Rebalancing the scales pt6B — Rich Girls vs Poor Girls
By Mancityblue
Disclaimer, all people involved are over 18 in a fictional universe etc etc.
Author note: Have you ever considered that there are a subset of humanity that get everything their own way, literally all their life only positive things happen for them.
Not once have they ever experienced hardship, everything falls into place for them without any concern for others, a good example I was given was that these people have never had to put their luggage into an overhead compartment on an airplane because someone was always there to do it for them so now, they just think that’s how it’s always supposed to work.
Is it good genetics? Is it luck? Maybe a mixture? this story is about one guy who has decided that an unfair universe needs a little rebalancing.
Part 6B
Zoe and the clique were in a daze as several women grabbed their naked bodies and dragged them outside into the cold night air and thrown onto the cold wet grass.
All they girls could hear was one of the women screaming at the guys about cheating interspersed with swearing followed by the slamming of doors.
Zoe was grabbed by her long blonde hair and pulled up to her feet “The fuck are you doing here screwing our men? Didn’t you take enough from us already?” said the tall white girl who Zoe managed to identify as Risa.
“We didn’t mean anything; we just came to beg for your men to go easy on our boys in the final” Zoe pleaded her voice weak. “Please let us go” she sobbed.
“Ah hell no, not till we had our fun, paybacks gonna be bitch ain’t that right girls?” Risa replied, the tall white tattooed girl smirked while playing up to the audience.
Tall black girl named Tracy arrived carrying a cardboard box “got the lost and found right here for our little rich girls” Tracy said smiling.
“Hey Bernie, what you say we have our own fun right” Risa said to the ginger haired girl who began routing through the carboard box.
“Its really interesting what you find when cleaning out the lockers at the end of year” said Bernie “pick up captain bitch face, we got our first competitor!”
The girls dragged Zoe over to the box, laughing at the helpless rich girl.
Risa got straight into Zoe’s face “few years ago me and this bitch were in a race, she won because my stupid old running shoes laces broke and tripped me up so I think a replay is in order but I’m fair and can see our nudists here ain’t dressed for a run and we know that they only ever wear new clothes every year that we should help them out but in the spirit of South State fairness I ain’t ran for a while either so a handicap is in order especially since we are being so nice by giving the bitch new clothes”
Risa held up a grey roll of duct tape to the crowed “Here’s your new clothes and here’s your handicap” Risa held up two golden coloured balls, faded by age and looked dirty “I know you only like the new things in life but beggars can’t be choosers” Risa smirked as Zoe’s long muscular legs are held apart by two girls each side as Risa roughly pushes the dirty weighted balls up Zoe’s wet sticky pussy then hears the unmistakable sound of tape being opened, the duct tape is tightly wrapped around Zoe’s legs making a her hips and between her legs creating a pair of panties “Wouldn’t be fair to have her big tits bouncing around would it” Risa joked as she added further insult by wrapping the duct tape around her chest to make a boob tube then tearing two pieces of duct tape off and bunching Zoe’s perfect long blonde hair into pigtails and wrapping the tape tightly “Gonna hurt like a bitch getting that off” Risa laughed as she pulled out a black marker and wrote “Skanky Whore” on the front of the makeshift boob tube “check out our hillbilly princess” Risa mocked.
Zoe was escorted to the running track, her friends dragged along and forced to watch on their knees.
The weighted balls inside Zoe were already having an effect, no matter how gross they were, every step created started building up sensations causing her already horny mind to fog but she forced herself to concentrate, if she won then maybe the girls will be let go and they can escape this nightmare.
Zoe tried to get into a runner’s stance, but the duct tape painfully pulled at her body, restricting movement, Bernie shouted “ready, get set, go!” and Risa darted away with Zoe just behind her, running barefoot slowed Zoe down but not as much as the Ben Wa balls, walking was difficult but trying to run with them inside her most sensitive area was absolute torture.
Zoe was catching up and nearly overtook Risa when Zoe’s body gave out, losing speed and falling to her knees as earthquake sized orgasms overloaded her body leaving her twitching on the running track.
Zoe was dragged back to her friends and tossed onto the floor as Risa celebrated around her, the defeated blonde withdrew into a ball while sobbing, her feet hurt, her pussy ached but nothing hurt more than her injured pride.
