A Planet Seeded
Part 2 Joe and Annabelle’s home comming
Chapter 1
With the school year over a majority of Springlines staff and students headed home for the summer break leaving the campus a mostly quiet and deserted place. Nurse Baker was on rotation to remain on site to cover any health issues should they arise with the remaining populus, Professor Brown would also be remaining on site covering a series of catchup classes for students that had fallen behind.
Annabelle had arranged with her mother Jane for Joe to stay with them at the house they shared with her Aunt Amy, as his parents were both out of town on family business for a couple more days, so they took the train together and chatted the whole journey home. Joe discovered that Annabelle’s farther had died in a car accident when she was still very young, and she and her mother had moved into her Aunt Amy’s house for emotional support and cut the costs of living. Annabelle’s uncle ran off with a coworker about the same time her farther died so the remaining women huddled together under one roof creating a makeshift family of sorts.
Annabelle’s mother Jane had some concerns with her daughter bringing home her new boyfriend to stay with them as until 2 days ago she had no idea her daughter was even in a relationship but Amy her older sister convinced her by promising to help keep an eye on the young couple and ensure no funny business happened under her roof. As they arrived at Annabelles home Joe stood by awkwardly as Jane and Amy fussed and hugged Annabelle welcoming her home for the summer, Watching the two older women fauns over Annabelle gave Joe the opportunity to check out his girlfriend’s makeshift family. Jane the mother was about the same height as her daughter standing at probably 5′5″, unlike her daughter Jane had a curvy figure and a decent set of tits, even dressed casually in a jeans and T-shirt combo it was clear the assets she was supporting, guessing her age at around late 30’s to early 40’s her attractive face and ice blue eyes are framed by a mane of curly ginger hair worn loose at roughly shoulder length. Aunt Amy on the other hand had a slimmer figure more similar to his now girlfriend Annabelle, she had the same blue eyes as her sister and niece but her long straight hair is much darker almost auburn, Amy’s tits are also much smaller than her sisters but not as small as Annabelle’s meagre A cups, he guessed around a C or CC cup.
Once the initial welcome was over both women turned their attention to him with a stern look on their faces they invited him inside explaining the rules of the home and his sleeping arrangements in Annabelle’s room, making it very clear that Annabelle will be sharing with her mother and there will be no bed hopping in the night. Joe thanked them for their hospitality and promised to remain in his room and to be well behaved and respectful at all times.
With the greetings and introductions over Annabelle was excited to show off her piece of the meteor and tell the story of how she came to possess it, mother and auntie listened with interest to her tale as they passed the strange stone between themselves, placing the fragment of meteor on the mantel piece in pride of place they order in pizza and as they sit around the dining room table eating Jane and Amy grill a squirming Joe about how he and Annabelle became a couple. Keeping to the facts Joe explains a very edited version of the hike, confessing his attraction to Annabelle but never having the courage to talk to her in class the couple had a chance to talk a lot while hiking finding similar interests and hobbies they hit it off immediately and have been inseparable ever since. Still a little guarded about his intentions Jane and Amy had to admit the story was very romantic and softened a little towards him.
At bedtime Joe was shown to his room and reminded of the house rules of no nighttime wanderings, assuring his compliance Joe readies himself for bed and is soon fast asleep after a long tiring day of travel, Annabelle is equally tired and falls asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Jane and Amy remain up talking and drinking a bottle of wine both happy to have Annabelle home for the summer and how happy and alive she seems with her new boyfriend. As midnight fast approaches the sisters retire to the rooms Amy alone and Jane slipping in beside her daughters sleeping form.
At around 2 in the morning with everyone asleep the meteor starts to glow green the light pulsing from the rocks surface as it slowly raises 6 inches into the air, Amy and Janes eyes open, glowing with the same eerie green light of the rock and sleepwalk to the lounge coming to stop in front of the glowing rock staring blankly ahead. As they stand stock still in a trance like state their nipples harden underneath their nightgowns and their pussy begin to moisten, the sisters remain enthralled for hours never moving or blinking as the fires of lust burn hotter and hotter inside them.
