The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Talon’s claws

Chapter 17: Metal Miniatures.

Nassau Street

Harry sipped his coffee, covertly admiring the various examples of manhood crowded into the apartment. His mom had taken one look at the situation and taken charge in the kitchenette, supplying drinks to the odd assortment of boys, bikers, hunks and others.

The bikers had received a harsh glare until she discovered they preferred milkshakes to beer, somehow that made everything ok.

The best looking of them all, a guy called Paul, was pacing back and forth as best he could, clearly concerned about the two unconscious mutant boys, Cameron and Taylor. He was wearing one of those skin-tight short vests that allowed everyone to see how excellent he looked. Harry’s mouth almost watered being this close to such beauty.

Over in the corner his idiot jock of a brother was having words with the inscrutable oriental Yaoi. Harry’s mouth twitched wondering if Phil knew what Yaoi’s name meant “Gay Sex” English.

“Harry dear, take Doctor Roper and Morgana’s coffee” said mom.

He nodded, taking the two mugs and easing his way through the crowd to the bedroom. Morgana and the Doctor were deep in a whispered and heated conversation.

“I can’t! You know what will happen!”

“He’ll die if you don’t hun.”

“There’s still time. He might stabilize.” said Doc sounding as if he wanted to convince himself as much as anyone.

“You can’t lie to me Doc. Without proper medical equipment the other way is all that can help him.” Morgana glanced in his direction “Ah Harry, thanks, put them on the shelf hon.”

Harry blushed, he might be gay but Morgana’s androgynous face and small, yet pert breasts were still aesthetically pleasing. To hide his feelings he concentrated on the window’s wide shelf and the knick-knacks strewn over it.

It seemed as if Cameron or Taylor had had an interest in D&D. The shelf was scattered with a collection of lead miniatures; mythic creatures each painted in muscular detail. A Satyr, a hawk winged barbarian, a scantily clad Elven archer, a wolfman, several power armour wearing Orcs and slightly larger and easily the most impressive, a centaur.

Something about the centaur figurine attracted him; he reached forward to pick it up, his finger brushing against its wild longhaired head and equine mane.

Energy sparked between his finger and the figurine. The Centaur’s head arched backward like a cat keeping its head in contact with its masters hand.

Harry stepped back surprised, more energies flowed, completely different from those that had arced between him and the figurine, crawling across the walls imploding toward him as if he were a black hole sucking it in.

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed as the energy faded into his skin

On the shelf, the figure was brushing at itself getting rid of the paint flecks as if they were dried mud. The body underneath was the colour of real skin.

Morgana and Doc stepped up behind him.

“Remarkable. I’ve never seen a mutant gaining his powers before.” said Doctor Roper

“Congratulations hon, welcome to club superpower” said Morgana hugging him “I wonder what your power are”

Dazed with awe Harry pointed at the shelf “look”

The tiny centaur had finished his fastidious cleaning and now stood uneasily, unsure whether to stay or run.

* * *

Harry brushed the coloured stuff from his arms, it fell away like chunks of plaster of Paris.

Everything was strange. He felt odd and his point of view was wrong. It was as if he was actually on the shelf.

Something brushed his back legs, he turned to see what it was and stopped dead.

Back legs? Hello.. McFly. Humans don’t have back legs.

Unfortunately he definitely did have back legs, and a tail, and hooves. He turned around to look down at his front. First the good news, he now had a top notch set of pecs and abs; the bad news, instead of a cock and balls he had an extra pair of fur covered abs-like muscles and slender chestnut furred equine legs.

He still had a cock though, he could feel it; with surprising suppleness he was able to bend down and look between his front legs and view his underside. Yep, he had a cock all right, and it was a whopper.

Voices interrupted his self-examination.

“Remarkable. I’ve never seen a mutant gaining his powers before.”

“Congratulations hon, welcome to Club Superpower I wonder what your power will be”


Giants! Three huge faces leaned in toward him. Startled he backed away, bumping into the boiling hot mug with his broad horses’ ass.

