The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Taken on New Year’s Eve By Master Boucher.

By The Slaver.

Brian walked into the club, and over to the bar, and ordered a drink. He was here to meet some friends, before they went on to a party of their own. As he waited for his friends and drunk his drink; Brian looked around the bar, even this early on a new year’s eve, it was quite full. As his eye run over the people in the club, his eyes first fell on a young blond twink, who looked a lot like his partner, Benjamin. But Brian knew that the guy was not his partner, Benjamin, that piece of shit was spending the holidays on his father’s farm, out of state.

After, he had ordered another drink, Brian again looked around the room; this time his eyes settled of three guys sitting in a booth, on the far side of the room. One of the men had his back to the room, he seemed to be wearing a smart dark suit; However, the two men facing the room were both dressed the same; both men were dressed in tight yellow tuxedos, with tight yellow shirts, and black bow ties. All three men were bald headed and completely clean-shaven. There also seemed to be something, odd about the manner of the two men in the tight yellow tux, that Brian could not put his finger on.

After two more drinks, Brian’s friends arrived. It was several more drinks, for all of them before they were ready to leave, of their party. Briefly, Brian looked over at the booth, again. But it was now empty. Just as Brian was going to leave with his friends, he excused himself and walked into the nearby Men’s room. He found the closest urinal and relieved himself, for all the beer he had drunk. As he stood at the sink, washing his hands, the man in the smart dark suit, that Brian had seen in the club came out of one of the stalls and stood next to Brian.

“Look into my eyes, BOY.” The man said.

“Fuck Off.” Brian shouted, “You some kind of Perv, or what?” Brian stared in the mirror over the sink, but unknowingly, he made eye contact with the man’s eyes in the mirror. To late he tried to look away but could not.

“Tut, tut, BOY, that will never do.” The man said. “Soon, every day, from now on, you’ll go to be serving guys, for at least ninety minutes, a pop.” the man said. Brian heard the words, and did not appreciate what they implied. The man who was called Master Boucher just smiled at Brian. Master Boucher clicked his fingers; Brian was grubbed tightly from behind and pulled away from the sink into the middle of the room.

As he was pulled away from the sink; Brian saw in the mirror that the two bald, and clean-shaven men, in tight yellow tux, that he had seen in the club at the bar with Master Boucher: were the ones holding him tightly. Brian heard the click of a lock, and the sound of two bolts sliding into place as Master Boucher locked the Men’s room’s door.

As soon, as Master Boucher was back standing in front of Brian their eyes again locked onto each other, and again Brian could not look away. “You think your such a tough nut, Well let me tell you that I’ve cracked tougher nut than you, BOY!” Master Boucher said as he pulled out a gold dollar on a golden chain and started swinging it in front of Brian’s face. At once, Brian found that his mind seemed to be slowing down; and that he could not look away from the coin or Master Boucher’s eyes.

This went on for some time, until Master Boucher was sure that Brian was well under. He then began the next step of his plan. “The essence of obedience is Peace. And for Peace to exist you will need to be simplified, everything in fact, isn’t that so?” Master Boucher probed away at Brian’s mind.

“Yes… simplify…everything!” Brian followed in a slurred voice.

“But for you to be simplified, you must be helped. By someone more seasoned, more experienced, someone who knows the path you must take. A Master who knows what’s better: Isn’t that so, BOY?” Master Boucher stated still swinging the coin backwoods and forwards in front of Brian’s face; the two men in the tight yellow tux holding Brian, just stared straight ahead.

“Yes… A Master…” Brian slurred even deeper.

“And who better than the person who is going to become your Master, to tell you these new exciting truths to guide you? To be the person you open to? And allow to navigate your cluttered little mind. Who better than me?” Master Boucher queried, with a sly smile.

“You… Guide… Mind…Master!” Brian could only repeat as he sunk down into bliss.

“Good, BOY. Very good.” Master Boucher smiled as he dropped the coin and chain into his beast pocket. “And now, Boy, since you are opening up to me, and I’m going to navigate your mind; it’s also proper that I’ll manage your thoughts while I am at it, don’t you agree, Boy?” Master Boucher said, as he softened Brian’s mind even more.

“Yes… Manage…” Brian followed every suggestion.

“Good. So first of all, you will stop thinking, Boy. I am here to think for you. But, before we start you will provide me with what information I require to make the best decisions for you, isn’t that so?” Master Boucher said softly, as he continued to programme Brian.

“Yes… Information…” Brian accepted, without question.

“Good, BOY… State your full name”

“Brian Daivd Cooney”

“Age and Occupation”

“38… Builder, and constructor…”

“Married to?”

“Not married.”

