Overmind: Origin
My name’s Rex Drake. I’ve always felt a little different from everybody else, but I guess that’s entirely par for the course, isn’t it? Of course, the repeated abductions by a half-dozen different species of aliens didn’t help.
My favorite abductions were always one race that looked like, well frankly, anime characters: big eyes, little or no nose, slightly disproportionate bodies... They never dissected me alive like the amorphous orange blobs or the tentacled lime-green balls. They didn’t remove any limbs or organs to examine them before putting them back, like the pink-and-purple-striped lizards did. They didn’t do something that made all the hair below my neck fall out permanently, like the huge, powder-blue, amphibious insects. And they sure as HELL didn’t stick a sharp metal spike up my butt, like the Roswell Greys!
No, all the anime people did was ask for information about humanity. Psychological and sociological characteristics, interpersonal dynamics, that sort of thing. Usually, they didn’t even temporarily suppress my memories of their visit.
Recently, during one of these visits, something happened that had never happened before: I got an apology from one of them. Granted it was an apology for making me wait while she went to use the bathroom, but hey, you take what you get in these situations!
“You know, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever gotten an actual apology in all these abductions. Hell, most of the species that kidnap and experiment on me won’t even talk to me!” I said.
“That’s most likely because they don’t want to ruin their objectivity by interacting with you in a personal manner. It’s certainly rude, but there’s definitely scientic reasons to do so. Our interests in your species require interacting with you, or we might be treating you in the same manner.”
“Gee, that’s a comforting thought.” I replied grumpily.
My interviewer wiped her hand across her forehead, then took off the vest covering her unitard, and began fanning herself. I noticed she was sweating some.
“Did it just get a lot hot in here, or is it just me?”
“I think you’re the only one who’s hot in here.” That was true enough, it was barely fifty degrees in the interview room. That statement lingered for a moment as she worked her legal-pad sized computer interface to lower the temperature a few degrees. Then she paused and looked at me strangely, and I realized exactly what I’d said, and how it must have sounded.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound like an innuendo. I know you people hate that.” She put her hand up and scratched behind one six-inch-long, sharply-pointed ear.
“It’s alright, just this once. I know it was unintentional, and a perfectly valid response to my question. However, the reason for my discomfort is you.”
“Hey, I said I’m sorry!” I said getting a little angry.
“No, I mean I thought the room was hot was because you’ve become psychogenically active! You were sending out constant, uncontrolled, low-level psychogenic waves, which I was reflexively absorbing without even noticing it. The excess energy raised my skin temperature, which I mistook for excess heat in the environment.”
“Okay, I’m sorry, again!” I growled, getting pissed.
“There’s no need to apologize. If anything, each misunderstanding has, ultimately, been my fault.”
“Oh,” I said, somewhat mollified.
“However, this development does mean that I must curtail our conversation now.”
“What? Why?”
She was obviously getting very excited, and began talking so fast I could barely understand her. “Becauseyou’vejustbecome psychogenicallyactive! Inyourterms, youjustevolved straightfroma monkeytoahumanbeing, bypassingeveryintermediatestep! You’re a PERSON now, not an ANIMAL! Thatmeans you’reoff-limits, asisanybody inyourspecies, andanything nativeto yourhomeworld! Ihaveto informeverybody studyingyourspecies oryourworld, Ihaveto... Ijustrealized I’mgonnabefamous! Afourth-order intellectjustbecame psychogenicallyactive! That’snever, EVER happenedbefore! AndIwas heretoseeit! I’msorry, Ihaftago,” she said, standing up. “I’vegotalot ofworktodonow. Haveagoodlife!”
That entire speech took less than ten seconds.
Then the hum of the teleporter buzzed in my ears, and I slid back through the slippery, interdimensional tunnel home.
One morning about a month later, I woke up with a screaming headache. Before I even managed to roll out of the bed, a bottle of aspirin flew at my head. I barely managed to dodge, and the bottle hit the wall and rolled onto the floor. Sitting back up, I looked over toward the dresser, where the aspirin normally sits, then behind me to the spot where the aspirin had impacted the wall. Sure enough, it was a straight line from where the bottle had been, through my head, to the impact spot.
A few minutes after popping several aspirin with the remainder of a can of coke from last night, I started feeling almost human again. I chuckled at that thought since according to the aliens, I wasn’t really a human anymore, but something else, something more advanced. I trudged down the stairs, and saw what looked like a tin of breath mints sitting on the kitchen table. As soon as I got into the kitchen it opened, releasing a flood of multicolored liquid that spilled off the table onto the floor, forming itself into what appeared to be a naked woman.