“Easy little fella” said one of them. the giant that looked like Morgana.

“Remarkable. The implications of this are...”

“Cut it out Doc. You have a patient remember. Do what you have to or so help me I will have you hypnotized, shooo!” snapped the Morgana giant dismissing Doctor Roper.

That was when Harry saw the third face. A giant version of his own, pretty damn handsome, spiked hair that needed attention, a slight acne problem and no sign that he’d ever need to shave more than once a month.

“Do..Do you have a name?” said the giant in his voice.

No not a giant. It wasn’t that they were big, it was that he was small. The fucking centaur miniature had somehow swapped bodies with him!

“Thief! Give me my body back! He’s not Harry, I am!” he shouted stamping a hoof indignantly.

“What!?” yelled the fake Harry

“ Timeout guys” groaned Morgana giving a “T” gesture.

“He’s dangerous Morgana, I don’t know what he is, but somehow he’s swapped me into this body.” shouted Harry in warning.

“I did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Guys, guys, calm down. We’ll need to do a few experiments to sort this out.” said Morgana pulling the impostor out of earshot.

* * *

Morgana dragged Harry over to the far side of the room and glanced back at the shelf where the centaur was stood arms crossed over his naked torso, his whole stance indicating sulky teenage rebellion.

“Harry, I want you to try your powers on one of the other miniatures. If I am right it will think he’s you as well”

“Ok, I guess, but doesn’t that kind of double the problem”

“Is it a problem? Or the creation of a new lifeform.”

“woh, so I’m like a father”



* * *

Morgana and the fake Harry returned; the impostor reaching toward the statue of the winged barbarian. Harry backed away from the giant fingers.

Energy crackled over the lead statue, making it glow internally like a heated shuttle tile.

After a few seconds of exposure the angelic figure collapsed as its joints became real. After a second it staggered to its feet brushing away the cracked paint.

“What’s your name hon?” asked Morgana

“I’m Harry too.” said the winged barbarian flexing a superb physique that sent a tingle of interest through Harry’s equine penis despite what he’d just heard

“Wow this body is hot!” said the winged barbarian examining his body from every angle.

“Liar! You’re not me!” shouted Harry, but even he could tell that his desperate voice had lost its conviction.

Big Harry was reaching out for a third statue but Morgana brushed his hand away. “Lets leave it a while. Remember we will have to care for them.”

“Oh! Right.”

* * *

Harry glared at Harry, crossing his muscular arms across the broad flat slabs of his pecs. He couldn’t understand what the other Harry’s problem was. So he wasn’t the real deal, so fucking what, he himself was’t the real Harry either and it wasn’t bothering him at all.

This was the greatest adventure of his life. He had a body that would have taken months of double daily workouts to build and beautiful wings as well. He hadn’t risked it yet but a quick glide around the apartment would definitely be a priority once no one was watching.

Harry glared at Harry. Didn’t the winged version of himself realize what they’d lost? His friends, his family, his life, they were gone, they belonged to original Harry. Life as a centaur in a world of giants was going to be uncharted territory.

* * *

Outside the apartment, Morgana had gathered Paul, Doc, Yaoi and Harry. With three key members of the resistance wounded this business with the miniatures had to be resolved quickly.

“Ok here’s the thing. I think we need to change them so that they no longer think that they’re Harry.”

“Why bother? they’re going to become different people anyhow, being an inch tall will soon make them unique as they interact with their environment.” suggested Yaoi.

“Yaoi is correct, to an extent. However the knowledge that they can’t live the real Harry’s life will, in my medical opinion, cause great psychological trauma.” said Doc

“Effectively they’re Harry’s sons. It has to be his decision.” replied Paul

Harry suddenly found himself at the centre of the debate. This was all pretty deep stuff, he tried to imagine what it would be like, recalling how the little centaur had accused him of stealing his body. Did he really have the right to steal the poor creature’s last remnant of humanity or would the centaur be happier without the memory of what he could no longer be?