“Partner, Boyfriend, Girlfriend?”




“Tell me Brian are you happy with Benjamin?”

“I love my Partner.” Brian stuttered

“Sshhh… Remember, Boy I have access too Brian, to your whole mind…”

“Access…”—Brian slurred away

“Now Brian when was the last time you fucked, your Partner?”

“8 months ago…”

“So you are not happy, are you, Boy?”

“Not…Happy…” Brian managed to slur, he was now almost uttered mindlessly

Master Boucher began stroking Brian’s leg gauging his depth and reaction, Brian weakly signed but put up no fight. Master Boucher burning green eyes laid Brian into a deep peace, Master Boucher could see from the reflection in one of the mirrors over the sinks, the dumb smile that had spread over Brian’s face. Master Boucher moved nearer to Brian, and whispered in his ear, “I am your friend Brian… I am your special friend… I am your Master. I am the one you will let think for you…”

“You think for… meee” Brian assimilated. The locked Men’s room door, shock, as someone tried to enter, after a few seconds, the ratting of the door stopped. Master Boucher turned back to Brian

“Good Brian… I am here to help you, to think for you… To simplify you beyond your essence”—Master Boucher programmed his victim deeper as he motioned his hands Brian’s crotch, fondling Brian’s cock through the fabric of his suit; Brian began to slightly drool, feeling his head weightless from all the thoughts that would shortly be removed.

“I think you need to accept that I think for you, and thus I think you should let go and just… Well… Simply… OBEY…”—Master Boucher whispered softly into Brian’s pliable mind as he began to unleash Brian’s cock and began to stroke him with one hand, ensuring his victim would became hard and erect.

“Like all men, of your kind… A hard cock means a soft mind… I learned that in my time in Military Intelligence, and the Secret Service, I made and managed sleeper agents, for both. When I got discharged from their services, I used my stills for my own sexual pleaser. I’ve always loved owning and using men’s minds. Over the last few years, I’ve simplified many men for my sexual pleaser.” Master Boucher explained as he continued wanking Brian off.

“Mmmmmmmmm” Brian moaned softly. Suddenly there was more banging, and rattling from the locked Men’s room door, Master Boucher again took no notice: he just continued working on Brian.

“Quietly my braindead zombie… It is quite simple, I simply need to make you hand over your mind, just as I will make you sexually aroused which was easy given you lack of release for at least the last eight months; I’m also going to activity and generate a strong programmed prison for your subconscious outside your body and replace it with a new entity managing you… which I’ll do shortly…” The man said, as he continued milking his new toy.

Master Boucher quickly looked at one of the two men still holding Brian, tightly, “Give it to me!” was all Master Boucher said to the guy. The guy slid a hand into one of the pockets of his tight jacket and pulled out a a pack of plastic cups, Master Boucher grabbing a plastic cup, and held it under Brian’s cock.

“As your mind manager, and Master, I want you to pull in your mind all that is you, all of it…”—Master Boucher ordered. “now you will merge it all into a white warm glowing orb, everything, your childhood, your friends, your mother and father, your political inclinations, your sexual preferences, your loyalties, your loves, your Boyfriends current and old, religion, your ability to form opinions or personal free thought, all of it into the ball.” Master Boucher told the now helpless Brian.

“yess…Masssster” Brian drooled in responded.

“Good, BOY. Brian…” Master Boucher said, as one of the men in the tight yellow tux began massaging Brian’s balls with one of his hands. “Now BOY, feel the glowing orb move from your mind into your balls. That’s right, BOY, feel your … Feel your ball fill up, as I pump you. And just like all the others I had simplified, once you cum into this cup I’m holding under your cock, you’ll spurt your essence, you conscious and subconscious mind, into the cup. You will retain no lifelong information in your head, everything will be gone. You will give yourself to simplicity and obedience in full silence… understand SLAVE”

“yes…master” Came the slurred reply, Brian was now too far gone to care.

Master Boucher speeded up his pumping of Brian’s cock. “Now… Embrace SIMPLICITY SLAVE. CUM.” Master Boucher nailed the command into Brian’s sleepy head pumping him harder and harder, Brian could not handle the pleasure, as the first chime of midnight could be heard, faintly from the bar, Brian’s eyes rolled back into his head as his 7″ rock hard cock was being milked beyond belief and just before the second chime of the new year, it was over.

Master Boucher watched as Brian’s mouth gapped, as the most massive orgasm he had ever had, took place, without making a single sound as the chime continued, Brian spasmed his very essence into the plastic cup, Master Boucher stood before Brian with the plastic cup in hand, the guy in the tight yellow tux continued massaging Brian’s balls.

