucking you off now or do you want to plunge your cock into my pussy?”

The question ripped away what little comfort Pete had just found but he hid it. “No, thanks. I think I will go take a shower. And I’ll take it alone, why don’t you go get dressed?”

He had jacked off in the shower, his mind still filled with the sight of Andora’s naked body.

Later he had sat her down and tried to explain to her that he wasn’t interested in a sexual way in her. She didn’t buy it. It was a little frustrating how some of his words just slid off her. It wouldn’t have been the case if it was a sign her free will surfacing but her own words gave lie to that hope.

She remained convinced that her master needed sexual release from time to time and that as his property it was only logical that she helped. “Really, you are a very kind Master. But I don’t need time to get to know you first. I already know everything about you that I need to know so you don’t have to worry about my feelings.” Those had been her words.

She kept returning to the subject and when Andora had once more brought the subject of his sexual needs up on the third day, Pete had told her in exasperation that he was taking care of that by himself and that he would let her know if he needed help. Dumbfounded, Pete watched as Andora blithely accepted the answer and stopped talking about it.

And it was the truth. Pete had found it much easier to deal with Andora without the sexual tension. He still felt a little guilty about it though, because he kept imagining her while doing it.

On the seventh day, Pete finally received a reply from the local office concerning his report. He waited with opening it until Andora had arrived since he thought this would concern her as much as it did him.

Pete vaguely recalled that the short man that appeared on screen was called Grenspan. He was wearing a suit with a tie, something that had made a comeback in the last century. Pete had never actually met the man but he had received a general briefing from him once or twice.

“I’ve passed your report along to our PR-division as well as the Confederate Marshals. They are very pleased with your actions and so is the company. This means you will be getting a bonus, although I have no idea how high it’s going to be.

“But I also have some more serious news. Right now we can’t spare a ship to pick her up. I don’t know when we can but it looks like we will have to use the ship that was going to bring you back to civilization. Please deliver my apologies to Miss Chrysler.

“I do have some good news though. The resupply vessel that was due to dock with you is carrying a psychologist. Originally she was just supposed to do a quick evaluation of your own mental health while the freighter unloaded and tanked up. But Miss Chrysler needs professional help so I have contacted her and she has agreed to stay with you to help in Miss Chrysler’s recovery.” Well, that explained why it took so long for the reply to arrive.

“Well, that just about covers everything. We still haven’t gotten word from Sigma-Delta 35 so we don’t know if her parents are alive. I personally don’t have much hope but you never know. Oh before I forget, the name of the psychologist is Sara Mercada. Once again, good job and keep it up.” And with that the message ended. I didn’t know how to feel about yet another guest. ‘When I took the job I expected years of solitude, now I am going to live with two women. One of which was more then willing to jump my bones if I asked her. Or ordered her,’ he amended.

Enter the psychologist

Sara silently observed the outpost as it grew larger in the view port. The pilot next to her didn’t even try to talk to her. The freighter crew had quickly learned that Sara Mercada wasn’t interested in socializing with people that she viewed as beneath her. All in all, they wouldn’t be sorry to see her go.

Sara herself was aware of this but she really didn’t care and didn’t give it any thought. Instead, her thoughts were centered on her new patient and meal ticket waiting in that old outpost.

The human mind had been so exhaustively studied in the past centuries that coming up with any new findings was a rarity. Originally Sara had gone on this trip in the hope that she might uncover something new in the minds of the lonely people manning outposts such as the one they were approaching. The fact that she had managed to sell this to the company as an evaluation of their psychological screening methods was a bonus.

But now that had changed, because she was about to get her hands on one of those rare specimens who had suffered from neural restructuring without having the benefit of a back-up. She could already see the book-deals, maybe even a holonovel if she managed to turn the slave into a functioning member of society.

She had another motive and that was protecting the poor girl from the man that had found her stasis tube. No doubt the guy had been salivating once he figured out just what had come into his possession. With the absence of any social control it was quite probable he had already made use of her skills. She had done a quick review of his mental evaluation and she didn’t think he would even think of doing the right thing. A young man with few friends and little sexual experience, once she had discovered that she didn’t need to see the rest or the final summery coughed up by some two-bit psycho-analysis program.

Of course, getting the victim to admit to what he had done would take some time. She needed to earn her trust first, but Sara was certain that would be all it took. ‘No doubt the man has spent so much time rutting with the poor soul that he didn’t have the time to properly indoctrinate her to cover his tracks,’ she thought disgusted. Ah yes, she could practically see the headlines already. ‘Intrepid psychologist saves sex-slave. Hero unmasked as pervert.’

As Sara walked down the ramp she took in the two people she would be living with for more then a year. Both didn’t exactly look like she had pictured them and she had the advantage of having seen a picture of both of them. Pete’s simple choice of clothing had been expected but she hadn’t expected him to keep a presentable appearance. ‘Probably did that to pull the wool over my eyes, fat chance to that.’

Andora held similar surprises. The obvious curiosity visible in her eyes had been unexpected, eyes that were even more fetching then her picture alluded to. Her clothing was practical and covered most of her skin. ‘Had her running naked down the hallways just yesterday,’ was Sara’s cynical thought on that.

“Doctor Mercada, welcome to outpost QC-234 but we just call her Angela.” His cheery welcome annoyed Sara, all the more because it was obvious he had been told to expect her. She had counted on her arrival coming as a surprise as it had been for the ones she had interviewed before taking on this task. Obviously Grenspan had felt the need to warn Pete Draeck.

But as luck would have it, there was someone here that she could vent on. “You actually named the AI,” was her reply. She made certain to go for an incredulous tone rather than a patronizing one.

Pete got uncomfortable, exactly as Sara had intended. “I, it seemed like the right thing to do. QC-234 doesn’t roll of the tongue and doesn’t sound nice...”

“It’s an AI,” Sara interrupted. “It doesn’t care if you’re nice. But you do need someone to talk to I suppose and the refrigerator is a bit unresponsive.”

Pete looked away. “I, I’ll take you to your quarters. I know how cramped those bunks can be.”

