The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Rise of the Cat Women

Chapter 1: The Cat Woman

Keith Sheers woke up in his one bedroom apartment, alone once more. Keith had always been a bit on the shy side. He actually knew that he was fairly good looking since he had no scars on his face and rode his bike on a daily basis. He just never quite knew how to introduce himself to the ladies, or ask them out for that matter. The fact that he was 23 years old and had spent most of that time single depressed him greatly.

His only constant companion was an orange, with black stripes cat, named Sandra. As Keith rose from his bed, Sandra purred and rubbed herself against his leg. Keith smiled down on her and leaned down, petting its smooth fur. “At least I got you, right, Sandra?” Sandra merely purred and stretched her back to feel the full extent of his hand. Keith had bought Sandra as a kitten soon after graduating college two years ago. She’s been living with him ever since.

Keith, like most days, prepared for work, taking a shower, getting dressed, and all the other everyday stuff that was commonplace for him by now. His life was mediocre, and a bit dull, but Keith was thankful for it. He knew there were plenty of people worse off than him, especially if his main concern is loneliness. Unlike most of his days though, today his apartment was being fumigated. Normally his cat would stay home while he worked, but today he had to keep her out for a while. Because he didn’t know of any places nearby that would cat-sit for him, and he had no real friends around, besides Amy, he would have to take the cat with him to work. He was sure Amy could have watched her for him, but he was always shy and did not want to trouble her, even though she had two cats of her own in her place. He gathered his keys, picked up Sandra, cradling her in the crook of his left arm, and headed out the door. Sandra looked up and mewed softly. She almost seemed to be smiling at Keith. He knew she must be excited to get out of the apartment for once. He was afraid to let her loose; a lot of cats tend to run away from their owners and he was afraid to lose her. Locking his door behind him he walked to his small car. As he was walking out the building, his friend Amy walked by him on the way to her apartment house across from him.

“Hey Amy, what’s up?” he said as she passed him.

She smiled slightly at him, then looked down and said, “Bout to go to the store. Alice and Wendy need more milk. After that, don‘t know. Maybe go to the park or something. Are you taking Sandra to work with you?” she asked quietly. Keith smiled back at her. Amy lived alone with her two Siamese cats, Alice and Wendy. She had a very cute face and her brown hair was braided in the back. Unfortunately, her body lacked any curves whatsoever. Her body was more like a young boy’s than a woman’s. Still, Keith would go out with her if he thought she liked him like that, if he had the courage to ask her out that is. He’d settle for any girl right now.

“Yep,” he said, not knowing what else to say. He used his free hand to open his car door and slide in. Looking down he mumbled, “See ya later.” He doubted she cared. Still she smiled back at him as she backed into the apartment complex and waved. Keith got into his small car and rode to his job, Sandra sitting in his lap.

Keith worked at the lab right outside of town where just about everyone worked. He was no scientist, however. Keith didn’t even know what most of them at the laboratory were working on. A lot of the work they did was top secret and not something he was privy to. He was merely an electrician kept on hand in case there was a problem with the outage, or a light bulb needed replaced. The ceiling was over forty feet up in most areas, so he was licensed for several vehicles to help him reach the bulbs.

Keith arrived at his job on time as always. He wasn’t allowed pets in the building due to the hazardous materials around, but he figured there would be no problem if she just stayed in his personal utility closet while he worked. Before getting out of his car, Keith put Sandra into his coveralls in an attempt to hide her. Sandra smiled up at him and began purring, settling between his overalls and his blue t-shirt. Keith smiled down at her, then snuck through one of the side entrances few people go through.

Swiping his identification card, he was allowed in, and him and Sandra made their way to his utility closet. Keith looked back and forth, trying not to look too suspicious, but keeping his space from as many people as possible. He would have kept Sandra in the car, since he was risking his job here, but it was supposed to be hot that day, and he couldn’t bear to see Sandra in there. That was a decision he would later come to regret.

Keith entered his ‘office’ and sat Sandra on the floor, kneeling next to her. “Now try to behave yourself in here, OK, Sandra? I got to go to work now. You gotta stay in here or I’ll get in trouble.” Keith began opening the door and looked back, smiling. Sandra began licking herself as he shut the door behind him.

Keith began his daily rounds, starting with checking the electronics computer for any electrical outages caused by light bulbs going out. The electronics database recorded the activity of all things electrical in the laboratory, making sure too much electric was not wasted in any one particular area. Keith noted a bulb out in section 1-G, near the lab Jamie was working.

Jamie was just about the only person who talked to Keith besides Mr. Peterson, his boss and one of the floor managers there. Keith was rather infatuated with Jamie, but he could never ask her out. She was too beautiful and would never go for a mere repairman like him. He drove his blue ladder car past Jamie and waved. At the time she was glancing at some paperwork in her white lab coat and clear goggles. She had to wear them at all times. She brushed her hand through her golden blonde hair, then looked up, smiling her perfect smile, and waving at him. Keith thought Jamie was perfect looking. She was the epitome of the sexy lab technician with her slim body and large breasts that looked to be about a D cup. He smiled and moved on to the section where he was to replace the bulb. He only chatted with her when she said something. He was too shy to strike up a conversation himself. Finding the damaged bulb, he began raising his ladder to change it.

* * *

Mr. Peterson looked at the pink slip in his hands. He never liked firing his employees, but it was his responsibility passed down from the higher ups. If he didn’t, they would just fire the both of them. He hated it here at Bio Technologies. The place was a cancer on him, sucking away his life. At first it was researching various materials, and conducting many an experiment with chemicals and radiation. Then he got promoted and the fun ended. No longer was he able to research on cancer patient procedures involving radiation. Now he was to do this shit, letting the younger researchers take up the cause. Now he was forced to give the bad news to Keith Sheer.

He walked over to the utility closet, trying to figure out what to say to Keith. He supposed the best thing was the truth, that due to budget cuts, they were combining his job with one of the other electricians that was already burdened enough. It wasn’t his call though. He looked at the door to the utility closet, taking a deep breath. He looked up and turned the handle, opening the closet. Mr. Peterson sighed a breath of relief. No one was in there. He could put off laying him off for a little while longer. What he didn’t notice was the small orange cat slip between his legs and walk down the hall.

* * *

Sandra looked back and forth at all the sights and sounds surrounding her. People walked back and forth past her, not looking down to notice the cat dodge past their legs. She sniffed around and noticed all the new smells and scents coming from all around her. She smelled one particular scent, a mixture of roses and sugar, and something else coming from a lab far ahead of her. Sandra whisked by people’s legs, looking up at the tables high up. She wanted to jump on them and prance about, but first she wanted to see what that wonderful smell was! She sniffed around and noticed the smell was coming through a clear doorway, along with several other scents, some good, some bad. A pretty woman with long blonde hair walked up to the door, and after sliding some sort of card (She never quite got the use of these cards since they were not edible or pretty to look at), the door opened. The blonde walked inside followed by Sandra.

While the blonde went one way, Sandra followed her nose to a series of bottles and vials filled with pretty liquids on a shelf to the side. She jumped on the shelf, knocking over several vials. She looked down where one shattered on the floor to see smoke drift from where it landed. Sandra never figured why humans liked to place such delicate items in what was clearly a path for cats such as herself!

She continued her path around the glasses, sniffing the air for the one that smelled nice. She found it with several other scents in a small beaker held up in a wooden rack. She took a long sniff of the intoxicating scent, nudging it with her nose, trying to get the best scent she could. Unfortunately, she nudged it too much and the rack, along with all the chemicals smashed to the floor.

Sandra looked down and mewed nervously. Where her precious smelling scent landed, there was nothing but an acrid smell of smoke wafting from the puddle she made. The puddle drifted towards the wall, suddenly setting it aflame! The flame quickly spread up the wall. She meowed in panic now and jumped from the shelf to get away from the flames, toppling the whole shelf with her to the ground. Various liquids near her covered her coat, drenching her in a variety of smells which together smelled horrible. Sandra looked about wildly mewing as loud as possible for help. Everywhere she looked now there were hot flames surrounding her. The only person she could see though was the blonde, wildly pushing on a button next to the clear door. But, nothing was happening and she was too busy trying to escape, coughing into her shirt, to notice the orange cat in trouble.

* * *

Keith was replacing yet another bulb when he heard a commotion below him. He looked around and noticed the large cloud of smoke inside of the chemistry lab.

Didn’t Jamie go in there a little while ago?

Keith wasn’t sure but knew someone had gone in there. The fire alarm started, and people began to evacuate. Keith was torn between leaving like the others, and checking the smoke filled room to make sure no one was inside. He deliberated his actions while moving his ladder down and at the bottom came to the conclusion that he had to go see, just in case.