Flashbacks of Terminator 2: Judgement Day ran through my head as I saw this, because the effect was very similar to watching the T-1000, the villain of that movie, forming itself into its human appearance.
I walked around it, taking its form in from all angles. It was standing rigidly at attention, like a soldier. But no soldier in history ever looked that good, and in all likelihood, few women ever had! Long, sexy legs leading to wide hips, tapering to a very narrow waist and up past flat abs to a pair of high, soft-looking tits the size of large cantaloupes, with large, pink areolas. Its oval-shaped face was gorgeous: full, plush, cock-sucking lips, high ckeekbones, shocking sky-blue eyes, and a very full head of faintly wavy, sandy blonde hair almost down to that perfect, heart-shaped ass. It was about six-one, which meant that while I still towered over her, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the normal disproportion. Its face was completely expressionless, its eyes completely empty. After about thirty seconds, its posture softened, and it started breathing. Looking around, it spied me.
“Identity confirmed: Human experimental designee 92374-M: Rex Drake 001. Hello, I am an artifical organism provided to ease your transition into the psychogenically active state, as concerns have been voiced about the safety of you, your species, and your world, due to the social environment of your species, with a particular question as to the results of openly introducing a psychogenic individual to a species so far below the ordinary level of development at which such individuals normally begin to appear.” Extremely sexy voice. Nice.
“Do you have a name? A designation? Hell, even a serial number? Some way to address you other than ‘hey, you!’?”
“No such means of identification have been prespecified. If you wish to do so, you may make any such designation you wish.” Looking at that gorgeous face and those fat, slut-red, cock-sucking lips, I’m sure that an evil smile must have crossed my face at that point.
“Alright, then the designation I choose is BJ Cox-Zucker. The BJ is an abbreviation of the two names Bambi, and Jean.” As soon as I finished saying that, it nodded.
“Um, I should get you some clothing,” I said, tearing my stare away from its perfect tits. I turned and headed toward my stepsister’s room. She wouldn’t be back from her trip with her boyfriend until Sunday night, so it would probably be safe to go in, assuming my stepmother wasn’t cleaning the room at the moment. I heard BJ following me an instant later.
“That is unnecessary. My body is better adapted to chemical, biological, and environmental extremes, as well as kinetic ablation or intrusion, than that of a human.” It...no, SHE... said in a matter-of fact tone.
“From a strictly physical perspective, yes, but for purposes of interaction with humans, it will be necessary to make certain concessions, and the biggest is going to be acting like a human, including all of the things which are considered mandatory, such as appropriate clothing,” I told her.
“Understood.” I opened the door to my stepsister’s room, saw no one was there, and went inside, followed swiftly by BJ. I shut the door behind us, then started searching for some clothes we could use in the short term, until I could head to the mall and get something else.
“Another is developing a more human syntax and speech pattern. Yours is extremely erudite, sophisticated, educated. It’s also very proper, which humans will view as unnatural. Our normal course is to develop into one of certain specific linguistic patterns, to adopt one of the standard, accepted formats. The official version of the language does not fall into one of those categories.” I grabbed a typical, hot-pink tube-top and matching shorts, along with a couple of sets of undergarments. I gave BJ a short lesson in how to deal with clothing, and she donned the outfit.
Next, we headed to the rec room on the first floor, so I could give her access to my computer and let her do some research in how to act like a human. It took her less than six minutes. I know that for a fact, because that’s when my stepmother walked in on us.
“Rex, are you in here? OOPS!” Jessica did a doubletake when she opened my door and saw BJ sitting at my computer. She looked over to where I was leaning against a bookcase, the beginnings of a flush covering her face. “I didn’t know you were up, let alone had company.”
“Like, HI Mrs. Drake! I’m BJ, it’s nice to meet you! Rex is, like, tutoring me in English. I, like, totally need it.” I have to give her credit, barely five minutes and already she sounded just like any idiot teenybopper slut out there.
“Oh, okay, good for you, Rex,” Jessica nodded at me, glanced at my computer screen, saw the Merriam-Webster website, and was satisfied with that explanation. “But it’s not Mrs. Drake. It’s Ms. Rabbit. I decided not to take my husband’s name when I got married to Rex’s father. Changing my name, the very definition of who I am, just because I love someone else, is archaic and demeaning to women who choose to do it. Remember that, young lady.”
“Oh, okay. I, like, totally didn’t mean to be, like, offending you, y’know?”
“That’s alright. I was just going to tell Rex that I was heading off to my beauty appointment. I’ll see you later, Rex, okay?” I nodded at her and Jessica almost left, when she opened the door again. “Oh, by the way, somebody delivered a small package for you this morning. I left it on the kitchen table. Did you find it?”
