The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Quantum of Horace

Lucinda Creele approached the house with just a hint of misgivings. This hardly was her first party but still, there was always a little something there.

It was Halloween night and all the witches and ghosts and goblins were out. Lucinda always had to smile when she had that thought because it was hardly the first time she’d had that thought. Yes, all the witches and ghosts were out tonight. Especially the witches. Especially the real ones like her.

One of the patrons started just a bit when he saw her. “Whoa,” the boy said. “Totally awesome costume, man. You’re like totally in line for first place, you know.”

Lucinda had to smile at that. It was hardly the first time she’d heard that either. She had to remember though not to cackle when she spoke. “Thanks,” she said.

“No problem, man.”

Yes, it wasn’t any problem, she might have told the kid. It wasn’t any problem at all, especially since she wasn’t wearing a costume.

She’d just make the rounds and find what she was looking for and then she’d leave before the party was anywhere close to ending. Fresh meat for her to play with. Some boys and some girls, but mostly boys. Boys were always more fun and they had such delicious life energy. She’d find enough to last her for the year and then she’d be back again to find herself a new batch of victims next year.

She’d start at the punch bowl because the punch bowl was always a good place to start. People liked to hang out at the punch bowl and even if they weren’t hanging out there, they eventually kept coming back to the punch bowl over and over again.

There was a girl there dressed up like a black cat and Lucinda Creele couldn’t help but smile at that. The girl had a couple of boys hanging around her. One of them was dressed up as a ninja. One of them was dressed up as a pirate. Anyone who knew what cats were all about would have known that the girl in question was nothing like a black cat. A real cat would have run away if it were pestered by an antagonist and if running away weren’t an option, then a real cat would invariably unsheathed the claws. The girl in the cat suit was doing neither of the things.

Twit, Lucinda thought. The girl was nothing like a cat. Now, who should she go after next.

The odd thing was as much as she’d decided that the girl had nothing to offer her, she found her attention was being once more drawn back to the girl. What was there about her, Lucinda wondered.

Nothing. There was nothing about her. Stop paying attention to the girl and start taking care of business instead.

But once again, her attention was back on the girl again.

What the heck was the matter with her?

Never mind that, Lucinda told herself. She had work to do. She could figure out later why it was that she seemed to keep watching the girl in the black cat suit.

So why the heck was she watching her now?

Something was wrong, Lucinda realized and yet she found herself unable to look away and now she was starting to feel dizzy. Just what the heck was going on here.

Her head was starting to swim. She had to get away. She had to ... she had to ... she ... she ...

* * *

Someone was kicking Lucinda’s foot. “Wake up,” a man’s voice told her. “Wake up you spawn of the devil.”

Lucinda stirred. She was lying on the floor of a nearly darkened room and the only thing she could see for certain was that there was a man standing over her. It was in fact his boot which had been kicking her foot.

“Wake up I tell you,” the man’s voice bellowed. “Wake up.”

“I am awake,” Lucinda grumbled.

“So you are,” the man said. “Do you know who I am?”

Lucinda shook her head. She had the feeling that the man didn’t much care if she knew who he was. He was merely asking the question to ask it.

“My name is Horace Van Pelt. I was, when I was alive, a Grand Inquisitioner in that area which would now be called Chrystal Heights. My job, my specialty, was finding and rooting out creatures such as yourself and I was very good at what I did. Over my lifetime, I put a good many of your type to the stake but as successful as I was, I found that when I died, my life’s work had only just begun. There were so many more out there just like you and so every year, every All Hallowed Eve, every year when your ilk drops its guard and comes out, I come back to continue my work.”

Lucinda was only just beginning to realize that she wasn’t the only witch that the madman had captured but more than that, she was beginning to realize that something was wrong with her ability to cast a spell. “So you’re a ghost,” she said even as she tried to figure out just what the heck was wrong with her.

“I suppose you could call me that but I prefer the word specter.”

Lucinda wasn’t sure what the difference was and she didn’t much care. She feared this man and she feared what he would most likely do to her if her situation remained unchanged. She feared that very much.

“And now, I will give you something to make you docile until it is time to send you and your shrewish sisters back to the Hell from whence you came.”

The man was bending over her and a flask was being put to her lips. “Drink, Hell spawn. Drink!”