Chapter 2
Waking the next morning Joe walks into the kitchen following the smell of bacon and eggs cooking and finds the women of the house much more friendly and relaxed around him, during the family breakfast he thought he detected some subtle flirting from his girlfriend’s mother and auntie. Annabelle was also very touchy with him and neither of the adults seemed mind when she sat in his lap to eat her bacon and eggs, instead cooing over how cute the happy couple look. Joe and Annabelle hang out together throughout the day while Amy goes out to run to errands and Jane tackles the mountain or laundry her daughter brought home from college she offers to start on Joes as well, but he politely refuses stating his own mother will sort it for him when he gets home in a day or so. Not taking no for an answer Jane explains the machine is running anyway and insists he collect his dirty clothes for her, while Joe and Annabelle cuddle up on the sofa watching TV Jane starts to sort through the piles of soiled clothes the teenagers have brought home.
Arranging everything into coloured piles prior to loading the washing machine Jane starts to notice an unusual odour filling the small laundry room and it takes her a moment to place where she had smelt it before, the slightly earthy spicy smell is not at all unpleasant and she sniffs in a lungful of tainted air trying to recall the smell. As she opens another of Joe’s bags the odour becomes so much stronger, and Jane realises it is the scent of male sweat she is breathing in, her body feels tingly all over, and her nipples harden into firm points poking out the front of her T-shirt even through her bra. Unlike her daughter Jane had been blessed in the breast department, supporting a pair of C cup pear shaped breasts that still sat high and proud on her middle-aged chest, unable to stop herself Jane reaches into Joe’s bag and grasping a large handful of scrunched up clothing brings them up to her nose, where she buries her face into the dirty pile and inhales deeply. Feeling a little lightheaded and very horny Jane detects another smell laced in with Joe’s manly essence this one has a salty tang to it and her mind quickly connects what she is sniffing now his cum stained underwear, even with the thoughts of shock and disgust she does not stop sniffing his dirty laundry as she seeks out the source of the smell directly.
Finding a stiff pair of boxershorts Jane drops the remaining clothes to the floor as she sniffs and licks at the cum stained material her own underwear becoming very wet as her arousal level spikes higher and higher, hearing movement on the other side of the door Jane snaps out of her reverie blushing with embarrassment she shoves all Joes clothes in at once and slams the machine closed. Opening a window to clear the air she tries to calm herself before leaving the small room.
Joe is getting Annabelle and himself a drink from the fridge when her mother steps out of the laundry room nearly bumping into him the pair lock eyes for a second and Joe notices her pupils widen slightly as a subtle blush spread across her cheeks, smiling at her Joe apologises for getting in her way and retreats back to the lounge and Annabelle. Jane can’t keep her mind off of what happened in the laundry room or her close encounter with the source of the smell she is very distracted all day and would repeatedly find herself leaning against the doorframe staring at her daughter and her boyfriend. Even Amy noticed something was amiss with her sister during their evening meal and embarrassed her further by questioning her in front of everybody.
Seeing Jane squirm with embarrassment as she blushed to colour of an over ripe tomato got everyone giggling but she refused to give a clear answer, and the conversation moved on to Amy asking Joe more about himself and inviting him to stay longer if he wanted especially clean clothes weren’t going to be a problem any longer gesturing out the window to the washing line full of his drying clothes. Joe was surprised but not at all embarrassed to see all his underwear hanging out for the world to see including an old ratty pair he keeps under his pillow as a wank rag until it is so stiff with dried cum he has no choice to wash them. Turning his gaze to Jane he smiles knowingly, and her blush deepens as she casts her eyes down unable to hold his stare.
Happy to extend his stay indefinitely and remain with Annabelle Joe accepts their invitation and offers to do the dishes as a thank you, Annabelle helps and the two of them set to work cleaning up after dinner while Jane and Amy retire to the lounge. Soft whispers and giggles can be heard from the lounge as the sister gossip leaving them to it Joe and Annabelle go to her room and start to make out on her bed somehow sensing they wouldn’t be in trouble if discovered. As bedtime rolled around a yawning Amy goes off to her own room and falls asleep quickly, Jane is confused by Annabelle’s absence when she goes to her room and suspecting her whereabouts heads off to berate the young couple and remind them of the house rules. As she gets closer to Annabelle’s room Jane slows her steps and treads lightly so as not to make any noise the bedroom door is open slightly and she cautiously peeks inside.
