The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Supreme Girl

I flew over the city, my second pass of the night. Things had been really slow; okay by me. I never asked for my powers. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to help with the ills of the world, but the responsibilities were never-ending. Flight & enhanced strength came from a meteor I never noticed near my camping site. I don’t know how it changed me. I went to sleep, and the next morning I was a different woman-soon to be known as Supreme Girl. I really don’t think about it much; I’m no scientist and I certainly don’t want to be someone’s guinea pig. I was raised with strong moral standards by two fine parents. I knew the right thing to do.

Seneca City was a fine place; street crime was low, and it was very clean. Most of my activities revolved around rescues than villain battling. I did look like I came out of a comic book-I have raven black hair, and my 120 lbs. were perfect for my 5′6″ frame. My 36C chest was perfectly accented by the special spandex material I had custom-made for my uniform. No cleavage showed; the shirt portion of the one-piece came up to the bottom of my neck. The bottom, however, was cut and a significant portion of my hips showed. Okay, forgive me a little vanity. Over my breasts, against the fire red of my outfit, was a white “S”. Matching red over the knee boots & red mask over my eyes completed the ensemble.

I would have never known the level of crime that existed if I hadn’t been privy to information others wouldn’t have. I was a paralegal with a very prestigious law firm. Only big money could afford their services, and quite frankly, there were more clients who received their big money from unethical means than clients who didn’t. And that was when I became aware of Jonathan Dean.

Dean was smart. I learned, little by little, case by case, just how smart he was. Dean controlled any crime that existed in Seneca City. Shakedowns, drugs, prostitution, gambling-it didn’t matter. All was under his control, and it didn’t exist unless he allowed it to. His greatest achievement was how quiet he kept activity. He stayed under the radar; the police never had any murders or high crime areas to draw their attention. From time to time one of his “associates” and their activities would be apprehended, and our law firm did its job. No one was ever prosecuted, and nothing ever led back to Dean. All powerful, he was a God and a Ghost all in one.

But little by little I learned of his organization and their activities. I was able to bust up a few operations; drug buys, a bookie operation, two cat houses. But I was at a loss as to how to bring down the large operation. I may be able to lift a car, but super strength was not going to “bring down the house.” That required evidence. And the police weren’t looking for something they barely knew existed. I called it a night and flew back to my apartment. Tomorrow was a work day.

* * *

“Cindy, I need the file on Tim Bute please,” said my boss, Jay.

“Sure, Jay. Should I expect Mr. Bute this afternoon?” I asked.

“No, just want to be prepared in case he calls tonight or tomorrow,” said Jay. Puzzling. Jay was preparing IN CASE Bute needed us? That sounded a little more than fishy. I grabbed Bute’s file, and opened it. Quickly scanning, I saw that Bute had several drug trafficking charges against him, but nothing that stuck. Was there a deal going down tonight? Was Jay getting ready if things went down badly? Well, if there was, he would have to be. Supreme Girl would be there to make sure Bute wouldn’t be walking away a success.

* * *

Oh my God, really? An abandoned warehouse on the waterfront? How cliché can you get? But that’s where I was. I had Bute’s home address from the file, and followed him as he left, high in the sky and out of sight. I perched atop a building and watched him exit his car. I floated down to the roof and gently landed where a skylight was. Peering inside, I saw Bute speaking with 3 other men who had already been inside. I couldn’t hear their conversation; why couldn’t the meteor do something with my hearing too, damn it? After talking for awhile, one of the men walked to the back of a car, and took a suitcase out of the truck. This was it! Time for Supreme Girl to dive into action!!

Diving through the skylight, I yelled out, “STOP!!” All four men froze in their tracks. I landed in front of them, and one reached in and grabbed a gun. Before it was pointed half-way towards me, I snatched it from his hand and squeezed. I looked him in the eyes and asked, “Would you like your hand to look like this?” The gun looked like a child was squeezing Play-do. His mouth formed a little “O”, and he shook his head while he backed several steps away.

