The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Talon’s claws

Chapter 18: Shattered Rainbow.

Gavina adjusted the nurse’s uniform to show more cleavage and to hide hir bulging cock.

All things considered, S’he appreciated the subtleties of Mistress’ scheme. Some of hir sisters were out there causing mayhem, burning reactionary macho shops, like tie-rack, Suits-U and of course the arch nemesis Dunn & Co.

Meanwhile a few paramedic teams, like hir’s were running around the edges “Curing” anyone that got injured. It was all quite legitimate; it was never Mistress’ plan to hurt anyone. The Cure really did heal most wounds in seconds...of course it also changed the patient into a hermaphrodite, but then after the process was complete the patient never objected to that particular added benefit.

That had been the plan at least, until the third largest explosion the city had ever seen blossomed like a malignant mushroom over the lower east side. Even Mistress hadn’t counted on some maniac destroying the Rainbow Avengers headquarters causing every ambulance and fire engine to be called to what was already being called Ground Zero-Two.

In the back of the ambulance Aftermath was arguing telepathically with Mistress. Personally Gavina found it shocking that any of the Sisterhood would even think of talking back to Mistress; but hey Aftermath was an ex-

superhero so some slack was to be given.

*This has nothing to do with my old loyalties, I am totally yours, I love the way my new body feels. But. We have to know what happened here. Whoever did this could be a lethal threat to our breeding program. Clearly the culprit has no problem with mass murder* argued Aftermath

*I know. It concerns me. I have been aware for some time that my release served someone else’s agenda, keeping these boys occupied. No... My reluctance is due to the risk you are intending to take my dear...*


*You are forgetting, I know your mind inside out, what you are going to attempt is incredibly dangerous, stretching your powers past their limits.*


*So, we will just have to make sure part of your mind is firmly anchored in the present whilst you are rumaging though the past.*

* You mean..*

*Yes. You may make the attempt. Gavina (who is listening in) will provide you with the physical stimulation that will allow your mind to keep in touch with your body*

In the front of the ambulance Gavina felt hir cock stiffen. The task Mistress had assigned would be difficult; a continuous sexual act keeping Aftermath at the verge of orgasm for as long as it took for hir to scan the past and discover what had happened here...this was going to be challenging and a lot of fun.

A few minutes later the ambulance began to shake on its suspension in a slow rhythmic way.

* * *

Midtown 8 hours earlier

Sidekick ran his tongue over his teeth; they seemed a little longer today and slightly loose. He glanced back to the bedroom where S-T was still asleep with a feeling of contempt.

Super Teen was such a boy scout; he wondered what on earth he’d ever seen in him. The little fool was really into redemption using his hypnotic powers to turn criminals into obedient citizens.

Sidekick had used to think that way too, but in the last few days he’d concluded that the criminals needed a different lesson, cross the line and get your throat ripped out.

An image filled his mind, his teeth sinking in and the hot blood squirting against the roof of his mouth. Ooo yes.

The teeth were a little concerning; you couldn’t very well bite criminals to death if your teeth fell out.

With S-T likely to be asleep for at least a few more hours, after the exhausting the battle against The Sisterhood, He’d have plenty of time to apply his “get tough” policy before S-

T missed him.

Launching himself from the window he flew up Broadway towards Times Square.

Un-noticed behind him, Super Teen watched his departure, a troubled frown on his face. As soon as he had become aware that Talon had been resurrected he had heightened his vigilance, Sidekick’s mind showed none of the tell tale signs of Talon’s taint, and yet... He was definitely not the eager little fuckbuddy that he used to be.

Taking care not to produce the rainbow con-trail that was his signature, he stepped out into the open air. Sidekick’s flight path was easy to follow, it’s multi-hued glow still hanging fresh in the early morning air.

Behind him in the empty apartment the house dust swirled, briefly forming the image of a hermaphrodite wearing a nurse’s uniform. Aftermath frowned, not sure what was significant about what S’he had just witnessed.

