The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Disclaimer: I personally never read these things because I think that what they say should go without saying, but hey for all you idiots out there remember these facts.

  • This is meant to be viewed by people 18 years of age or older. Preferably someone mature enough to know that it is:
  • Fiction, this work is 100% fiction. That’s right I pulled the whole thing out of my ass.
  • That said the standard rules apply. It is not meant to be taken seriously. What the characters do in this story is not meant to be tried. Hopefully the reader can distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality.
  • Questions? Comments? Great. Contact me at . Try to keep whatever you write constructive.
  • Lastly (gag) Enjoy.
  • Oh and sorry for the slow last chapter, you need to set the stage eventually. I hope this one makes up for it.

Something in the Water

Chapter 4 Change

The lab was quiet. Andrew had just stepped through the doorway seconds ago, the duffel bag held close to his side, the knowledge of the contents running through his mind no matter how hard he tried to prevent it. His eyes scanned the room, noting the black granite countertops and microscopes he’s spent many long hours at studying different cells. He gazed into the glass cabinets that lined the walls, full of different chemicals, and books on anatomy, physiology, and pathology. He ignored the braying and calling of animals that came from the locked double doors of the holding pens. His eyes were locked on the door to Dr. Malarkey’s personal office.

The door was closed and the blinds had been drawn.

Andrew cast a furtive glance down at the duffel bag in his hand before laying it down quietly on the white linoleum floor and creeping towards the Professor’s door. He knew what he should be doing, the same thing he did every time he’d come into the lab and found the Professor’s door closed. He’d called his the name and waited for him to come out. But he had to know. He had to find out. Why did he need so much human blood? For what end? What did he have that he had never seen?

For two whole months it had been like that. Every single time Andrew had come into the Professor’s lab he had his office closed and a water tank inside he always kept covered. Many nights Andrew had wanted to creep up to that tank and pull off the cover. Many times he had wanted to know the contents that the professor seemed to work so hard to prevent him from knowing. Some nights he had stayed longer at the lab just in the hope that he might leave before he did. But Dr. Malarkey had always stayed at the lab with him, sometimes staying even later than he had.

Something had told him that those late nights he spent were all about what he had in the glass water tank. Thinking about what he at last had seen Andrew’s curiosity had reached a peak he had to know. He would find out, by hook or by crook. As quiet as he could manage Andrew crept along the linoleum floor, edging towards the professor’s office door. He stretched his eyes carefully up to the door’s window and tried to peer through the blinds.

He saw nothing. He moved his head every which way, trying to find an angle around the blind’s cover, all to no avail. It was impenetrable. But the blinds did nothing to stop sound from getting through and Andrew could unmistakably make out Dr. Malarkey’s voice talking with something. He leaned against the door to hear better.

“Yes pet” Dr. Malarkey said “, I can see that you’re hungry, but you’re just going to have to wait. The package will be coming soon and then you’ll be okay. I still wonder what it is with you and human blood, and only human blood… In any case Andrew should be here any moment.”

Andrew waited, not sure whether to expect a reply or not. All he heard was the professor sit back down at his chair and rifle through papers. It sounded like business as usual.

He paused for a moment, leaning hard against the door and sliding down to the floor so that he could sit. What the hell is he talking to Andrew thought what has that uppity bastard been keeping from me, his most trusted assistant? Three years I have worked with him and still he keeps secrets. It must be one hell of a specimen for him to keep it from me. I have to know what that is that he is talking to. But how can I do it and still maintain an air of innocence

He thought for several moments before realizing what he had to do. He would barge in to his office, right now. It was just a simple shift in protocol, easily forgiven, and meanwhile the Professor would have to explain to him what he has. The more he thought on it the better the idea sounded.

“Yes, simple, simple is the best” he whispered to himself with a smile. He picked himself up and opened the door without so much as a warning. Innocently he said “Professor I have the package you asked me to bring…” He put on a face of surprise as he turned to the professor and then to the uncovered tank. The thing inside was hard to quite discern. It was kind of clear, just barely tinted enough to tell the difference between it and the water. And its shape was in constant flux. It looked like one big amoeba. “What the hell is that?” Andrew said, feigning innocence.

