The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter I


© Copyright 2007 by HJekyll&EHyde.

This work may not be re-posted or redistributed without the prior express written permission of the author.

(A work of fiction, meant for adults. Read something else if you are not an adult, or are offended by stories with sexual content or alternative content. Please note that all events portrayed here were performed by professional stunt characters, so please don’t try this at home. Constructive comments are welcome at )

Dave felt like grinding his teeth in frustration, he wanted to punch the walls, or even better Missy’s smooth arrogant face. Instead he took a deep breath, and tried to look calmly into his wife’s hard, arrogant eyes, a task made easier since her three inch heels brought Missy up to his 5′10″ height.. “Missy” he said patiently “ my modernization plan will push this company into the twenty-first century, we can increase our profit margin by at least twenty per cent! We need to make some changes. Look, there is no down side to my plan.”

“Missy shook her head, her fine, short brown hair flew about her face as much as it could. “I think you are forgetting something here mister!” She responded in a hard tone pointing an index finger at his chest. “This is my company, I own it and the only reason you are president is because you are MY husband! SO don’t get high and mighty with me!”

Dave sighed and inwardly cursed the day he had let Missy talk him into taking this position. He had other possibilities of course, back then. He was quite talented actually, a fact which he had to keep reminding himself of under her almost constant attacks on his abilities. He could easily have been an executive with one of their competitors, or in another industry. But Missy had asked him to run her family’s company. It had seemed ;like a good idea when they were married nine years ago. He got a job at the top, she and her parents got someone they could trust. Except they never really had trusted him. Her father had kept real control of the company for the first eight years, then he and her mother had died a year ago a week apart, and Missy had inherited the works. Dave had thought it would all be different now. He had started in on an elaborate reorganization plan that would make the company more profitable then ever before.

He might as well have spent his time drinking. After nine years he should have known how paranoid and suspicious his wife was. Missy barely trusted him enough to go out for a drink with a friend, consequently he no longer had many She always thought he was cheating on her, or conspiring with someone to take over the company. Which was ironic since Dave had always been faithful to her and her business.

Now Dave stepped back slightly and regarded her pale finger with it’s nail chewed down to the quick. “Missy” he said “You know that’s not true.” She laughed, a short harsh bark. “Do I?” she asked. “You’re my little trophy husband who turned ut not to be such a trophy.” She snorted and piked up her beaver fur coat. He watched her for a second as she shrugged it on. “Maybe we should get divorced then.” Missy rounded on him in anger. The idea of him filing for divorce infuriated her. He wasn’t walking out on Missy Breckinridge! The bastard! “Don’t even think about it! I ‘ll have Charles on my side! You won’t get any of my money, in fact I’ll gt all of yours!” Charles was the company’s, and Missy’s lawyer. Tall, grey haired and in his early sixties he had a reputation for being tough, competent and brilliant in a court room. The rumor was that before he became a corporate mercenary, he had been a real live military mercenary. At a party once someone had told him that Charles had served in the French Foreign Legion.. Dave could believe anything of the broad shouldered, hard attorney. Missy was tough and mean enough herself, with Charles she was insurmountable.

Dave suddenly felt very tired, defeated, empty. “I really loved you once” he said softly. I remember our wedding, you were such a beautiful bride...” She gave that hard single tone explosion of a laugh again. “HA! You loved my money, what I could do for you.” She retorted. Dave shook his head sadly. “No, that wasn’t it at all”

“Yeah, you expect me to believe THAT!” Missy shouted.

“Why did you ever marry me I wonder...” Missy smiled meanly and took a step toward him. “I went to the best prep schools, had every connection” she explained.

“You were nobody, the first member of your family to graduate college, no name, no fortune....”

“Yes?” He inquired curiosity and dread equally mixed within him. Missy smiled.

“Do you know how much marrying you pissed my mother and father off? It was worth it just for that. Dave dropped his head. Missy stood regarding him. “Have to go” she said. “Ta, ta, my dented trophy.” She turned and walked out of his office...

... In the outer hall Charles DelVechio stood with his assistant, Hank Morris as Missy stormed by. “Morning Ms. Breckinridge” Hank called out, but Missy ignored him. She stalked to the end of the corridor to the elevator. Opened as she arrived and a young man got out. Holding his hand in the door for her he said “Have a nice day Ms. Breckinridge.” Missy didn’t so much as glance at him. She stepped inside as though no one was there. Hank turned to Charles as the door closed. “Well, I’d say Dave isn’t getting his reorganization. Poor guy, it’s got to be frustrating in more ways then one being married to someone like that.” Charles looked a t Hank sharply. “Yes, you’re right. I think I’ll go see how Dave is doing...