“What the hell are you doing!” demanded Bute. “We’re not doing anything wrong. Go put out a fire or somethin’!”

“Really” I snickered. “What kind of drugs are in that case, Bute? Cocaine? Heroine? I don’t think they can disappear while I’m here, can they, Scumbag?”

“There’s nothing in there, you crazy bitch!” yelled Bute.

“We’ll see about that,” I said, and grabbed the suitcase from the man’s hand. He stated towards me, and I grabbed him by the shirt collar. “Take it easy for awhile, asshole.” I said, and threw him 20 feet across the room. He landed with a thud and lay still. I placed the suitcase on the front of the car and opened it. Immediately a plume of white haze exploded from the case, hitting me full in the face. I felt dizzy and nauseated at the same time. “What the fuck!” I heard myself say, and then I couldn’t stand anymore. I dropped to my knees, and looked towards Bute. He had a sneer on his face I wish I could slap off, but every ounce of strength I had was being used not to pass out.

“See, I told you there wasn’t any drugs in the case. But, you can tell it was meant for you, can’t you, bitch?” said Bute, laughing. All the men were laughing, except for the one I threw. He was still out, and I was on my way to joining him. I still had a chance. Use all my strength, and fly upward. Get away to recover. I pushed myself to my feet and was ready to launch myself when Bute grabbed the case and threw it at me. The white powder inside scattered and clung to me, all over my body. It was too much. I collapsed into a heap on the floor, and everything went black.

* * *

My head was pounding when I woke up. My eyes slowly adjusted, and I could see I was in a large office. The furnishing were very expensive and high quality. I was tied to a chair with cable ties, and they bit into my skin harshly. There was an I.V. needle in my right arm, attached to a hose and bag of clear liquid. What the fuck? Nothing could pierce my skin since my change. I remember the awkwardness I felt at the Red Cross when I tried to donate blood and their needle broke. What was going on?

The door opened and in walked a man I had never seen before. Impeccably dressed, hair styled, exuding class and style. Right behind him was Bute, and another man in a lab coat. Bute and lab coat man were smiling; but I had never seen someone look as serious as the first man.

“Cynthia, I’m very glad you could join us tonight. You don’t mind me being informal, do you? Supreme Girl is a little hokey for my tastes.” He said. Cynthia? He knew who I was. I was incapacitated, but I could still feel the mask on my face. “who-who are you?” my voice warbled.

“I am Mr. Dean, Cynthia; but I’d prefer you call me Sir, thank you.” He replied. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but I’m not really in a patient mood today. So if you’ll indulge me, I’d be happy to explain your predicament.” I started to tremble. This was the first time since my change that I felt helpless in a situation, and he certainly was commanding and sure of himself. He exuded it.

“I have known your identity for quite some time, Cynthia. You do remember the building collapse on Center St., don’t you? You saved a lot of people, but you also left quite a bit of DNA behind. We were quite surprised; we expected you to be invulnerable, but I suppose even you have your limits. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but there was enough.” He gestured to the man in the lab coat. “It was more than enough for Dr. Blaine to concentrate and experiment with. And it was certainly enough to use as a reference for DNA crosschecks at the local hospitals and Red Cross, to find out who you are. Imagine my surprise when we discovered you worked in our attorney’s firm. It made things so much easier for us.”

“Easier? I don’t understand,” I slurred. It felt like my head was filled with marbles that were rolling around.

“I’ve long been concerned that your presence in our city may come into conflict with my daily business. Although your actions have not provided any significant threat, I’m certainly not willing to wait for that day to come. So instead of waiting for a conflict with you that could damage my operation, I’ve decided to perform what you would say is a “pre-emptive” strike. Dr. Blaine spent a lot of time, and a lot of money, but we finally have the chemical we need to permanently remove your powers.”

