The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Refugee

Synopsis: A boating accident finds Reba Maher washed ashore in the UK. This American woman is stressed out as she needs to return to her owner.

All characters in this story are at least eighteen years of age or older

“You say she was found at Ben Sumpter?” Mark Spence said.

“Yes, by some tourists…,” Helen Shunt replied.

The two police officers navigated through the police carpark. The carpark was filled with debris, and heavy machinery. Mark had already complained that he had to park on Penalverne Drive, but Helen had said they were digging up the carpark for repair.

Mark was surprised that anyone would have managed to get ashore on Cornwall’s rough hewn Atlantic coast. Ben Sumpter was a tourist site… but from the land, not the sea.

“You say she’s American?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

“So, have you contacted the American Embassy?”

“Yes, of course,” Helen said as they entered the police station.

“So what’s the problem?”

“She… Um… She’s a slave…”

“Fuck!” Mark spat.

They knew (in fact everyone did) of the mind-controlled women in the USA.

Despite Europe’s apparent moral outrage (Russia gloated about this, as did Germany), the ‘west’ still did regular business with America.

Women were sex-slaves, under the control of men. They were conditioned and trained and became absolutely devoted to their masters.

Mark knew that this woman was ‘property’ of a man.

The issue was that the UK did not recognise slavery, but a recent agreement between the White House, and Number 10 had ironed out some issues—what happens if a Master brought his slave to the UK?

She was deemed a ‘non-person’ and accordingly her owner had a right to come and retrieve her… But of course this was not widely popular in the UK and if news got out there were be sure to be a mass protest on their steps.

“Can I speak with her?” Mark asked.

“Is that wise?”

“Wise?” he smiled and shrugged.

“I will bring her to an interview room… But I’ll have to be present…,” Helen said.

“Fine…,” Mark said, “Where is she now?”

“She’s in a cell…”

“A cell?”

“Look she’s,” Helen began

“She’s not a prisoner is she?”

“It’s the only safe place we have…,” Helen said…

Mark also questioned why she was not in hospital, but they had quickly released her back to the police because they didn’t want her on their hands.

And so in Interview #2 Mark, Helen and Reba sat. Reba was dressed in an odd assortment of clothes—that they had collected from storage (her original clothes were ruined).

Helen started the recording equipment and stated who was present, and the date and time.

Mark was surprised. It wasn’t as if Reba was suspected of anything. He thought though that maybe Helen was just covering their backs.

“So, is it Miss Maher? Mrs?” Helen asked

“I am a slave…,’ Reba said.


“What do we call you?” Mark asked.

“You are a man. You can call me anything you want…”

Mark looked at Helen…

Helen shrugged

“Um… What does your Master call you?” Mark asked

“My Master calls me Reba…”

“May we call you Reba then?” Mark asked.

“You are a man. You can call me anything you want…”

“Reba then,” Mark said. He wiped his brow. If this was what it took just to get her name…

Mark suddenly realised too that Reba had shifted in her chair and was now facing him. She also now undid the top two buttons on her shirt.

Mark turned to Helen again. She gave him a “WTF”—mouthing it, but not saying it.

“Is my owner coming to get me?” Reba asked.

Mark looked back to Helen.

“James Maher has been informed of your situation…”

“I… I miss him inside of me…,” Reba said.

“Yes, well…,” Mark began.

“Is she yours?” Reba asked of Helen.

“What?” Mark asked.

“Is she your slave?” Reba asked

“Um… no…”

“Oh, so you’re owned by someone else?” Reba smiled as if she understood.

“I’m not…,” Helen began to reply angrily, “I’m not owned by anyone!”

“We don’t have slavery here in the United Kingdom…,” Mark said.

“That does not make sense…,” Reba said confused “A woman needs to be owned… Used…”

“We don’t…,” Helen began to get angry. Mark looked at her as if to say “Don’t let her get to you…,”

Helen caught herself.

“My Master likes to use me…,” Reba said “I love it… He uses all three holes…,” she said leaning towards Mark. As she did she let him gaze down her top to her generous boobs.

He caught himself staring.

Reba sat back up and had a satisfied smile.

Mark felt angry with himself.

“I like a man who appreciates me,” Reba smiled satisfied that she had in some small way pleased him.

She leant forward again “I know you’re hard…,” she winked.

Mark looked at his colleague as if to protest his innocence.

Now Helen glared at Mark angrily.

“You should suck his cock now,” Reba said, “Or he’ll get blue balls…”

“I’m not going to do any such thing…!” Helen spat.

“I will, if you want…,” Reba said reaching for Mark’s knee.

“That’s enough!” he said jumping back out of his chair.

Then he realised his erection was showing—pressing against his pants.

He turned and left.

Helen turned off the recorder after stating that Mark had left.

Reba smiled.

Helen was furious, maybe she was a little jealous.

“Did anyone ever tell you how we’re enslaved?”

“Huh?” Helen asked as she still gazed angrily to the door.

Reba lent forward and placed her hand on the back of Helen’s hand “Did anyone ever explain… How we’re enslaved?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s nano-bots…,” Reba said.

Helen was still only half listening.

* * *

“So what do we have here?” Inspector Heather Gramm asked Mark as she saw him pacing outside the interview room.

“We’ve got a real mess on our hands, Inspector…,” Mark said.

