The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Pentagrams, Paws, and A Familiar Desire

Hey there, horny readers!

A few things to go over before the story begins!

First off, this was a commission I was paid to write for db-mistery over on Furaffinity! While it’s not required reading to enjoy this story, it would be remiss of me to not mention that this story is meant as a stand-alone sequel to a comic db-mistery’s character Pandora was in. If you’re curious about that, you can read it here.

Second, this story is part of my yearly StockingStuffer event, where I upload at least one bit of content every day to my online presence on the furry part of the Internet. There’s a number of things that I’ve uploaded that won’t make it’s way here because it’s not the right sort of content for this site, and stuff that IS the right sort of content that I just never uploaded here, so if you want more from me, find my whole collection of works here.

Finally, if you like what I’ve written and want to encourage me to write more, please consider donating to my Kofi. Thank you, every little bit helps!

With all that in mind, enjoy the story!

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“Ok, so this won’t go like last time…”

Pandora sat on the floor of his room, cross-legged, facing a large circle drawn onto the floor using a phosphorescent, green powder. “I’ve put in the time to research the proper circle structure and identify a specific demon to summon and enslave.” He gazed down at the construct he’d drawn on the floor. Calling it a “circle” was a term of convenience, but in reality what the would-be summoner had created was more akin to a complex pattern of swirling lines and drawn runes, nested between an inner and outer circle. A pentagram of salt had been drawn overlapping the entire thing, the white powder contrasting with the green of the circle itself. “I’ve double-checked every rune and shape for perfection.” The scaled creature hissed, a forked tongue flicking out of his mouth. “I know the proper invocation and I’ve practiced it so that I won’t mispronounce anything in the middle of the ritual.” Behind him, he felt his tail curling around his body. A second forked tongue flicked out from the tip of it. “There’s no chance of a breach of containment, and I’m the only person here, so if the demon has less people to try and manipulate.”

That had been the big mistake last time, Pandora had concluded.

He and two friends had attempted a summoning, with the intent of binding an infernal being to their service. It had been a collaborative effort, and one that was doomed to failure. Their Summoning Circle had been drawn with flaws and imperfections in the design that would allow an infernal entity’s power and influence to bleed out into the world around it. Instead of trying to summon a specific demon who they had studied ahead of time, the trio had simply tried an untested, unfocused invocation meant to summon any single demon who couldn’t resist its influence. What they’d gotten instead was a host of lusty infernal beings who wasted no time finding a breach in the arcane construct meant to contain them… and then took their time breeding all three of their would-be masters to assert their superiority, leaving the trio with fuzzy, ensorcelled minds, bodies covered in runic tattoos implying ownership, and holes dribbling out tainted demonic cum.

Not to mention the metal shackles etched with glowing green symbols sealed around parts of their bodies.

At that thought, Pandora stood up to look at his own remnant symbols. The scaled being rustled his brown robe, pulling it up away from his tail so he could gaze upon it: the full length of his appendage covered in scales. The underside with pale tan scales, like the underbelly of a reptile, while the upper part gleamed with metallic gray scales studded with black rectangles of differing sizes. It rippled with muscles, flexing and twitching as the tip of the creature’s tail turned to gaze up at him, flicking a forked tongue. As Pandora gazed down at his tail, a snake’s head gazed back up at him. It shared his slitted, neon blue irises and black sclera, and the matching blue of their forked tongues. Yet around the head, worn like a pet’s collar, was that metal shackle. Glowing mint symbols, letters of some devils’ alphabet Pandora had yet to translate, hummed and throbbed gently as he appraised it, as if the restraint knew somehow it was being considered.

