The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By Arel Gaze


The next morning was Saturday. I had been through the emotional mill. My wife had fucked my sort-of friend, she had made me a hypnotic slave, I had screwed two women at her direction (or, at least, I had screwed two women, one of them at her direction), and she had turned into a raving hypno-dominatrix. Now she had achieved her desire to try to do something about her family’s lack of grandchildren, and had told us all that the two lesbians would be back next month if the impregnation session didn’t take.

For now, though, she had no inhibition. What would her next desire? I had a dream that night. A line of men stood, backs to a wall all around a room. Lakshmi uncovered her tits and make a ballet pirouette. As her tits pointed at each man, he instantly fell into a trance and his clothes disappeared. All their dicks stood up straight, all huge. I was among the men. Lakshmi sort of floated across the room to impale her pussy on one of them, pump once, withdraw, and float to the next man. Somehow, she never got to me.

It was with some fear that I asked her, “What’s up for this morning?”

“I really don’t know. I’m not sure what I want. There’s something, though.”

She said something I can’t remember, and the next thing I know I was spreading jelly on my empty palm. “Lick it!” she ordered. I found I had to obey, so she had obviously done something hypnotic. But she hadn’t been very specific in that order, so first I rubbed my palm over one of her breasts and licked the jelly off that.

She found that a lot of fun.

“Ari, I know what I want.”

Excitement and dread filled me in equal measure.

“I don’t want to play any games, but I want wild hypnotic sex. More than anything else I want to be totally hypnotized by you, to have you in total control.”

I suddenly realized that this was a posthypnotic suggestion that I had made last Saturday, before I had made her into the ultimate irresistible hypno-dom dancer. “You’re going to have to hypnotize me and tell me that I really can have total freedom,” I told her.

“I’ve already done it, jelly-breath.”

Of course she had. When she had hypnotized me at the breakfast table.

She put her hand to the side of her head, Karnak-style. “Ari, remember and unblock.”

Instantly, I commanded, “Dreamy, floaty place. Dreamy floaty place.”

Her face went blank. She was under. After all, it was what she wanted most right then ... to have me totally dominate her hypnotically.

I got to work and removed all the triggers, and had her hypnotize me and remove all her triggers. I let her remember only small parts, like the good clean stripping and hot sex of ViveBot Unit SX-69, and that she had hypnotized me and Diana and Siva. I told her, and made her accept calmly, that I had been compelled to fuck Diane, also. As far as she knew, we just agreed that hypnosis could be dangerous when messed with, and too addictive when indulged too often.

So once she was freed from her artificially imposed impulse to follow the whim of any desire, and my unfortunate hypnotic suggestion that she wanted to dominate me as her hypno-slave, we agreed that we would only, for old time’s sake, break out the green light and revive “Unit SX-69” once a year, on our anniversary. Otherwise, we would go back to being contented with the kind of play we had before.

And it’s been that way ever since. Sometimes she seems a little curious to try to remember more details, and a movie with hypnosis in it seems to turn her on as much as me.

The positive outcome of that strange week was her nephew, the son I got on Siva that Friday, in the impregnation session that had not had to be repeated. And my other son, by Diane. They are a delight, watching my boys grown up, and turning to me for advice that is more fatherly than they know, yet.

For ten years now we’ve kept the dangerous hypno-genie in the bottle except for the one tightly controlled annual appearance of Unit SX-69 on our anniversary night.

And, Dear Reader, you know what?


Further Epilogue

Indira leaned back in her chair, dazed and in shock from what she had just read.

The chaste, light green background of the Erotic Mind Control Archive’s page—this page—seemed to mock her. “She remains a little curious about hypnosis?” She had experienced unusual urges to read a lot about hypnotism, and had just recently found the EMC Archive, and found herself drawn to fem-dom.

When something called “Killer Eyes” appeared, she hadn’t looked at it because it was not the inviting dark green of “fd” but the purple of weird, mixed genre stories. Then one day she realized that “Arel Gaze” was actually pretty close to her husband’s name. He was a writer; she wondered if this “Arel Gaze” was him.

Today “Unit SX-69” appeared on-line. That title awakened an odd yen inside her, and she went right to it.

She began to suspect when the female character had a Hindi name, like hers.

She felt an unusual sort of sexual desire rising, as she read. Something she did not remember having felt before, but which seemed eerily familiar.

Then she read about Diane and Siva, and the two children. Sita and Diana (their real names) actually had one son and one daughter. Everything fell into place She laughed as she realized that he thought he put all those strange thoughts about hypno-domination into her head all by himself. It was so obviously something that he unlocked from within the her own soul.

Almost instantly Indira realized that there was a way to merge the dance of Unit SX-69 and “Seduction Series, Protocol Erotic Dance, Maximum Irresistibility Level.” If this story was her husband’s—and she was sure it was—tonight’s dance would be as irresistibly hypnotic as before. She could be in charge. As, she now realized, she had before.

Yes, Ari, she thought.

Tonight really will be the night, “Slave Ari!”