Jane is struck dump at the sight before her, there on her teenage daughter’s bed is a lithe and muscular man laying naked on his back while her precious little girls is straddling him, riding his hard cock in slow sensual rhythm. From her viewpoint Jane can clearly see his large heavy balls and the base of his thick hard shaft as it splits and stretches the outer lips of her daughter’s pussy, mesmerised by the hypnotic movement of his glorious cock as it disappears and reappears from view causes Jane to forget her reason for coming to her daughter’s room and she just stays hidden and watches as the new lovers continue to fuck.
Jane doesn’t notice when one of her hand’s snakes under the waistband of her jeans and starts to stroke along her own weeping slit, only becoming aware of her actions when she joins her daughter in moaning out a powerful climax. Worried she could be caught spying Jane hurries to her room and strips for bed forgetting to put on her nightgown. Unknown to Jane but Amy had also elected to sleep nude that night so when to meteor starts to glow and raise itself into the air the sister slip from their beds summoned by the glowing light mirrored in their own eyes and stand their vigil completely naked.
The pull of the meteor is much stronger their second exposure and the sister’s arousal reach previously unknown hights after only an hour and both women climaxes spraying their juices over the fireplace to drip down the walls and pool on the hardwood floors below, silently they turn as one and return to their beds to sleep the rest of the night.
Chapter 3
Jane wakes up the next morning with one hand squeezing her tit as the other hand has 3 finger curled up inside her pussy massaging her G-spot, the skin on that hand is wrinkled from prolonged contact with the copious amounts of fluid pouring out of her now bald pussy and judging by how wet her sheets are she must have been masturbating the entire night as she slept but incredibly she still feels so very horny. Jane is surprised to discover her pubic hair has fallen out during the night but is unconcerned due to her soft and smooth she feels down there and anything that feels this good can’t be a bad thing.
Amy has never felt so horny in all her life, when she woke up this morning laying naked on her bed she discovered all her pubic hair and vanished leaving her as smooth as silk, while exploring her new state of baldness she also discovered how much more sensitive her pussy is now, and the gentle caresses are getting her very wet indeed. Losing herself to the sensations of her fingers as she traces her outer lips Amy closes her eyes and focuses all her attention of the sense of touch alone. Moving to sit on the edge of her bed Amy spreads her legs wide and probes first one finger then two into her weeping cunt. The sound of someone walking along the hallway has Amy opening her eyes to see who it could be, she has a naughty thought that it could be Joe her nieces boyfriend walking past and seeing her spread open and dripping. In her fantasy Joe enters her room uninvited and replaces her fingers with thick hard cock fucking into her hard and fast driving her to cum on his dick over and over again.
The reality is much different however as it is her niece that passes by her open door, a little disappointed and ashamed of her dirty thoughts Amy stands to cover herself and close the door, but Annabelle has already seen enough and has entered her room, before she can begin to explain Annabelle drops to her knees in front of her and licks at her slick pussy.
The sensation of her niece’s tongue dragging across her hypersensitive outer lips blanks all thoughts from her mind and she just remains standing as the pleasure from her pussy overloads her mind. Amy’s legs are starting to tremble partially due to standing in a unnatural position legs spread and pussy pushed forward to give her niece the best angle to probe her needy pussy with her expert tongue and partly because of the powerful climax she can feel growing stronger and stronger inside her core.
Hearing footsteps pass outside her door distracts her attention from her pussy and Jane pulls her fingers out of her needy cunt and goes to investigate completely unconcerned at her state of undress. Seeing the corridor outside her room empty she moves further away from her room, initially she is tempted to go a peek into Annabelle’s room a small part of her hoping to catch them fucking so she could watch them again. But a breathy moan from down the hall drew her attention and she headed that way instead, the sounds of laboured breathing became louder the closer she got to her sister’s bedroom and once again Jane proceeded like a peeping pervert, soundlessly approaching her sister’s room.