My heart thumped in my chest. Remove my powers? I was already helpless with my powers-what would happen without them? “Tha-that’s not possible, Dean.” I stuttered.

Dean looked back at Bute and nodded. Bute stepped forward and swung his closed fist into my face. My head rocked back from the blow and I instantly felt blood trickle out of my mouth. Pain blossomed all through my cheek. That’s not possible-it can’t be! I looked at Dean in complete disbelief. “I believe I informed you to call me Sir, didn’t I? I would not recommend making that mistake again.” A cold fear welled up in my belly that I had never felt before. “What happened?” I asked, my voice quavering.

“The white powder is a derivative of the chemical Dr. Blaine has created to remove your powers. In it’s powder form, it is temporary. For now, you are vunerable for us to hurt-and of course allow us to place the I.V.” he explained. The liquid in the I.V. bag will enter your system and make the effect permanent.”

I pulled uselessly against my restraints. “Why? If you said I wasn’t a threat, why? Don’t you know how many people I help? From fires? Accidents? You’ll be harming them all.”

“Yes, I understand that. I am understandably curious as to why you think I care. I do admit this is a little personal to me.” He leaned right into my face, just an inch away. “This town belongs to me. You were the only thing that I could not rely on controlling. I will not allow the existence of ANYTHING in this city that I cannot own or control. And as of right now, I own you, Supreme Girl.” He said my name with such a sneer in his voice, it was chilling.

He stepped back. “You will be completely broken. You will be completely humbled. You will not receive death. You must be punished for the hubris of existing without my control. And you will spend the rest of your days this way. You see, I will be taking away your powers when you beg me to. Not one second before.”

“What the hell would make me do that, you son of a bitch? Huh?”

Dean nodded back to Bute again, and another punch slammed into my face. It had been a very long time since I had the copper-y taste of blood in my mouth. Despite my anger, I felt tears of fear start to trickle from my eyes. “We have an understanding now, yes?” asked Dean. “Yes, sir.” I muttered, my head drooping in shame.

“Good. Now, Doctor,” said Dean. The doctor came forward and pulled a capped syringe from his pocket. My eyes opened wider in fear. Dean looked me in the eyes and simply said, “Heroin.” I felt a sharp sting in my arm, and them I felt soooo good. My tummy was warm and my face didn’t hurt anymore. “Get some sleep. We’ll see you in the morning,” said Dean, and they left me. I just felt like I was on a cloud. I could barely feel the drool that slipped out of my mouth. And then it was black again.

* * *

“Wake up bitch!” I heard, and a sharp slap came across my face. I opened my eyes, and I was in a different room. It was more like a hospital room than a cell. I looked at myself; I was still in my uniform, but now I was lying on a cold steel table, and my hands and legs were strapped with hospital quality restraints. I strained against the bonds, but they didn’t give an inch. My strength should have ripped them apart easily.

I heard Bute laugh. “Take a look, moron.” He grabbed me by the hair and forced my head to the left. The I.V. was gone, but there was a white patch where it had been. “You’re still getting the powder-you can forget about your powers while it’s on.” I let my head fall back to the table. I was started to lose hope. My skin felt tingly. “A little itchy? Guess the heroin wore off-time for some more,” he said with a grin. I heard the door and the doctor walked in with another syringe. “NO!” I heard myself plead. I hated it. I was so helpless. “No, please-please! PLEASE NO!” I screamed. The sting came again, and so did the clouds. “How does it feel, bitch?” asked Bute. “Niiicce….” I slurred. It felt so nice. The pain, the fear, it disappeared. I felt so warm, and floaty. I just wanted to sleep……

