The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by J. Darksong

Ch. 4) Into the Abyss...

The idea that she was descending into hell kept flashing through Amber’s mind as she slowly made her way down the long narrow stairway onto the next floor. The fact that few sparse overhead lights put out only a token effort at illumination, and that the temperature had risen steadily to a balmy eighty-five degrees since leaving the previous level only emphasized the concept. She paused for a moment at the lower landing, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow, as she contemplated the actual size of whatever facility she was being held in.

Damn. This place must be freaking huge. I wonder if the bad lighting is just for effect, or a necessity from trying to power so big a dungeon while keeping it hidden away from the world. Either way, the electric bill alone has got to be enormous!

Making her way down a long dark hallway she found herself facing a scarlet red door. Amber frowned, hesitating. All the other doors she’d gone through so far had been labeled with some kind of cryptic message, but this door, the only way left to go, had none. Was the fact that it was painted bright red a sign in and of itself? Sighing heavily, she gripped the doorknob and twisted, slipping into yet another pitch black room.

She sensed almost immediately that she was not alone. Amber froze, reaching back for the handle of the door, only to find none. Shit! she hissed under her breath, backing up slowly, trying to anticipate whatever was about to come at her. She closed her eyes and steadied her breath, willing herself calm. If she’d somehow taken a wrong turn, gone into a forbidden area, wouldn’t have ‘guide’ have warned her? Was this just another part of her testing, to see how well she handled her fears?

No. No. I will not let this guy get to me, she told herself over and over. I will NOT let him intimidate me! Those days are over. Taking a deep breath, she yelled out into the darkness, “I’m tired of all these games! Whatever you’re planning, I’m ready for you! just get on with it!”

When the lights came up, finally, Amber saw just how wrong she was.

* * *

Two large stocky men stood on each side of Amber, causing her to jump back in fright. Both men were completely naked, and as Amber finally calmed down enough to notice, helplessly gagged and bound, hand and foot, tied tightly with thick nylon rope. Astonishment quickly faded, turning to anger as recognition dawned on her. “You,” she whispered softly, taking a step forward, peering up at them both to confirm her suspicions. “After all this time, it’s really you.”

“I see you recognize these two persons,” her captor’s voice called out from the speaker beneath the small view screen in the corner. “Terrence Joseph Reynolds and Marcus Eugene Hammond, both lifelong residents of New York City. Both age thirty-seven, they have—”

“They’re the two fucking pieces of shit that raped me!” Amber yelled, charging at the closest of the two, swinging wildly, losing total control of herself. “You fucking piece of shit! You fucker!” she yelled, punching the helplessly bound man again and again, and again, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

A sharp zap of electricity made her yelp, causing her to stumble back, clearing the red haze from her mind. “Calm yourself, Amber Matheson. Indeed, these are the two men that assaulted you on that night. As you can see, their situation has changed drastically. It is now they who are helpless, and at your mercy. For that is why they have been brought here. Your trial has now begun, Amber. This is your first test, a test of mercy.”

“Mercy?” Amber barked out, incredulously. She laughed bitterly. “You must be insane. Fucking insane. You brought these two guys here... knowing full well what part they played in my losing Alex... knowing what they did to me specifically... and you expect me to just let them go?!?”

“What I expect from you is not the issue,” the voice said calmly, “rather, what you will decide to do. Know that regardless of what you do, these two will face justice, at my hand if no other.” A small lighted panel opened up on the wall next to both men. “The control panels shown activate the release system on the twin canisters injection system linked to the metal collars around their necks. If you press the red button, it will inject the captive with a concentrated dose of Serum X29B-71, the formula given to Brandi Summers previously. It will render the captive a virtual vegetable, permanently removing all of the subject’s cognitive abilities. If you press the green button, however, you will administer a simple sedative, knocking the subject unconscious for the next several hours. You must press one of the two buttons on each of the panels in order to unlock the door at the far end of the room.”