Amy’s bedroom door was wide open and as Jane looked around the doorframe she came face to face with her sister standing naked in the middle of the room her large pert tits capped with erect dusty pink nipples fully on display lucky for Jane Amy’s eyes are closed and a look of pure bliss is on her face allowing Jane to take in the arousing sight of her older sister’s tits in all their naked glory without fear of discovery. As she stares captivated by Amy’s beautiful tits Amy lets out another sultry moan of bliss her tits rising and falling on her chest as she pants out her breathing. The movement of Amy’s tits are keeping Jane’s eyes glued to them as she feels herself becoming even more turned on, the taboo nature of her spying and the fact its her own sister just makes it all the more hotter.
As Amy moans out again Jane notices a small movement just out side her zone of focus and looks lower down her sisters naked form only to see the back of her daughters head nestled between her aunties legs, Jane smiles in understanding only now realising what was making her sister moan so much, judging by Amy’s facial expressions and the increase number of moans Annabelle must be very good at eating pussy as Amy seems to be right on the verge of an orgasm and Janes heart swells with pride for her daughter.
Jane drops her eyes to the gap between her daughters spread legs and notices the puddle beneath Annabelles dripping pussy, licking her lips Jane feels a strong desire to go and join them slipping her own tongue into the wet and glistening folds of her daughters pussy but before she can react the sound of the toilet flushing snaps her out of her train of thought and she hurries back to her room fearing being caught watching. Once inside her bedroom Jane closes the door quickly as her hand fly to her pussy furiously rubbing her slick folds and pinching her clit she is soon experiencing and orgasm of her own and as the force of it rolls over her, her legs buckle and she slide down the door ending up sitting in a puddle of her own cum, legs spread wide as she continues to fuck her fingers with ever more force.
Unaware her mom was watching her Annabelle is solely focused on the delicious pussy of Aunt Amy alternating between broad strokes of her tongue over the outer lips to firm stabs with the point of her tongue spearing between the slimy folds tasting the tangy nectar within, using her noise to softly bump against her Amy’s clit Annabelle is rewarded with another mouthful of pussy juice. The feeling of Aunt Amy’s legs trembling against her cheeks informs Annabelle how close her Amy is to cumming, and she redoubles her efforts to bring the older woman crashing over the edge.
Amy can’t take any more stimulation her whole world has shrunk down to just her pussy and her niece’s tongue, with a final graze of Annabelle’s nose over her exposed clit Amy explodes into orgasm. Her core muscles clamp up and ripple uncontrollably as she starts to spray her climax over her niece’s face and chest drowning the petite girl in a river of cum.
The sheer force of her orgasm shuts of her brain completely and she topples backwards onto the bed gasping in breaths as her body writhes and spasms in ecstasy.
Chapter 4
Joe is unconcerned at the lack of company as he helps himself to a mug of coffee in the kitchen, he is well aware of Jane’s spying as he fucked her daughter last night and the moaning from Amy’s room explains where Annabelle got to, so he just sits and relaxes sipping his hot coffee and waits for someone to make him some breakfast.
Jane is the first one to join him in the kitchen wearing coral pink satin robe and by the looks of it nothing else, when she makes eye contact with Joe she blushes slightly as she remembers last nights show and her nipples harden up poking out through the thin material of her robe. Joe gives her a knowing smile and nod and her blush deepens and her pussy starts to dampen. Next is Annabelle wearing one of Joe’s T-shirts, on her small frame it looks like a baggy dress falling midway down her thighs. She is smiling and humming to herself, and Joe and Jane can clearly see the residue of Amy’s cunt glistening on her mouth and chin as she walks in to sit next to Joe kissing him deeply.
Amy walks in last, she too is only wearing a satin robe in midnight blue but with her larger tits hers doesn’t close as well as her sisters showing off a ample amount of cleavage, seeing Joe and Annabelle kiss her eyes widen in shock as she realises Joe is tasting her pussy off of her nieces lips, a shudder of arousal travels down her spine erecting her nipples and moistening her pussy as it goes.