Keith ran to the site of the chemistry lab. He had no idea what kinds of chemicals were in there, but knew that many of them are deadly, able to kill a man within seconds. He had to make sure the place was clear before it was too late. But, since there were too many people rushing out to use his ladder car, he knew running would be more sufficient. Keith reached the entrance to the chemistry lab. In front of it was Jamie, pounding on the door from the other side, while coughing into her lab coat.

* * *

“Jamie!” Keith exclaimed, before looking around for something to shatter the glass. A few yards away he saw a fire extinguisher encased in a glass box. He ran to it, and, not seeing anything to shatter or open the case, he was forced to use his fist. Keith was not the strongest guy in the world, so his first two punches did nothing but scar his fist. On his third attempt, the glass cracked, and on his fourth, the glass shattered, cutting his hand a bit. Luckily, he was too concerned about Jamie to worry about his bloody hand and couldn’t feel the pain.

He grabbed the fire extinguisher and rushed back over to the door. He motioned her to get back and then slammed the fire extinguisher as hard as he could into the glass. Once again it took several attempts to crack the glass, but after his seventh slam into the door it finally cracked and began to shatter. He slammed it again, creating a hole big enough for Jamie to fit through. He reached out his hand and Jamie grasped it. He pulled her out and she immediately bent over having a coughing fit.

“Is there anybody else in there?” he asked, trying to peer through the smoke. Just then he heard a feint mewling sound coming from inside the room.

Sandra? But she’s…

He heard the loud mew again and knew it was her. He began to go through the doorway into the room, but Jamie grasped his wrist. “Don’t…go,” she said slowly between fits of coughing.

“I think I heard someone in there!” he said back to her, not mentioning that it was his cat most likely. He patted her hand on his wrist and smiled his best smile. “Don’t worry about me Jamie. Just try to get out without me, ok? I’ll catch up with you.”

Jamie released her grip on him, too weak from the smoke to hold on. Keith turned back to the hole in the door and climbed through. Once inside he was immediately struck with the smoke and gas present in the room, and began coughing, hoarsely. He tried to look around the room for his cat, but the smoke kept getting into his eyes making them water. He called out her name and heard a soft meow to the right. He rushed over there, dodging the intense heat and flames, while coughing into his coveralls.

The smoke cleared for a moment and he noticed Sandra, near a bookcase, surrounded by fire, mewing at him. Keith took a running leap, jumping through the flames, and landed close to Sandra’s side. She looked at him with fear and concern and mewed loudly. Keith smiled at her and said, “It’s ok, now. I got you.” He scooped Sandra into his arms, noticing how wet she was. He figured she might just be sweating from the heat and put her inside his coveralls.

Gasping for breath, Keith jumped back through the flames, and headed in the direction of the door as fast as he could. He miraculously reached the hole and stepped through. Upon reaching the other side he immediately began coughing uncontrollably. He looked around for Jamie and she was gone. She must have gotten out, he thought to himself.

When his coughing had subsided a bit, he hurried out to the closest exit to his car in almost a daze. He walked outside the fiery building, almost blinded by the sun’s rays as he went through the exit. Still in a daze, Keith barely noticed the people staring at him as he walked by them, as well as all the people asking if he was alright. He brushed past them all and unlocked his car. He took Sandra out and placed her on the floor of the passenger seat. She curled into a ball and closed her eyes. As his breathing slowed down to normal, Keith glanced at Sandra’s slim feline body. She looked so cute even in her sleep.

Keith was worried about her, but instantly knew she would be alright. It was almost as if he could hear Sandra’s own voice telling him that she would be fine. Keith smiled down at her once more. “I’m glad your OK, Sandra.” He tilted his head back and slept.

Keith woke up half an hour later, his hand throbbing, and his throat constricted. He touched his hand and grimaced in pain. Both his hands seemed to be drenched in sweat, and his one hand was still bleeding somewhat. He knew he would need medical attention.

Go, master. Get better. He once again heard a soft voice in his head. He smiled and leaned down, petting Sandra with his good hand before getting out of his car and walking to the paramedics. The paramedics checking his signs before wrapping his hand in gauze and telling him to take it easy for the next few days. He saw Mr. Peterson approach him. Mr. Peterson sat next to him on a stretcher.

“I heard about what you did for Jamie. You’re a hero, Keith.” Keith smiled at him, but he only looked down. “After I heard what happened, I called the executives, telling them about what you did. But, those assholes wouldn’t listen.”

Keith coughed once. “I’m sorry, Mr. Peterson. I’m a little out of it right now. What are we talking about again?”

* * *

“I told them that if you went, I went too. They didn’t care. Those insensitive pricks didn’t care at all.” He looked up at him, tears welling in his eyes. “This place was my life, and they fire me just like that.”

Keith’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Peterson!”

He looked back down. “They said they would give you a month’s pay for medical leave plus another three months as a severance package. I’m sorry, Keith. I tried my best. I really, did. But, I guess you can’t change the hearts of the heartless.” Mr. Peterson got up and walked off slowly, leaving Keith speechless. He couldn’t believe he was just laid off! How would he survive after his money ran out? With the economy the way it is today, he didn’t know if he’d find a new job before he ran out of funds.

The police at the scene asked him a few questions about the incident. He never mentioned Sandra being there. They let him go and he got up and walked to his vehicle. As soon as he reached his car and turned the ignition, Keith broke down crying. His job was gone, he would probably never see his dream girl again, and his cat almost died, along with him today. He wiped his tears away with his overall sleeves, forgetting about the slimy stuff rubbed off them from Sandra. He knew now it wasn’t just sweat on the cat. He just hoped it wasn’t poisonous for her.

Perhaps I should take her to the vet tomorrow, just in case.

When he thought that he looked down at her and she meowed up at him. It almost felt like she was telling him not to worry, and that things would work out for the two of them. Keith wiped off his tears, forgetting about his bloodied hand, and smiled at Sandra. “You’re right, of course. You always were the smart member of our little family.”

He leaned down and kissed Sandra’s moist head softly, getting the slime on his lips. He quickly wiped it off, realizing that he may be poisoned as well, if she is. I guess if she died, I’d probably be soon to follow if she was poisoned. He looked back down. “No matter what happens, dear, I’ll always love you, ok?”

I love you too, master he almost thought he heard from her as he began driving back to his home. He didn’t find it strange though; he knew the two of them were connected and have been together for a few years. She could read him just as easily as he could read her. He just wished he had a girlfriend as loving as Sandra was. You’ll always have me, master, was the response Sandra seemed to give, in a completely loving tone.

When they got back to their apartment, Keith stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving him in just his boxers and his blue t-shirt. He threw them in the laundry, then prepared a bath in the sink for Sandra. He gently settled Sandra in the water while saying soothing words to her. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m just going to clean you, ok? The water here is for your own good. I know you don’t like bathes but you have to get one.”

Sandra looked up and began to purr. I don’t mind being bathed, as long as it’s from you, master. I love you.

Keith smiled as he scrubbed her head. “I love you too, pretty lady. I hope I can get a girlfriend as wonderful as you. But, for now, I think it’ll just be me and you for a while. We’ll be just fine though. You know why?” Sandra shook her head back and forth. “Because I got you and you got me. Together we can get through anything.” Sandra smiled and nodded.

After he finished her bath, Keith dried her off with a towel and then took a shower himself. He began thinking of Jamie again and how he wouldn’t see her again. His thoughts began to stray though, and he began to fantasize about making love to her in his shower. Keith began stroking his six and a half inch cock up and down. He wished it was bigger, but he just had to deal with the hand that God dealt him he supposed. The few girls he was with didn’t seem to mind, though he sometimes wondered if they said nothing just to be nice.

He imagined his cock plunging in and out of her ass as he pounded into her in the shower. Keith was used to beating off in the shower or in front of computer while porn was on. He actually had a large collection of big tit porn on his hard drive that he would view. He had always loved women with big tits, especially if they were sensitive as well. Unfortunately, all the girls with large breasts he had been with were not very sensitive up there. He had never met a girl who shared both of those attributes. He mind wondered to a fantasy of sucking Jamie’s large tits under the shower, giving her orgasm after orgasm just from sucking them. That was enough for Keith, and he pumped load after load against the wall of the shower. The shower water washed his semen away and Keith finished with his shower, feeling better now.

Keith dried himself off and walked into his living room in his boxers. He doubted anyone would visit him, so a lot of the time he would just lay around in his boxers. He smiled at Sandra, resting peacefully on his couch. She had a pretty long day. They both did. He poured Sandra some cat food, as well as a bowl of milk for her troubles, then fixed himself something to eat. He felt greatly tired after he ate, even though it was nowhere near his normal bed time. After redressing his wound in his hand, which seemed to be healing at an amazing rate, he petted Sandra, who purred at his touch in her sleep, and went to bed, falling into a deep sleep almost immediately.