* * *

Cotton filles my mouth. I don’t remember how many days I’ve been here. They’re all blending together. They feed me, they drug me. They bring me newspapers. One headline showed a fire that broke out and Supreme Girl never showed up. Another newspaper had a story about Cynthia Gwen, a paralegal that had gone missing and police had no leads to her location. The sponge bathe me; they wash my uniform and put it back on me. I haven’t seen Dean since the office. I don’t know where he is. I have to see him. I’ll beg-I’ll beg, he’s got to let me go-oh please let him come visit me so I can beg. Oh god the doctor’s back, and he’s got another needle. I’m scared I don’t want it but my stomach has started to hurt soooo bad if he’s late I think they’re turning me into a junkie ahhhhhhhhh yes thats better soooogoood mmmmmm im floating mmmmmmm i see bute hes on top of me hes touching me oooohhhh thats so good mmmmm im wet ooooo hes inside me mmmmmmmm more yes more yes mmmmm harder harder harder aaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHH yeesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!

* * *

“Hello Cynthia” It’s him. O thank God. It’s him. “Is there something I can do for you?”

“My stomach hurts, please help me Sir please please…” I can feel tears stream down my cheeks.

“How long has it been since the doctor has seen you?”

“I don’t know I don’t remember please help me Sir”

“I can have the doctor give you some more medicine-would you like that?” he asked. I nod my head yes, tears of gratitude flow. “Please, yes Sir” I beg. Sir nods towards Bute. Bute takes out his cock and holds it in front of my face. “You will have to ask nicely to earn your medicine,” he says. I know what he wants; I know what I need. “Please Sir, can I suck his cock please?” Sir shakes his head. “No, that’s not the way you ask. You’re not an “I” anymore. You are property; use your name please-your HERO name.” I start to cry again. It’s so humiliating, but I hurt so bad. “Please Sir, may Supreme Girl suck his cock, please?” I see Sir smile and he nods-Bute puts his cock in my mouth and I do everything-I suck I use my tongue I need my medicine. I keep sucking and he stiffens-he cums in my mouth and I suck every drop-I feel it down my throat, in my stomach, and im so lost im so lost theres no hope he going to destroy me. I see the doctor coming and soon I feel soooo much better im so warm mmmmmmmm and theres another man i don’t know him they undress me theyre touching me mmmmm yes my breasts yesssss just like that oooooo hes in me mmmmmm fuck me fuck me god let my hands go i want to hold you fuck me fuck me fuck me OOOOOOOOOOOOOyyyyyyyyyessssssssssssss yes yes yes yes yes yes more more more more more more more……

* * *

“It’s been 3 weeks, Dr. Blaine. How is our progress?’ asked Dean.

“Very well Mr. Dean. She’s a complete addict now. We actually give her very little-just enough to keep her from being in pain, but enough to keep her addicted. It also allows her an appetite, so she’s remaining quite healthy.” replied the doctor. And she’s never given a shot until she asks, so her mental condition is continuing to weaken. Quite frankly Mr. Dean, she’s ready to be completely broken. May I ask why you have not done so?”

Mr. Dean just looked at the doctor. “What about the positive reinforcement training?”

“She’s on a regiment of at least 10 men a day servicing her sexually, and when there are no men, there are devises in place to keep her either orgasming, or in a highly aroused state, literally 24 hours a day. Very Pavlovian, and effective. She associates her heroin fixes in a positive manner. We removed her restrains so she could more actively participate in her sexual encounters. She’s shown no sign of attempting escape.”

“Very good, Doctor. I believe tomorrow will be the day,” said Dean, a slight smile on his face. Tomorrow would be the day she begged. Finally.

* * *

Supreme Girl was in her cell, picking at her breakfast. The doctor hadn’t come yet with her medicine, and she felt anxious, both mentally and physically. She was dressed; the only clothes she had been allowed was her costume. Not once did they ever remove her mask. She was just finishing when the door opened, and there he was: Sir.

“Good morning Sir,” she said. “Good morning Supreme Girl,” he answered. “It is time we had a talk, I believe. It is time for you to make a choice.”

“What choice, Sir?”