The door on the far end of the room lit up, the word MERCY stenciled in the center, and painted black. “Will you let the pain you suffered at their hands in the past dictate your actions in the here and now?” the pale faced visage challenged. “You will choose to act out of anger and revenge, and become judge, jury, and executioner? Or will you prove yourself to be better than they, showing them the mercy that they were unable to show you? The choice is yours.” The view screen went dark, and a loud snap sounded as the binding holding the men’s gag in place released.

* * *

For several long minutes, the three occupants of the room stared at one another, no one moving, or saying anything. Then, finally, one of the men let out a soft sigh.

“So, like, are you gonna let us out of this or what?” the black haired man on the left asked.

“Shut the fuck up, Marcus!” the blonde on the right shot back. Turning to face Amber, he sighed. “Um... okay, listen,” Terrence began softly, “I know you don’t have any reason to even THINK about sparing our lives—”

“You have a gift for understatement,” Amber murmured, crossing her arms.

“—But, well, we’re sorry. Really really sorry!” he finished lamely. “Sorry about what we did to you, sorry about your guy friend...”

“Alex,” Amber growled, stalking towards the blonde that has terrorized her years earlier. “His name was Alex. And he wasn’t just my ‘guy friend’, he was my fucking fiancé!”

“It’s not our fault!” Marcus blurted out suddenly. “It wasn’t us! It was... it was HER! She made us do it!”

Amber froze, feeling an icy chill run down her back. “Her?”

“Lydia Moorhouse,” Terrance replied grimly. “The woman you walked away with your guy fr.... um, your fiancé. ”

Amber closed her eyes as the image came instantly to mind. Long, brilliant red hair. Deep soulful green eyes. Pale flawless skin. And full, pouty, ruby red lips, the kind that simply completed the package... except for the predatory smile it revealed, a smile that NEVER showed any warmth or compassion whatsoever.

“Lydia Moorhouse,” Terrance repeated softly, shaking his head. “The devil incarnate. Honestly, we didn’t mean you any harm. Marcus and I... we’re thugs. I admit it. We used to mug people, jump ‘em, take their valuables. Anything to score an easy buck. Well... we made the mistake of picking her as an easy mark.” He scoffed bitterly. “As if anything about HER was easy.”

“It was like WE were the marks,” Marcus added, struggling lightly in his bondage. “It was the eyes, you know. Deep, soulless green eyes. The minute she turned her gaze on me, I was caught, like a fly in a spider’s web.” He shuddered. “It’s like she could see right through a person, right into their very soul, and then, you... you were...”

“Hers,” Terrence finished. “Even now I don’t know what it was. Hypnosis. Psychic powers. Voodoo. Whatever it was, she had the two of us like a couple of puppets on a string!” He glanced at Amber. “You know what it feels like, too. You know!”

Amber turned away, clutching herself tightly. Indeed, she DID know, only too well. Years later, she still woke up from a sound sleep screaming, reliving that awful night, feeling the heavy hands holding her down, hearing their dark raspy laughter... but most damning of all was the picture of those piercing green eyes... Lydia’s eyes... staring at her, pinning her more securely than the heaviest chains, or strongest ropes, ever could. That damn hypnotic gaze... and that cruel cruel smile...

* * *

“It really is a beautiful city,” Amber had said, clutching Alex’s arm lightly as they walked along the city streets, just a few blocks away from their hotel. They’d just announced their engagement the week before, at the end of the college term, and they’d come to New York to meet Alex’s parents. Originally from a small town in Michigan, she’d dreamed of one day visiting the ‘Big Apple’ and joining a big prestigious law firm, or one day setting up a practice of her own. This was her first actual visit to the city, however, and she’d fallen in love with it instantly.

“Yeah, it’s okay, I suppose,” Alex had commented with a shrug.

“Okay? Alex, c’mon! Look at that skyline!” she exclaimed, pointing out the line of buildings all light up in the night along the edge of the water. “You can’t tell me you’ve ever seen anything nearly as beautiful.”