As much as she tried to avoid the vile stuff, Lucinda could feel whatever it was sliding sat her lips and then down her throat and she started to feel warm all over. It was okay, she told herself. It was okay. She could lie here where she was. In fact, if she’d bothered to think about it, she would have realized that she didn’t really want to move and the truth was she didn’t really want to think about anything at all.

* * *

Horace seemed satisfied that Lucinda was unlikely to move for he straightened up and once he had, all the attention that the witch might have garnered was suddenly gone. Another of his minions wanted his attention. It looked as if there was another candidate that would soon be falling into his clutches.

It took a while but eventually,the Grand Inquisitioner and his minion returned to the near darkened room with their latest captive. “You can put her there,” he said.

Put her there pretty much meant dropping the helpless witch wherever the minion deemed was appropriate and yet something caught Horace’s attention. “Wait a minute,” the man said.

The minion now held his ground, waiting to see what was wrong.

Horace was scowling as he looked at the scene around him. Something was wrong, he told himself, but still it took him a moment to figure out what it was. “The last one,” he said. “Where is she?”

The minion hesitated for a moment before he pointed at their latest victim. “There she is,” he said.

“No, not her, you fool. The one before her. Where is she?”

The man looked about himself as if looking around would somehow answer hs master’s question but eventually, the man had to shrug. “I don’t know,” he said finally.

“Find her,” Horace said. “Find her now.”

* * *

Lucinda Creele was having a hard time concentrating. On the one hand, she kept telling herself that she had to get away but on the other hand, she kept asking herself just who the heck was she supposed to getting away from. It was all very confusing and the fact that she couldn’t seem to figure it out just made it all that much more confusing.

And then there were the surges.

She really didn’t know how to describe what she was feeling but surge seemed to be as good a way as any to describe it. It was. Almost as if there was a build up in magical energy inside her but it was as if she had no way to control it. It would build and build and build until wham, it would spontaneously fire and something would happen.

The only thing is that when whatever it was happened, Lucinda seemed to have almost no idea what had happened because whatever was happening, she most definitely was not the one in control.

And she could feel the surge building up inside her again.

And just like before, she knew she was powerless to stop it and then ...


She groaned.

Something was happening to her. Of that much, she was sure. It was just that she had no idea just what that something was.

* * *

“You fool,” Horace bellowed at his minion. “What is this?”

“You said we should look for monkeys,” the minion said.

“I said be on the look-out for flying monkeys. This is a man in an ape suit and not even a very good ape suit at that.”

“Hey,” the man in the ape suit protested.

“Be quiet.”

“I’m not going to be quiet,” the man said. “You can’t speak to me like that.”

“I am Horace Van Pelt and—”

“Listen, Buddy, I don’t care who the ell you think you are. I—”

Horace had pretty much had it with the man in the monkey suit and with that, he waved his hand and even though the man in the ape suit continued to talk, no words came out.

Once more, Horace turned his attention on his minions. “You are incompetent,” he said. “I see that now. I suppose I should have realized that from the start. What we need here is professional help. What we need here is a ninja.”

The minion looked down at the costume he was wearing. He thought he was a ninja but Horace hardly took notice of the man. With just a wave of his hand, the man standing before him began to change and when the changing was done, the man we still dressed as a ninja only underneath the hood he wore, there was now a skull. “Find the witch,” Horace said.

The ninja nodded wordlessly and then he was gone.

* * *

“Oh my God. Would you look at you.”

Lucinda looked around herself nervously. What the heck was the matter now.

“That witch’s outfit,” the girl who was talking was saying, “that is so not you.”

“It isn’t?”

The brunette in the nurse’s uniform shook her head. “It’s totally not, you know. I mean I’m sure it looks really good and really authentic and all that but with a body like yours, you should be wearing something that shows off what you got.”

“With a body like mine?” Lucinda asked uncertainly. Just what the heck was this girl talking about?

“Yeah, girl. You got a smoking hot, body. There’s no way you should be hiding it under all those rags or if you are going to wear a witch’s costume, the least you could do was to make it a sexy witch’s costume.”

Now, Lucinda knew. The girl had to be making fun of her and besides, what she was wearing, this wasn’t a costume. These were her clothes.