Further up the timeline Gavina’s cock penetrated, breaking hir concentration. The dust motes slumped back toward the floor as the ghostly presence ceased to animate them.

* * *

130th street, Harlem—8 hours ago

The dust swirled forming up into the vague presence that was Aftermath. Looking around S’he found S’he was in an old Brownstone style building. The windows were boarded up with heavy metal sheeting, the room a veritable Aladdin’s cave of assorted electrical goods.

Sidekick slammed through the wall. The noise and debris should be enough to attract some attention. Sure enough, two nice muscular guilty persons, alerted by the noise charged into the room waiving ugly looking machine pistols.

He let them take the shot. It wasn’t that he needed extra proof of their guilt; it was more to do with proving to them that the shit they were in was already neck deep and rising.

Bullets flattened themselves against his naked torso, dropping to the floor like a rain of freshly minted quarters.

A second more and these not so bright criminals would realize they were out matched and turn to run, that would not be allowed, they had to look him in the eye first.

Ramon fired his gun full auto. He’d not given it any thought, as soon as he’d heard the noise he’d rushed in and let rip. It was a full ten seconds (half a clip) before he realized he was attacking one of the mutie ass bandits.

“Oh F...” his thoughts fizzled out as beams of laser light connected from Sidekick’s eyes to his.

The gun fell from his hands; it was no longer important. What was important was that he was horny. His hands fumbled with his jeans, the beast needed to be out of the cage.

The jeans collected around his ankles, he made no effort to remove them further; now that his beast was dangling free the jeans were no longer relevant.

The blinding light disappeared from his eyes, the twin beams were now pulsing between the other two boys. He frowned slightly, he should know their names, but after a second he gave up the effort. Besides, names were not important, only fucking was important.

He shuffled forward toward the nearest fucker, feet constrained by the forgotten jeans.

Sidekick licked his tongue over his teeth. He’d used to use his hypnotic gaze to just pacify the perps, just recently he’d found it easier to just burn out their minds leaving just enough lower brain functions to desire sex and fuck all else.

Left alone, these two would try to have sex until dehydration or some other environmental factor killed them. Not that it would come to that, these two wouldn’t be around that long.

The nearest one shuffled forward arms outstretched. Sidekick allowed It.. Allowed It to put its arms around him. It began thrusting blindly as if trying to find his non-existent pussy. Pathetic.

He gently pushed the head to the side exposing the muscular neck and its throbbing carotid artery.

The two teeth, the important ones, the ones that had felt loose and had worried him, slid down from their sheaths. The movement felt like how a penis feels when it emerges from its foreskin. There was a moment of surprise and then acceptance. It was only natural that his body had the equipment to satisfy his cravings. Slowly he sank his fangs into the soft flesh and began sucking through the fang’s hollow cores.

Ramon felt the pain in his neck. It wasn’t significant though; all that mattered was finding a hole for his cock. There should be a nice moist hole somewhere here, he knew that much. The part of his mind that had dealt with differentiating male from female no longer even connecting to the hyper active “need to fuck” part that had subsumed every relevant thought process.

Everything was getting fuzzy, he felt light headed. He was irritated, he wanted to concentrate on finding that pussyhole, and getting tired was bad. His big beast wilted, so hard to think, so very sleepy, everything going dark. Just rest..a..moment, its around here somewhere.

Sidekick dropped the empty and licked his lips, now for the second one.

In the corner, Aftermath glared in helpless rage. Before meeting Gavina and having hir gender improved, S’he had been Sidekick’s friend, had relied upon him in some tight situations, seeing him acting in this savage almost bestial fashion was shocking. Fortunately there was someone who could act. S-T was hovering silently outside looking grim.

Aftermath felt S-T’s eyes on hir. He could sense hir presence! Although they were no longer on the same side Aftermath still felt enough loyalty to try to convey hir distress.

