The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Planet seeded


This is my fantasy world any similarities between my world and the real world including the people in it are purely accidental, any inaccuracies with nature of science are intentional for my stories to play out the way I want them to. No offence is intended please remember this is fiction and should be taken as such, some of my stories contain some very obscure sexual acts if you are easily upset or offended by such material please don’t read any further. You have been warned. All characters at point of witnessing or engaging in sexual activities are aged 18 years or over!

Chapter 1

Most students once they finish school and go off to college never giving physical education another thought unless they are on some form of sports scholarship. This fact bugged Professor Thomas Bown a firm believer that keeping an active life is paramount to a happy and healthy lifestyle, so he fought hard to have a fieldtrip included in his geography 101 course he taught at Springline Community College.

The fieldtrip was open to all students at the college whether they attended his course or not and comprised of hiking and camping in nature loosely based on demonstrating some of the natural geographical features of the local area. Although the college’s board had eventually agreed to his request and produced all the necessary consent/disclaimer forms they would only provide a microscopic budget and Professor Brown had to subsidise the remaining costs from his own pocket, something he was prepared to do if it meant the students of Springline had an opportunity to remain active while at college.

As the years passed the strains on the Colleges limited funding became greater the fieldtrip budget became smaller, and Professor Brown had to become more and more inventive as to what could realistically be achieved. This year with next to no funding whatsoever he decided to keep the fieldtrip very local and planned to take his group into the nearby forest, including a route around the old mine site halfway up the surrounding hillsides, without the need to hire transportation to and from the event cut cost dramatically so the fieldtrip could still go ahead.

With everything planned and authorised professor Brown put up posters around the college informing interested students of the times and dates and how to sign up for the fieldtrip, he also dedicated a 20-minute session in one of his lectures for his students including a brief history of the mine and its closing over a hundred years ago.

The Day of the fieldtrip arrived, and he met up with Ms Sally Baker the college nurse and fellow outdoors enthusiast the two of them arraigned the equipment in the gymnasium and waited the arrival of their students., 6 in total an equal mix of male and females all bar one was from his class the exception was Mandy who had a strong crush on professor Brown and wanted to spend some time with him alone if possible, not realising there would be a female member of staff accompanying them Mandy was not happy with the presence of Nurse Baker. With the party assembled and ready they start off on the hike across the playing fields and into the forest, following an old game trail as it winds its way deeper into the wooded area and up the hillside. The path was wide enough to walk two abreast and Professor Bown would talk with each student in turn about the environment they were traveling through and key elements of interest. Mandy hung on his every word and took every chance she could to walk with the professor.

After about 3 hours of walking Professor Brown called them to a halt in a small clearing telling everyone to take a 5-minute break and drink some water, noticing Mandy’s interest in Professor Brown, Nurse Baker takes the opportunity to quietly warn him of the girls obvious infatuation. Like many men in his position, he was completely ignorant of the heavy flirting going on thinking she was just showing an interest in the subject. Once their break was over Professor Brown made sure to keep Nurse Baker close by whenever Mandy was near him much to the girl’s frustration. The group had made some impressive progress and all signs of civilisation where far behind them when the sun began to dip towards the horizon, as the light levels continued to drop walking took more concentration and the group fell silent as each focused on where they were placing their feet, finally Professor Brown deemed it too dark to go much further and began searching for a suitable campsite for the night.

In a slight break in the tree’s professor Brown discovered how close they were to the old mining site and a large grassy area as yet unclaimed by the forest provided the perfect camping spot. The students and adults broke up into pairs to set up the tents they would spend the night in, and the professor made it very clear there would be no mixed accommodation on the trip, this news was met with a mixture of groans and giggles, but everyone acted mature enough to subdue any concerns the adults might have had. With the tents up and a fire lit in a ring of stones the group had a cooked meal before heading off to bed the plan was to be up and off at first light.

Chapter 2

Everyone was inside their respective tents readying for bed when a loud high-pitched whistle passed over their makeshift campsite drawing everyone back out into the clearing, looking around the student and adults tried to ascertain the source of the strange noise when Peter pointed up overhead calling out to get everyone’s attention. Streaking overhead was a series of shooting stars the lower of which seemed to be causing the whistling they all heard. As the stood and watched a very large one flew very close overhead and impacted just outside of their little clearing, even from this distance they could see the beginnings of a forest fire where the object had come down, quickly organising the group professor Brown rushed them over to the site with shoves to try and extinguish the fire before it became a risk to them and the forest.

Thankfully the fires were small and dotted around a small crater in the forest floor and the student easily put the fires out by smothering them in soil. Once the danger had passed they gathered around a small roundish rock sitting in the centre of the crater, everyone seemed quite excited having never seen a meteor before. Peter and Chris were very keen to rush in and examine the rock closely, but Professor Brown stopped then due to the heat of the rock, after a brief discussion they decided to carry it back to the camp using the shoves and examine it in the morning once it had cooled off. Nurse Baker took the girls back to camp to ready more stones to rest it on so as not to start any more fires while the boys and professor Brown carefully scooped up the meteor and carried it back to camp.

With the meteor safely placed everybody took the opportunity to photograph it the professor included he then ushered them all off to bed with the promise of examining it in the light of day. While everyone was sleeping the cloud cover cleared up bathing the clearing in bright moonlight, the meteorite started to emit a pale green light and the rock rose slightly off the ground spinning on its axis ever faster, as the meteor spun a low frequency hum came from the rock. The group slept on peacefully as the soundwaves passed through the thin material of their tents and into their bodies, as one the groups eye’s all opened staring straight up at nothing shining with the same pale green light as the meteor. As quickly as it started it was all over the meteor slowed to a stop coming to rest once more on its bed of stones and the light faded away, as it did so do the lights in their eyes and as they closed as the group slept on.