“You want to see what I mean?” the brunette asked.

In spite of herself, Lucinda nodded. It seemed like it was the least she could do to hear the girl out.

The brunette in the nurse’s uniform was pulling a goth-looking girl forward. The girl was dressed like a cheerleader but she hardly looked at all comfortable in the costume that she was now wearing. “Do you see Gina here?” the nurse asked.

Again, Lucinda nodded.

“She doesn’t look all that happy, does she?”

Lucinda shook her head.

“She looks like she’d be more comfortable wearing what you’re wearing, doesn’t she?”

Lucinda nodded again. She could definitely see that.

“I got an idea. Follow us.”

There were five of them in total. In addition to Lucinda and the nurse and the goth girl who was a cheerleader but didn’t want to be, there was a girl dressed up like Lara Croft in a shiny, silver spandex suit and another girl dressed up as a pirate wench. The four of them led Lucinda to a bedroom.

“Now,” said the nurse, “let’s show you what we mean. Let’s see you take off your clothes.”

The answer to that should have been obvious. She wasn’t going to take off her clothes for anyone and she especially wasn’t going to take her clothes off for these twits and besides, she had the feeling that there was some sort of ... some sort of power in her clothes. They weren’t everything, of course, but they were something, and she knew there was no way she should be removing her clothes.

And yet she was and even as she was, she could feel another of those surges building up inside her. The odd thing was taking her clothes off somehow seemed to mute the surge. It was still there and it was still building but it wasn’t as intense as it had been before.

“Wow,” the nurse gushed. “Would you look at those tits. There’s definitely no way a girl like you should be hiding those tits inside of those rags.”

Lucinda was looking at her tits. They were firm and big and round and they weren’t like anything that she’d ever seen before and especially not on her body.

“Gina, take your clothes off. Let ... hey, we don’t even know your name ... what’s your name?”

“It’s ... It’s ... Lu ... Luc ... Lucinda.”

“Lucinda? Thats a horrible name. You need something that sounds a little it more girly. How about we just call you Lucy instead.”

What was wrong with her name, Lucinda wanted to ask and yet almost as quickly as she’d thought that, she seemed to think that maybe Lucy wasn’t so bad after all. No, they could call her whatever they wanted. Lucy was just fine and if they didn’t want to call her lucinda, that was just fine, too. After all, now that the other girl had mentioned it, she was starting to agree that maybe Lucinda was a stupid name.

“Come on, Lucy. Let’s see what you look like when you’re wearing Gina’s cheerleaders uniform.”

Hesitantly, Lucy picked up the uniform. Something was terribly wrong, she told herself and yet she couldn’t quite seem to identify what that was.

“Go on,” the nurse encouraged her. “Put it on.”

Lucy hesitated for only a moment longer and then she decided there was nothing wrong with doing what she was told. To do so he picked up the panties and the bra and then the skirt and the top and after she’d slipped on the shoes, she was finally done. She looked at the other girls. “How do I look?” she asked hesitantly.

“Girl, you look good in that stuff. Much better than she did.”

“Hey,” Gina complained but if her friends heard her, they seemed to give no indication of it.

“Model it a bit for us. Let’s see how you use it.”

Lucy still wasn’t sure just what the heck she was supposed to do but she twirled herself around to the delight of the other girls. “It’s perfect on you,” the nurse told her. “You should totally keep on wearing that.”

“Hey,” Gina complained yet again. “What am I supposed to wear?”

Still, the other girls seemed to pay her no attention at all so maybe it was only natural what happened next. The goth girl began to look at the only clothes that were left to her.

It was pretty cool, the girl thought. Most costumes were so flimsy that they barely looked like they were able to last out the night, but this, this was different. The witch’s shawl looked like it had been used but it looked like it had been meant to be used. Likewise, the hat looked functional as well with a wide brim and a look that said this hadn’t been thrown together for just a single night of use. But as good as the hat and the shawl were, the wand was even better. It looked old and gnarled but it looked just like one would expect a witch’s wand to look and there was something else. It felt comfortable in her hand, almost as if it belonged there. And there was something else as well. As she stood there holding the wand, it was almost as if she could feel the power of the wand flowing up into her hand.

That was silly, of course, but that was the way it felt and Gina was learning something else. She was learning what it finally felt like to feel powerful and she was learning that she liked it.