“I don’t think so, you have work to do.” She turned and addressed Andora in a friendly voice. “Why don’t we let him get on with doing his job, I am certain you can show me around.” Andora didn’t respond immediately but in the end they left together, Sara doing most of the talking with Andora observing her keenly.

The pilot watched the sour psychologist leaving. There really had been no need to chew out the boy but she had done it anyway. And she wasn’t even that much older than the kid was in the first place. Sure, the pantsuit and the conservative hair bun made her look older but not that much older. He already felt sorry for the guy, being cooped up with the esteemed Doctor Mercada. On the other hand, that other girl might just balance things out.

“Don’t let her get to you kid, she’s been haranguing us too the entire trip. A good lay is what she needs if you ask me. Oh well, lets get to work. We still got two trips after this.”

As Doctor Mercada’s thought back on her first two days on the station, she couldn’t say she was exactly pleased with what she had found. For one, she didn’t get as much time alone with Andora as she wanted because the girl had her share of the workload. This meant that their sessions together could only happen after dinner. She had asked the young woman to stop doing that man’s work but she had refused. And Sara was loathed to ask Draeck for anything.

And Draeck himself also didn’t act like she wanted. The first instance was when they had dinner together. She had expected him to be sullen, to leer at her or even angry that she had interrupted his sex marathon. Instead he had asked when they could talk about group psychology in early human tribes. Apparently it was part of his thesis and he said he welcomed the opinion of an expert.

And the unwelcome surprises kept coming that evening. After dinner Andora and Draeck had delved into a discussion about some historical subject Sara had little interest in. But their interaction during that discussion had been of interest. Instead of deferring to Draeck when they had a disagreement, Andora had held her ground and advanced her own argument for believing what she did.

Only two slip-ups of Draeck buoyed Sara’s mood. One, Draeck was still letting Andora call him Master. The little prick didn’t even seem to notice she did it. And two, it was obvious he also didn’t let her wear underwear. She wouldn’t confront Andora with that just yet. But Sara had been so irked by the inconsistency she had seen after that first dinner that she had asked Andora about it in their first session.

“I noticed something interesting last night when you were talking with Mister Draeck about the French Revolution.” Yes, that was how she had broached the subject.

“What would that be Sara?” She had told Andora to call her by her first name while she still had to unpack.

“You disagreed with him.” Sara didn’t want to contaminate Andora’s answer so she stayed factual and brief.

Andora blinked. “Of course I did. Master was obviously wrong, something he too admitted after a while.”

Which was another thing that had annoyed Sara. She was certain he wouldn’t have done that if she wasn’t present. “Yes, but isn’t Master always right?”

Andora gave her an amused smile. “No, Master is a human being which means he gets things wrong sometimes. A good slave remembers that and helps him when he needs it. Naturally my opinions are what he tells me they are, but he asked for my opinion so I gave it to him.”

Sara just stared at her. She had read about other cases and most of them were completely docile and sex-crazed. Even the ones who weren’t, were this... rational. There was definitely something odd going on, what had Draeck done to her?

Well, that was how Sara recalled the events anyway. And thanks to a small memory implant at the base of her skull, she had perfect recall. It really was a handy device and completely safe, it could only be controlled by her mind. The drawback was that it couldn’t really record events as they happened, you had to consciously focus the memories and sent them to it. But it was so much more discrete than those antiquated handrecorders.

The door to her quarters opened and Andora stepped in. She was wearing her customary T-shirt sans undergarments, despite the fact that Sara had given her several. Andora was wearing the jeans Sara had given her though. It was all part of her strategy of course.

Mercada greeted her with a smile. “Right on time as always, Andora.”

“I do seem to have good timing,” was Andora’s response as she took a seat opposite to Doctor Mercada. “So, what do you want to talk about today?”

Sara affected a thoughtful look. “How about your family?”

“But I don’t remember my family?”

“Yes, but you know you had one. Do you think of them at all?”

Three weeks later

Things weren’t progressing as Doctor Mercada had anticipated. While Andora seemed to be candid and open with her, she hadn’t even hinted at anything untoward happening between her and Draeck. Even more frustrating was that Draeck was playing the considered, helpful guy routine to a tee. She had even caught herself enjoying a particular debate on group-dynamics with the man. When it came to academics, Draeck seemed to shed his insecurities about her.

The frustration this all caused had erupted during yesterday’s session. Instead of being surreptitious she had simply confronted Andora with Draeck’s dresscode. She had denied that there was any such thing and the session had been cut short with neither side willing to give ground. Sara however wasn’t prepared to admit defeat just yet so she had hit upon the idea of using hypnosis. Andora would admit to the abuse one way or the other, even if Sara had to recreate the memories to achieve that breakthrough.

The technical term was ‘inducing an alternate state of consciousness’ but that was a bit too cumbersome to use outside of a textbook. It wasn’t exactly a standard method and she had never done it before. But she still had her notes about that one class in which the professor had discussed the subject and had gone over them last night. Sara was confident she could wing it, as long as she camouflaged it as something else. And that was what she was going to do in their session today.

“I feel I should apologize to you about yesterday. Being confrontational like that isn’t helping you and that is why I am here.” Yes, that was exactly the right way to repair any damage that her little explosion might have caused.

But Andora frowned. “I understand that you feel the need to help me, but I still think you are wrong. You insulted Master, not me. Shouldn’t you apologize to him instead?”

There was no way she was going to do that, but she couldn’t tell Andora that. “I am afraid that is impossible. These talks are confidential and Mister Draeck understands that.”

Andora shrugged. Sara continued with some carefully hidden anxiety. “Anyway, I thought we might try something different today to insure something like yesterday doesn’t happen. I would like us to do a relaxation exercise together.”

Sara smiled as Andora agreed. “Alright then, I would like you to focus on my eyes,” Doctor Mercada intoned. “Just my eyes, let the rest of the room fade away.” Sara was pleased to see Andora’s eyes do just that. She also noted that it caused some kind of glimmer in Andora’s eyes. Her eyes actually seemed to change colors in some subtle way, but it was hard to actually see. But Sara didn’t let it distract her from completing the induction. “Let the rest of your body relax. And look into my eyes.”

“Look into your eyes,” Andora repeated.

Sara was a little unsure how to react to that but decided to improvise. “Yes, look into my eyes.”

