The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Rebalancing the scales pt4 — Showing that school spirit.


Disclaimer, all people involved are over 18 in a fictional universe etc etc.

Author note: Have you ever considered that there are a subset of humanity that get everything their own way, literally all their life only positive things happen for them.

Not once have they ever experienced hardship, everything falls into place for them without any concern for others, a good example I was given was that these people have never had to put their luggage into an overhead compartment on an airplane because someone was always there to do it for them so now, they just think that’s how it’s always supposed to work.

Is it good genetics? Is it luck? Maybe a mixture? this story is about one guy who has decided that an unfair universe needs a little rebalancing.

Part 4

Mark was finalising moving out of the basement into his own house, when he received a message from his science teacher Professor Daniels apologising for bothering him at the weekend and asking him to come to school for a meeting straight away while stressing that he wasn’t to tell anyone about it, this put Mark on edge, had something gone wrong, has someone noticed the girls behaviour changes all been traced back to him. Mark shook his head, this felt like something more, could Mark’s intended side effects be working already….

Mark arrived at the West State school entrance, it had a desolate feeling with no one around, the silence so weird when your used to a level of noise all the time.

Mark entered Professor Daniels office where he saw the Principal Kate Walters and head Coach Brian Perkins sat around the professor’s desk.

“Please come in and take seat Mark, thank you again for joining us despite it being the weekend” welcomed Professor Daniels.

Principle Walters stood up and gave Mark her chair “Would you to help us with a problem that Coach Perkins has “discovered” over the last few weeks which Professor Daniels thinks you may be able to assist “

Coach Perkins explained while trying not to make eye contact “the fellas on the football team, well they ain’t right, some have noticed while others haven’t cottoned on yet but its unmistakable, their cocks are getting smaller!”

Professor Daniels covered his mouth trying not to laugh while Mark gripped the chair and tried to keep a straight face.

“Ahem, now are you sure, it could be a cold day or they are feeling shy” reasoned Principal Walters.

“No, I’m telling you, my boys’ cocks are shrinking! I see them naked every day and I never forget a cock” pleaded Coach Perkins

Mark whispered under his breath to Professor Daniels “you heard that right? He never forgets a cock!” which Professor Daniels made a shushing motion to his lips then clamped his hand over his own mouth trying not to laugh.

“So Coach, what do you think’s causing this …er shrinkage? Could I be at risk?” Mark asked politely.

“Your cock looked the same as it has all year, but I think it could be a bad batch of performance enhancers we give the boys have given them tiny peckers” Coach replied and tossed a white bottle filled with pills onto the table.

“Professor Daniels has vouched for you as a great mind who can see all the angles and help get out championship winning team back to normal before others find out and use it against us or worse sue the school into the dirt” pleaded Principal Walters.

Mark thought for a moment and picked up the bottle of pills “I can’t be that good, failed to get a scholarship, overlooked for every award despite my grades” then rolled the bottle back on the table.

“Fine, I appreciate you have been screwed over, if you help then I promise the last scholarship is yours, pick a college or university of your choice and I will pull every string to get you there” replied Principal Walters with stern look that Mark didn’t trust for one second.

“And I will pass you for all sports, every single thing and you won’t have to show up to anything that you don’t want to” added Coach Perkins.

“And as discussed I will give you straight A+ as well …which you had anyway so it’s not really much of an offer” replied Professor Daniels.

Mark nodded “Fine, the school needs me, and I won’t let it down” and pulled out his phone and tapped the end recording button “just some insurance in case we misunderstand each other later down the line” smiled Mark as he picked up the bottle “I will need the school lab and access to all the stocks of chemicals”.

Principle Walters sneered and nodded, knowing she will have to keep her end of the bargain and waved Mark off as he left the office and headed to the science classroom where he would begin…to do nothing other than set up some beakers and flasks, mix some colours to make it look good to the casual observer while Mark caught up on the latest episodes of Fallout tv show on his phone.

Four hours later Mark returned to the office where three the three teachers had been waiting.

“Yeah it’s the pills, someone has spiked them with an impotence chemical to shrink muscle but whoever did it wasn’t very good or careful, it went to work reducing penis muscle size, shrinking and retracting over time, quite insidious really” Mark explained (lying his ass off) “but looks to maintain energy and hormonal rate so really it just leaves you with a tiny dick and shooting blanks”.

“Fuck, what can we do, the boy’s families will kill us, literally kill us” pleaded Coach Perkins

“At least if we are lucky, explaining to their fathers that we have accidentally destroyed their beloved son’s sexual organs, death would be the quick option” agreed Principal Walters. “Our deal is based on you fixing the problem Mark, so what’s the answer genius?”

“Rather simple is not really going to go over very well, the guys stop using the pills which will then over time be absorbed by the body and potentially reduce any further loss of mass, getting back that mass is going to be the trick which is where it’s going to kinda get morally grey” Mark explained.

“Come one son, spit it out boy” demanded Coach Perkins.