Pandora sighed as he reached down to push the shackle away from his tail’s head, down towards the base of his tail, until it was tight enough to grip against his scales and stay there. “The worst part was that it was actually kind of hot, being at their mercy.” He said to his snake head, which hissed up at him. “Oh don’t you start with that!” Pandora’s response was a growl. “This is NOT a ‘demonic booty call’!” Watching the snake-tail’s eyes roll, Pandora stomped a footpaw against the ground, black raptor talons clacking against it. “You’re just grumpy because you don’t like that shackle up against your neck. You don’t see me complaining about the ones on my wrists, do you? Besides, I didn’t see you trying to fight the demons when they were lifting you up to push their cocks into—”

The thought made the scaled summoner’s face flush. “W-well, it doesn’t matter because it isn’t going to happen this time.” At that statement his tail gave a hiss that sounded suspiciously skeptical to Pandora’s ears. In response, he let go of the bunched-up folds of his robe, the fabric sliding back down along his snake-tail. Turning to gaze towards a table loaded with spell components, he reached up to play with some gold bands piercing each end of his right ear. Earrings attached on either side of it ran along the purple-pink flesh of the inner ear. “All I need now to begin the summoning is a pinch of Spanish Lujuria Oil smeared on my fingers…” He reached out to a tin of a pale white substance, thick and greasy and just barely a liquid, and ran two fingers along the surface, leaving grooves. His black fingers were coated in the white oily ooze as he turned to walk back towards the ritual circle he’d drawn. “Now is the time.” Sitting down and crossing his legs again, Pandora reached up to draw a symbol in the white oil along his forehead. And then a matching symbol, tiny yet important, between the inner and outer circles before him.

Casting aside all distractions, Pandora began the Invocation, his voice as stiff as iron, as disciplined as a spanked toddler.

“Nunc te appello, magne hedonismi daemon.”

Spreading around him, Pandora felt a growing tension.

“Tu pacta vetusta ligata, vocatus responde!”

It was almost like he’d dived into a pool of water the same temperature as the air around him. A shift from one fluid to another. The air’s pressure pushing down a bit harder against his scales.

“Trahe vos nunc ab ipso inférno ad hanc, terram viventium…”

Every word he spoke seemed to increase the pressure. Before Pandora’s eyes, the faint glow of the green powder circle seemed to brighten, the light it shed growing in intensity. Within the pentagram of salt, small flashes of lightning erupted, jumping seemingly from one spot to the next. Though he was trying to focus, Pandora couldn’t fully suppress his excitement. It was working!

“Capti hic voluntate, procul a domo tua infernali.”

It WAS working. Within the center of the circle, overlapping with the center of the pentagram, a mote of mint green light was forming. And growing. Looking less like a single dot of light and more like a small swirling spiral, almost like a whirlpool. Green energy churned and roiled at the edges of it, sloshing away like seafoam as the center point grew and grew in diameter. As it swelled wider and wider, Pandora couldn’t help but gaze at what lay beyond. This was a rift. A literal tear in the fabric of reality, made by his will. It seemed to almost have a pull on his head, as if the symbol he’d drawn in smeared white oily ooze was trying to pull itself towards the rift. Easily resisted, but this arcane gravity was still strong enough to be noticed.

“Meae erunt tuae compedes, vincula reditu tuo negantes!”

And with that, the spell was done. From the frothing energy at the edge of the rift, Pandora watched as translucent chains of emerald grew, plunging into the rift he had crafted, darting out into the distant, barren, stony environment his instructors of magic had once told him was known only as Sheol. The chains stretched further and further, before freezing tight, as if they’d hit a limit of length. With a sound like thousands of fingers snapping at once, the spectral chains began to retract, the motion going faster and faster. As Pandora watched, his eyes widened in fascination. Already, this was entirely unlike the summoning he’d performed before, with his friends. Before, demons had simply stepped through a gate, as if they’d already been prepared for it to open.

What was happening now was that some entity, merely a speck in the distance of Sheol, was being pulled towards him with the velocity of an arrow fired out of a bow. As it grew larger and closer, Pandora could hear the creature shouting something. A single phrase, like some chanted word of power.

“Faex faex faex faex faex faex!”