Dr. Malarkey stood up stupefied and stuttering. “Andrew…why didn’t you knock, you know how I hate surprises-oh that thing? It’s nothing. It’s…It’s something you shouldn’t be looking at.” Quickly the Professor lifted up his arms and tried to push Andrew out of the room, but he refused to budge.

“No you have to let me see that. Is that what you were keeping from me for so long?”

The professor continued to try and push him, and he slowly gave way some. “Andrew” he continued “no you don’t have to see anything, this specimen is none of your business.”

The doctor got him out the doorway and closed the door behind him. “Andrew you saw nothing…I’m serious. You weren’t supposed to see that. You have no right to it.” Carefully Dr. Malarkey grabbed Andrew’s arm and ushered him towards the exit.

Andrew thoughts raced, he had caught a glance, but he needed to know more. His heart ached with an even greater curiosity. He knew that if he didn’t act now the Professor would be even more careful about letting anyone see it. He had to take it advantage of the moment.

That bastard can’t keep everything worth anything to himself. He just had to study it. Andrew stopped dead in his tracks. Dr. Malarkey moved forward awkwardly at the shift, eyeing him again with surprise.

“Professor, this is unfair, and you know it. I have worked diligently for you for three years and that-that creature in there looked like nothing I had ever seen before I can’t believe you would keep that from me. All I want is a look, a better look than I got. Is there really any harm in that?”

He paused, thinking it over, his eyes floating to the exit every few moments. “Alright” he said after a time “you can look at it, but…don’t touch it. The thing is dangerous. I don’t expect you to understand that so I want it understood simply that everything you hear stays between us.”

“Of course” Andrew responded while thinking you elitist asshole.

Dr. Malarkey lead Andrew back to his office, opening the door and letting him in. Andrew immediately rushed to the tank and brought his face up to the glass, scrutinizing the occupants. There were two of the things in the tank. They looked to be about the size of softballs, clear and with random tendrils that extended in and out from their bodies. The seemed to float through the water much like the typical jellyfish, but seemed to have no easily defined shape.

They floated about in the water innocuously until Andrew came near, then suddenly sprang into action, moving about violently.

Andrew jumped back as the Professor grabbed him by the shoulder, saying “hey, hey keep your distance these creatures seem to respond to the proximity of humans and…our close relatives.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“These things…these water parasites as I call them for now only seem to react when either a) they’re threatened or b) a human or primate gets close to them.”


“That I don’t know.”

“How did you find that out?”

Dr. Malarkey hesitated, taking in a deep breath, running through his head whether he should elaborate any more to his assistant; wondering whether he’d already told him too much. Slowly he decided that there was no harm in giving him full disclosure just so long as Andrew never got his hands on a specimen. I’ll just have to remember to padlock my office from now on he thought.

Andrew could read the thought processes running through his head by reading his face. He smiled to himself, realizing before the professor said it that he was going to get to hear everything.

“Andrew” Dr. Malarkey began “, before I continue I want to reiterate that what you see and hear here stays here. Do you understand that?”

Andrew nodded, “Of course” while thinking something slightly different. “Okay… to answer your last question I’ve been engaged in tests with these things for the last two months. I’ve found out a lot about them in that time.”

“What kind of tests.”

“To answer that I will need to show you something.” Dr. Malarkey grabbed Andrew by the arm and lead him out of the office. The two walked to the door of the holding pens. Andrew watched as the Professor pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. The two entered.

The passed cages upon shelved cages of rats twittering left and right, screeching for the two as they came by. Along the walls were the tanks full of sea life the likes of which most people had never seen before. Fish swam about with giant mouths and eyes and small fins and no fins and giant mouth sacks and jelly bodies and so on and so forth.

