The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Square Peg

Peg Sinclair was something of a nerd and that was just the way she liked it. She liked being a science geek. She liked being a part of the Science Club, but most of all, she liked it when everyone else just left her alone.

Well, that wasn’t exactly the case. There was always Josh Calloway. Josh was the head of the Science Club and he was one guy who could bother her any time he wanted to.

Of course, he didn’t seem to ever want to do that. Heck, there were times when Peg wondered if Josh and the other members of the club even knew she was a girl. Well, she was sure some of them did, but the mousy little brunette could never quite be sure about Josh.

On the other hand, Peg had things to do. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go to Cal or Stanford. Her dad had gone to Cal but mom was a Stanford girl through and through. Of course, Peg had the grades for either one of those two prestigious universities but even that wasn’t a foregone conclusion. They were both so tough to get into that an applicant had to show something more than a straight A average.

Well, there was the Science Club. She was after all, the club vice president and that had to stand for something, and Mr. Saunders, the faculty advisor had written a really nice letter for her and that had to sit well, too, but still, there was no guarantee.

In a way, she almost liked it that way. In a way, she wanted to have to fight for what she got because if you had to fight, then it made the winning all that much better.

And besides, she was working on something that might make the winning easier and quite frankly, if it worked the way she thought it should, then simply by virtue of having done what she’d done, she should have earned the right to get into either one of those schools.

Like many scientific advancements, it had come about as a result of pure serendipity.

While it was most active during the school year, the Science Club continued to meet during the summer and Mr. Saunders even encouraged the group to take field trips. These weren’t planned activities, of course. They were not school-sanctioned functions, but they were an opportunity to learn and it was on one of these ventures that Peg came into the same room with Colin Willowsby.

The Science Club had planned a trip and since it wasn’t a school function, everyone had agreed to drive on their own. It wasn’t a problem, they all agreed, as most members of the club already had their drivers licenses and those that didn’t could surely get a ride with someone else, but Peg was secretly hoping that maybe she and Josh might go together. Those hopes were dashed when Josh then announced that he wasn’t able to go and so it was that Peg was left to drive herself.

The trip was to take them to a nearby college campus where a guest lecturer would be speaking but as was often the case when Peg was by herself, she got lost. Peg’s sense of direction was after all, atrocious and so while she did reach the campus, she completely missed the lecture hall where the talk was taking place.

What she found instead was something that was most extraordinary.

She didn’t even know who the man was but he was giving a lecture and it was why Peg was sure at first that even if she didn’t see her fellow club members in the lecture hall, she most certainly had to be in the right place, but when the man started to talk about the brain and ways to influence it, Peg knew she was in the wrong place. The talk she was supposed to be attending was supposed to be about civil engineering.

But the talk was fascinating and the more the man talked, the more Peg found herself getting caught up in it. It almost seemed as if with the right stimulus, thoughts could be put in another person’s head and the second person would never even realize what had been done to him.

Of course, that would be unethical, but still, if one could do that ...

But of course one couldn’t. It was all highly theoretical, of course, but if one could ...

There were so many questions that she wanted to ask but she felt she couldn’t. She wasn’t even supposed to be here, she told herself, and she most certainly didn’t want to draw attention to herself but if one could create a wave generator like the lecturer was talking about ...

No, what was she thinking? That wouldn’t do anything. You had to get the wave inside a person’s head.

Hmm, but a machine with enough power could do that.

Yeah, and if it had that much power, it would probably affect the operator in the same way that it would affect the person being affected.

Unless of course, you could direct the waves. Sure, an antenna or something that would focus the waves. That might work.

With a start, Peg realized that the lecture was coming to an end. A man was standing up and walking to the lectern. “Put your hands together for Dr. Colin Willowsby,” he directed the audience and they dutifully did as they were told to do.

“Dr. Willowsby has graciously agreed to take a few questions before he has to go. Are there any questions?”

An eager student in the first row quickly raised his hand. His question was inept. Peg could see that but she wondered if anyone else could.

The second question was hardly much better. Did she dare ask her questions, Peg wondered. After all, she knew she wasn’t supposed to be here.

But she stayed quiet as other questions were asked. God, what were these people thinking, she wondered. Hadn’t they been listening to anything at all?

“We have time for one last question,” the obvious master of ceremonies said. “Does anyone have a last question for Dr. Willowsby?”

This was it, Peg thought. She had to ask her questions and tentatively, her hand went up only it was someone else who was picked to ask the last question.

“All right then,” the master of ceremonies said when that last question had been answered, “one more time then, a warm round of applause for Dr. Colin Willowsby.”

The room erupted in applause with Peg clapping along with the rest of them and then like the rest of the attendees, she found herself stepping out into the sunlight.

“Brilliant,” she heard one man say.

“Yeah,” said his companion, “but I had trouble understanding half of what he said.”

“That’s how you know it’s brilliant,” said the first one.

It wasn’t that hard to understand, Peg thought, but again, she kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself.