“I guess we have to change them a bit. I don’t want them to hate me. But how do we do it? It has to be safe” he decided finally.

“There’s the Masterson email, that could do the job, in as much as they would have an overriding mission to take their minds off it .” said Yaoi

“Rex gave me a Slavemaker laser, once hit we could give them any instruction. Its designed for human sized eyes though, I’ve no idea how dangerous it would be to someone that size” replied Paul.

“Drinking my cum would make them suggestible, unfortunately it’s addictive, they’d fixate on me, That’s why I’m so reluctant to use it on Glowboy by the way. " explained Doctor Dougy blushing.

They turned to Morgana, expecting that the boygirl would also know a method.

“Well hon, I used to part of Blue Static, my mind linked to Cameron’s gradually changed into a copy of his mind. What you did was kind of the same thing only quicker than shit. Its just possible you can decide what personas your sons have.”

Harry liked the sound of that. From the snapshot of Cameron’s mind he had picked up on pier 17, a complete trust in Morgana’s intuition had somehow also been communicated. It just plain felt right to go along with her ideas.

“I think we’d better try morgana’s way first. If it doesn’t work there’s no harm.”

* * *

Harry reached up taking the coffee filled pen cap from the other Harry who then swung down from the mug’s handle. He took a long swig and passed the bucket sized container back to the Winged Barbarian.

“Thanks.. Harry” he said forcing himself to use the name they shared.

Across the room the door opened and the crowd of full-sizers returned heading over to the shelf the two of them shared.

“Time for you guys to have a brother.” Explained the original Harry. “Which of these do you want ..umm.. animated?”

Harry the centaur looked around at the assorted figures, rejecting the Orcs and wolfman, he wouldn’t wish that look on anyone. He toyed with the idea of a Satyr, then looked toward the back of the shelf, an Elven archer caught his eye, tall and lean with a fey beauty. For a moment he wondered if the attraction was partly due to a skimpy Sioux-esque costume. But what the heck Indian had always been his secret favorite Village People person.

“The Elven Archer?” he suggested

“Yeah he’s a hotty” agreed the winged Harry.

Original Harry’s fingers touched the Elf miniature, the energy of life filling it with an inner glow.

* * *

Thalin awoke. His first emotion was a feeling of love for his Harry, he made a silent internal promise to himself that he would obey his Harry in all things.

Looking around he immediately spotted the Centaur and the Avian who had caused father to create him, his erection springing to life in appreciation of their looks. What a pair of hunks.

“Hi Harry” said the Centaur resignedly

“Yo dude!” agreed the Avian somewhat more upbeat.

“Hi, I’m not Harry though. My name’s Thalin.” he replied discarding his leaden bow and jogging over to where the two waited.

“And I can’t wait to get to know you two much much better” he added giving the centaur’s equine butt a slap.

Harry reared up and then pranced away slightly in a very startled equine manner.

“It worked? You don’t think you’re me?” Asked the original Harry

“No my Harry. I am certain I’m not you. How could I be? I am much better looking” replied Thalin striking a sexy hand on hip pose and brushing his long feather braided hair out of the way to show off his finely upswept ears. He was exceptionally proud of his ears considering them quite his most erotic feature.

“Are not!”

“Am too!”

“Time to see if the second experiment works” suggested Morgana hurriedly, before one of the Harrys could get started on another “am not” session.

“Ok” agreed original Harry reaching for Harry.

Harry backed away not sure he liked the idea of being experimented on, his tail flicking in agitation.

Then original Harry did something odd his fingers pointing at him. Energy crackled across the gap.

Harry looked down at the energy that was hitting him in the groove between his pecs. It didn’t hurt at all. Lightning was supposed to hurt wasn’t it?

He frowned. But this wasn’t lightning. No thunder so it wasn’t that at all.

“Why aren’t I afraid anymore?” he asked more to himself than anyone else.