His office Dave thought ironically, the office Missy let him use. Dave dropped into his leather swivel chair. Her chair. He opened the door and though it was only 10:30 pulled out a bottle of scotch. He poured a generous amount into a coffee cup and took a swig. This is my future he thought. A figurehead al Missy’s company, powerless and pointless, drinking himself into oblivion every morning. The intercom buzzing broke him put of his reverie. “Mr Rossi?” Penny, his secretary asked. “Yes?” he replied. “Mr Del Vechio here to see you sir.”

“Shit!” Dave thought “Charles.” Quickly he slid the half full coffee cup into the upper desk drawer and the bottle in the bottom. “Send him in.” He said hurriedly.

A moment later the door opened and Charles DelVechio stepped in. He was tall, and despite his advanced years his waist was narrow and his shoulders wide. His large mustache was the same white/grey as his hair. He wore signature double breasted suit that was loose on his frame. Dave always thought it was cut perfectly to hide a shoulder holster. Charles walked up to Dave and extended a hand. Dave shook it wincing as always not so much as st the strength of the grip, but of the iron power unused behind it. Charles sniffed loudly, then smiled as he sat down.

“Going to offer me a bit of what you’re drinking?” he asked. Dave regarded him for a second formulating the denials in his head, then opened his drawers, produced another coffee cup and poured Charles a stiff draught. He pulled out his cup and took a drink of the twelve year old single malt. Charles sipped his drink and regarded Dave over the rim of his cup shrewdly. “Son” he said at last “I hope you don’t take this wrong, but hell, I like you. I’m guessing you and Missy just had another run in.”

What would make you think that? Dave asked. “I mean we may have had a tiff, but...”

“Son every one in this building knows that you and your wife ain’t exactly living a life of marital bliss.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dave blustered. “She can’t stand you”Charles replied calmly. She thwarts you at home and here. And she doesn’t trust you with the business”. “Great” Dave said, “now everyfuckingbody knows” Charles stared into his cup. “It’s not like Missy has endeared herself to anybody here. I’m willing to bet it’s been a while since you got any from her too.”

“Now wait a minute!” Dave said. He didn’t care how tough Charles was, he’d crossed a line. Charles shrugged. “OK son, stick to business for now.”

Dave sighed.”My ideas for the future of this company make a lot of sense.” Charles nodded carefully. “They do and they are in the best interest of the company, but...”

“Missy will never approve them.” Charles finished dejectedly.

“That’s right” Charles continued, and as long as she owns fifty two per cent of the stock here’s nothing you can do about it.” He took a sip of his scotch. “Unless...”

Dave looked at him closely. “Unless what?”

“Unless Missy wasn’t in a position to exert that control”

“And how would that happen” Dave inquired slowly.

“What if Missy, wasn’t Missy anymore” Charles replied looking into Dave’s eyes. Dave didn’t know what he was hearing. Are you suggesting that I get rid of Missy?” he asked.

Charles smiled and shook his head. “No not at all, just—that you could change her...”

“Change her how?” Dave demanded.

“Well, that would be up to you.” Charles replied “However you wanted.”

“What are you talking about?” Blurted Dave in exasperation.

Charles smiled. “When I was a young man I was, I guess you could say, addicted to adventure. I have been to many places, seen many things you wouldn’t believe possible with my own eyes. When I was with the Legion in Africa I, ahh met someone. Someone who became very close to me.” Charles stared levelly at Dave.

“He is a witch doctor. He could make whatever changes to Missy you desired.”

Dave sat back in his chair and let the offer hang between them. Charles was an expert negotiator, but then again so was he. Finally Dave spoke. “And this associate of yours would do this because...”

“Because I ask him to” Charles said. “I told you we are close. As for why I would do it. “Charles pre-empted Dave’s next question. “Because I do like you” He elaborated “and because it is fo the best of the company—and because Missy owns outright or through proxy sixty per cent of the stock in this multi-million dollar corporation. I as the corporations lawyer, and her personal lawyer will ensure that you will obtain these rights—and you will give me twenty-five per cent of the company.”.

What Charles was proposing was preposterous, using magic to obtain control of the business.. Yet he looked and sounded so sincere that Dave found himself taking the proposal seriously. Nevertheless he said “Assuming you could do it we’re talking millions here. It’s worth no more then ten per cent.”