And besides, at just that moment, she had something else to worry about. “Hey, Peg,” she heard someone call out to her. “Where were you?

Peg looked up to see two of her Science Club compatriots coming her way. “Hey, Luke. Hey, Johnny,” she said.

“What’s the matter?” Luke asked. “You just get here?”

“I bet she got lost again,” Johnny said with a grin.

“Is that it?” Luke said. “Did you get lost?”

“Shut up.”

“Ooh, that is it. “You got lost again,” Luke cackled. “Maybe we need to get you a GPS or something.”

“Nah. If we did, she’d just lose it.”

“I don’t lose stuff. I just get lost ... sometimes.”

“More like all the time,” Luke said.

“Not all the time.”

“I’ll bet you she wouldn’t get lost if Josh was here,” Johnny said.


“Ooh, look at her. She’s getting defensive.”

“I am not.”

“Hey, seriously,” Luke said as he threw an arm around Peg’s shoulders. “You missed a really cool demonstration.”


“Yeah. this guy did a simulation of a bridge collapse and everything. He showed us where the structural integrity points were and everything.”


“Yeah, it was. I mean, I don’t think I’m going to end up building bridges or anything like that but it was cool.”

“What’d you do?” Johnny asked.

“What do you mean?” Luke said. “You know what she did. She was looking for us.”

And so it was that Peg never got to tell the boys or anyone else about the lecture that she’d sat in on.

But even if Peg hadn’t told anyone, she couldn’t forget what she’d heard. She looked Colin Willowsby up on the Internet and then she looked up his research. Some people called his work visionary. Others weren’t nearly so kind.

She wrote down everything she remembered from the lecture and then she began to doodle. She didn’t date much but then that was hardly out of the ordinary. Truth be told, she wouldn’t have known what to do if a boy had asked her out but considering that no boy ever did ask her out, she never had to figure out what she’d do.

So she studied and she doodled and she made up some designs and then she doodled some more. Wouldn’t it be fun, she told herself. Wouldn’t it be fun if she actually could design a mind control device.

Yeah right, like she could actually do that. That was just so silly.

And yet the funny thing was as much as she knew it couldn’t possibly work, the high school senior couldn’t seem to stop what she was doing. Maybe she was hoping it would work. Maybe she was hoping that if it did, she could use it on Josh. Whatever the case, she kept working on her project.

She had a prototype built by December but when she plugged it in, she blew out half the fuses in the science lab and she had to think quick to come up with a plausible story before Mr. Saunders got mad at her.

It probably would have come as a very big surprise if she’d known someone else was thinking about her but she didn’t know about it so Peg blissfully went on about her way.

* * *

“So what you’re saying is this stuff totally makes someone open to suggestion,” Megan said.

“That’s what I’m saying,” Tiffany said.

“And how do you know that’s what it does?” asked Sammie.

“’Cause that’s what my brother said it does,” Tiffany said. “That’s how I know.”

“So tell us again how you got this stuff?” Megan said.

Tiffany sighed. She couldn’t believe they were going over this yet again. “I already told you. Ryan got this job at this pharmaceutical company and they do all kinds of weird research. So one day, he finds that he’s taken some pills home by mistake. It’s a total mistake but he’s going to be busted for sure if they find out.

“So anyway, he decides he’s going to flush ‘em down the toilet and he’s just going to pretend like it didn’t ever happen. Even if they suspect something, what can they do if there’s not any proof, right?”

The other two girls nodded.

“But before he can do it, I find out about it ‘cause he’s too chicken to do it at his own apartment so he’s come home to mom and dad’s. I know what he’s going to do and I’ve got this great idea so before he can do the great flush-a-roo, I switch them out for some aspirin we have and Ryan never knows the difference.

“And that’s how I got these pills.”

“Okay, so what do you want to do with them?”

“I just want to see if they work before I use them.”

“And how do you think you’re going to do that?”

“I’ve got just the idea.”


“You know Peg Sinclair?”

“What?” Sammie asked. “The little science geek?”

“That’s her. Word is she’s hot for Josh Calloway. Word is Josh is thinking of asking her out to the prom.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So what if mousy little Peg embarrassed herself so bad that Josh wouldn’t ask her to the prom?”

“She wouldn’t do that.”

“No? You don’t think so?”

“No, she wouldn’t.”

“What’d you have in mind?” Megan said.

“We get her alone at lunch and then we feed her one of these pills and we tell her that she’s totally addicted to girls and that what she wants to do more than anything else is to eat another girl’s pussy.”

“Why would we do that?”

“Because if she acted on it, then we’d know.”

“I don’t know,” Megan said. “It seems kind of mean.”

“What does?”

“I don’t want to ruin her life or nothing. I mean okay, I know she’s a geek and all that, but hey, I don’t want to turn her into a lesbian.”