“Yeah. It’s already working.” I jerked my thumb towards BJ and the computer. Jessica rolled her eyes.
“You boys and your toys.” With that exasperated remark, she slammed the rec room door behind her. Soon, we heard her car stereo blasting as she headed out to the salon for her weekly ‘beauty regimen’.
“Did she just call me a toy? Or perhaps a boy toy?”
“That’s clever, but no. Humans, especially men, are often attributed the characteristic of being overly fond of any newly acquired possession, especially those viewed as being a superior version of one which is already possessed. I insinuated to her that the contents of the container you came in was an improved component for the computer by indicating your general direction, which she took to mean the computer, not you.”
“I suppose I still have a lot to learn about human interaction.”
“Don’t worry, it could take more than one lifetime. Actually, come to think of that, we’re going to have to start some long-term planning. Clothes, a background for you, a place for you to stay, uuugghh, my headache’s coming back just thinking about it.”
“I believe I can handle the background and the place to stay from here. If you can obtain the clothing, I can handle the rest.”
“Alright, I’ll be back in an hour or so.”
With that, I hurried to the mall, went to my stepsister’s favorite place to shop (the ‘Slut Hut’, a name I could never seem to repeat without laughing), and got a wide assortment of clothes, then took them to the counter. The clerk, a cute, curvy Asian girl wearing an outfit that was supposed to be one of those Hawaiian coconut bikini tops and a grass hula skirt, began ringing up my purchase.
“I’d ask if you found everything okay, but I think you got one of everything in the store! Who’re you doing, an entire cheerleading squad?”
“And several local strippers, too! Actually, a good friend of mine is moving here, but her stuff burned up on the way. The moving company is paying to replace it all, so what the hell, right?” I grinned and shrugged.
“That’s the spirit! Here, let me put all this on my personal discount code, it’ll save you 10%, and we can split the difference.”
“Thanks,” I told her, although with my dad’s money, the price wasn’t an issue. Even with the discount, it came to over a thousand dollars. I paid cash, then handed the clerk a c-note.
“This is almost the full discount,” she noted.
“If I get caught with the extra, the moving company might sue me for the difference, in which case I wouldn’t be up fifty, I’d be down fifty. Keep it.” She grinned and stuffed it in her bikini top.
“Well, why don’t we trade phone numbers and emails, and we’ll see if I can’t make it up to you.” She flashed me a wide smile, so I traded phones with her, put in my number and email, and then we traded back. According to her nametag, her name was Kimiko, although on the phone, the new entry was just ‘Kimi’. I noticed her email was obviously fake, so I assumed both the home and cell numbers were, too. After all, no woman in her right mind would take the email address ‘Dumb.Asian.Fuckslave.36D.22.36@sluthut.com’ to save her life. Of course, I had to admit, if her top was full to the brim, the 36D-22-36 might be accurate...
“Rex Drake? Is that really your name?”
“Yes, why?” I said.
“Well, your name actually means something! It means ‘King of Dragons’. That’s kinda sexy, actually.”
“Yeah,” I sighed, “My parents had a weird sense of humor.”
“Had?” She asked.
“Yeah, my mom died when I was four, and my dad on New Year’s Day last year, right after his honeymoon with his second wife.”
“Oh my GOD! I’m SO sorry to hear that! Maybe I should make this up to you a couple of times!” Laughing, I picked up my collective purchases, and headed out the door. “Call me!” she shouted as the doors closed behind me.
Before I got back home, I stopped at a grocery store and got some paper bags to put the clothes in, and discarded the ‘Slut Hut’s’ monogrammed bags. No use letting everybody know where I’d been, because I’d never hear the end of it.
Once I got home, I headed up to my room and deposited the clothes there. I headed back down towards the first floor, toward the rec room. That’s when I heard something that chilled me to the bone.
“Like, ohmygod! Like, who the hell are you, and, like, what are you doing in my house?”
My stepsister was home three days early.
“Hi! Like, I’m BJ, and, like, Rex is, like, tutoring me in English.”
“Like, Rex isn’t even, like, here! His car’s, like, totally gone!”
“Well, duuuh! That’s cause I got word from a friend of a friend that, like, my dad got convicted again, so, like, I’m all ‘Rex could I, like, crash here for a while?’, and he’s all ‘maybe for one or two nights’, y’know? So, like, he went to get some of my clothes for me, while I, like, studied and stuff. I’ve, like, got a big make-up test coming, y’know? Of course, I’ve, like, really been rewatching last week’s Big Brother the whole time.”