Far from waking at first light it was well into the afternoon before Professor Brown awoke with a groggy head, sipping from his canteen he exits his tent to see if anyone else was up and about. Finding himself alone he approached the meteor for a closer look, lifting the surprisingly light rock with one hand he brushed off the soft soil coating its surface revealing the greenish hue to the rock underneath. Professor Brown jumped slightly when Mandy spoke up beside him and they both laughed at his reaction. Mandy placed a arm around his shoulder as she leaned in to take a closer look and professor Brown leaned into her embrace as they examined the strange rock Nurse Baker was the next to surface and she joined the couple examining the rock taking position on his other side she too pressed herself closer than appropriate but nobody seem to notice or mind as the looked at the meteor.

After they had all looked over the meteor the group set about preparing a meal with the boys collecting firewood and the girl’s checking provisions, the cooking was done by nurse Baker and Professor Brown. Nobody noticed how much more tactile and flirtier the group was with each other as they went about their tasks.

With everyone fed and happy they broke down the camp and continued on their hike taking the meteor with them. The weather was seasonably warm and soon the group was sweating as the hike became steeper and the terrain harder to transverse. Many times, the group would need to help each other over an outcrop or fallen tree and the placement of helping hands became increasingly intermate. The heat of the afternoon and the exertion led to the removal of clothing starting with the boys removing their shirts, but the girls soon followed suit, by late afternoon all the boys were topless including Professor Brown. Nurse Baker was the first to remove her own top with the pretence of cooling off and all eyes were on her impressive 38DD breasts filling out her sports bra, jealous of the attention the older woman was receiving from the group the other girls soon followed suit with Mandy being the first to display her own ample 30C chest to the hungry stares of the boys. Unlike Nurse Baker Mandy’s bra was less supportive of rigorous activity and the way her breasts bounced and jiggled had more than one boy adjusting himself in their shorts, Lisa was next, and her fuller figure meant she was carrying more weight on her chest, the boy’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when her 40L boobs bounced into view resting on her rounded stomach. All the girls were down to just their bras with the exception of Annabelle who had not worn one on account of how small her breasts were, removing her T-shirt reviled her tiny 28A breasts but she too got her fair share of admiring stares from the group.

Their progress slowed considerably with everyone taking a more leisurely pace happy to get to know each other better and take in sights around them, which for the boy’s mainly consisted of ogling the girls breasts and the arousing way they move and sway as they walk along, for the girls the most interesting scenery was the variety of bulges prominently tenting out the front of the boy’s shorts. Professor Brown still divided up his time walking beside each and every member of the group but would remain beside the girls longer and longer. Conversations became more personal and intermate as the day wore on and soon everyone was on a first name basis, Nurse Baker insisting the boy’s call her Nurse Sally or just Sally if they wanted And Professor Brown allowed the students to call him Tom.

At one point Peter jokingly looped his arm in arm with Lisa as they walked alone but the pressure of his forearm rubbing on the side of her breast caused her knees to wobble and the pair ended falling into a heap on the trail. Everyone laughed at their misfortune before helping them to untangle themselves and stand up. Tom placed his hands under her armpits and lifted her back into a standing position, the teen took the opportunity to grind her rear against his erection accidently on purpose. While being helped up by Sally Peter stumbled forward resulting in his face pressed against the nurse’s soft cleavage a position he seemed in no hurry to rectify.

The group spaced out a little further on Tom’s recommendation to prevent a more serious incident but continued to talk and socialise amongst themselves. With more space between them the group walked on in couples pairing off in unlikely ways Sally was very confident to take the lead with a beaming Chris at her side next Joe sided up to Annabelle engaging her in conversation about a mutual interest, the thin framed goth girl was lapping up the attention and played with her hair as they talked, tucking her dark pixie cut behind her ear repeatedly in a shameful display of flirting. Tom and Mandy took up the rear his intention was to ensure no one was left behind however Sally and the rest of the girls all thought the same thing, that he just wanted to stare at the asses as they walked ahead and each of them put an extra sway in the hips as they walked.

Mandy had become increasingly touchy with him as the day passed and now in the early evening she was practically holding his hand she was touching him so frequently. Her face neck and breasts were flushed with an attractive shade of deep pink that had nothing to do with the heat or exertion and her panties were a swampy mess. During one of their rest breaks Lisa accidently spilt her water down her chin soaking the white material of her bra and turning it almost see through everyone cheered good naturedly at her clumsiness, but a hush fell over the group as her dark brown nipples came into view through the wet cloth and the little points poking out had Tom absentmindedly licking his lips in appreciation of the sight before him.

Catching himself in a moment of clarity Tom berated himself for his impure thoughts towards one of his students and a person under his care and hurried the group back to action, walking off in front to guide the way only allowing Sally to walk beside him claiming they needed to start to look for a place to camp for the night. They hadn’t been walking for long when Sally surprised him by saying “I think that sexy little slut spilt that water on purpose!”

Tom was shocked at her brazen language and statement but found himself agreeing with her theory, turning his head he looked back over his shoulder to see Lisa now seemed to be the centre of attention even though her bra had dried off somewhat and her nipples were not as visible as before. Turning his attention back forward he caught Sally pinching her own nipples out the corner of his eye and when he looked in earnest her nipples were poking out in a very distracting way looking up he discovered he had been caught staring but far from looking angry Sally had a playful smirk on her lips as she winked at him.

Chapter 3

Sally who was currently leading the group squealed in excitement when she found a reasonably sheltered area large enough to set up camp, Tom surveyed the area, agreeing with Sally that the ground was certainly level enough for a camp but there might not be enough room for all the tents, nobody objected with doubling up for the night so they made camp where they were.