“We’re not turning her into a lesbian,” Tiffany said. “We’re just trying something out and besides, these pills only work for a short amount of time. My brother said 24 hours max. To make it permanent, you have to keep redosing the subject and we’re not going to waste the stuff doing that.”

“I still don’t know.”

“What don’t you know?”

“It just seems mean.”

“I think we should do it,” Tiffany said.

“I’m game, too,” Sammie said.

“Megan?” Tiffany asked. “You in?”

“I don’t know. It still seems mean.”

“It’s not mean. We’re actually going to be doing her a favor. We’re going to be getting her out of her shell.”

“And it’s not going to do anything else to her, right?”


“Okay then, I guess I’m in.”

* * *

The next day in the cafeteria, Peg was surprised when she heard someone call her name.

“Peg,” someone called out again. “Over here, Peg.”

Peg looked around and then she saw Tiffany waving at her.

“Over here,” Tiffany said again.

Peg had been meaning to go eat with the other members of the Science Club. It was, after all, what she did almost every single day. She looked at them and they looked at her. “Go on,” Josh said.


“Go on. I know you want to sit with them.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do. They’re popular. I know you want to sit with them so go on.”

“You’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” and besides, “after you’re done with them, you can come and tell us what they wanted.”

“You’re really sure?” Peg asked.

“Of course we’re sure,” Josh said. “Go.”

Peg still wasn’t certain why she was doing this but she turned around and she walked over to where the three girls were sitting. They looked kind of hyper like they were up to something, like they had a secret and that was what really worried her. What little trick did these girls have up their sleeves. “You wanted to see me?” she asked.

“Sure. Come on. Sit.”

“All right,” Peg said hesitantly.

“You seem jumpy,” Tiffany said.

“It’s just that, you know, you guys are so popular, and I’m, um, I’m not.”


“So I didn’t think you would like me.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to sit with us?”

“No, I didn’t say that.”

“Then sit.”

Still with misgivings, Peg sat.

It wasn’t until the end of the meal that the trap was finally sprung.

“We know why you came over here to sit with us,” Tiffany said.


“You came over here because you want to lick our pussies.”


“We know why you came over here. You’re nothing more than a lesbian slut.”

“I am not!” Peg protested, and yet, now that the idea was there ... licking a girl’s pussy ...

No. That wasn’t what she was. It wasn’t who she was. She wasn’t a ... a ... a lesbian slut.

God, what was it about those words that sounded so hot. She could just imagine her tongue.

No, she told herself again. No. That wasn’t right. Peg stood up shakily. “I think you guys have got me all wrong,” she said.

“Have we now,” Tiffany taunted her. “Well why don’t you think that over and if you want to lick my pussy, why don’t you let me know.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath,” Peg said and with that, she turned and stomped off even as she heard the girls at the table laughing behind her.

By the end of the school day, Peg was starting to have a whole new set of thoughts. So Tiffany and Megan and Sammie had thought they could play around with her, did they? Well, maybe it was time to show them that two could play that game.

As it happened, Tiffany was in her last class of the day and while Tiffany was being her usual disinterested self, Peg was finding it hard to concentrate on anything that Mr. Loring was trying to teach to her or any of the rest of the class. After all, how could a lesbian slut like her concentrate when one of the hottest girls in school was right there in class with her.

“Hey,” Peg said when class was finally over.

“Hey,” Tiffany said.

“I just wanted to apologize,” Peg said.

“Apologize for what?”

“Apologize for what I said earlier today at the cafeteria.”

“Oh that. Don’t worry about it. That was just me and the girls having some fun. We know you’re not a lesbian slut.”

Those were hardly the words that Peg wanted to hear. God, her pussy was so wet just from talking to Tiffany. “I’ve got something to show you.”

“What’s that?” Tiffany asked with a smirk.

“It’s something I’ve been working on at home.”

That was hardly the answer that Tiffany had expected to hear. “Something you’ve been working on at home? I don’t understand.”

“It’s a science project.”

A science project, Tiffany thought. That didn’t sound at all interesting and it certainly didn’t sound like it had anything to do with turning the geek girl into a horny lesbian for a day.

“Do you want to see it?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on. It’ll only take a minute.”

“I’m not really into science like you are.”

“Come on. Please. I think you’ll really like it.”

Tiffany couldn’t help but wonder why Peg was so insistent. Okay fine. She’d take a look at whatever the girl had to show her. “Okay,” she said.

“It’s in my bedroom,” Peg said as she led the teen on. “Come on. I’ll show you,” and Tiffany followed.

Peg took something out of a box. It looked a little bigger than a shoebox but out of one of the ends, it had a silver tube that stretched out for four inches beyond the edge of the box.

In spite of herself, Tiffany was interested. “What’s that?” she asked.

“I call it a neural stimulator.”

“A what?”

“A neural stimulator.”

“What’s it do?”

“I’ll show you. You sit there and I’ll put the neural stimulator here.”

Tiffany sat where she was told to do and when Peg put the box on the table, the silver rod was pointing right at Tiffany. “This isn’t going to be bad, is it?”