S-T nodded to hir.

Before Aftermath could view what happened next Gavina managed a particularly well aimed thrust, sliding hir cock past Aftermath’s clit and pulling hir attention fully back to the present.

* * *

Rainbow Avengers HQ—present

Silver watched the police bustling around the ruined headquarters. Had Master Troy’s ghostly presence not insisted on coming here he would never have chosen to get this close, his thieves instincts screaming for him to go someplace else, anyplace else.

*Nearly all of them are spawn* Informed Troy’s ghost from where he resided inside Silver’s mind.

*So... Nothing more to do here?* asked Silver hopefully

*No, there’s still something of interest. See the ambulance over there? Tell me what you think*

*Yes Master*

Silver took a closer look at the vehicle parked slightly further back than the rest of the emergency vehicles. It was immediately apparent what was happening; only one thing caused suspension to rock that way. He also spotted two of the spawn controlled cops talking, one pointing at the ambulance.

*Who all’s in there, they’re going to get a visit from the spawn any time now*

*Get us over there Silver. I want to meet those paramedics before those spawn do*

*Yes Master*

Silver vaulted over the fire escape’s handrail dropping silently to the street three floors below.

*Do you ever use the stairs?* asked Troy’s ghost

*Not on anything less than 50ft, why?*

*Never mind*

* * *

Brooklyn heights—8 hours ago

Aftermath rematerialized. As expected the scene had changed, finally S’he was in the old firehouse that stood atop the Rainbow Avenger’s high tech headquarters.

Having read entirely too many X-men comics, Studz had insisted that they excavate a vast underground complex. It was fortunate that Firelighter was a graduate Civil Engineer and had managed to get most of the foundations shored up before anything sagged noticeably.

Once again Sidekick was present, limping slightly, his right eye swolen shut. It was obvious he and S-T had fought. The fact that he was here could only mean that his lover, the Rainbow Avenger’s toughest superhero, had been defeated.

That was shocking in itself, Sidekick was a rarity, unlike most of the Rainbow Avengers he wasn’t a mutant, he had been designed. His powers were intended to be a slightly less powerful version of S-T’s. In theory there should have been no way that he could have least not without help.

The first to see Sidekick was Speedo, the ultra fast moving Rainbow Avenger who used other people as a normal person would use a suit of clothes. He was currently wearing Jack Ryder, previously a well known TV personality and currently the handsome public face of the Rainbow Avengers.

“ShitSidekickwhatthehellhappenedtoyou?” asked Speedo forgetting to speak slowly

“Shagnasty happened. The randy fucker seems to have re-

mutated, he’s almost got a human level intellect now.”


“Because I was unconscious..Duh!”

It was a lie of course, but Speedo seemed to have missed it.

Gavina’s thrusting began to distract again but Aftermath forced hirself to stay focused.

There was something else going on here. Across the street were an unusual number of tough looking young males, many lacking shirts, all hanging around trying to look innocent...Perhaps the suddenly murderous Sidekick was only part of this mystery.

It was frustrating to watch unable to intervene. The normally street sensitive Speedo was missing warning signs he’d normally be first to spot.

Sidekick had already disappeared into the headquarters drop shaft when the actual attack started.

Six figures dressed head to toe in rubber crossed the avenue, the faces were blank, just a flat surface with no nose, mouth or eyes to marr the mannequin perfection. Aside from the heads the suits hugged every exquisite muscular curve.

Speedo stopped what he was doing and toggled his comm.


He walked out to meet them. Five of the rubber clad figures walked straight past ignoring him; the last made a sharp adjustment to its course and headed directly at him.

Come on thought Aftermath, you must catch on soon, you’re one of the sharpest males I know.

“Gentlemen, can I help you”

Without warning the rubberman reached out and seemed to flow over Speedo. Caught by surprise his lightning reflexes were no use at all.