Yet the word was not spoken with confidence or poise; rather to Pandora’s ears it almost sounded like the voice was dripping with desperation. Or frustration. The chanted word grew louder and louder as the creature was yanked towards the rift, until it became obvious to the scaled summoner that the demon he’d called was shouting a single word, over and over again. Though Pandora had no idea what the word meant, the context made the meaning obvious. Especially as the infernal creature was yanked through the rift, spectral shackles clasped around their wrists, ankles, and neck. The hole in reality snapped shut with a loud CRACK a moment later, the chains vanishing as the creature landed within the center of the Summoning Circle.

While it gasped for breath, writhing on the floor within the circle like a fish choking out of water, Pandora looked down at it, not sure how to feel. He’d never seen a demon of this sort before: distinctly mammalian in appearance; covered in black patchy fur with a ring of red fuzz that ended in a puff of white at the tip of a long ropey tail of black and gray. A mane of similarly white fur ran between two long, straight crimson horns bursting out of the demon’s head, going down the creature’s neck and framing a second pair of curled carmine horns, like those of a ram. Between each curled horn was a gray, fuzzy ear that blossomed out into a teardrop shape that grew larger the further away from the creature’s skull each ear got. Though the creature was slender in build, almost scrawny, Pandora could see muscle rippling underneath a dull charcoal underbelly of fuzz along his summoned demon’s stomach. As the creature stood up on blood-red hooves, no clothing obscuring it’s nudity, the scaled summoner could see it’s whole body was coated in different colors of fur: deep black and dark gray and off-white painted it’s muzzle as his newly summoned demon snarled and growled at him. The unworldly being’s arms were jet black, but that ended in pure white fluffy fur along it’s shoulders, giving way to more gray fur that faded in color to become white along the creature’s plump bubble butt. One of the creature’s hands covered its crotch as it gazed around the room. A moment later and it began to pace around its prison, tail thrashing in irritation, before turning to glare at him once more.

“Doth ye—” It stopped, forehead wrinkling, then spoke again.. “—Do you have any idea what you interrupted?” The goat-demon bleated, before giving a disdainful snort and narrowing two square-pupiled, red eyes to pierce him with a judgemental gaze. “Of course you don’t. That summoning invocation left no provisions for consent or courtesy, much less compensation. Typical mortal arrogance, pulling someone out here against their will without even so much as a warning ahead of time.” The voice was masculine, and between that and the shape of the creature, Pandora supposed it must be male. His thoughts only lingered on that concept for a moment before the scaled summoner heard his tail-head hiss and snarl at the bound creature.

He shared its sentiment. “Oh, oh, a DEMON is lecturing me about violating consent? After what your lot did to me last time?!?” The scaled summoner thrust a paw towards one of the metal shackles along his wrists. “Like any of you give a shit about that! You’d fuck me over in a second if I didn’t have you trapped in that circle.” Behind him, his tail hissed, baring its fangs as the snake head narrowed its gaze at the demon. Pandora glared at the tattoos burnt onto his scaly hide, as if a reminder of his previous humiliation.

His summoned demon’s white eyes went wide as it processed the information given to it in the exchange. “Oh! I hadn’t even stopped to read the runes of shame tattooed on your—” Pandora growled. A smirk creased the goat-demon’s muzzle. “Hah! Did some of my brethren break their bindings and show you how we party downstairs?” That infuriating smirk only grew wider. “Well this won’t take long then.”

Pandora opened his muzzle just wide enough to bare his fangs, his snake-headed tail mimicking the motion. “Oh, I’ve spent a lot of time learning from my mistakes, you half-assed excuse for a Baatezu!”