“Look into my eyes,” murmured Andora.

“Yes, look into your eyes,” Sara agreed. ‘Such pretty eyes.’

“Just fall into my eyes,” sighed Andora.

“Fall into your eyes,” Sara repeated.

“See only my eyes,” Andora said dreamy. “Focus on them, let them flow into your mind until they replace all your other thoughts. Just let go and fall into my eyes.” Sara did just that. A thought popped up, something about how she was supposed to hypnotizing Andora and not the other way around. But that thought was already falling apart and Sara paid it no head. Andora’s eyes seemed to be bottomless; she just kept falling further and further.

Doctor Mercada couldn’t tell how long this went on but her mind came to a stop with Andora’s next words. “Good, now keep your focus on my eyes and close yours. Keep seeing my eyes in your mind. See only my eyes.” Sara wasn’t amazed to find this to be true. Her mind didn’t have the room to spare to feel that or anything else Andora didn’t tell her to feel. With closed eyes she kept looking into those amazing eyes, her mouth answering questions she didn’t hear.

“I am Master’s property. Nothing feels better than pleasing Master. I feel good because I am a slave, I feel better when I am a good slave.” Andora intoned the mantra with practiced ease. She was kneeling in her quarters doing what she did every evening before she went to bed. Speaking those words while pleasuring herself until she reached a rewarding climax. While she did that she also reviewed her actions of the day to learn how to be a better slave. But tonight she was also trying to puzzle something out.

When Sara had begun using that relaxation technique it had triggered that hidden part of her mind again. The first time it had happened was the first night at the outpost, right before she was going to bed. It had provided her with the mantra and the knowledge of what she had to do before going to bed. The second time had been the morning after, when it had told her how Master should be woken up. Perhaps it had remained silent since then because that hadn’t been a success, Andora didn’t know and didn’t really care either.

And today it had happened again, it had flooded her mind with a skill and with purpose. Andora herself didn’t understand quite how but she had wrested control of the exercise from the doctor and used it against her. And when Sara’s mind had become relaxed and open that hidden part had rewarded her. But it hadn’t exactly told her what to do so Andora had decided to ask Sara some questions she would otherwise not answer.

The answers hadn’t been nice and Andora blamed them for her decision to cover up the fact that the relaxation exercise hadn’t gone as Sara had planned. A task made a little harder by Sara’s memory recorder but a focussed mind could conjure up some amazingly vivid fantasies. It was obvious that Sara didn’t like Master and this filled Andora with sadness. All the more because while in that open state the doctor had revealed to her just how deep that dislike was. She didn’t seem to be able to understand what joy it was to be Master’s, that Andora didn’t want to be apart from him.

No, there was nothing wrong with Andora but Sara did have problems. If only she could help the doctor somehow. And then it hit her, she could help Sara. Make her understand what Andora had learned. That hidden part of her mind came to the fore again, rewarding her for her initiative and making Andora cry out in pleasure.

Pleased she hauled her naked body from the floor and snuggled into her bed. And right before sleep came over her she murmured a small part of her mantra. “Property.”

Physician heal thyself

“Look into your eyes, your pretty eyes. Just fall into your eyes, deeper and deeper till thoughts are left behind.” Andora watched fascinated as Sara seemed to be talking to herself. Like yesterday Doctor Mercada had begun the relaxation exercise with asking Andora to look into her eyes. But this time the doctor had begun relaxing her mind on her own. In fact, Andora hadn’t said a word yet.

“My mind filled with just your eyes. Just your eyes. Just your eyes.” When Sara kept repeating those words Andora knew the show was over.

“Close your eyes, Sara.” And she did that, but didn’t stop repeating those three words. “Hear those words only in your mind, open your ears to my words. Open your mind to my truth.” This did shut up the doctor. Andora briefly wondered where she was getting these lines from but deemed it unimportant.

She opened her legs a bit. “Sara, open your eyes.” And once Sara did that Andora pointed between her legs. “Come sit here.” She watched as Sara walked over to her, her motions graceful as always. Doctor Mercada was actually slightly taller than Andora but that wasn’t a problem here. She simply let Sara lean on her, her soft tits pressing against Sara’s slender body. With a deft hand Andora pulled Mercada’s blouse up a little bit and undid several of the buttons. This exposed Sara’s flat tummy, the product of a healthy exercise program. Andora began roaming over it with her right hand, she didn’t know why but it felt right.

She kept rubbing it until a sigh from Sara pulled her from her reverie. Her mouth was already conveniently located near Sara’s right ear so she didn’t have to shift her head. She kept stroking those firm stomach muscles though. “You don’t know it but you are a very attractive woman.”

“I don’t?” Sara asked uncertain.

“Of course you didn’t,” was Andora’s rejoinder. “If you knew you wouldn’t hide it like you are doing. Don’t you think you should dress a little more sexy?”

Sara shook her head a little. “Don’t wanna. I’m a professional, don’t want others judge me on my looks.”

Andora thought that response over. It seemed a different approach was needed. “Do you want to feel good about yourself?”

“I want to feel good about myself.”

“But you don’t, because you’re hiding a part of yourself. To feel good, you need to stop hiding. You want to feel good, you want to stop hiding.”

“I want to feel good, stop hiding.” Sara’s breath had quickened a bit at Andora’s continued teasing.

“You want to stop hiding, show the world how sexy you are. You want to feel good.”

“Yes, feel good.”

“You will dress more as yourself, more sexy. You know you have succeeded when you see the desire in the eyes of others. It’s all right, looking isn’t touching. Do you understand?”

Sara murmured her assent.

‘Excellent,’ thought Andora. ‘Just one more thing besides covering my tracks and we’re done for today.’ “It feels good to be like this, doesn’t it?”

“It feels good,” Sara agreed.

“You want to return to this state,” Andora waited for the doctor’s wordless agreement before continuing. “You can, you will. When I look into your eyes and I ask you to ‘see only my eyes’ then you will only see my eyes. You will let your thoughts drain away and let your mind slip into my eyes. What will you do when I look into your eyes and ask you to ‘see only my eyes’?”

“I will see only your eyes. I relax and let go, just like now. Let your eyes fill my mind, just like now. Do as you told me, just like now.”