With the fire pit in the centre and a small campfire lit they managed to squeeze 3 tents a safe distance from the fire, it was decided that there would be a boy and girl tent with the adults sharing the last tent. The sound of running water could be heard from their small camp and Annabelle volunteered to look for it and fill up their canteens, there was no shortage of offers to help the from the boys, but Tom explained only one other would be needed to assist Annabelle and chose Joe to go and help her as they seemed to be getting along well before. As the pair headed off into the tree’s in search of water Sally noted they were holding hands as they walked and a knowing smile spread across her lips, turning around her breath caught as she saw Professor Brown splitting wood with a small hatchet his muscles rippling as he swung the tool with all his strength, watching him work with a dreamy look on her face Sally felt her heart rate increasing and her panties started to dampen.

Both Chirs and Peter were helping the Professor prepare wood for the fire but Chris drifted off when Lisa and Mandy started having trouble remembering how to erect their tent, watching Chris put up the tent the girls had a similar faraway look as they each felt a rising of heat in their loins, each rushing forward to thank him once the task was complete.

Being a geography nerd Chris was unused to this level of interest from the opposite sex but new a good thing when he saw it and eagerly lapped up the attention he was receiving pitching a tent of his own in his shorts. With the wood chopped and the fire established Peter joined the trio breathing heavy and dripping with fresh sweat the smell of which further excited the girls, and they all ended sitting very close to one and other, hips and arms touching while they watched the adults cooking their evening meal.

Annabelle and Joe kept stealing furtive glances at each other as they walked Joe particularly found it difficult to keep his eyes off of her naked breasts as they jiggled with her heavy footsteps over the rough ground and on more than one occasion he had to readjust himself, the sight of which caused Annabelles nipples to stiffen up in response to him unwittingly outlining his size to her, the tension in the air was mounting towards breaking point when the couple literally stumbled onto the bubbling creek. The cold water soaking into their boots snapped them out of their reverie and they each became a little shy around each other. The object of their search found they covered their embarrassment by began the task of collecting water for the group, Annabelle turned her back to Joe wishing she hadn’t left her top back at the camp.

Back at camp someone had removed the meteor from the professor’s backpack and placed it on a pile of rocks near the fire almost like a sacred object sitting on an altar, Annabelle and Joe noticed the almost religious nature of the display but neither said anything about sitting at opposite ends of the group to eat their share of the rations.

After a demanding day of hiking in the forested hills all parties feel tired, and it was agreed that an early night was in order acting as chaperone Tom and Sally ensured the sleeping arrangements were adhered to with the boy’s taking the left tent and the girls in the right Tom and Sally occupied the centre one to ensure there was no nightly wanderings.

Once everyone had gotten comfortable they all fell into a deep sleep very quickly, the only sound from the campsite was some soft rhythmic breathing from the sleeping residents. At midnight the meteor once again started glowing and as before all their eyes opened as one shining with the same green light as the meteor, the rock slowly rose from its resting place and began to spin faster and faster the humming sound filling the clearing and enticing the group outside. Walking like zombies the whole group exited their tents stripping of their clothing as they moved to form a ring around the meteor, their unseeing eyes glowing green.

All the boys were supporting huge erections the veins standing out along their differing cocks despite the cold evening air, the girls were similarly displaying their own arousal with diamond hard nipples and a glistening of moisture around the outer lips of their pussies. With no detectable cue each member of the group raised their hands out to the sides grasping the hand of the person next to them.

Linked as they are the group continues to stare sightlessly as the meteor spins ever faster the humming increasing in volume and pitch, suddenly they all climax as one, the boy’s grunt as they shoot their cum in thick powerful ropes to land on the surface of the spinning meteor while the girls too violently spray their pussy juices to similarly coat the rock with their offerings. As the meteor is doused in their fluids its surface cracks and it drops to the stones beneath it breaking into multiple pieces. Still moving as one they release each other’s hands and turning they returned to their beds leaving their clothes abandoned on the floor of the clearing.

Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning Joe was the first one up and about, stumbling over to a nearby tree still naked he leans a hand against the rough surface of the bark, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while relieving himself, once he had finished he shakes himself off and is surprised to feel his cock has grown in both length and girth overnight. He is now supporting a good 9 inches of thick cock, and his shaft seems much more sensitive the simple act of shaking off is enough to have him hardening in his hand, his arousal rising quickly like his cock.

Sally in momentarily confused when she wakes up naked spooning Tom and this confusion only deepens as she notices her pubic hair has fallen out during the night, running her fingers over her now baby smooth mound draws a moan of pleasure out of her as her now hypersensitive pussy fires pleasure signals directly into her brain. Unable to resist the stronger sensations Sally continues to massage her now wet pussy and she is getting wetter by the second, her other hand snakes up her body finding her breast is as equally sensitive as her pussy she kneads and tweaks her firm breast and nipple, consumed in pleasure and squirming in heat she grinds her ass back onto the erect cock of Tom rousing him from his slumber. Still half asleep the friction on his hard cock caused by Sally’s increasing movements and the air in the confined space heavy with the scent of female arousal means Tom’s cock takes over thinking for the body before his brain even got a chance to try and he instinctively starts humping back against her. Feeling Tom’s body reacting to her actions she abandons her breast and squeezes her hand between their moving bodies, angling Tom’s cock just right so that his next forward thrust spears his cock head through her slick folds and into the entrance of her hot tight cunt. Both hiss in satisfaction at the feeling if penetration, the heat of her core encourages Tom to drive himself deeper into the velvety tunnel of Sally’s pussy, Sally is so turned on and wet that there is little resistance and with one stroke he is fully inside her stretching her out almost to the max.

Feeling Tom deep inside her gives Sally a wonderful feeling of fullness and her inner walls ripple as she is brought to the verge of orgasm. As Tom begins his thrusting in earnest building to a rapid pace Sally reaches new hights of pleasure she never knew existed her impending orgasm growing in force and intensity as their fucking continues. All too soon Sally’s body can stand no more and the dam breaks flooding her body with divine rapture, so strong is her climax that Sally is robbed of both speech and motor function as her mind shuts down leaving her body to twitch and jerk uncontrollably. Gripping her body tightly in his powerful grip Tom keeps fucking her enjoying the spasming of her pussy until he too is overtaken with pleasure and with one final thrust he holds himself firmly inside her as his balls unleash their cargo firring rope after rope of cum deep inside her unprotected womb.

