By The Pen Is Mightier
Chapter Three
Kat strolled down through the maze of cubicles, working her way toward the small conference room. The grin on her face couldn’t have been any brighter. She couldn’t explain it, but there was something about today. Something that left her feeling almost as if everything she ever wanted was waiting for her, just around the corner.
Once inside the conference room, Kat busily went through her notes and prepared for her meeting. As she walked through her presentation, her ears picked up a noise from behind her—the unmistakable click of the conference room door closing. Spinning on her heels, she found herself facing Malik. His dark eyes beamed, and he gave Kat a devilish grin as he locked the door behind him.
“Well, hello,” Kat said, her eyes drinking in the sight before her. Malik always looked good, but right at this moment, he was beyond stunning. “What brings you here?”
Malik didn’t answer. Instead, he took a slow, deliberate step toward Kat. She watched as his eyes drifted down to her cleavage, then slowly returned to meet hers once more.
“Oh, so you’re giving me the silent treatment,” she joked as Malik’s eyes pierced her very soul. The air hung heavy, and every second lasted an hour. Kat looked him over once more. His jet black dress shirt was tight—so tight that she could make out his firm, rippling muscles. As her eyes traveled south, she spotted an unmistakable bulge in his pants. Kat drew a sharp breath at the sight. He must be huge, she realized.
As her eyes rose to his face once more, Malik took another step toward her without saying a word. Then he took another, and another, until they were standing toe-to-toe. As she breathed in, Kat took in the intoxicating scent of his cologne. They stood there for what felt like forever; Kat’s head tilted up slightly so she could make eye contact with her sexy, dark colleague. They were so close that she could feel his beard scruff grazing against her chin.
“You’ve got to say something,” Kat whispered. “You have to tell me what you want.”
Malik’s eyes flicked down to her lips for a second before a single, solitary word escaped his lips. “You.”
Before she could process the response, Malik’s mouth pressed up against hers in a deep, smolderingly hot kiss. Instinctively, Kat’s lips puckered, and she found herself kissing him back. That first kiss continued on, intensifying as the work colleagues pressed up against one another. Soon, Kat’s lips parted, and she felt Malik’s tongue slide forward, meeting hers as she moaned softly into his mouth.
Malik wrapped an arm around Kat, pulling her close. She groaned as she felt his enormous bulge pressing against her abdomen. Malik’s other hand ran through her golden blonde hair, holding her lips up against his. Kat moaned into their kiss as her pussy got wetter by the second. Malik’s push against her caused her to shift backwards, pressing her back against the conference room wall.
A moment later, Malik’s hands shifted to her shoulders, pinning her up against the wall. Malik broke off the kiss and took a half step backward, appraising the woman. Kat stood against the wall, panting heavily as his eyes openly roamed her body. Suddenly, he reached out, grabbing the front of her blouse and ripping it wide open. Buttons flew across the room, clinking as they struck the conference room table and the walls.
Kat gasped as Malik grabbed the front clasp of her bra, ripping it open before pulling the bra and her blouse’s remains off her shoulders, leaving her tits completely exposed. Grabbing the woman by her torso, he picked her up and nearly tossed her onto the boardroom table, using his strength to force her into a lying position.
Before she could react to everything that had already happened, Malik flipped her skirt up, revealing her soaked panties. A moment later, those panties were on the floor, and Malik’s fingers were running up and down Kat’s dripping pussy. Kat couldn’t help but moan as he worked one finger inside her, slowly pumping in and out as his other hand came down and began rubbing her clit with expert precision.
In no time at all, Kat was groaning and whimpering in pleasure, begging Malik for more as she drew nearer and nearer to her orgasm. Just as she was about to come, his hands withdrew. Kat’s eyes shot open, and she found herself pleading, begging him not to stop, lamenting that she was so close.
As she groaned for more, though, Malik was busy unzipping his pants. Kat quickly realized what he was doing, growing silent as she watched him pull down his pants, followed by his boxer shorts. As his cock sprung out into view, the woman let out an audible gasp. It was the biggest she’d ever seen, putting to shame her husband and the boyfriends that had come before him.
Malik stepped up to the table, stroking his cock slowly as he eyed Kat’s throbbing pussy. Bringing his hips into contact with hers, he let go of his cock, allowing it to press against her mound. Kat’s eyes went wide. It was so long that it nearly reached her belly button. Slowly, he began pistoning back and forth, coating his cock with her juices as he slid up and down along her pussy lips. Kat whimpered, enjoying the sensation of his massive member rubbing against her clit as he stroked again and again.
Finally, as Kat was close to orgasm once more, Malik pulled back, this time lining himself up at her entrance. Kat groaned as she felt the tip of his thick, powerful cock part her folds and push its way in. She fixed her eyes on his dark member, watching it disappear inch by inch between her pussy lips until she had taken him all. She had never felt this full in her life. Her whole body was tingling at the sensation of the intern’s magnificent cock, buried inside her.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned, “yes, fuck me, Malik.”