* * *

Unbeknownst to Keith, the combination of chemicals had an effect on him and Sandra that neither one could have ever suspected. Had it been two different beings or had they not been so attached to one another, or if even one of those twenty six different chemicals did not fall on Sandra, or if Keith was smart enough to use gloves when handling a cat doused in a number of unknown chemicals, nothing may have happened. But all these things did happen, and because they did, the chemicals would change both of their lives forever, and inevitably, the entire world, for better or worse.

Even though Sandra was a cat, she dreamed too. She dreamed Keith was also a cat, one with brown hair, like on his head now, mounting her from behind. She purred as she imagined her master inside her. Then her dreams shifted to her being a human, her eyes just as emerald green as her master’s, letting her master fuck her in various positions that she had noticed on his computer. Her master would stroke his tool almost every day to the images on his computer until milk came out of his penis. She always wondered what his milk would taste like, but he had always cleaned himself off so that she couldn’t taste it. She dreamed of sucking his large dick in her mouth exactly like those women on the internet would do. Thinking of it made her body spasm as a small orgasm hit her in her sleep.

As she dreamt the dreams of being human, her DNA began to alter. The chemicals that soaked into her allowed her DNA to change drastically, and because Keith’s hands were the first to touch her, her DNA mixed with that of the human’s, changing her. Sandra purred in her sleep as her body began to grow. It began taking the shape of a human woman, just like one of the porn stars she had watched on his computer. Her hair began falling out all around her, save her head, and pussy, which took on a bright red tone. Her new womanly hips flared out slightly and her new human ass grew out into a nice soft heart shape. Her breasts then filled out until they were two small pears sticking from her chest. Her nipples took a brownish pink tone and grew half an inch outwards. Even her pussy, which she had admired many times in Keith’s porn collection became slightly enlarged with a large clit.

Not everything changed for Sandra though. She still remained partially a cat. Her human head spotted two red cat ears sticking out from the sides of the top of her red head. She also had her tail intact. Her fluffy red tail grew out almost three feet, proportional to the rest of her body. Her face was human but took on a lean feline look with slight cheeks and a small nose.

The new Sandra awoke from her delightful dream to find she had indeed become a human being! She looked at her new body and almost screeched at what she had become. Her thoughts then turned to her master in the next room. Her first thoughts were to of course to present herself to her master and allow him to ravish her new body until they both were satisfied and out of energy. However, Sandra was always a smart feline and even a smarter human, now that she had this huge head. She knew first that not many cats became humans. She also knew that her master would be grumpy if she woke him up, not to mention the fact that he may not recognize her at first and freak out at her appearance. She did not want that.

In her own cat logic, Sandra surmised that if she acted completely normal as she did around him usually, he would recognize her instantly and make love to her there and then. She jumped off the couch, landing on all fours. Her new body was weird, but she managed to quietly enter his room, walking on all fours, her tail swishing back and forth. She saw her master sleeping in his boxers under a sheet in the darkness. Sandra knew most humans had bad eye sight; she was glad that hers remained just as sharp as ever. She maneuvered silently around his bed and crawled into the other side of it. Sandra slipped under the sheet and pressed her body against her master’s gently, trying not to awaken him. She began to purr against his back, gently nuzzling it with her cheek. She wrapped her right arm around his chest, gently stroking the sparse hair there. Sandra quickly fell asleep, her medium sized breasts pressed against his back.

* * *

Keith woke up slowly, feeling more rested than someone who was just laid off normally would. As his eyes opened to the sunlight, he sensed something was wrong. He woke up a bit more and noticed the hand draped across his chest. He felt it to make sure it was real. The female’s hand was soft and delicate. However, at the ends of her hands, her nails were long and ended at sharp points.

He didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t want to wake whomever it was sleeping next to him either. Keith delicately raised her arm by the wrist and slowly turned around to put it at her side. His eyes widened at the exquisite woman laying in his bed. He had never met someone so beautiful his entire life. Not even Jamie came close to this beauty next to him. But who was she? He took a deep look at her face. It seemed similar, but he just could not place where he knew her from. Her slightly curly hair was a bright red hue. He noticed how the last half inch of her hair was tipped black. He never met anyone with her hair before, and yet she still looked so familiar to him.

The weirdest thing, though, were the red cat ears framed on her head. They looked so real, he had to touch them. He tentatively reached forward and grasped one of her ears between two of his fingers. The ear felt soft and velvety, almost like a real cat’s ears. The ear suddenly twitched. Keith quickly released his hold on them in utter surprise. He watched in astonishment as the ear twitched again, followed by the other one.

Keith couldn’t help but wonder out loud, “What the hell is she?” The ears perked up when he said that and the young woman slowly opened her eyes. Her green eyes stared into his own for a moment, before a smile spread across her lips.

“How was your sleep, master? I hope you slept well.”

Master? What the fuck? Keith slowly slipped out of bed away from the strange woman. He slowly put on his pants and t-shirt, while keeping his eyes on her face, fearful that this strange girl may attack him the moment he looked away or stared at her perky breasts.

A quizzical look crossed the woman’s face. “What’s wrong, master?” She looked at herself and then sat up in the bed, revealing her perky C cup breasts. “Is my new body scary looking? I hope not.”

Keith quickly turned his head away from her. “Can you put some clothes on, please? I don’t know who you are, or why you keep calling me master, but you have to get out of here.”

He could almost feel the young lady pouting. “But I live here, master! Don’t you recognize me?”

Keith glanced over to see her top half still exposed and quickly turned his head again. “You don’t live here. This is my house. I don’t even know who you are!”

“But it’s me, Sandra! I really thought you’d be able to recognize my smell even though I look different now.”

Keith slowly turned his head back to her face, focusing on it instead of her obviously hardened nipples. “Sandra’s a cat. You are obviously not a cat!” he exclaimed, looking at her cat ears.

Sandra looked at him, sadly. “Why are you being so mean, master? If you are still upset about the fire, I’m really, really sorry!”

Keith studied her for a moment then slowly asked, “What do you mean?”

She looked down at the floor, guiltily. “I accidentally started that fire at your work yesterday. I just wanted to smell the good smelling drink, and knocked it over by accident. Then the smoke and fire came from it. I was scared master, but you saved me! I’ll never forget that, master. You were brave, jumping through those flames to save me, as well as the blonde one. You’re not like most humans. You’re special, master. That’s why I love you so much.”

The words began to seep into Keith’s head. “Sandra? But…how?”

Sandra stood up, revealing the rest of her body to him, including her shapely hips and her pussy, covered in hair just as bright as her head. Keith blushed and turned his head away again. “I think some of the weird liquid that spilled on me did this, master. I can’t really think of anything else.” Sandra wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing her chest into his back. Keith couldn’t help but begin to get an erection from it. “I’m glad it happened though, master. Now I can respond to all the things you talk to me about, and we can go everywhere together instead of being home while you are out.” She bent forward and licked the side of his neck, sending shivers across his body in response. “There’s a lot of things we can do together now,” she purred into his ear.

Keith kept his back turned from her and slowly said, “I need some time to think, alone, Sandra. I’m going to go sit on the couch. You stay here. You can try on one of my pairs of boxers for now. I also have a couple of my brother’s old shirts you can try on. They should be large enough for you.”

He could feel her pout again as she pressed her bosom tighter against him. “But, master! I’m always naked! Can’t I just stay this way?”

He chuckled a little at that, then once again grew solemn. “Sorry, but I can’t focus while you look like…that.”

Keith walked out the door, shutting it behind him. He sat on his couch and leaned his head back, deep in thought. How could this be happening? Is she really Sandra? And if she is, what do I do with her? With those ears and that tail swinging back and forth, I don’t know if she could go anywhere, except on Halloween.

Another thought crossed his mind suddenly. How could I even support her? I have no job and if I don’t get another one soon, I’ll be out of cash within six months! And if she stayed, it would be half that time, since I’ll have to feed her and buy her clothes too. God, what am I going to do?

He looked to the closed door where Sandra laid beyond and frowned. She must be scared as hell about what’s happened to her, if she is who she says she is. His crotch began to stir a bit. Who would have thunk that she could be so sexy though! And she looked so wet just from being near me! Keith shook the thoughts out of his head. Even if she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, she was still Sandra (maybe), and getting it on with a cat, no matter what she looks like, is taboo.

While looking at the door still, another voice popped into his head, not his own though. Meow! I hope master is ok. I wish he would let my cuddle next to him. I just want to feel his warm body next to me again.

Keith turned his head away and the voice disappeared. Can I read her thoughts? She must be Sandra then! Wait. Can she read my thoughts too? God, I hope not.

Keith finally came to a decision. He got up and walked to his room. Sandra laid on the floor in front of his door, sitting on her hands and knees, looking at him with her large green eyes. She had put on her brother’s shirt. It seemed to go almost to her knees, since his brother Sam always was a large man, much bigger than his thin frame.