A playful scoff escaped the bound demon’s lips, as he put a paw to his chest, his other paw still covering his crotch. “Half-assed?!?” Indignation dripped from the word as the infernal caprine turned his backside to his summoner. “I’ll have you know that my rear end is both quite full and pillowy, and a pleasure to fuck, thank you! See for yourself!” With a snort, the demon lifted his tail and reached back to grip both cheeks, gently parting them and flashing Pandora a glimpse of his pucker. “‘Baatezu’, pfff, as if one of those bastards could ever hope to have a rear end this comfortable. Have you tried fucking one of those scaley armored bastards? It’s like putting your cock in a tube lined with sandpaper!”

Something about the creature’s rant only seemed to rile Pandora up more, his gaze locked on the demon’s rear end as it pointed at him. His mind felt fuzzy. Annoyed, but a bit fuzzy.

And somehow the demon he’d summoned picked up on his irritation. “Oh, right, you’ve got scales covering your rump too, don’t you?” The scowl on the demon-goat’s muzzle turned into an amused smirk as he turned back to face his summoner again, keeping his cock covered. “Makes sense why you’d summon a pleasure demon like me, then! Who would actually want to fuck an uncomfortable, rigid, scaley ass like that? Aww, do you need some demon-dick because no one else would hump you if you lifted your tail, is that what this is about?”

The phrase ‘demon booty call’, echoed through Pandora’s mind as he sputtered. “I’ll have you know that my scales are soft and supple down there, thank you very much! Any partner would love the feel!”

Sticking his tongue out, the demon narrowed his eyes, square red irises locking with Pandora’s own pair. “Oh? Why don’t you come in here and show me then!” With a flourish, the demonic goat pulled his paw away from his cock, revealing a blackened shaft nearly six inches long, the cock rising in the air and leaking a pale white precum that smeared along the head of it.

At the sight of that cock, rising between the creature’s thighs, Pandora felt his mouth getting a bit dry. His face was hot as he snarled. “F-fine! I will!” Pandora stomped forward, another footstep towards the circle. He was going to show that smug hellish bastard. He’d just get in there and-

And then he thought twice. “Wait… you’re trying to get me to break the circle!” Taking a step back, the summoner stared down at where he’d stomped. “You tricky son of a bitch!” Just a half an inch closer to his prisoner and he’d have broken the circle and released the demon within.

“Damn.” The infernal caprine heaved a sigh, smirk fading from his snout. “Well, it was worth a shot.” The creature swayed his hips again. “Alright, out with it. What will it take for you to unsummon me? I was in the middle of a good fuck and if an incubus doesnt bust a nut at least once a day we kind of go a little bit insane.” He snapped his fingers a few times, as if prompting Pandora. “Wealth? Hell-spells? Burning those tattoos of shame my kindred left off your scaly hide?” He swayed his hips again. “Come on, out with it.”

The demon-goat’s gyration caused his cock to bounce against his thigh, a few speckles of glistening precum flying forward to spatter against the ground just in front of the demon’s cloven feet. Pandora’s eyes were tracing the cock as it settled back down between his captive’s thighs. He licked his lips before he could gather his thoughts. “Oh, r-right!” Yes, he had prepared his demands ahead of time. Thrusting a hand forward, he pointed at the extraplanar being. “Demon! First, I command—”

Midway through his speech, the demon coughed, planting a hand on his hips, before tilting it to one side. “Yeah, my name’s Yuri, buddy. Not ‘demon’.” His shaft bounced again, smushing against the fur on his right thigh.

Pandora’s gaze was drawn to it. Watching those six inches of goat cock smear a bit of precum along Yuri’s fuzzy thigh. “I- Yuri, I command you to—”

“And my eyes are up here.” Yuri pointed out in a blase tone, pointing up at his horned skull with the same hand he’d had planted on his hip. “At least look a guy in the eyes when you’re extorting him, come on. Must I be subjected to summoner amateur hour here?” Perhaps to adjust his body for comfort, the demon unswayed his hips to stand back up straight.

And that meaty cock squirmed and bounced against Yuri’s thighs again.



Filled with infernal cum…

Pandora licked his lips with a forked tongue.

