Queens are Wild — N.C.U. — Part 2
Description: With all four girls hypnotized Rayne gives a few suggestions and then starts out on having fun with her lovely companions.
Author’s Note: This story in general, and this second chapter specifically, were heavily inspired by the story “A Turn of the Cards” that I believe was written by RCWrites (my copy doesn’t have the author’s name on it.)
Rayne calmed herself down to admire the scene in front of her. Trisha, Laura, Eve, and, most importantly, her roommate Klaire were all slumped against their chairs in a deep relaxed state of hypnosis. Her plan had worked perfectly, even though her main target had been Klaire. The rest were just a very lovely bonus that she planned to enjoy to the fullest. But first she had a little work to do on their oh so open minds.
“That’s it, my friend…” she began, speaking generally enough for it to feel personal to each of them. “You’re so relaxed and calm. Deep in your mind you realize the power of the Queen. The card that, with just a glance, will slowly lower your mind into a deep, hypnotic trance. Just like you are now, just like you always wanted. Maybe you didn’t even realize this is what you wanted, but now, in this state, it’s so clear to you in your mind.”
Rayne let the suggestion sink in as she watched the girls slowly slump down just a bit further into their chairs, relaxing so much deeper than they had before. “And as a part of this new experience for you, you’ll find that for the rest of the weekend, while we are all here together, that you will simply let yourself go, and enjoy your fantasies. Enjoy your desires, feeling fully comfortable with being hypnotized, again…and again. And being even more comfortable with the girls here with you, around the table. Open to as many new experiences, new sensations, that you can have with each and every one of them. It’s ok if you’ve never really looked at a girl with desire before, you can let the desire grow…and build, and you can find it so easy to act on that desire, to touch them, to feel them, to have them feel you. To share a very…intimate experience with them. You can feel that to be true, can’t you?”
Rayne smiled as all of the girls responded in their own way. Some with a simple nod, others with a soft whispered “yes”, and some who just seemed to be lost in the quiet ambience of the cabin around them.
“Very good, you’re doing so very well. You will find for the rest of the weekend, that no matter what happens, no matter what you end up doing, in or out of hypnosis, that it will all seem completely normal. Completely natural to you. Isn’t that right?” Another round of affirmative responses followed. “Very good. And when the weekend is finally over…when it is time for us to leave and we have all piled into the car, before the engine starts, you will fall into a deep hypnotic trance, and allow yourself to simply…forget…that anything odd or unusual happened this weekend. All of our relationships and friendships will still be as strong as they become during the course of this weekend. And the confidence in yourself that you will gain will stay with you. But the memory of exactly what we did…will fade away. This way you are even more free to explore your more…risque, desires, without any fear of embarrassment, when the suggestions wear off. You’ll simply go back to who you were…just with a closer attachment to the young ladies here with you now. You can see that to be a very…pleasant thing to do, can’t you now?”
Rayne watched as the girls gave one last round of affirmative replies and then smiled happily, her plan had worked out better then she had hoped. So far, at least. And she was quite eager to see how the girls would interpret the suggestions in their own unique ways. “And on the count of three, you will awaken, remembering being hypnotized, and just how good it felt, and obeying your suggestions to the fullest. But not really needing to remember what happened while you were hypnotized this time…or at any time during this weekend.” Rayne paused to briefly run through her mental inventory and ensure that she had suggested everything she wanted. When she was satisfied that she had, she took a slow breath and confidently said “One…Two…Three…and back awake now!”
Slowly, the girls all began to wake up. Laura sat up in her chair and stretched as Eve sat up with a slight smile on her face. Trisha and Klaire both looked very embarrassed but for very different reasons. “I guess that proves you were right.” Trisha conceded, which was not something she usually ever did, a good sign that the suggestions were having an effect on her personality. At least in the short run.
Rayne smiled. “Thank you, I appreciate that! And thank you all for helping me prove my point.” she said with a smile as she looked around the table and let her eyes land on Klaire. “Especially you. Welcome to the club of hypnotized coeds! We tried to get jackets printed but they kept hypnotizing the maker. Such a pity.” she joked sarcastically.
Klaire blushed but let out a laugh along with the rest of the girls, slowly easing into the new reality that she had been secretly fantasizing about. As her mind was racing to quantify the idea that she had in fact been hypnotized, it was cut off by Rayne shuffling the cards again.
“Ok…so…Poker! Texas Hold’em. Two cards in your hand, three cards on the table for everyone else to see. Jokers are wild, and Queens are really really wild!” she said with an innocent smile.
