The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Shop of Unearthly Delights

Chapter 11: The Date

It wasn’t the fanciest restaurant. Travis couldn’t afford a fancy restaurant, and he’d insisted that he be the one to pay. Even he wasn’t sure whether his insistence was because he felt it was expected of him or because he felt like he needed to do something nice for Beth for once. Maybe he just enjoyed buying things for people.

But self-reflection was one of the furthest things from Travis’ mind as he sat opposite from Beth in that burger restaurant. Foremost on his mind was the fact that she was wearing a very tight shirt with a low collar. The other thing on his mind was, by happy coincidence, something that Beth felt the need to verbalize.

“This is a fucking awesome burger!” She said, though her words were slightly muffled by the food in her mouth. She paused to swallow it. “Seriously!”

Travis nodded and swallowed his own bite. “I know, right?”

It was a rare kind of day. Both Travis and Beth had the day off, so they’d decided to get out of the house and do something together. The fact that neither needed to pay rent anymore had certainly freed up their money a bit, though they still weren’t exactly high rollers, so they’d needed to budget a bit for their date day.

“I mean, I’m not even like a burger person,” Beth said. “People get into arguments about the best burgers and I just roll my eyes. But this? Holy shit.”

“Those reviews were not exaggerating,” Travis said. “I’ve never had a burger this…” He trailed off as he caught a glimpse of someone wearing a chef’s uniform walking into the kitchen. He recognized the chef. “Oh. I think they’re magic.”

“Damn right with this taste.”

“No, I mean actually magic. That chef comes into the shop a lot.”

Beth paused. Then shrugged. “Don’t got anything against a bit of magic,” she said.

Travis smiled. That was true. A bit of magic had changed his life. It had brought Beth into it, for one. And given him a better body. A twinge of shame went through him. He wished he’d had this body naturally, or at least something better than what he’d had. Then maybe Aoife wouldn’t have felt the need to change him…

“I feel like I’m back in high school,” Beth said suddenly.


“Like a high school date,” she clarified. “You know, only money was your allowance, so you went out to cheap places and had a good time.”

“Um, sorry.”

“I’m not complaining! I like it. It feels… simple. Sometimes I miss dates like that, you know?”

Travis shrugged. “I didn’t really date much in high school.”

“Seriously?” Beth asked. “But you’re adorable!”

“I mean, I didn’t really look like this back then.”

Beth lightly kicked his shin under the table. “Not that different,” she told him. “And don’t sell yourself short. Fuck, didn’t you have any high school romances?”

“Not really,” Travis said. “I mostly kept to myself. Had a handful of friends. But I tried not to really deal with my classmates.”

She gave him a weird look. “They pick on you?”

Travis nodded. “A bit. Little things, nothing big.”

“Ugh,” Beth said. “Little things are big. That’s how they get you. A bunch of little things, so many you lose count, and they all come together to weigh you down. I knew these bitches back in school. They loved to fuck with me. Just little things to embarrass me. They spread rumors, ‘accidentally’ spilled stuff on my shirt, made fun of me all the time. Of course, I couldn’t go to anyone, because if I told people what they did, it just sounded like nothing. Like I was being petty. Anyone I could go to just saw one or two little problems. They didn’t see the rest. But it was all of them that were hurting.”

“Yeah,” Travis said. “People don’t get that. Once you react, they just see the thing that pushed you over the edge. They don’t see all the other crap.” He took a ship of soda. “What did you do?”

Beth smirked. “I fucked one of their boyfriends.”

Travis laughed, and then coughed because he was still taking a drink. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. But it kind of backfired. Spent senior year being known as the school slut. Everyone treated me like shit. Even most of my friends stopped talking to me. Mom was pissed as hell when she heard about it. Moved out as soon as I could and never looked back.”

Travis was quiet. “Sorry,” he said finally.

“It was years ago,” Beth said. “Yeah, I made a couple dumb mistakes after that, but the way I see it, I wouldn’t be here right now if that hadn’t happened.”


“Here. In this restaurant. With you.” She smiled. “I was already pretty kinky beforehand. Being yours, like actually, magically yours, is pretty hot by itself. I like it, you know? And maybe that’s just because the potion makes me like it, but I like being with you. I don’t think the potion made me like that. If it did, Aoife would be a hell of a lot cuddlier.”

Travis laughed. “I guess so,” he said. “Kinky, huh?”

“I had a Daddy when I was 19,” Beth said. “Decided after a while that wasn’t really for me. I just didn’t get anything out of it the way he did. My next boyfriend called himself a dom, but he was just a shithead. Then I had a girlfriend, and she was super into ropes and pain and stuff. I learned a lot from her.”

“Am I…” Travis paused, trying to think of how to phrase his question. “Am I, like, not hardcore enough?”

Beth laughed. “You’re fine,” she said. “I’m pretty sure I couldn’t not enjoy sex with you even if I tried, no matter how vanilla you can be. And besides… You’ve shown a willingness to learn.” She grinned in a manner not unlike a predator.

Travis couldn’t help but smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you.”

“You probably have,” Beth said. “You were just too shy to talk to them.”

“No.” Travis shook his head. “You’re… open, about so much. I look at you, and I think, this girl knows who she is.” A slave. He blinked. The thought had come unbidden, from some dark place. He felt himself blush and awkwardly stopped himself from saying anything else.

“I don’t think I’ve figured out everything about me,” Beth said. “Just enough.” She smiled. “Thank you, though.”

“Yeah, no problem,” Travis said.

“Something wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

Beth looked him strangely. “I hope I make you happy,” she said softly.


She shook her head and smiled. “Nothing,” she said. “You almost done.”

Travis was. He took his last bite of his burger. “Where to now?” he asked.

Beth leaned back. “Any good movies out now? I want to snuggle up to you in a dark theater.”

“Wouldn’t any movie work for that?”

“Fuck no, it’s gotta be a good movie. You can’t riff on bad movies in public cuz that makes you an asshole. Watching a good movie with someone in the theater is great. Watching a bad one is just awkward.”

Travis smiled. “I’ll check.”

“There’s nearby near the shop, right?” Beth said. “I haven’t seen Mr. Maroney in a while. I want to say hi to him on the way.”

“Sure, I gotta pick up my paycheck anyway.”

Beth smiled. “I l—great. So that solves the next two hours or so.”

* * *

Travis and Beth continued their date, unaware that two individuals had noticed them, and were watching from behind a single set of eyes.

He looks familiar.

“He was on the app. We didn’t hear back from him.”

Looks like he found someone else.


Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy our activities.

“You kill people. You’re a monster.”

Such insubordination. I miss the old you.

“Fuck the old me.”

I did. Many times.

“I wish you’d died that day. I wish I’d died that day.”

Quit whining. It’s unattractive. Hm… he’s going into a magic shop.

“That looks like a new age thing.”

Real magic, you imbecile. Not that rabbit out of a hat shit. Look at those protestors.

“Yeah, witnesses. So you can’t do anything.”

No… but he looked so delicious. And to think, he rejected us for that girl? My pride is wounded.

“Please, don’t do this.”

Your begging has never stopped me. But I think I’ll have some fun with this one. No… these ones.


Look at them, so pious. It’s disgusting. I think I could make them look so much better.

“What are you going to do?”

Just sit back and watch, dear Cindy. We are going to have so much fun together.