Her hand tightened around the wand. She now knew that she wasn’t ever going to let this go. They’d taken away her clothes and they’d given them away to that other girl with the big tits. Well fine. Two could play at that game she thought as she gathered up the witch’s clothes. Yes indeedy. Two could play at that game.

Since the other girls were looking at her, Lucy could see what the other girls couldn’t and what Lucy was seeing was that as Gina slung the witch’s clothes over her body, the girl was starting to change. Her once young face was now lined with age and her nose had begun to grow. Her eyes had grown beady and hard and her hair now seemed to almost have a mind of its own as it seemed to explode out from under the brim of her witch’s hat.

Even Gina couldn’t see the wart that was forming on the side of her nose or the way her mouth split into a big, toothy grin but as she watched the other girls, her grip tightened around that wand. The other girls, they thought they were so much better than her but they weren’t better than her and suddenly, she knew exactly how to prove it. She pointed the wand at the women in front of her. “Lezmarazz,” she cried out.

If any of the girls heard her, they gave no indication of it but then in a way, that was wholly understandable because suddenly Lucy had become the center of attention of the other three women. “Oh my God,” the one in the nurse’s uniform gushed, “you are so hot. Would you mind it if I kissed you.”

“No, me,” the Lara Croft wannabe protested. “I want to kiss her.”

“No, I want to kiss her,” the pirate wench jumped in.

Gina couldn’t help but smile as her so-called friends argued over who was going to be the first to get to kiss their newest little cheerleader hottie and as much fun as it might have been to stand here and watch them argue about who was going to do what, there was something else she wanted instead.

She left the women to their own devices. She had little doubt that the spell shed cast would continue to build and build and build. It would act as a feedback loop making the women more and more in need of pussy the more they surrendered to the desires that were already overtaking them. Pretty soon, they wouldn’t be able to control themselves.

Having left her so-called friends to themselves, Gina once more rejoined the party.

His name was Derrick van Houten although that hardly mattered to Gina. What mattered was the way he was dressed, like a bodybuilder complete with strap-on muscles and everything. Now what if those were real, Gina thought, and suddenly she knew exactly how to make that happen. She waved her wand and suddenly his rippling muscles were exactly what shed wanted them to be.

Still though, there was something wrong. Hmm. What was it?

Gina smiled as the thought finally came to her. It was amazing in fact that she hadn’t thought of it before and once again, she waved her wand. Derricks face suddenly took on a rather doltish expression and even as it did, a bulge began to form and grow in his tight, little briefs. People liked to say that men thought with their dicks. In Derricks case, that really was true but as quickly as that smile had come to her face, it was now disappearing because she wasn’t the only one who was interested in Derrick and in his muscles.

Gina had no idea who the floozy was. It was enough that the big-breasted blond was making a move on her man and that just couldn’t happen.

But it was happening.

The blond was dressed like a schoolteacher and she was definitely interested in Derrick. “Hey,” she said. “You’re kind of cute. You got a name?”

“Um, um, um ...”

The blond’s hand seemed to almost naturally find it’s way to the mans cock. “Well, Um,” she purred, “I have to say I like your style. Would you mind if I saw what you had in here?”

It was her own fault, Gina realized. In putting everything into Derrick’s cock, she’d naturally made his cock more interesting. Women wouldn’t know why they were attracted to his cock but they just would be nonetheless.

The blond was slowly pulling at his briefs and before anyone knew it, she’d lowered his briefs low enough so that she could get at his cock. “Oh my, Um, would you look at you. You’re so big. I like big men. Would you like to see how much I like big men?”

“Um yes?”

“Mmm. That’s what I thought. Hmm. Let’s see what we have here,” and as Gina watched, the blond dropped down and incredibly, she began to seductively take that cock in and out of her mouth.

Slut, Gina thought. It wasn’t fair but the blond was a slut.

The blond pulled her mouth free from Derrick’s cock and she looked up at him. “Do you know what I want?”

Derrick shook his head.

“I want you to fuck me.”


“I want you to fuck me.”

She’d had enough, Gina realized. He pointed the wand at the blond. “Demellowize,” she intoned.