Malik smiled down at the woman, licking his lips as he pulled back slowly. After a couple gentle strokes to help her get used to his size, Malik started violently fucking her, rapidly pistoning in and out. He slammed into her again and again, making her whole body shake as she lay there on the conference room table. Kat moaned loudly, loving every second. She had no thoughts of her husband. The gorgeous stud on top of her was the only thing she cared about.
Kat screamed and wailed, begging Malik not to stop and to keep using her like a dirty slut. The more noise she made, the more feverish Malik became with his fucking. Before she could react, the orgasm that had come close twice before finally exploded throughout her body, sending electricity from her pussy to the ends of her fingertips. It was like nothing the woman had ever experienced. As he kept slamming into her, her orgasm just kept going, like waves of ecstasy slamming into her.
Suddenly, Kat’s eyes sprung open. The woman turned her head from side to side, feeling groggy and disoriented. As her ragged post-orgasm breathing slowly returned to normal, she tried to get her bearings. This wasn’t the conference room. She was in her bedroom. She must have been dreaming, she realized. When she had her orgasm in the dream, it was enough to wake her up. Her eyes locked on Skip, who was snoring softly beside her. Thankfully, she must not have made too much noise as her mind played out the fantasy.
Kat glanced at her watch to check the time. Her alarm was only about ten minutes away from going off. Deciding that she was up for the day, Kat shut off the upcoming alarm and sat up in bed. As she did so, her watch vibrated on her wrist. Looking down, she saw the screen light up as the words “Goal: Have some fun” appeared on the watch face.
With as horny and turned on as that dream had left her, Kat knew exactly the kind of fun she wanted to have. She looked back over at her sleeping husband, a smile forming on her face. All it took was a quick handjob for Skip to wake up, and a moment later the man was busily fucking his wife. Kat moaned and groaned, begging him for more as she fantasized that Malik was fucking her before work this morning.
Some time later, Kat climbed out of her car and checked her watch. Her morning romp with Skip meant she wasn’t going to be early today, but at least she’d still make it in on time. As she walked through the parking lot toward the building entrance, she heard a voice call out from behind her.
“Katherine? Hold on!”
Recognizing the voice, Kat stopped and turned around. She spotted Bill, her direct supervisor, heading in her direction. She smiled and gave him a wave. Bill returned the smile as he quickly caught up to her.
“My goodness,” the older man laughed, gesturing for Kat to walk beside him. “I didn’t think I’d live to see the day when Katherine Anderson would arrive at work at a reasonably normal hour.”
Kat laughed. “Oh, I’m just trying something new,” she smiled.
“I see,” Bill replied. “Does this have anything to do with that meeting you had with Mitch on Friday?”
“Oh, so you know about that?” Kat asked as they approached the building.
“Know about it? “I’m the one who went to Mitch to try and get you to slow down,” Bill answered, holding the office door open for Kat to walk through. Once they were both in the lobby, he continued. “Honestly, I am beyond delighted to see you taking it seriously. You left before I had a chance to say anything yesterday, but I was so glad when I found out that you even delegated some of your work to an intern, too. I know you want to single-handedly save the world most of the time, but being able to let others take on some of the workload so you can focus on the important stuff is a sign of a good leader. I’ll tell you what: I have a meeting I need to get to right now, and after that, I need to sit down with Mitch for a bit, but why don’t you come by my office after lunch today and let’s pick this conversation back up? Does that sound like a plan?”
“Definitely,” Kat responded. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”
After saying their goodbyes, Kat marched down the hall toward her office. In no time at all, she was busily working on her first task of the day when there was a knock at her door. She hollered for the visitor to come in and watched as the door opened and Malik stepped inside, clicking the door shut behind him.
“Well, well,” she said with a wry smile. “I wondered if I’d see you back here this morning.”
“Yeah,” Malik said, “I just thought we should, you know, clear the air about what happened yesterday.”
“What part specifically did you want to clear the air about?” Kat inquired, pushing her keyboard aside and staring intently at the man.
“You know, the part at the end.”
“Wait,” she said. “Do you mean the part where I stopped you from kissing me, or the part where you got flustered and stormed off?”
“Um, all of it,” Malik admitted sheepishly. “Look, Kat, I thought about how I reacted, and I just wanted to say I was sorry. I just sorta felt a vibe coming from you, and I thought you were going to be down for a kiss. I shouldn’t have assumed. I just hope we’re still cool.”
Just as Kat was about to respond, she felt a familiar buzzing on her wrist. Looking down at her smartwatch, she read the words “Goal: be more sexy” on the screen, as a naughty little idea popped into her mind.
Standing up from her chair, Kat looked Malik in the eyes with a seductive grin before stepping out from behind the desk and strutting up to him. Looking him up and down, her eyes landed on his tie, which was slightly askew. Slowly, her fingers rose to his chest, lingering there for a moment before beginning to adjust his tie.
