The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Rebalancing the scales pt3 — Deal with a devil...kinda


Disclaimer, all people involved are over 18 in a fictional universe etc etc.

Author note: Have you ever considered that there are a subset of humanity that get everything their own way, literally all their life only positive things happen for them.

Not once have they ever experienced hardship, everything falls into place for them without any concern for others, a good example I was given was that these people have never had to put their luggage into an overhead compartment on an airplane because someone was always there to do it for them so now, they just think that’s how it’s always supposed to work.

Is it good genetics? Is it luck? Maybe a mixture? this story is about one guy who has decided that an unfair universe needs a little rebalancing.

Part 3

Mike had another sleepless night, not for the horny excited reasons as in the previous night either, ever since reading Zoe’s report and realising what happened to Beth, using the girls to test his various breakthroughs was originally funny but hearing about how potent the effects could be had Mark rethinking this strategy.

Sure Beth was a sanctimonious bitch to him and anyone else she thought wasn’t up to her religious standards despite it being plain to anyone that her father was taking advantage of thousands of people by using religion to milk them of their money but still his irritating daughter didn’t deserve it…well ok yes she deserved it but he didn’t intend for the energy drink to cause Beth to lose her virginity in the middle of the boys locker room in front an audience so he knew he had an opportunity to make things right.

Researching women’s hymens and virginity was surprisingly fascinating, Mark had no idea women could have surgery to recreate their hymen’s, usually for wedding nights so their new husbands could pop their bride’s cherry all over again, surgery was an option but maybe a better solution that could benefit them both was available.

Mike had stayed locked up in the basement creating a solution to Beth’s problem, while inadvertently stumbling on a way to mess with the boy’s football team as well.

Mike had stayed in touch with Zoe and the girls via bursts, it was risky, but Mike needed money quickly and by dedicating himself to this endeavour, he had got himself fired from the grocery store, still this was more important and if it worked then it would solve his cash problems.

Mike instructed all four girls to send message him their bank accounts and savings, then took 5% out of each account which came up $350k, this was more than enough to get the chemicals and equipment he needed then got to work.

Mike still read Zoe’s reports, the cock teasing of Zack was going well and had earned himself another three weeks of abstinence after trying to touch her ass in the hall as well as messages trying to get her to change her mind.

Gemma and Michelle continued to avoid each other but things were thawing between them after a few netball and cheerleader sessions forcing them to work together and support Zoe who continued to drill the squads like a military instructor, the additional supply of the energy drug Mark had given Zoe in much smaller amounts this time to reduce any extreme reactions would still give the girls an energy boost and accompanying aphrodisiac but now at a smaller dose so less rampant orgy to more increasing frustration and desire which were aided by the repeated bursts from their phones, nothing extreme but enough to mess with the girls so their attention wasn’t on the recent changes.

What Zoe and Mike were unaware of was how deeply the combination of repeated bursts and accumulation of the aphrodisiac was having on Gemma and Michelle,

The moment practice was over, Michelle was sprinting to the toilets furthest away on school grounds to lock herself in, separate herself from the temptation of Gemma while doing her best to try to satisfy the constant burning lust for any kind of sexual release.

Stripping off as quickly as she could, covered in sweat from the intense workouts, the arrogant wealthy proud white woman naked in the dirty toilets of a high school picking out her wet panties and forcing them into her mouth to try to muffle loud intense noise as she stood there vigorously rubbing her aching clit while pinching and twisting her long hard nipples as the she replayed her insane moment of weakness with Gemma, lusting to taste her lips again and wrestle her for control, forcing the arrogant woman to her knees, to rub her soaking wet pussy over her face as she worships her.

Gemma meanwhile was dealing with her insatiable lust in her own way, the changes in her attitude towards Burton have been getting more extreme, as she repeatedly grabbing Burton and dragged the muscular black guy to the nearest secluded area for sex, but her patience in Burton’s performance rapidly vanished as she took more and more control until Gemma only saw Burton as a fucktoy, today for instance they were in the gym storage room where Burton was on his back and Gemma was in full control (again) using the Amazon Position to fuck herself, Gemma pushed Burton’s thick muscular legs far back so his feet were near his face, ass exposed as Gemme grinded her hot wet pussy onto his girthy thick meat, fucking him like a bitch.

Gemma’s dominant side was in overdrive, maybe attempting to make up for lesbian slip up, no matter what her mind kept replaying the intense scene in her mind, lusting for Michelle, wanting her tongue deep into Michelles mouth, to feel her sucking on Gemma’s big tits and force the rich white bitch her on her back to worship her black pussy.

Both girls being alpha personalities, neither one willing to be subordinate to the other.

Zoe was instructed to support Beth and be there for her, wasn’t a difficult thing to do since her free time didn’t involve getting pounded by a roided meat head, she had done everything she could to strengthen her Beth’s trust in her.

