The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Rehabilitation

Categories: mf md fu mc

Synopsis: The human ranger Jeral helps a beastfolk woman he finds in the forest get back on her feet after a run-in with a mind-controlling plant.

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Hello! This is the start of a potential series following the travels of the woman in this story through a fantasy setting. I’m not sure how well-liked anthropomorphic ladies—furries, “beastfolk” in this setting—are around here, so if you’d like to see more, please send any words of encouragement you have to . Thanks, and enjoy!

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Believe it or not, it wasn’t the first time I’d had to take some girl I’d found lying around in the forest back home. In fact, it was getting annoying, by that point. It was all because of this crazy fungal infestation that had reached my part of the forest. It made the plants crazy horny for every woman who walked past, and hypnotic, which is never a good combination, even as far as magic-gone-wrong goes. Word is, there was some wizardly feud at the college down south, and one of them—a dude—decided that turning some lady’s garden on her would make for a fun afternoon. The spell evolved out of control, and we’ve been putting up with it ever since. At least, that’s how the story goes.

Anyhow, at least this one was a unique specimen. Humans are the majority of the population by far around here, but this cat lady must have been passing through. Maybe the humans in town hadn’t seen fit to warn her about what was going on with the plants, as the presence of beastfolk isn’t entirely appreciated among us. I didn’t—don’t, still—mind them too much personally. Everyone says they’re smelly, but they don’t really even sweat. If you catch them just out of some crap water, it can be another story, but really, we’re the ones who should be taking better care of our rivers, if you ask me.

Beast or human, it was immediately obvious what had happened, especially since I’d seen it before. I found her—she’s pink all over, so she stands out pretty strong—laying naked on her back, with her arms splayed out on the ground. Her eyes were open, staring straight upwards, and there was a huge smile on her face. Now, I don’t know about you, but I probably wouldn’t be smiling in that situation. The plants weren’t having their way with her, not at the moment, but the colors rippling across her eyeballs told me that she’d definitely been having some fun at her own expense. See, that’s what makes these plants so tricky to escape from; their victims love it until it’s over with, and then they don’t remember it.

Really, I couldn’t blame the girl, even though I was annoyed at having to carry her over my shoulder all the way back to my cabin. Some of that mind-magic stuff can be pretty bad. You always see it happen, and you think it wouldn’t happen to you, because you’re your brain, really, and you probably think your brain is pretty strong, right? Tough to admit that kind of weakness, so you don’t really think it’s a serious threat, but this girl was totally limp in my arms, still smiling even as I pulled her up out of the dirt. I’m sure if you’d asked her if some plants could take control like that, she’d have said no.

Anyways, the only way you could really tell that I wasn’t just carrying a body home, aside from the big dumb smile, was that her tail was swishing around. Beastfolk were pretty weird like that. Even when the human parts of their brain shut down, the animal bits, to some extent, usually kept moving. At least she stayed quiet. I’ve known some terribly loud noises to come from the throats of her kind, and even in the morning there were wolves looking for meat. You know, now that I write this, I feel even worse for her. It was morning, and she probably hadn’t been walking around at night, not of her own accord. So the plants had probably gotten to her at some point yesterday afternoon, and they’d probably kept her busy all night. I wonder when they put her down. At least they’d swatted the wolves away for her.

But the wolves didn’t show up, so I got us home and plopped her down in a chair by the fireplace, which didn’t have a fire in it right then. I guess I should note that I’m a pretty big guy, by the way, and that she was pretty small, smaller than any of the human ladies I’d had to help. Had maybe a couple heads and a half on this cat lady, and there was more muscle on me than fur on her by a long mile. She was looking pretty tiny in my furniture, since I’d made it all for myself. But she didn’t really have it in her to care that her paws didn’t touch the floor. She just kept smiling and staring at the wall with her flashy-colored eyes, and I got a fire going and put a pot boiling.

There’s a lot of work that goes into clearing up this kind of thing, you know. A really talented mage can purge the infection from their brains with a quick spell, but even they need to be really careful with that, since you mess up a little bit and suddenly the victim doesn’t have a skull anymore, and that’s no good. I’m not one for that kind of magic, anyhow, so I needed to get an antidote brewing. It wouldn’t clear out the infection immediately, but at least it would get her seeing what was in front of her face and talking about it. This whole time, I didn’t say anything to her, you know, and I don’t mind a bit of conversation, even though I live alone out here.

I threw some of the ingredients in a pot and went to go get a wet rag. I picked her up by the scruff of her neck, and thinking back, I’m not really sure if you’re supposed to do that with these smaller beastfolk. It seems pretty mean, honestly. Anyways, I’m gonna do it a lot in this story, but if any beastfolk are reading this, I’ll try to be more considerate in the future. Anyhow, she didn’t mind, still smiling and blank-minded and all. I sat down in the chair I’d put her in, put her on my thigh, and I took the rag and got to cleaning her up.