At first, nothing happened but then the blond began to change. It started first with the schoolmarm outfit. The skirt which had been conservative before was now shrinking and as the hemline moved up the blond’s leg, the skirt kept getting shorter and tighter until the hemline barely reached the top of her thighs, and even as the skirt continued to shrink, so too was the blouse. The hem pulled up out of the skirt and moved up over the torso and it was moving higher still.

And now the body was changing, too. The blond’s butt was getting fuller and rounder and even as the all but one of the buttons popped free from the now incredibly short blouse, the blond’s tits were getting fuller and rounder, too.

“There you go,” Gina said. “Now that we know what you really are, go find some guy that you can strip for but leave this one alone.”

“Okey dokey,” the blond said and with that, she turned and left.

Gina pointed her wand at Derrick and moments later, he vanished but he’d be waiting for her when she finally got home.

* * *

Gina felt a hand on her shoulder. “That’s a very clever trick you played there,” she heard an old man’s voice say, “but as I’m sure you realize by now, those tricks won’t work on me.”

Gina turned to look at the man and a name came to her mind. “Horace,” she said.

“The one and only. You escaped me once but you will not escape me again and now, if you please, come with me.”

The man tugged at her shoulder almost as if he expected her to come with him and he seemed surprised that Gina didn’t seem to be complacent enough to do as she was told.

“You’re a strong one,” he said, “but never fear. I’ve dealt with ones that are stronger than you.”

For the life of her, Gina couldn’t recall having ever met this man but it didn’t matter. He had a very good idea that if he told her not to worry, that was a very good reason to do exactly that.

“Come along, devil spawn.”

Gina felt weak. Something was wrong and now she was letting Horace pull him where he would.

No! Something was wrong. She had to fight.

Horace gasped as she pulled free from his grasp. “What are you?” he asked as she turned on him.

Gina pointed her wand at the ghostly specter. It was strange, she thought, but she could see him now for what he really was. So he’d wanted to capture her, she thought. Well, it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. “Bumblebum,” she said.

A wreath of pink smoke seemed to flow from the wand and as it did, it moved around Horace and it enveloped him.

“What sort of magic is this?” the now terrified specter said.

“Just a little payback,” Gina said, “and a little lesson, too, and who knows, in the end, you might even enjoy yourself.”

“No,” Horace cried out. “No.”

The ghost twitched as he felt the spell begin to take its hold on him.

“No,” he whimpered. “No.”

But already the tendril of a thought was beginning to worm its way into his mind and even though he knew what was being done to him, he found it almost impossible to tell where his thoughts ended and where the new thinking began.

He was almost rigid now as he just stood there. It was already almost impossible to fight it, he told himself.

So why fight it then. Why not just let the spell have its way with him?

That was the spell talking.

And so what if it was.

Horace could feel something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. His dick was getting hard and there was a reason for it, too. Now as he looked around the party, it was almost as if he were seeing the party for the very first time.

There were women here. Oh sure, to his puritanical mind, they most likely were all sluts and trollops but the way he was feeling right now, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

His dick was getting even harder as he moved out among the revelers. They couldn’t see him, of course. Not unless he wanted them to.

Oh my. There was a woman there dressed up as a police officer but even if Horace didn’t know much about the world these days, he had a feeling that the woman’s costume was far from authentic because it was much too revealing. Still, the way he was feeling, it almost wasn’t revealing enough. He sidled up to the woman and he copped a feel of her luscious ass through the tiny, little shorts she wore.

The girl certainly felt that. She spun around quickly. “Hey,” she exclaimed but to her eyes, there was no one there.

Horace felt like giggling. She couldn’t see him. He could do whatever he wanted.

And now his attention was being drawn on to yet another woman. She was dressed like a fairy of some sort but it wasn’t her costume that had his attention. It was her full, round bottom that had his attention. It looked so round and juicy. He just had to touch it.

Like the one before her, the girl spun around and like the girl before her, she saw no one. She looked around suspiciously, fairly sure was she that someone had copped a feel of her bottom but unable to identify just who the culprit might have been.

Horace couldn’t help but laugh giddily as all thoughts of witches and witchcraft grew more and more distant in his mind. Copping a feel of women’s plump bottoms was oh so much more satisfying to him and that’s when he caught sight of her.

