Saved from Extinction
“So, it has come to this.” Jason thought to himself. He felt the weight of resignation. Looking in the paper, an actual honest-to-Goddess newspaper, in the classified section for a job listing. He didn’t really see a lot of other choices. Internet listings had become useless as of late, the same low-level minimum wage dreck he’d already applied for, some five times each. That seemed to be the only jobs available in his tiny one-horse town. And even then, with his sights set as low as he dared, he’d struck out miserably.
There had been the cafe, but he had no skills or experience as a barista so making drinks was out. For wait staff it seemed they preferred cute girls, particularly of the catgirl variety. Which Jason would’ve loved to have felt indignant about, but when he’d been trying to drop his resume off, a cute girl with orange tabby fur and striking green eyes had winked at him as she swiftly hurried by with two hot drinks. Her skirt hadn’t been modified for her tail, it was simply lifting the hem behind her. He’d nearly forgotten why he was there and grabbed a table. Hard to fault the establishment for a winning strategy, even if it did mean getting rejected in no uncertain terms at the counter.
Then he’d tried stocking shelves in a warehouse- sorry “fulfilment centre”— but he’d been woefully out of his depth there. Minotaurs of both genders, well he actually knew the females were “holstaurs” but he’d never felt comfortable asking why, had easily outpaced him. He had been drenched in sweat and aching by the end of his first shift. It was bad enough to be jealous of the bulls, they had endless bulky muscles and seemed to get genuine joy out of using them. But the women! Soft cows with not an ounce of definition or muscle visible and swinging tits bigger than his head. And still, they towered over him and did twice the work in half the time. A single morning of hard labour and exactly one afternoon of insufferable condescension for every single colleague had been enough for him to resign at the end of day. The manager had been a jovial middle-aged man with a big moustache. He didn’t look the least bit shocked or upset when Jason came to him to sheepishly admit he’d taken on more than he could handle. The man had shook his hand, looking understanding and maybe even sympathetic, but that just made Jason more embarrassed.
But worst of all had been the lifeguard position. Jason had thought his luck had finally changed. He was a very strong swimmer, having spent huge swaths of his youth in the pool. He’d received the necessary training at the YMCA as a teenager. The money was abysmal but any cash at all was infinitely more than the zero he was bringing in. He’d been confident in the interview and worked an entire day in good standing. Things were looking up. Until the second day, when he’d spotted a young blonde woman, apparently screaming under the water, eyes rolled back in her head. He’d done exactly as he’d been trained to do, and dove to the rescue. She’d flailed and struggled under water but that wasn’t unexpected, drowning people did that. Only after hauling her heavy form out of the water to the surface did it become apparent that she was a Siren. Fully capable breathing (and singing) under water. Once she was above the water line her beautiful voice entranced Jason, and every man and woman in the pool. She’d cut her voice off once she crested, but too late. Just a few notes of magical, spellbinding enchantment left everyone glassy-eyed for minutes, slowly moving toward her, professing their undying love and failing to hide obvious arousal. Jason, with his arms already around her, was most affected. When he came to his senses, he was kissing her neck and groping her firm breast. He recoiled like a snake bit him the minute he was aware of his actions, but too late. He could’ve sworn the Siren had been smiling and blushing, cooing at him to continue and for him to devote himself to her utterly. Once the spell was broken, he realised he must’ve imagined that while under the influence, because she was extremely pissed. Again, a sympathetic manager who graciously agreed Jason should’ve been warned about the Sirens was little balm to Jason’s savaged pride. He couldn’t quit fast enough.
And so, his hands smudged with ink, sitting at the kitchen table in a dinky apartment he was almost certain to lose next month—his landlord wasn’t running a charity—Jason took one last desperate stab at employment.