Her back was dirtiest, so I pushed her forward a little—she bent over double like a ragdoll, hands dangling down towards the floor—and got to work at getting the twigs and leaves and dust off. I was lucky it was pretty dry out, because like I said, they can smell pretty bad when they’re too wet. Speaking of wet, and I guess I should stay now that this story is going to get pretty dirty, so you might as well get used to it, she was already getting my thigh sticky. Like, the plants clearly liked to keep their victims happy, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise, but she was still leaking noticeably even without them around, and the humans I’d rescued hadn’t. I guess maybe there’d been some stimulation while I was carrying her, but still, it was pretty surprising. I don’t know if all beastfolk get like that when they’re turned on, but it had me biting my lip.

I guess I mention all that to say that it broke my silence and made me start talking to her, mostly just to distract myself, I think. I wasn’t really saying anything important, just stuff like, “Alright, up you go, gotta get your belly now.” I don’t know if me talking is what got her making noise, or if she’s just more sensitive there, but when I started rubbing the rag around the fur on her tummy, she made a tiny little rumbling sound. When I made it to her chest, she kept making this little mewling sound, and it made me feel really weird—even though I was just helping her—and I moved off her breasts fast.

“Let me see in here,” I said to myself, and I took her ear between my thumb and forefinger and pulled it up so I could look inside. Just like the other girls, her ear canal was coated in this weird sticky stuff, and I guess that was part of how the plants got in their heads. Unlike the other girls, her ear was also stuffed with these white tufts of fluff, and they were matted with the plant’s goop. The tufts were thick enough that I wondered how she heard at all normally, but her ears were real big anyhow, so maybe it evened out.

“What a mess,” I muttered, and I started to work on cleaning her ear out. For the first time, I elicited a real, physical reaction from her—she squirmed in my lap as my fingers stroked the tufts in her ear through the rag, and her eyes squeezed shut. Beastfolk are funny like that, with what parts of them are sensitive. “Oh? Does that feel funny?” I asked her, but of course I didn’t get a response. It made me giggle, and maybe I teased her ears more than I needed to while I cleaned them after that. It was too funny. Her head moved around like a bobblehead whenever I pulled her ears this way or that, and whenever I poked my fingers under them she’d bite her lip and get squirmy again.

By the time I was done with her ears, she was blushing and panting, and the stuff I was boiling was finishing up. I took her out of my lap and dropped her back into the chair, and I tossed the rag into the corner and went to go finish mixing her remedy. When it was done, I brought it back to her, and I tried to get her to open her mouth to drink it. She proved a little more resistant than the humans I had done this for—I tried pulling her lip up with my thumb, but her teeth were shut, her little fangs pressing down over the row on the bottom. I sighed and I said, “Come on, open your mouth,” and I’d forgotten about the way the plants had her brains right then, because I was surprised when she did what I asked. “Oh, right. Here, drink. Swallow. Wake up slowly.” I tipped the hot, bitter stuff into her mouth, and she gulped it down happily.

The more she gulped, though, the less happy she looked. The colors in her eyes stopped coming, and they returned to what I imagine was their normal yellow hue. At first, she looked confused, and by the time I pulled the bowl from her lips, she looked rather worried. “Uhm,” she started to say, but she was caught by a coughing fit. Probably somewhat the fault of the drink, but if her throat was raw from the night before, that probably had something to do with it, too.

“Hi there!” Sitting down myself, I talked to give her some time to recover. “My name’s Jeral. I found you outside and I, uh, figured you could use some help. There’s this problem with the plants around here, see, and, uh.” By that point, some recognition of the world around her—and her situation—was coming into her eyes. Even though I was just helping her, I could tell she wasn’t entirely happy about waking up in a strange human’s house, which wasn’t too surprising, even the human ladies weren’t happy right when they woke up. So I repeated myself a little, saying, “The plants here had knocked you out, sort of, and I needed to bring you here to help you.”

“The plants?” Her voice was high-pitched and scratchy, and beastfolk voice are always kind of scratchy, given that their throats also need to be able to make those loud animal noises I was talking about, but her throat had definitely not had an easy night. “They knocked me out, like, I ran into a tree? Then why do I feel so—”

She interrupted herself with another coughing fit, so I took over the conversation again. “No, not like that, not exactly. Uh, see, the plants here are kind of nasty, lately, and I don’t know if anyone told you, but there’s this magical infestation that’s spreading itself through them, and they take over women who are passing by and, uh, you know, use them to spread it around.”

She groaned. “Are you saying I feel like I just got fucked by forty angry goblins because a goddamn tree was in there?” I wasn’t really prepared for such forwardness, since the humans had all been pretty shy and upset about what had happened, understandably, so I stammered too long to explain any further before she said, “God, my head. I don’t think I slept last night. How do I know you didn’t just drug me with whatever was in that drink? You could probably have left me like...” She waved a hand down her belly, pointing between her legs. “Like this, you know, yourself.”

“No! Hey, no, I promise, and you should know that you’re not even the first person I’ve had to help out of this situation. First cat, you know, mostly humans around here, but...”

“Right, none of you humans wanna fuck me anyways.” Groaning again, she leaned her head back against the back of the chair. “Goddamn. Plants? Not goblins?”

