The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© Mesmerr


Jamie remained three or four cars back always, keeping just out of sight of the driver’s side view mirror. Once he had thought she had seen him. When he’d been in the other lane the traffic had slowly crept forward until the traffic had brought his car to a halt right beside the back and white squad car. She’d turned and had looked right at him or through him as he had felt at the time.

Then the traffic had moved on, the lane of the police car moving faster than his own lane. They had soon pulled away. He had not wanted to get that close to her again and had travelled from then on always in the same lane as the black and white. He knew if she saw him again she would know, having seen him once already. Her suspicious police nature and memory would then quickly put two and two together and she’d know.

Jamie doubted if she’d recognised him, however, even though her dark brown eyes had flashed suspiciously and had seemed at the time to change colour to shining ivory black. His hair was longer now and it was a different colour, thanks to some hair dye, and besides, it had been five years ago. He also had a Mexican style moustache now.

Jamie had been following the police woman for almost two weeks now-just the remainder of this day and the weekend and he’d be finished his surveillance of her-he hoped.

From what he’d seen of her dealings with the public in those two weeks he knew she was as tough as she looked, and, as tough as he’d remembered her to be from personal experience.

And she looked tough. She also looked Mexican or Porto Rican. Her skin was a smooth golden brown and her face, although tough-looking and hard, was also attractive in its own Hispanic way. She had a thick bun of jet-black hair tied behind her head. Jamie imagined it would look good hanging full and free down her long naked back.

Similar to the other two women he had followed; Jamie discovered that the female police officer rarely did anything except go to work. When at home she stayed at home, except for her shopping trips on the weekend. He had yet to find a weak spot in her routines where she might be alone and or vulnerable.

Nevertheless, Jamie was confident. If he had to track her for longer than two weeks to find it, he would-of that there was no doubt in his mind at all.

He glanced at his watch-almost five o’clock. He had followed the black and white back to the police precinct and was now waiting for her to exit the police car park in her own little car, an old beat up Mustang.

Within ten minutes she drove out, almost right on time, but surprisingly she turned left instead of right toward the side of town where she lived. Caught unawares and parked facing in the wrong direction Jamie had to move quickly, but with the traffic it was still a good five minutes before he could see her car up ahead of him in the lane as it slowed for the traffic lights.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he moved his car out of the line of sight of her side rear view mirror and hid behind a larger vehicle. He wondered which way she would turn, if any as he waited, watching both sides ahead of him for any sign of her as the traffic began to move forward. There was no sign of her going left or right which meant she was going straight ahead.

After a few minutes he moved his car sideways and then he saw her. He moved back out of her line of sight.