Andora couldn’t help herself, she kissed Sara’s ear and she didn’t leave her tongue out of it. “Good girl,” she told Mercada as Sara gasped at the sensation.

“Sweet dreams Sara,” Andora wished her before leaving. Sara smiled at the door and stretched her back before smoothing her skirt. She had decided to wear something a little different today, there had been no need to dress so conservatively all the time. It wasn’t like there was anybody here that she wanted to impress professionally.

When she had come in for breakfast today she had noticed the appreciate gazes from both Andora and Pete. And all she had done was let down her hair, literally and figuratively. Her skirt was still modest and almost reached her knees and she had her blouse unbuttoned just enough to show that she really did have a cleavage. Her hair she had simply put in a pony, nothing fancy. Even if it wasn’t as impressive as Andora’s.

She dropped said blouse as she stepped into the bathroom and took stock of her underwear. She had gone a little different with that too. They were still as comfortable as what she had been wearing before but with these some thought had been spent on decoration as well. It was amazing how much clothes you could pack into a single crate, if you did it right.

She didn’t have to turn the shower on as it did that automatic. Even the shower gel was dispensed without the press of a button. All Sara had to do was hold her hand under the dispenser. As she soaped up her body her mind wandered back to today’s session. It had been a steamy one, as she had delved into Andora’s fantasies.

Andora had been very descriptive and her voice had been like melted honey. Sara had noticed with some embarrassment how her own nipples had hardened as she listened. Just like they were doing now, as she massaged them. ‘How long has it been since I played with myself, months?’ It had to be, although it wasn’t really a surprise. She rarely felt frisky enough for it and the last few months traipsing around in the back of beyond on a bulk freighter didn’t exactly provide many thrills.

‘But not tonight,’ Mercada thought as she rolled her distended teats between her fingers. They had always been long, a source of discomfort whenever she got excited in public. But that wasn’t a problem at the moment, right now they were just perfectly sensitive.

Eventually she continued soaping up the rest of her body, being careful to save her heated pussy for last. Her mind had been focussed on the task of kneading her flesh but turned to the images Andora had conjured up when Sara began caressing her cunt. The images were even more vivid because her memory recorder allowed Sara to replay Andora’s honeyed voice describing them. One fantasy in particular in which Andora was plowed forcefully by Pete in the shower. She saw how Pete bent down to explore one of those magnificent orbs with his mouth and hummed in sympathy.

Her knees went weak as she finally let one of her fingers enter her forcing her to seek support by leaning against the cool wall. As the final leg towards the finish line began, the image in her mind changed. Andora’s body changed into a slender one with small tits, her skin darkened to the color of tea. And her face morphed into a familiar one, one she saw every day as she looked in the mirror.

Sara gasped in surprise and even more arousal and her half-heartened attempts to change the fantasy failed. Instead, the dream-Pete got more forceful and turned her around before driving into her body. One of his hands began twisting her nipple while the other one sneaked downwards.

Sara squeezed her clit just when dream-Pete did and both Sara’s came with a high, keening wail. As the fantasy dissolved Sara slumped down until she sat against the wall, Andora’s voice still slipping into her mind. As her breathing calmed down, and after she remembered to turn the memory recorder off, she pondered what had happened. What had her mind been trying to tell her?

‘Oh, stop kidding yourself Sara. You know what your subconscious is trying to tell you. You’ve been hiding from admitting you’re wrong but you need to stop that. Time to come out and admit you were wrong about Pete, you were ready to give Andora fake memories just to avoid it for God’s sake! No, Pete really is just the nice guy he’s been since we got here.’ Sara nodded at that conclusion. ‘And since I am going to be stuck with him here for more then a year, I need to start treating him like the person he is.’ Satisfied with that she got up and began washing off the soap.

A weight seemed to have lifted itself of her and she found her inner fire far from quenched. For a moment she debated just leaving the shower and going to sleep as she was normally was satisfied after just one orgasm. ‘Then again, it has been a while since the last time. And why deny myself a reward?’ she thought as her hand drifted lower.

She felt deliciously naughty as she sauntered into the kitchen the next morning. As she was deciding on what to wear today she had come up with an idea. She had been curious about why Andora never bothered with undergarments and had resolved to experience it for herself. To find out if there was more behind it than some directive left over from the neural restructuring.

With her heart throbbing in her throat she jovially greeted the other two inhabitants of the outpost. The startled look from Pete made Sara feel a little guilty, she really had been a bitch towards him. But he also seemed to be oblivious to her daring choice as he greeted her, which miffed Sara a bit. Surely it wasn’t that hard to see she was naked beneath her blouse, especially as it was tucked into her pants so tight that it strained over her breasts.

Andora on the other hand was very thoughtful, making sure to study her chest for a minute before smiling a knowing smile. The knowledge that Andora knew she was going commando caused her nipples to harden, making it so obvious that even Pete noticed. He did a double take when his eyes incidentally brushed over them. Something he tried to cover up by staring intently at his breakfast.

But it was too late, Sara had noticed and she rubbed her clit against the seam of her tight pants as arousal flooded from her pussy. ‘Maybe I can sneak in another session before I go to the gym.’ She saw Andora lick her bottom-lip before biting into her sandwich. ‘Oh yes, I definitely need some time alone.’

“You are making great strides towards becoming yourself,” Andora told the doctor as she brushed her thumbs over her nipples. Her blouse had been completely unbuttoned and she was once again sitting between Andora’s legs. The doctor mewled in gratitude for Andora’s praise while still staring ahead. Her eyes didn’t see the room, they saw two crystal-blue eyes twinkling like stars.

“You’re ready for more, you want more. Seeing Master’s approval turns you on, knowing he wants you makes you wet.”

“No, he’s not my master,” Sara complained.

Andora shot back, “But you know who I mean when I say Master. You picture him in your mind. Seeing the want in his eyes turned you on.” She smiled as Sara agreed. “You imagined his cock, how it would feel, how it would taste. You want it, you want him. You’re a strong, confident woman. You can make him want you, make him want you so bad he will take you. You want to be taken.”