All of the girls looked at one another a bit nervously and then back at Rayne. “What? You guys don’t like poker?” she asked as innocently as she could muster, relishing the nervous looks on the faces of her four friends. “Ohhh.” she said with a laugh. “You’re worried that, when you see your Queen, you will slip into a hypnotic trance once again.” she said, more as a suggestion than a question.
Finally, Trisha finally spoke up as everyone exchanged nervous glances. “I think that’s the question, isn’t it?” she said.
Rayne smiled and shuffled the deck one more time before setting it down on the table. “I wouldn’t worry about that, honestly. After all, it’s just a game of poker.” she said, purposely not acknowledging their fear, but still making them feel a bit more at ease. Exactly as she wanted. She watched their faces relax and smiled to herself as she started to deal the cards, one by one. Everyone watched the cards with the same nervousness as they had before, yet this time they didn’t seem to realize that they were doing it. Meanwhile, they were so busy worrying about the Queens that they had failed to realize that Rayne had stacked the deck and placed all four of them on the bottom. She continued to hide her smile as she slowly dealt everyone their first two cards, then placed the rest face up in front of each of them.
Rayne was careful to make sure that the first round of cards that landed face up were set down completely normally, without so much as a hint of anything unusual. As she started to deal the second cards, though, she began to drag it out and set them down more slowly to create some tension. Finally, on the third time around, she looked at the rest of the group, who were still watching her every move.
“Everyone seems too tense. Loosen up, it’s just poker!!” They all laughed, looking away from their cards just long enough for Rayne to skillfully grab one of the Queens from the bottom of the deck. In one quick, smooth movement, she placed the card down in front of everyone at the table.
“Ohh!” Laura said, her eyes widening ever so slightly as she stared down at the Queen of Hearts that stared back up at her. The rest of the girls each slowly realized what had happened, and all looked quickly between Rayne and the card, and then back to Laura as they continued to stare.
Laura sat there for a few moments in stunned silence. Her face was a mixture of confusion and relaxation as she slowly looked up at Rayne, almost as if asking…no, not asking…begging for some kind of instruction, some kind of guidance for what to do next.
“Laura…” Rayne asked calmly, “do you…want to go into a trance now.” she said, wording it like a question, but saying it like a command.
Laura didn’t look away from Rayne at all. She didn’t even seem to notice the rest of the girls around her. Instead she slowly nodded her head, once, and only once, up…and then down. Her eyes never leaving Rayne’s.
Rayne gave her a warm smile and answered in a soothing, hypnotic voice that made the rest of the girls shiver. “Then you may enter a trance now Laura.”
Laura’s eyes rolled up into her head as her eyelids slowly lowered, leaving the whites of her eyes visible for just a few moments. She sat there, completely still, breathing slowly. There was no tension in her face at all. She was completely asleep. Completely hypnotized.
Everyone else around the table let out a very muted gasp, just loud enough to betray their surprise at what had just happened. In unison, they all looked directly at Rayne, each one of them just as confused. “So,” Rayne started with a completely serious, almost authoritative tone to her voice, “who wants her?”
The girls all blinked at one another, confused by what she was asking even though in the back of their minds they understood. Their conscious minds simply hadn’t figured out how to process the question yet.
But Rayne leaned in closer to Klaire, letting the tiniest of devious smiles slip from her lips. Klaire didn’t notice, she was too busy looking at Laura in shock and watching the reactions of the others. Were they thinking the same thing that she was, and was anyone going to take Rayne up on her offer? Klaire swallowed nervously and turned to look at Rayne, only to find her nearly nose to nose with her and staring into her eyes.
“Do you want her…Klaire?” Rayne asked seductively.
Klaire’s mind raced as a million ideas of what she could do with Laura flooded her thoughts. So many that they all seemed to bottleneck to the point where nothing would come out. Instead she sat there, captivated by Rayne’s gaze and how close her roommate was to her now. How…intimately close she was. Her mouth quivered a bit as a thousand ideas all tried to formulate at once. But still nothing came out.
Rayne just gave her a soft smile and whispered “Let me help you.” as she slowly raised her hand up to Klaire’s forehead. Using only her fingertips, she brushed her fingers down over Klaire’s eyelids, and slowly lowered them. When she lowered her hand, her roommate, who had only been hypnotized for the first time just a few moments ago, was completely blank. The rest of her body stayed exactly where it was. Her mouth, which had been quivering just a moment ago, was now just barely hanging open.
Rayne admired her prize before turning to Trisha with a devious grin. “Klaire is mine.” she declared as she slid a card face down across the table to Trisha. “Enjoy yourself.” she said, turning back to her lovely roommate who was now completely at her mercy.
Trisha picked up the card without even thinking about it. “Oh Eve…” she said, smiling deviously and turning the card over to face the long-haired brunette.