In the girls tent Lisa and Annabelle wake to the same discovery as their neighbour Sally, their pubic hair has also fallen out while they were sleeping and both girls now have bald pussies Mandy is unaware of any changes as she has shaved her pussy since puberty but she too inspects her mound after thinking there should be a small amount of stubble after 2 days away from a bathroom and her razor. The touching and exploring is starting to get the girls going and their tent starts to fill the odour of the increasing arousal. As their young minds fog with lust Mandy’s thoughts turn to Tom and his ruggedly handsome features. Lacking any inhibitions and hornier than she has ever been she is acutely aware the object of her infatuation is barely a meter away separated by 2 thin sheets of canvas.

Not trusting her legs to support her Mandy crawls towards the entrance of the tent groaning in lust as her slick pussy lips rub together overwhelming her with pleasure, it takes all her focus and willpower to get the zip open enough for her to pass through, still crawling on hands and knees her unfocused eyes on the next tent she repeats her trial of gaining access to Tom and Sallys tent a trail of her slime staining the floor behind her.

Walking back into the campsite Joe turns a corner by the girl’s tent and stops in his tracks as he sees Mandy’s naked form crawling towards the adults tent, her wet pussy clear visible and framed by her wobbling ass cheeks. His then softening cock started to reinflate as he stared at Mandy’s pussy weeping its lubrication as she moved. Lisa and Annabelle were so caught up in exploring their smooth pussies they didn’t initially notice Mandy leaving the tent but once they did they were curious as to her actions sticking their heads out of the opening of their tent, the two horny girl’s eyes widen in surprise and wonder at the hard cock bobbing in front of their faces. All thoughts of Mandy and her bizarre behaviour forgotten in the presence of such a gloriously hard cock, Lisa the more confident of the pair stretches forward and sucks the tip into her mouth swirling her tongue around the sensitive head while looking up seeking Joe’s eyes with her own, as Mandy’s rear end disappears from view into the adult’s tent

Feeling something warm and wet engulf his cock Joes looks down to investigate the source of pleasure his cock is currently feeling. seeing Lisa’s mouth around his cock a look of pure wanton lust in her eyes he smiles down at her which was all the encouragement she needed, pushing forward she slurps more of his length into her hungry mouth. Joe groans out his approval at her enthusiasm as his tip meets the entrance of her throat and he places his hand on the back of her head encouraging her to go deeper, spurred on by his wordless praise Lisa begins swallowing trying to get all of his cock in her mouth and down her throat. As her lips inch ever closer to his base Joe feels another pleasant sensation around his heavy balls, Annabelle not wanting to be left out of the action had joined Lisa and was experimentally licking and sucking on his ball sack the combination of the girls efforts feel amazing to Joe and he starts to actively thrust his hips forward effectively fucking Lisa’s throat while Annabelle latched onto his swinging balls and rolls one around in her mouth.

Chapter 5

Mandy had managed to open her second zipper of the day and was very pleased with her accomplishments, crawling through the entrance just as Tom rolled onto his back pulling his still hard cock from Sally’s swollen pussy the sight of his erect cock shinning with the combined juices of the two adults had Mandy licking her lips as she moved further into the tent crawling up his body to engulf his hardness with her young mouth. Still half-asleep Tom groans in bliss as once more his still hard cock is enveloped by a warm wet softness and he relaxes back to enjoy the sensations he is currently experiencing. After a few minutes of sucking his cock clean Mandy pulls her mouth off of his cock and quickly moves up his prone form to squat over him, holding his cock straight up she lowers her dripping pussy onto his stiff member not stopping until her ass is resting on his pelvis and he is buried deep inside her teenage pussy taking it slow she travels up and down his full length but as her excitement and pleasure builds so does her speed and it isn’t long before she is bouncing on his lap at a break neck speed her pert breasts slapping against her chest with the vigour of her movements. The pressure building in his ball’s drives Tom wild with passion, and he ceases to be a inactive participant, gripping Mandy’s hips he pulls her down more forcefully onto his over sensitive cock as he leans forward to capture a nipple in his mouth sucking and chewing on the firm rubbery nub. The extra stimulation pushes Mandy higher into oblivion and as her first orgasm hits her she loses all sense of rhythm effectively becoming like a rag doll as Tom continues to lift and slam her body down onto his own.

Coming back to her senses Sally becomes aware of the couple beside her and the sight of Tom’s powerful cock spearing into the smooth teenage pussy reignites the flames of lust inside her the beauty of the fucking turns her on no end and she moves to include herself into their session, turning his face to hers she kisses him deeply exploring his mouth with her tongue as his own explores hers light pressure on his shoulders lays him back down so she can straddle his face placing her creamy pussy over his mouth as she moves in to kiss Mandy. Needing no further instructions Tom starts to lick and suck on the pussy hovering above him alternating between probing stabs and broad licks with his tongue, Sally is soon twitching and jerking as he hits her sensitive spots and pushes towards another strong climax as she makes out with the younger girl riding Tom’s cock. Keeping up his frenzied pace is causing his and Mandy’s bodies to develop a sheen of sweat and her firm young breast become slick as they rub against Sally’s softer ones, as their nipples drag across each other the girls moan into their kiss revelling in the additional pleasure they are experiencing.