“It is time for you to learn the life that lies ahead for you. You will never return to your old one. Cynthia Gwen is gone.” Dean handed her a newspaper, folded open to the Obituary pages. She read. There was an obituary for Cynthia Gwen. Although no body had been found, a suicide note declared written by her from a handwriting expert had been found; there was also saliva found on the envelope, and the DNA was a match. Supreme Girl just stared at the paper; she was too overwhelmed by what she read; by what she had been through the last three weeks. If there were any shred of hope or fight left within her, it melted away right at that moment. Tears flowed from her eyes down her cheeks. She slowly looked up at Dean. “Sir, what is to become of Supreme Girl?”

“You are a heroin addict now, you realize that?” he asked. Supreme Girl slowly nodded her head but said nothing. “I give you a choice. One will leave you with dignity, but pain. The other will ease your pain, at the loss of your dignity. You see, your final fate will be one of your choosing, not mine. I will stop giving you heroin today, if you wish. The withdrawal will be agonizing, but I’m sure that your dignity and strength will give you comfort. Of course, when you finally “kick the habit” so to say, we’ll be starting the cycle all over again. Addicted once more, then withdrawal. And again. And again. How long do you think your heroism will prevail?”

All she could do is continue to silently weep. “And what is Supreme Girl’s other choice, Sir?” Dean smiled. She no longer used “I” or “me”. He really had to commend the doctor. He had done a wonderful job. Dean knocked on the door; it opened and a naked man walked in, fully erect.

Supreme Girl just stared. Her lips slightly parted and she felt her pussy get wet. The doctor’s conditioning had worked. She couldn’t help it. Sex was the only action besides her “fix” that her mind could relate to pleasure or comfort. She hated herself, but all she wanted was to mount his cock and ride him into pleasure. Without knowing it, she had reached down and started to massage her pussy. Her body started to rock back and forth from the pleasure.

“You will remain here. You will be property. You will receive your precious heroin, and you will be whored out to all of my partners and business associates. Being able to fuck Supreme Girl will truly be a prize for them. You will remain an addict, my prisoner and property. And you will never be allowed to wear any other clothing. You will wear your costume every day for the rest of your life. You will never be rid of the constant reminder of your fall. But, in order for you to choose this, you must beg me to permanently remove your powers, and prove your loyalty.”

Supreme Girl felt lost. The last three weeks had been unbearable. She couldn’t take another second more, never mind the rest of her life in pain. He wasn’t’ just destroying her, he was making her help. She felt the familiar clawing in her belly for heroin; she felt the craving of cock in her pussy. Both were so close. So close. He said there was a choice, but was there? She knew he had programmed her; she knew she didn’t have the strength to fight anymore. She closed her eyes, and breathed deep. She got up on all fours, and crawled over to Dean. When she reached his feet, she looked up.

“Sir, Supreme Girl chooses to be your property,” she said, her voice breaking as she sobbed. Her tears fell to the floor. “Supreme Girl begs you Sir, she begs you.”

“Beg me to break you.” he simply said.

Break her? What more was left? “Sir please break me. Supreme Girl will not fight you.”

Dean smiled. “Since you asked nicely, I will be happy to break you. And so now we begin.” Dean sent the man outside the room after whispering in his ear. Several minutes past, and he finally returned. He had a plastic cup in his hand. Supreme Girl simply remained on all fours, unmoving. The man handed the cup to Supreme Girl, who took it and looked inside. To her horror, she saw that it was filled almost to the top with cum. “Your first test of loyalty, Supreme Girl. Empty the cup.”

With a sinking feeling, she raised the cup to her lips. She opened her mouth, and began to drink. As bad as that was, she had a greater fear that was slowing coming true. She had been conditioned over the last weeks to associate cum with pleasure; as she felt the cum slide over her tongue and down her throat, her pussy got wetter and warm. Halfway through, she was trembling all over. As the last bit was finished, she felt a small orgasm flow through her pussy that left her gasping. She dropped the cup to the ground, and said nothing.