“Rex is, like, such an easy mark.”
“So, then, like, Rex is all ‘You can, like, crash here for a while if you want,’ and I’m all, ‘Like, really? Okay, like, maybe for, like, a couple days’, right? And he’s all ‘stay as long as you want’.” BJ was really laying it on thick, and both Jessica and Bunny were swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.
“You did the right thing, Rex, but you should’ve asked me first,” Jessica said over the dinner table.
Two pizzas were providing our sustenence this evening, one of them vegetarian and the other pepperoni and jalapeno with extra cheese, although usually there was only one: vegetarian. With the extra mouth to feed, Jessica had relented and ordered a second, and even allowed me to get what I wanted on it.
Even when I win, I end up losing, I thought bitterly. Still, getting a decent pizza for a change as a consolation prize wasn’t a tremendously bad deal.
After dinner, as I was packing up the leftover pizza and sticking it in the fridge, I heard Jessica and Bunny ask BJ if she wanted to watch that night’s episode of Big Brother with them.
“Like, in a minute. I wanna check my email!” BJ walked up to me, and started whispering to me in low tones. “Rex, they treat you horribly. Why do you put up with it?”
“They’re family,” I replied, “besides, how they treat me is a reflection on them, not on me. They treat other people the same way.”
“If you could change that, would you?” she asked.
“Maybe for how they treat me. Not for how they treat everyone, because that would actually be changing them, which would be even worse than how they treat me. Does that help clear things up for you?” She nodded, smiling slightly.
Some time in the middle of the night, I was in my room playing a video game, when BJ opened my door and came in. She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, looking at me with a very serious expression. I saved my game, then clicked off the power to the Playstation 3 and the TV.
“Okay, it’s done,” was all she said.
“What’s done? Big Brother? Yeah, that should’ve been over several hours ago.”
“No! Not that!” BJ said in an impatient tone. “Changing Jessica and Bunny!”
“Changing them? What are you talking ab... ohhh!” At that point, I remembered the conversation in the kitchen. “I’m almost afraid to ask for a clarification.”
“Then allow me to demonstrate. Ask Jessica to come in here.”
“Hey, Jessica, can you come in here for a minute?”
“It’s the middle of the night, Rex. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait until morning.” Jessica said absently from her room down the hall.
“Now try Bunny,” BJ urged me.
“Bunny, can you come in here so we can talk?”
“Drop dead, Rex,” Bunny shouted at me.
“Doesn’t seem like they’ve changed much to me,” I told BJ.
“Well, they haven’t. Yet. The changes are set to occur, sort of like writing a computer program. However, I haven’t run the program yet. I just wanted you to see the differences in their demeanor before and after.”
“Okay...” I said, getting more curious by the second.
BJ closed her eyes for several seconds, then nodded. Opening her eyes, she smiled. “Okay, now try it.”
“Jessica, Bunny, I’d like you to come to my room.” I said. For a minute there was no response, then...
“Okay, just a minute, Rex!” Jessica replied.
“Sure thing, Rex!” Bunny said at the exact same time.
About five minutes later, both of them walked in and stood at the foot of my bed, looking expectantly at me with smiles on their faces.
“Now, don’t suggest that they do something, ORDER them to do it. Tell them to take off their clothing,” BJ said.
“Is that what this is about? Are you mad about having to wear clothes?” I asked her.
“No, of course not! But it should give you a good idea of the extent of the differences between how they were, and how they are.” I stared at BJ for a moment, then turned to Bunny.
“I don’t think you got bored on your trip with Damien. Tell me the real reason why you’re home early, the whole truth of it.”
“Damien’s been, like, sleeping with at least three other girls for, like, the whole time we’ve been together, and he’s been, like, recording it, every time we did it. I got on his laptop yesterday to check my email, and found his stash of homemade pornos by accident. That was all she wrote.”
“Jessica, tell me right now the real reason why you didn’t take my father’s name when you married him.”
“I only married him to get at his money. If I took his name, it would be like he owned a part of me. By God, I was using him, not the other way around!”
That certainly wasn’t news. A woman as gorgeous as Jessica wasn’t about to marry a guy like my dad for any reason but his money. It was just shocking to hear it. I felt a tide of rage rising, flowing over my reason, submerging it like an ocean could submerge a pebble.