“I’m not letting you be afraid”

“Oh, ok.” Harry’s frown deepened “Why don’t you want me to be afraid?”

“Because I want you to be happy”

“Thanks!” Harry replied. It was nice of.. Of.. The human.. to want him to he happy. Hesitantly he walked closer to the Human’s finger.

This was all very strange, he knew that something wasn’t right but he couldn’t pin it down. Curiously he put his finger into the stream of lightning stuff so that it attached from index finger to index finger, like that picture by that famous human artist.

Odd.. Why wasn’t he thinking of himself as human anymore?

“I expect you’re looking forward to exploring this new world” said the human

“What are you talking about? This is just Cameron’s apartment there’s nothing new about it”

The energy pulsed and crackled.

“Are you sure? Isn’t this a bit different from the Centaur Plains?” asked the human sounding hopeful

“Centaur plains? there’s no such place!”

“You sure you don’t remember?”

Harry had been about to tell the human to lay off and then hesitated, there was a brief fuzzy memory of endless sunlit plains, of trotting along next to his mom’s sleek chestnut furred flank.

“You do remember don’t you? At least a bit. Getting here must have made you forget most of your previous life” said the human

“Yes, I do remember a bit.” admitted Harry grudgingly. “But how can that be? I am you. I remember everything you did right up the point you touched the centaur miniature.”

“Um.. I guess you must of got kinda jumbled up with me when I..I summoned you,.. yes thats it I summoned you. You know I’m brand new at all this mutant powers shit...look at Thalin, I’m getting better, I managed to keep his personality intact.” replied the human

Harry knew that tone of voice all right. It was his “Yes I took the trash out” lie voice. The human was making it up. He glanced at the elf who gave him a lustful grin, licking his lips and arching his upswept eyebrow in a definite come on way. He found himself giving the pretty elf a similar smile in return.

It was odd, even though he knew the human was lying he wasn’t angry and still felt happy to go along with what was happening to him.

“That was a lie. I know you too well for bullshit like that” he said conversationally

The lightning crackled again, dancing around his outstretched arm.

“Yeah, but you believe it though don’t you”

“Well of course I do. Obviously I believe everything you say to me” admitted Harry.

This was all getting very confusing. He knew that the Centaur Plains were a Big Lie but at the same time had total faith in the lie.

“I guess your memory of being me will fade after a while and more of your old persona will recover; that’d be good wouldn’t it” advised the human

Harry smiled and caressed the human’s forefinger with his hand. Getting his head sorted out would help, he was going to need all his wits to cope with this Land of the Giants.

He glanced at his fellow little people. He’d have a lot better chance of getting it on with those two if they didn’t think he was some mental case.

The lightning energy crackled again.

Suddenly he felt different. It was as if he’d not really felt at home in his own body until now. His awareness of his front legs and torso had been more intense than his thorax and rear legs, now he felt equally front and back.

Letting go of the human’s finger he reared up and pranced around in shear exuberance. He’d never felt such a feeling if well-being before.

He’d obviously got it wrong about the human lying to him. He’d always been a centaur, and as the human had said, the accidentally borrowed memories were already getting murky.

“Have you remembered your name yet?” asked the human

He frowned, he’d been about to say “Harry”, but that was wrong, Harry was the human’s name, not his at all. To be honest he still couldn’t remember his old name, but it was important that he look sane in front of the Elf and the Avian so he decided to make one up.

“My name Chevalier”

“Pleased to meet you Shavallyae” said the Elf Thalin, placing a hand on his rump and stroking the fur lined cleft below Chevalier’s tail.

“You can call me Cheva” replied Chevalier blushing to the roots of his mane.

* * *

Harry gave his wings a quick shake spreading them wide. He’d watched and listened to his original self editing Harry the Centaur until he believed his name was Cheva. Harry had a nasty suspicion that he was next.

The original Harry turned toward him.

“Thanks all the same, but I’m happy being you” he called out taking a running leap into space.