Joe’s departure earlier didn’t disturb either Chris or Peter and they slept on unaware of what was happening around them in the campsite however both of them were fully erect while they sleep, the loud sounds of the sexual activities going on around them easily penetrate the thin walls of the tent and their dreams. Peter is having a very erotic dream, and his hand starts to stroke his cock while he dreams on, pre-cum begins to bead at the tip of his cock lubricating his hand and shaft making his self-gratification slicker and more pleasurable. In his dream he is standing naked before a harem of scantily clad women all vying for his attention, has he jerks his cock the females pose to best show off their bodies for his approval, pressing their tits together and bending over displaying their tight asses. Peters climax is quick and strong and it wakes him from his fantasy just as he cums spraying his cum over his naked stomach and chest, some errant spurts even land on his still sleeping companion but Peter can’t seem to stop himself and his first climax rolls into a second further adding to the amount of his cum being released this time however it is as if his hand has a mind of its own as it aims his cock at Chris and he dumps spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum onto Chris’s sleeping body.

Chris is experiencing similar erotic dreams and fantasies and is also in a heightened state of arousal, his unconscious mind enjoys the sensation of Peters hot cum coating his body and triggers its own release adding his own load to Peters. The act of orgasm without stimulation wakes him up and he realises he looks like a glazed doughnut. Feeling something on his lower lips he extends his tongue without thinking and gets his first ever taste of cum as Peter is walking naked out of the tent.

Drawn outside by the unusual noises he is hearing Peter is unconcerned with his state of undress and the sight that greets him has his cock hardening again even after cumming twice already it seems his recovery time is almost instant now and his lust crazed mind has him approaching Joe, Lisa and Annabelle. Standing by the group Peter watches Lisa deepthroating Joe’s cock while Annabelle licks and sucks on his balls, Peter is undecided how to include himself into their little trio, as his limited brain power ponders the options the decision is made for him as Annabelle sensing his presents claims the new cock for herself and moves over to engulf it with her mouth. Annabelle is in no way as experienced as Lisa, but she seems to have some form of instinctual knowledge from somewhere so with some new found confidence Annabelle grips the base of Peter’s hard cock and feeds it into her waiting mouth, mimicking the bobbing action Lisa is using on Joe’s cock she adds a twisting motion to her head and she travels back and forth along his thick cock taking it a little deeper with each descent, Peter was in heaven he had never had a blowjob before and had nothing to compare it to but one thing he knew for sure was that this one felt amazing and he wasn’t going to last very long at all.

Joe had also reached the conclusion that his orgasm was fast approaching when a wicked idea formed in his mind, just as his balls started to tighten he pulled out of Lisa’s throat and jacked himself aiming his cock at her face he fires his first blast of cum, his aim was slightly off at first and the first rope landed in her hair, the second splashed across her cheek and onto her left eyelid the third and fourth found their mark coating her nose and lips some even entering her mouth his fifth and final rope glued her right eye closed. Finally finished painting Lisa’s face he sighed in satisfaction as she slurped him back into her mouth polishing his cock of any remaining cum.

Peter had a different opinion where his cum should go so when his orgasm hit he griped the back of Annabelle’s head and forced her to swallow his load as he came in her mouth. Annabelle’s eyes were streaming tears as the invading cock cut off her air supply and had to quickly swallow multiple times to empty her mouth of the huge load of cum she received, even given her best efforts some cum escaped her sealed lips and dribbled down her chin but the knowledge of pleasing Peter triggered her own orgasm and her body began to shake uncontrollably as her pussy squirted a puddle of girl cum onto the floor beneath her.

By the time Chris had cleaned himself of his and Peter’s deposits by stuffing as much cum into his mouth as he could reach he exited the tent buzzing with arousal, seeing the double blowjob going on at one end of the campsite his sex addled brain searched for a female of his own the sounds of loud sex coming from the adult tent drew his attention and he decided to investigate further stepping through the opening he noticed two things at once one was Tom was taking more than his fair share and the other was Mandy’s winking asshole as she climaxed from the violent fucking she was receiving. The amount of creamy pussy juice coating her nether regions and the sweat pouring down her back provided a very erotic sight for Chris, and he sank down behind the orgasming girl, lining up his cock with the only hole unoccupied he pushed into her tight virgin asshole, marvelling at the feeling of Tom’s cock moving the other side of the thin membrane separating her pussy and ass. He didn’t remain still for long and he too started to thrust in and out of Mandy’s ass trying to match Tom’s pace.

Two cocks tearing her open sent Mandy to soring hights of pleasure she never knew existed and she reached back over her head to embrace the owner of the new cock providing her with even more pleasure than before, holding on to the head behind her she turns as much as she can to kiss her new lover as his hand reaches around to play with her tits. Sensing the girl’s attention is elsewhere Sally grinds her pussy down harder onto Tom’s mouth as she plays with her own tits coaxing another orgasm from her horny body and flooding Tom’s mouth with her cum.

Chapter 6

Annabelle coughed and burped when Peter finally pulled his cock from her mouth, but she didn’t get very long to regain her breath as he was soon pushing her onto her back in the puddle of her own making and positioning himself between her legs sensing his intentions she opens her legs as wide as she can reaching for his cock to guide it into her sopping pussy. Peter feels some resistance as he enters Annabelle, and he realises that she is a virgin knowing he is about to deflower her pussy turns him on even more and he pulls back a little before slamming through her barrier. Annabelle squeals in momentary pain as her hymen breaks but is overwhelmed with pleasure when his cock bumps against her cervix and her scream morphs into a wail of ecstasy. Totally focused on his own pleasure Peter takes up a brutal pace pounding into the tiny girl over and over again all Anabelle can do is hold on for dear life and take the fucking she is receiving not that she has any complaints as every pleasure nerve in her body lights up like a Christmas tree and she powers through one orgasm after another until they blur in to one continuous hyper orgasm that seems to have no end to it, her limp form is shaken from the battering of their union and she is babbling incoherently.