The trouble was, he wasn’t really certain he was good at anything. He wasn’t stupid, he was fairly certain. He was reasonably fit. He had thick dark hair he thought was his best feature, and broad shoulders that he inherited from a father who was a boxer. He was also a university drop-out, having failed to complete his degree. No one to blame but himself really, he’d dropped out to support a young woman he’d fallen head over heels for, Clarice. Beautiful to be sure, but she had also been a powerfully neurotic artsy-type. Emotionally unstable and to Jason, endlessly fascinating. Jason had been certain, with the kind of brazen stupidity only available to men of a certain age that HE could provide her with the stability she desperately needed to get it together. That had gone…poorly. Having come home to find his girlfriend in the arms of several members of a nearby art collective had left him shattered, and directionless. When questioned, she’d stated in no uncertain terms that she didn’t answer to him. He was a wimp. Again, Jason found his anger buried under a great deal of embarrassment and shame.
And even if he went back to complete his degree, it was basically worthless. History and Philosophy double major? He might as well just set the tuition money on fire.
His parents were no help, they’d had Jason fairly late in life and were already beginning to decline significantly. Both had been becoming increasingly bigoted to numerous minority groups, from Latinos to Wolf-folk. Mom was growing more neurotic by the day and had taken to making up wild stories. His dad had spent his own twenties getting hit in the head for a living. It was a small wonder he wasn’t all there.
Shaking his head from his navel gazing, Jason reluctantly turned to the task at hand. It was not overly promising. Multi-level marketing scams. Unpaid internships. Then, at the very bottom in a large box, was something that struck Jason as incredibly strange.
“WANTED: Fit Male of 100% human ancestry. Must be available for extensive, long-hour days on flexible schedule, and present clean bill of health. Must be willing to work closely with Monster Races. No experience necessary, top-dollar compensation available. For more information call number below for Centre for Unigender Natal Treatment”
Jason had to admit ‘Top-dollar compensation’ had his attention. And long hours were no problem. Odd that they wanted his ancestry, and that they needed 100% human. That was uncommon these days, but not unheard of and Jason qualified. But what made Jason double take was the name of the organisation. First, perhaps the worst acronym Jason had ever heard, he can’t imagine that was just an oversight. Second, “natal”, that meant pregnancy right? Jason didn’t have any healthcare training. But the ad DID say, no experience necessary. Lacking options and more than a little curious, Jason reached for the phone.
Two days later, he stood out in front of a large drab concrete building well outside of town. It wasn’t much to look at. About 5 stories tall, with very few windows and a terrible location. It had taken nearly 90 minutes to drive there and GPS had re-routed him incorrectly several times. It was basically in a big empty field. Despite leaving over an hour to spare, trying to ensure he got to the interview early, he had arrived only just in time. After jogging through the doors he wandered down a short hall to an obvious waiting room. It looked more than anything like a doctor’s office. Old magazines and empty seats. There was no one else in the room.
There was no one around, but the counter had a bell, so Jason rang it. Almost immediately, a pleasant voice came from the back area.
“Jason? Jason Whittaker, is that you? Just a moment!”
Jason’s eyebrows raised. That was the same voice he’d spoken to on the phone, just how podunk was the operation?
From a door behind the desk came a heavy-set woman in her mid-50s. Greying hair pulled back in a tight bun and wearing nursing scrubs. Jason was wracking his brain trying to remember her name from the phone, and must’ve done a fairly terrible job hiding his panic because she offered a hand and bailed him out.
“Shirley, Shirley Mason. Head of Operations for the Centre. You’re the gentleman who called a couple days ago about the position?”
“Shirley, of course, thank you so much for taking the time to meet me. I hope I’m not too late, I uh, had some GPS trouble on the way over.” Jason said, completely mortified at how lame that sounded. But Shirley just laughed.
“Happens all the time dear, don’t worry, if you land the gig you’ll be here all the time. It’ll be a second home for you. You brought the medical records we requested?”
“Uh, yeah, I have them here—” Jason spent a too long moment fumbling with his file but eventually got them all laid out on the counter.
Shirley clicked her tongue and gave the papers a good once over. Jason stood awkwardly aside and let her at it. It seemed rude to interrupt, but he wasn’t sure what to do with his hands or where to stand. Sitting seemed wrong, rude or something.
Another minute later, Shirley’s eye bounced back up to his, and she was beaming. “Lovely, absolutely lovely. You’re a perfect candidate, Jason. Young, healthy as a horse and 100% human.”
