Queens are Wild — N.C.U. — Part 1
Description: A group of college girls go on a weekend trip to a cabin to relax for a holiday. But one of the group has some more hypnotic plans for their weekend, and a deck of cards gives her the perfect opportunity.
Author’s Note: This story in general, and this first chapter specifically, were heavily inspired by the story “A Turn of the Cards” that I believe was written by RCWrites (my copy doesn’t have the author’s name on it.)
It was early morning in the New Chicago University dorms, and Rayne sat on her bed with a tablet in one hand and a pen and paper in the other. She was diligently, some might even say obsessively, researching her favorite topic…hypnotism.
Her concentration was broken, however, by the sound of a young woman giggling in the hallway. Rayne sighed and looked up for the first in a while, only to realize that it was after one in the morning. “Where the hell is Klaire?” she thought to herself as she shook off the distraction and dove back into her work. Only to be immediately interrupted again, this time by what sounded like a person bumping against her door, followed by another playful giggle.
Rayne sighed and put down her tablet, getting up to investigate. She opened the door and, to her shock, found her roommate Klaire pinned against the doorframe in the hallway, making out with Josh. “Ahhh!” she screamed, quickly slamming the door as muffled laughter came from behind it.
Embarrassed and blushing, Rayne retreated to her bed and put her face into a pillow, screaming softly. Just loud enough to get out her frustration but not loud enough to be heard. She spent the next few minutes calming herself down before she finally heard the key in the door as an almost glowing Klaire entered the room with a smile. “Sorry about that!” she said, giggling as she closed the door behind her.
“Yeah, I’m sorry too!” Rayne said, trying to hide her blush. “You two seem to be getting kind of serious?” she asked, more because of her own vested interest in Klaire than out of actual curiosity.
Klaire shrugged. “I wouldn’t say serious. He is a lot of fun, and a great way to relax at the end of the day.” Klaire trailed off with an almost dreamy smile on her face as she blushed. “But he has too many serious issues for anything long term.” she concluded as she sat down on her own bed across from Rayne’s.
“Issues?” Rayne inquired, feeling a bit better about the situation. “What kind of issues?”
Klaire’s demeanor shifted as she took on a very familiar tone and began to rant. “He’s messy, he’s not very elegant, he doesn’t appreciate the finer things in life like reading or theater, I can dress up in a fancy dress and he won’t even notice. To say nothing of the fact that he seems to have quite the wandering eye and just doesn’t seem to be seriously invested in a relationship, just a little mutual stress relief.” she said with a sigh before her grin returned. “But he is really good at the stress relief part!” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Rayne held back the urge to vomit. “I’m glad you’re having fun, at least.” she said, mostly sincerely.
“I am!” Klaire said with a smile. “And I have you to thank for introducing him to me!” she teased.
“Don’t remind me!” Rayne grumbled. “I’m still not sure how I ended up drunk that night! I wasn’t even going anywhere with alcohol!” She paused for a moment. “Although, honestly, I don’t really remember where I was that night…but still!”
“At least he was a gentleman and carried you home, unconscious, on his back. He’s chivalrous, I’ll give him this much!” Klaire continued to tease.
Rayne rolled her eyes. “Whatever!” She dismissed Klaire’s attempt to annoy her, mainly because it was working a little too well, and decided to change the subject. “Do you have any plans for the holiday weekend?”
Klaire kicked off her shoes and leaned back on her bed, picking up her book. “I’ll probably just hang out on campus. It’s too far of a drive to go home for a three day weekend. Josh and most of the others I know are going to be gone, so I’ll just stay on campus and read…peacefully. What about you?”
Rayne had to hold back a smile. “Laura’s parents have a cabin across the border in Wisconsin and she invited a few of the girls from the sorority to come along. We have room for one more if you’d like to come.”
Klaire already seemed to be deep into her book, which meant her focus was completely gone. “That sounds nice, but I think I’ll stay here and just read…” she trailed off as her attention fell back into the book in her hands.
Unbeknownst to Klaire, or really any of the girls going on the trip, Rayne had a plan. That was why she was diligently researching a specific kind of hypnosis on her tablet. A plan that she was confident would finally get Klaire into a full hypnotic trance, and she wasn’t about to let Klaire’s antisocial tendencies get in the way of that plan. She stood up from her bed, standing as tall as she could with her short stature, and moved slowly, confidently, across the room to Klaire’s bed. The moment her shadow covered Klaire the young woman looked away from her book and up at Rayne. “What are you…” Klaire started nervously before Rayne put a finger over her lips to silence her.