“Uh, pretty sure, yeah,” I said. “See, they turn the roots and the vines of these plants all thick and smooth, and that’s how you’re supposed to know to watch out for them, but if nobody told you about that I can see how you wouldn’t know, and they, uh, they usually keep people around until I find them.”

“Well, fuck.” She wiped her forehead with the back of her wrist, sliding down in her seat. Her legs spread apart, and I had to cough and look away. “Lucky I found the one human who wouldn’t leave a cat strung up between some horny trees. Thanks for the help, but, uh, I was on a job. Do you mind if I take a nap here before I head back out?”

“Uh, see,” I said, and this was always the hard part, “I can’t really just let you leave.”

“Ah, I knew it,” she sighed, sounding defeated. “And those drugs are going to kick in any minute, too, I bet.”

“No! No, it’s not like that,” I said, having had to say it before, of course. Not being trusted in this situation was always disappointing, if pretty reasonable, from their perspective. “See, it’s that you’re still carrying the plants, uh, stuff, in your head.”

“In my head?” She sat up straighter in her chair. “What do you mean?”

“Well, where would you go if I let you walk out the door?”

“Like I said,” she said, “I was on a job, and that job was delivering something, which is probably where you found me. So I’d head back there and pick it back up, and my clothes too, which I’ll let slide and say you just forgot to pick up. And then I’ll be on my merry way.”

“Okay, two things. One, I gotta be honest, I thought some of you beastfolk just didn’t wear clothes.”

“You can see my tits!” She gestured to her nipples which were, in fact, pretty clearly visible on her furry breasts. “You think they’d just let me walk into a shop with my pussy out?”

“Okay, fair enough. I should have looked around; you’re right, but I didn’t mean anything by bringing you here naked, and while we’re on the subject, I’d really wish you’d close your thighs.” Sighing, she sat all the way up in her chair, pressed her thighs together, and leaned forward towards me with her elbows on her knees. “Thanks. Okay, two, do you know the way back to where I found you?”

She blinked. “Uh, yeah.”

“How do you get there?”

She furrowed her brow, thinking about it some more. “Uh, well, I’d walk out your door, and then I’d look around, and, you know, I’d just know.”

“Don’t you think it’s odd,” I continued, “that you’re sure you’d know the way back to the nest of these plants that you got caught in last time? Even though you were unconscious when I brought you here?”

“Well, I,” she stammered, “I mean, it can’t be that far, you know, if you carried me, and I already walked through the area, so it’s just a matter of…”

“Point,” I said, “to which way you think you’d walk.” Without hesitation, her finger raised and pointed about in the direction of the fireplace, which was dead on towards where I’d found her. “Okay, that’s right. Isn’t that weird?”

“No!” She was nearly snarling. Okay, she was snarling, but she was a cat, not a canine, so it didn’t seem quite as intimidating. “It’s normal, I just, I just know that, okay? Why’s that so…”

“Look,” I said, “that drink I gave you is gonna clear your head a bit more eventually, and I’m not going to argue about this until then. How about you take that nap, and then we’ll talk about it?”

The cat lowered her finger. “You know… Fine. I got too angry there.” She blinked and seemed to settle down. “I didn’t really introduce myself. I’m Mawl.”

“And I’m Jeral,” I said again, because I thought maybe she’d still been too out of it to hear me the first time. “You can use my bed. I’ll go get some dinner for us.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Do you have a towel?”

“Uh, sure, what for?”

“So I don’t fuck up your sheets like I’m making a sticky mess of this seat,” she said, and I gestured towards the rag in the corner I’d been cleaning her with. She hopped to her feet nimbly but found her knees wobbly, and she nearly tripped before she could catch herself, her tail swishing around to find balance. “Woah.” When she was standing steady on her paws, she walked over and grabbed the rag, then tumbled into my bed.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to her. She was already out and snoring, and she’d not even made it all the way onto the bed, much less made any attempt to cover her wetness. One of her legs was still hanging off the bed, so I bent down and picked up her ankle and dropped it onto the bed. Mawl murmured something and pulled the pillow tighter against her head, and she didn’t hiss or anything when I lifted her hips up to get the towel under her, so I guess she probably didn’t even wake up for that.

So, like I said, I’ve done this whole thing before, and there was no way I could leave to get dinner without doing something to keep her here. The first lady I’d brought in had walked right back to the tentacles while I thought she was sleeping, and I’d had to drag her back again. After that, I had rigged up a collar with a locking mechanism, and I put it on Mawl while she slept and hooked it up to a chain coiled up in a corner attached to the wall. It was a long chain, so I didn’t feel too bad, since she could still get around my place just fine.

With her secured, I did leave, and I went out and got a rabbit from a trap I’d laid. One of the four-legged ones, not a beastfolk kind of rabbit, not one who could talk like Mawl, of course. Anyways, it took me a while to get it back and prepare it, which I did outside, and by the time I got back in with it, Mawl was awake and pissed.

“You chained me up?” She grabbed the chain and shook it, baring her teeth at me. “I know you humans can be pretty rude, but you’re not supposed to treat us like actual animals!”