Finding himself trapped in a body that was no longer responding he tried to abandon the body he was wearing only to find the thin layer of rubber stretching with him. For a while it looked to Aftermath like two people living in the same skin, one struggling wildly, the other not.

Gradually the internal struggles subsided and the rubberoid turned around, walking its captive away toward the crowd of boys across the street. A few minutes later the other rubberoids walked silently out of the building each cowl now molded to a face set in a passive emotionless expression.

Aftermath recognized each rubber coated face, nearly a third of the Rainbow Avengers combat strength were now walking obediently away.

The crowd surged forward as if every one had heard some silent signal.

Back in the present Gavina hit the sweet spot again and Aftermath was back in the ambulance hir pussy packed full of Gavina’s throbbing cock.

* * *


There was a soft clunk, almost imperceptible to the human ear. The two hermaphrodites hesitated in their lovemaking rolling off each other.

It was a young male, dressed in black leather entering the supposedly locked driver’s side door.

“Guess who chose the wrong ambulance to steal toots” said Aftermath adjusting hir unbuttoned nurses uniform to give the optimum view of hir breasts.

“Y’all can try to seduce me latah ma’am. The ones that did this to the HQ are gettin’ a hankerin’ to inspect yaw lil’ lovenest.” replied the boy, who had managed to hotwire the ambulance as he talked.

Without turning around he flicked a business card in their direction. It landed in the cleft between Gavina’s breasts.

Plucking the card out in annoyance Gavina examined it raising an eyebrow. “An accredited thief? Looks like this one’s a professional.”

The Ambulance picked up speed heading north for several blocks and then pulling left onto a street clogged with parked cars.

Once they were safely parked Gavina and Aftermath stalked forward eager to turn the thief into a member of the Sisterhood.

*Grasp them by the nipple* instructed Troy

*Do I have to?* thought Silver feeling queasy, knowing full well that Master must be obeyed no matter how distasteful the task.

“Y’all ah very well built. If y’all would allow Ah’d like touch those fine breasts” said Silver

“Of course you can, you can have a drink too, if you’d like” said Gavina setting her trap.

Silver gritted his teeth and reached out to grasp the left nipple of each nurse. Being a gay slave from New Orleans, he’d not ever had much interest in breasts, he was surprised at how soft they were. The nipples were also larger than the male ones he was used to tweaking.

Inside his mind he could feel Master Troy doing something. He smiled to himself, good, these two would soon be much more amenable.

The two nurses stiffened, their faces becoming relaxed and vague. Silver was startled to see that each was developing an erection that poked out from under their short skirts.

* * *


The Mistress looked up sharply, sensing a presence S’he’d not encountered since hir rebirth as a hermaphrodite.


*Yes, me*

*They said you were dead, Masterson*

*Did you honestly think death would stop me?*

*No, I suppose not.*

*You’ve been a pawn in someone else’s game Letoya and it will get out of control if it’s not stopped. I need you on my side now. Whilst there’s still time.*

*You think I owe you something? I always thought you were smarter than that. You want my help there’s a price.*

*Name it* Troy replied, having seen the future with Letoya’s hermaphrodite children amongst the last to resist Talon’s power; it was vital to get The Mistress to cooperate what ever it cost.


*France?* had he had eyes they would have widened in surprise at the extent of her audacity.

*France! ...and Long Island...and Bikini Atoll* insisted The Mistress.

*It’s a deal, lower your shields so that I can assign them to you* instructed Troy.

Letoya hesitated; hir first encounter with Troy Masterson had been a harsh lesson. But he had always seemed scrupulously honest, even if it was scarcely credible that he could deliver hir price. Carefully S’he lowered hir mental defenses, ready to raise them at a moment’s notice.

S’he sensed them, million upon million all of them suddenly hir’s to do with as S’he chose. S’he found hirself awed by the magnitude of the enslavement that must have occurred for Troy to have so many slaves to spare and terrified that he felt he needed to expend them, just to win hir assistance.

