The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Writing is a strange enough process. A collaboration is even moreso. You’re changing your style for him, and he for you, so you end up giving birth to this new writing style baby. Sure, my dedicated fans (all two of them) can point out signature stuff from me, but having your father’s nose doesn’t make you your father. So, enjoy the story baby of ours. Oh, and all the good parts are mine. ; )


When the idea of this collaboration first came up I didn’t think it would work out that well in my mind. I was glad I was wrong with that assumption. Sacrip is a great writer to work with, he has plenty of interesting ideas. I can’t wait to see where we take this story.


Taking a Minute

Chapter 1

By Sacrip and Coolmind

“Mom, WHERE is my red tie?” Simon walked through the kitchen in his newly ironed shirt and boxers with the iron still in his hand, scanning back and forth, in case his tie might be among the spices in the spice rack.

“I hung it up with your other ties in the closet, dear,” his mother replied, turning away from the pancakes she was making.

“I checked there already. Did you put them with the OTHER red ties like, of course not.” Simon rushed back into his room and emerged less than a minute later, now wearing newly pressed slacks and attempting to tie his tie as he walked to the living room. “Gah, I hate this thing!” he said, undoing the attempted double windsor knot and starting again.

“Stop being such a spaz, bro. Here, let me do it.” Roxie got up from the couch in the living room and worked on Simon’s tie. “You don’t even have to wear ties at the office, why the fuss?”

“Corporate is coming through, and word is they’re making cuts. I gotta make everything look good and non-expendable, including me.”

“But you’re the freaking manager of the office. The youngest ever blah blah blah. They won’t can you.”

“You kidding? I’m the first to go. MBA’s are a dime a dozen in this city. OK, you got it, thanks.” Simon pulled away from his sister and sat down on the couch, checking emails on his mobile phone. “What are you doing up so early, anyways? It’s not even noon.”

“Hey, I’m busy too, ya know. I’m a full time college student.”

“Last I checked, 9 credits wasn’t considered full time.” Closing his phone, Simon opened his briefcase and looked through some files.

“Hey, I can’t help it that my sociology professor was a sexist douchebag! During our oral reports he clearly gave better grades to all the girls who wore short skirts. He had no shame!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry I couldn’t take you shopping for a new skirt that day like you asked, Roxanne,” her mother said, walking into the room with a plate full of pancakes. “But why couldn’t you wear that cute yellow one you have?”

“It doesn’t fit anymore,” Roxie mumbled, pouting. “Simon, if you just got an apartment in the city you wouldn’t have to rush like this every day. You could get more than four hours sleep, save money on gas, and I could have your room.”

“Not a chance, Roxie. I’m still up to my eyeballs in college loans. Last thing I need is another bill.” Closing up his briefcase, Simon stood up and patted himself down, making sure he had everything.

“It’s RoxANNE, dork.”

“OK, Roxie, gotta go.” Briefcase in hand, Simon headed towards the door.

“Wait, what about breakfast?” Simon’s mother held up the plate of pancakes toward Simon, attempting to entice him.

Simon sighed. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to be there early for this. I promise I’ll have a big lunch, OK?”

“Dear, I don’t like how you’re rushing around this way. Every day, it’s a new emergency, another deadline, a different obligation. The great Mother teaches us...”

“Jeez, Mom, when did you stop being Catholic? I scheduled in a Mass for every major saint’s day this year because you asked me to. Man, I gotta change all next month now...”

“Simon, listen carefully.” When Simon’s eyes dropped to the phone in his hand, his mother took his chin and face with her right hand and forced his eyes onto hers. “Simon, time is a gift. A GIFT. Doesn’t matter where you think it comes from, but it’s there for you to take, if you just have the will. Take the time you need, Simon. Take it whenever you need it. Promise me this.”


“PROMISE me, please.”

“OK, Mom, OK. I promise. I gotta go, OK?”

“OK, Simon. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom. Bye.”

“HEY, don’t you love me, big brother?” Roxie said.

“Technically, yeah.” With an impish smile towards his sister, Simon was out the door, immediately checking his watch as he walked towards the car.

* * *

Simon sat in his car tapping his finger on the steering wheel impatiently as traffic had come to a standstill. Showing up late would not impress corporate and if corporate was not impressed than he would be considered expendable. The prospects of finding a new job in the current economy combined with the massive college debt he already had meant he couldn’t afford to be expendable.

“Come on,” Simon said, losing his patience, “You would think time was standing still or something.”

As the words left Simon’s mouth a silence fell over everything. At first Simon looked around for why it was silent. Off on the side of the road he could see a bird mid flap just sitting there. The smoke coming from the exhaust from the car in front of him was frozen as well. Simon blinked a few times to make sure what he was seeing was real. Then, just as it had started, things started moving again. Slowly at first, then quickly things seemed to be moving at a normal pace again.