Taking his que from Peter Joe shoves Lisa onto her back and drives himself between her meaty thighs, missing his initial target goes unnoticed by Joe as his cock is griped in a hot velvety sheath and he takes his pleasure from her yielding body. Lisa is no virgin and has had sex many times before, but she has never had anything in her ass before, after the initial shock of it the experience is far from unpleasant and much to her surprise she quickly feels an orgasm building in her core. Joe is mesmerised by her massive tits as they shake and ripple under the force of his thrusts and he leans down to catch a nipple in his mouth biting firmly on her sensitive nubs causes Lisa to lose her breath for a second but when it comes back it is with a moan of orgasmic bliss as her anal muscle’s spasm and her climax crashes over her. Her pussy lips open and close gripping the non-existent cock as a torrent of pussy juice pours out of her empty cunt and soaks Joe’s cock and ball’s making his progress easier as her fluids grease his entry all the more. Joe is still blissfully unaware of where his cock is buried lost in his own pleasure as his cock is gripped even tighter adding more stimulation to his already hypersensitive cock. His orgasm is also swift to arrive and with one final thrust he holds himself firmly inside of Lisa’s twitching body unloading his cum deep in her bowels, this is another new sensation for Lisa and her subsiding orgasm is renewed almost starting again as the quivering continues and increases in intensity.

Flopping forward Joe rests on her ample body cushioned by her huge tits as he fights for his breath, Lisa is totally spaced out stroking his hair and thanking him for such a wonderful experience, smiling proudly Joe lifts up slightly and kisses her deeply tasting his own cum still drying on her face the salty tinge to the kiss only serves to excite him more and Lisa feels his starting to harden again inside her helping him off of her she sits him on his ass as she goes in to clean his browned cock. Joe is starting to realise where his cock just was but before he can comment Lisa has him back in her skilled mouth and he lost his train of though as he is overcome with pleasure once more.

Tom and Chris cum at the same time flooding both Mandy’s holes, the sheer scale of pleasure signals coursing through her body is more than she can handle, her entire body locks rigid as a ear-splitting scream escapes her overloaded body, her eyes roll back and she slumps forward unconscious. Trapped as she is between Chris and Sally she remains upright and impaled on the two cocks but is completely limp and unresponsive.

Lifting herself off of Tom’s face Sally helps Chris to gentle flop Mandy sideways onto the unused sleeping matt turning back she eyes the two cocks still standing hard and proud glistening cum and she is compelled to move them into her mouth. It’s a tight fit but she manages to get them both inside her as she slobbers over them noting the difference in flavour of pussy and ass juice. Unable to decide which she prefers she cleans them both as best as she can and is soon rewarded with a double load of cum flooding her mouth and pouring down her chin coating her tits.

Sally is surprised when Chris bends to lick and suck her tits clean of his and Tom’s cum but shivers with delight at the sensations of his tongue dragging across her tit flesh and hard nipples, cradling his head like a newborn she encourages him to suckle on her large tits loving the feel of his teeth as they graze her nipples.

Chapter 7

Leaving Mandy to recover the adults and Chris move outside to survey the campsite, it looks like everyone is taking a moment to recover from their exertions. Joe and Peter are sitting together near the fire pit breathing heavily watching a zoned-out Annabelle languidly laying on the floor caressing her own tits and pussy while humming a soft tune to herself. Lisa is squatting by a tree emptying her bowels of Joe’s cum and peeing on the floor. Squeezing in between the two boys Sally joins them in watching Annabelle, the thin lithe girl writhing around on the floor is very erotic and Sally is feeling horny again, reaching into the boys laps she takes a cock in each hand and leisurely stokes along them coaxing them back to fully erect. Still a little tired from their morning session Chris and Joe are happy to passively sit back at let the college nurse explore their junk as they continue to watch Annabelle.

Seeing Lisa pee is turning Chris on no end, and he moves closer to get a better look as his cock once more inflates with blood and desire, seeing she has an audience Lisa puts on more of a show widening her legs and pushing her pussy forward. This new position gives Joe an uninterrupted view of her open pussy as she pees but changes the angle of her stream and his close proximity results in her peeing over his feet. A dopey grin spreads across his face as he too starts to pee aim his stream at her hanging tits. The warmth of Chris’s pee feels fantastic on her tits and Lisa cups them together under his flow, playfully Chris aims a little higher catching Lisa in the face, and she opens her mouth to taste his offering, swallowing a little she lets the rest overflow her mouth and run down her chin. Chris is now peeing directly at her pussy trying to keep his stream hitting her exposed clit.

From his vantage point all Tom can see it the back of a naked Chris standing still looking into the forest, moving over to see what has captured his attention Tom moves beside the teen taking in the sight of Lisa squatting while Chris is peeing on her. Lisa’s has a look of pure bliss etched on her face as the young man uses her as a toilet. Tom becomes aware of his own need to pee and joins Chris in peeing over Lisa. The addition of a second stream splashing over her body has Lisa on the verge of another orgasm, the thought of how much of a dirty slut she, is fuelling her arousal and she is losing her mind becoming completely consumed with lust, as the boy’s streams weaken they move closer and closer until they are crowding the teen and she can’t resist the urge to suck on the cocks mere inches from her face gripping both cocks at the base she takes first one then the other into her mouth sucking and bobbing for a bit before switching over to the other one she continues to repeat this process as the boy’s grope her large tits and pinch on her hard nipples, her pussy is so wet that she is dripping onto the ground and she is desperate for someone to stuff something inside her, dropping her onto all fours the boy’s spit roast her sealing up both ends simultaneously with fucking her throat while Joe pounds into her dripping cunt. As they all find a mutual rhythm Lisa is buffeted back and forth between the cocks filling her up, her large tits are swinging below her, her long hard nipples dragging on the forest floor adding even more pleasurable feelings to the whole experience.