“Hello?!?” Yuri said, increasingly irritated.

The sound made the scaled summoner jerk his head back up. “I wasn’t looking at your thighs! I mean eyes! I mean—” Sputtering, Pandora tried to gather his thoughts back up as the snake head on his tail kept watching the demon’s motions. Why was the demon’s cock so fascinating to him? “I MEAN I was going to look at your eyes.” It was like some kind of spell was luring his gaze back downwards towards that flaccid shaft of wonderful meat. But that should have been impossible. The Ritual Circle kept any demonic magic from getting out of it, and Pandora didn’t see any breaches that would’ve broken the circle and stopped its protections from functioning. Keeping his gaze firmly locked on Yuri’s head, Pandora tried again. “Anyway… for my first demand—”

Pandora began speaking, but as he began to go down the list of demands, he watched as Yuri’s goatlike eyes scanned up and down his own body. For a creature who had insisted on eye contact, he wasn’t bothering with it himself. Suddenly, the demon thrust his hips forward.

And Pandora’s neck immediately tilted, his eyes following the motion of that shaft. “W-what are you—” His tail kept watching Yuri’s odd dance, slitted eyes glazing over.

Suddenly the infernal caprine swayed his gray hips to one side, that delicious sausage hanging above his demonic balls bouncing again.

Pandora’s eyes moving, watching it, on pure instinct. “I can’t—” beneath his robe, the scaled summoner felt his cock twitching.

“I can.” The demon chuckled. “Can figure it out, I mean. They didn’t just get into your body, they got into your head.” Yuri was grinning again, that smug smirk widening as he began to sway those hips of his back and forth.

Back and forth.

In front of Pandora’s eyes. “Some kind of lust magic. I bet they made you uncontrollably horny for demons, didn’t they?” As he swayed his hips, the demon’s cock was stiffening, making it bounce back and forth.

Back and forth.

Before Pandora’s eyes. Demanding his attention, as it twitched and another spurt of precum spattered out through the air in front of it. “Something that’s lingering on you even now. Weaker, but it’s still lurking in the back of your mind, ain’t it? Maybe it even convinced you that summoning all by yourself was a good idea!” He cackled. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was that, at least. Mortals aren’t always turned on by more alien anatomy, so a spell to drive someone to mindless lust for demons just to cut through the bullshit that is mortal sexual preferences is a pretty useful trick. Hard to fuck a cocky summoner with your two prehensile dicks if the mortal is struggling the whole time because they’re grossed out, you know?” It was hard for Pandora to listen to Yuri with the goat demon’s cock bouncing like that. “Just relax, little mortal.” Pandora just had to relax. To stop listening so hard to what Yuri was telling him, and just watch that big waving cock as Yuri swayed back and forth. He felt his jaw sliding open, a bit of drool dribbling down his scaled chin, but Pandora found that the longer he watched Yuri shaking his body like a boy bellydancer, the less he cared.

“I think I’ll call this hip-nosis.” The demon cooed. “You like my big floppy cock, don’t you?”

The tightness between Pandora’s thighs twitched at that statement. “Y-yeah.” Nearby, his snake-headed tail hissed in agreement.

Yuri grinned. “Let’s try something.” Once more, the demon shifted his position, turning his backside to wave his ass at the scaled summoner. That fluffy backside was jiggling back and forth. “Do you like my pert, plump ass?”

Back and forth.

Pandora did. Instead of responding with words, however, he reached down to grope at his cock through the robe.

“Mmm… thought so. It’s not just my cock the spell’s driving you wild for, is it? It’s anything about my infernal bod that you sexualize.”

The demon’s words went in one of Pandora’s ears and popped out the other. The summoner’s black and green eyes glazed over as he watched the motions of the demon’s body, his snake tail twitching as it watched the demon’s ass bounce back and forth.

Back and forth.

“So what else do you like, my silly little summoner?” Yuri turned back, moving a hand to one of his ears. “My ear?” The demon waggled it back and forth with his fingers.