It had been a little over a month since last he had been allowed in there. Andrew was so caught by the sight of all of them that he barely noticed the Professor stopping and raising his hand to point out the primate cages. “You remember Lucy” he said.

Andrew stopped, looking over the one main cage that stored the chimp the professor had kept more as a pet than a study subject. But now there were two chimps in the cage.

And they were having sex right in front of them.

Andrew stared surprised for several moments before saying “What the hell?”

“They’ve been like that almost non-stop since I brought the male in.”

Andrew stepped closer to the bars, noting how the pair seemed to pay them no heed. “What did you do to them?” he asked.

“The water parasites…they seem to only be attracted to the human genome. They are causing them to do that.”

“You started with primates? That doesn’t make sense.”

“Standard protocol is using rats, and that is what I did but the damn thing just lay there, unmoving, only when the rat attacked it did it spring into action and what resulted was the rat’s death.”

“What coaxed you into doing that? Testing it on the rat.”

“I came up with the idea after the first day they came in and I tried to examine one. It climbed up my arm and tried to hook itself to my face. Fortunately I had my tazer with me that night. And now there’s a cage over the top of it.”

“So you thought it was trying to force its way into you?”

“I know it was, just watching what it did to Lucy, and how strange she acted after it went inside her.”

“How so?”

“Her sex drive seemed to kick into over gear. After the incident I started feeding her again and she made multiple efforts to hump my arm, the pole inside and just about anything else that was vertical that she could get around. I thought that something had to be done.”

“So you brought the male chimp in.”

“Yes and again, very strange actions going on.”

“What do you mean?”

“She jumped on him right away, the two did…what they’re doing now” Malarkey said gesturing to the pair still going at it “and then dynamic between them changed drastically.”

Andrew cocked an eye at him “Explain what the hell you mean.”

“Lucy initially appeared to be the dominant, Fred, the male chimp, wasn’t really interested in sex when he first came in. There is that whole brief period in chimp society where the stranger enters and establishes his identity in the community, whether he is alpha male or not, that sort of act. Typically the male establishes his superiority over all others through some feats of strength or fighting if another male is present.” Andrew nodded.

“But Lucy didn’t allow that, she practically raped him the moment he came in. He was trying to fight her off for a time before finally giving in.”

“And then…”

“A sudden shift. Lucy became exceptionally docile, doing whatever Fred seemed to directed her to do. It’s always him now who is the initiate of the coitus and Lucy who gives in.”

Andrew continued to stare at the two behind the cage, saying “You think she passed the parasite on to him?”

“I think the odds are very good that is what happened. What makes me wonder now is what exactly it is doing to them.”

“You didn’t get another chimp?”

“Do you know how much paper work and placating I had to go through in order to get Fred? Asking for another will be regarded with suspicion, they might even ask to examine the two I have and…”

“Find out about the parasite and take it away.”


And thereby taking away any chances you might have for winning an award for your findings Andrew thought.

The Professor lead him away from the cages and back towards the exit.

“So…where did you get them, these parasites?” Andrew asked.

“You do remember the chemical spill out at Shire Lake right?”

“Yeah…it was about six months ago, those creatures came from—?“

“Yes, as far as I can tell anyhow. They certainly weren’t there before the spill.”

“The clean up is still going on, the whole place was-is still under quarantine, how the hell did you get them?”

The Professor paused looking at Andrew, realizing that he had said too much. “Andrew” he said slightly shaking, “I assure you it-it was not…well it was lawful anyway.”

Andrew again read him reassuringly he said “Don’t worry Doctor, I understand how scientifically important this find is, I would not spoil it for you or me.” He recovered, nodding, and leading Andrew back into his office. Closing the door behind him he sat down at his desk and looked again at Andrew. “So there it is, Andrew, you now know about everything I know about them, the general information anyhow. Are you happy now?”

Andrew nodded, staring again at the tank and the two occupants inside,“ So you haven’t tested these things on humans?”

The Professor stood up aghast, “Andrew! What kind of question is that? Why would I even dream of doing such a thing?”