“I’d like you to come.” Rayne said in a very soothing hypnotic tone, staring deep into Klaire’s eyes. Klaire’s body shivered and she opened her mouth to protest, but nothing seemed to come out. Rayne leaned in ever so slightly and put a finger under Klaire’s chin, tilting her head up and staring into her eyes. “You’d like to come…Klaire…wouldn’t you?” she added seductively.
Klaire blinked a few times as her mouth twitched like she was trying to form a reply, but nothing would come out. Finally she swallowed nervously and slowly nodded her head.
Rayne smiled and released her roommate’s chin. “Great! We leave Friday around 5pm!”
Klaire watched as Rayne spun around and moved back to her bed, picking up her tablet again. It took a moment for her to snap out of her daze and grimace as she muttered softly under her breath, “How does she do that?!”
It was about a two hour drive from New Chicago up to Wisconsin, but with it being a holiday weekend Laura had decided to take the back roads. Klaire watched out the window as city streets slowly shrank to suburban streets, and then suburbs gave way to fields, farmland, and ultimately forests. The sun was slowly setting in the distance, it was a very soothing, very peaceful drive. Or at least it would have been had she not been stuck in the back seat between Rayne and Trisha as they argued.
“That isn’t how that works!” Trisha protested. “You can’t just make a suggestion and have a person follow it later without them realizing it!”
“Yes you can!” Rayne insisted. “Ericksonian theory states that a person can be given an indirect conversational suggestion and then follow it later without realizing it or thinking about it!”
Klaire had tried to read, but the conversation was too loud and both parties on either side of her were too animated to allow her any peace to focus.
“Do you have any idea what they are arguing about?” Eve asked from the passenger seat.
Laura just shook her head and laughed. “They lost me a long time ago! Something about suggestions and following things without knowing you’re doing it. You know, the usual conversations out of those two.”
“Trisha…you have to realize now that if a suggestion is worded properly, it will simply… slip into your mind…unnoticed…and you will simply wait until later, to follow this suggestion.” Rayne said in a tone that seemed oddly familiar.
“That’s not how that works!” Trisha insisted again after a strangely long pause. “Hypnosis is not subliminal control, it is a conscious decision to follow a suggestion. Without conscious consent no suggestions can be followed!”
Klaire pulled out her phone to try and at least doom scroll social media, but to her surprise she had no signal. “Does anyone have any bars?” she asked.
“Sorry Klaire.” Laura said, looking in the rear view mirror. “There really isn’t any signal up in forested Wisconsin. They are supposed to put a cell tower in next year but it will be about twenty miles away. I doubt you’ll get more than a bar, if that.”
Klaire’s head fell back against the seat as Rayne continued her argument. “You all have at least some experience with hypnosis…you have all had a class or two, and you have all had moments in your lives where you simply do something without thinking, where you simply follow what someone else wants you to do. Without thinking, without realizing it, you simply comply. You have to realize that now, don’t you?” Rayne said in a very soothing tone.
Everyone in the car answered with a subtle nod and blinked in response. Much to Rayne’s delight, none of them seemed to realize they had done it.
“If this were true…” Trisha started after a brief pause, “then politicians and governments would use it all the time to control their people.”
Klaire just stared at the ceiling of the car, watching the street lights go past through the rear view window. “I’m in hell.” she thought to herself.
After what seemed like an eternity, to Klair anyway, they finally arrived at the cabin. To everyone’s pleasant surprise it was more like a small cottage, complete with siding and a nice roof. The inside was fully furnished with electricity and a small kitchen and dining room, a living room with a couch, a few chairs and a fireplace, a full bathroom with shower, and two small bedrooms. It was small, but it was very cozy, and surprisingly clean. Outside was a small well kept grassy lawn that looked out into a lush forest.
“Make yourself at home ladies!” Laura said with a smile as she started down the hallway to drop off her things in a bedroom.
Klaire looked around, it wasn’t exactly what she would consider to be great but it was nice enough. Her gentle reprieve, however, was broken by Rayne saying her name. She turned to see Rayne and Trisha still arguing.
“Klaire…” Rayne started, staring into her roommate’s eyes. “You agree with me Klaire. You can…understand how a person might follow a suggestion, just by the situation implying to them what they should do. You can feel that to be true now…can’t you Klaire?”
Klaire could only blink as a wave of confusion washed over her mind. Fortunately, Laura interrupted them a moment later. “So, what would you all like to do!?” she asked excitedly.