Eve had been staring at Klaire and Rayne the entire time, completely oblivious as Rayne slid the card across to Trisha. But she turned her head to look at Trisha when she heard her name, only to come face to face with the Queen of Diamonds. Unlike Laura, Eve didn’t gasp, she didn’t flinch, she just stared at the Queen and her eyes closed, almost as if she were about to blink. But her eyes never reopened. She just sat there, eyes closed as her mind swirled down into a deep hypnotic sleep.
Trisha smiled at Rayne and said confidently, “Laura. Eve. Follow me!” As she stood up the other two hypnotized young women opened their eyes, without the slightest hint of awareness behind them, while they stood up and moved slowly to the first bedroom door. Trisha stood at the doorway and let the young woman walk inside before glancing into the kitchen, only to see Rayne sliding her hands along Klaire’s breasts as she deeply kissed the hypnotized young woman. Trisha couldn’t help but blush as she turned to her own hypnotized companions and closed the door behind her.
Rayne let out months worth of pent up desire for her roommate, slowly letting her hands and lips slide over every inch of the young woman’s body. Little by little she slowly manipulated Klaire’s body, sometimes with suggestions, sometimes simply by moving it. Exposing her form slowly as piece by piece of her clothing fell away. After a few suggestions Klaire was much more active, sliding her hands along Rayne and removing her clothes, revealing Rayne’s very toned, very powerful body.
Klaire’s mind was swirling. She was still deeply hypnotized and unaware, yet she seemed to be acting on desires she had never known she had. And who knows…maybe she never did have them. Maybe they were being whispered into her ear by Rayne. Klaire didn’t know…or care. Klaire just moved her body along Rayne’s as the two young women were brought to pleasure, again…and again over the course of the next two hours.
Trisha was on the bed, gasping and panting happily. On her right side was Laura, slowly licking and sucking on her right nipple. On her left side was Eve, doing the same to her left nipple. Both young women had their hand between Trisha’s legs, Laura’s finger was deeply inside Trisha while Eve’s was slowly rubbing her clit. Both women were still deeply hypnotized and all three were completely naked.
Trisha was snapped out of her pleasure induced daze by a sharp rhythmic knock at the door. She groaned with mild frustration as she told the girls to stop and stood up, grabbing the sheet from the bed and wrapping it around herself, but leaving the other two completely naked and exposed. They blankly stared at where Trisha had been only seconds ago, and only vaguely stared at one another.
She made her way to the door and opened it without really thinking about what might await her on the other side. Instantly, she pulled the sheet tighter around her. “Oh…umm…hi!” she said nervously.
At the door stood Rayne, completely naked with her hands on her hips in a Superman-esque pose. Her weight was shifted to her right leg while her left foot tapped impatiently. She had chosen this pose on purpose because it would show off as much of her body as possible while taking Trisha completely by surprise. Standing behind Rayne was Klaire, just as deeply hypnotized as she was the last time Trisha had seen her, but also completely naked. Her mouth was open and her eyes were blank as she stood with her arms limp at her sides limply. “I see you had fun.” Rayne said with a confident smile. “May we come in?”
Trisha blushed deeply and stepped aside to let Rayne walk through, allowing the blank-faced Klaire to follow. She watched Rayne look at the two hypnotized young women on the bed before turning to look at her. “You don’t need that.” Rayne said in her hypnotic voice.
Trisha blinked in confusion for a moment before realizing that Rayne was referring to the sheet around her. With a slight blush she let the sheet fall to the ground, revealing her own naked body.
“See?” Rayne said with a smile. “That’s better.” With that, she turned her attention to Laura and Eve. Just before she began to move towards the bed she extended her hand in Trisha’s direction, without even looking at her. “You forgot this.”
Trisha nervously took what was in Rayne’s hand as her eyes darted back and forth between Rayne, Laura, and Eve. Finally, she looked at her hand and gasped in surprise. Her body visibly jerked as her eyes slammed shut and she let out a surprisingly loud, almost sexual moan. Her shoulders slumped, arms falling limp at her sides, while her head fell forward and her short blond hair bounced around her face…and the Queen of Spades slipped from her hand, floating softly to the ground.
Rayne climbed onto the bed between Eve and Laura. “Pleasure me.” she said commandingly. “All of you!”
Eve and Laura continued what they were doing, unaware that Rayne had traded places with Trisha. Meanwhile, Klaire walked over to Rayne and laid on the bed, leaning in to kiss the hypnotist deeply and slowly. Rayne smiled in the kiss then let out a moan as Trisha’s tongue slid into her vagina and joined Laura’s finger in teasing her.
“Well…” Rayne thought to herself, “That went well!” right before her first orgasm rolled through her body and she forgot everything but the pleasure.