The smell of female arousal fills the kitchen and surrounded by three horny women makes Joe’s cock harden and tent out the front of his loose shorts, making no effort to hide his erection Joe’s smile widens as he watches all eyes drift to his growing member and three tongue wet their lips as the women tare their gaze away from his cock he sees the lust burning in their eyes and he laughs out loud startling the trio. Getting caught staring causes Jane and Amy to blush as they absentmindedly push out their tits while Annabelle snuggles into her boyfriend’s shoulder reaching out to wrap her small hand around his bulge. Putting his arm around Annabelle’s shoulders he pulls her upper body down onto his crotch while looking directly at Jane and Amy “So ladies I’m happy to give you both your breakfast but which one of you is going to make me mine” as he is saying it he uses his other hand to pull out his shorts letting his impressive cock spring free slapping against Annabelle’s lips as she parts them to take him in her mouth. Joe’s message is crystal clear and with a mixed look of desire and jealousy Jane and Amy rush to prepare Joe some food as quickly as possible glancing over to watch Annabelle sucking on the object of their mutual obsession.
The sound of their cooking is punctuated by the Gluck, Gluck sounds of Annabelle deep throating Joe and by the time his breakfast is ready both Jane and Amy’s inner thighs are coated in pussy juice as it runs down their legs, the scent of it is overpowering and they are shivering with need. Amy places his plate down in front of him, but Joe pushes it to one side motioning her to sit on the table in its place, Jane is crestfallen until he reaches out and pulls her closer getting her to sit beside her sister.
The sisters look on in silence as Joe stands up and leans in between Amy’s spread legs feasting on her sloppy pussy noisily as he teases Jane’s pussy and clit with his fingers, after a couple of minutes Joe switches places tonguing Jane while fingering Amy. He keeps up this patten form quite some time, the breaks in stimulation as he swaps from one pussy to the next keeping the women hovering on the edge of climax but never quite reaching it.
Not wanting to give up sucking his cock Annabelle moves with Joe ending up in a kneeling position under the table continuing to worship joe’s cock while he devours her mother and aunts’ cunts. The mind-numbing pleasure of his strong tongue on their soft delicate pussies has them both acting on pure animalistic lust and neither one of them remembers the moment the reclined back on the table nor when they started to kiss each other. Neither sister cared how wrong all this was, so consumed with arousal their only focus is on pleasure and getting as much of it as possible.
During one of his changes Joe sees the sisters kissing passionately and he pauses to watch the highly erotic show using both hands to keep the horny sluts on the boil. Jane’s fingers were curling and uncurling as her stomach muscles twitched uncontrollably as she rode the very crest of what was promising to be an very powerful orgasm but still Joe held her at bay, the waiting was such perfect torture and Jane never wanted to moment to end even as she desperately craved the moment of release. Amy was going through a very similar ordeal and kissing her own sister an act of such depravity was turning her on so much she feared she would soon go mad with lust. At that moment Joe removed his sticky finger from their dripping cunts and lifted their arm one on each of them placing their hands on the others tit before returning to his stimulation of the pussies. The sisters needed no further encouragement and as he worked their cunts they took their make out session to second base.
Joe had already dumped two loads of cum down Annabelle’s throat while he played with her family and he could feel he was ready to cum again when a wicked though popped into his head, getting Annabelle to replace his fingers with her own Joe moved around the table standing over the sisters heads and they kissed and groped each other, a few fast strokes of his cock had him blowing his next load over their faces coating their lips and cheeks with his salty cum. This final degrading act was the final straw and Jane and Amy orgasmed simultaneously the second they tasted his cum on the others lips, writhing around on the tabletop as they lost control of the bodies, both women squirted powerfully drenching Annabelle in girl cum for the second time that morning. Standing and watching Jane and Amy orgasm kept Joe as hard as steel and as their spasming slowed and stopped he pressed his length down along the union of the faces, the women totally blissed out on the endorphins of such a strong orgasm reacted instinctively and began to lick and kiss the heavenly cock before them.
Chapter 5
Sending Annabelle to clean up in the shower Joe whispers into their ears before leaving them to recover their senses “I’ll be in the lounge when your ready for some more, naked bitches only” he punctuated his statement with a pinch to their nipples, his words sent a tremble down their spines and rekindled their waning arousal.