Rayne simply smiled and pulled a deck of cards out her bag. “I have a game that I think might settle this little dispute between Trisha and I…if you all would…find yourselves willing to give this game a chance now?” she said more than asked in that same hypnotic voice.
The girls all nodded in agreement without really thinking about it and everyone sat around the small round dining room table. Five seats was a bit tight but it worked out just fine. “So, how is this going to work?” Klaire asked nervously.
Rayne smiled and began to shuffle the deck. “This game is called “Queens are wild” and it’s a very special game.” She paused to let everyone’s mind focus on her a bit more. “In a moment, I will start to pass out the cards, face up, one…by…one…to each of you. If it’s a normal card…” she said, flipping over the four of clubs, “nothing will happen. But, if I place a Queen in front of you…then you will find that the power of the Queen will place you in a hypnotic trance. Your mind will quiet down and you will simply relax, and I will give you some suggestions. Understand?”
All of the girls gave a slight nod without realizing what they had just agreed to. Laura was the first to smile and nudge Trisha. “I guess if this works she’ll have proven her point, huh?”
Trisha held back a blush and tried to look as confident as possible. “It won’t work. There is no way this works!” she said with a nervous tickle in the back of her throat.
Everyone laughed, some more nervous than others, but then a silence fell over the group as the first card was placed in front of Trisha. It was the six of diamonds. The next was placed in front of Laura. The jack of hearts. Followed by a two of spades in front of Eve, and a king of clubs in front of Klaire. The girls all were strangely focused as the cards were dealt to them. One by one. Each one watching and waiting.
Rayne watched with a smile as the girls all followed the cards while they were dealt one at a time. She was purposely dealing them out in a very slow, very delicate manner. There were no sudden movements, no tricks, and she was careful not to make a show of it. She was doing it slow and steady to build tension, and it was working perfectly. Everyone was transfixed as card after card was dropped in front of them. Trisha even found herself giving a sigh of relief as the ace of spades was dropped in front of her. Catching herself, she let out a nervous laugh and blushed as the others all shared her relief. But then all fell silent again as the next card was dealt…and the next…and the next. Everyone watched in anticipation, their jaws slowly becoming slack as they focused more and more on what was happening in front of them without realizing it was all part of an elaborate induction.
That is until Laura let out a soft gasp and stared down at the card in front of her…the Queen of Hearts. She tried to look at Rayne, but nothing happened. She could only stare down at the card, focusing deeply on it while the rest of the room silently stared in awe.
“The Queen of Hearts…” Rayne began with a soothing voice and a warm smile. “She represents you Laura. She embodies the qualities of warmth, playfulness, and a nurturing spirit. Just allow yourself to connect to this Queen, Laura…she is just like you…strong and beautiful…it’s so easy to just realize that now.”
Laura’s face became more and more slack as Rayne spoke, while everyone else focused intently on Laura.
“You have entered a trance Laura. Hypnotized by the Queen of Hearts. The moment you looked at her, you felt yourself simply…” Rayne snapped her fingers softly, “slip into trance. Didn’t you Laura?”
Laura could only nod slowly.
“Close your eyes, Laura. Close your eyes and just…sleep…” Rayne said in a soothing fashion.
As everyone watched, Laura’s eyes fluttered and then sank closed. The moment they did her shoulders sagged and her head tilted forward as she simply sat there. Peacefully and completely hypnotized.
Everyone turned to look at Rayne, but she only gave them the “shhh” motion again and slowly stood up, walking around to Laura. Unbeknownst to the others, she was holding the other three queens in her hand. No one had realized she had stacked the deck long before she started to deal.
“You have entered a trance…a deep hypnotic sleep…” Rayne began, keeping the induction vague. “As you simply sit, breathing slowly and gently, you begin to feel your body, just relaxing…slipping down, more and more deeply. Every breath helps your body to just sink into sleep a bit more deeply. Focusing on my voice, focusing on just how relaxed, just how calm you find yourself now. It’s so peaceful for you to do this. And to just…sink more deeply into a trance now.” All of the girls just seemed to relax a bit more, their bodies slumping ever so slightly. And then in a slow, smooth motion, Rayne placed the Queen of Diamonds in front of Eve.
Eve’s eyes widened as she felt Rayne’s hand on her shoulder. “Just relax Eve, it’s ok…you’ve entered a trance…just like Laura has, isn’t that right Eve?”
Eve nodded softly and whispered “yesss.”
Trisha and Klaire looked on, both dazed but now much more nervous as Rayne smiled softly. “The Queen in front of you represents you Eve…she is quiet, but confident. Pragmatic and grounded, just like you. She has a soft, gentle strength, just…like you Eve.”