“Jessica, from now on, your first name is Juggs, with two g’s, and your last name is Drake. Not only is that how you will refer to yourself, it is how you will think of yourself. You will remember having been Jessica Rabbit, but you will think, know, feel, and believe that you are no longer her. Now and forever more, you are Juggs Drake. In public, you will act as Jessica normally would have, save for completely following any orders I’ve given you since the moment you became Juggs, past, present, and future. When alone or only in the presence of me, BJ, your daughter, and anyone else that might end up being changed like you’ve been, you will act as your new, true self: my submissive, totally obedient fuckslave. Tomorrow, you’ll go down to the county courthouse and make your change of name legal and official. If anyone asks why you’re changing your name like this, you will tell them it’s a requirement written into my father’s will, that you have to change your name to retain access to my father’s wealth and possessions.” BJ giggled.
“Bunny, as of the moment that Jessica became Juggs, you were reborn as a new person, too. You will remember having been that other person, but you will think, know, feel, and believe that you are no longer her. Now and forever more, you are a new, different Bunny Rabbit. In public, you will act as that other Bunny normally would have, save for completely following any orders I’ve given you since the moment Jessica became Juggs, past, present, and future. When alone or only in the presence of me, BJ, your mother, and anyone else that might end up being changed like you’ve been, you will act as your new, true self: my submissive, totally obedient fuckslave. Now, both of you take off your clothes, right now!” I commanded them.
I don’t think they could’ve been naked any faster if their clothes had suddenly disintegrated!
Now in truth, Juggs and Bunny weren’t the vision of perfection that BJ is, but they’re definitely both one in a million, maybe even one in ten-million. Jessica had always claimed that her vibrant red hair was completely natural, and the tiny, heart-shaped patch of hair right above Juggs’s glistening slit seemed to bear out that statement. Bunny, on the other hand, was completely clean-shaven, save for a single errant hair off to one side. It seemed to bear witness to how her hair was naturally platinum blonde, but for some reason she dyed it a mousy brown.
Juggs was panting by now, and her huge tits were completely flushed. As I watched, fascinated, her chest began heaving, and a fine sheen of sweat began collecting into fat droplets that began to roll one-by-on down through the canyon between her mountainous mammaries. Her nipples had swelled to the size of large, rock-hard bullets, and were starting to leak small droplets of milk. Between her thighs, several trickles of pussy juice were sliding down each leg.
Bunny wasn’t much better off. She was biting her lower lip, and surreptitiously stimulating herself by mincing from one foot to the other in a slowly accelerating dance of lust.
“Well, well, well! It looks like the two of you are a little excited. What’s the story, Juggs?”
“Jessica hated being told what to do,” she gasped, “but since I’m not her anymore, I’m free to form my own opinions about stuff like that, and I really, really, really, REALLY like it when you tell me to do things, especially things that might lead to you fucking me.”
“Alright. Bunny, how about you?”
“Well, the other Bunny was a totally different story from Jessica. She loved being told what to do, she wanted it, needed it. She even loved carrying out whatever instructions she was told to do. She just loved not following the orders she was given even more than obeying, which is why she often seemed contrary.” I noticed right away that Bunny’s teenybopper accent was gone. “On the other hand, while I like being told what to do as much as she did, I like following orders even more than she liked disobeying them, and when I tried to resist a moment ago, I got this awful feeling. I felt afraid, confused, lost, nervous, empty. The more I resisted, the worse it got. The other Bunny may have been contrary, but I’m definitely NOT!”
BJ started talking. “Actually, that’s part of the program I wrote into their brains. They get a small dose of happiness and sexual pleasure when you give them orders and when they follow out those orders, and it goes away at one-tenth of the normal rate. Further, when they try to resist one of your orders, it activates every negative emotion they possess, except for the ones dealing with aggression.” I chuckled at that.
“Do they understand what’s been done to them?” I asked.
“No, that would be cruel. They think all the changes, including their willingness to be your slaves, are entirely of their own free will.”
“Wonderful. Can you do this to other people, too?”
“Pretty much anything but you within the orbital path of the largest planet in this star system. I could even do it to myself if you want. Unfortunately, it takes a couple of hours for each one, and I could only do about a dozen at a time, so I can’t do it to everyone on the planet. Who were you thinking of?”
“I wasn’t thinking of anyone in particular. Anybody but me within the orbit of Jupiter, huh?” I thought for a minute. Several people quickly came to mind, but just as quickly I weeded it down. “There’s a girl I met today. She works at the mall. Her name-”
“-is Kimiko Hart, she’s half Japanese and half German, but raised in the United States. And you suspect she already likes you. I’m starting on her now.”
“I’m not even gonna ask how you knew even more about her than I did.”