Beth was understandably sore, more so since the drug didn’t wear off until the following morning and she had spent most the night masturbating with any phallic object she could find before settling on her favourite hairbrush and praying for forgiveness only to then go back to getting herself off until she fell asleep exhausted but happy.

She hadn’t spoken to Jake yet since the incident, he was laying low as well, her main concerns were pregnancy and how she was going to explain to her father that she wasn’t a virgin anymore.

The rumours turned out to be true, he was paying her $5k a month to pass the virgin test which he could then brag about to his high-level wealthy parishioners to maintain the image of a pure family.

Mike sent a burst to Zoe and Beth’s phones, instructing Zoe to escort Beth to his basement which was transformed into something more like a mad scientist’s lair after his many spending all the girl’s donated money on chemicals and equipment for his experiments.

The girls walked in and stood in what passed for Mike’s living room / bedroom, awaiting instructions.

Mike asked them both to sit down on the floor as Mike sat on the sofa/bed “I’m here to help, you both want my help” Mike said calmly to his captive audience. “You will both awaken, Zoe will explain why she bought you here, isn’t she a good friend”.

Both girls blinked for a moment, the undeniable sour look as they took in their surroundings “its ok Beth, Mike has agreed to help you with your problem, he’s really smart and thinks he has found a perfect solution” Zoe explained.

Beth looked at Mike in his dishevelled t-shirt and sweatpants, clearly not been cleaned for days, the smell of sweat and body odour emanated from his body making Beth feel more disgusted with her least favourite heathen than normal. “How can he help anyone; he can’t look after himself” Beth replied.

“That’s not nice, also you’re in my home so and you’re not following my house rules which is very rude” Mike replied calmly, letting Beth’s arrogance slide.

Zoe blinked for a moment at the phrase “my house rules” which kicked in the instructions from the last burst, Zoe started apologising to Mike as she reached under her skirt and pulled down her white thong panties, then unbuttoning her white blouse and slipping it off to reveal her matching white bra and slipped her blouse back on while gesturing to Beth to do the same “come on, don’t be rude, it’s his house rules” as she hung her bra and thong on a coat hook behind the front door.

Beth reluctantly agreed and did the same, leaving her big white granny panties and huge boulder holders on the hook next to Zoe’s and resumed sitting on the floor, Beths enormous tits pressed against her white blouse, Mark noted that Beth’s areolas were much deeper red than Zoe’s and stood out more against the fabric, both girls nipples rock hard, Beth was fidgeting on the ice cold concrete floor, unaccustomed to these surroundings and being treated like a whore.

Mark smiled; the programming was becoming stronger which will make the next phase even easier. “Ok Beth, lets clear the air, we don’t like each other, never will but I’m also someone who can’t not use my own gifts to help someone when they are in trouble”.

Beth looked shocked “who told you?” did someone video it, oh god please don’t let anyone be sharing videos of my shame”

Mark tried not to laugh at Beth’s overly dramatic breakdown “It’s fine, Zoe told me what happened, and I worked for the last few days to create an elegant solution that will work for all of us”.

“What do you mean, I can’t have the surgery as I won’t be healed in time for my monthly check” Beth replied, griping her skirt as the stress of the situation was becoming all too real

“Ah you mean Hymenoplasty, yes, its very popular with women as a treat for their husbands on their wedding night to “pop the old cherry”, no I have what I think is a better solution and one that will enable you and Jake to continue to have a physical relationship and you also get to keep dear old papa happy at the same time, how does that sound?” Mark explained.

Zoe smiled and clapped her hands, causing her braless tits to jiggle “see I told you, he’s so smart”.

“How is this possible?” Beth asked, suddenly being far more polite to Mark than she had ever been in her life.

Mark got up and retrieved from his makeshift lab table a clear vial containing pink cream like substance, “This is Instant Hymen in a jar, if you apply this all around the inside of your vagina, around an inch, slightly less but I will leave that to you to know where to put it, in around 16 hours you will have a Hyman that will fool even the most intense observer” Mark explained while beaming with pride “the body will begin to absorb the substance around 36 hours later but for your needs it will easily pass the test every month, hell even allow Jake to regularly pop your fake virginity to celebrate”

“This can’t be real” Beth replied nearly sobbing “please don’t mess with me, is this a joke”.

“Absolutely not, you can have both your cake and eat it except it’s just a fake membrane, it won’t bleed or cause you any pain but there is a slight complication, the tawdry matter of money, this isn’t cheap and I would need to make this every month for you so I need $2k a month to make this worth my while” Mike explained using his best sales pitch voice knowing full well the chemicals and process barely cost more than $150 in total and have created enough supply for years.