“Right, about that, are you allowed to um, ask that? I don’t mind of course but discrimination laws—”
“No no don’t you worry one iota about that Jason, our work at the centre is all about fostering Monster and Human relations, we would never stand for any kind of bigotry.”
“Uh, right, and that work would be?” Jason was sweating now, he could not believe how badly he was blowing this. His mind was simply screaming at him. “You don’t apply for a job, not knowing what it is, you moron.”
But Shirley gave that same matronly laugh. She didn’t seem put out at all, and for a moment it became clear to Jason that he must’ve looked like a kid, and that Shirley had raised several. The woman simply radiated pure, saintly patience.
“Well, Jason, before I answer that question I’d like to ask you one. What do you know about Unigender monster races?”
This, based on the name of the Centre, Jason had at least read up on. He repeated the wikipedia article he read, best he could.
“Certain monster races have evolved, or been created I guess if you’re religious, to only produce offspring of one race. There’s no such thing as a male goblin, or a male harpy. They would only produce offspring by mating with human males and only ever have girls. Because of this, and because of the Monster Wars, they were hunted down in the ancient times. They’d be accused of kidnapping or assaulting men, and then inquisitions would burn them all. There’s very few of any of them left.”
“And that ones that are left see the worst of human prejudice, dear. An elf might get assumed to be rich, or a catgirl might have to deal with jokes about being “in heat” from some awful goon, but by and large the monster races are integrated with human society. They have rights and get treated with respect. Our patients can’t do that, they tend to ostracise themselves from society and given their unique biological needs, that could lead to extinction.”
“That’s awful ma’am. I’m no bigot. So, this is like a public relations firm? Get people onside so these folks can safely integrate?”
“I’m afraid not dear, that type of cultural program is in the works. But it could take generations and the races here are running out of time. No, our current solution is just to buy more time, so to speak.”
“How do you manage that?”
“By fucking them senseless, dear.”
Jason, to his credit, managed to not choke on his own spit. He stared, goggle-eyed at the matter-of-fact, mother-of-four-type cheerfully smiling back at him.
“You want me to, uh…”
“Breed every monster girl here you can, as fast and as thoroughly as you can manage. Yes.”
Jason, to his credit, looked for the hidden camera crew before he started to storm out. Blushing so hot he could feel it not just in his face but through his shirt in his chest, he began to pack up his files, stammering all the while. “N-not funny, miss. I guess I wasn’t cut out for whatever the real job was. T-thought you’d have some f-fun at my expense. Well, sc-screw you lady.”
In an instant Shirley was beside him. Hand on his arm and another on his back. She took a deep breath, and instinctively he mimicked her. She smelled of lavender.
“Whoa, eeeeasy Jason. Calm down. No one is making fun of you, sweetie. We really do want your help.” She rubbed his back and Jason found himself taking more deep breaths. He stopped picking up his papers. His panic and embarrassment were fading, but his suspicions were still in full force.
“Why would you pay, and I quote, “top-dollar” for some guy to get laid all day and night from a bunch of monster girls? And why only a newspaper ad? And why aren’t there 15 guys here lined up for this position?” He tried to glare, but felt Shirley shrug it off with a warm smile. She started counting answers to his questions on her fingers.
“Because not just any guy would do, dear, we needed someone with the right ancestry for the most efficient breeding possible. Second, the online ads kept getting- well technically they kept getting blocked by porn filters and third, you don’t have the position yet! Some folks have already struck out but we don’t schedule more than one interview in a day.”
“Struck out? I thought you said no experience necessary? What, I have to be Casanova or something?”
“Just the opposite. We’ve had a bunch of guys in here who thought they were the Goddess’ gift to women. But our girls aren’t just breeding stock. They’re thinking, feeling people trying to save their respective races! I won’t have anyone treating them like whores. It’s not about skills, it’s about good chemistry! About being the kind of guy these girls want to have fathering their kids.”
Jason found himself nodding along, pausing briefly on the word “whores”. It really was startling when this warm matronly woman occasionally spoke like a tired dockworker. Still, everything she said did make sense, didn’t it?
“But I’m not going to be uh, a father, right? Like, I couldn’t be for a whole bunch of different kids by different mothers? And besides, how do you know I’m going to have that chemistry?”