Grabbing her by the wait, Alex had spun her around to face him, staring deep into her eyes, a look of complete love and happiness on his face. “Oh, believe me, love,” he said, kissing her lightly, “the city pales in comparison to your view.”

“Well, well, isn’t this a touching moment,” a female voice had replied from the shadows. Turning in surprise, Amber’d turned to find a tall statuesque redhead, exquisitely dressed, accompanied by two rough and rather scruffy looking men, stepping out of an alleyway, walking towards them. “I’ve been watching you two for quite a while now, and I must say I haven’t seen two people more in love with one another in ages. It really warms the heart.”

“Um, yes, well... thank you,” Alex had replied awkwardly, wrapping an arm protectively around Amber. “We are in love. We recently got engaged, and we’re in town visiting my folks to—”

“Ah, yes, the Vanderbilt’s,” the redhead cut in easily, stepping more into the light. “I am quite familiar with them, and their multibillion dollar company. All those lovely International contracts, lining their pockets with an endless stream of cash.” She’d turned then, looking Amber square in the eye, his lips curling into devil’s grin. “Your intended must be overjoyed to have landed such a great catch. ”

In that moment, Amber had known how the night was going to end. The moment their eyes had connected, she’d felt a glimmer of the redheaded woman’s power, reaching out to her, reaching into her mind, into her very soul, and squeezing, just hard enough to make a point, before releasing her again. She’d pulled Alex’s arm them, wanting to run, wanting to take her beloved fiancé and run away, as fast as possible... but it was already too late.

“Unfortunately,” the redheaded woman continued, still smirking, “I’m something of an avid fisherman myself. And I have a much bigger net.” Gesturing with her left hand, the two thugs at her side had rushed in, grabbing Alex’s arms, and silencing any resistance with a solid punch to the groin. Amber screamed then, moving to help her lover, only to find herself face to face with the redhead again.

“Move out of my way,” she’d yelled, making a fist, preparing to fight her way through anyone to reach her beloved. The woman had laughed, not taking her seriously, beginning to drill into her mind again with those evil eyes of hers... until a stiff punch to the nose broke her concentration. She’d stumbled back in pain, gasping aloud, as Amber’d run past her, preparing to do the same to the men holding her beloved...

* * *

“We only did to you what she commanded us to do,” Marcus pleaded again, bringing her back to reality. “We’re her victims every bit as much as you!” Marcus bit his lip, and Terrance groaned. It was the wrong thing to say, he knew it as soon as the words had escaped his lips. He’d been trying to make her sympathetic to their plight, to get her on their side. They’d even made some headway, reminding her of just how powerful Moorhouse’s control over them all had been. But trying to play the ‘innocent dupe’ card had only shifted the focus back to them, and their actions... the very last thing they wanted to do right now.

Amber stiffened, turning around slowly to face Marcus, her face tight and pinched in barely contained rage and anger. “You,” she said in a low dangerous voice, “have the gall to call yourselves victims? You actually intend to compare yourselves, and what you went through to what Alex and I endured thanks to you two?” She marched over to Marcus’ control, slamming an angry fist down on the console. A loud buzzing sound accompanied the pressing of the large red button. Marcus, eyes wide, shook violently in his restraints, trying to vain to pull away as the transparent tubes leading from the hidden tanks to the collar of his neck restraint began to fill, and a dark brown liquid began to flow.

“NO!!! Oh god, no!” Marcus screamed as the thin needled pierced his flesh, and the liquid from the tube began to flow through his veins. “Oh for fuck’s sake! NO! This can’t be happening! Oh god, oh god, oh god!!” All too soon, his screaming and crying petered out, becoming a mumbling incoherent stream of words before going completely silent. The light in Marcus’ eyes went out, leaving them wide and glazed, and a thin line of drool slipped from his lips, running down to the floor below.