Eve’s body relaxed as Rayne’s hand slowly moved over her back and through her long brown hair. “The Queen of Diamonds has placed you in a trance Eve, it’s ok for you to just relax…for you to just slip away into sleep, just like Laura. Just look at the Queen now Eve, and feel her full power, and just…sleep.”
Eve’s eyes drifted close, and for a split second her body tensed as she took a deep breath before completely relaxing back into the chair, her head falling forward to her chest.
By now it was pretty clear to Trisha, if not Klaire as well, exactly what Rayne was planning. Klaire was too dazed to really put up any kind of a struggle at this point, as Trisha began to try and stir. Her body jerked ever so slightly, but her eyes just wouldn’t seem to focus. That is until Rayne placed the Queen of Spades in front of her, and at that moment all her struggling came to a stop as her eyes immediately locked on to the Queen in front of her.
“That’s it Trisha…” Rayne said softly as she moved next to Trisha. “This is your Queen…the Queen of Spades. She is strong, and assertive, a dominant woman. So dominant, Trisha, that as you look at her, you can feel her strength, feel her power overwhelming you, dropping you down, deeply, completely…down into sleep. Down into trance. You were the one most likely to struggle, most likely to resist. So I picked out the strongest queen just for you…the one that will make you submit, make you sleep. Because although you embody all of the same characteristics as this queen…she is still a Queen…and she is still in control. And she commands you to simply…sleep!” For a little added bonus, Rayne gave a very light shove to Trisha’s shoulder as she said the word “sleep”, just enough to make her loosen and to let the command slip into her mind.
And it worked perfectly. As Trisha’s body shook softly her eyes slammed shut and she let out a soft, gentle sigh and slipped immediately down to sleep. Resting peacefully, just like the other two.
Rayne smiled down at Trisha’s hypnotized form and then slowly, with an almost predatory gaze, looked up to Klaire. The young woman stared back at her like a deer in headlights, mouth open, breathing slowly. Rayne could see a defense wanting to form in Klaire’s mind, but nothing was coming out. She slowly started to move around the table, never breaking eye contact with Klaire. She had wanted to do this for so long, had set so many pieces into motion…It was now or never.
“You know what I’ve done to them, Klaire.” Rayne said softly as she sat back down in her chair next to Klaire. “You’ve seen it happen before. You’ve been curious about it, wondering…in the back of your mind…what would happen. What it would feel like to be hypnotized. To be put into a deep trance, just like Laura…just like Eve…just…like Trisha. All calm and compliant, ready to do as I say…so relaxed and peaceful. You’ve wondered about this for a very…very long time.” Rayne simply held a card up to Klaire, showing her only the back. “You…want this Klaire.” she said in a soothing but commanding tone.
Klaire’s mind was a blur. Everything felt so far away, so distant. She knew that Laura, Eve, and Trisha were all in the room with her. She knew they were all in a trance. But for some reason, she couldn’t focus on them, couldn’t think about them, couldn’t even realize they were there. She was too captivated by the card in front of her, even though it was just the back of the card.
Rayne smiled and slowly, in a motion almost worthy of a magician, flipped the card over to look at Klaire, who gasped softly as her eyes focused intently on the card in front of her. “The Queen of Clubs.” Rayne said with a smile. “She is your Queen, Klaire. She is the one that embodies your personality the most. She is refined, elegant, ambitious, and determined. She knows what she wants, and she expects to be given it, in perfect order. Never settling for anything less than the absolute best. She is just like you, Klaire. Beautiful and elegant. And what she wants now…” Rayne started to slowly lower the card down to the table, watching as Klaire’s eyes followed, “Is to simply, slip into a trance, just like the others. To just give in…and for the first time…to accept what you’ve been wanting for so long. Just obey her, Klaire, and slip into a deep, hypnotic…trance…” Rayne placed the card firmly on the table before Klaire. “Now.”
Klaire’s eyes didn’t even flutter, didn’t even so much as blink. They just slammed completely shut, and with a heavy sigh, Klaire sank down into her chair. Her mind was rushing with thoughts and emotions and then all at once it stopped. For the first time the entire trip, she felt complete and total peace.
Rayne had to bite her own hand to stop from screaming in joy as she pumped her fist in the air and stood up, dancing around in celebration. Finally, she was able to calm herself and look at the table in front of her. Four of her friends, including her roommate, were all completely hypnotized and open to her now. And oh did she have plans for them.