“Well no, these races don’t actually need the male around to raise the kids. They prefer it if you aren’t in most cases. As for the chemistry, I don’t! But isn’t it amazing to think you might? Think about it, you might save a whole race of people! Maybe a whole bunch of races!”
Jason, despite himself, felt his chest puff up at that. “That does sound…amazing, honestly.”
“Why don’t we have a trial run? Ready to meet some of the girls?”
Jason gulped. “Now?”
“No time like the present!” And suddenly she was shepherding him down another hallway. Jason found himself thinking out loud while obediently being dragged along.
“Well, I guess, I did dress up for the interview, so I look ok. And I like to think I get along with folks, can make a good impression. And it would be the natural next step.”
Shirley hummed along down the hallway, apparently not listening. She stopped at a solid wooden door. Beside the door was a tiny plaque that said “Room G-1”.
“Ok, here we are. Now these two are some of our more enthusiastic patients, Ginny and Prissy. Absolute sweethearts. Remember, try to make a good first impression! If the girls like you, we’ll bring you onboard. Good luck!”.
And with an unceremonious shove, she pushed him hard into the dark room. The door slammed shut. Jason immediately made for the door but there was the sound a heavy lock clicking into place from the outside. Panicked, Jason brought a fist down hard on the door, and took a deep breath to start screaming his lungs out. And then he heard it, and his breath caught in this throat.
The giggles.
“Ooooh looky-looky Prissy. We have a new candidate.”
The voice was a smoky purr. It absolutely dripped with sex. Jason whirled around but his eyes weren’t adjusted to the dark room yet, from the bright fluorescents in the hall. A second voice piped up, a bubbly, perky squeak.
“And he’s handsome, Ginny. Do you think the other girls got to “interview” boys that were so handsome?”
“No way, girl. If they’d had a boy like this, the position would already be filled. MMMmmm” She let out a lusty moan like she’d just tasted decadent chocolate mousse. “And so would we.”
Eyes fully adjusted, Jason stood slack-jawed by the door. In front of him, in dim light, were two of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen. Standing on an elaborate four poster bed, they each still only came up to just over his own height. They were each leaning, posing really, against a bed post. The first, Ginny apparently, was wearing a deep purple nightgown and lipstick to match. Her hair was in a short dark bob and she had her arms up over her head clutching the post thrusting her massive tits out and directly at Jason. Her left leg was lifted in a perfect “pin-up” pose which lifted the hem of the nightie and showed the entirety of her thigh and a good deal of her round full ass. The second goblin girl, Prissy, was wearing a tiny white thong and bra combo. Her hair was up in two high pigtails, each capped on the ends with a daring splash of bright pink which matched her lipstick. Her cute little tongue too, Jason noticed as she ran it seductively across her upper lip. Prissy’s pose was less sophisticated and more, well, slutty as she held on to her chosen bedpost and bent at what had to be further than 90 degrees. Jason was seeing her in profile, but he still felt like he could see her entire juicy green apple of an ass. Her tits might have been even larger than Ginny’s, but that might just be the way they were hanging and swinging back and forth under her. Their proportions were insane. Neither one was much more than 4 feet tall, but their breasts were like holstaurs’, each huge and standing proudly out from their chests. Their asses were bigger than his head, their tapered waists trim and flat. He fought the urge to cover his crotch, but he couldn’t stop his blush from returning, tenfold. Of course, even in the dark, the girls noticed…
“Aww. First time seeing goblin curves, hot stuff? Did we get you all worked up already?” Ginny’s mockery should have been insufferable, but Jason had to admit, he was having trouble thinking of a response. Plus, it made his cock throb.
“Don’t worry baby,” Prissy chipped in, “We love love LOVE it when boy’s cocks get all big and hard for us. It means you think we’re beau-ti-ful.” She practically sang the last word.
“And it makes us really wet.” Ginny agreed. “Come and have a seat, big guy. Time for that interview.”