Keith smiled and took her face in his hands. Looking deep into her green eyes he said, “OK Sandra, you can stay. But you have to behave yourself. You also have to wear some clothes around here. I can’t do anything with you running around naked all the time, trust me.”

Sandra pouted her sexy lips. For a brief moment he imagined those lips around his cock, and his loins stirred once more. The shirt she was wearing did little to hide her curves and he could still see most of her long slender legs and dainty feet. He looked back up to her face. She had a strange lustful look in her eyes. “Yes master. I guess I can dress like you silly humans. I don’t know how you can wear this stuffy clothing though, master. It’s all so uncomfortable!

Keith swallowed, looked at her curves once more. “You’ll get used to it. You’d be arrested if you were nude in public anyways.” Sandra pouted again but seemed to understand. Keith quickly got up, hoping she would not notice his erection poking against the side of his pants. “Ummm…anyhow, you’ll have to stay in here for now, but I promise we will go out together soon. I just have to get some clothing for you first, ok?”

Sandra nodded her head and smiled. “OK, master. I will wait for you here.”

“Good. Now behave yourself, ok? I’ll be back in a few hours.” Keith gathered his car keys and walked out towards his car. He hoped she would be alright.

* * *

After Keith had left, Sandra began looking around at everything, in a new light. A lot of the items she found large before seemed smaller now that she was big. purr Master’s cock wasn’t though, she thought, licking her lips. Ever since her transformation, she had been constantly horny around her master. She wished he would fuck her, but she didn’t want to anger him by forcing herself on him.

Sandra walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the lengthwise mirror on her master’s wall. She figured her master would not be around for a while, so she lifted off her shirt, then slipped off her boxers. She began to admire her new form. It was quite like the women in master’s pornos, though she wished her breasts were much more larger. The ones he had stroked off for seemed to be at least three times the size hers were now. Still, she could smell his arousal off him, so she knew he liked her new body.

Sandra paced around the room, trying to get used to walking on two legs. Fortunately, her catlike agility was still intact, so it only took her a short while to adjust to it. She looked in the refrigerator and noticed the gallon of milk on one of the shelves. She picked it up and uncapped it before lifting it to her lips. She tilted it so that the milk flowed out of it as she tried to lick it up with her long tongue, like she normally would do. She was only managing to make a mess on his floor and her naked body though. She remembered how master drunk sometimes and tried to drink the same way. As the milk poured down her throat, she coughed some out, not used to drinking that way. She wanted to be more human like for her master though, and tried again, slowly getting the hang of how the humans drunk things.

Once sated, she grabbed a dishtowel and wiped off the milk from the floor and her body, licking it a few times after she was done. She pranced around some more, wondering what else she could do. She knew how her master turned on his television set, but most things he watched were mere images to her those days, with the occasional flit of colors she liked to try to catch.

An idea struck her and Sandra turned on Keith’s computer screen. She looked around his desktop and clicked a folder she saw him click every time he wanted to watch his pornos. A long list of meaningless words came up and she clicked one with her mouse. That’s a funny name for this little thing, thinking of how the real mice she had seen looked nothing like this mechanical object. Sandra decided to click one of the words randomly. A video came up for her. It was one of his porns!

She watched and paid close attention to the scenes as it played. The first scene was between a man and a woman. They began french kissing, a style of kissing Sandra always wanted to try with her master. They tried various positions that she took note of afterwards. She also watched how the female sucked on the man’s penis. It seemed she did not use her teeth on it as she bobbed her head up and down on it. The scene closed on him doing her doggie style (She hated the humans for calling it that. Why could it not be kitty style?). She liked this style the most since it came natural for her. She imagined as the man pounded into the female’s ass that it was Keith stroking in and out of her anus, and she quickly grew wet.

The scene then switched to a large breasted female. The female took off her clothes and laid on the bed. She began to rub two of her fingers around her pussy, occasionally sticking them inside of her. Sandra watched with fascination and began copying her movements. She quickly found her enlarged clit and moaned deeply as her fingers pressed against it. She decided to focus on that area and began rubbing it back and forth, her pleasure continuing to build. The woman began to squeeze her breast while she did so. Sandra followed suit and lightly squeezed her breast. This made it even more pleasurable for her. She moaned louder and louder, then trembled as her first human orgasm came over her. It was so great! She never knew that humans could feel such pleasure. No wonder her master milked himself so much!

Several more scenes of men and women with large breasts played for her. The final scene was one of a man with a woman with giant watermelon breasts. As Sandra continued to rub her clit she watched in fascination as the man went down on the girl and began licking her pussy! Sandra wondered how something like that would feel.

There’s one way to find out! Sandra lifted one of legs over the seat of the chair. She then bent all the way down and tentatively licked the lips of her pussy. She loved how it felt and quickly began licking her folds up and down, quivering in ecstasy. Her mouth quickly found her clit once again and she began to stroke it with her long tongue. In no time she rose from her position and shoved her two fingers back inside as her hips bucked wildly in the throes of orgasm.

Soon after, the movie ended. Sandra closed the folder the same way she always saw her master close it, then turned off the monitor just the way she had always seen. She then noticed the puddle of her juices on the chair, and grabbed a dishtowel to clean it so that her master would not be upset by her mess. She wondered back to the bathroom and put back on her uncomfortable shirt and boxers. She wanted to stay out of them and never put them on again, but she knew that it would make her master upset if she was still naked when he arrived. Afterwards, she curled up in a ball on his couch and slept.

* * *

Keith unlocked the door and walked inside with a couple of bags of clothing for Sandra. He bought some socks for her along with several pairs of blue panties in three different sizes. He was sure one of them had to be her size. He also bought a couple of 38 C bras for her that matched the panties. He also had a D cup bra, in case her breasts were larger than he thought. In addition he also bought a two pairs of pants in different sizes and a short plaid skirt that came halfway to knee length. The last items her bought were three different color large t-shirts. He hoped some of them would fit her.

He noticed her on the couch as he shut the door behind him. Sandra woke up and immediately ran to him, jumping up into his arms with her hands hooking behind his neck in a close hug. “Master! You returned! I missed you sooooo much!” She nuzzled against his cheek, and purred into his ear while her body pressed against him, quickly making him hard again. He smelled something in Sandra at that moment. He guessed it was arousal. He didn’t want to lead her on though, so he broke her hug. Sandra took a step back and pouted before looking at his two bags.

Keith picked them up and handed them to her. “I got you a few things Sandra. Hopefully some of them will fit you.”

“Do I really have to, master? You’ve seen me naked before!”

He looked up and down at her and cleared his throat. “It wouldn’t be proper if you just walked around the house naked all the time. You have to put on a top and bottom, for me. You’d be too distracting if you were naked all the time.”

Sandra stepped towards him and kissed his cheek, licking it slightly. “I like having all your attention, master! Don’t you know? All us cats love getting attention from the ones we love!”

Keith smiled. “You can change in the bathroom. I’ll wait here on the couch.” Sandra pouted her sexy lips at him again and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

He tried reading her mind several times while he was out, but couldn’t. He decided to try again while she was in the bathroom and immediately heard her in his head. Mmmmmm…I soooooooo want master to fuck me just like in those pornos he watches. His cheek tasted so good and made me so wet. Her thoughts died off and were replaced by the sudden image of him pumping into her nude body from behind, she purring the entire time.

Keith blushed deep red and turned away, shutting the image from his mind. His cock was hard as a rock now, and no matter what he tried to think, he now could not burn that image out of his mind. Did she really think of me that way? Could she be in heat? I know that’s not supposed to come for another few months, but maybe the change made it come sooner. Just have to make sure I don’t take advantage of her. And that she doesn’t rape me. Besides, she’s still a cat. It would never work out for us.

The door opened and Sandra walked out in a pink t-shirt and the plaid skirt. She looked stunning! “How do I look, master?” she asked.

“You look great!” he exclaimed.

Sandra smiled and walked towards him. Keith noticed from the way her breasts jiggled that she wasn’t wearing a bra. He figured it would be fine though. Sandra sat down next to him, curling her legs behind her and immediately leaning on his arm, wrapping her own arms around his.

Keith looked down and smiled as she purred against him. Once again he could smell her arousal. He didn’t know how he knew this, he just did. Maybe those chemicals changed me too. I hope I don’t change into a cat. I doubt Sandra would know how to care for me like that!

Sandra giggled after he thought that. He looked at her to see her looking back at him, smiling. “You can read my mind, can’t you?” he asked, incredulously.

She nodded. “And you can read mine, right, master?”

Keith thought of the image she had imagined earlier and quickly dismissed it from his mind. He nodded and said, “A little bit. It doesn’t seem to work over long distances.”