“Would you have tried to leave if you weren’t chained?” I got the meat on a stick to cook in the fireplace.

“Well, I mean, I didn’t say I wanted to! But so what if I did want to?”

“You should be a bit more clear-headed now. I know it’s making you angry when you can’t get where it wants you, but can you at least tell that that’s what’s happening?”

Mawl shut her eyes and rubbed her temples. “Yeah. Okay. But the chain is still fucked up. How are you going to fix me?”

“Well,” I said, “making the remedy is going to take a while. While I was out, I buried a seed, but it needs to sprout before I can pick it up and use it in the potion.”

“A seed? I can speed those up! Let me—”

“Sorry, but if you work any kind of spell on it, the infestation is going to transfer to the new plant and it’s going to have to start all over again.” She frowned and folded her arms and sat back against the wall. “So, like I was saying, until then I’ve got to keep you here, so you don’t walk back to them and let them pump you full of magic crap all over again. Now, there’s a way I can do that without the chain, but you’re not going to love it.”

“I don’t love the chain.”

“I know! But anyways, the other way is that I keep you in a sort of trance, overpowering the desire to leave until it’s safe for you to go.”

“Keep me in trance, huh?” Mawl sighed. “If you knew how many times I’d been locked up and kept in a trance for longer than I liked, you’d be surprised. I’m at your mercy already, anyhow, I suppose.”

I was surprised, but pleasantly. “You’ll do it, then?”

“Yeah. What’s it gonna be, this time? Got something to stare at?”

I stood up and walked to my pantry, and I retrieved a small jar of a syrupy substance. “Nope. Nothing too special, really. Can I sit behind you on the bed for a minute? We can get this over with while the meat cooks.”

“Fine.” Mawl swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and I crawled up behind her. “Hey, before I forget or whatever, would you mind getting my stuff back tonight? The package I was delivering should be in my clothes.”

“Sure,” I said, uncorking the bottle and dabbing a bit of its contents onto my finger tip. “Try to hold still.”

“Wait, are you already—”

I put my palms on the sides of her head and stuck my fingers in her ears again. “Sorry, I know this is gross, but it’s the way this works!” I was having to raise my voice for her to hear me, both because I was kind of plugging her ears and because she was making all kinds of noises.

“M-my ears are, oh, ho- holy, ah, ah,” she whined, and I had to clamp her shoulders to me with my elbows to keep her from bucking free. “Wh- when did they get s-so, ahh,” and she shivered all over there, and I thought it was maybe because the stuff had trickled its way down her ears and into her brain. “F-fuck, that feels… Feels…”

Suddenly, Mawl stopped talking, and the stuff must have found its mark, because her ears stood up straight even with my fingers in them, and she sat up straight too. Even her tail went stiff as it could, brushing my nose as it shot upwards. I helped her find her way down onto the bed, pressing her against the mattress on her back, and the dopey smile characteristic of that sort of trance was back on her face. The stuff I had was made of extract from those plants, so the effects were quite similar. Pretty soon, colors were even spreading over her eyes again.

“Okay, Mawl? I know you feel real funny, but give me a blink if you can hear me.” Her wide eyes blinked once, then went right back to staring up at the ceiling, and this is where I made my first big mistake maybe. I said, “Good girl,” and I’m pretty embarrassed about it, because it’s not like I had said that to any of the humans I’d helped. It just slipped out, and I think it’s because it was hard for me to see a fuzzy thing on a leash as anything but a pet.

Anyways, I stammered some, then continued. “Uh, right, so listen close, Mawl. You live here. This place, this cabin, is your home. You live here with me,” and then I made my next big mistake, because I was fumbling in my mind to see if I needed to do anything different for a beastfolk woman, and I said, “You live here with me, and I’m your, uh, your mate? And you know that right now, I need you to stay in my house—our house,” I said, correcting myself, “Until I’ve hunted down the wolves outside. That’s very important, so I’ll say it again. It’s dangerous outside. You know you can’t go outside, because of the wolves, no matter how much you want to.”

I went on like that for a while, just telling her those same things over and over again to make sure she understood. The whole time, she just laid on her back, staring upwards and smiling. These trances couldn’t be good for the eyes, I thought. Hers were so big, and they were wide open, and surely they’d get dried out pretty quickly. Maybe I just wasn’t looking when she blinked, or maybe her kind had something else to keep their eyes safe. Her eyes certainly didn’t look like mine, even with the rings of color spreading themselves out over them, over and over again.

Anyways, at some point I figured that she’d heard enough. I didn’t give her the drink I gave her the first time, though, since that was just to combat the fungal infestation enough that she wouldn’t bolt for the door the second she was awake. She was suggestible enough that I just had to say “Alright, Mawl, wake up,” and she did, blinking her eyes several times and looking around as the smile faded from her face. “Feel okay?”

She sat up and touched her cheek with her hand. “Feel like I’m asleep.”

“You’re awake,” I assured her.

“Yeah, but…” She took her palm from her face and ran it over the bedsheet. “It’s like a dream, where I know I’m something, even though I know it’s not really true.” Her hand reached up and touched me next. “You made me your mate? Do you know what that means?”