While Zoe was running the race the other South State girls had duct tapped the girls into the same outfits as Zoe,
Bernie held Gemma down and squirted a whole tube of extra strength heat rub up her ass and pussy, “How’s that feel bitch, does it feel as good as when you had your hands on my pussy” Bernie teased as the duct tape was applied before the heat rub had time to kick in and just for an added layer of cruelty, the girls taped her hands together and watched as she thrashed around on the floor, fruitlessly trying to claw at her crotch which felt like it was on fire.
The Gemma show lasted 20 mins or so before the reaction subsided, Gemma’s hands were cut loose but Bernie threatened to do it again if she attempted to remove her duct tape panties.
Michelle had gator clips attached to her already long hard nipples and a gator clip onto each of her pussy lips while Beth had a cut down skipping rope to tie tightly around her massive tits until they turned purple then all the girls were duct taped up.
Risa and Bernie retrieved several boxes of glitter in their schools’ colours mixed with a sticky glue-like goop, they made their hated rivals stand under the netball hoops as they tipped it over their heads covering them from head to toe in glitter and glue followed by water balloons filled with the contents of a septic tank leaving the West State girls distraught and smelling worse than they have ever thought possible.
The pain from the various tortures inflicted upon them had bought them all back round, Gemma overhearing the South State girls talking about shaving their heads next and leaving them in the red-light part of town where anything could happen to them was like a slap across the face.
“We gotta make a move or we are in real trouble” Gemma whispered to the girls, “we can’t last much longer”.
“I know but Zoe’s wrecked, we can’t leave her behind, they hate her more than us” Michelle replied.
“My tits hurt so bad; I can’t take any more of this” Beth sobbed.
Zoe pulled herself together, a fire in her eyes “We can do this, wait for my signal then we run to the car, don’t stop for anything, if they catch us, we are done for”.
The South State girls were getting over excited, Risa had snuck in cases of Vodka which they were all drinking straight from bottle while they were each throwing out different ideas of what to do to the West State girls next, each wanting to do something more hideous and degrading than the last idea until they were all talking at each other, failing to notice the four hostages sneak off into a run and were gone out of view before the South State girls turned around and saw they were gone.
As Zoe and the girls reached Gemma’s car, Gemma rushed to the back wheel to retrieve the car key when to her horror it was missing.
“Its really not your night is it bitches” Risa laughed as she dangled their only hope of escape in front of the West State girls, Zoe felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and hit the floor followed by her friends “Too good an opportunity to waste” Bernie replied as she waved her taser to the other girls.
Zoe’s head was swimming, drifting in and out of consciousness, feeling an intense cold as she was blasted with a water hose against a brick wall, being held up by two unfamiliar girls then thrown to the floor on top of a familiar body before passing out again.
Michelle felt the intense pain as the duct tape was torn from her body forcing her awake, the noise was intense, laughing and howling animals, throwing her around then blackness.
Gemma shivered but unable to move, all her strength was gone as her body was lifted something stuck to her mouth, a cold liquid forced down her throat making her gag, repeated slaps around the face then unconsciousness overwhelms her.
Beth felt the ropes torturing her tits release, the intense pain got worse as blood rushed back to her large breasts, the pain nearly making her pass out again then she heard a mechanical buzzing sound and a cold metal scraping across her head followed by more laughing.
It was 5:30 in the morning when the police received a call about a break in at West State school, it was reported that some drunk driver had smashed their car into the football stadium and tore up the place.
The police arrived to find Gemma’s expensive car upside down in the middle of the field after doing what appeared to be doughnuts across the once pristine grass, all three girls naked with shaven heads and bottles of Vodka duct tapped to their hands.
Gemma was found attached to Michelle, duct tapped into the 69 position on top of the upside down car, Beth was found in the car, unconscious with a bad dragon dildo deep in her abused pussy and a second slightly smaller bad dragon dildo deep into her rectum.
The girls were taken to the hospital under police protection, it was clear from the CCTV that it wasn’t the girls that were driving, and the masked assailants escaped in a stolen van.
The police interviewed the girls but all refused to name who did it to them, though it was obvious it was South State without any actual evidence linking them to the crime there wasn’t anything the police could do and the school wanted everything kept quiet as possible in case it damaged their reputation any further.
Zoe returned to school, everything looked familiar but yet so strange, she remembered being applauded by classmates and cheered…then she awoke to her alarm set for 4am and crawled to a mirror trying to hold on to her dream for as long as possible but it was all fading away like a distant memory.