“Uh uh. It’ll be fine. You know, when I first plugged this in, I blew out the fuses in the science lab but I figured out how to cut the power usage way down.”

Tiffany watched Peg plug the box into the wall and as soon as she did, the box began to hum.

“How’s that feel?” Peg asked.

“It feels good.”

Peg pulled her laptop out and she plugged it into the box. It was about to feel a whole lot more good than good. She isolated the brain wave for sexual pleasure. “I want you to think about me,” she said. “I want you to think about me licking your pussy.”

The brain wave didn’t flatline but it was pretty darn closed to it. That wouldn’t do at all. Peg made some adjustments on her lap top. “I want you to think about me licking your pussy.”

The brainwave jumped and it held the new pattern for a few moments before the brain wave once more flattened out.

Hmm. Still not there yet. Peg fiddled with the controls once again. “Think about me licking your pussy.”

The brainwave jumped. It still wasn’t great but at least it was something.

Peg notched the amplitude up a bit. She didn’t want to go for too much too fast. Maybe just a little bit more.

“Think about me licking your pussy.”

Tiffany actually moaned as she thought about Peg eating her pussy and Peg couldn’t help but feel a surge of pleasure. She looked at the screen. The wave was holding.

“Think about me licking your pussy,” she said again.

Again, Tiffany moaned.

“You want me to lick your pussy. You want me to lick your pussy so bad. Me licking your pussy is the most important thing in the world for you. You want me to lick you and Megan and Sammie.”


Everything was holding.

“You want them to see my new invention. You want them to want me to lick their pussies just as much as you want me to lick yours.”


Everything was holding, for now at least. Peg wasn’t sure if it was stable but she thought it was and in fact, it should reinforce itself. The more Tiffany thought about Peg licking her pussy, the more turned on she’d be by the idea and the more that idea would become her own idea.

Was there anything else she needed to do, Peg wondered. She decided there wasn’t so she turned off the machine. “How do you feel?” she asked.

“I feel great, only—”


“I was wondering. I mean, you know what we talked about this afternoon at lunch?”


“I mean, I know we kind of played a rotten trick on you and all that, but I was kind of wondering, I was wondering if you’d lick my pussy.”

“You want me to lick your pussy?”

“Would you please?”

Peg couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Had Tiffany actually said THAT word to her.

“Come on,” Tiffany pleaded. “I’ll even lick your pussy if you want me too, but I really want you to lick my pussy. Come on. Lick me, please.”

There was that word again. Tiffany was actually using the word please.

“Come on. I really need you to do it.”

“Well if you want to do it, I need to see it first.”

“You want to see it? You want to see my pussy?”

Peg nodded.

That was all the invitation that Tiffany needed. In moments, she had her skirt unzipped and then she was pushing it down her legs. As much as she wanted to show Peg her pussy, she thought Peg might want to see the rest of her body as well so she undid her blouse and took off her bra and then finally, she pushed her panties down her legs.

Oh my God, Peg thought. There it was. Tiffany’s pussy.

“Well?” Tiffany demanded. “Are you going to do it?”

“Mmm. Lie back on my bed.”

Tiffany quickly laid back on the bed.

“Now spread your legs for me.”

Again, Tiffany did just what she was told to do.

Peg couldn’t hold back any longer. She was sliding between Tiffany’s legs and then her tongue was right there on Tiffany’s pussy.

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned.

Oh yeah was right, Peg thought. Oh my God, the girl was wet and her pussy ... oh my God, she just couldn’t seem to get enough of Tiffany’s pussy.

“Oh fuck,” Tiffany moaned as she ran her hands through the other girl’s hair, pulling Peg even tighter against her pussy. “Oh fuck. Eat that pussy.”

She was eating that pussy, Peg wanted to say. She loved eating that pussy. Just the feel of her tongue as it slid between Tiffany’s lips, it was so magical, and every time her tongue licked Tiffany’s sensitive, little pleasure button ...

“Oh God,” Tiffany moaned. “Oh God. Yes.”

Peg couldn’t seem to keep her tongue off of that button. She wanted to lick that pussy.

“Oh my God,” Tiffany cried out frantically. “Oh my God.”

She couldn’t help herself. She had to lick that button.

“God yes,” the other girl cried.

She had to lick it. She had to lick that pussy.

“Oh my God. I ... I ... oh ... fu-u-u-u-u-uck,” Tiffany screamed out and then after gulping in some more air, she screamed again and when she screamed again, that scream devolved into a sobbing laugh and still, Peg licked her pussy.

“Oh my God,” Tiffany moaned. “Oh my God. You do that so well.”

Peg hardly paid the other girl any attention because she knew what she needed. Already, her tongue was getting ready to make the other girl cum again. That was what she needed.

The next morning, a deeply mortified Peg remembered just what it was that she’d done the day before. What the hell had she been thinking, she wondered, or more importantly, she wondered if she’d been thinking at all.