I stammered. “Uh, well, I mean, I just thought it was something that’d help keep you at home, if I made you think it! But if you don’t want to be, you know, I mean…”

“Give me your hand,” she said, holding hers out. I put mine in hers, and she took it and guided it. “I want… Uh, this.” She put my knuckles to her cheek and brushed them through the soft, short fur on her face.

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“You never meet a cat before? Mate of mine?” She smiled, still looking dazed. She guided my hand down over her belly. “I want us to be close. You’ll understand. This…” She put my fingers between her thighs, and I could feel her wetness on their tips. “This is for you.”

I jerked my hand away. “No! No, see, it was the plants, when I found you, you were…”

“That,” she interrupted me, “feels like it happened a thousand years ago. To… Someone else. Now,” and she grinned, some more of the life returning to her expression, “It’s your mess. Do you like it, Jeral? My human mate?”

She was teasing me, but the truth was that the smell of her sex had gotten to me, after being around it, and I really was starting to like it. Of course, I’d never meant for this kind of thing to happen when I brought her home. Some of the human girls, but not all of them, had turned their affections for the plant towards me, but not because of something I’d said to them while in trance. “I do,” I said.

“That makes me happier than you meant it to,” and I could hear that what she said was true by the sound of her voice. “So while I’m here, believing I’m at home, will you take good care of your mate?”

Not knowing what else to say, I said, “I will.” My fingers were still at her crotch, and I could feel her short fur bristling as she rubbed herself against them. At that point, I was only really conflicted about anything because she wasn’t a human. I guess it didn’t really matter in the end, but at the time, it was hard to convince myself to go through with anything. To buy some time, I said, “Can I take your chain off?” And really, it was an odd thing to be asking permission for.

She raised her chin so I could get the key in the lock. I took the chain off, but the collar stayed on. I didn’t really mean anything by that, actually, although thinking back on it, I probably should have taken it off for her. I guess I figured that she could get it herself after I’d gotten the chain, but she didn’t, and I felt too awkward about pointing out the fact that she was still wearing my collar to say anything.

So she was naked except for that collar, and I still wasn’t sure what to do. I guess part of me was sure, I mean, I was going to have this girl, who was already almost begging for it, in my house for a while, and like I said, I never meant to make her feel like that. So really, I already knew that I should just go ahead with it, but the meat had been cooking too long already, so I pulled away from her to go get it off the fire.

She ate quicker than I did, and it made sense, because she must have been hungry. It was late, and I hadn’t ate since the morning, but it occurred to me that she probably hadn’t eaten since some time yesterday. Still, it was cute, the way she tore at the meat. “Before this,” I said, since she was too occupied with the food to start a conversation, “You told me that I should go get your clothes from the forest.”

Mawl swallowed her food. “Oh.” She thought about it for a moment, then went back to eating. “Aren’t you afraid of the wolves?,” she asked through another mouthful of meat.


“Oh, right.” She grinned. “I guess I’m the only one scared of them.”

“You’re taking this pretty well,” I said, taking a bite from my own plate.

“I’ll be honest,” Mawl said, “I’ve been given worse dreams. I’ve got a home to live in, and, if I don’t think too hard about it, I don’t remember that there’s a job I’m supposed to be doing instead. Even when I do remember that, a delay of a few days isn’t unheard of.”

“I mean, aren’t you mad about how I… Uh, phrased things?”

She giggled, which I didn’t expect, and I think she must have liked seeing me surprised. “Mad? Let me tell you a bit about my kind.” Finished with her plate, she pushed it away. “Not all of us are as, you know, elevated as me. Some of us can talk, but are closer to that rabbit we just ate than you. They,” she said, “have mates. Now, an educated cat like myself might have a partner, or a husband. But we don’t say mate, because that’s for the rabbits,” she said, waving at my plate. “There’s a lot implied in that word.”

“So you are mad.”

“What I mean is that I can’t be. I know what I know about the situation, but it doesn’t change the fact that what I know about that word has colored how I feel. A mate,” she said, “who lives in your house, is loyal, and she trusts. And Mawl,” she said, referring to herself in the third person, which I thought was pretty oddly charismatic for a cat, “she might not like it much. But your mate, and that’s what she is right now, doesn’t mind being your mate a bit, of course.”

“Oh,” I said, but all I really understood was that I wasn’t going to be able to see the situation from her point of view at all, being a human who’d only met her kind in passing. “So do you want your clothes?”

“Well,” she said, and she traced a circle on the tabletop with her finger and looked me in the eye while she spoke, “I’m sure I did. But now that I’m your mate, I wouldn’t mind letting you see me all day in nothing but this collar.” She raised her finger and tugged at it, and she leaned forward towards me. “I didn’t forget, you know.”

“Then, uh…” There was so much lust in the look she was giving me that I was having a hard time getting words out. “You can stay how you want, I guess.”

Smiling, Mawl sat back in her chair. “I should warn you; I don’t know if I’m going to be a very disciplined mate. You might want to be a little more assertive. Or maybe you’ve got another way of putting me in my place.” She giggled. “This is fun.”