“Uh, this doesn’t seem like any interview I’ve ever been involved in.” Jason managed. He was rather proud of himself for finding his voice, but noted that his feet had already carried him to the edge of the bed and he’d sat down by the time he’d finished saying it. The purring goblin girls immediately stepped over and pressed against him. Standing on the bed as they were, he had two sets of huge boobs resting on his head. They were shockingly warm. If he turned his head to either side, he’d have been staring right at their crotches so he kept his neck rigid and looked straight ahead. A hot, musky scent pervaded his senses.
“That’s because our interview is like, way way more fun, baby.” said Prissy while dropping quickly to her knees. Her tits bounced for a full 30 seconds after she landed. “And if you do a good job, you get fucked stupid.”
Ginny had lowered herself down more slowly, but her hand was already reaching for his belt
“First test is easy. You got a good cock, baby? You get hard enough and long enough to drill this goblin cunt?”
“Y-you, tell me, I guess.” Jason sputtered.
Inelegant as the delivery might have been, it was definitely the right answer. Ginny practically growled with animalistic need as she tore off his belt and threw down his slacks and boxers. Prissy let out a happy trill, like something from a songbird and wrapped her arms around his neck. Massive plush tits pillowed against his shoulder and she turned his head with surprising force.
“Kisses,” “Prissy gave the simplistic command. “Kissy Prissy wants to suck your good boy tongue.” Jason wasn’t going to object anyway but he doubt he would’ve had a chance; She pounced with barely restrained excitement. She pressed her sweet lips to him hard and her tongue immediately found his. Hers was a nimble and darting thing. His felt like his brain right now, slow and sluggish. He couldn’t believe how good she tasted, like sticky cotton candy that filled his mind up with pink bubbles. The only thing that managed to pull his focus away was Ginny’s hands on his bare cock, delicately coaxing his already steel-hard member to its absolute maximum. After a few minutes of passionate making out and most of a handjob, Ginny let out a soft wolf whistle.
“First test passed with flying colours, stud. Look at that beautiful hunk of fuckstick. Ol’ Kissy Prissy really did it for you, huh? Wait till you see what that mouth of hers can do to your dick.” Prissy moaned her agreement directly into Jason’s mouth.
“But that’s the easy test. Here’s the hard one. Ready? Seeeet… STOP!”
And suddenly, Prissy had pulled away. So had Ginny’s hands. Practically dazed, Jason found the girls had hopped off the bed and were standing a couple feet away. Jason had his pants around his ankles, sitting on the bed, cock pointed straight up. He could feel himself panting, like he’d been holding his breath through all Prissy wondrous kisses. He went to stand up, to pull his pants up -
“STOP.” Ginny commanded and he did. Automatically, he just did. He just sat there, in delicious agony, cock throbbing in the open air. Both the goblins grinned and shared a knowing look.
“Goooood start, hunk. Now, the rules for this part of the interview are simple. You can’t put that delicious cock of yours away. And you can’t touch it. No strokey-strokey, got it?” Ginny waved a finger back and forth theatrically. “Other than that, you can do whatever you want. Whatever comes naturally. Use your imagination. We’ll provide the…entertainment.”
As though on cue, Prissy turned on heel and bent over again, this time with her full perfect ass pointed directly at Jason’s face. Fuck, he could practically touch it. He could smell her cunt waft with each teasing sway of her hips. And she was swaying, and bouncing and shaking. Her ass-first dance would’ve been too lewd for some strip clubs, each careful move of those glorious green buttocks strategically designed to keep his eyes locked on their glorious curves and his libido in overdrive. He just sat there, spellbound, losing complete track of time. It was so distracting he didn’t realize Ginny was at his side again until he felt her hot breath on his ear.
“Fuuuuck.” She moaned right into his practically empty head. “Look at that green-skinned gobbo-slut. She’s just aching for you. She’d let you fuck her into the ground til you broke through the floor, the little slut. Not that she’d need to let you, huh big guy? We’re just tiny little goblin girls. Could lift us both with one arm, you big hulking stud.”