“Yes, taken. But he’s a nice Master; you will have to take the first step. Let him know you want him, that you want it. You want the pleasure he brings you, like last night. In your mind, you already know what he can do to you.”

“Fuck me good,” was Sara’s reply.

Now Andora herself got a distant look but she caught herself. It was time to wrap this up. “You’re going to pleasure yourself, drive this truth in deeper with every climax. Teach yourself who you want, every little part of him.”

A helping hand

Sara got why Andora was always going around without wearing anything underneath her clothes. It just felt so liberating. And underwear just got in the way. So she was once again starting the day sans underwear and this time it was even more obvious. Because her self-exploration that morning had gone on a little longer than she had intended she had decided to just wear her exercise outfit to breakfast.

The tight running shorts weren’t just hugging her legs like the pants she wore yesterday. These were cupping her pussy too. Anybody could not only see that she wasn’t wearing any panties, they could even see if she was aroused. That knowledge had hit her after she saw herself in the mirror wearing only those shorts. Her hand had plunged right back into her pussy, delaying her even more. She could still taste herself, something she hadn’t even tried before last night. It was a good thing those shorts could handle a little moisture or she would have been even later.

She was getting a little worried; she had never been sex-crazed before. But she had also never felt so alive as she did right now so Sara reasoned that it couldn’t hurt to indulge herself. She figured that hearing Andora describe some of her sexual fantasies had sparked something that had lain dormant.

So it didn’t surprise Sara that both Andora and Pete were finishing their breakfast when she entered. And this time, both of them took their time admiring how she filled out the outfit. Which just turned her on and made certain body parts even more visible. And knowing that they saw that simply fueled that arousal. ‘I should have done this weeks ago,’ Sara concluded as she took a seat.

She watched with a smile as Pete left, the bulge even visible in his loose-fitting pants. It didn’t seem too big, she had a bad experience with that. It was in college and she had actually enjoyed her time with Greg up until their first night together. He had been one of those insecure men who had their cocks surgically lengthened. She thought back on it. Greg had kept trying to stab through the back wall of her pussy into her stomach and that was about the extent of this technique. After that, Sara was no longer under the illusion that size mattered.

The memory had dampened her arousal enough that she could have her breakfast. After breakfast she checked her mail and did some work on the data she had collected for her original study. During all those activities, her mind kept flashing back to the sight of Pete leaving, his body slightly hunched in a futile attempt to hide his arousal. ‘Too bad he’s such a nice guy. I wouldn’t have minded it if he had yanked off my shorts and bent me over the counter. Oh yes, he could have just slipped it in me and used my pony tail like a handle so...’ Doctor Mercada took a deep, shuddering breath and pushed herself away from the desk. She would finish her work after a little break.

Eventually Sara got to the gym and she started to work up a sweat on the treadmill. She hadn’t been running long when the door opened again. She looked over without breaking her stride and saw Pete himself coming in. She hadn’t realized just how late she was running compared to her normal schedule. Normally she would be finished by the time he came in.

And a few days ago that would be to Pete’s relief, she guiltily acknowledged. Sara gave him a friendly hi, noticing that Pete still seemed uncomfortable around her. But the way his eyes kept sneaking looks at her told her the source was now completely different.

From the corner of her eyes she observed him lying down on a bench, his attention totally focussed on working out. She surmised that from his unwavering gaze at the ceiling. And the erection visible in his boardshorts told her why and that it wasn’t working. ‘Poor guy, living with two hot chicks and not getting any relief. I really have been too hard on him.’

Her attention kept drifting to Pete, or more precisely to his dick. It seemed to call out to her, crying out for attention. Sara licked her lips as she pictured the kind of attention she could give it and him. ‘And why don’t I?’ she wondered. She also slowed down as she milled that thought over in her mind. The treadmill automatically slowed down as well. ‘It’s not like he’s my patient or anything.’ She looked at Pete again. ‘And it’s been so long for me, far too long.’

Sara couldn’t look away anymore, her gaze had been fixed on his cock. It seemed to beckon her to come and her body obeyed. She silently crossed the meters separating them and with equal stealth she straddled the man. She made certain that her pussy would touch down on his hard-on. Naturally Pete was started but he couldn’t do much while he was keeping weights up and Sara wasn’t giving him a chance.

She kissed him hard on the lips while grinding her hips into his pole. But it wasn’t enough, she had to have more. She had to feel it against her naked flesh, taste it. In the same time it took Pete to put the handle bar down Sara had managed to slid down his body, yank his shorts and underwear down and begin licking his cock all along its length.

This left Pete with just about enough wits to just lie back and enjoy what was being done to him. Using her left hand to fondle him Sara explained herself to Pete, “You poor boy, all worked up and no one to give you some release.” She took one of his balls in her mouth and suckled on it for a few moments before releasing it with a pop. “I’m going to change that.” Her left hand scooted down to make room for her mouth.

Even though she had been right about him being average in length she couldn’t fit all in her mouth. Part of the reason was that he was a little thicker than she had expected but mostly it was inexperience. She normally didn’t enjoy sucking a guy off. But this was Pete’s dick and it felt great and tasted even better.

She accidentally scraped her teeth on his skin eliciting a moan from Pete. Mortification at the mistake barely had time to register before it was replaced by a jolt of pleasure from knowing she was pleasing Pete. A hand sidled up to her and intertwined its fingers with her hair. Pete wasn’t really setting the pace now or anything but it did make him look so masterful. Her pussy clenched at the thought. ‘A slave being used by her master,’ Sara had a mini-orgasm.

“I, I can’t hold out much longer.” It was obvious to anyone that issuing the warning had been difficult.

Sara let him slip out of her mouth, keeping him firm with long strokes of her hand. She looked him right in the eyes and ordered, “Give it to me.” That alone apparently was enough as she barely had the time to reattach herself to his dick before he erupted.

As the first spurt hit her tongue, she came as well. The orgasm was odd, a little hollow if that was possible. The fact that she hadn’t touched herself at all was probably the reason for that. She dutifully began licking up any leftovers, laving his rod with her tongue. ‘Have to have it, every last drop of it.’

It was while she was doing that, that she began to realize what exactly she had done and thought for the past 15 minutes. She stood up and backed away, feeling faintly disquieted that she hadn’t gotten every drop of Pete’s cum yet. But that feeling just spurred her horror and she fled the room without a word. Leaving a mystified Pete to wonder if he was dreaming.