By the time the chimes had ended, both Brian’s mind and balls were completely empty. “Now it is time to give you a new meaning, one that binds you to me, your Master!” Master Boucher said as he walked away from Brian, back into one of the stalls, he placed the cup of Brian’s Cum on the floor by the toilet, and then sat down on the pan, “Now, SLAVE, come over here, stand in front of me: turn round and drop your pants and underwear!” Master Boucher said, as he nodded to the two men in tight yellow tux to let go of Brian.

The lobotomized Brian didn’t utter a sound, as he walked over to Master Boucher sitting in the stall, turned round and then dropped his pants and underwear. Master Boucher leached round Brian, and rubbed Brian’s cock, Master Boucher then used the remainder of his Brian’s astronomical Cum shots to lube Brian’s arse; before unzipping his own 12″ god of a cock out of captivity, behind his tight suit pants.

“Now SLAVE, spread your cheeks and sit” Master Boucher ordered, the lobotomized zombie, that had once been Brian complied: it slid down on Master Boucher cock. “mmmmmmmm such a tight virgin whole, SLAVE.” Master Boucher whispered as Brian drooled away not knowing his name, where he was or what he was, it didn’t matter. Brian just knew he must obey. “A virgin arse, strange that you have never been arse fucked before!”

Master Boucher fucked Brian into oblivion, each time his monster cock touched Brian’s prostate, the braindead slave spewed what was left of his cock milk from his sore cock sacs. The braindead Brian had never cum so many times, or as hard as this in his life.

Finally, Master Boucher found himself reaching closer and closer to Cuming. “On the floor on all fours, SLAVE.” Master Boucher ordered as he pulled out of Brian; Brian obeyed and got on all fours on the floor in front of Master Boucher, grinning Master Boucher slid his hard, throbbing chub into Brian’s mouth, he grabbed his empty head by the ears, and then face-fucked him. Brian had no reaction, not a single thought went in his head, in fact, Brian wasn’t even Brian anymore.

“MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Master Boucher grunted, as he cum in Brian’s mouth, filling Brian’s mouth like an éclair. “Swallow, SLAVE. And be reborn as my property” Master Boucher ordered. Brian swallowed his Master’s load and felt himself being re-written, like someone had taken over. Thinking is not needed. Deciding is not for him. He just needs to obey and serve to be at peace.

Master Boucher looked at the two men in tight yellow tux, that had held Brian, the front of their pants was tenting, and large, dark wet patches were spreading over their pants fronts. “Now, BITCHES.” Master Boucher ordered, “Free your worthless pricks, and hold a plastic cup under your piss-slits!” As one, and without a word, the two men did as they had been ordered to do. Master Boucher smiled as he looked at the two men, now with their pants and underwear, around their ankles; holding plastic cups under the piss-slits of the erect cock.

“How BITCHES, it is time for you, to also embrace a simpler life. Now, BITCHES, grab your cock, and wank yourself off, but silently.” The two men each grabbed their cock and started pumping hard. Master Boucher watched the two men for a few minutes, and then “Now… Embrace SIMPLICITY BITCHES, CUM.” Just like Brian, the two men’s eyes rolled back into their heads as thier 5″ rock hard cock was being milked, then suddenly it was over.

Master Boucher watched as the two men’s mouths gapped, as the most massive orgasm they had ever had, took place, without making a single sound, just like Brian, the two men spasmed their very essence into the plastic cups, they were holding. Master Boucher took the two plastic cups from the two men, and placed the cups on the floor, next to Brian cup. Master Boucher stood and looked at the two men in tight yellow tux and smiled. The two men had once been Marines, but they had fallen fowl of Master Boucher earlier that night.

Brian was then ordered to get up and stand next to the two men in the tight yellow tux, “This is what I do to fuckers like you, three. This is why I always win, why I always stay on top. I consume the essence of men I will own, like you three fuckers!” Master Boucher told Brian and the two men in the tight yellow tux, he reached down and picked up one of the cups of cum; Master Boucher then stated drinking that load.

Twenty minutes later, Master Boucher stood looking at the three men in front of him. Brian was now dressed the same as the two other men. He, to, now wore a tight yellow tux, tight yellow shirt, and black bow tie; and like the two other men, Brian was now bald headed, and clean shaven, his beard and hair were completely gone. All three men had a large bulge in the front of the tight pants, this was because, now all three men’s cocks were encased in one size to small metal cages. Master Boucher nodded his head and walked over to the Men’s room door and unlocked it.

No one in the busy club seemed to notice the four bald men; one in a smart dark suit, and three others in tight yellow tux, with tight yellow shirts and black bow ties, leave the club.