She smiled. “What did you read from me, master?” Keith’s face turned beet red as that image appeared in his head again. She smiled, obviously reading it off of him now.

He looked down shyly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean too, honest. I won’t read it anymore.”

Sandra reached up and stroked his cheek. “I don’t mind you reading my mind, master. In fact I want you to. I want to share everything I think of with you.” The two smiled. Keith reached around pulling her to him around her shoulder with his good hand. She looked at it and smiled, before gently placing her hand on his knee.

Keith grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, trying to get his mind out of the gutter. The two watched TV together for a few hours. At one point he looked down to see her asleep against him. He looked further down to see her skirt had ridden up. Her pussy was in full view, and somewhat moist. He looked back up as she purred softly into his arm. Keith tried to stare at the TV but his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, and kept wondering to her crotch. His erection quickly returned with a passion.

He looked at the clock and figured that he had better start dinner for the two of them. He rubbed her shoulder gently until she began to wake up. She smiled and leaned forward, nuzzling his cheek. “I’m gonna make dinner now. Is spaghetti fine?”

She nodded her head. “Sure, master! I’ll eat whatever you eat.” Keith got up and began to boil the water while cooking the meat. Sandra walked next to him, smelling it all and watching him as he cooked. She leaned slightly against him as he cooked and he smiled. It was nice being with her like this. He prepared their dinner, then fixed the two of them a plate, placing hers on the table across from his own. He pulled out a chair for her.

Sandra took a sniff of her spaghetti, then looked at her utinsils. “Do you know how to use them?” Keith asked, pointing to her fork and knife.

“Yes, master,” she purred. She picked up her fork and knife and began eating it. Keith laughed at the fact that she was getting sauce all over her mouth. After eating a quarter of it she stopped and just watched him.

“Are you full, Sandra?”

“Yes,” she replied, “Us cats don’t eat too much.” Keith found himself quickly becoming full as well after half a plate. Sandra lifted her cup of milk to her red lips and began drinking it down while watching him over the rim of the cup, seeing if he noticed how she could drink like a human too.

Keith read it and smiled. “Yes, you drink your milk very much like a human.” Sandra beamed at his compliment. He looked at her face and sighed. “Come here. Let me wipe you clean.” Sandra licked the back of her hand and spread it across her lips, then licked the back of her hand once more. She got up as Keith moved his seat back and picked up a napkin.

Instead of leaning forward, Sandra lay in his lap in front of him and turned her face in his direction. He began to wipe the pasta off of her lips and chin. His cock slowly grew hard again, pushing against Sandra’s ass. She didn’t seem to mind though and began slowly grinding her bare ass against it. Keith groaned slightly from the feel of her perfectly round butt cheeks rubbing against him. Sandra began to purr softly as she ground against him, staring at him as his fingers touched her lips. She parted them slightly and licked one of his fingers slightly.

“We can’t do this,” he said slowly, and regretfully. He gently pushed her off of his lap and she pouted.

“I want you, master. Why won’t you be with me? I can smell your arousal around me.”

Keith sighed. “We just can’t. It wouldn’t be right for someone like you and someone like me to be together like that.” Keith hung his head low and walked to the couch to watch TV once more. Sandra pouted and slowly followed behind him, quiet. She sat next to him and once again leaned against him.

There was an awkward silence in the air, even though the television was on. He broke the silence and asked her, “So why do you call me ‘master’ all the time?”

She looked up and grinned. “Master is master. It’s just who you are.” She rubbed her cheek against his arm. It felt warm to the touch.

“You can call me Keith if you want. Calling me master seems kind of strange.”

She pondered this for a moment. “Keith. Keith. Hmmm…I think I like ‘master’ better, master.” Keith sighed and decided not to argue it any further. Her skirt had ridden up again and he didn’t want to look at her lewdly. Sandra began to purr once more and when he glanced back down, she was asleep once more.

She woke up a few hours later. Keith stroked the back of her head gently and she purred, looking up at him. He yawned. “Well, pretty lady, it’s time for me to go to bed.” Keith got up to go to his room. Sandra began to get up to follow him but Keith stopped her.

“I know you want to sleep with me, but you can’t. You gotta sleep on the couch. Sorry.” Sandra pouted at him and he turned to leave. He closed his bedroom door behind him. He wished he could lock it because he knew she would probably sneak in while he was asleep. He quickly fell asleep, dreaming of making love to his former cat over and over again.

* * *

After waiting an hour, Sandra stripped all of her clothes off and quietly went inside Keith’s room, shutting the door behind her. She silently walked to the other side of Keith’s bed once more, and slipped under the sheet next to him. He was wearing both his t-shirt and pants with no socks at the time. She figured he didn’t want her to see his nude body. Sandra knew he was insecure around people. She just wished he wasn’t like that around her. She slowly pressed herself against him and reached around to feel his chest through his shirt. Her hand began to linger downwards until it rested on his crutch.

Sandra found his large hard cock trapped inside his jeans and squeezed it gently. Slowly she undid his zipper and unbuttoned his pants. Her hand slipped through the hole in his boxers and gently pulled out his hardness. She lightly squeezed it and felt it twitch in her hands. Her fingers stroked along the contours of his cock and rubbed its head. Her fingers began rubbing against it in circles, feeling the middle of it. She didn’t want to go any further than that and moved her hand back to his chest stroking it until she fell asleep.

* * *

Keith woke up, feeling Sandra’s naked chest against him. He knew she wouldn’t listen to him, and sneak into his bedroom. He was hoping that she would have at least kept her clothes on, but she was a stubborn one. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was the fact that his pants were unzipped and his erection was sticking obscenely in the air. He really needed a cold shower.

He slipped out from under his covers, trying not to disturb Sandra, and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Because his apartment was rather old, his lock on his bathroom barely worked, but he figured it was better than nothing and locked it behind him, with the hope that Sandra would not try to join him.

Keith unbandaged his hand and stared at it in astonishment. It was completely healed! There wasn’t even a scar remaining. He was glad that it was healed but didn’t expect it to be for another week. He started the shower, running it on cold, and stepped in after taking off the rest of his clothes. The water cascaded down his body and began to have the desired effect of softening his erection. His balls still hurt though from being erect for so long without getting off. He didn’t want to beat off in his place while Sandra was around and it would be too embarrassing if he was caught doing it in public. He was just going to have to find a place where he could do it in private.

For a second he thought he heard the door rattle. He figured she couldn’t get in and gave up. Keith began to rinse his hair under the water, not hearing anything. So, he was quite shocked when the curtain pulled back and Sandra stepped in, naked. His erection came back with a vengeance.

He covered his penis with both his hands and exclaimed, “What are you doing in here, Sandra? You gotta get out now!”

She pouted and said, “But master, I don’t know how to clean myself properly. You’ve always done it for me!”

“Well, you’re going to have to figure it on your own now! I can’t do it for you!”

She looked down and frowned. “I’m sorry master. I’ll teach myself later on. Sorry.” She glanced up at him, staring at his erection for a brief moment, before stepping out of the shower. Sandra began to dry off with a towel and then walked out of the bathroom naked. Keith couldn’t help but stare at her perfect ass as it moved with her perfect body. He felt bad about kicking her out, but he couldn’t become intimate with her. It wouldn’t be right.

He finished his shower and wiped himself off before putting on his clothes. He walked out and noticed Sandra sitting on the couch, in her light blue t-shirt this time. She wore the same skirt as last time though. Instead of hanging out the bottom of her skirt, her tail wrapped around her waist. He didn’t know it could twist like that. She didn’t say anything as he sat next to her, so he turned on the TV. But, nothing was on. He looked over. He knew she was somewhat upset. He read her mind at that point since she wouldn’t say anything.

I wish I was a cat again! I wish I never ruined master’s life! Maybe I should run away. He’d be better off without me.

His eyes wondered in fear. He knew things were awkward, but didn’t want to be without her. Keith turned her head towards him, then leaned forward and pressed his lips against her own. He stayed that way for a few seconds, relishing the touch of her lips against his own, before releasing it and looking down shyly.

Sandra looked at him completely astonished. Finally she said softly, “Master,” Waves of arousal were coming off of her like crazy now. Keith hoped the kiss would satisfy her for now. The kiss felt good to him, but he knew he couldn’t do it again. He also realized that if he stayed any longer they would kiss again. Keith stood up and began to put on his shoes. Sandra looked at him quizzically.

“I have to start searching for a job. We’ll really need the money soon.”

Keith picked up his keys and walked out. He hoped he could find somewhere to beat off that was private. His dick was hard as steel, and the pain in his balls had just doubled.

* * *

Sandra continued to read Keith’s mind after he walked out. She felt bad that his balls were aching because of her. She didn’t mean to cause him pain. His kiss was amazing, though. She never felt such a surge of feelings from herself before. She loved her master so much. She only wished he would reciprocate her love for him. Not knowing what else to do, she curled up in a ball and went to sleep.