The stuff was called spandex or at least that’s what he thought the people in this time called the material. Really, Horace didn’t much care all that much what the heck the stuff was called. What Horace cared about was how much the stuff accentuated a woman’s bottom and the bottom he was looking at now was just so impressive that Horace couldn’t help but stop and stare. He had to have her. He wanted her bad.

If anyone had been looking his way, they might have been surprised to see a man materialize where there hadn’t been a man before. “Well hello there my good lady,” Horace said, “and how are you this fine evening?”

The girl looked askance at the man and then she smiled lopsidedly at the man. “Hey there,” she said somewhat hazily. She peered at the man. “Hey, that’s a pretty cool costume, Mister.”

“Um yes,” Horace said, “it is.”

The girl was a blond or at least that’s the way she appeared to Horace but he had to admit that as big as her hair was, it might just possibly have been a wig. She was peering more closely now Horace. “You know, it’s almost like I can see right through you,” she said.

This was hardly going the way Horace wanted. “Look at me,” he said.

The girl was still looking at his body. “Hey, Mister,” she said, “I think I can see through you.”

“Look at me,” Horace said again.

This time, the girl with the big hair and the round butt did look up.

“Yes,” Horace said. “That’s it. Look at me. Look deeply into my eyes.”

The girl’s face went blank as she looked into Horace’s eyes.

“That’s it,” Horace intoned. “Look into my eyes and as you look into my eyes, you realize you want something. You want to feel my hands on you butt.”


“But that’s just the start of it. The more you get, the more you want. You want me to touch your butt.”

“I want you to touch my butt,” the girl said in a monotone.

“You want me to make love to your butt.”

“I want you to make love to my butt.”

“That’s a good girl. Now why don’t you turn around for me and let me get a better look at that butt of yours.”

“Yes, Master,” and with that, the girl turned and bent a bit at the waist so her butt was even more prominent.

Horace couldn’t help but rub his hands together even as he looked at that bottom. He was sure he’d never seen nothing as beautiful and that except, well in a moment ... In a moment when he peeled those spandex pants down over that luscious bottom ... oh yes ... oh wow ... yes, that was it. That was absolutely perfect.

“Do you like it, Master?” the girl asked. “Do you like my bottom?”

“Oh yes,” the man chuckled as his hands continued to fondle the girl’s butt. “Oh yes. I like your bottom very much.”

“I’m glad,” the girl said. “I’m so very glad.”

He could have kept on doing exactly what he was doing but Horace hadn’t felt this alive since well, since he’d last been alive and as much as he knew he loved the girl with the big ass, he knew there was something else he just had to do.

The good thing about being a ghost is you don’t have to use your hands to do things the way you had to when you were alive so even as he continued to fondle that butt, his pants opened themselves seemingly of their own and his cock ventured out into the open without ever having had to be guided in that direction.

And still his hands were fondling the girl’s butt even as his cock found its way between the girl’s legs.

“Master!” the girl gasped.


“Oh my, um, nothing,” the girl moaned as Horace entered her. “That’s it, Master. That’s exactly what I wanted you to do.”

Good, Horace thought, because he had no intention of stopping what he was doing.

“Oh yes, Master,” the girl moaned. “Fuck me. Fuck me with your big,hard cock.”

Fucking, Horace thought. So that was what they called this nowadays. He liked it and yes indeed. He most certainly would keep fucking the girl.

The girl was moaning now and Horace didn’t have to be told what that meant. Women hadn’t changed that much since his day and besides, now that he had his cock inside her, he had to imagine that he was feeling much of the same things himself. He could feel the pleasure welling up inside him. It wouldn’t take that much more.

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned and then she gasped. “Fuck yeah,” she moaned. “That’s it master. Make me cum.”

Horace pulled out at the very last moment for as much as he might have liked to cum in her pussy,there was something he wanted even more. He grabbed his cock and it wasn’t long before he was shooting his load all over the girl’s big butt.

“Oh Master,” the girl moaned.

Horace said nothing.

“Master, could I ask a favor of you?”

“Anything,” Horace said as he basked in the glow of the post-orgasmic release.

“Master, could you kiss my ass?”