I just asked Andrew thought I’m kind of curious what these things would do to humans, and maybe I’ll find out What he said was, “I just thought I’d run the question across to see your reaction. I wasn’t sure if there had been accidents with you before.”

“No, actually after that first incident with the tazer I’ve been using rubber gloves and tongs to get them out. One of them I killed and put in ethyl alcohol. That’s the one I get close to and examine. I keep the others just to study how they react to different stimuli. There’s been no human contact at all since that one time.”

Andrew nodded, his eyes tracing the tank and falling on a tube that extended from the top of the tank to the floor, to a container with a skull and crossbones painted over the front. How had he not noticed that before?

“What is that Professor?”

Dr. Malarkey followed his hand to the container and said “Oh that? An Arsenic solution, just a safety precaution in the event that something goes wrong.”

Andrew nodded again, walking up again to the tank and staring at the two amoebic creatures inside. The lab was silent as Dr. Malarkey watched Andrew gaze at the two of them. The two’s attention locked in the strangely majestic movements of the water parasites.

The knock at the door startled the two inside. A woman’s voice filled the void “Professor, Professor Malarkey, are you there?”

Malarkey turned to Andrew, shushing him “Keep quiet until I take care of this” he whispered before heading to the office door and exiting. Andrew heard the Professor say “Ah, Karen, Karen, so glad to see you, what brings you here?”

The woman’s voice continued, “ Professor I am sorry for disturbing you, but I came to remind you that you have that meeting at 7:30 and it is already 7:25.”

“Is it that late already? Oh, my it is! I’m sorry Karen, just give me a moment, I need to take care of some things first. If you could wait outside.”

“Of course Professor.” The sound of footsteps quietly echoed across the linoleum as Andrew heard the door open and close.

The Professor entered the office, looking again at Andrew. “Well it seems that our little day of discovery must be cut short Andrew. As you probably heard I have a meeting to get to and unfortunately hardly enough time to get my things for it.” He rifled through papers on his desk, grabbing odds and ends, reviewing them briefly under his eyeglasses. Having found what he needed he headed for the door, off-handedly callomg back to Andrew just before leaving “Could you lock up the lab for me when you leave?” And without so much as a second to wait for a response he was out the door with a back and forth swish.

Andrew turned to the tank with a sly smile on his face Sure I’ll lock it up Professor he thought after I get a better look at these things you have spent so much time with. And maybe answer some other questions I’ve had. Maybe even beat you to whatever conclusions you hope to find.

His mind drifted to thoughts of fame, the possibility of discovering the workings of a truly alien creature lifted him to grand excitement. The lab is mine for the moment. What a fool you are to leave me with it he thought.

Andrew walked into the main room and grabbed a pair of rubber gloves. Putting them on he reached for the tongs next to the tank and pulled the screen off of the top. I am just going to cut off a piece, examine living tissue that the Professor was too scared to investigate. Then I’ll go. Oh, the things I may find! With excited anticipation he peaked his head over the top to look at the things floating about in the water.

Big mistake.

There was a scream that no one heard, no one except the animals inside the laboratory and the creatures and Andrew. It was the last sound exhaled from his mouth before one of them had wrapped a tentacle around his throat and cut off his air supply. The last thing Andrew saw before blacking out was the one still left in the tank, banging its body against the glass.

A few hours later Professor Alexander Malarkey walked the halls, heading towards the lab, assistant Karen Drane following in his coat tails. It was late, everyone, save a couple janitors had left for the day. The building was more or less dark, more or less empty.

Dr. Malarkey was not quite sure why he was heading back to the lab, an odd, seemingly illogical intuition seemed to force him on. Something had gone wrong, and he knew it. That feeling had settled on him since the meeting had started, forcing him to be a dark, brooding individual that he normally wasn’t. Not like it really mattered. It had just been a budget meeting, more in the name of protocol than holding any real substance. While staff went over annual incomes and potential budget cuts his mind shifted to the lab and the specimen in the tank. This feeling had rushed him out the door soon after the meeting’s conclusion.