“I guess I should go get them, anyways,” I said, remembering something she’d mentioned before we’d started, “You said there was an important package in your pocket, I think.”

“I’d feel a lot better about it if you’d fuck me, first. Have anything to drink?”

Her casual attitude towards all this was doing a lot to loosen me up, too. “Wine?”

“Anything, if it’s from you.”

As I was pouring us each a cupful, I said, “I guess it would be pretty rude to make you want something like that and not give it to you.”

“Now you’re seeing things my way.” She took the glass when I handed it to her. “If I’m not already seeing things your way,” she said with a grin.

“What do you mean?”

You said mate. But maybe I’m overthinking it.” She took a drink of my wine, and then very deliberately took the lip of the cup from her mouth and poured some down her chest and belly, and it trickled down her fur. “Oops.” She looked from the juice on her up to me. “Do you know how we clean ourselves?” I watched the droplets roll over her fur as I took a long drink from my own cup. Some got on her wrist, and she lifted it to her face and took a lick. “Want to help?”

My lips felt dry despite the wine. “I… I really don’t know if I should…”

“You humans are so uptight,” she said. She scooted her seat back and spread her legs. From where I was standing, I had a pretty good view, to say the least. She wicked away some wine and then slid her finger inside herself. She had pretty big fingers, I guess, almost as thick as mine, even though her hand was overall smaller. It glided in, anyhow. “We don’t have fleas, you know. I don’t, at least. I’ll even try to sound like one of your human girls, if you like.” Another finger joined the first. “You can spank me if I get too loud.”

“It’s not that,” I said, even though it really was just that, “It’s, it’s just…”

“Then come over here,” Mawl said, “and fuck your needy little mate.” She must have liked calling herself that, because she was bringing it up a lot, and when she said it then she started fingering herself pretty hard and making all kinds of noises that really weren’t much like human noises.

But at the same time, I guess they were a lot like human noises, even though they were coming from her more animal vocal cords, because I heard all the heated desire in them, all the need, but still I heard her in the sounds. Not like a real animal, where they make the sounds because they’re built to make them in this situation or that, but a person who was making the sounds because they felt that way, and I guess I must be more empathetic than I think of myself as being, or maybe it was the wine. Her eyes were closed, and either way, I knelt and leaned in and kissed her mouth, and then she was making those sounds into me, and the way they reverberated beneath my skin is something I won’t ever forget.

Our mouths tasted like wine, and it wasn’t great wine, but it was still a very nice kiss, and Mawl must have thought so too, because she was still touching between her legs the whole time. I pulled away, and her breaths were heavy as she said, “Hey, can you bend me over something?” Her plate was quickly dashed from the table, and her face took its place. “Rough with me, my mate,” she said, looking back at me. My hand was on the back of her head.

“Sorry,” I said, and I really was. “I can’t always help myself.”

“I could get used to it,” she said, and her tail raised up and tickled my chin as it got out of the way. She grabbed the table while I dropped my pants, and I was surprised at how soft her fur felt on me as I entered her. I should have expected it, I guess, that part of her being made for this and all, but the sensation wasn’t something I’d felt before, and it almost distracted me from how hot she was. Hotter than any human I’d been with, and wet as the others I’d rescued who’d shown their appreciation.

“Oh my God,” Mawl moaned, turning her nose to the table and putting her forehead on it. I looked down and saw that her eyes were squeezed tight shut. “How do you fit?”

“You’re wet,” I said, not so much as a response. I just couldn’t believe that I liked the way it felt so much more than I’d liked humans. The fur on the backs of her thighs met the skin on the front of mine as I pumped in and out of her with her long fuzzy tail draped over my shoulder. I grabbed the base of that tail, and she grunted her approval as I started to fuck her harder, holding her in place with it.

“I need it,” I finally managed to pick out of Mawl’s repetitive moaning sounds. “Inside me,” she got out, even though her voice was squeaking. “Cum… Please!”

I obliged, and with a few more bucking thrusts and some noises of my own that I won’t write about here, I pumped her cunt full of my seed. I wasn’t really sure then if I’d get her pregnant, since nobody really talks at all about sex with her kind, but I couldn’t have stopped myself if I’d wanted to, not when she begged for it like that. And she seemed to feel that it was happening, because she started squealing things like “Oh fuck” over and over again and started wiggling her rear end back against me, clenching herself around me even as it was starting to spill out of her.

Panting, I released her, and I went to sit on the edge of the bed, my softening cock still drooling cum down onto the floor below. I looked up to see that Mawl was still bent over the table, fingering herself with my seed. I don’t know how many times she came around me, because then I wasn’t used to the way she felt on me, and all I could think about was my own bliss. But I think it was a lot, because when I told her to come sit with me on my lap, her knees were wobbly, and she fell back onto my thigh with her head resting back on my chest.

She resumed fingering herself, muttering her thanks. I felt weird about her thanking me like that, but I didn’t really want to say anything, so I just did something I knew she’d like and started playing with her ears, teasing the tufts of fur in them. She stiffened in my grip, but didn’t stop rubbing herself. “How’d you know—”

“Would it make it better for you,” I said, keeping up my assault on the sensitive fur beneath her big ears, “If I just said that your mate knows best?”