Sandra awoke when she heard the sound of Keith’s key in the door. He walked in and tried his best to smile when he saw her face. She’s so beautiful. I wish she wasn’t a cat. And she looks so sexy just sitting there. I wish I could have found a place to beat off. My balls hurt like hell right now. He was obviously too tired to realize that she could read his thoughts.

Sandra decided to speak up, though she knew he might be upset she read his mind again. “Master, you can masturbate here if you want to. When I was just a cat you did it all the time in front of me. I can even go into another room if you need to be alone for it.”

Keith’s face turned beet red as she said that. It gradually softened to a smile. “No, Sandra, I’ll be fine. Trust me.” He pulled out a bag of fried chicken. “I know how you like fried chicken so I got some for the two of us.”

Sandra smiled and said, “Thank you, master!” before reaching into the bag to pull out a drumstick. She loved the taste of it and ate two whole pieces before she was full. Keith only ate a couple himself. “Maybe I have a little bit of cat in me too!” he said laughing. “I haven’t been very hungry since the accident.”

“I hope you’re ok, master,” she replied, gently.

He grinned. “I’ll be fine.” The two began to sit on the couch watching TV. Sandra once again leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around her, causing her to purr.

She looked up and saw Keith smiling down at her. “So you’re still reading my mind, eh? He said, poking her gently with his free hand. He poked her again, tickling her ribcage. “You better stop that, pretty lady! It’s not polite to read people’s minds without asking you know.”

She giggled. “Sorry master. I’ll try not to do it again.”

“You better not! Or I’ll have to punish you!” He reached over and tickled her ribs, making her burst into laughter. He began tickling her with both hands now, making her laugh hysterically.

“Stop, master! It tickles!”

He smiled and continued to tickle her. “Do you promise not to read my mind anymore?”

“Yes, master!” He continued to tickle her. She smiled between laughs and reached forward to tickle him. She moved her tail under his arm pit and started wiggling it there. He burst out laughing hysterically.

“Hey! No fair! I don’t have a tail!”

The two tickled each other until Sandra’s sides hurt so much she had to stop tickling him to clasp her ribs. She leaned back, laughing uncontrollably. Keith smiled and leaned forward to tickle her but lost his balance, rolling off the couch with her falling on top of him.

The two continued to laugh until Sandra realized that she was on top of him, his hard cock pressing against her moist pussy. Keith also stopped laughing and just stared into her eyes for the longest moment.

She stared back and even though he told her that she shouldn’t read his mind, she did so anyways, curious as to what he was thinking. Kiss me, Sandra. Kiss me, please, because I can’t.

Sandra didn’t know if that was something he wanted read or not, but she decided to fulfill his desire. She leaned down and kissed him full on the lips. Keith began to return the kiss, and when his mouth opened for his tongue to push inside her, she opened her mouth as well. The two’s tongues weaved around each other, almost in a dance. It was the most exquisite thing she had ever felt, even better than her first orgasm. She ground her pelvis against his own, as the two of their tongues fought between their mouths. Sandra was becoming so wet from him.

Then, much to her disappointment, Keith released the kiss and pushed her off of him. “We can’t,” he said, with much regret.

Sandra frowned at him. “Why not?” she asked.

“We still don’t know how these chemicals effected us. What if something happened?”

“Nothing will happen, master. I love you too much to let anything bad happen to you.” Keith frowned and still refused to continue. The two sat and watched TV in silence until it was time for bed.

“Time for bed,” he said, trying his best to smile. Keith walked into his room, leaving the door open. Sandra was going to allow him to sleep for a while before joining him, but then Keith came out in his boxers and smiled sweetly. “You might as well get in here with me. I know you will later on.”

Sandra giggled and followed him to his bed. He got under his sheets and turned away from her as she stripped naked and slipped in next to him. She purred against his ear as she pressed herself against him. Sandra didn’t know if she should or not, but she decided anyways to wrap her arm across her master’s chest. Her hand strayed down and found his cock. She began stroking his erection, rolling her fingers over the head. He moaned slightly at her touch. She figured that was a cue to continue. She moved her hand downwards and cupped his balls. Keith let out a different sort of moan when she did that. A painful one.

He took her hand gently and moved it to his chest. “Are you alright, master?”

He turned onto his back and looked at her in the darkness, his eyes glowing slightly in the dark. “We shouldn’t,” he said simply.

She looked at him then reached down and touched his balls. He groaned in pain once again. “Master, please let me ease the pain for you. I know it hurts down there.”

“We can’t. What if something happens if we have sex? What if we are poisonous to one another and don’t know it? I don’t want to lose you, Sandra.”

Sandra turned his cheek towards her and looked into his eyes. “Master…no, Keith. You told me that we could get though everything together. If something happens we’ll get through it together, right?”

Slowly he nodded and Sandra smiled. She leaned down and kissed him once again. Their mouths opened quicker this time, and they began french kissing. Sandra loved the feel of his tongue in her mouth. He heard a slight groan from him and broke the kiss.

“Stay still, master. I’ll make this as pleasurable for you as possible.” She removed the sheets, then took Keith’s boxers and removed them, letting his cock be unrestrained. She pumped his cock up and down a few times before licking the tip of his cock head. Keith moaned from it and Sandra smiled, before licking the underside of his dick. She licked around the head several times before popping it in her mouth. She slowly lowered her head a couple of inches, licking his shaft while she breathed deeply on it. She raised her head, then lowered it again, a few more inches. She swirled her tongue once more over his cock, before raising it again.

She looked up and smiled at the look of pleasure on Keith’s face before lowering her head once more, this time taking all of his cock into her mouth. Once again her long tongue shot out, licking everywhere it could, including his sensitive balls. She raised her mouth to the head of his cock, then quickly lowered it again. Sandra began bobbing her head on his cock over and over again.

“How did you learn to do this?” he asked between moans.

She popped his cock out of her mouth for a moment. She smiled and said, “I watch a lot of porn with you, remember? They taught me how to do this.” She began bobbing her face on his cock once more, building up speed. She then felt Keith’s hand settle gently on her head as she bobbed on it. If she could smile he would.

“I’m cumming, baby!” he exclaimed. Sandra moved her face to the head of his cock and began wildly jerking him off. She felt his body tense and Keith groaned loudly as he shot an endless stream of semen down her throat. When she felt he was done, she popped her head off of his dick and licked off the remaining sperm on him.

“Mmmmmmm…your milk is the best tasting milk I’ve ever had, master!”

He blushed at this. “Really?” he asked.

“Oh yes, master! It tastes very good. Do you think we can do this again some time?”

He smiled and kissed her lightly on her lips. “We’ll see. If one of us don’t melt or transform into some hideous creature, we might try this again, maybe. Let’s just see what tomorrow brings, ok?”

Sandra nodded and cuddled up in front of him, their noses touching gently. Keith reached down and gently squeezed her soft ass cheek. She smiled at him before the two closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

Keith woke up the next day more refreshed and full of energy than he had ever been. He figured it must have been Sandra’s presence which made him energetic. Her hand was once more draped across his chest. He felt her breasts press against him as he leaned forward and kissed her hand. He seemed to be still alive, so that was good. He turned over on the bed to see Sandra naked next to him. The two of them didn’t even cover themselves after the blow job she gave. He then looked down at her breasts and his mouth dropped.

Her breasts had somehow grown overnight to a full D cup. He shook Sandra awake. She purred, opening her eyes and smiling. “Sandra! Your breasts! They’ve grown!”

Sandra looked down at her new breasts and lifted one. Her new breasts were still just as soft and perky as before. She looked back at Keith and smiled. “Do you like them?” she asked, thrusting out her chest.

“They’re very nice, but aren’t you worried? They just grew! That isn’t very common!” Keith was worried about Sandra. He hoped she was alright. He didn’t know if he could live with himself if something happened to her because of his stupid needs.

She looked at him and smiled. Her hand reached up and caressed his cheek. “Don’t worry, master. I feel completely fine. We’re be fine.”

“But, what do you think happened? Do you think you are still transforming, or did giving me a blowjob effect your body chemistry?”

Sandra suddenly leaned forward and kissed Keith full on the lips, her tongue quickly snaking inside his mouth. Keith calmed down a bit and she broke the kiss. “Better?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said, giving her a quick kiss. “Like you said before, whatever happens, we’ll face it together, one day at a time.”

He got up, not caring about his clothes around her anymore. “I’m going to take a shower, ok?”

She stretched out and nodded. “Can I join you this time?” she asked.

He grinned. “Sure. I’ll even help wash you.”

She smiled back and told him, “I’ll join you in there in a few minutes.”

“OK.” Keith walked into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly open for her. He went to go pee and looked down at his penis. He wasn’t sure but his penis seemed to be bigger. He figured that he was just imagining things after seeing Sandra’s tits.