Walking through the house naked his hard cock pointing the way Joe made his way to the lounge sitting in the centre of the sofa he awaited his females return wondering who would be the first to arrive.
On her way to shower Annabelle licks her fingers clean comparing the difference in taste of her mother’s pussy to her aunts’ Annabelle couldn’t decide on a favourite as each were both delicious. Taking her time under the hot water Annabelle rubbed as her pussy edging herself to the point of climax before backing off slightly needed it pee she pauses her play to piss in the shower watching the golden liquid run down her legs and into the drain, squeezing off the flow caused her to fart, and she giggled at the sound it made in a confined space.
Finally clean and dry she exits the bathroom in search of the others her anticipation and arousal growing as she looks forward to more fun playing with her new boyfriend and family. Jane is first off the table and standing, shedding her robe she lets the expensive luxury item drop to the floor as she reaches over to strip her sister of hers Jane is still so horny she can hardly think straight and as much as she wants to go and fuck Joe she knows it will turn her on even more watching him split her sister open with his massive cock. Her newly discovered voyeur kink is really coming out strong and she knows she is going to get as much pleasure watching sex as having it. Helping her dazed sister up Jane has a very naughty idea of what she would love to watch next, so she grabs a bottle of cooking oil off the side, and she passes guiding her groggy sister to the lounge and a show of a life time.
Joe cocks a eyebrow in question when he sees Jane carrying a semi limp Amy and a bottle of oil into the lounge. Gesturing to his still hard cock he asks “What’s it to be ladies”
Jane is crazed with lust as she approaches the sofa manoeuvring her sister to kneel on the cushions with her head and shoulders resting on the backrest, leaving her propped up there she goes over to Joe and dribbles a small amount of oil over his hard cock, massaging it into his length with her trembling hands. Feeling that his cock is slick enough for her intentions she makes a show of pouring more oil down Amy’s ass crack, Joe catches on and stands to join Jane behind Amy’s exposed and oily asshole. Jane stretches up to kiss him deeply running her hand along his hard cock as she does, stepping back slightly she guides his tip towards her sister’s asshole and encourages Joe to push inside, Amy’s near comatose state and the slickness of the oil lets Joe slide in easily and he takes up a long slow rhythm using his entire length to penetrate Amy’s most private of places. Happy the show has started Jane sits down at the end of the sofa and watches her sister getting sodomised but her daughter’s boyfriend as she plays with her sopping wet pussy and pulls on her nipples.
The feeling of Jack fucking her greasy asshole pulls Amy out of her daze and she groans out as the overwhelming pleasure radiates throughout her whole body starting from her stuffed and stretched asshole, the feeling of fullness back there is completely new to Amy but she is enjoying the experience very much and her pussy is dripping as her first ever anal orgasm begins to build in no time at all. Looking over her shoulder at Joe she gives him a loving smile “God your cock feels amazing fucking my ass, please give me more”
Never one to disappoint a lady Joe picks up his pace gripping her hips to control their rhythm as Amy slams herself back to meet his thrusts.
“Harder please God harder!”
Joe’s balls slapped wetly against her pussy as he pounds into her tight ass, her ass cheeks and tits rippling with the force of his thrusts and deep long moan of pure bliss alerts Amy that they are not alone, and she turns her head to see her sister frantically pumping her fingers in and out of her gapping pussy as she watches them fuck. “Like what you see sis?”
Jane can only nod in response as she stares at the point of their joining, watching with glee as Joe’s shinny rod disappears and reappears deep inside her sister’s dirty bowels, reaching out a hand Amy flicks one of Janes painfully hard nipples causing her to yelp in surprise
Watching her sisters ass getting reamed out was the most depraved and erotic thing Jane had ever witnessed and the fact they knew she was watching and didn’t care was enough to trigger an orgasm, nowhere near as powerful as the one in the kitchen she nevertheless squirted a little over the sofa when she came, Amy’s flick to her nipple came shortly after and increased the diminishing sensations once more taking her back to the heights of orgasm.
