The Pheromones Wars
by Erosiawriter
Summary: A psychic vs. Pheromones espionage spy novella
I started writing this monstrosity in 2009 and then realized that my ambitions had come crashing up against my own limitations of time and energy. What started out as a simple “What if James Bond had mind control” story soon spiraled out of control with random characters taking prominent roles, new twists and turns, and an ending that coming growing in scale and ambition to the point where I fell apart. I took a break and stewed on it a bit, and suddenly out of nowhere I’m finishing the thing.
Fair warning: In case you didn’t know, this is smut. Please do not read this if it offends you.
One mile underneath the NSA building is what intelligence agencies refer to as a “Dark Room”. No information leaves this room. It is completely self-contained. It leaves no heat signature, nor electromagnetic signature. In fact, no energy signature at all goes in and out. The room is attached to no landlines. This is the room that the leaders of the intelligence agencies of the most powerful country in the world go to discuss matters of the up most national security.
Inside the room, through hermetically sealed doors, twelve shadowy figures sit around a table, their bodies only illuminated by the flicker of a projector. Against the wall, on a screen, are the words “Project Circe”. Next to the screen is the dark outline of a man, his face in shadows. The shadowy figure looks about the room. Light reflects of his square framed glasses. In an non-inflected accent, the man begins to speak.
“As you all aware, espionage groups around the world have been experimenting with thought reform since the nineteen thirties with limited success. Most of these attempts have taken four distinct phases, or combinations of behavior change: drug cocktails (usually a mixture of sodium benethol and LSD), environment control through 3-D projection or sensation deprivation chambers, or outright crude methods such as prolonged periods of torture, as seen here.” Click, Click, Click.
The projector whirred and projected several images; an American prisoner in a Vietnamese torture camp, members of the Japanese Supreme Truth cult being forced-starved and placed in small metal boxes, a Russian sensory deprivation chamber.
The man continued.
“Though these brutal and heavy-handed methods have been moderately successful at behavior modification, they all involve an incredible amount of damage to the subject’s psyche making them virtually unusable in the field afterwards. In short, we can change their behavior, but only by destroying their identity. Making them obviously unusable as a counter-agent.”
“Gentlemen, you know what we need; Agents who are 100% loyal to us, not the cause, not America, but to the twelve of us in this room. Agents who retain all of their intellectual capacity, and all of their skills, but who must use them only for our benefit, not because they have been coerced, but because their very biology allows them no other alternative.”
“Thus Project Circe, which proposes to use the subjects own hormonal system against them. Through the use of chemically enhanced pheromones we induce the subject to follow our commands without any outside direct interference. Simply by being near us we can create incredibly effective modes of behavioral modification. These behaviors can be highly complex and are based off of biological models similar to the way pheromones control bee behavior in nature. Strictly speaking, we found several pheromones such as the queen pheromone or master pheromone which when chemically enhanced forces the subjects body to react to the control body as their master. There are “alpha dog” and “protector” pheromones which induce the subjects body into a state of trust, or CHILD state with the agent, pheromones for “command”, pheromones to induce cooperation between subjects at the agents request, to change the subject sexual orientation, even to induce biological change in the subject such as age regression, breast enlargement, and lactation.”
“These, of course, merely a few of the modes we have achieved, not to mention sexual submission modes. Since most biological behavior is based upon reproduction, so are many of these pheromones. Pheromones tend to work most effectively across gender, and create “natural” order hierarchies, where young more fertile women become especially submissive to older men.” Click.
It is a picture of a young girl naked and on her knees in front of an older man. A collar is around her neck with designation Alpha 1-9. A man is standing in front of her in a suit, his face blurred. In his hand he holds the leash attached to her collar.
The twelve murmur in the dark.
“Through slight shifts in bio-chemicals released through the master-subjects skin we can alter the slave-subjects; Submissiveness both to the master subject and others, sexuality, intelligence, ethical system, suggestiveness. Later in our labs we can use genetic re-sequencing to evolve the objects endocrine system to our exact needs.”
“For a case study of the effectiveness of our methods, we’d like you to meet Officer McMurty.”
The projector shows a picture of a young woman. Age. 25–30, Red Hair. Picture appears to have been taken at her graduation from the police academy. She is wearing police blues and is smiling for the camera. Around her are other police officers.
“Jessica McMurty is a twenty-seven year old female police officer, a rather ball busting young cadet, or shall I say was a police officer. Now she takes a ball busting of a different kind. Her family has a long history of police work. Her father was a cop and her brother and so on. Her psychological profile suggests a persona deeply committed to law and integrity. She was a perfect case subject.”
“We only had to follow Officer McMurty for a week before we found our chance. Like the rest of her family, Officer McMurty apparently has the Irish curse. We had one of our Project Circe agents follow her to a local pub. He documented the incident with a hidden camera disguised as an American flag lapel pin. The agent managed to intercept her within the bar, not difficult to do, he simply pretended to make a drunken pass, and accidentally brush her arm.”
The picture was at chest level. It shows McMurty wearing grey slacks and a black blouse. She’s looking at the camera, annoyance on her face.
“The virus passes through the skin on contact with flesh. The first symptoms are flushes to the face. In this case, to outside observers, it merely looks as if McMurty has had a little too much to drink.”
In the next picture, McMurty’s eyes are dazed, and her normally pale face is flushed red and perspired.
“The next stage is a behavioral. The subject reacts to the agent’s specific pheromones with desire and submissiveness. For many women this desire is far more arousing then any sexual act. With a few suggestive words, it is quite easy to lure the officer away.”
The next picture shows McMurty hanging on the arm of the agent and looking up at him as she rest her head on his shoulder. It is dark around them. Evidently, they have left the building.
“Now notice how this officer, highly trained as she is, willingly leaves in the car of a perfect stranger. The pheromone supersedes the subjects normal self-preservation behavior.”
“Officer McMurty willingly leaves with our agent. When she is taken to our way station, she is declothed by the agent, secured with a clothesline. She reacts to this treatment with only confusion. Escape attempts our minimal. “
McMurty is looking up at a camera with a lost puppy expression. She is kneeling with her hands behind her back. Her nipples are perky and bright red.
“Finally, our agent must rape her, as violently as possible to aid in the imprinting. By the end of the process, her mind is completely naked, and ready to be used to our benefit. “
“It did not take long for us to condition her. Instead of protecting and serving the city of Boston, our sexy little officer must protect and serve her new master. Soon she was completely trained for operations. If you read the paper you might recognize Officer McMurty’s final test. Through her police credentials, she successfully assisted in the robbery of a federal bank. Though the other assailants were never caught she turned herself in. The money was never found. Since she refused to give up any names, she was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and is now serving a life sentence. Even serving life, her conditioning is so strong she refuses to give up the name of her master.”
“On an ancillary note, for research reasons, we kept track of how Officer McMurty is doing. Police officers are not looked on kindly in prison. Right now she is apparently the bitch of another African American prisoner.”
The next picture shows a pale white woman in prison orange lying on her back. Her face isn’t visible as a large, meaty black woman is sitting on it. The black woman appears to be on the verge of an orgasm.