Keith turned on the shower and got in. A few minutes later Sandra joined him. He couldn’t help but stare at her larger breasts and the way they jiggled on her frame. She leaned forward and kissed him while he copped a feel of her new tits. He then pulled out his washcloth and began wiping her thoroughly. He began with her back, working to her ass which he enjoyed fondling with his washcloth, before going to her legs and feet. He turned her around and then washed her front side, slipping his index finger into her pussy as he washed near there. She moaned in pleasure from it and he smiled. He then ran it up her stomach and breasts, squeezing them once more before rubbing her face and kissing her.

Keith then showed her how humans wash their hair. She followed his lead, almost getting shampoo in her eyes. It was cute. He helped her dry off and then he went to his room to put on clothes. “Do we have to put on clothes, master?”

“Of course we do, pretty lady. You did want to go out with me, right?”

Sandra jumped up and down, her new breasts bouncing in front of Keith’s eyes. His cock twitched at the sight. “Oh master! I’d love to go out with you!”

“OK. Well, get dressed. You may want to wear your underwear under your clothing. It’s up to you.”

“Oh master. You know I hate wearing all those clothes.”

“Oh. One last thing.” He dug into his dresser and pulled out a large baseball cap. “You’ll have to wear this when you’re outside. If people see your ears or tail they may get suspicious.”

She pouted. “For you, master.” She slipped on her pink shirt and her skirt once more. Keith would have to buy her more clothes soon. Her pink shirt was now stretched by her large breasts, Sandra’s nipples poking through them prominently. Keith knew she should wear at least a bra, but he knew she was putting up with a lot just to wear what she was wearing. Keith finished getting himself dressed, then picked up his car keys. He took Sandra by the hand and led her out to his car. After opening the passenger side door for her, he get into the driver’s seat and showed her how to attach her safety belt.

The two rode to a small restaurant in town. It wasn’t anything fancy; he didn’t have much to spare, so he had to make do. The two ate together chatting. Sandra would run her leg up his pant leg as they ate. He had made her wear sandals. They seemed to have slipped off as her foot reached his crotch and began rubbing his dick through his pants.

Keith quickly grew hard. He felt like his dick was bigger once more, but wasn’t about to check it where he was at. After their lunch, Keith took her to a movie theater, since he thought she had never been to one. The two sat near the middle of the place. Sandra wanted to suck his cock in there, but he told her that there were people around, so they shouldn’t.

Sandra pouted her sexy pout once more and Keith leaned forward and kissed her. The two spent the rest of the movie making out. They didn’t even know what the movie was about, they were so engrossed with each other. They rode back home after that. He could smell the lust on her. She placed her hand on his lap and slowly moved it to his crotch to rub his crotch through his pants. He groaned softly from it and sped up in a hurry to get home.

The two arrived back at his place some time in the evening. They moment they got inside and Keith shut the door, Sandra tore off her shirt and skirt so that she was completely nude. “I hope you don’t mind me being naked now, master. I don’t know how you humans breathe wearing those all day!”

He laughed. “We get used to them at an early age.” Keith walked to his room where he took off his shoes and socks. He looked at Sandra behind him and said, “What the fuck,” and took off the rest of his clothes too. Sandra walked up to him, and placing his face between her hands, kissed him deeply. She released the kiss and stroked his cock between the two of them.

“Master? Can I suck your cock again? I want to drink you milk up again.”

Keith laughed. “You mean my cum? I guess it’s safe to. Go ahead.” He sat at the edge of his bed. Sandra kneeled down in front of him and took his cock in her hands. He looked down at it. It was bigger!

Sandra noticed too. “Your cock seems bigger, master. How did that happen?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. It looks like it grew half an inch longer and a bit wider. I’ll…We’ll have to measure it some time.”

Sandra smiled. “That sounds fun, master. But right now, I think I want to play with this here!” She licked the precum off the tip of his cock head, then began swirling her tongue in circles around it. Keith was in heaven. Her head lowered, taking half of his cock in her mouth before raising again to his head. She then went back down, all the way to the base. This time she cupped his balls, which were no longer in a painful vice. She juggled them in her hand while her head slowly went up and down his now seven inch shaft.

Keith moaned in pleasure. He never met anyone who sucked cock as great as Sandra. It was strange that she was so well versed at it, even though yesterday had been the first blowjob she ever gave. Sandra began picking up the pace, bobbing her head up and down rapidly on his cock. His hand reached forward and stroked her furry ear. She mewed at his touch and continued.

She sensed Keith was about to blow his load somehow, and suddenly switched her style. Her mouth went all the way down on him, her long tongue swirling around his shaft in ways no ordinary human ever could. Suddenly, she began to purr deeply in her mouth. Her purrs began to vibrate around his cock. His cock began to vibrate in synch with her mouth. It felt as if a hundred fingers were massaging his cock from all over. He grunted and before he could warn her, shoot his load deep into her mouth.

She swallowed most of it though and the little that escaped her mouth, she quickly licked up with her long tongue. She then brought her mouth around his cock, licking up the remains of his semen.

She beamed at him and said, “That was much more than last time, master! It tasted good!”

She sat next to him and kissed him on the lips. Keith looked over her body. Her nipples were hard and her hairy pussy was practically drenched. He thought for a moment and then said, “I feel bad leaving things like this. How would you like me to return the favor?”

“Oh master! Do you really mean it? I would love to be pleased by you!” Keith smiled and leaned forward, kissing her gently. Their mouths opened and their tongues intertwined as they began to make out. Keith broke the kiss and moved to her neck where he kissed it before biting it gently. Sandra moaned deeply from it and ran her fingers through his hair. He moved up to kiss her again, before switching to the other side of her neck, making her moan once again.

He then moved his head to her breasts. He looked up at her green eyes before lightly licking her nipple. He swirled his tongue around the aureole before nipping her nipple between her teeth. She seemed to love that, so he did it again. She moaned passionately and pressed his mouth into her tit. He opened his mouth and began to suck on her large breast, swirling his tongue over her nipple occasionally.

As he sucked on her nipple, some sort of fluid poured out of it into his mouth and throat. Keith immediately detached himself and chocked for a moment, coughing. “Are you ok, master?” Sandra asked, concerned. He held up a finger while he coughed. His coughing subsided and he laughed.

“Sorry, precious. I didn’t know that milk came out of your nipples. It just surprised me. I’m ok.” Sandra looked down at her breast. Sure enough, droplets of milk were leaking from it.

“I’m sorry, master. I didn’t know I could do that!”

“It’s OK, Sandra. Now we know, right?” She smiled and nodded. Keith resumed his attention to Sandra’s nipple and began sucking from it in earnest. Sandra began moaning, then screaming wildly. He hips bucked upwards and she pressed his head deep into her breast. He could smell that she just orgasmed from it. He lifted his head and switched to her other breast, slowly licking around the nipple while she recovered from her orgasm. Once he felt she had calmed a little he licked the nipple a few times, then began to suck on it. Milk began to come out of this nipple now and he did his best to drink it all in, though he was not used to it.

“Mmmmmm, master, my breasts feel warm all of a sudden. What did you do?”

He detached himself and looked up. “Maybe you’re approaching another orgasm.” He began to suck on her nipple once again.

“Master! I feel strange! Can we stop for a moment?” He let go of her nipple and did his best to imitate her pout. She laughed a bit before placing her hands on her chest. “It’s so warm! I’ve never felt like this before!”

Keith’s mouth dropped to the floor when he saw what happened next. He breasts began to press deeper into Sandra’s hands. She moved them off of her, also astonished at what was going on with her body. Her breasts grew somewhat at that point. Her nipples and areola grew slightly as well. Sandra breathed heavily as it was happening.

The swelling seemed to slow down and stop as her breathing calmed. Her breasts were now at a DD cup range. “Wow,” was all Keith could muster.

“I guess swallowing your cum makes my breasts grow, master. They’re not hot anymore.” She grabbed and squeezed them together. “In fact, they feel good! Do they look good on me?”

Keith stuttered, “Yeah…yeah, they look great! I guess that solves the mystery of how they grew the first time, right?”

Sandra laughed then lifted her new orbs with her hands. “Did you want to suck on them again, master?”

“I better not tonight. They may need to heal after that. Better safe than sorry, right?”

She pouted. “I really enjoyed the orgasm you gave me from that, master! And I think they may be more sensitive now!”

“We’ll try that out tomorrow. Don’t think I’m done with you yet though.” He winked at her. “Can you lay down for me?” Sandra did as he told and moved to the middle of the bed. Keith followed her and stopped right below her pussy lips. She sensed what he wanted to do and spread her legs completely. Keith looked up at her, astonished. Her legs were completely perpendicular to her body now!