As he groped it, Pandora just frowned, moving his hand away from his cock. “I… uhhhh…”

“Whoops, clearly not.” The demon-goat began to sway his hips again, and Pandora’s gaze locked back on that delicious, meaty cock as it bounced and spurted. “Mmm, is it really just my cock and ass? How vanilla. Let’s try again.” He lifted a leg. “What about my little cloven hooves?” The demon-goat waved them back and forth, the red things dancing before Pandora’s vision.

But the summoner felt his mind starting to clear. Stirring in his trance, he shook his head. “I’m not into… hooves… ugh… hard to think…”

At that, Yuri snickered. “Not into ‘hooves’ huh? That’s an obvious tell. Tell you what…” As the demon lowered their leg and started swaying their hips again, Pandora’s eyes locked back on that demon’s cock. The trance bringing his mind back to that single-minded focus on the demon’s body once more. “...did you know incubi and succubi were shapeshifters? The form you see us in is usually just the one we prefer. But if YOU prefer something other than hooves at the ends of my legs, that’s hardly a deal breaker.” The demon gave a snort, as he lifted his leg once more, his hips stopping their gyrating.

Before Pandora’s eyes, the demon’s blood-red hooves began to shudder, pulling themselves inward. Reshaping before the summoner’s eyes. Hard edges becoming thick, puffy red pads and black furred toe beans struggling to contain them. A small set of claws pushing out of each one. In a matter of moments, the demon’s body warped hooves had been replaced by a pair of wolf-like paws. Yuri twitched and wiggled them. “Do you like paws then?” He was wiggling those swollen toe beans back and forth.

Back and forth.

As Pandora shuddered, feeling his cock spurt as he painted the crotch of his robe with precum. His own paw was covering the growing dark spot, but only because he was groping himself watching. “G-gaaawww…” Nearby him, his snake headed tail was drooling as he huffed, a wave of heat washing over him as those pawpads twitched within his frame of vision.

“Yup. There’s the little buried kink.” Yuri snorted, balancing on one leg as he held his padded paw up for Pandora to keep watching. “You want to feel them? I bet you do.” The demon’s tone grew a bit more cloying. “Come on, they’d feel amazing against your face, wouldn’t they? All squishy and soft but firm in all the right ways… Or maybe you’d love them pushed against your little head instead? The cock or the tail’s head… heehee. Why don’t you come take a closer look?” That paw gently swayed back and forth.

Back and forth.

Within Pandora’s vision, as the scaled summoner took a step forward, smacking his foot into the drawn circle of green powder. Ruining it. He groaned, taking another step forward as he squeezed his cock through the fabric of the robe, crossing the threshold of the pentagram and into the space where Yuri had been trapped.

“Hah! I knew that wouldn’t take long. Just call me a snake charmer!” The infernal caprine cackled. “I could flay the flesh from your bones right now, you know. Or use my own magic to break your mind a dozen different ways. But you were a good boy and didn’t put up THAT much of a fight… and like I said, if an incubus doesn’t bust a nut once a day, we get a bit crazy.” The demon goat narrowed his eyes. “So let’s make your punishment a reward as well. For both of us…”

That paw pushed into Pandora’s face, the blood-red pad squishing against the summoner’s cheek. The sensation felt amazing. On instinct, Pandora sniffed at it, his mind taking in hints of sweat, musk, and brimstone. With a groan, he stroked at his own cock in mindless lust, while Yuri’s paw pushed him down on his back.

“You like that, snake? You like a demon’s thick paw on your face?” Yuri was openly stroking his own shaft as well, his square irises glowing with an ominous light. “Why don’t you show me how much you do? How addicted you are to demon paw.” He growled down at Pandora. “Put that tongue of yours to work, snake.”