It had never occurred to him that he’d never flown before. Now that he was gliding across the room, it was a very bad time to realize that he didn’t actually know fuck all about aerodynamics.

The original Harry reached out his hand, this time the energy poured from all five fingertips.

Harry evaded, loosing height and tumbling out of control.

“Watch Out!” cried Morgana ducking

“What the..” said the Doctor who had just re-entered the room.

Energy etched five tracks across the wallpaper, Harry dodged again and collided with a breakfast bowl full of milky fluid in the Doc’s hand. His wing feathers coated in sticky cum He lost all hope of controlling his fall.

A few centimetres off the floor the energy finally found its target and everything was alright after all.

Ariel hit the ground and rolled easily to his feet. As was to be expected of an Avian, his wings were his first concern. Carefully he began preening, licking the delicious stuff from his feathers.

“Damn! now I’m going to need to do that again” grumbled the human called Doc glaring at the empty bowl.

“Sorry Humans!” shouted Ariel, his thoughts already turning to Thalin and Cheva who were standing high on the shelf watching. He could see the slight glow of a thermal above the radiator, flying Back up would be dead easy.

Harry looked at his fingers. “wow” he thought. Changing the Centaur’s mind had been quite difficult; changing the Avian’s had been a lot easier. He wondered if it would be the same with a real person. If it was getting dates wouldn’t be a problem.

“I hate to ask this.” Said the Doc “But could one of you give me a bit of stimulation? If I’m going to use my ..umm.. Healing fluids on Glowboy, we’re going to need to replace what your winged buddy spilled”

Before anyone else moved or made a suggestion, Harry aimed a finger like a gun and fired off a lightning bolt at the Doc’s head.

“I’m on it”

“Uhhn” gasped Doc quickly wrestling his cock free and aiming it at the injured Glowboy’s wound.

Cum began pumping, spattering against the glowing skin causing the wound to reduce in size at a remarkable rate.

Morgana glanced at the look of distress beginning to form on Doc’s face and easily assessed the problem. “Make him stop Harry hun, there’s only so much ejaculating he can do without a rest.”

“Oh! Ok. Sorry Doctor Roper”

Meanwhile on the cushioned floor, Glowboy’s agonized face had relaxed into a sleeper’s innocent smile. The healing factor in the doc’s cum took effect, His softly glowing skin becoming brighter and less easy to look at directly.

* * *

Thalin wasn’t too bothered with what the humans were up to. Sure, it was good that they were healing that guy; but personally he’d be happier if they fucked off out and left him to have a bit of fun with Cheva and Ariel.

He felt something and looked down at his hand, energy was crackling between his fingers. Was it possible that his Harry had given him his powers as well as his life?

Well, there was only one way to figure that out.

Cheva watched as the injured Human begin to regain his health. He didn’t hear the Elf approach, only noticing his presence when he slipped his hand into Cheva’s. There was a slight sting like static, probably a remnant of the Sorcerer Harry’s magic dissipating.

He sidestepped around until he was facing the Elf, taking his other hand and looking deep into his eyes. Briefly he wished he were human and didn’t have the turning circle of a family saloon (whatever that was).

The elf backed away pulling him along until they were behind the mug. He didn’t know what to do, this was like a fantasy, he knew from the fading memories that Harry had never got this far with a man, and his own memories were still frustratingly hazy.

He opened his mouth to speak but the Elf put a finger to his lips, energy sparked again between finger and lips.

“No need to speak Cheva.” said the Elf running his finger down, along the cleft in Cheva’s chin, then further down following the shallow valley between his pecs; the finger tracing a meandering pattern that circled each of the six-pack muscles in turn.

The finger finally reaching his last set of abs, fur covered and situated either side where a human’s cock would have been, still an erogenous zone though.

“Do you remember me Cheva? From the Centaur Plains?”

Cheva frowned, he didn’t remember at all.