God, yes,” she said, and I kept her like that in my lap for a long while.

* * *

Well, things went on like that pretty much for a few more days, and I have to say, it was just great. It does get pretty lonely where I live, you know, so having someone as nice as her around was definitely a pleasant distraction. She was distracting, though. Like I said, I’ve helped some people out of similar situations before, but none of them were quite as insistent about things as she was.

And I guess that was my fault, according to her, anyhow, because she took the term “mate” more literally than I’d thought she would. I already went into more detail than I really probably should have about things, so I won’t say much more about everything we did over the next few days, but if you ever get the chance to share a night with some cat-lady, I think you won’t be disappointed. She certainly didn’t need a chain to keep her close to my lap.

Anyhow, this next part is really the whole reason I’m writing this all out like this. It’s not been long since it all happened, and I just wanted to get everything that went on down on paper as fast as I could, so that people would know what really happened the way I saw it. I had told Mawl to be scared of these wolves outside, just to keep her around, and I knew there really were some wolves out there, but she probably wouldn’t have even been in too much danger. She’d been traveling alone, after all.

But, just like those plants that had gotten her, there was a wolf that was greater than the wolves I knew out there, and I hadn’t known about it at all. It came one night while I was out, in fact, just while I was going to collect the plant I’d grown for Mawl’s cure. I dug it out of the soil—its leaves were small but the pale roots were thick, and those were what I needed—and when I stood up from the dirt, a monster stood over me. A wolf on two legs, with a torso that seemed too long for its legs and fiery red eyes that shone brighter than the moonlight.

How it had approached me so quietly, I don’t know, but once I had laid eyes on it it began incessantly making all kinds of disgusting noises. There were wheezing breaths between its snarls as it crept through the grass towards me, occasionally supporting its weight with an arm, and I felt I could hear the grinding of its teeth, the smacking of its spit in its mouth.

I think it was ten feet tall, even hunched, and I ran right then and there. Clutching the roots I’d dug out to my chest, I made a mad dash for my house, not sure that even its walls would keep me safe but knowing that I could find a weapon there. I am fast, but for how short its legs were, it was faster. With my house in sight, its claw caught my back, and I was sent sprawling in front of my door.

That was when I saw that the door was open, and breathing really hard, I looked to see maybe if Mawl was standing there with an axe to hand me. But she wasn’t, and what I saw was more frightening still—there was another one of these monsters in my own house! Mawl sat there, seemingly paralyzed, as it took a step towards her, the wood groaning with its weight.

I tried to call out to stop it, but before I could, I was snatched off the ground by the one who’d found me. With a howl, it tossed me again, and this time I hit a wall and fell to my knees. I was next to a window, and when I looked up, I saw something I still can’t explain. Mawl was no longer holding still, but she had taken the thing’s hand-claw into her own, just as she had taken mine, and she was saying something but I couldn’t hear her. For all I’d told her about fearing the wolves, she was urging him closer to her.

My own problem caught up with me, lifting me off the ground and shoving my back against the wall next to the window, squeezing the breath from my body. I pressed the bottoms of my boots against the wall and pushed, squirming downwards to try and free myself, but it was no good. If Mawl saw me just outside the window—and I could see her, when I turned away from the thing’s terrible mouth—she showed no sign of it.

Had I really considered Mawl my “mate,” as she claimed to consider me, I would have been appalled in a very different way when I saw what I did in there. As it was, I worried only for her safety. The wolf had her held beneath her armpits, and her feet were planted on his hips, her thighs spread with a giant red thing—about as large as my own—rising up to meet her. She buried her head into his fur as he entered her, and he made a deep-throated noise when she rode him down. The wolf that was upon me howled to cover any noise she might have been making.

Passing out took what felt like ages, as the brute thing holding me kept pulling me away from the wall and slamming me back into it rather than just squeezing me to death, which I suppose I should be thankful for. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from the window and what was behind it. The wolf had not kept up any sort of gentleness for long, and he had at some point during my lapses in clarity turned her over so that he was holding her by the hips and the belly with no care for the pace at which he bounced her around. Mawl was clutching her head with her chin to her chest, trying not to be flopped about like a ragdoll.

That was everything I saw before I finally blacked out, and then all I heard for a little while longer were the sounds of the two wolves howling, and faintly the sound of others some.miles away joining their cry.

I guess things might start to get confusing here, because they certainly confuse me. Obviously, I wasn’t eaten, which I suppose is confusing enough already. I didn’t wake up on the grass outside, either. I woke in my own home, sitting on the floor against the wall, and when I opened my eyes I saw Mawl sitting at my table, still naked, bent over something.

I tried to tell her that she shouldn’t be reading my books, I suppose mostly because my brain wasn’t working right just yet, but I don’t think the words came out as anything but gibberish. They got her attention, though, because she looked my way.

“Ah, fuck.” Not what I had expected to hear from her. She started looking around the room for something, seeming panicked, and it was then I realized that my arm was bound to the chain I’d had her on.