...And then the trap closed on hir mind. The half formed thoughts of unlimited recruitment and betrayal at the first opportunity became unthinkable. As long as this Talon creature existed S’he and hir followers were utterly committed to the cause of defeating it.

Information followed, flowing into hir at the speed of thought, soon S’he understood precisely what it was they faced and understood how absolutely imperative it was to win this fight.

*Then we have a deal?*

*Yes Troy, My Sisterhood will aid you.*

* * *

Paris, France

For a brief moment everything was still. Cars stopped, pedestrians stood still heads bowed, eyes closed. As one the men cupped non-existent breasts and women stroked non-

existant cocks.

A few seconds later normality resumed.

Over the next few days clothing stores began issuing free bras in preparation for The Changing.

The populace was excited, they had been let in upon the great secret that their Master had defied death and he had allowed them to serve in a critical way.

Additionally, as time passed more of the Mistress’ desires had seeped through the tenuous mental link. By time the first Changing clinic was set up no French person regarded the Hermaphrodisation Process with anything other than eager anticipation.

* * *


Aftermath blinked and then looked at the Master’s representative in front of hir.

“Master, we are yours to command. Please be aware that sexual activity with us may result in an upgrading of your servant’s tackle.”

“Umm.. Y’all can take it as read ah’m not interested Ma’am. Ah like mah men hunky” replied the leather clad boy.

“Your loss” pouted Gavina putting a hand on Aftermath’s shoulder.

“My Master says y’all should continue to scan the past mizz Aftermath. We’ll hang about in case of trouble”

Gavina turned Aftermath around and kissed hir, eager to get started.

* * *

Rainbow Avengers HQ—8 hours earlier

Aftermath materialized, this time S’he was in the control room. The monitors, usually set to view far off incidents were all slaved to the internal security sensors.

On one screen several unresisting support staffers were being stripped and bent over ready for fucking. On the next Firelighter was struggling in the tentacles of an invader who was ignoring blast after blast of flame.

The main monitor was focused on the control room itself like a large mirror. A naked humanoid, nearly 9ft tall and 5ft across the shoulder hammered at an invisible barrier. It was Shagnasty, the unstoppable fuck obsessed juggernaut. To Aftermath’s experienced eye S’he could tell that Shag was even more muscular than usual and seemed even more resistant to damage, bullet wounds healing shut as S’he watched.

Behind Shagnasty was Rubberman and a giant winged creature who strode along seeming to ignore the battle, this was Talon the one the Master had warned of.

Only four Rainbow Avengers were left, TK blocking the enemy assaults with forcefields, Studz suited up in his battlesuit, Glowboy hurling balls of orgasm inducing energy and Sidekick, standing at the back of the group doing not a lot.

* * *

Sidekick was irritated, the last thing he needed was another battle. He wanted to try out his new fangs again and he really had to concentrate on keeping them retracted so the others wouldn’t notice them.

Worse, this had the look of going on for some time. Shagnasty and Rubberman hammered at the forcefield but even the enhanced Shagnasty wasn’t able to dent TK’s barrier.

A movement attracted his attention, a creature with leathery wings, almost as muscular as Shagnasty, there was something familiar about him, something deeply erotic.

The creature placed a clawed hand on Shagnasty’s shoulder, the muscular villain leant his head to one side to rub his cheek against the hand.

Envy burned deep into Sidekick, it should be him getting petted not that muscular oaf.

*Yes that’s right, you sense it don’t you* hissed a voice in his head

*Get out of my head fucker* he ordered, irritated that anyone should get that deep into his brain uninvited.

The creature made an intricate gesture with a claw tracing a glowing pattern in the air, suddenly the room was silent, everyone else frozen in position, one of Glowboy’s ecstasy bolts was even suspended in mid flight. Time had stopped.