“Must be all the stress,” Simon said to no one in particular, “I should cut back on the coffee for a bit. I don’t need to have a nervous breakdown right now.”

Slowly the cars in front of Simon started moving forward. Simon breathed a sigh of relief as whatever seemed to be holding up traffic was now gone. He pressed down on the gas pedal and began moving his way through rush hour traffic.

* * *

“Good morning Mr. Arbeit,” Heather, Simon’s secretary, greeted, “You have four messages. All from corporate. Their inspector will arrive within the hour. She expects a full tour and progress reports on all projects.”

“All projects?” Simon groaned, “I was told only the major projects needed progress reports. Just great. Contact anyone heading up anything and ask them to get progress reports ready before the tour. If they complain just remind them that their jobs are at stake. I’ll be in my office getting things ready.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Arbeit.” Heather picked up the phone to make the calls.

Simon entered his office and sat down at his desk. After logging into his computer he started typing up profit projections for the office. He rushed as fast he could, but the hour went by very quickly. Simon looked up at the clock and saw ten minutes left.

“Come on, just a bit more time,” Simon whispered as he picked up the pace of his work.

Simon managed to complete his report and even go through a second time to check for errors. After he finished he looked back up at the clock and saw that it was still ten minutes till the inspector came. Simon shook his head. He had easily done forty five minutes worth of work and not even a minute had passed on the clock.

Simon figured his clock was broken and then went to ask his secretary what was happening. After opening the door however, he saw things just as they were in the car. Heather was midway of setting down her phone. One of his workers was busily running with a cart of supplies, he was stopped midway through his next step. Another employee was at the water cooler and had spilled his drink. Water droplets were suspended midair as they were about to hit his shirt.

Simon moved around the office taking in the sights of everyone frozen. He found he could move objects easily. He picked up a pen off his secretary’s desk and dropped it. About an inch after leaving his hand it froze along with everything else. Simon took the pen and set it back onto the secretary’s desk.

Simon moved away and focused on the frozen people. Just as with the pen he found he could move the people around and pose them like they were living dolls. Simon decided to check on the progress reports of all the department heads. He took the stairs since the elevator didn’t seem to be working. Most were almost done with their reports, but not quite, and not the way Simon liked it. Running back to his office and retrieving a non-electric typewriter, Simon helped a few out that didn’t seem ready enough.

Time was still frozen by the time Simon finished helping his staff with all their reports. He wasn’t sure how much time he had spent, there was simply no way to know. Once again he turned his attention to the frozen people. He wandered the cubicles, changing a persons position every once in awhile as a joke. Finally he came upon Katie’s cubicle. There she sat filling out some supply request forms, pen mid stroke.

Katie was a manager in training. She was slightly older than Simon and had just gotten a job at the office. She was also the only girl that Simon had ever slept with. It was after an office party and the two were drunk. Simon had helped her to her apartment and Katie rewarded him with a kiss. One thing led to another and soon Simon was in Katie’s bed. Katie remained mostly clothed and what she did show she wouldn’t let Simon look at. Katie remained in charge the whole time and the sex was fairly standard. Simon felt he had been taken advantage of and never bothered going after another girl.

Simon swallowed hard as he moved towards Katie. Slowly he lifted her skirt until her panties were revealed. Moving slowly he pulled them down , uncovering her neatly trimmed pussy. He moved his fingers and began rubbing her lips and clit. To his surprise she became wet. So far he didn’t think it was possible to get any response while time was frozen. Simon moved his hands up and slowly unbuttoned Katie’s suit jacket and then her blouse, revealing her bra. He then took his hands and then slowly began massaging her breasts. He could feel his cock harden as he touched her.

As Simon prepared to go further he caught her hand beginning to move ever so slightly. It was very slow, but Simon could tell time was getting ready to resume again. Simon quickly buttoned up her blouse and jacket again. He was about to pull her panties back up, but instead took them all the way off, quickly moving her feet out of the way, and stuffed them into his jacket. Simon rushed back to his office, barely making it as time started to resume at a normal rate again.

Simon sat in his chair playing with his trophy. He wondered why time was suddenly stopping for him. He wondered about the possibilities of how far he could go if it happened again. Soon his intercom buzzed from his secretary.

“Mr. Arbeit, the inspector is here to see you,” Heather’s voice came over.

“Thank you, Heather, I’ll be right out.” Straightening his tie, Simon stood up and walked out of the office. “Mrs. Underwood, pleasure to see you again. How was your flight?”

“Fine, thank you. And please, call me Fiona. I feel old enough as is around you young folks. Oh, I’ve asked Katie to accompany us on our tour, I hope you don’t mind, Simon.”

“Not at all, Fiona. Please, lead the way.” As Fiona and Katie walked past, Simon fell into step behind them. “Katie, is everything OK?”