Regaining my words a bit, I spoke slowly, but I said, “Mawl. Why did you do this?” It was all I could manage, and a headache was swelling in my skull. She hadn’t just tied my wrist, but she’d wrapped twine all around my forearm, braiding it through the links of chain and wrapping it several times around chain and skin both after that. I was pretty badly stuck.

She hadn’t answered me, either. Instead, she said, “It’d probably be better if I killed you,” which obviously came as a pretty big surprise. I guess she’d settled on my fireplace poker, because she picked that up and walked towards me.

“Killed me?”

“You were nicer than you could’ve been, I guess,” she said, knocking my chest with the blunt end of the poker as I tried to stand up, putting me back on the ground. “But you could have warned me about the fucking werewolf thing, too.”

“I didn’t know about…” I tried to say more, but I got the wind knocked out of me by her and couldn’t say anything more.

“The main issue is just that I don’t know if you’re going to turn into that thing if I try to kill you. So I’m going to leave you here,” she said, jabbing the poker—the blunt end again, thankfully—into my belly. “And I’m going to send some people your way, and you all can sort that out.

It took me a moment to catch up with what she was thinking. “No, you don’t… That wasn’t me, it…”

“You think I can’t smell my mate?” There was only a little sarcasm in her voice. “Anyways, thanks for actually growing that thing. You humans aren’t so bad. Even wrote down the recipe I needed it for. Anyways, I’m going to leave now, and someone’s going to come get you in a few days.” She tossed the poker and brought me a jug of water.

Still not thinking totally clearly, I said, “No, I was outside,” and then I mumbled something about her still being naked.

She looked down, paused for a moment, and then laughed. “You know, I forgot I was supposed to wear clothes. I’m sure I’ll be shaking other weird kinks out of my skull for a month. Thanks, Jeral.” With no more than that, for everything I’d done for her, she walked out the door.

I was getting angry, because I knew she was going to go spread a lie about me. I help people, and for it, I get called a monster. This woman, who some would call a monster herself, who I’d brought back to her senses, she was going to try to have me killed, thrown in jail, experimented on? Before I knew what I was doing, I jerked my arm, and the chain on the wall, which had only held women before, snapped where it was fixed. Gathering the length of the chain off the floor as I stumbled towards the door, I was already shouting for her—just saying, “Mawl, come back,” that was all.

With a bundle of chain in my arms, I threw the door open, and she heard the sound and looked back and shrieked. Knowing that my life would be miserable if I let her go say what she meant to say about me, I ran for her, and she ran from me. She ran, as I thought she might, in the direction of the grove of plants that had taken her off the path in the first place, and though she was faster than me, I found her where she stopped.

Almost surprising me, she wasn’t bound up in the trees by some tentacles. Instead, she was picking clothes up off the ground, looking frantically for something in the grass. I interrupted her, shouting her name and walking closer. “Let’s just talk about this first, I swear it on my honor, I’m not a—”

I was interrupted by something catching my calf, and I guess I had been moving towards her faster than I’d thought, because I fell sprawling forwards, dropping the length of chain I’d been carrying. A vine had wrapped around my leg, which shocked me, because I knew that the plants that caught people here only caught women.

Mawl, however, did not look shocked. She had an almost faraway look in her eyes, standing still with her arms down at her sides as the vines slithered along the ground, grabbing at my chain and my limbs and binding me tight. I struggled, flopping about in the grass, but before long I couldn’t even do so much as that, and the effort left me panting. She stared at me for quite some time, and I couldn’t even call out to her, because there was something green and smooth wrapped over my mouth.

She finally snapped out of it and blinked, looking down at me. “Jeral?” I obviously tried again to tell her to get me out, but the plants were still squeezing around me, preventing me from doing so. Stepping slowly away from me at first, she looked around at all the plants, and then she took off running, carrying her clothes in her arms.

That’s the last I’ve seen of her. I’ve got no explanation for what happened there with the plants. After a while the life just seemed to go out of them, and I was suddenly able to slip free of them and stand back up. Nothing chased me as I went home, no wolves howling, no cat woman whining for my attention. It was more peaceful than it had been in days, no sound save for that of the chain in my arms as I walked.

Anyways, I got back home and I got out of that chain and I wrote this, and now that it’s done I’m leaving it here on my table where I guess you’re probably sitting. I know I can’t stay in these woods, not when those creatures—who I still don’t understand in the slightest, most of all because they hadn’t eaten me—knew where my home was. If Mawl sent people after me, I wasn’t concerned about it; I’m no werewolf and they’d have found that out. But I never want to see those yellow fangs and red eyes again, and no doubt you’ll not blame me if you’ve ever seen one yourself. I’m ashamed to say I cannot fight them.

Instead, I’ll be putting my talents to work out west, I think. There’s plenty of game for a ways yet, and I’m sure I’ll find somewhere in need of a ranger before long. If you feel you really need to catch me, head that way and ask around. And, for your own sake, I hope you leave these woods before dusk if the moon’s large.

Sincerely yours,