*You don’t belong with them anymore. You don’t think like them, you don’t act like them, if they knew about your thirsts they’d turn on see my delightful Sidekick, you’re mine already*

*I don’t belong to anyone, now get out of my head*

*Oh but you do. It hasn’t occurred to wonder why you are changing? There’s a reason for that, I haven’t let you think about it.*

Sidekick ran his tongue over his fangs, clenching his gum muscles to keep them from sliding down.

*I expect you don’t even remember the ambush you led Superteen into* taunted the creature.

*Your mind games won’t work. I don’t believe a word of this bullshit.*

*Oh it’s not bullshit I assure you. In fact you were almost the first human to fall under my power. Every night you’ve been flying to my side, drinking my cum, licking the venom from my claws, hungry for it.*

The dreams! Sidekick felt as if ice had been poured down his spine.

*What have you done to me?!*

*Well that’s an interesting question. You see normally I would take care to re-design the humans I take, shaping them to specific rolls..but you.. Well lets just say I let my passions rule. You got several shots of my un-modified cum up your cute little tush. It’s been quite entertaining observing the physical and mental changes. A constant source of surprises you’ve been.*

Sidekick relaxed his gum muscle letting his fangs slide into position. With everyone else frozen in time there was no need to hide.


*Oh? You don’t enjoy it? You don’t like the taste of hot blood? Or the ability to turn a human into a lust crazed zombie with a mere glance?*

Sidekick licked his lips recalling the coppery aftertaste.

*Your own body is betraying you. If some human scientist were to dissect you today they’d find very few cells without a tendril of mine overseeing it’s operation. In a way it’s like a pregnancy, our DNA being mixed, only difference you got to be the child.*

*Right now the only things stopping you from coming over here and licking my feet are that forcefield and the fact that your conscious mind still thinks its dominant*

*So you’ve messed with my DNA. Big deal. That’s hardly making you my favorite step-dad. You want me to change sides? So what’s in it for me? I don’t see you letting me get on with punishing criminals once you’ve finished with this lot* asked Sidekick.

Without realizing it he’d walked closer putting his hands against the forcefield as he were a schoolboy looking in the toy store.

*What’s in it? Why freedom of course. Freedom to do as you please to the humans, free from guilt, free from conscience and most importantly free to worship me*

*Yeah right, like that’s going to happen*

*Our species has a built in need to be either dominant or submissive. You are now in the challenge phase, needing to prove you are dominant over me, your rival. Once you are convinced that I am dominant you will roll over like the puppy that you are and beg to have your belly tickled.*

*Yeah! well bring it on* snapped Sidekick his eyes glowing, ready to reduce his rival to a groveling wreck.

The creature laughed, as if his challenge were humorous and no threat at all. He stepped forward and tapped the forcefield making it ring slightly.

*With this forcefield between us? You’re hardly going to be doing much dominating*

Sidekick whirled around and sent two streams of hypnotic energy direct into the eyes of the frozen TK.

The smoked glass effect of the forcefield vanished as the wheelchair bound hero’s mind was reconfigured.

“Now it’s your turn” snarled Sidekick turning back to face his rival.

The hypnotic force projected from his eyes lashed out, only to be deflected by a pair of mirrored shades that his rival had slipped on whilst his back had been turned.

“You didn’t really think I would be unprepared did you puppy?”

Sidekick howled in rage and charged. Rage seemed to come much easier these days.

He swung a fist only to have it enveloped in a massive clawed hand, his other wrist gabbed a second later.

His rival had him now, hauled off the floor, arms pulled horizontal in the powerful grip.


He tried to struggle but even strength 5 times that of a human wasn’t enough to break that magnificently powerful grip. You had to respect power like that, had to love it. It was so erotic to be so totally dominated.

How foolish he’d been, allowing himself to be provoked that way. It was clear that the one who could out think him so utterly had to be respected.

His monstrous rival gave his arms a vicious yank nearly ripping them from their sockets.