“Jeez Louise,” Terry breathed softly, shaking slightly from the sight. His heart thudded heavily in his chest knowing that at any moment he might share his hapless friend’s fate. True, he had participated in the young woman’s rape years before , among other things, and yes, at the time, he’d enjoyed it. Back in those days, he’d been a scum-sucking low-life bottom feeder... a thug, and a degenerate. He knew that, and accepted it. But spending time stuck as a helpless puppet for a woman with no conscience or moral compass had showed him quite clearly that there were worse things than himself in this world. When Moorhouse had freed them—rather, when he and Marcus had been picked up by the police and simply left to their own devices, he thought bitterly—he’d had time to reflect on his life, on the many many mistakes he’d made. Marcus may not have seen the light, but he had. He’d promised to walk the straight and narrow once he got out of jail, and to try and make amends to the ones he’d hurt over the years.

And now it seems like the one I hurt the most is going to end me, he thought dimly, closing his eyes as Amber slowly made her way towards him. Not that I can blame her. Shit... I deserve this. I only wish... hell, I wish I’d never done any of those things... but I did want the chance to meet up with all the people on that list and just say ‘I’m sorry’....

Theo closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Okay. I guess I’m next. Do me a favor, okay? If... if you ever get the chance to find your... fiancé, Alex? Just tell him I’m sorry. Tell him Terrance Reynolds is sorry for all the shit he did to him.”

Amber laughed bitterly, shaking her head. “Oh I see. Tell him, ‘You’re sorry’? That’s the best you could come up with? Do you think a bunch of pretty words, and acting sorry, will convince me not to nuke your brain like your friend’s over there?”

“No, I don’t.” Terry said quietly. “I don’t think that at all. I expect nothing I can say will convince you to spare me, and frankly, I wouldn’t spare me if I were in your position.” He sighed. “What we did to you was rotten. Unforgivable. We destroyed your life... and nearly destroyed you in the process. Did Moorhouse control our actions in forcing us to rape you? Yes. But did she make us do everything that happened afterwards, when she and your Alex left? No.” He shook his head. “That was all us. I remember feeling... crazed... angry and scared and giddy and a whole bunch of other emotions I can’t really sort out. After weeks and weeks of being used by that witch... of not being able to simply do what I wanted to do for so long... having to freedom to violate you... I... we... we took out all our pent up emotions... everything we felt for that damned bitch... you were there, and helpless...”

Amber hugged herself tightly, no longer hearing his words, remembering... reliving that night, and that horrible experience all over again...

* * *

She was a fighter by nature. It was something she’d learned growing up without a mother from age six onward. Her father, who had always wanted a boy, had done his best to ‘toughen her up’ and make her ‘self-sufficient and independent’. He’d loved her in his own unique way, but the end result had been a wild tomboy in the guise of a petite Barbie doll body. She lived to fight, to argue, to never say die. It was part of what had interested her in taking up Law in the first place. It was also part of why she’d fallen so deeply in love with Alex. Alex was her complete and total opposite, gentle, soft spoken, non-threatening in any way. He preferred to give in to avoid a fight whenever possible, the kind of man who thought nothing of himself or his own pride if it mean helping someone else. When they’d first met, she’d taken him for a wimp, a spineless jellyfish, but surprisingly, the kind unassuming man had a fiery spirit to match her own. While he wouldn’t lift a finger to protect himself. he’d charge in headfirst into battle to protect a friend or a loved one.

“Alex!” Amber had yelled, dealing a vicious punch to the kidneys of the larger of the two men holding her beloved. “Let him go, you son of a bitch!” she snarled, struggling to pull him from the other man’s grasp.

“Back off!” the shorter man growled, answering with a wicked backhand slap of his own. Amber’d staggered back, reeling, her cheek burning, and the larger man, recovered from her cheap shot, grabbed her by the hair, yanking it hard enough to bring tears to her eyes.