Jason could just about manage a full throated moan. His cock hurt. Not at any point in his short time on earth had he ever been half as horny. And Ginny was right! They were tiny, there’s no way they could stop him. He could just stand up, scoop the beautiful blonde Prissy into his arms and shove her straight down on his massive, bloated fucktool. The image spurred him. He lifted his arm, moments from beginning to stroke his needy cock at the thought of grabbing the pigtailed slut and railing her to pieces, but caught himself just in time. He lowered his arm back down and Ginny rewarded him with a hard kiss on the shell of his ear. Prissy gave her own wobbling ass a sharp smack and let out a tiny gasping moan.
“Thaaat’s right, no stroking baby. There’s no need right? Not when there’s all this fresh green gash waiting to get fucked silly. I said you could do whatever you wanted. What are you waiting for, baby?”
Jason didn’t know. Didn’t know what these gorgeous creatures that had enthralled him so quickly, and so effortlessly, wanted him to do. It was agony. It was pure joy. His mind couldn’t move to what was next. It was seized in pleasure. He sat there and watched the beautiful green ass and suffered in perfect happiness.
“She’s ready for sure, that drooling bimbo slut. She’s gonna get down on all fours next and beg for it, the little green cocksleeve. Face pressed hard against the floor, big green ass as high as she can raise it. An open invitation to cock. Fuck!” Ginny was definitely working herself up, almost as much as him. “Fuck, who am I kidding stud. I want it too. Gonna make us your good little gobbo-sluts, baby? Gonna fuck so far up my slick green pussy, I taste your dick in the back of my throat? Why are you waiting, sweetie? What do you need?
“Please!” Jason let out his stangled plea. For what, he wasn’t sure.
The mood changed immediately. Ginny’s face broke out in a massive cheshire grin, tiny pointed fangs on full display. Prissy ended her dance and turned back to face him, pawing at her pussy through her tiny white thong. She really was openly drooling. Ginny asked him again, very sweetly, very quietly, right in his ear.
“What do you need, baby?”
“Please, Ginny. Give me…uh let me. Please say I can. Tell me to do it. Give me permission!”
“Right answer, my good boy.”
Immediately, he was tackled back on to the bed by Prissy who wasted no time hilting herself on his massive red dick. She moaned so loud that it actually startled him, a deep grunting thing of pure need. She was so wet. So hot. So tight. Her hips began to jackhammer immediately. She began peppering his chest with kisses with frantic need. Clearly, Prissy would love nothing more than to make out while fucking, but wasn’t tall enough to reach while hilted as firmly as she was on her new prize. So, it was Ginny’s gorgeous face that filled his view. She’d crawled over him on all fours, her visage stuck in a lewd lusty stare as she tried to talk to him while openly masturbating.
“Hnnngh. Welcome aboard, my good, ha ha, my good little fucktoy.”
For Jason, it was all too much. He was practically drooling. He’d fucked before, and a lot of the girls he’d bedded he thought were genuinely sexy. But whether it was the teasing games, or the incredibly thrill of how crazy this was or just the fact the goblin pussy really was that perfect but he couldn’t begin to pull his brain out of his dick to respond. He could only barely nod and listen to Ginny explain some more.
“See, in the old days goblin girls had to “hunt” their men down. One of our ancestors, she’d wait in some dark corner, or just off the path and wait for some lone hunk to wander by. Hnngh. And then she’d…she’d get his attention and lure him away. Shake her big green tits. Stick out her clever little..oohhh, her clever little tongue and make it clear her mouth could be his next wet… tight… fuckhole.
Jason was having trouble focusing on anything past the new mewling whines Prissy was making as she twisted her hips in tight, looping circles on his dick. Her pigtails were bouncing like wild. Her eyes were completely back in her skull, her pink painted lips wide open, tongue out. A steady drip of drool fell on the shelf of her massive, wobbling tits. Still, the history lesson was doing nothing but enhancing Jason’s quickly mounting orgasm so he tried to pay attention best he could.
“But the poor boys, they’d be just hooked. One taste of perfect goblin cunt was never enough. They’d…oooh…they’d come back, just begging for more. That’s why humans hated us so much. It was never just a one-night stand with a goblin. The boys were positively ruined. They’d do whatever we say, as much as we want, for another taste.”
