The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Reorg


By Gregory Michelson

Chapter 3

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Cassie felt… nervous. She’d wanted to read ahead, but… She wasn’t allowed to. So she’d just read the first part, the chapter she was allowed to read, over and over again.

Over and over again. She’d tried to do other stuff, but… what if someone quizzed her and she forgot.

Cassie bit her lip at that. She wasn’t the only one. Tanya wasn’t looking at her phone, the tech was looking at the manual. Not any part beyond the first chapter.

Probably the first time Cassie had seen her look at something. In fact…

Cassie blinked. Had Tanya taped the rest of the book shut?

“Tapped it? Why?”

“I… I mean, they told us we shouldn’t read beyond the first part.” Tanya glanced at Cassie. “And… Well what if it fell and opened up to the wrong page.” The engineer looked at her book. “I mean, you gotta listen to the instructions, you just gotta.

The words caused Cassie to shiver. Tanya was right. And she’d been smart. Suddenly Cassie had a dreadful thought. What if the book at fallen and had opened—opened to the very end. She might read something…


Something she wasn’t supposed to.

And that was terrible, because she’d have to explain what had happened and why would someone doing a reorg need an executive who couldn’t even follow instructions…

Cassie ran her fingers through her blond hair in a quick, distracted motion. “Right,” she finally said. “I should have thought about that. On the other hand, who drops a book?”

“Who uses a book?” Tanya asked. She glanced down. “I wonder if it was because they were worried someone was just gonna flip through it on their pad…” She shivered, the highlights in her brown hair gleaming.

Cassie didn’t say anything. The idea of some woman just cheating…

Why just a woman? The guys have their own books. But… But it wasn’t a guy who had been told to not read ahead.

Tanya shook her head, and clutched the book to her chest, the pink color clashing with her cream-colored sweater.

Pink is better… Cassie shook her head. Pink wasn’t better. Pink was… Girly.

She shivered. What was wrong with being a little girly…

“Cassie!” The annoyed voice filled the air.

Cassie sighed and turned around. There was Clarissa, hair bun and dress, looking at her in annoyance. One hand clutched her own reorg manual.


“You read the manual, right?”

“Yes, Clarissa, I read it,” Cassie said. There was something about her superior, something… silly. Like it didn’t make any sense she was trying to show off her authority…

“Ladies?” The voice behind them was male. Very male. Cassie turned, along with Tanya and Clarissa.

“Tom?” she asked. Tom was one of the coworkers in her department. He was under Clarissa, and didn’t have a lot to do with Cassie, but he was normally just… Tom. Timid. But now his voice sounded stronger, more commanding, as all three women looked up at him.

“Clarissa, can I borrow Cassie for a moment?”

Clarissa swelled up, looked at Tom as if she was about to remind him that she was his boss.

Cassia stepped back along with Tanya, but Tom didn’t retreat. He didn’t even look upset.

“Well, Clarissa?”

Clarissa blinked, then bit her lip and looked away. “Fine, but be certain to have your papers out and ready for um, me to look at.” She turned and walked away, and…

Was she wiggling her ass a little bit? Cassie frowned, and then Tom turned to Tanya, and gestured. “I think you need to get to work,” he told the woman who wasn’t his subordinate.

“I—right, yeah, I’ll see you!” Tanya said.

Tom gestured for her to follow him, and Cassie did. They headed up to her office, Tom saying hi to the women, many of whom ducked their heads and couldn’t quite meet his gaze.

She saw another guy, one of the security guards, talking to the legal clerks, and they were surrounding him, listening, clutching their reorg manuals. His manual was held negligently in one hand, the blue contrasting with the pink of the girls’ manuals.


“Um, yes, I’m coming!” she said, turning and following him.

She held her manual to her chest. After all, if she lost it…

What would she do?

For some reason that was more important than anything else.

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