For some inexplicable reason Karen had followed him. As he neared the doors to his lab he cast a wistful glance back at the woman behind him, whom asking him why he was in such a rush and to whom he was not responding.

She was pretty enough, a 5′7″ woman in her late twenties, another assistant for another scientist in the building. She was a little thin, probably as a result of so much time devoted to work and taken from eating. And yet her apple shaped breasts seemed to accent her shoulder length red hair perfectly. And she looked so sexy in that simple white blouse, black skirt and white lab coat. The thick black framed glasses seemed to fit perfectly on her face. In fact the thought of screwing…

Dr. Malarkey shook off the thought. What was going on? Why had that thought come to him? Where was his professionalism? What had coaxed that? Was it something in the air?

Something had happened and he knew it. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he knew he had to fix it before it got worse.

The doors opened easily, they hadn’t been locked as he had told Andrew to do. That was the first thing he noticed. The second was the body lying motionless on the floor in his office.

It was Andrew.

Papers were scattered everywhere. The desk lamp had been knocked over and lay cracked open on the floor.

Karen gasped as Dr. Malarkey rushed over and knelt beside the prostrate student. He scanned the room quickly, as he placed two fingers at the boy’s neck to check for a pulse.

“Thank God” he said to himself “he’s still alive.” He watched Andrew’s chest as it rose up and down slowly, and sighed with relief.

Karen stood back hesitantly. “Is…is he okay?”

Dr. Malarkey nodded, scanning the office carefully to see if anything was out of place. His eyes stopped at the tank.

There was only one water parasite.

“Oh, Shit” he said out loud “Andrew you fool, what did you—,“ it was at that moment that Andrew’s hand lifted up and grasped the Professor’s wrist. His voice caught in his throat and his body shivered, slowly Dr. Malarkey’s eye’s glazed over and he swayed uneasily on his knees, staring into space.

Andrew sat up, still holding his wrist and looking at the Professor he smiled. Karen walked over to the doorway, leaning into the office, not realizing what was happening, her face a declaration of relief. “Andrew, you’re okay, what happened?” He ignored her, instead staring into the mesmerized eyes of the Professor. In low undertones he whispered to him, “Nothing out of the ordinary has happened here.”

“Nothing out of the ordinary has happened here” Dr. Malarkey echoed.

“You just need to get better organized.”

“I just need to get better organized.”

“You are going to stand up, leave and go home to sleep. Nothing is wrong.”

“I am going to stand up, leave, and go home to sleep. Nothing is wrong..” Dr.

Malarkey promptly after saying that stood up and turned around, his eyes staring into space. Karen eyed him with wonder as he walked passed her and to the laboratory exit. Her eyes trailed after him as he walked to the door, opened it and closed it behind him. Puzzlement and fear slowly crept into her face as she began to realize something was going amiss.

For some unknown reason her heart began to thump violently in her chest. She glanced back in the office, Andrew was up, and walking towards her, a devilish grin on his face.

Karen screamed as she turned to run.

But it was too late. Andrew had her, an iron clamp of a hand on her wrist. Her body froze and shivered. Slowly her eyes, like the Professor’s glazed over as she stared into space, unmoving.

Andrew smiled, staring into the empty eyes of the woman before him. Confidently he placed one of his hands up behind her neck and pulled his lips up to hers. He kissed her, extending his tongue passed her supple lips and into her mouth. He felt the warmth of her mouth pour into his as slid his tongue in and out along her insides. It was such a release for him.

Slowly he stood back from her, eyeing her slender form. “That was the first time I’d ever French kissed a woman” he said with slight bemusement in his voice “But it most certainly will not be the last.” He laughed lightly. He knew the power he had. He knew what he would do. He was going to get back at all of those people who had mistreated him. He was going to pleasure himself in ways he had never imagined possible. He felt on top of the world.

“And all just because of a parasite that the Professor was too afraid to try for himself. I am so glad that he was such a fool.”