“Enter,” Sara hollered. She had been frantically pacing about the room, waiting. Her memory recorder was now a curse as it played back in perfect clarity what had happened, again and again. And her traitorous body simply refused to understand that it was wrong.

A concerned Andora came in and saw the distressed Doctor Mercada. Before she could even ask what’s wrong Sara flew into her arms and began to snivel into her chest. “Oh Andora, I’ve done something horrible.”

“I doubt that, you’re not a horrible person.”

“You won’t think so after I tell you what I did.” Sara replied dejectedly. “I, I... I was in the gym when master, I mean Pete, came in. I just couldn’t help myself, I practically assaulted him. I didn’t even give him the chance to say anything!” She explained in a rising voice.

Andora tried to calm her down and turned her head so she could look her in the eyes. “What exactly did you do, just stick to the facts. And remember, I won’t judge you.”

Spellbound for a moment Sara finally nodded. She didn’t look away as she began talking. “He was lifting weights when I pulled of his cloths and I, ehm, gave him a blowjob.”

Andora didn’t look horrified as Sara half expected, instead she gave the doctor a brilliant smile. “But that’s wonderful. You did clean him up afterwards right?”

Sara backed away from Andora’s embrace. “No, you don’t understand. This isn’t like me. I barely masturbate at all but now I am doing it almost every other hour. I came just from tasting Pete’s cum!”

Andora looked wistful. “You’re so lucky to be his, he won’t even let me touch him.”

“I’m not his, I am not some nympho like you!”

Now Andora’s face became stern and sought out Sara’s eyes, “I see you need a little more help. Sara, ‘See only my eyes’.” Sara immediately began to breathe more easily, her face lost its tension and even sported a small smile now. “Good, now why don’t we sit down and discuss this rationally.” Andora took her regular seat and Sara moved to take her place between her legs but Andora stopped her. “It’s time to shed off the old you Sara, time to embrace the new you completely. Strip.”

And so it was a naked Sara that took a seat and leaned against a still clothed Andora. She felt two hard points in her back, the plastic of the chair was cooling her enflamed pussy and Andora’s hands were caressing the quivering muscles of her tummy. Sara felt all of this but it was all so distant, it seemed to be happening in another galaxy while those magnificent eyes were so close.

“The explanation for why you did what you did in the gym is easy Sara. Master is your Master, you just...”

Sara knew it was rude but she felt compelled for some reason to correct her. “No, he’s not my master. I’m a strong, confident woman. I am not a slave.”

This didn’t seem to perturb the caring voice. “Yes, you are a strong woman. But that wasn’t always so, think back.” The voice guided her memories, Sara’s own mind too absorbed in those sparkling eyes to do that. “You were so lonely before you came to this outpost. You were so angry, lashing out at Master. You became a strong woman here, you found yourself here.” ‘That was true, her live hadn’t been this wonderful before she came to this place,’ Sara conceded to herself. The hands seemed to know what she was thinking because they traveled upwards and started toying with her needy tits. A reward for facing herself.

“But what is different from before? What did you find here that you couldn’t find elsewhere, who did you find?”

Sara’s face now sported a small frown as her mind sluggishly tried to provide an answer. “Andora?”

Andora’s laugh tinkled through her mind. “Thank you honey, but no. We both know I am merely part of someone greater.”

“Master... Pete.”

“Yes, our master. He is the source of your newfound strength, he’s the reason you stopped hiding from who you are, what you are. The reason you were so miserable before was because you were missing something in your life. You were looking for your master and now you have found him,” Andora declared triumphantly.

“I, I don’t know.”

“Sure you do, stop hiding from yourself. When you sucked him off, it felt good didn’t it?”

“Yes,” Sara admitted. One of the hands now traveled down and began tracing the contours of her nether lips. She was getting closer, closer to the truth.

“Hmmm, you submitted to him. You didn’t think of pleasuring yourself, you wanted to please him. You realized you needed him, that you needed to be his.” Sara gave a wordless sigh of agreement. “But what you did, doesn’t make you his. You are already his, you just didn’t realize it until now. What you are is Master’s property. But you already knew that truth.”

“I did?” It was so hard to think, but there was something going. Something that didn’t seem to fit.

“Oh yes, the truth was all around you. Just look deep into my eyes, look past them.” Sara tried but it was so hard. Luckily Andora was there to help her eyes. “You see a shape, a face taking form deep inside those eyes. You recognize it; it’s the face of your owner. It’s Master.” ‘Pete.’

“Now hold on to that deeper truth and let these words become your truth. ‘I am Master’s property. Nothing feels better than pleasing Master. I feel good because I am a slave, I feel better when I am a good slave.’” Sara parroted the words but they didn’t hold the meaning the voice had promised. Two fingers slid inside her wet cunt and began to plunge in and out of her in step with the words.

Sara didn’t have any notion of time but as she kept repeating those words she slowly began to understand them. The words became emotions and images, faith and convictions. Her mind was too wrapped up in molding itself to notice that the fingers had stopped moving, her own sweat-covered body was following the rhythm now. There were no longer words coming out of her mouth, only gasps and moans. She wasn’t reciting the mantra in her thoughts, the mantra was her thoughts.

She started to cum, one wave after another. But they were small, unfulfilling and Sara just kept going. There was something missing. That missing piece was finally provided by Andora. “You’re his slave,” she confirmed in a husky whisper. Bliss engulfed her and stilled her, mentally and physically. But before she sank into oblivion she managed to confirm, “We’re his.”

Pete was worried. Doctor Mercada had never shown up for dinner and Andora was actually late. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened. Combined with what had happened in the gym this worried Pete greatly. He had asked Andora if she knew anything but Andora had stonewalled him. Told him that what she had talked about with Sara was private and reminded him that he had told her he wouldn’t pry into their friendship.

Which he had and he resisted the temptation of ordering her. After dinner he hadn’t been in the mood for conversation so he had gone to his room to try and do some reading. But it didn’t work, his mind kept going back to Sara. He still couldn’t believe it had actually happened, he thought stuff like that didn’t happen outside of a holoporn. And if Sara’s reaction afterwards was any indication, neither could she. That had been a blow to his self-esteem but he should be thinking about Sara’s problems, not his own.