Horace didn’t have to think twice about that. He simply dropped down behind the girl and he began kissing her ass with gusto. He loved big butts and as far as he was concerned, he’d do whatever it took to please a girl with a big butt. As far as he was concerned, he’d always been a slave to girls with big butts and really, he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

* * *

It amazed her but even though by all rights, she should have been as worn out as her new friends were, Lucy could feel the passion building inside her again.

It was her tits. Lucy was sure of that. It was her tits. Somehow, she just knew her tits were magical. Not magical like they were magically big even though they were. Not magical like they were full and round even though they were that, too. Not even magical in the way that they were so incredibly firm, too, although they were firm. No, it was something else. It was as if women couldn’t resist her tits and Lucy knew she couldn’t resist women who couldn’t resist her tits.

Carefully, Lucy extracted herself from the mass of bodies that were passed out around her. Her new friends had worn themselves out making love to her and to her pussy and to her tits and as much as she might have wanted to wake them up and start it all over again, she knew it would be even harder to get away the next time so reluctantly she got herself out of bed and she pulled on her cheerleaders outfit and she let herself out of the room.

The party was still in full effect as Lucy let herself out of the room. There was a part of her that still knew that this body she was wearing wasn’t actually her real body but the longer she held onto this body, the harder it was to remember that fact. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it was her own magic that had done this to her, that it was her own magic that had transformed her into this monstrosity of a woman with her big, perfect tits and with her small waist and with her pussy that just couldn’t wait to be licked.

No, she told herself. Don’t think about that but it was already too late because that thought was already there.

She had to get out of there before it was too late.

She’d come to the party by broom, of course, but the way things were now, she wasn’t sure she could even remember the spell that would make a broom fly. No, if she was going to get out of there, she was going to have to find some other mode of transportation.

And that’s when she saw her. Don’t look, she told herself but she already knew it was too late.

She was dressed like a genie or maybe it was a Disney princess not that Lucy would have known what a Disney princess was but her costume had an exotic Arabian look to it with the outer layers having a gauzy see-through effect that did little to hide the body underneath and while all that was well and good, combined as it was with the girl’s olive-colored skin and with her raven-colored hair,the girl looked every bit an Arabian princess.

And yet as good as all that was, what really mattered was the girl’s eyes. They were so dark and deep that Lucy feared she might lose herself in those eyes forever.

“Would you look at you,” the girl gushed. “What are you supposed to be? A cheerleader?”

Lucy nodded.

“God, you’re hot,” the other girl said.

She could have said the same for her, Lucy thought.

“I really want to see your tits,” the other girl gushed.

If you do, you’ll be hooked, Lucy wanted to say but she didn’t.

“Can I?” The girl asked.

Lucy made the mistake of looking into the other girl’s eyes. So dark. So deep. So utterly lovely and lucky could feel her tits getting hotter as if just looking into those eyes was making her tits even more lethal.

“Can I?” the other girl asked again.

“O-okay,” Lucy stammered.

And then the other girl was lifting her top up and suddenly her hand was cupping one of her breasts. “Ooh, I like this,” she cooed.

Lucy could feel her breasts getting hotter and hotter and she was getting hotter right along with it and she knew people were beginning to watch her and she just didn’t care.

“I like this,” the girl said again and she leaned forward. “I want to kiss you.”

Those eyes, Lucy thought. Those eyes. She could feel herself falling for those eyes.

“I think we should go somewhere,” the girl said. “I think we should go somewhere and you can let me show you just how much I love your breasts.”

She was falling and Lucy didn’t much care anymore. In fact, now that she thought about it, she couldn’t think of anything that she wanted more than to have another woman between her legs and then in the end to be able to show the other woman just how much she appreciated her efforts.

“Well, what do you say?”

“I say let’s go.”

* * *

Gina pointed her wand at the ceiling. “Shalamay,” she roared and with that a bolt of energy blazed up out of the wand and the ceiling exploded.

She had everyone’s attention now. There was no need to play it coy anymore. She whistled for her broom and the broom obligingly made its appearance.

Gina turned round to face the people arrayed around her. They’d all thought they were better than her back when she was a poor, little goth girl. All she’d really ever wanted was to be left alone but they couldn’t leave well enough alone. Well she’d showed them. Now they all knew how powerful she really was and she let go with a cackling laugh as she hopped onto her broomstick and roared off into the night. Now they all knew.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.