“You’re an unskilled psychogenic. You practically projected the image into my head. From the name tag, I saw her name was Kimiko, and that she works at Bunny’s favorite store. Knowing that, I looked in Bunny’s mind and found out everything Bunny knows about her, including where she lives. From that information, I was able to reach out and establish a link with her, and start the process.”
“Okay, that’s really creepy,” I told BJ. She shrugged.
“Alright, try again.” BJ said.
“Look, we’ve been at this for hours. You admitted yourself that this is a psychogenic ability that can usually be done on the first try, right?” BJ nodded. “That seems to suggest there’s a reason I can’t manage it. Right?”
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Oh, don’t give me that! It’s not like this is a game! It’s not like I’m a wizard or sorcerer trying to create a magic missile,” I said, waving my arm at the small rock we were using for target practice. As soon as I did, there was a ripple in the air from my hand to the rock, which exploded violently, leaving only a spray of sandstone chips and a slowly dissipating cloud of dust.
“That’s odd.” BJ scratched her head. It seemed like she was becoming more human by the minute.
“Well, it worked...” I said, “...finally...” I muttered under my breath.
“But that’s not the type of effect I was trying to get you to create.”
“I blasted the rock, just like you said!”
“I guess. Alright, let’s try it again. Try hitting that boulder.”
I stared at the boulder, went through the steps BJ had described, and for several minutes attempted to release my internal energies in a telekinetic blast. Finally I had to give up and admit defeat.
“I’m sorry, BJ, I think that last time must’ve been an accident. I mean come on, we’d have better luck wating for it to get hit by a lightning bolt!” I waved my arm again, and this time a massive discharge of electricity blasted a small chunk out of the boulder.
“That can’t be a coincidence,” I said.
“Still not the form we were expecting, but that’s most likely because you were thinking about lightning when it happened. Waving your arm must be a psychosomatic trigger. Prepare yourself again, and this time, when you’re ready, wave your arm at it.”
“Right,” I said, although there was something pushing at me from the back of my skull, something I was forgetting, or overlooking. I tried again. And again.
“Maybe you’re right, Rex. Maybe your mind is developed enough for uncontrolled results, but not to generate anything by conscious control.” She said, squatting down and picking up a scrap of stone from the boulder. One side was melted into glass. She stood up, then handed the rock to me. “It’ll make an interesting souvenir. I’ve finished Kimiko’s programming. You can trigger her whenever you want.”
“Yeah, thanks. Look, we’ve been at this so long, it’s already getting light.” As soon as I said that, the rock started glowing like a 100-watt lightbulb.
“Okay, this is getting ridiculous. It’s like whenever you end a sentence, the last word or two happen.” BJ said in digust. Suddenly, the gentle pushing at the back of my head gained all the force of a runaway freight train.
“What was that?”
“I said it’s like the last couple of words of every sentence-”
“Well say them again, and tell me what each one did.” BJ looked at me strangely. “Just humor me, okay?”
“Uuhhmm... the first was ‘magic missile’, when you created those little telekinetic orbs from your fingertips. Next was ‘lightning bolt’, when you-”
“Yeah, yeah, I can figure that one out.”
“Then you said ‘getting light’, and this rock... what’s so funny?” By now, I was laughing hysterically, maniacally. Was it really that simple?
“Do you know the meaning of Geas?”
BJ was quiet for a minute, then finally said “Nooo...” said it very, very slowly, in a classic, hypnotic monotone voice, and when I looked, her eyes were completely dilated. Just as I suspected.
She remained like that for several minutes. When she stopped, she blinked several times, then asked “What’s so funny? Wait, when did you stop laughing?”
“Last night you gave me a demonstration, now let me give you one.”
“Okay.” BJ nodded.
“Strip completely naked, then spread your feet shoulder width apart, lock your knees straight, bend over, and grab your ankles. Once you grab your ankles, don’t let go of them until after I give you permission. While you’re grabbing your ankles, smile and enjoy everything I do to you as much as you possibly can.”
“Okay.” She pulled off Bunny’s hot-pink outfit and thong, then bent over and grabbed her ankles. She looked up at me with an ecstatic smile. “Now what?”
In response, I walked around behind her and unzipped my shorts, releasing my rapidly inflating cock. I started stroking her legs, her ass, her back, her immense tits, and finally her clit. She came several times before I was done with the once-over, and at the time I suspect that if I’d waited much longer, she would’ve passed out from sheer overstimulation.