The effects of the neural stimulator were as far as Peg knew, permanent. In fact, because of the way it worked, they almost had to be because the neural stimulator went right to the core of the brain and she’d used it to ... oh my God.

If anyone ever found out what she’d done, she could forget about college. Heck, it was worse than that. It had to be illegal what she’d done to poor Tiffany. She wondered if she should turn herself in. She probably should and then maybe someone could find a way to reverse what she’d done.

But what if it wasn’t permanent. Okay, she didn’t just remember what she’d done but she remembered why she’d done it. For some reason, she’d gotten it in her head that she wanted to lick Tiffany’s pussy but it wasn’t like she wanted to do that anymore. Maybe the same would be true for Tiffany.

She was rationalizing, of course. There was a difference in what had happened to the two of them. She had no idea why it was she’d thought what she’d thought but what she’d done to Tiffany ...

Maybe she should turn herself in.

On the other hand, who would believe her if she did.

She was so bad. She was wicked. She was evil. She hated what she’d done and while she wouldn’t turn herself in right away, she knew she was probably going to have to in the end but for the moment at least, she’d think about it and she’d see if there wasn’t some way out of what she’d done.

That morning, she found it nearly impossible to concentrate during her classes. She knew she should, of course, but it was just that her mind kept being drawn back to what she’d done to Tiffany. She just knew she was going to have to make amends for that.

And then it got even worse.

She was in the cafeteria with the rest of her friends when she heard someone call her name. She didn’t really have to look and see to know who it was. “Hey, Peg,” the voice called out again. “Come eat with us.”

Josh looked at her. “You seem to have made quite an impression,” he said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Peg snapped at him.

“Huh? What?”

Peg shook her head. “It’s nothing,” she said.

Josh was looking at her with concern. “So whatcha going to do?” he asked.


“You going to go eat with your new friends?”

Peg looked at Tiffany and her friends and she shook her head. “I don’t think so,” she said.

“I think you should.”

“What? Why?”

“Because they’re popular and we’re not. You said you wanted to get into Cal or Stanford, right?”


“Well, there’s something to be said for hanging out with the in crowd.”

“I don’t think they care who I’m hanging out with,” Peg said.

“Maybe not, but it can’t hurt.”

Peg said nothing.

“Go on. Go.”

Maybe she should go, Peg thought guiltily. After all, when people found out what she’d done, no one was going to want to hang out with her, not even her friends so with that thought in mind, she went off to join Tiffany and her friends.

“Here, Peg,” Tiffany said. “You can sit next to me.”

Peg looked at the other girls and she could see it in their faces. They had no idea why Tiffany had called her over. In fact, she was almost sure that she’d seen Sammie whisper something to Megan and that Megan had shaken her head in bewilderment.

“I’m so glad you came here to eat with us,” Tiffany said and even as she said it, Tiffany felt the other girl’s hand stroke her leg under the table. She might have jumped up right then and there if it weren’t for the fact that that might have caused a scene and besides, if Tiffany trying to put the moves on her was making her uncomfortable, well hell, she deserved it.

“What’s she doing here?” Sammie demanded.

“Now, girls,” Tiffany began. “You don’t know what Peg here can do.”

“I don’t want to know what she can do,” Sammie said.

“You’re being shortsighted,” Tiffany said.

“Am I?”

It was at that moment that someone dropped a tray and all heads turned if only for a moment and then the conversation resumed and while Peg might not have seen the pill that Tiffany dropped into her drink, the other girls had.

“I think you’re being short-sighted,” Tiffany said again.

“Am I now?” Sammie said with a little more interest as Peg took a drink from her glass.

“Yep. Peg here loves eating pussy. Well, more to the point, she loves eating our pussies, isn’t that right, Peg?”

Peg nodded numbly. It wasn’t like she actually wanted to lick their pussies, but she just couldn’t bring herself to say no. After all, what she’d done to Tiffany the day before, maybe this was all a manifestation of that.

But still, it was like these girls couldn’t seem to talk about anything else. It was all about Peg and what a good pussy licker she was and whose pussy would she want to lick first. It was so much of that that Peg couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Tiffany had been a lesbian all along and if maybe she hadn’t really done anything at all.

“You know,” Tiffany said as the lunch was coming to an end, “if you really want to see what Peg here can do, you really ought to let her take you back to her place and you ought to let her eat you out.”

“Yeah?” Sammie asked.


“What do you say to that?” Sammie asked.

“Sure,” Peg said and almost as quickly, she wondered why it was she’d just said that. She’d been beating herself up all day long over what she’d done to Tiffany and now here she was saying that she might want to lick another girl’s pussy. What the hell was the matter with her?

Of course, she wasn’t going to do it, she told herself. Of course, she wanted to. She totally wanted to but she wasn’t going to do it. She’d just said what she’d said to be agreeable. That’s all it was.