Sally’s soft hands on their cocks is having the desired effects as both boy’s turn their attention from the teenage girl to the more mature woman sitting between them. Joe more than a little obsessed with Sally’s large tits cups the closest one and hefts the weight in his hand flicking his thumb across the erect nipple causing a shudder of delight to travel down her spine, Peter is fast becoming an ass man and reaches behind her to lightly stroke his fingertips along her ass crack, nether action is met with any resistance so the boy’s become bolder with Joe using more force to squeeze and kneed the pliant flesh with one hand and the other to pull and twist the nipple Sally is moaning in pleasure at the more forceful treatment of her tit and pushes her chest forward encouraging the teen to be rougher still, this movement has the added bonus of rolling her ass forward giving Peter more access to her rear end which he immediately takes advantage of circling her rosebud with a finger slick with his saliva.

Chapter 8

Sally is getting incredibly worked up and her whole body is trembling in wanton need, but the boys seem happy to continue to tease her for longer, her breathing in coming in short pants and her eyes are unfocused as she retreats into herself and the pleasures her body is experiencing. Peter finally works a finger into her asshole but only as far as the first knuckle and her moan is cut short at the limited penetration and she starts to beg him for more as she ups the pace of her hand jobs hoping to get them as desperate as she is and urge them into more satisfying action. But they are more than content to continue their game of teasing her driving her crazy with need. Moving to stand in front of her Joe now has a tit in each hand rolling her nipples between thumb and finger pulling lightly on them as he watches her juices flow out of her swollen cunt soaking the log she is sat on. Leaning further forward she tries to take him into her mouth, but he moves back out of her reach denying her even that pleasure, whining in frustration she is forced to endure whatever pleasure they deem fit to give her at a pace decided by them.

Chris is wiggling his fingertip up and down in Sally’s asshole stimulating the ring of muscle at her entrance and enjoying the little twitches of her sphincter as it dilates encouraging him to probe deeper into her bowels, she is even rocking her ass back slightly trying to get more of his finger inside her, both boys can feel her body vibrating with barely controlled need. Taking pity on her Chris pushes in to his second knuckle passing her anal barrier and curls his finger lightly to caress the lining of her bowels, his generosity is rewarded with a grunt of approval from Sally, and she works her hand faster in appreciation. Despite his intentions to drive Sally mad with lust and longing her expert hand is getting to Chris and his own needs are becoming harder to resist, wanting to torture her more he whispers in her ear “Do you like my finger in your ass?”

“Oh god yes” is her breathy replay “Please don’t stop!”

“So you’d like me to add another then?, really make you my personal anal slut”

“Yes more please more, make me your slut please”, she feels his cock twitch in her hand as she degrades herself.

Adding another finger to her entrance he works it inside, loosening her asshole ready for his cock, thinking her dirty talk will get him to fuck her sooner she eagerly responds in the crudest way she can imagine.

“So your asshole is mine to enjoy however, whenever I want slut?”

“Yes oh god yes, its yours all yours whenever you want, just please fuck me!”

“So I can just walk into the nurses office bend you over and fuck your slutty asshole whenever I have a free period then?”

Sally hadn’t thought about going back to college, her whole world was in this clearing and the sex she was having with the group Chris’s question brought a cold dose of reality to their game but she was still so horny and the mental image of him walking into her office and just using her whenever he felt like it turned her on even more, her answer was more of a moan then anything else but the message was clear he could have her anytime he wanted.

sensing she is getting to Chris she again increases the tightness of her grip and the speed she is jacking his cock, receiving a groan of her own from the overstimulated teenager.

Unable to wait any longer Chris guides Sally up and over his lap pulling her down so his cock slides into her saturated cunt lubing his cock in an instant before lifting her up and forward and dropping her back down, his slick cock easily sliding balls deep into her asshole.

Sally is initially disappointed as the hard cock spears into her cunt and not her ass, with all the anal play this is not where she wants his cock at all and assumes it is another level of teasing from her young lover but when he immediately switches holes she understands his actions and swoons at his thoughtfulness lubing himself in her cunt to save her any pain. After a brief pause for everyone to accustom themselves to the vice like grip of her virgin asshole, Sally starts to move on his cock slowly at first increasing in speed and distance as she becomes more accustomed to this new sensation. Straddling their legs Joe presses his cock between the flapping tits of the older woman and she presses them together around his hard cock simultaneously tit fucking Joe while she bounces on Chris’s cock.

Chris uses his hands to help steady Sally as her own hands are occupied else where and the trio form a very pleasurable rhythm as the drive each other towards another powerful orgasm. Chris’s lap in drenched in the copious juices leaking from her pussy, providing continuous lubrication and ensuring her ass fucking is pain free. Joe’s cock is also leaking pre-cum coating Sally’s tits and the deep valley of cleavage enveloping his cock. Straining her neck down Sally captures his helmet in her mouth every time it pokes out of her tits licking and sucking on the tip this added sensation has Joe moaning in delight. He had overheard the talking and wanted in on the action himself.

“You like sucking my big cock bitch?” he asked in a shaky voice not as confident as Chris when it came to the opposite sex but the moan around his cock and the slight nod of her head as she gazed lustfully into his eyes told him there wasn’t a line that could be crossed.

Gaining more confidence, he continued his verbal assault on the lust crazed nurse.

“I can’t wait come and see you in college slut, you’ll look so good in your uniform on your knees sucking me off till I paint you face with my cum”, “what will the other teacher think when they see your face covered in my drying cum”

Sally is getting off on the images the boys are putting in her head “they’ll think I’m a dirty slut”

“that’s right bitch they will, you might find yourself sucking more cock just to keep your job”, “I bet the principal could be persuaded to keep his mouth shut as long as yours is sucking on his cock”, “Word will get out it always does and soon every male in college will be using your body to get off”

The last thought was too much for her and she pulled back off his cock, her eyes rolled back in her skull as she screamed out in release as the most powerful orgasm of her life shattered her psyche permanently changing her into the depraved slut they were describing. Her asshole gripped Chris’s cock so tight his own orgasm crashed seconds after hers started and he flooded her bowels with an obscenely large amount of cum, the uncontrolled movements of her body and the animalistic sounds she was making was too much for Joe and his orgasm came soon after, his cock jerked once and then he was erupting over her large tits and face. The long buildup and teasing had pushed them all to a level of arousal unknown to any of them and their bodies release was as powerful as the feeling of euphoria they were feeling.