He turned back Karen, that arrogant smile again on his face, his eyes tracing the curves that existed underneath that plain white lab coat and blouse. He looked at her, standing there, her body swaying slightly about her face blank behind her bright red hair.

She was waiting for a command, a command from her master.

“Strip” Andrew said, almost gleefully “take all your clothes off down to your birthday suit. I’m going to imprint you, and you will be mine forever.” Andrew watched as she slipped off her shoes and tossed them to the side. She pulled the zipper down on the back of her black skirt and let it cascade to the floor. The lab coat fell to the ground with the blouse as Karen stood exposed to Andrew, only a lace white bra and panties standing between him and her nakedness. With a quick clip the bra slid off the front of her chest and down onto the floor, exposing her pert apple breasts that shook slightly with her movement. She slid the panties down her legs nonchalantly, exposing her cunt to Andrew much like someone would show their dog to someone. Having done as she was commanded she stood again, motionless.

Andrew circled her slowly, smirking, his eyes looking up and down her naked body. His eyes traced her smallish yet muscular ass, her pink, long legs, and her glorious shaven cunt. “My, my Ms. Drane, what reason have you for doing this? Are you leading another life that you don’t want other people knowing?” He asked her as he brought two of his fingers together and jammed them up it. “Oh, that feels so good doesn’t it?” Karen winced briefly, her body started to stable itself, her eyes slowly unclouded. She began to shake her head. “Whoops, I guess the chemical is beginning to wear off, well then, we’re just going to have to fix that aren’t we?” Andrew casually wrapped his free hand along the back of her neck, staring into her eyes as they slowly clouded up again as her face again stared back at his, unmoving.

“Well, we really can’t keep this up can we Karen? I guess that means I’m going to have to make you mine.” He pulled off his pants and slid down his boxers, exposing his rock hard seven-inch johnson to her. The smug smile never left his face as he brought himself closer and plunged it into her soft, moist vagina. She stood impassive as Andrew shoved her against the wall and pushed in and out with his cock, lifting her body slightly with each thrust. He body shook with each push, supported by him her breast swayed in his face. He brought his mouth up and sucked on them, noting with satisfaction how they began to harden under his onslaught.

It was so good for him. She wasn’t screaming. He didn’t need her to scream. There would be plenty of opportunity for that when she was fully his, when she was his slave. Absolutely yelling with ecstasy and sucking on her hardening, responsive tits, his back spasmed, his dick ejaculating large wads of semen into her welcoming cunt. Enlaced with the semen, was a parasite, a portion of his, working its way through her body, entangling itself within it, making Karen his.

With one last heave he collapsed on the ground, exhausted. Karen lay motionless on top of him, her eyes moving wildly about as her lids fluttered open and closed. Her body shook wildly about, slapping at the cold linoleum.

Andrew pushed her off of him and stood up, watching her flop about on the floor. He cast a tired smile down at her, knowing what was happening to her with every moment. After all, something like it had happened to him.

His eyes turned to the tank, and the last water parasite floating about harmlessly in the water. He looked over at the container of arsenic standing alone on the floor next to it. He walked over to it in his bare feet and turned the crank, watching as the solution poured into the tank. Watching as the last water parasite froze up and died, its jelly like body floating to the top. He smiled happily, “ Sorry I had to do that fella,” he said, “ but I can’t abide any potential competition coming along and getting in the way of my fun. And as far as I know, you’re the only blank, the only one that will make a master of a man.” His thoughts drifted to Shire Lake, to the other potential blanks that might provide a threat to him. I’ll take care of them in time he thought but right now I have more important things to attend to. Every woman that is can be mine.

The devilish smile again crossed his face as turned to the prostrate body of Karen. She had stopped flopping wildly about, her body lay motionless on the ground, her eyes slowly tracing the ceiling. Everything was both new and familiar to her at the same time.

She would please her master.

Andrew walked away from lifeless tank and the fallen parasite, marching towards the waiting, open body of his first victim, his first slave. He was going to enjoy having such power.