“Rex, please don’t make me wait any longer! I beg you! I can’t take it anymore! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh, please, FUCK MEEEEEEE!!!” BJ screamed as I plunged into her dripping pussy. I stroked in and out of her for at least ten minutes, while reaching forward to grope and tug on those perfect tits, squeezing them, kneading them, pinching the swollen nipples. I’m pretty sure most of her brain shut down as soon as I entered her, given the way her begging just became a series of animalistic squeals of pleasure and grunts of urgency. In her highly-developed brain, only the most primitive of animal instincts was still active: reproduction. This was no longer a super-genius super-psychic. She wasn’t even a slut. She was just a bitch in heat now, little more than a high-quality blow-up doll. And she loved every instant of it.
Once I finally blasted off inside her and pulled out, BJ began whimpering in discontent, then just stood there, bent over with her hands grabbing her ankles, my spunk leaking from her pussy, dripping straight onto the ground, as well as running down both legs. As soon as she regained enough brainpower to start talking again, I smiled.
“Alright, BJ, you can let go of your ankles now if you want.” She stayed there a moment, then...
“Um, again? It was good.”
“I know, but someone might see us if we stay out here much longer,” I reminded her.
“Don’t care! Wanna cum! Wanna CUM! Wannacumwannacumwannacumwannacum...” I’m not exactly sure how long she went on like that, but it was soon obvious she wasn’t going to stop of her own volition. I picked up Bunny’s discarded outfit, taking a couple of minutes to tweak BJ’s nipples and swollen clit, then finally ordered her to let go of her ankles and follow me inside.
“I think I understand now why humans are so obsessed with sex. That... interlude this morning was absolutely indescribable,” BJ said that afternoon in the rec room.
“Frankly, it’s not always that good. I psychogenically manipulated you into having a much better time than you should have had,” I admitted.
“Really? How did you manage that? You can’t even manage to use telekinesis reliably.”
“It’s a psychosomatic trigger, but it’s not the hands. It’s when the last words I speak are certain psychologically-charged words.”
“Oh, that makes sense. So how do we figure out what your triggers are?”
I reached into the bookcase next to the computer, and drew out a well-used book. I thumbed to page 192, then showed it to her, pointing to certain words.
“Light, Magic Missile, Lightning Bolt, Geas. Are you KIDDING? Are you saying this BOOK is your trigger?”
“Not just this one. This is just one of the three primary books out of dozens.” BJ stared at me, her jaw on the floor. She closed the book, glancing at the cover.
“Dungeons & Dragons, Player’s Handbook, Core Rulebook 1, Version 3.5“ BJ started thumbing through the book, going through the whole thing in a couple of minutes.
“Now, the effects described aren’t going to match exactly. For instance, the first effect I created isn’t supposed to affect inanimate objects. And yet, it blasted the rock to pieces.”
“Well, I suspect this creates a template in your mind of the general effect, then your subconscious mind applies your psychogenic abilities to duplicate those effectss as closely as possible.”
“Hmm. That makes sense. Oh, I just had a funny idea. Stand in front of the mirror, bend over and grab your ankles the way you did outside this morning, and let me try something.” BJ looked at me strangely but did as I asked, the mindless smile covering her face again as soon as her hands touched her ankles. I took out a pad of paper and a pencil from the computer desk, quickly writing down several paragraphs. When I was done, I looked at BJ and grinned.
“Hair Magic.”
“Hair Magic? What’s that supposed to.. WHOA!” BJ stared at her reflection, amazed to see that her hair was suddenly spilling all the way to the floor, Lady-Godiva-style. I concentrated, and it drew back up into a pageboy haircut, then flashed through several highly unnatural colors before settling on a vivid cobalt blue. Then it became long and straight, with the majority forming several large, thick tendrils that began whipping BJ’s ass, while a smaller pair of tendrils snaked down to tease her excited nipples while another such pair began teasing her engorged clit and slit. BJ was soon moaning in pleasure, cumming almost constantly. after a couple of minutes, I sighed.
“Okay, that’s enough.” With that, BJ’s hair morphed back to normal.”
“That was SO awesome! Are you going to fuck me now? I’d really love it if you tried my ass this time. I’d like to see how the feeling compares to when you took me in my-”
“Maybe in a minute, BJ.” She groaned in disappointment.
“How did you do that trick with my hair?”
“I created a new spell,” I told her, showing her what I’d written down:
Hair Magic
TransmutationLevel: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2Components: VerbalCasting Time: 1 free actionRange: Long (400 feet + 40 feet per level)Target: One creatureDuration: 1 hour per caster levelSaving Throw: NoSpell Resistance: No
For the duration of the spell, the caster gains complete control over the hair of the target. This includes anything that could reasonably be done with hair. For instance, color can be changed to any shade imaginable, length and/or shape can be controlled, and the hair can be animated as per Animate Object.