Joe came so much that her entire upper body was coated in his cum, Sally was never much of a squirter, but she was cumming so hard she sprayed her pussy juice an impressive distance. As thinks calmed down and they regained some control over their weary bodies they crumpled into a group pile and passed out where they lay.

Chapter 9

Tom and Peter had fucked Lisa to an orgasm flooding her with their cum before swapping ends, Tom taking a turn at her sloppy cunt while Peter fed Lisa his cock stained with a mixture of their juices. Another kink Lisa discovered about herself on this trip was she loved the taste of pussy and was eyeing Annabelles dripping cunt out of the corner of her eye as the boys took their pleasure from her eager and willing body. As Tom fucked Lisa’s cunt his eyes were drawn to her wrinkled little starfish and he teased her asshole with a spit slick finger, having another one of her holes stimulated Lisa even more and when Tom pushed a finger into her ass she moaned around the cock in her mouth.

Peter couldn’t see what Tom was doing at his end, but the vibrations of her moan felt fantastic on his cock as she deep throated him and he could feel another orgasm building, wanting her to keep moaning Peter tried slapping her tits and discovered the harder he slapped to more she moaned vibrating his cock as she sucked him hard. Peter really went to town hitting Lisa’s tits as hard as he could, the pain mixed with the pleasure was lifting Lisa to new hights of arousal and she is constantly moaning and groaning as her orgasm drew ever closer.

The constant vibrations traveling down his cock combined with the vacuum seal of her lips has Peter dumping another load in her mouth, after the first couple of jets he pulls back and pains her face with the remainder of his cum. Dropping onto his ass Peter admires his handy work as he catches his breath. With her mouth now empty Lisa is free to vocalise her feeling as Tom pounds her pussy and fingers her ass. Looking back over her shoulder she encourages Tom to go deeper and harder confessing how close she is to cumming on his beautiful cock and how much she wants to feel his cum drowning her pussy.

The dirty talk is getting to Tom, and it isn’t long before he is granting her wish, unloading another huge load deep inside her spasming cunt as he grips her hips tightly holding himself deep inside her clenching cunt, like Peter he pulls out before he has finished and paints her back with the remainder of his cum.

The remainder of the day is spent much the same way with people pairing up and fucking their brains out, when Mandy regained consciousness she was laying alone in Tom and Sally’s tent standing on shaky legs to stumbles outside to find the others walking into a very erotic scene.

Lisa is laying on ger back in the middle of the clearing with the tiny goth girl Annabelle straddling her face, her legs are wide open and Sally the college nurse is slurping at her cunt all the boys are standing around them egging them on and jacking their hard cocks. As Mandy watches Peter unleashes a huge load of cum spraying it over the trio of girls, judging by the amount of cum covering the writhing mass of female flesh this isn’t the first load to be dumped over them and considering the groans coming from Chris another load is imminent

Not really seeing a way to join the girls in their fun Mandy kneels in front of Tom taking him into her mouth as she bobs her head on his cock she reaches out to the side to grasp joe’s hard cock and jacks it for him, Peter takes her other hand placing it on his still hard cock, Mandy got the message loud and clear and is soon jacking his cock as well.

Joe and Peter move around a bit making it a more comfortable angle for Mady to work their cocks while she sucks off the Professor. Being the only girl not painted in their cum the boys decide to rectify that problem and as Tom floods her mouth Joe paints the side of her face with his cum followed soon after by Peter drenching her tits. Mandy feels something warm hit her in the back of the head and turns to see Chris standing behind her firing his cum into her hair.

After many changes in partners and positions the group finally tired as the sun set and they each crawled into the nearest tent to sleep, the previous rule of no mixed occupation completely ignored.

Chapter 10

The next morning although still very horny the group have more control over their primal thoughts, Tom and Sally are also aware that they need to be heading back before they are reported missing. Packing up their equipment the girls unanimously decide to remain topless for as long as possible on the hike back to college with everything squared away in their backpacks each member takes a fragment of the meteor as a memento of their trip. Tom collects the remaining pieces and puts them in his own bag.

The hike back went much quicker with a direct route taken and they were almost back to civilisation after just one day of walking even after stopping twice for a break that ended up with everyone having another quick fuck with Mandy again pairing up with her crush Tom, Joe finally got to have Annabelle all to himself and confessed his love for her as he was driving himself deep into her tight ass as he strummed her clit. Lisa and Peter paired up as she was drawn to the delightful way he degrades her when he takes his pleasure from her body. Leaving Chris and Sally to satisfy each other, while pounding her cunt he whispers in her ear “Can’t wait to see you in uniform with my cock in your mouth” this one statement sent Sally off into a screaming orgasm as she envisioned his fantasy.

Their last rest stop was very close to the treeline where the manicured grounds of the college met the natural forest once again the group stopped to rest all feeling a little reluctant to end they wonderful time together and return to the restricting rules of polite society. Mandy was a little disappointed that Sally got to Tom’s cock before she could wanting one last go with the object of her infatuation but Chris’s cock stretched her asshole out so good it was hard to feel too sad about it Joe was inside Annabelle again and the couple seemed to be making plans to actually go out on a date as soon as they could, Lisa happily allowed Peter to dominate her the boy even choked her a little as he came deep inside her useless cunt.

With everybody dressed appropriately the group travelled the last distance and broke through the trees, walking across the playing fields no one would suspect the events that occurred on the hike or why everyone was so eager to meet up and do it again during the summer break. Dumping the gear in the gym they used the changing room showers to clean of a weekends worth of cum and sweat before they each went their separate ways each carrying their own small piece of meteor.

End of part 1!