“There,” she purred softly as she finished. “We can’t have a handsome stud like you looking all unkempt. Now, about yesterday. It’s sweet of you to be so apologetic, but you weren’t the only one to blame. I went home last night and slept on it. Do you know what I think?”
“What?” Malik asked with a slight tremble in his voice as he breathed in Kat’s perfume.
“I think,” she said, her eyes shifting down to his lips as she drew closer, “that one little kiss might not be so bad after all.”
Kat closed her eyes, pressing her lips into Malik’s. At first Malik remained frozen, uncertain how to react. Slowly, he loosened up, closing his own eyes and melting into the kiss as his arms began to wrap around the woman’s waist. Kat groaned at the touch, propelling their kiss onward. Soon, she found her lips parting and their tongues tentatively meeting. In no time at all, the two were passionately making out there in her office.
A knock on her office door jolted Kat and Malik out of their passionate kiss. Quickly separating from one another, Kat straightened out her outfit while Malik caught his breath. Swinging the office door open, Kat was met with Janelle’s smiling face.
“Oh, well, hey you two,” she began, her eyes traveling from Kat to Malik and back. “I’m not, um, interrupting anything, am I?”
Kat laughed dismissively. “Oh, not at all. I was just briefing Malik on today’s tasks. He was just about to head back to his desk. Right Malik?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Right. Excuse me, ladies,” Malik said, giving Kat a little grin as he passed between her and Janelle. After he took a few steps down the hall, he turned back. “Oh, Kat, I’ll email you later. About that client.”
“Sounds good!” Kat said, giving him a little wave. Both ladies watched Malik walk down the hall, waiting for him to turn the corner before they both looked at each other and started giggling.
“Oh my god,” Janelle tittered as the girls stepped into Kat’s office. “He is such a fucking stud!”
“Yeah, I suppose,” Kat said, failing in an attempt to be nonchalant as her cheeks blushed.
“Oh my god again. You’re totally falling for him!” Janelle laughed.
“Come on,” Kat said defensively. “I told you yesterday, I’m happily married.”
“Yeah, but you also told me you were flirting with him yesterday. I know that look when I see it. He’s giving you butterflies in your stomach, isn’t he? Fess up, girl!”
“Okay, fine,” Kat admitted. “Maybe I like him a little.”
“I knew it! So, what were you really doing in here with him then? Was it really a briefing, or was it maybe a debriefing?”
“Janelle!” Kat groaned. “No way, nothing like that. We were just talking.”
“And?” Janelle asked.
“And I fixed his tie for him,” Kat said, crossing her arms.
“And?” Janelle continued to prod.
“Janelle,” Kat sighed.
“I’m not dropping this,” she responded, looking Kat in the eyes. “C’mon. What else?”
Kat paused, her eyes darting to the closed door. “Okay, you swear not to say a word to anyone?”
“On my life,” Janelle replied.
“Okay, so maybe we kissed.”
“Ahh!” Janelle squealed happily. “I knew it! How was it? God, I bet he’s a sexy kisser.”
“Janelle, calm down,” Kat said, shushing her friend as she put a finger in front of her lips. “These office walls aren’t that thick, girl. Yeah, we kissed. He was a little locked up at first, but he got into it pretty quickly, and then it was... nice.”
As Kat finished speaking, Janelle glanced down at her watch. Turning her head back up to her friend, Janelle’s eyes looked over Kat’s body briefly as a mischievous smile formed on her lips.
“You know,” Janelle purred, briefly eyeing Kat’s lips. “I can definitely see why it wouldn’t take long for Malik to get into kissing you. Especially with those lips of yours.”
“Janelle, are you... Are you flirting with me?” Kat asked, feeling her own watch buzz on her wrist. Looking down at the screen, it read, “Goal: have some fun.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Janelle asked in a flirty tone, while Kat’s eyes remained fixed on her watch. “My watch just told me I should be more flirty, and my watch is never wrong.”
Kat took a breath, inhaling the mix of both women’s perfumes. The words “have some fun” played on repeat in her mind. As her eyes rose from the face of her watch, she took in the sight of her friend. She never thought about it before, but she had to admit that Janelle was hot. The curve of her hips. Those generous tits. Her sexy red hair. She was the whole package, and here she was, flirting with her. As Kat looked back into her friend’s eyes, a flood of naughty, delicious thoughts flooded her mind like a firehose unleashing itself.
“Well, then,” Kat replied, matching Janelle’s flirty tone as she stepped closer, taking Janelle’s hands in her own. “My watch just told me to have some fun, and it’s never wrong, either.”
“I see,” the other woman replied, eyeing Kat’s lips as their fingers intertwined. “I can think of a few fun things we could do together.”
“Me too,” Kat whispered.
* * *