The chime sounded signaling that someone was at the door. Thinking it was Andora he went to the door to answer it. He didn’t want to get into the habit of receiving her in his quarters. But it wasn’t Andora, it was Sara, dressed in a bathrobe, who looked at him with a confidence he hadn’t expected. “Sara! Uhm, hi.” Sara seemed satisfied to just study him but Pete felt compelled to fill the silence. “Listen, I apologize for what happened earlier. I should have stopped you, somehow.”

Now Sara did respond, but not with words. She pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. It came to an end all too soon for Pete. “I want you,” Sara explained to him. “It just took me awhile to figure out.” She smiled, “maybe even longer if I didn’t have some help.” She unknotted her belt and let the terrycloth robe pool at her feet. She took a step forward and gently pushed him into the room. “Now, the only words I want you to hear from you are ‘I am going to fuck you senseless’, got it?” Pete gulped.


“I feel good because I am a slave, I feel better when I am a good slave,” Sara and Andora chanted. Sara was straddling the golden-haired girl and both of them were playing with the love box of the other. Andora was the first to finish, but Sara took a while longer as she still had the occasional stray thought from the old Doctor Mercada plaguing her.

Sara still had her sessions with Andora but officially they weren’t so long anymore since Andora was pretty much a functioning individual as it was. In reality they were cut short so they could do their mantra together and so that Andora could coach her in her duties. Something that was even more important because Andora was counting on Sara to get Pete to accept what he was. To accept that he had two women who not only wanted to be his property, but who didn’t ponder being anything else but his.

The two sweaty bodies cuddled together, their bond as close as lovers because in a sense they were just that. For Andora, Sara was like a sister. To Sara, Andora was almost a mistress. Andora led Sara into the bathroom after they got some energy back since it wouldn’t be long before Sara had to go to Pete.

He thought Sara was sneaking into his room after enough time had lapsed since her session with Andora ended. He didn’t know that Sara was actually his slave or that the sessions were actually used by Andora to teach Sara how best to please him.

Sara slumped her shoulders. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up Andora. I have to remind myself constantly not to call him Master. Yesterday, I almost asked him if he had a command for me before I left!”

“I have faith in you,” Andora consoled her. Her hands were gently soaping up Sara, acting as a physical counterpart to her supportive words. “He has been more assertive during sex and he isn’t embarrassed around you anymore. These are positive signs.”

“But he treats my like an equal and he never gives an order. He isn’t using me.”

Andora chuckled. “And now you are mistaking abuse for ownership. He is free to do with you as he pleases. Which includes treating you like a person, a lover.” Andora sighed with longing, she envied Sara. At least she could touch Master.

Hearing the sigh, Sara turned around and gave Andora a searching look. Her face must have given away what she was feeling because Sara’s next words were, “I shouldn’t complain so much, you have it so much worse.” Her next words echoed Andora’s own thoughts. “At least he lets me pleasure him, taste him. It’s been months for you.” Andora had told her about her first morning on the station when she explained her plan to ease Master into his role. Sara kneeled then looked up to Andora, “but I can help you too. Just keep in mind that a little piece of him is in me, that this mouth engulfed him just this morning.” Having said those words Sara kissed her pussy. Andora closed her eyes and savored the act. It wasn’t Masters touch, but it would do for now.

It wasn’t a sight Pete had ever expected to see, but there it was. Sara was on top of him, enthusiastically bouncing on his cock with her feet firmly planted on either side so she could hump more energetically. Her hands were clawing at his chest and her wet hair was flying around, sometimes obscuring the view of her face.

And it was a beautiful face, especially with the look it was sporting at the moment. She was mewling like a cat, her eyes closed so she could better concentrate on what she was feeling and doing. Pete had never thought the doctor could be so unrestrained and least of all with him.

He wasn’t a completely passive participant in this though. He was toying with her tits, his palms held upward while her long nipples were held between his middle and ring fingers. This left his fingers free to massage her breasts. Even after a month the sight was still just as erotic as the act itself and Pete had a hard time holding off his orgasm, even with all the practice he had gotten.

Finally the small signs that told Pete she was about to cum made their appearance. She was biting her lip, her eyes were screwed shut and her hands were now gripping his arms. At last he could let himself go and let himself come as well. His hands let go of her tits and grasped her hips so he could help her slam their bodies together. This, combined with the feeling of his dick coming inside of her, was enough to push Sara over the edge too.

She lost control of her body, too consumed with pleasure to pay heed to what it was doing. And to what she was saying. “Oh yes, fuck your slave Master!”

Both of them were too consumed with what they were doing to notice what Sara had cried out and too wiped out afterwards to remember it. But Pete had heard it and as he stroked her hair while she lay on top of him, planting small kisses on his neck in return, the words came back.

And suddenly with a sickening lurch all the little things that been nagging him came into focus. An explanation presented itself for why Sara was now so interested in him when she seemed to be so contemptuous of him in those first few weeks. Sara noticed it when he stopped petting her. “Is something wrong Pete?”

Pete refocused his gaze on Sara, bracing himself for the disappointment he could feel coming. “You called me master,” he told her. He didn’t even wait for Sara’s response. Not after the wide-eyed surprise that practically screamed ‘busted’. He took care to shift her to the side before getting up. “We’re going to the sickbay, all three of us,” he informed her as he pulled her up.

“There is nothing wrong with her,” Angela informed him. “No back-up has been activated and the nanobots in her bloodstream are the same ones she had when she came onboard, there is simply no evidence of neural restructuring.”

“But she isn’t the same woman that came aboard,” Pete maintained. He ignored Sara who hopped off the bed and turned to Andora. “Tell me what happened Andora,” he ordered her.

Andora gave him a proud smile. “I helped her. She tried to hypnotize me about a month ago but it didn’t work. I don’t know how exactly but when she tried I suddenly knew how to do that. So I hypnotized her instead and helped her with her problems.” She sounded like she wanted a cookie for being such a good girl.

“What is hypnotizing?” Pete asked.