“The issue is that the drug is long lasting in the body so they guys will need untainted supply of clean Spermatozoa in their system which has in some trial cases ingesting other healthy males sperm has been able to kick start some impotent males own systems making them fertile again at least in the short term, but how we do this and on the quiet is the big challenge” Mark pondered.

Principal Walters sat there opened mouthed while Coach Perkins was trying to think of the cost of a sperm back per withdrawal.

“I guess purely theoretically, if you get consent from willing students in the school to provide the required sperm then …just thinking out loud that maybe the guys could get it directly from a non-tainted supply, err…suck it from the hose but I doubt that will go down well with the guys, option 2 is I guess if the girlfriends are receiving the sperm then passing it on to their boyfriends…I believe it’s called “snowballing or cream pie” in modern terms, it would solve the physical damage issue and help get things back on track, I’d guess once a day five days a week until the end of school year” Mark replied.

“But my boys need their enhancer, we are so close to the finals, surely we can have it both ways, these drugs cost a lot of money and can’t be replaced easily” replied Coach Perkins.

Mark pretended to think deeply for a few moments “Well if one shot a day of untainted sperm helps heal a body recovering from the tainted performance enhancer then two or more a day would be extra beneficial, not over overwhelming the negatives of the drug but boosting the bodies reaction and healing faster but obviously this would require a lot of sperm and dedicated support from non-tainted supply and obviously willing receptacles for it to go in so the guys could “take their medicine” if they are unwilling to …self-service.

“No, it’s not going to happen, we will have the rest of the weekend off and break the news to everyone on Monday” demanded Principal Walters as she got up pulled out her phone “have a nice weekend everyone”.

Mark smiled as his phone vibrated quickly in his pocket, telling him its connected to Principal Walkers phone and finished uploaded the burst software. “I better get home; I have a lot to do” then left the school and headed home as quickly as could to finish packing and set up the series of bursts that will change Principal Walters mind.

It had been a very productive and financially rewarding six weeks for Mark, all of the wealthy were on his Vag-clear wonder drug as well, even those not on the netball or cheerleader squads, turned out that instant safe sex was very popular (who knew?) though did make Mark feel a little guilty when he found out from Zoe that the poorer girls were paying for his medication by selling photos and videos on various OnlyFans like websites.

Michelle was continuing to struggle with her near constant need for sexual gratification, especially when being anywhere near Gemma which Gemma was secretly struggling as well, had forced her use one of the male toilets into glory hole where random guys were getting sucked and fucked with no clue that the whore servicing them was the wealthy ultra-conservative daughter of a man who was connected to some of the most powerful people in the country, finding out about Marks wonder drug made her sign up straight away despite her reservations about needing to have her pubic hair waxed regularly but if it meant she could stop any unwanted pregnancy or worse STD’s then she didn’t care that the disgusting dork was charging her three times as much anyone else.

Beth had passed her first inspection with her fake Hymen which she promptly got Jake to pop (again) immediately after, weirdly she was the first to notice the change in Jake as despite being new to sexual freedom and having the tightest pussy of all the girls, she instantly felt the difference as Jake started shrinking, not having the heart to say anything as the rampant long fucking sessions were turning into 30 second of barely feeling anything and feeling the need to lie constantly about how satisfied he was making her.

Gemma continued to abuse and humiliate Burton, verbally destroying his inability to make her orgasm just how she liked it (i.e. when she was with Michelle) and needing to control every aspect of sexual intercourse. The huge alpha male jock reduced to sobbing after sex and apologising for his performance as the shrinkage had taken hold as he got smaller every day which added extra strain to their relationship.

Zoe on the other hand finally allowing Zack to have sex again after passing her relationship test, poor Zack nearly came in his shorts when Zoe sent him the message telling him that he had passed her test,

Zack spent nearly every moment he could with Zoe over the next two weeks screwing her every chance he could, he was insatiable not that Zoe minded, she wanted to get her monies worth from Mark’s medication but quickly just like Beth’s experience Zack was losing girth and length by the end of the month it was embarrassingly small and thin, barely longer than her index finger, certainly nowhere near enough to provide her any satisfaction despite her having a near virgin tight pussy.

Positively, Zoe’s constant military like discipline had got both the netball and cheerleader squads into the finals of their respective tournaments, all the squad conditioned to do whatever Zoe and her clique demanded, her name making it into mainstream media articles and the local news crew interviewing her after every win, she was quickly becoming a minor celebrity with her beautiful look and perky attitude, it also helped to have a killer body that her uniform’s showed off perfectly.

Principles Office

Principal Walters stomped around her office, she had kept putting off the announcement after being so sure she had made up her mind and ready to come clean.

For a woman in her late 40’s she maintained her athletic shape and the gift of breast implants on her 30th birthday made sure “the twins” remained perky, long legs and pert ass she looked and felt better than she did in her mid 20’s but the past several weeks had been tough made all the worse by her sudden need to wear short skirts and dresses to school, always with stockings, her libido seemed to have been pushed to 11, dirty day dreams leading her to touch herself in her office, sat back on her chair, her legs parted wide and resting on her expensive oak desk as she rubbed her clit while trying to stifle her moaning.