“Submit” it instructed

It was as if something flipped in his head, there was no longer any question of competing with this one. He was far too weak to win. He found himself loving the way it felt to be held powerless relaxing and hanging limp, his head bowed.

“You win” he mumbled quietly

The powerful arms dragged him forward until he was cradled against double set of pecs, leathery wings wrapping around him, holding him close.

As if remembering he wriggled around until his legs wrapped around his master’s waist. A nipple was just in front of him so he bit at it with his fangs tasting a blood sweater than any human’s

Time restarted, but that really wasn’t important. He was feeling very secure with no worry in the world wrapped safely against his master’s chest.

* * *

Aftermath blinked, suddenly Sidekick had disappeared and TK’s forcefield was down. The wheelchair bound TK was taking no further interest, concentrating instead on his own crotch.

Studz and Glowbow were equally startled but quickly adjusting. Studz metal clad augmented strength matching Shagnasty blow for blow, Glowboy hurling ecstasy bolts that blew apart several empty rubbersuits and left several tentacled thralls ejaculating on the floor. Another wave of empty rubber suits approached.

But where was that scum Sidekick? There! Just below creature’s cloak-like folded wings, S’he could see a relaxed foot dangling.

Two of the tentacle equipped mutants joined Shagnasty’s assault on Studz slipping tentacles between the gaps in his armor.

To the left, more of the empty rubber suits charged at Glowboy, too many to combat, one of them reached him sliding over his glowing flesh.

The fight was effectively over.

Studz battlesuit had frozen solid, opaque creamy liquid dribbled from every joint of the armour, drying rapidly to the consistancy of concrete.

The rubbersuit that now contained Glowboy had begun walking slowly toward the exit. There was no resistance, clearly Glowboy’s mind had been taken.

Hir old friends had been defeated with frightening ease. But it couldn’t be over, this was nowhere near the level of devastation that existed in the present.

As Glowboy reached the door something odd seemed to happen to the rubber suit that was controlling him. A pinhole of light escaped the black coating, then another, the ruptures growing rapidly.

Of course! Glowbug’s skin disintegrated anything that came in contact with it, controlled or not he was disintegrating his way to freedom.

Latex lad had noticed the death of one of his suits, rapidly forming a javelin, Aftermath wanted to cry out, to warn the still dazed Glowboy, but it wasn’t possible.

The black shaft pierced the hero’s side. Glowbow lurched, falling toward the door of the weapons magazine opposite, the racks of explosive ordnance briefly visible as he fell inside.

Suddenly, 8 hours into the future, Gavina was making all the right moves, Aftermath felt the increased sensation in hir vagina that meant an orgasm was going to hit hir like a tsunami. S’he tried to hold it back, to not feel the white heat of completion, but it was too late, the last moment of the Rainbow Avengers was lost, the image shattered as hir partner’s cum hit the far side of hir vagina.

* * *

Ambulance—present time

Silver looked enviously at the two hermaphrodites, their cries of orgasm reminding him that he’d not had any sex in quite a while.

*Don’t fret Silver, I’ll sort you out with some nice boy shortly.* soothed his master *besides if you touched either of those two you’d soon be getting a bust yourself*

*Perhaps I’d better wait then.*

“Uhnn! Oh yes! Ride me! Augh! Ugh! Yes!”

Silver waited patiently for the two “nurses” to disentangle themselves.

“Ok, I think I got all we needed” said the one called Aftermath wiping away the sweat that glistened wherever S’he was exposed.

“Sidekick changed sides, that’s what swung it. As for the mess, Glowboy did a John Wayne at the Alamo and staggered into the armory. You can assume any surviving Rainbow Avengers are working for this Talon creature. Its just possible Glowboy took the fuckers out though, when the Armory blew.”

“Y’all can give up on that hope mizz. My Master can still sense the evil out there. Best all you c’n hope is he’s wounded a few.” replied Silver