“Well I’m sure you two will know how to handle it…,” Heather said as she walked away.

“I better get back…,” Mark said.

“Keep me up-to-date,” Heather said from down the hall.

Mark opened the door and took a moment to take in what was happening.

Helen was lying on the floor.

Reba was on top of her, her thighs pressing against Helen’s face.

“What the fuck!”

“She’s ingesting my bots…,” Reba said.

“Get the fuck off of her!” Mark said, not really hearing what Reba said as he leapt at her and knocked her off.

He hit the panic button—actually a bar that ran along the wall about a foot above the table’s height.

A “Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!” sounded.

Officers came running in. Some grabbed Reba, others with Mark tended to Helen as she sat up.

“Are you okay?” Mark asked.

Helen spluttered.

“Take her back to the cells,” the Inspector said.

Reba was lead away. She turned and looked back at Mark and smiled.

“Come let’s get you to First Aid…,” a female officer said as she went to help Helen up.

“No, let Mark do it!” Helen spat.

The female officer reeled away, surprised.

Helen accepted Mark helping her to her feet. She clung to him.

He just expected she was in shock.

They all went down the hall to the First Aid Room.

One officer had called an ambulance.

“Make sure the interview room is clear,” the Inspector said—in case something was left behind.

Mark went to check.

“Don’t leave me!” Helen cried grasping him by the arm.

Mark looked at the Inspector. Heather turned and ordered another officer to do it.

Helen pressed her face in against Mark’s chest. “Hold me,” she whimpered.

He drew an arm around her.

“The ambulance will be here shortly,” Heather said as she returned to the doorway.

“Ambulance?” Helen asked looking up at Mark.

“It’s just a precaution,” he said as he turned to the doorway but Heather had gone off again.

“There’s nothing wrong with me…,” Helen said.

“As I say… it’s just a pre…,”

“God, you smell so wonderful,” Helen gasped.


She buried her face in his chest and inhaled. “Mmm-mmm,” she sighed as she drew in his scent.

“What are you doing?”

“There’s something about a man’s musk…,” she smiled looking up at him…, “It’s… It’s such a turn on…,”


“I never told you before…,” Helen smiled, her eyes dilated, “How much I love you…,”


“I…, I want to serve you…,”

“What are you talking about?”

“A woman needs a Master,” she said and she moved back a little and began unbuttoning her blouse.

“What are you doing?” Mark asked.

“I want you so bad…,” Helen said, “She was right…,”


“The Yank…,” Helen said “You should have your cock sucked…,” she smiled as she slid to her knees.

“Helen!” he jumped.

“Please… Let me taste your come…,”

“Helen! Control yourself!” he said as she reached for his fly.

He jumped again.

Heather came back just at that moment.

“The ambulance is…,” she began when she saw Helen on her knees.

“She’s not feeling right,” Mark said as he moved along the wall to get back to the doorway.

“Let me serve you…,” Helen whimpered.

The ambulance officers came in and Mark got out of there as quickly as possible.

Against her wishes, the ambulance took Helen away.

Mark went to Reba’s cell. He opened the small hatch used to passing food through.

“Mmm,” Reba smiled without even looking at him, “You smell so gooooooddddd,”

She turned around.

“What did you do to Sgt Shunt?”



“Oh, I fed her some of my nano-bots… Now she understands she needs to be a slave… She’ll be your slave… If only you’d have her…”

“What are you talking about?”

“She’s been modified… Like I am… Now she knows her true purpose in life is to serve a man… With her body…”

Mark stepped away shocked. He didn’t even remember to close the hatch.

“She’ll be yours forever,” Reba called, as she moved up to the hatch.

“Fuck her…! Enjoy her!”

* * *

Mark went home. “What a day..,”

“What happened?” Chloe asked as she embraced him.

”I can’t talk about it… At least not now…”

“Go take a bath…,” she encouraged.

“Yeah, I think I might…”

As he went upstairs he got a text from a Patrick Quill, from the police station. It said that Reba had been released to her own on the orders of Inspector Gramm.

Mark was puzzled as he undressed. But a part of him had a sense of relief… Reba was now no longer his problem.

As he stepped into the bath he heard the front door bell ring.

“I’ll get it!” Chloe called.

Mark slipped into the bath and sighed at being immersed in hot water.

He’d left the bathroom door ajar. After a moment he called out “Who was it?”

There was no response.


Still no response

“Chloe?” he called sitting up.

Suddenly Helen appeared naked at his doorway. “Hello, Master,” she smiled.

“What the fuck?” he gasped covering his cock.

A moment later Chloe appeared behind Helen, also naked.

“Master, you didn’t tell me what happened today,” Chloe said.


“Chloe’s been enslaved, like I have…,” Helen smiled stepping aside.

Chloe stepped in beside her. She took Helen’s hand.

“We’ll both please you with our bodies…,” Chloe said.

“What have you done to her?”

“I’ve given her a dose of nano-bots… Her brain has been re-wired like mine… So we can serve you…”

“He’s so handsome…,” Helen turned to Chloe.

They kissed, but kept an eye on him. Their nipples scraped against each other.

“Let’s join him,” Chloe smiled

“Yesss,” Helen sighed at the idea.

“Girls?” Mark cried as they approached him.

They were drooling, eager to fuck him.

What could he do?

The End