It all made perfect sense to Jason. He could never go back now, could he? He was a goblin fucker for life. Prissy came, loudly, all over his dick. The clench down was like having his dick in a vice. And instead of slowing down, she immediately ramped up again. She leaned forward and braced her feet under her, allowing her to better fuck Jason flat into the mattress. His legs were numb. He wasn’t going to last much longer.
“But we’re not in the old days any more. We’re not all breed-crazy fucksluts, looking to break guys into goblin-pussy-whipped slaves. Well, except for Prissy maybe.” If Prissy even heard the rib, she didn’t seem to care at all. She’d grabbed Jason’s hands and forced them to her tits, squeezing down for him, apparently chasing another delicious cum. “So, we had to cut a deal with Shirley. What we needed was a boy who was already a natural sub. A boy who would pass our test, and wait to do whatever we said even when he was in actual pain. None of the other boys were docile enough, they all jumped up and tried to jackhammer a teasing goblin slut’s pretty cunt without permission. They got sent packing, blue-balls and all, poor things. But you stud, you didn’t need a mind-bending cock pampering to be our good boy. So you get the prize!”
Jason moaned. He had to listen. Had to be a good boy. This was important, he was sure. But Goddess, his cock felt so good. It was like a lightning rod, firing bolts of pleasure right into his brain. Right into his soul. Nothing would ever be this good again. Not ever.
“The prize is, you get to fuck us all. There are twenty-two beautiful goblin maidens here at the centre, all looking to ride your glorious cock right down to the nub. Every one needs a big, fat load in their pussy, practically every day. Technically, you’ll be well paid, but it won’t matter. You’ll never pull your dick out of goblin cunt long enough to spend any of your paycheck anyway. Unless it’s to shove it between our big green tits or fuck our hot little mouths. Or ram our big round asses til we scream your name.”
Jason could see it, as clear as if it was right in front of him. A veritable ocean of willing green flesh and clever, sexy smiles. He was certain Prissy was on her third or fourth orgasm. Fuck! Why hadn’t he cum!? He felt so GOOD.
“And the best part, for you, is that we’re not going to be mean anymore. The old ways are over. We’re going to be good girls for you, sooo grateful that you’re helping us stave off extinction. Sure, you’ll never really be able to tell us no, but we can get around that by only ever asking you to do stuff you’d want to anyway. Like, be our good boy and fuck us stupid.”
Jason was sure he could feel his brain frying. He was going to die, overloaded on goblin pussy before he’d ever come in even one. It was like a greek tragedy. WHY COULDN’T HE CUM?
“So it’s just a formality now, but one last question for the interview, baby. What’s your name?”
His name? Did he know his name? Right. Had to answer, had to be a good boy.
“J-Jason.” Ginny let out a little squeal of joy.
“Good boy, Jason. Time to be ours forever. Cum hard for goblin cunt, baby!”
The release was instantaneous. Of course, he realised immediately, that he’d been waiting for permission. The sheer amount of cum he fired in Prissy’s cunt must have been more than he’d ever come in whole his life put together. The blonde minx screamed, one final orgasm before she passed out into his chest, massive breasts pooling under her limp form. He actually struggled to keep conscious but then Ginny’s lips found his and he blacked out in relief.
It was nearly ten hours later when Shirley entered the room. Jason was fast asleep but it hadn’t stopped Prissy, who was bobbing her head in his lap. She’d make sure his dreams were happy ones of goblin-fucking. Ginny and her had taken turns, most of which he’d been awake for, some not. They were both almost certainly pregnant, but they’d found this prized stallion and intended to horde him. They could keep him from the other girls for at least a little longer. Ginny stretched like a cat, one that was very full of cream, and swaggered over to Shirley.
“So,” Shirley beamed, “This one is a good fit, then?”
“Oh the best, Shirley.” Ginny preened. “He’s going to have us girls all doe-eyed and lovey-dovey. We’re going to be crawling all over each other to be his perfect goblin sluts.”
“I’m sure. The Harpies and the Alruane will be disappointed you chanced upon a winner.” said Shirley cheerfully, “Well, send him home for now, it’s been a long shift. We’ll get him back bright and early tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.” agreed Ginny, “But I think you’ll find he puts in a lot of overtime.”