“How do you do that?!” he asked, incredulously.

“Silly, master! I’m a cat! All us cats have flexible bodies!” To prove her point further, she leaned completely forward and licked her own pussy before leaning back on the bed.

“Holy shit!” Keith exclaimed. “That’s crazy!”

She purred at his compliment. “Thank you master. Perhaps I can teach you one day.” Keith merely laughed before taking hold of her two thighs and pressing his face past her fur and into her pussy lips. Sandra immediately began to moan against him. He extended his tongue inside her pussy and began to lick all over. Keith twirled his tongue in a cross across her pussy. She seemed to like that. He would have to remember that. He then found her clit; it was engorged and twice as large as any clitoris he had ever seen.

Did my semen make her clit bigger too? Good for her I guess. He licked around her clit and began darting his tongue back and forth across it. Sandra began moaning loudly against him. Her long nails dug into the back of his head, pushing him further into her depths.

“Oh master! That feels so good! You’re way better than I am at that!” Keith had to laugh at that. He was glad he was good at something, like pussy licking. He always enjoyed pleasing his partners. He began to suck on her clit, biting it gently, while his tongue rolled over it. Sandra moaned wildly. Her hips began to buck against him and Keith felt her juices wash over his mouth and face as she orgasmed.

He continued to go at it while the orgasm continued, then slowed his pace, once more licking the outer labia of her pussy while she came off it. In the past Keith many a time would just continue just as hard through the ladies’ orgasms. But, Sandra’s orgasms seemed more intense than most ladies in comparison and he didn’t want to hurt her or make her pass out.

He continued without looking up. He realized he didn’t need to, to read her mind. Ready for more? he thought out loud.

Oh yes, master. Fuck my pussy with your mouth!

How did you learn to talk like that anyhow? he thought.

She giggled. Watching your pornos of course, master. Do you like me talking like that, master?

Keith stuffed his face deep into her pussy, shoving his tongue as for as it will go. I do like a girl with a dirty mouth, though I could never admit it out loud.

He could sense Sandra smiling at him as he pressed his tongue against her clit once more. She stroked the back of his head with one hand while lightly squeezing her DD cup breast, small beadlets of milk coming out of it. “Mmmmmm…that’s it kitten! Suck my clit! Fuck my pussy with your tongue, master!”

Her words had the instant effect of making him hard once more. Keith didn’t know what it was about good girls talking dirty in the bedroom, but it was a major turn on for him. He began licking over it with vigor, darting his tongue over and over and across her nub.

Once again Sandra began moaning uncontrollably. “Oh, fuck, master! Your tongue feels so fucking good, master! Make me cum, master! Make me cum!” Keith smiled inwardly and picked up the pace. Sandra’s hips began to buck once more against him and she began to orgasm. Keith licked up as much of her pussy juice as possible until she came down from her orgasm.

He got up, and removed a red hair from his mouth and smiled. He sat next to Sandra and she kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth, tasting her own juices. “My pussy tastes good coming from your mouth, master!”

“Is that so?” He continued to kiss her while her hand reached down and grasped his hardness.

She stroked it gently and looked down. “Master! You’re hard again! Should I suck it again for you?”

Keith looked at her large breasts and shook his head. “Better not. I wouldn’t mind seeing your breasts growing again, but I don’t want them to be so large they won’t fit in the house.”

They both laughed. “But master, I can’t just leave you like this.”

“Don’t worry about me, Sandra. I should be fine.”

She pouted. “I don’t want you to be hurting like before.” Keith didn’t want her to be worried either. There was one other thing they could do, but he still wasn’t sure if it’ll be safe for them.

He looked into Sandra’s eyes and smiled. “Together, right?”

“Always, master.” The two leaned forward and kissed once more. Keith then crawled over to the head of the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard.

Make love to your master. I know you’ve been dreaming of us like this.

Sandra grinned and crawled over Keith on all four. She lifted herself up, placing her pussy over his cock. “No regrets?” she asked him.

“No regrets,” he responded, sensing her own apprehension. Sandra smiled and began to lower herself on his tool. She moaned in delight as she lowered herself inch by inch, her pussy stretching out for it.

She reached the base and purred delight. “You feel so good inside me, master!” She began to rock against him, grinding against his hardness. Already she had begun moaning loudly from the new sensations inside her. He could tell she was enjoying herself. He reached around and grabbed and squeezed her ass as she ground against him. She moaned even louder, then bent down and planted a fiery kiss on his lips as she began to orgasm against him.

As her orgasm slowed down, Keith began to rock with her, as she ground against him. “Do you like my pussy, master?”

“Oh yeah!” he replied as she continued to grind against him.

“Good, because my pussy loves your hard long cock!” Keith blushed slightly at the comment. No one besides her ever complimented him on the size of his dick. They continued to grind against one another, his pubes slightly rubbing against her clit now.

Sandra’s breasts pressed against Keith’s chest as the two grinded together. The two leaned forward and began swirling their tongues together once again. Keith reached up with one of his hands and squeezed her tit lightly. This set off another orgasm in Sandra and she bucked wildly against him.

She leaned back to give him access to her breast. Keith knew that he probably shouldn’t touch her tits after they had grown so recently, but he couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and began licking her tit all over, sucking the nipple into his mouth, drinking her nectar. Sandra began screaming against him as he did so.

“Ah, fuck me master! Lick my tit! I love you! I love you so much, master!” Sandra threw her head back and screamed as another violent orgasm came over her. Keith licked and sucked her tit faster as her orgasm continued. He felt her pussy muscles squeeze his cock in a vice grip and knew he couldn’t take any more himself.

“I’m cumming, Sandra! I’m cumming!”

She began grinding wildly against him. “Cum inside me lover! I want to feel your milk inside me!” When she said that Keith groaned and pushed upwards, groaning as his dick came deep inside the walls of her snatch.

Once done Keith scooted down on the bed, his soft cock still inside of her. Sandra purred in pleasure next to him. The two kissed deeply. “Do you think I should have used a condom?” he asked.

“Oh, master. We may have similar bodies, but I think since you’re not fully like me, I can’t get pregnant. Don’t worry, OK?” she said.

“Sorry I didn’t ask before we did it.”

“It’s alright master. I wouldn’t have let you use one anyways. I wanted to feel your cock inside me. It would have felt different with a condom.”

Keith kissed her lightly, then shut his eyes, falling asleep.



“I love you.”

He opened his eyes briefly and smiled. “I love you too, Sandra.” He really did love her. What he was still unsure of was if it was the love between a couple, or the love a master had for a pet he owned for over two years.

* * *

Hector Mason, head of security at Inutech Industries (Yeah, I know it‘s just like the place in Office Space. I couldn’t help myself here.) looked at several monitors along with his young assistant, Kyle. The two of them had been searching the video feed for the last five days, trying to figure out what may have caused it.

Hector once again watched the feed of Keith saving Jamie and shook his head. It’s a shame they fired him. I could use someone like him on security. He continued to watch as Keith jumped back into the smoky laboratory. After Jamie recovered from her fit of coughing, she made for the opening of the door and seemed to call his name. Afterwards she took off for the nearest exit. He heard from his sources that she went straight to the firemen to tell them he was in there. Keith came out a couple of minutes later, coughing, but alone.

The clean up crew found no bodies in the debris, so why did he go back inside? Did he really hear something, like he told the paramedics and police later on? It seemed sketchy since no one came back through with him. Was it possible he was hearing things? Situations like that could do that to a man.

“Yo, boss!” Kyle exclaimed, sitting next to him.

He frowned. “What Kyle?”

“I think I found something.” He replayed the footage of Jamie walking into the room. Then, an orange blur passed by her feet. It went by so fast the cameras barely registered it.

“What is that?” he asked. “Rewind it for me and switch to a second by second ratio.” Kyle nodded and rewound it. He then began fast forwarding one second at a time. The orange blur came back into view. He paused it at one point and Hector stared at it.

“It’s a cat, I think,” Kyle said.

“How did a cat get into here, though?” Hector said out loud. “And how come we never found it’s remains. Go through the video feeds before this happened. Let’s see if we can figure out where it came from.”

Kyle went through the video footage once more. Several times he pointed out the small orange and black cat, walking past people. He then went to a video of it walking down a hallway as people walked by, not noticing it.

“This is the first feed of it, boss,” Kyle said, looking over his desk chair.

“The outside cameras didn’t see it?”

“Nope. Could someone have snuck it in?”

Hector’s eyes widened at the thought. It was possible for someone to sneak a cat in. Due to budget cuts the security detail was not so great. It was also possible for someone to sneak it out if no one noticed. Hector looked back at Kyle. “Call Dr. Thurston. He’ll need to be informed about this.”

He once again looked at an image of Keith walking out of the fire. He noticed how his belly protruded. Sheers, what have you done?