“But you must remember! I am your rider, we have been together since I captured you as a young foal. I spent years training you to serve my every need”

Cheva felt dizzy; there was a memory still at the edge of perception. A rope made of vines looping around his torso dragging him away from the herd, the stallion, his father galloping back to defend his family only to have his legs tangled in vines.

Then other memories came, each accompanied by a tiny sting of static. A young elf boy proudly showing him to the adults of his tribe. A memory of trying to escape, and then the bonding ceremony his hand and that of the elf placed in a flow of mystical energy followed by a sudden realization that Thalin, the elf boy was his soul mate, his rider.

Like a cascade other memory fragments triggered, growing up as a pair, hunting together, serving Thalin’s every need and in return being groomed and fed and sexed.

The link between a centaur and his rider was as strong as that between a McCaffreyan Dragon and its rider, even the journey to this strange new world could not break it.

“Rider Thalin” he gasped his love for his rider evident in his voice, His massive equine cock already swelling, a drip of dew forming on its lip. “I can’t believe I’d forgotten you, Rider...I thought I was the human Harry.”

“It’s ok Cheva, its ok” replied his rider reaching up and caressing his cheek. “You know I will always be here to guide you”

Cheva was reassured. Everything felt better now that he had rediscovered his soul mate.

“Ride me Thalin. I want to feel you on my back again”

Thalin nodded and took his offered hand vaulting onto his back. It felt good, feeling Thalin’s naked buttocks and cock slapping against his spine, legs grasping him firmly. He twisted his torso around so that he could his rider.

Oddly Thalin looked a little nervous as if he wasn’t used to riding. Perhaps Cheva thought, he wasn’t the only one to have lost some memories.

“Are you ok Rider Thalin?”

“Uh, yeah, we’ll have to see about getting you a saddle my centaur”

From the other side of the coffee cup there was a loud thud. A twitch of Thalin’s feet indicated that they should go see what was happening.

The sound had been Ariel landing... crash landing. Groaning the winged warrior got to his feet. To his surprise Cheva found he was looking upward, Ariel had grown and was now as tall as the coffee mug.

Ariel looked down at them looking puzzled.

“huh?” said the winged one intelligently.

* * *

It looked to Harry’s inexpert eye that Glowboy was making an excellent recovery, at least if having an erection and not having a dinner plate sized wound counted as feeling better.

For some reason he felt a prickling on the back of his neck and chose to look back at the shelf. The Elf and the centaur seemed to be hitting it off fairly well, the one riding the other, then he caught sight of the one he’d named Ariel, he was grown and was already the size of a pigeon.

His eyes narrowed in thought. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the healing factor in Doc’s cum was causing this. It was entirely likely Ariel would grow to full human size. A full sized winged hunk would definitely make an extra kewl boyfriend. And with his new found power one final spot of editing wouldn’t hurt at all.

He extended an arm, a single jolt of energy flickering between his outstretched finger and the Avian.

* * *

Arial felt his heart melt. The Sorcerer Harry had decided to keep him as his companion. It had been his life’s dream to serve such a powerful creature and now it was true.

Launching himself into the air he glided confidently to Harry’s shoulder. Once landed he set about pleasuring his young master. Pushing his hair aside he began applying his small tongue to Master’s ear.

Harry stifled a giggle and decided to head for the bathroom where they would be undisturbed. If Ariel’s growth rate was as he hoped, he might actually get to a compatible size in the next quarter of an hour or so.

In the corridor his brother and Yaoi were still in heated discussion. Mischievously he decided to use his power one last time, again.

* * *

Phil glanced around feeling static as his little brother’s hand brushed his shoulder, then returned to his argument with Yaoi over the relative worth of the New York Jets.

“So anyway, fuck the Jets. With a name like “Gay Sex” you must know some good oral techniques.”

Why on earth had he said that?? he wondered feeling very odd as he watched Yaoi’s eyes widen in surprise and then scan his body in a delightfully predatory manner.

He didn’t hear his brother slamming the bathroom door bolt into place, he was too busy being pulled into the best kiss of his life.