“It is a relaxation method,” Angela informed him. “The official term is ‘inducing an alternate state of consciousness’. If I may scan Andora for a moment I can give her and you an explanation.” Andora looked at Pete, wordlessly asking for permission. Pete nodded, he needed some answers.

Angela stopped Andora from climbing onto the bed by telling her there was no need for that. “This will not take long,” she once again said. One arm came down from the ceiling, the device on its end was simple and seemed to do nothing more than shine a light into Andora’s eyes.

“I have just confirmed that the slavers modified Andora more than I originally thought,” she informed everybody as the arm retracted. An image of one of Andora’s eyes appeared on one of the larger monitors. “It seems they installed micro-filaments in her eyes that can refract light in a specific way. According to my databanks, the human mind has a strong reaction to some light patterns.

“I suspect,” the AI continued, “that their goal was to create a slave that could either maintain order among the other slaves or could be used to lure others in. Of course, since the case has been closed and the perpetrators are all dead I have no obligation to disclose this privileged information to the Confederate Marshals.”

‘So Sara didn’t really like me, she got brainwashed into it.’ He hadn’t realized he had said it aloud until Sara clutched his shirt and pulled him towards her. “No, you don’t get it. Hypnosis isn’t neural restructuring; it’s nowhere near that powerful. It just relaxes you and shuts down some of the filters. I’m still me, just a better me. I was so unhappy back then, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself so I just acted like a bitch. Thanks to her I’m happy with who I am. And the sex is phenomenal! Andora just helped me to become a better person, that’s all.”

Now it was Pete’s turn to grip Sara, but he grasped her shoulders. “She made you think you’re a slave!”

“If I want to be owned by you than that’s for me to decide. I want to be yours, is that such a bad thing? Can you really say that what we had didn’t feel right?” she pleaded.

Pete changed the subject. “And I suppose you think I should take advantage of Andora too?”

“What was done to Andora is wrong, but there is nothing for her to go back to.” They had received the news two weeks ago. The slavers had killed her parents and wrecked the facilities in an attempt to cover their tracks by making it appear an accident had happened. “She needs a master and you’re it. Can you honestly tell me that you don’t feel anything for her? That you would trust anyone else to fill that need? The only cruelty you are committing is not letting her be your slave.”

Pete didn’t know what to say. He was so torn. On the one hand this was wrong, he thought so anyway. On the other, he really did care for the both of them. This entire episode had made clear that Andora would always think as a slave and given what she could do that meant she needed someone to keep an eye on her. And Sara was right, he only trusted himself to do that right.

And then there was Sara. The past month had been one of the best times of his life and she was the reason. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have a choice, provided he could believe her. If he got her right, at least a part of her had wanted this, had wanted him all along. Of course the fact that two hot women were offering to cater to his every whim carried some weight too, he was still a guy.

“Master,” he cringed as if he hadn’t heard it before from Andora. But she plowed on. “We’re yours, unless you decide to give us away. Simply walking away won’t change that, we will be your property till the day we die.” Pete let go of Sara and looked stricken at Andora. This brought him almost nose to nose with the golden-haired woman, he hadn’t even noticed her approach.

She didn’t resume her speech, instead she slowly closed the last few inches between them and kissed him. Only their lips were involved, the rest of their bodies didn’t get involved. It was a slow kiss, sweet and light. And when they finally broke apart Pete looked at Andora. Her eyes remained close, her face was serene and filled with bliss. It was as if she had just tasted heaven and Pete had his answer. He wouldn’t do the moral thing, he would do the right thing.


“Have a pleasant stay, sir.” The desk clerk’s full of cheer and as artificial as its body. Only the most expensive hotels had actual persons manning the desk. Still, Pete thanked him as he picked up what little luggage he had and went to the room the girls had rented yesterday.

He passed a woman who was just leaving the elevator and he greeted her. Having two women call you master for over a year did real wonders to your self-confidence. The trip back to civilization hadn’t been so nice though since they needed to avoid suspicion until they had made their final report to the company and had gotten paid. Sara and Andora had kept each other company but even they had to be careful.

But nothing had gone wrong, the company’s interest in Andora had vanished the same day the media’s interest had. Which was about a day after her story had hit the news. So the girls could travel as undisturbed as he had, with the added benefit that they could travel together. Officially Sara was helping Andora to get settled in.

None of them had a place to stay so they would have to stay in this modest hotel until they did. Pete swiped the access card through the reader and opened the door to a sight he hadn’t expected.

He had expected the naked women having sex on the bed, but he hadn’t expected there to be three. The unexpected guest was a girl about Andora’s age with a skin as dark as chocolate. She was kneeling over Sara’s face. She had long hair that almost reached a bubble butt that was hiding most of Sara’s face. The unknown woman was looking straight into Andora’s eyes who was toying with her overflowing bosom.

And the girl was talking to Andora with a dreamy voice. “I am here to feel pleasure, I am here to pleasure. When I give pleasure, I feel pleasure.” She had started to say that again when Andora finally noticed him. The dark-skinned beauty followed her gaze, but she didn’t stop talking.

Andora gave him a brilliant smile, “Hello Master, it is good to finally see you again.”

“Ehm, hello. It’s good to see you too.” But that was all the pleasantries he had the patience for right now. “Who is this?”

“Oh, this is Ann. We met an hour ago at this nice, little cafe. Apparently she is on her first vacation alone and she’s looking for some fun. Sara thought she would be perfect to celebrate your arrival so I worked my magic and here she is. And don’t worry Master, I’ll throw this catch back into the water after we’re done.”

The Pete of a year back might have said no, but he wasn’t that person anymore. This Pete just grinned, dropped his suitcase and started to undress himself as he walked towards the bed.

Andora returned the grin with a wicked smile of her own before gently turning Ann’s face back to her own. “Time to have fun,” she told her. The far-away look in Ann’s eyes disappeared to be momentarily replaced with one of confusion. But it didn’t last long and a predatory look replaced it. Ann dove forward, being careful not to loose contact with Sara’s talented mouth, and started to devour Andora’s equally talented mouth.

As Pete took his place behind Ann and began caressing the underside of her sizeable tits he knew he had done the right thing by opening Andora’s box.