“Very good, Supreme Girl. Now, your final test.” Another knock at the door, and the man returned again. And he was not alone. With him was a fit, panting german shepard. Supreme Girl’s eyes flew open wide. “No god no please Sir no! I swear loyalty! I swear! Please!!”

“Your last test. Get on your knees or be ready to forfeit your choice. Remember, the doctor is only a room away with your relief.”

Supreme Girl’s mind cracked. Her eyes dimmed visably, and she slowly turned around, on her hands and knees, and stuck her ass towards the dog. The man led the shepard over to her, while the doctor entered the room wheeling an I.V. pole. She never moved while he swabbed her arm and inserted the needle. Straightening up, he turned on the drip to the I.V. Supreme Girl watched as the liquid doom flowed through the tube towards her arm. When the liquid formula designed to eliminate her powers (laced of course with heroin) entered her arm, she felt a slight tingle and burn, which spread throughout her body. It was then the man led the dog up and it mounted her.

Omygod, her brain screamed. She felt the dog’s cock enter her pussy and start sliding in and out at a frantic pace. Soon the dog’s knot was inside her pussy and swelled to huge proportions. It was stuck inside; the dog thrust so hard that Supreme Girl was skidding back and forth on the floor. It was the final blow; she simultaneously felt her powers ebb away as the dog used her as a sex toy. And then the very worst thing happened. The heroin made it pleasurable.Her mind left her.

“no no nonononono uuuuuunnnnnnnn nonononononono ogod ogod no no no oh oh oh oh mmmmmm….?no no no ummmmmmm yes NO! no yessssssss ummmmmmm god yes yes yes omygod cum imgonnacum imgonnacum nonono yes yes! YES!!!! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCKME aaahhhhhhhHAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! An earth shattering orgasm ripped through her as she felt a massive gush inside her pussy as the dog came as well. She collapsed to the floor, the dog still inside her. Her eyes were glazed over and she was drooling. She was incapable of speaking. Eventually the knot shrunk, and the dog pulled out. The man was ready. As the dog’s cock came out of her pussy, the man caught the dog’s cum on a plate. He placed the plate in front of Supreme Girl’s face on the floor. She just looked up at Dean; he looked right back into her eyes and nodded towards the plate. She slowly turned and stuck out her tongue. Supreme Girl licked the cum off the plate and swallowed every drop, never saying a word. “Every drop, Supreme Girl, every drop.” said Dean. When she was done, the plate was so clean you would never know it was full. “Broken,” whispered Dean, smiling. “Broken.” Supreme Girl didn’t respond. Her mind was gone.

* * *

Supreme Girl looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her hair. She was very tired; it had been a long day and she wasn’t very strong. She thought she was strong once, but she tried not to think too much; it made her more tired. She was getting ready to see a client. Sir was happy with her when she saw clients, and she liked making Sir happy. He owned her, so it was only right she do her best. An orgasm ripped through her again; when she wasn’t with a client, she was required to have a vibrator inside her pussy that was secured with a leather harness that prevented its removal. She would probably have two or three more before the client arrived. Then she got medicine. She loved her medicine. It was so wonderful; she got to make Sir happy, she got her medicine, she got to cum. Cum in her pussy, cum in her mouth. So tasty, so good. She almost remembered some girl named Cindy that worked in an office. It puzzled her why she would sometimes think of her, but then the vibrator would make her orgasm again, and she would just forget. That was just fine. She liked cumming. Almost as much as her t.v. program she watched every night. It was a compilation of a girl who looked like her and wore an outfit like her. The girl was getting fucked over and over again, and she drank a lot of cum. She also fucked a dog while she was on her hands and knees, just like a real bitch. It was so hot watching it, she would reach down and push the harness hard against her pussy, to help the vibrator make her cum harder. God, she didn’t know who that girl was, but she got real hot watching her.