“Yes, I want it, please” as she snatches the vial from Mark’s hands.

“That’s so kind of you Mike” replied Zoe, you’re a lifesaver.

“Well it’s not over yet, I had considered that if Beth was to become sexually active then we must think about precautions, it would look weird if you showed up for a Hyman test while being 9 months pregnant…I think that happened before and caused nothing but trouble” Mark explained enjoying his little religion joke “this is a real triumph for me, it’s called Vag-clear, it’s a clear water like liquid that when applied into a her pussy or anal region should she so desire, it will do two things, firstly it will act as a temporary full protection, no STD can survive and it will make her sterile until the user decides to stop taking the Vag-clear then between 14 to 20 days later she will be fully fertile again, the second benefit is was entirely unintended but may be of interest, Vag-clear will tighten your Kegel muscles making your pussy tight and like new”

Zoe’s mouth opened wide “no way, that’s incredible, it’s that amazing Beth”.

“it’s absolutely true, you can use this and stay sexually safe and while maintaining the tightness that you enjoy now well into your later years, I would advise Beth uses this as well, after losing your virginity your body reacts by opening up to accommodate sex and child birth, it will also enable the Hyman cream to work quicker and not arouse any suspicions” Mark replied as he was really getting into the sales pitch “but like with the cream, its expensive, $3k for a month’s supply that you need to apply daily”

“I want it, happy to be your first customer” replied a super excited Zoe.

“Sure, it makes perfect sense” replied Beth as the thoughts of regular sex with Jake whilst being able to keep the image of a virgin as too good to pass up.

“Fantastic, no time like the present is there, Beth try out the Hyman cream…oh wait sorry that will be a problem” Mark pretend as the girls were halfway into pulling their skirts down.

“What’s the problem? is there something wrong” asked Beth panicking quickly followed by Zoe “please what is it?”

“I didn’t account for this, I’m so sorry, this won’t work at all” Mark continued “I stupidly assumed you ladies all shaved or waxed your…lady gardens these days so didn’t think it would be a problem but the only side effects to both the Hyman cream and Vag-clear is that makes your pubic hair fall out…well that’s not fully true, first it reacts with the pubic hair making an awful smell that I can only describe as rotting fish on a hot summer day then it falls out in patches, I’m so sorry ,there isn’t anything I can do to help” lied Mark.

Both girls looked down between their legs, Zoe always trimmer her pubic hair and shaved the sides to keep herself neat but Beth had never once touched her immense forest.

“Oh that’s not a problem is it Beth? we can go and get waxed straight away before the chemicals have time to react then we keep ourselves waxed all the time” replied a chipper Zoe who kicked off her skirt and squirted a shot of Vag-clear up her already tight pussy.

“Err yeah that should be fine” Beth agreed reluctantly, losing her public hair was a small price to pay to keep her father happy as she applied the Hyman cream into herself as Mark watched them both.

Bible Beth, naked in his dirty basement being his willing test subject and touching herself, as soon as the Hymen cream was applied, she took a squirt of the Vag-clear up her sticky pussy.

“It’s tingling and cold” Beth exclaimed is it working?”

“Yeah, mine feels cold, so cold but feels good” Zoe agreed.

“Sorry to interrupt but I need money now if you want next month’s supply, also tell your friends, I’m sure Michelle and Gemma would love to try this as well, maybe the girls on the cheerleader and netball squads as well? don’t worry I am very discreet”.

Both girls hobbled over to their school bags they left on the floor and took out their phones to send Mark the money and didn’t notice the additional bursts on their screens forcing them back into a trance.

“Perfect, cash rich and ready for the taking” Mark said out loud.

Mark knew he had a while yet before the Hyman cream started to work, bending Beth over the sofa and entering her wet hot pussy while instructing Zoe to eat his sweaty ass, several days without showering and only focusing on the task in hand had left him with a lot of pent up energy but he wasn’t expecting Beth to feel this tight, she had a gorilla grip like pussy that wouldn’t let go and it felt amazing “such a waste on a god botherer, fuck she’s tight” as Zoe’s tongue expertly teased Marks butthole.

Instructing them both to get on their knees and suck his hard cock, they each took a turn, Mark’s cock bobbing from one willing mouth to the other, ordering Zoe onto his sofa and spread her legs wide he then ordered Beth to position herself over Zoe, hanging off the back of the sofa so he could fuck Zoe while play with Beths massive tits, it didn’t take long for Mark to cum hard into Zoes tight pussy.

As Mark got dressed, he made them both get dressed but to forget that they wore panties that day, followed by the instructions to go and get waxed immediately then to return to school to tell their friends and squad mates about Vag-clear.

Mark chuckled as he thought about the other side effects that he forgot to tell the girls about, it’s all going to be so much fun.

End of part 3