Today was about saving her career and the schools reputation, it had taken a lot of soul searching but this was the only way.

Zoe and her friends entered the office along with the football team and Coach Perkins, then Mark with a selection of guys who the football team had “pranked” for years though Mark was pretty sure many of the “pranks” shouldn’t involve assault.

Mark and his hand-picked guys had already been briefed by Principal Walters and Coach Perkins, none of the guys could believe what they were hearing. Neither could Zoe and her friends, but all fell in line when Zoe agreed they would do anything to help the school.

Timmy — 4ft 9, overweight, white with short brown hair, school wasn’t easy for him, but the football team did everything to make it as hard as possible.

Zabba — 5ft 2, thin dark black African, proud of his culture and roots but made the focus of every “dumb black guy” stereotype even by Burton.

Charley, 5ft,6, quiet white guy, enjoyed reading in the library and tried to stay away from the jocks as much as possible which caused them to hunt him down and label him as a gay boy faggot.

Zao — 4ft 2 Chinese roots but lived in America all his life just like his family, spoke better English than most of the school, bullied relentlessly for looking different.

Principal Walters broke the news to the football team who looked at each other then down at the floor, they knew something wasn’t right, but their ego wouldn’t let them acknowledge it.

“So here’s the deal, we can go public and get you medical help which I am assured wont be any different than the solution we are proposing other than it will be random sperm from a sperm bank and you will all be exposed to the media, it will kill the school, your chances in the big leagues and wont easily be forgotten by the public or…we go with option 2 which we have discussed with these fine gentlemen who have agreed to total secrecy and will supply you with the untainted …stuff you need” explained Principal Walters.

Zane looked at the nerds and losers, each one bullied in various ways by him and the team over the years, looking over at Zoe who gave him a weak smile.

“These gentlemen will do their duty and supply as much …stuff as they are able, our cheerleader and netball squad have assured me they will allow themselves to be used then its up to you assuming you don’t want to perform a blowjob on these guys yourselves?” continued Principal Walters.

The football team looked at each other and all shook their heads with Zach raising his hand “so we have to…eat out the girls to get the …stuff after they have finished with the nerd..I mean other guy”

Coach Perkins stepped in “Absolutely and I won’t hear a single word of complaint from anyone here, you will take your medicine and like it, no fucking around with these guys at all otherwise I swear I will drop you from the squad and out you to everyone for the tiny dick’s you are!” Coach Parkins got into each of his players faces “do you understand me, not a single fucking word of complaint! you eat em out like you’re getting the jam from a doughnut do you understand!”

“Sir, yes Sir” responded the team with what little enthusiasm they could muster.

“Thank you, Coach Perkins, I’m sure the boys will follow our rules as the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about” agreed Principal Walters “two final bits of business, this is important, we have set up storage closets and blocked off various rooms around the school premises which you all will have keys, these are to enable you to do your business without drawing attention and finally, you are not to have sex during this period, obviously you don’t have much to do anything with but also it could lead to further damage though I am assured you can masturbate as much as you like”

A loud sigh echoed around the tightly packed office as they were dismissed as well as Principal Walters and Coach Perkins left as well to give the girls and guys time to decide how they want to manage this problem.

Zoe spoke for the girls, her authoritative control was absolute as her preprogrammed instructions kicked in “Ok girls, we know what we have to do for our school and for our boyfriends, I don’t want to hear about any meanness or complaints, let’s get this done”.

All the girls nodded and appeared to be psyching themselves up like before a big game.

“Ok, get to work girls” each of the girls taking a guy and heading out to find a storage closet, some lucky fellas got two girls while others would wait their turn leaving Mike alone in the office with Zoe who looked at him with hungry eyes.

Zoe pushes Mark intro the principals chair and takes off her black panties to reveal her freshly waxed pussy then pulls down Marks trousers to free his hard cock, dropping to her knees and licking away while making loud satisfying moans, the taste driving her wild.

Zoe pulls off her top to release her big perky tits, pushing Marks face into them as she straddles his lap, allowing him to enter her hot wet pussy. She fucks him like a machine until he cums into her and she slides off him “I really fucking needed that” Zoe says to no one as she summons Zach to come and get his medicine.

Mark passes Zach in the hall, Zach doing his best not to make eye contact but the tension was plain to them both until Mark broke the ice “Hey Zach, look this isn’t ideal and know Zoe loves you more than anything, I promise I won’t do anything with her unless I get permission from you first, I respect you both too much to do anything to ruin your relationship”#

Zach stops for a second and lowers his head in shame “Thank you, that means a lot” then enters the principal’s office where Mike catches a glimpse of Zoe with her legs spread wide on the principals desk ready and waiting.

End of Part 4