“Y-yesssss sssssir…” Pandora hissed, surprised at his own submission. The trance was beginning to fade as other sensations dragged his attention away, but even though he felt like he should CONSIDER resisting the demon’s commands… he didn’t. It seemed unthinkable to do anything other than what Yuri was ordering him to do. And what he was ordering the other male to do was open his muzzle wide, flicking out his tongue as each part of it curled around a toe bean. The salty funk on it made Pandora shudder with delight, as he pulled his muzzle down onto it, sucking and slurping at one part of the paw, and then another. Using his tongue and getting it damp with his saliva. A moment later, and Pandora felt his lips and tongue touching another. His tail’s head had joined in on the fun, the snakehead opening wide and licking at the demon goat’s footpaw the same as he was! The two entwined their forked tongues around one of the spaces between toes, savoring the taste. Above him, he could hear his New Master Yuri huff.

“Faex…” This time, the word sounded less angry. “You both love a good paw, don’t you?” The demon shuddered, his paw dancing down his own cock. “Mmm… Two heads are better than one at being thorough, it seems.. Between each toe too. Oh, that tongue feels like a taste of heaven before I head back to hell.” The goat demon shuddered, his precum dribbling down along the stomach of Pandora’s robe. “Let’s go a bit further, shall we? Tear that pointless overcoat off of you.”

With no hesitation at all, Pandora ripped his robe open, revealing his slender, twinky body in all its glory as he sucked and slurped at the demon’s other footpaw. His slender cock, smaller than his masters, jutted upwards, throbbing and drooling in the chill air.

A cackle escaped his new master. “Naked under that robe, huh? Guess I was right. You showed up ready to get fucked. I probably didn’t even need to sabotage the summoning, you would’ve done it for me at some point!” As Pandora sucked on a toe, he saw Yuri tilt his gaze towards the other male’s shaft. “Mmm… I think I know how to milk a bit more delicious lust out of you…” The lust-demon leaned forward, pulling his paw out of Pandora’s mouth to push down on his cheek, standing there, as the demon’s other footpaw moved downward along Pandora’s body, just above him. Before pushing down against his cock.

Pandora could feel every pad on that paw still soggy with his own saliva squishing into his drooling cock. His fluids intermingling on the footpaw as it rubbed up and down, making his snake head hiss in delight. The twink arched his back and shut his eyes to focus on that sensation; a spurt of precum jetting up as he felt those pads tracing along the head of his shaft. Almost as if it were rehearsed, Pandora felt his tail rising up, the snake-head burying its face between the demon’s butt cheeks to lick at Yuri’s tailhole.

“Ooooh! Ah, t-that’s a good boy.” The demon-goat cooed, arching his back and putting his bottom against the snakehead on Pandora’s tail. “That forked tongue getting me all worked up without even prompting me!” He groaned, Master Yuri’s dick swelling and drooling in front of Pandora’s eyes. “But this isn’t the easiest position to balance on. So let’s just get me a bit more comfortable… point your head right up, my little pet mortal, pull your tail out from between my nethers, and stare at me.” The command was another that seemed almost impossible for Pandora to question. He pulled his snake tail away, tilted his head up, and his eyes flicked back open just in time to see Yuri’s gray and white creamy ass descending down upon his face. The pillowy, fluffy thing smothering him as he felt the other male’s pucker pushing up against his mouth.

“Aaah, that’s better.” Yuri cooed. “Ooo, your scales actually don’t feel that bad there, heh. Much more gentle than a Baatezu’s hide!” The demon let his tail droop again, wrapping it around Pandora’s head while he stretched his leg out. “Eat out my ass, my pet… let’s see if you can make me moan before I make you spurt.”

That paw, slick with several of Pandora’s secretions, returned to Pandora’s own cock. The demon’s other paw had moved down to rub at the head of the summoner’s tail, which shuddered with a blissful hiss. “I don’t even need to use my paws, much less let you fuck me.” Yuri growled, as Pandora’s tongue flicked against his new master’s tailhole. “You’re such a pawslut you’ll spurt just by the feeling of these thick pads pushing onto your meat, won’t you Snake?” Soon, Pandora’s master blessed him with a second footpaw pushing against the snake’s shaft. Both paws squeezed his cock on either side, hugging it like the bread on a sandwich.