“Yes, Simon, everything’s fine. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason.” Simon leaned in and said quietly, “Just looks like you’re missing something.” Katie took two more steps, then stopped mid stride, eyes open wide. Fiona looked back and stopped, waiting for Katie. Finally collecting herself, Katie smiled and resumed walking.

* * *

“Well, that went very well, Simon. This department is in tip top shape. But why did everyone act like a kid who didn’t do their homework when I asked for their progress reports? It’s like the report fairy came around and finished everyone’s work for them.”

“I never reveal my secrets, Fiona. At least not before my third glass of wine.”

“I may just take you up on that offer sometime, Simon. I’ll be honest, we’ve heard at corporate that things weren’t going well at this branch, but you’re running a tight ship, far as I can tell. Keep up the good work.” After shaking hands with Simon and Katie, Fiona left the office and entered the elevator. Once the doors closed, Katie whirled around to face Simon.

“How did you do that, HOW?”

“Do what, Katie?”

“Don’t BS me, Simon. This place was nowhere NEAR ready and you know it. What did you do, write all the reports personally?”

“That’s crazy, Katie. It would have taken hours to do that. When have I had the time?”

Katie huffed, unable to figure it out. “You’re lucky, Simon. But luck doesn’t last forever. Hard work does. And you’ll never work harder than me. That’s why I’ll be the first one out of this office and in corporate.”

“What’s your rush to leave, Katie? We’ve got all the time...” Silence fell all around Simon as he finished his sentence, addressing a now frozen Katie. “ the world.” Walking slowly around Katie, Simon whispered in one ear, then the other, alternating as he circled. “Why can’t you just act like a normal woman once in a while? Why’d you have to call corporate and tell them I was screwing the pooch here? All right, I admit it, I WAS. I tried so hard to do everything myself. I never delegated, never compromised, never trusted anybody but myself. You know, this is all probably some vivid dream I’m having, and I’ll wake up in my bed, remembering I was actually fired by Fiona and replaced by you, since you’re a lot better at telling people what to do than I am. Well, how’s this for a direction: Get in that closet, hike up your skirt and finger fuck yourself silly. Then give yourself a spanking at the end for being a bad little girl who tattles on ex boyfriends, if that’s what I really am.”

Spent from his rant, Simon plopped down in an empty chair as time came back to normal. Katie blinked, seeing an empty space where Simon was just a second ago. Then, with a funny expression on her face, she walked purposefully to the supply closet and walked inside, closing the door behind her. “Um, what?” Simon said to himself as he watched her. Then, as he remembered what he said to her, his eyes widened. “No, no way...” he said, again to himself.

“Um, Mr. Arbeit, do you need anything else?” Heather asked. Simon realized she’d been standing there a little while.

“Um, no, I guess not. I’ll be in my office making some calls. No disturbances, please.”

“Yes, Mr. Arbeit.”

“Oh, one more thing. The copier’s almost out of toner, could you replace it? There’s more in the closet. Thanks.” Simon stood up and went to his office, closing the door just before he heard the twin ‘eeks’ of two women seeing something they did not want to see. Sitting down at his desk, he dialed Roxie’s mobile phone.

“Hello? Simon, what is it? I’m in class.”

“No you’re not, I hear Maury Povich in the background.”

“It’s for my Communications and Media class...OK, I just skipped today. What’s up?”

“I,’s been a weird day. I think I have the ability to stop time.”


“You know, like that one Star Trek?”

“Oh, right. Wait a minute, are you on drugs?”

“Just the prescriptions, but I’m serious. OK, I’ll prove it. Just a minute....OK, look behind you.”

Roxie turned around and saw Simon standing inches away from her. “AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!!!”

“Sorry to scare you like that, but I had to prove it to you.” Simon hung up his mobile phone and put it back in his pocket.

“I..ah..God DAMNNIT, Simon how did you do that? You can teleport?”

“No, time stop. I spent 2 hours walking home just to prove it to you. Well, two hours for me, anyways. You’ll have to give me a ride back to the office, by the way.”

“So you can, like, freeze time? Move around while everyone’s still?”


“So, you look up any girls dresses?”

“Of all the things you could have asked me, THAT’s what you want to know?”

“Well, did you?”

“Look, I just want to get to the bottom of this...”

“You totally did, didn’t you?”

“Yes, OK? Yes, I looked up a girl’s dress, OK? Can we PLEASE talk about the crazy God-like power I apparently have now?”

“What color were her panties?”

“Oh, for the love of...”

“Pink, yellow, white cotton? Purple thong? I bet that was it.”

“Roxie, what do I do? What am I supposed to do?”

“I’d say, whatever the heck you want. Oh, I’m so JEALOUS! The only thing cooler would be if you could, like, control peoples minds, too.”

“Roxie, sit down. I think we need a long talk.”

End Chapter One