The image in the mirror wasn’t that of a young attractive blonde girl but a woman several years older than her dream, Zoe was gone and replaced with Jane, her once toned athletic body faded, her long blonde hair cut into a manageable bob cut, she got dressed into her cleaning overalls wit matching baseball cap and made her way to the exclusive collage to begin her morning cleaning duties, after this she would work delivering food to offices on her scooter before heading back to her apartment to lay low and try to grab a warm shower before all the hot water was used up for the day as her tiny apartment linked into a bathroom shared by several other tenants,
Risa and Bernie had dumped Zoe at a drug house, they had no idea that the taser shot to the back of the head had given her amnesia, the last words she remembered hearing was “If anyone finds her, we are all on big trouble” she wandered out of the drug house before anyone could pick her up, she was naked, head shaved and covered in sequins but luckily a friendly homeless woman called Bertie found her and took her to safety under a bridge next to a warm fire, helping Zoe get clean and giving her what the homeless woman could find as clothes, essentially an oversized t-shirt and filthy grey sweatpants, thinking she was another homeless girl on the streets getting abused by rich teens.
“They really did a number on you!” asked Bertie to the scared woman “Do ya remember where your stuff is, don’t worry I don’t want it, just want to get ya back to where you belong”.
The girl shook her head, “I don’t know, I can’t remember much, they beat me up with some other girls, I can’t remember anything”.
“Oh sweetheart, they can be so cruel, might have been some of them West State kids picking you up to have some fun and dumped you back here, you ain’t the first I’m afraid” Bertie explained “Some of the school kids flash their cash to get ya to come with them then make a fool of ya for their entertainment”.
“I can’t remember anything, it’s all so blank, my head hurts so much” the girl sobbed as she held her head.” they said we would be in trouble if anyone found me, did I do something wrong?”
“They pay ya to do all kinda fucked up shit, might have got out of hand, best if ya keep your head down and away from trouble in case anything gets pinned on ya” Bertie replied as she rubbed the scared girls shoulders “It’ll be ok, the free clinic is closed with the next on being in the next town over but doubt there’s much they can do for ya”.
Giving the girl a small, cracked mirror “Do you remember your name?” Bertie asked, “anything ringing a bell?”
The girl looked at her reflection, the scared person looking back was a total stranger to her eyes “no sorry, I don’t know” she replied sadly.
“That’s ok, it might need some time to work itself out” Bertie said comfortingly “How about we call you Jane for now, as in plain old jane until you get your senses back in order”.
Jane nodded her head “thank you for helping me, that’s a pretty name” she replied and tucked herself into a ball next to the small fire.
Jane kept her head down, begging on the streets to get enough money to buy some clothes to get her into low paying unskilled jobs like cleaning / grocery, making her way to a expensive college where she joined the cleaning staff, something in the back of her mind motivated her to go to a good college, she had to go there so did everything she could to get a job at the best college that would take her without any background checks at the lowliest position possible.
Jane finished emptying the trash and mopping the floors when she caught a glimpse of a blonde girl talking with her friends on her way to class, not a care in the world as walked the across the quad, something inside of Jane triggered a deep sadness and longing which bought a tear to her eye, quickly pulling herself together in case anyone saw her she packed up her gear and went on to the next menial job.
Jane had done her best to stay hidden for all these months afraid of what trouble was looking for her, the once spoilt rich kid from a wealthy family with the world at her feet was no more, if only she could remember her past, instead poor Jane lived in a world that didn’t know nor care she existed.
Beth’s father used the experience to capitalise on her daughter body being abused by godless heretics but her soul remained pure through her faith, Mark thought he would lose out on the extra cash from the Hymen cream but Beth had come clean to her father who agreed to pay Mark considerably more to keep it a secret and the supply rolling which led to Beth’s father proclaiming on his ministry channel that it was a miracle that the lord had restored his beloved daughters virginity which motivated a large influx of cash from his gullible followers.
Gemma and Michelle continued as before, trying to keep away from each other but their feelings were getting stronger and their connection deeper, neither girl’s parents would understand or allow this relationship to happen, it didn’t stop them finding precious moments of “alone time” whenever they could.
Mark tried to look for Zoe, but it was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth, in any case he got what he wanted, full scholarship at a prestigious college leading to him being head hunted by a major biotech companies, desperate for him to join them on whatever terms he demanded.
Mark would think back to the crazy last year of school, the scales really were rebalanced.