“Don’t insult me.” Charles said coldly. “We ARE friends after all.”

Dave hadn’t realized that was true. In fact he had always thought of Charles as Missy’s man, but he smiled and said. “You’re right, fifteen per cent.” Charles looked grim, but said “twenty or forget it!”

“Done!” Dave smiled “If it can be done.”

Charles sipped his liquor “Oh it can be done all right, but understand something.” He leaned forward and suddenly Dave felt uncomfortable. “We can not reduce the terms of our agreement to writing. The spell in question is a major magic, it is dangerous and difficult and will take years off my partner’s life.” Dave wondered what Charles meant by “partner”. “It will be worth it for the wealth we shall share. But understand Dave, if you should be tempted to renege on our deal, or cross me, I shall be most unhappy.” He stared hard and grim into Dave’s face. “And you don’t want that!”

It was a struggle for Dave not to look away, or blink. Although he felt a bead of sweat running down his back he could swear the room had grown suddenly cold. He held it together, though and in as firm a voice as he could muster said. “That is the only thing we have discussed of which I have absolutely no doubt. I am not stupid enough to double-cross you, Charles.”

Charles sat frozen for a moment, then slowly smiled. He sat back and sipped from his coffee cup. “Who else lives with you?”

“No one” Dave replied. “I wanted kids and Missy said she did too, but she changed her mind pretty quick . We have a live in maid, if Missy hasn’t already fired this one too I can pay her off, get rid of her.”

“Excellent.” Charles paused. “Well Dave, what shall the new Missy be like, if that’s what you decide to call her.” he added with a chuckle.

What kind of changes can I make?”

“My understanding is that you are limited to the range of human characteristics in nature. You can make her shorter, but you can’t make her three inches tall for instance, human beings just aren’t made that way. You could make her five hundred pounds, but you can’t have her grow a third arm or a tail.”

“Can I make her hair cherry red?” Dave blurted almost before he realized he was going to speak. “I’ve always liked red heads” he said feeling foolish. Charles smiled “We can get as close to it as possible. As for her personality, you can make her obedient to your every whim, you can lower her i.q, make her incapable of speech, make her a nymphomaniac, gay, love, crave any abuse or punishment you want to mete on her. If you want you can make it so she forgets that she is or ever was Missy...”

Dave shook his head, suddenly aroused. “No, I want her to remember, to know all about her previous life, to still be her, deep inside” He smiled broadly at the thought “But just to be totally incapable of doing anything about it.”

Charles stood. “It’s settled then”, he said. “All we’ll need is something of her.” At Dave’s puzzled look he continued. “Some strands of hair from her comb, some sweat in her clothes, the more the better. Today is Monday, if I get it by tomorrow we can have changes made by the weekend.” He turned to go. “Oh and also, think about all the physical, mental and emotional changes and have a list for us.” He left.

For the rest of the day Dave couldn’t believe the conversation. Charles was playing an elaborate joke on him. As he drove home that evening he thought about it. He had once loved Missy, and still respected her. Tomorrow he would tell Charles the deal was off, Charles would probably laugh at him for thinking it was even possible anyway. He was whistling as he opened the door of their expensive townhouse.

Missy was in the livingroom. She had a rough day. Everything seemed to annoy her today. In her honest moments Missy would admit, if only to her self hat she didn’t know why she was so unhappy, why it always seemed that everyone and everything conspired to piss her off, but it did. When Dave entered he was whistling some stupid tune tonelessly, the same stupid tune he always whistled. He dropped his briefcase on a chair and said “Hey honey, what’s for dinner?”

Missy felt her anger flare. “What’s for dinner? What’s for dinner? She demanded. “How the fuck should I know, nothing’s for dinner. I fired the fucking maid.”

Dave stood stunned, cursing always sounded funny with her prep school accent. “Another one?” he asked. “Yes she replied her anger overflowing “I fired another stupid immigrant bitch! Maybe we could try hiring someone who speaks English.”

“Try to find one” he replied “Besides I think she really needed the job.”

“What do I care?”It felt good to yell, to get it all out. “Why did you want to sleep with the cheap maid? Is she your type because you are both freaking parasites living off my money!”

Dave picked his briefcase back up and walked out of the door.

“Go ahead leave you worthless bastard” Missy’s voice followed him out the door. “I’ll have you out of here for good soon.”

Dave drove to a diner and had a sandwich. While he ate he had a legal pad on the counter in front of him, designing the new Missy.

Coninued in Chapter II: You can get Good Help These days...