But all that afternoon as she sat in class, she couldn’t help but think about what it would be like. She couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to lick Sammie’s pussy.

Her pussy was wet by the time the final bell rang. God, she needed to lick that girl’s pussy. She needed it bad but when she ran into Sammie out by the lockers, the girl suddenly seemed cool to her. “You thought that was real,” Sammie taunted her. “You thought you were really going to get to do it?”

“I ... I just thought—”

“God, you really must be a real lesbian.”

“No, I mean, I just thought—”

“What? That I was going to let you lick my pussy?”

Peg nodded. “Maybe you could come to my house.”

“Why? Do you think you’re somehow going to get me to let you eat my pussy?”

In spite of herself, Peg just nodded.

“You know what? You’re on. Tiffany said I should see what you have up your sleeve so fine, we’ll go back to your place and you can do your best to try and seduce me but I’m going to tell you now, it’s not going to work.”

Peg couldn’t help but nod glumly.

“Do you want to come up to my bedroom?” Peg asked when they’d arrived home.

“Why? Can’t you lick a pussy out in the open where anyone could see it?” the other girl asked.

She wouldn’t have minded it, Peg realized. That was how bad it was. She didn’t care who saw her doing it just so long as she got to lick Sammie’s pussy.

And what made it worse was that Sammie seemed to know exactly what it was that the other girl was thinking. “Oh damn,” she exclaimed. “You’d really do it. You’d lick my pussy right out here in the open if I let you, wouldn’t you?”

Peg nodded glumly.

“You really are a lesbian slut.”

She was, Peg realized.

“Okay, you got me interested. You think you got some way of convincing me to let you lick my pussy, I’m interested in seeing what you got so you want to go to your bedroom, then fine, but I’m telling you right now, you better not try any funny business.”

“No,” Peg promised. “No funny business.”

Peg led the other girl into her room. Sammie looked around at the room, at the science books on the shelves, at the lab tools on the desk, at the poster of Albert Einstein on the wall that was emblazoned with the words, “Relativity, what a concept,” and Sammie looked at Peg. “Man, you really are a geek, aren’t you?”

Peg nodded.

“So what are you going to do to get me to let you lick my pussy?”

Peg pulled a box out from under her bed. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

Sammie shook her head.

“It’s a science experiment. You want to know what it does?”

Sammie wasn’t really all that interested but she was willing to play along with the game at least for a little while. “What’s it do?” she asked.

“Well, first I plug it into the wall like this,” Peg said.

Sammie didn’t even realize that all her attention had suddenly become transfixed by the little humming box.

“Then I plug my laptop in like this,” Peg said.

Sammie didn’t say anything. She just looked at the box.

It was easier the second time around, Peg thought. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but really, it didn’t matter because having come this far, she knew she wasn’t about to stop.

There was the brain wave for sexual pleasure. “I want you to think about me,” Peg said. “I want you to think about me eating your pussy.”

The brain wave hardly moved at all. Why hadn’t it moved?

“Are you thinking about me licking your pussy?”


That was so weird. Why hadn’t the brainwave shifted. “Are you thinking about me licking your pussy?”


Weird, Peg thought. The brainwave was steady. Nothing had changed, unless ... “You’ve always liked girls, haven’t you?”


“Ever been with one? Ever had a girl lick your pussy?”

For the first time, the brain wave showed some instability. “No,” was the answer.

“That’s about to change,” Peg said and she watched the brainwave change before it once more regained its stability.

“You want that,” Peg said. “You want me to lick your pussy.”


“You want me to lick your pussy,” Peg said again and again, everything remained the same.


Peg switched off the box and she watched as Sammie’s eyes refocused on her. “You want me to lick your pussy,” she said.

“I sure do,” Sammie said defiantly.

“Okay. Let’s see it then.”

Sammie never took her eyes off of Peg as she stood and removed her jeans and then moments later, she was taking down her panties as well. “There you go,” she said as if taunting Peg with her pussy.

Peg could feel her mouth watering. “I, um, I need you to sit down on the bed.”

“You mean like this?”

“Um yeah, I mean like that,” Peg said. “Now spread your legs.”

“Sure thing,” Sammie said. “Anything you say.”

Peg dropped to her knees and then she was crawling up between Sammie’s thighs. Sammie might have seemed brash but she wasn’t nearly so brash when Peg pressed her tongue up against her pussy. “Oh yeah,” she moaned.

Oh yeah, was right, Peg thought as her tongue lapped at the other girl’s pussy.

“Fuck, that’s good.” Sammie moaned.

“I got something for you,” Peg said.


But Peg wasn’t actually bothering to answer as she slipped out of her top and pressed her breasts up against Sammie’s pussy.

“Ooh,” Sammie gushed, “I like that.”

“I thought you would.”

“Oh my God. I want to cum on your tits.”

“That’s what I want too.”

“Oh fuck. Yeah.”

Peg didn’t say anything more as she continued to hump her tits against the other woman’s pussy.