Alex, having seen his fiancé assaulted, had flown into a rage. Elbowing the man holding him with his free hand, he’d followed up with a punch to the jaw and, grabbing the stunned man by the head, slammed it downward into a rising knee-butt. Red faced and angry, he’d moved to launch himself at the man holding Amber, only to freeze as the thug revealed a long slender knife, holding it across Ambers throat.

“That’s enough out of you, hero,” the tall blonde haired thug had grunted. “One more step, and your sweetheart’s going to have a nice new red smile running ear to ear, if you get my meaning.” Sighing softly in defeat, Alex dropped his hands back to his sides. The shorter, dark haired man, regaining his feet, cursed wildly, taking out his own knife, preparing for some payback, but froze when the redhead woman stepped forward.

“That’s enough, Marcus,” she’d said sharply, causing the little man to wince. “We don’t want our little prize getting damaged, now do we?” Dapping lightly at the spot of blood leaking from her nose, she managed a grin. “And you, Alexander... my my! Who would have ever guessed there was a tiger hiding behind that pussycat exterior! I am so looking forward to making you purr for me.” She then turned to glare at Amber. “As for your... woman,” she said, spitting. “I think we can just leave her to... get acquainted, with my two companions.”

“No! I’m not going anywhere with you!” Alex had replied in defiance. “Let Amber go right now, or so help me—”

“I don’t think so,” the redhead had countered, walking to stare directly into Alex’s eyes. “No one can help you now, my pet,” she said soothingly, sliding a hand along his cheek even as his gaze deepened, and his face began to go slack. “I have you now. You’re mine. I’m the only thing that matters, now. There’s no one and nothing else that’s important.”

“But... A... Am... ber...” he had managed, his voice badly slurred.

“Amber?” the redhead had laughed cruelly in response. “My sweet prince, in just a moment, you won’t even remember who she is!”

Amber had been forced to watch painfully as her lover’s mind was rewritten before her very eyes. Moments later when the redhead stepped away, releasing him from her gaze, he’d merely stared into space with a vacant empty smile. The two men holding her back had then released her, and she’d run to him, hugging him tightly, calling his name, begging for her to talk to her, to say something, to come away with her before it was too late.

Alex had looked down at her, a slight frown on his face, as if confused. “I’m sorry,” he’d said then in a voice she would remember in her nightmares, “I don’t know you. Have we... met somewhere before?”

She’d lost it then. Her spirit had broken, and her mind had nearly followed. When the two thugs had dragged her back into that empty alleyway, stripped her naked and taken turns raping and beating her, she hadn’t cried out. She hadn’t fought back at all. After the fifth time being taken by the dark haired man, she remembered thinking, idly, that her father would be disappointed in her for not putting up more of a fight. When at last the two thugs had finished with her, and departed, she’d lain there, not thinking, not moving, barely breathing, simply waiting for it to end, for her heart to still so she could simply die, pass on, and leave the pain she had endured behind...

* * *

“Do you know what it’s like,” Amber asked Terry, staring at him, but seeing only the past. “Do you know what it’s like... to wait to die. To have no hope whatsoever, no desire to live, no will to go on? To simply lie there, hollow.. empty... and miserable... waiting for someone to take pity on you and end your wretched existence?”

Terry sighed deeply. “Only now, right now, do I have the slightest idea how that feels. But, it’s not the same, is it? Even now, knowing I am about to fade away into nothingness, I still have hope. False hope, maybe... but still, I have a reason to go on, even if it’s just to pay back all the people I’ve screwed over the years. When we left you in that alley, you had no hope. None.” He sighed again. “Press the button. It’s no less than I deserve. It doesn’t even begin to balance the scales between us, but at least you can have the satisfaction of knowing I won’t ever hurt anyone again.”

Amber stood there for a long moment, considering. Then, she nodded. “Yes, I guess I will,” she said softly, making her choice. A loud buzzing sound rang out as thick liquid began to flow down the tubes. Turning, she walked towards the now open door as another one of her tormentors gasped, then sighed, as his eyes slid closed.