Yuri’s attention to his cock only made Pandora more eager to pleasure the demon goat. He played with the other male’s tailhole, kneading at the flesh of it, rubbing his face back and forth against the flesh donut. Stretching it. Kneading at it. Occasionally he felt his demonic master shudder, and took a bit of pride in that. But he didn’t hear the moan Yuri had challenged him to earn.

Which was bad, because Pandora really needed to cum. He could feel those two thick, squishy paws pumping his dick on either side, stroking up and down. Playing with him. Each pump sending another wave of pleasure up his spine. Making his breathing hotter and heavier, as he pleasured his master while feeling the demon pleasuring him.

After another moment, it was all too much. Pandora shuddered, his body and tail going stiff, before he felt his load erupt out of him. Bright white cum spurting up like a geyser. Though he couldn’t see it, Pandora could feel the hot white load dribbling down through his master’s paws, soaking into the fur as Yuri milked his shaft. Beneath that fuzzy ass, Pandora was huffing and puffing, struggling to breath through the flesh and fur smothering him.

And the demon cackled. “Guess I win that little game. You’re such a cute sub, maybe I won’t return to Sheol just yet…” His new master paused, as Pandora felt his vision blurring and blacking out at the edges. “No no, don’t pass out yet, pet.” Suddenly the ass was lifting off of him, as Pandora watched Yuri stand back up, his footpaws covered in sticky white semen from the cock he’d just milked.

The sight of them like that made Pandora lick his lips.

“Flip over, pet… You’ve earned your treat for being my willing slave.” Yuri giggled. “But now Master is going to claim you properly.”

The only thing that made Pandora resist was the desire to keep staring at those deliciously sexy footpaws. But with a pout, he rolled over.

And found his ass being spread, a cock sliding along his smooth, soft ass-scales, pushing against his hole. Yuri made his slut moan, Pandora unable to keep quiet as he felt the demons’ six inches pushing inside him. Sliding within his rump, thrusting back and forth. Unlike before, there was no teasing. No foreplay. This wasn’t for pleasure, but dominance. Each thrust of the demon goat’s cock inside him another reminder of where Pandora belonged: Under his master’s paw. Beneath his master’s cock. With his tail’s head slipping back into Master’s cheeks to rim the goat-demons’ tailhole obediently.

Why had he ever thought he was fit to be a summoner?

That odd thought that filled his mind, as if Yuri had somehow pushed it there himself, was punctuated by a moan from behind Pandora. The infernal caprine shuddered, tensing up, and pumped his load into the scaled summoner’s rear end. Pandora felt himself flooded with demon seed.

And on some level? It felt nostalgic.

For a moment, Yuri hesitated. And Pandora, still bathing in the afterglow from his footjob, wondered if they were done.

“Oh no no no… we’re not done…” Yuri cackled, as if he’d been reading Pandora’s thoughts. “I just needed a moment. But I’m going to outlast you, pet. Exhaust you. I want you waking up just as you did the last time a demon made you their bitch: With a sore ass leaking my cum. So we’ve got a long, hard night ahead of us…”

* * *

Pandora woke up, his stomach bloated, his ass sore. The bedsheets of the bed he’d somehow found his way onto smelled like the set of a pornography, and were moist with spunk. Had he been leaking out Yuri’s seed all night?

And where was the demon, anyway?

Confused, the scaled summoner pushed bedsheets off of his bed.

Only to find himself wearing a bright pink dress, underneath it all.

The words “Demon’s bitch” written on the front of them in bright red cursive letters made of thread.

As Yuri left his own kind of mark on the summoner who had been claimed twice by the demons he sought to bind.