“Oh my God,” Sammie gasped. “Oh my God. I’m cumming.”

* * *

What the hell was the matter with her, Peg thought when she woke up the next morning. Two days in a row and two days she’d seduced two of the hottest girls in the school. What the hell was the matter with her?

The problem was she didn’t have an answer to that and worse yet, where the day before, she’d felt guilty about what she’d done, now there was something else as well.

There was excitement.

She shouldn’t be excited, she told herself. She shouldn’t have liked doing what she’d done to Tiffany and to Sammie, and yet ... and yet she did. It was almost as if ...

It was almost as if she needed to lick their pussies.

Peg tried to put that thought out of her head as she left her house that morning. She didn’t need to lick their pussies, she told herself. She couldn’t need that. It was just a figment of her imagination and yet it was a figment that seemed to not want to go away.

That day in the cafeteria, Peg once again had lunch with three of the most popular girls in the school only this time, something was different. This time, Tiffany and Sammie were more open about what they’d done and this time, it wasn’t just Peg that was taking a ribbing from the two girls.

“Sammie, did I see you going home with Peg here yesterday,” Tiffany asked.

“I sure did,” Sammie replied.

“Whatever could you have been doing that for?”

“I think you know why I did that.”

“Oh, I’m sure I know but I’m not sure Megan does.”

Sammie was now looking right at her friend. “Peg here took me home so she could lick my pussy, and you know what?”


“It was great. Peg here is one heck of a pussy licker. You should let her lick your pussy.”

“We all should,” Tiffany said. “I know it was great when she licked mine.”

“You guys,” Megan mewed.

“What?” Sammie said. “You can’t tell me you don’t want her to do you, too.”

“No, I don’t,” Megan countered.

“That’s just because she doesn’t know the wonders of it yet, but Peg here loves to lick our pussies. Isn’t that right, Peg?”

Say no, Peg told herself. Say no and yet ... “Yes,” she said.

“Yes what, Peg?”

“Yes, I like to eat your pussies.”

“You loved eating mine, didn’t you?” Tiffany said.

“Yes, I loved eating yours.”

“You loved eating Sammie’s.”

“Yes, I loved eating Sammie’s.”

“And I’ll bet you can’t wait to get a taste of Megan’s pussy.”

Peg was now looking at Megan with new interest. “Yes,” she said. “I want to eat your pussy.”

“You guys,” Megan complained but her complaints only drew laughter from Tiffany and from Sammie.

That afternoon, Peg couldn’t help but feel it. It had been growing ever since lunch time but she was feeling horny and what she really needed was to lick some pussy. Actually, she thought, what she really needed was to lick one specific pussy. What she needed was to lick Megan’s pussy.

“Hey Peg,” a voice said as Peg pulled some books from her locker.

Peg closed her locker to find Megan standing there looking at her. God, she looked hot and Peg couldn’t help but wonder what her pussy tasted like. “What’s up?”

“Could I talk to you?”


“Not here,” Megan said. “I need to talk with you in private.”

Now that was just perfect, Peg thought. “Why don’t you come by my house?”

“I, um, I don’t think I should do that.”

“Why not?”

“I just don’t think I should.”

“Well, that’s where I’m going to be so if you want to talk to me, you probably should come along.”

“Can’t we talk somewhere else?”

“Uh uh. I’m going home, but if you come along, it’ll be just us two.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on. I can tell you have something you want to say.”

“I do, but—”

“But if you want to tell me, you’re going to have to come along.”

Megan sighed. She really hadn’t wanted to do it this way but if it was the only way she could then fine and so just like Tiffany and Sammie before her, she let herself be led to Peg’s home and then up into Peg’s bedroom.

“I have something I need to tell you,” she started out.

“Go ahead,” Peg said as she pulled a box out from under her bed and plugged it into the wall.

“We did this to you.”

Peg plugged her laptop into a port on the box. “What’d you do to me?” she asked.

“We made you like girls.”

“I don’t understand.”

“We did this to you,” Megan said again. “We made you like girls. Tiffany’s brother, he had these pills, and we gave them to you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Peg said.

“I just thought you should know. I mean, I know you’re going to do something to me, but I thought you should know. Tiffany says it’s almost irreversible now.”

“What is?”

“What the pills are doing to you. She says it’s almost irreversible now. One more dose, she says. One more dose and it will be permanent.”

Peg shook her head as if she was trying to get her head around what Megan was saying. What pills, she wondered. She hadn’t been given any pills. “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

“I just thought you should know.”

No, Peg thought. No, it couldn’t be. The girl was lying to her but ... but what if she wasn’t.

No, it couldn’t be. She would have known if she’d been drugged.

She wouldn’t have known, wouldn’t she?

She plugged the box into the wall and then plugged her laptop into the box. No, she told herself. No. That wasn’t right. She would have known. She was sure of it. She would have known.

It was almost easy finding the brainwave for sexual pleasure now but it was a little different than what she’d seen before. “Megan?”