Also, if the caster creates a long, flowing covering over the entire body, it grants an armor bonus to Armor Class equal to half the caster’s level (+2 at 4th, +3 at 6th, etc.). Wielding it like a whip is also possible, using the normal characteristics for a whip in the Player’s Handbook.
The target’s hair returns to normal after the spell ends, unless the caster uses Heighten Spell to cast it as a 6th-level or higher spell, and specifically chooses to leave it in its new form, in which case all the changes still active at the end of the spell’s duration become permanent effects.
“I can’t believe that actually worked,” she muttered. “Wait a second. You used a Geas on me? What was it?” I chuckled.
“That’s just now occuring to you, huh? Okay, I suppose telling you about that is reasonable. The command for the Geas was that to the absolute best of your ability, you would completely and utterly fulfill any order, suggestion, task, job, or role I give you, without complaint, negative feelings towards me or what I have you do or be, or any unnecessary thought.”
“Are you serious?” BJ asked, her jaw once again on the floor.
“Yes. Now how do I trigger Kimiko?”
“All you have to do is get her to hear your name in your own voice. If you want, you can call her up on her cell phone and introduce yourself, or just leave her a voice mail on her home phone.” Soon, I was pounding in and out of BJ, while holding my cell phone to one ear.
“Hi, this is Kimi! How do you want to fuck me today?”
Okay... maybe her email WASN’T a joke...
“Hi, Kimiko? This is Rex Drake, we met yesterday at the Slut Hut. Remember me?”
I heard Kimiko muttering something incoherent in the background. “Of course I remember you! The muscly basketball player whose friend’s stuff got burned up, right?”
“Well, I’m not actually a basketball player, although I’m certainly tall enough. I’ll be getting off in a minute, and I was wondering if you would like to get together, maybe grab a bite to eat or something?”
“Sure! I’m about to get off pretty quick here, too. We can get something to eat, then maybe we can see if we can get off together. Where do you want to meet?”
Okay... so her email DEFINITELY wasn’t a joke...
“How about I pick you up out in front of the mall? There’s this Italian restaurant about a mile east of there that-”
“Ohmygod, that place is SO expensive! You don’t have to break out the big bucks for me, Rex!”
“Actually, my dad used to be the manager and part-owner of that particular restaurant in the franchise, so this time, I’m going to be providing the discount!”
“Cool! I’ll be waiting out front. Just look for the girl being arrested for public indecency. Or maybe prostitution. Fucks and kisses, bye!” There was the sound of a wet kiss, then a click as she disconnected.
Of course, truth be told, my dad actually owned the entire restaurant chain, and now it was mine. They would treat us like royalty, and I would get the credit with Kimi. Not that I would really need it, if the rewiring of her brain worked properly.
I blasted my load into BJ for the second time that day, then went to get ready for my date.
In the darkness, an eight-digited limb manipulated a computer interface, studying the readings that seemed to make no sense.
<<The human’s abilities are accelerating even faster than we feared. Not one human in a billion possesses the neural makeup necessary to develop psychic abilities, much less psionic abilities, to say nothing of the psychogenic. And yet this one jumped straight from being mundane to psychogenic in an instant, without any such neurological substructures.>>
||Our kind has long suspected the human race possessed hidden potential. This merely confirms our suspicions.||
\\Your kind suspected that of Earth’s cockroaches, too, and look how disappointing they’ve turned out to be!//
{{That’s ONLY because the appearance of the human species altered their evolutionary path-}}
[[Enough of your squabbling! ALL OF YOU,]] an unseen individual roared from the shadows. [[The reason the the Federation, the Empire, The Starlight Congress, The Lords of the Nine Dead Worlds, The Council of the Endless Night, the Interspecies Confederacy, and the Regency are all here under truce is to make sure that this human doesn’t represent the rise of a new Overmind, or infinitely worse yet, an entire RACE of Overminds! Yes, his abilities are impressively powerful, but without any measurable skill whatsoever. We don’t have enough information to make a definite conclusion yet, one way or the other. Proceed to phase seven, using the non-destructive invasion scenario.]]
Several voices raised questions and objections at the same time.
[[Have the Rianna do it. Their neurological and biological similarity to humans should give us a much clearer understanding of whether the the anomaly in the data represents a true indication of the focus of the human’s powers, or whether it is just that: an anomaly.]]
Over two dozen sets of optic organs turned to contemplate the three-dimensional graph being displayed before them. The massive spike in one particular area concerned all of them beyond words.
An airy, whispery, telepathic voice broke ito everyone’s contemplations with a thought even more chilling than the meaning of the graph.
##And what of the Onimari?##