Annabelle fresh from the shower entered the lounge to find her boyfriend balls deep in her aunt’s asshole while she begged him to go harder, deeper, faster and praying for him to not stop. Her mother was sat watching the whole dirty act fucking herself senseless eyes glued to the action as she orgasms, repeatedly firing little jets of cum over the sofa cushions.
Annabelle felt only love and arousal seeing her family fucking together and new just how to join in the fun, dropping to her knees between her mother’s open legs she lowers her face to the red and swollen cunt that brought her into this world and inhaled deeply her mother’s musk, with a watering mouth she circles and licks at her mother’s clit making Janes moans pitch higher, moving her hand out of her daughters way Jane surrenders control of her pussy to her daughter as she watches Joe and Amy meet a fever pace. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knows this can’t last much longer and Joe will flood her older sister’s bowels with his delicious cum. She also knows that when he exits her gapping asshole leaking his load she is going to dive in there before it can close and clean up the mess she is responsible for, she will clean Joe’s cock of all those brown stains she can see coating his oily length too if no one beats her to it.
Janes hips start to buck against her daughters face as another strong orgasm starts to peek and naughty Annabelle waits for just the right moment at the beginning of her mother’s peek to push a finger into Jane’s spasming asshole the add stimulation pushes Jane’s climax even higher and she screams out her release and she sprays her little girls face like a burst hose. The screams of pleasure trigger Joe’s orgasm and with a final thrust he holds himself deep in Amy’s ass as he shoots a massive load of cum. As his cum shoots out the feeling of fullness travels even deeper inside her ass and Amy’s own climax crashes down upon her with the force of a tsunami,
Joe remains inside Amy as the pair struggle to catch their breath, laying his weight on her back he kisses her over her shoulder while gently palming her heavy tits rolling the nipples with his thumbs, small micro-orgasms flicker through the exhausted woman, but her body is responsive to his touch, and she pushes her tits firmer into his hands. Annabelle sits back to watch as Joe pulls out of her aunt’s ass licking her lips as a trickle of cum oozes out of her distended asshole. Moving as one mother and daughter seek out their chosen prize Annabelle her boyfriends browned cock and Jane the anal cream pie left for her by Joe, greedy slurping noises fill to air as the two of them get to cleaning.
Chapter 6
The rest of the day was spent in the same fashion as the newly formed group explored each other’s bodies in every way imaginable, Jane joined in and was fucked regularly but nothing gave her more of a thrill than watching the others she even followed them to the bathroom and watched them pee, luckily for her everyone was happy to put on a show for her and the more depraved the better she liked it like when Joe pissed in Amy’s mouth while she squatted in the bath tub pissing herself.
As the days fun was continuing Joe’s mobile rings, it is his mom informing him they would be home the day after next and can’t wait to see him, Joe tried his best to sound normal on the phone while Annabelle deep throated his cock and fondled his balls. Overhearing this news Amy and Jane felt very sad at the thought of Joe and his magnificent cock leaving them so soon, but Amy and a brilliant idea, grabbing her phone she quickly orders something online and pays the extra for overnight shipping.
As Amy had the largest bed they all ended sleeping in her room naked and tangled together, waking in the morning to having his cock sucked was a fantastic way to wake up and Joe hoped this would become a normal part of his day looking down he is surprised to see Amy is the one with her mouth sealed around his cock working the shaft in and out of her lips while Annabelle is lightly tonguing his balls and asshole. After about ten minutes of this the girls swap positions sharing the work, Jane as is usually these days is sitting nearby watching the action with a hand working her pussy. Smiling at his girlfriends mother he pulls her to him and has her straddle his face eating her pussy as she watches her sister and daughter service Joe’s cock.
Amy’s package arrived around noon and Amy gathered them all together in the kitchen to showcase her idea, in the cardboard box she has three make your own vibrator kits using Joe’s cock for the mould the girls would be able to keep a part of Joe with them after he leaves. It was a messy process and there was a lot of giggling and unnecessary groping but eventually three perfect replicas of Joe’s hard cock were dried on the side as the group fucked each other in the lounge to celebrate their success.