“You can hear me, right?”


Hmm, Peg thought. There was something ... something off here, or at least that’s what she thought, but really, how could she tell. Her fingers fiddled with the controls. What was it, she wondered.

Still, did it really matter. “Megan,” she said, “you want me to lick your pussy.”

“I want you to lick my pussy,” Megan agreed.

Hmm. Something there but there was something else as well. “You want me to lick your pussy,” Peg said again.

Peg could see the acceptance in the other girl’s responses. “I deserve it,” Megan said.


“I deserve having you lick my pussy.”

That was rather cheeky, Peg thought but then she looked at the screen in front of her. “Why do you deserve it?” Peg asked.

“I deserve it because I don’t deserve it.”

“Huh? Say that again.”

“I deserve it because I don’t deserve it.”

“I don’t understand,” Peg said. “Explain yourself.”

“We tricked you,” Megan said.

“You tricked me?”

“Into liking pussy,” Megan said.

Could it really be true, Peg wondered. Megan could have lied before but now that she was under the control of Peg’s device, there shouldn’t have been any way she could have lied so whatever she said had to be the truth, right? “Okay,” Peg said, “so how do you think this means you deserve it?”

“Because I don’t deserve to be free.”

“You don’t what?”

“I don’t deserve to be free. I need to be controlled. I need to be punished.”

“You need to be punished?”

“I need to be your slave.”

Whoa? That was ... that was heavy.

“I need to be your slave,” Megan said again. “For what me and my friends did to you.”

Was that the difference that the cause for the difference that Peg had been seeing on her screen, she wondered, and then again she thought as she looked at the girl, did it really matter. If Megan wanted to be her slave, did it really matter.

No, what mattered was what Peg wanted. She wanted to lick Megan’s pussy.

But those two things, they weren’t mutually exclusive, were they?

No, Peg decided, they were not. “All right,” Peg said. “Have it your way. You are now my slave.”

“Yes,” Megan moaned.

Peg looked at her screen and she thought she could see the new patterns stabilizing in Megan’s brainwaves. “You are my slave,” she said again.

“I am your slave,” Megan murmured.

“And first and foremost, my slave, is if you’re going to be my slave, you need to always want me to eat your pussy. Is that understood?”


“It will be your first thought whenever you see me. You will always beg me to eat your pussy.”

“Yes, Mistress, I understand.”

Yes, Mistress? Wow. Now that was unexpected, Peg thought, but was there anything else that still needed to be done. She decided there wasn’t so she turned the neural stimulator off.

Megan blinked as her mind once more became aware and then she looked at Peg. “Mistress, please, can you please lick my pussy?”

“You want me to lick your pussy?” Peg smirked.

“Yes, Mistress, please.”

“Well now, if that’s what you want, you need to show me your pussy.”

“Yes, Mistress, of course, Mistress,” the girl said and it wasn’t long before she’d removed all of her clothes.

“Tell me what you want again.”

“I want you to lick my pussy, Mistress.”

“Of course you do,” Peg murmured as she once more settled in between another girl’s thighs.

* * *

The next day, Peg woke up horny. She couldn’t believe what she’d done to poor Megan but really, the girl had asked for it so in a way, was it really all that bad, and besides, she’d gotten to eat the girl’s pussy.

But then there were the things that Megan had told her the day before about Tiffany and her pills. She hadn’t believed the girl then but she couldn’t help but believe her now and if she did believe her, the question was what was she going to do about it.

That afternoon at lunch, Peg decided he no longer needed an invitation to join the other girls. She brought her tray to the table where the three girls were sitting. “Where are they?” she demanded of Tiffany.

“Where are what?” Tiffany asked.

“I know you’ve been drugging me. Where are the pills?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you do.”

“I’m sure you don’t.”

“Sure you do. Either you give them to me right now or I’m going to the principal and you can hash it out with him. Where are they?”

Tiffany looked at the other two girls and they looked back at her and then finally Tiffany shrugged and she reached into her purse and she took out a vial of eight pills and she handed them over to Peg.

“What’s the dosage?”


“What’s the dosage? How many do you use?”

“Just one.”

Peg shook one pill out of the bottle and she dropped it into her soda and she took a big swig from her drink. “Now,” she said conspiratorially, “I want you girls to tell me exactly what it is you want me to be.”

* * *

Peg soon found that she seemed to be licking pussy all the time. Sometimes, she got her pussy licked and sometimes, she didn’t but the truth was she didn’t much care about whether she got her pussy licked. What she cared about was getting her tongue between Tiffany’s and Sammie’s and most especially between Megan’s legs. She loved licking their pussies. She loved the way her tongue felt as it slipped between their lips and she loved the wetness that she always found between their legs. but most of all, she loved stroking their clits. She loved hearing them moan and she loved amping them up and when it was clear that the girls were right on the verge, she loved making them cum, too.

And that’s how you get a square Peg into a round hole.