The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Feel the mind ray pulse as you let go and obey. If you are too young to legally be here or are offended by things of a sexual or kinky nature you will move your cursor up to the little ‘x’ in the corner and click it. From then on you will only visit happy websites featuring flowers and cute fuzzy bunnies. You will never hold this author or this website responsible for anything you do in the course of your normal life. You will never repost this work or the works of others without their permission, to do so is just quite uncool.

Now feel wonderfully refreshed as the mind ray releases you and your mind returns to its normal state of being.

Inspirations: Tabico always, and of course those wonderful cyborg races of a certain two long running science fiction TV shows who “upgrade” and “assimilate”. I’ve always loved them, but always wanted them to be sleeker and sexier. This piece began as a larger idea, but this more focused concept seemed to want to be written first, which leaves the larger concept in the same Universe for later.

Thanks go out to those whose ideas have made this, and that larger concept better and to JHB for his wonderful and patient editing help.

Enjoy and thank you very much for reading,

Ten Years After

Cabiria Lee led her companion Lenni through the piled remains of an automotive dealership. Some of the cars would probably run, she thought, brushing against the finish of a showroom-new, albeit filthy, convertible. No one would ever drive one of them, not any more; power and machines were how they found you.

They were the Hive. A decade before, Cabiria had been in fifth grade, watching some nature film whose name she didn’t remember, when, suddenly, the sky had gone dark outside and class abruptly ended.

School was indeed out— it seemed, forever. The Hiveship had settled over downtown, and it didn’t take long for the air force to attack. But, against the shields of the massive craft, the planes hadn’t stood a chance. Ignored by the aliens, the fighters had expended their ordinance and returned to base.

The ground forces hadn’t fared any better. They had rolled in the next day, their weapons laying waste to most of the city center, but doing little against whatever force field enveloped the now surrounded ship. All over the world, the scene was the same: massive ships being attacked, and seemingly paying no mind to any of it, until, as one, they released their own onslaught. Swarms of alien beings had marched forth with mechanical precision toward the entrenched armies, their bodies encased in sleek metallic armor and technology, carrying no apparent weapons. The hail of gunfire seemed to be simply absorbed in the soft glow surrounding them as they stopped in robotic lines.

As one they each raised an arm, and an apparatus looking like a flashlight appeared, and seconds later emitted a green glowing beam, and then was retracted.

Horribly, the troops had ceased their fire and stood, motionless, with the world drifting by in stillness and the drifts of acrid smoke from the battle just ended. The aliens had turned, marching back toward their ship, with the silent masses of soldiers following behind. Soon the world stood in stunned silence, lasting several days, until humans—or what had been humans—began marching forth from the ship, gathering shell-shocked, stunned civilians with their all seeing, and all consuming green beams of light.

Cabiria paused, straining her ears, she suddenly dropped to the ground, looking back; she could see that Lenni hadn’t been quick enough; the green glow had her frozen. Cabiria closed her eyes tightly; even the reflection in the blank eyes of her friend could have an effect.

A few seconds later she opened them, Lenni stood, blank and motionless, waiting. Then she heard them, booted feet coming toward their position; a Hive patrol was coming.

She rolled toward the convertible, and slid quickly underneath, her woolen turtleneck sweater and wool pants making almost no noise against the dust and polished floor. Emerging on the other side, she could hear the patrol looking for her. Two Hive soldiers, formerly human women, appeared at the front of the car, their lights pointed right at her. Cabiria was faster, though, the arm of her sweater pulled back to reveal an armband with a captured alien weapon. She fired her own green beam, paralyzing the two Hive slaves where they stood.

She eyed the women, their sleek suits accenting their fit figures. Most of the men had apparently been taken off-world, leaving in ships constructed by enslaved humans; theories had it that they had gone to spread the Hive to other worlds. Women remained, building more ships, and, it was thought, breeding more soldiers for the Hive.

Cabiria heard more noise, booted feet moving near her friend. She jumped to her feet, aiming and closing her eyes tightly. Standing stiff for what seemed an eternity, anyone happening to see her would think she had been caught, but slowly she turned her head away and opened her eyes. There was no glow, but three more Hive women stood frozen next to Lenni.

Lenni! Cabiria cringed. Being flashed once was bad enough, but twice would take a lot to recover from. Somehow, the green light blanked a person’s mind—not that the Hive cared; they had other things to fill a mind with.

“Focus!” Cabiria shook herself into action: it would not take long for the Hive women to reboot, or whatever they did, and more were sure to follow soon, like ants coming to the aid of fallen comrades.

She looked at Lenni, standing blankly, and sighed worriedly, but the mission came first.

Moving to the nearest two Hive slaves she reached out and grabbed the headgear the nearest one wore, that is partly wore: it consisted of a headband, with a black cup over each ear and an eyepiece covering the left eye with a dark lens and wires leading from eyepiece to each ear cup. Autopsies performed on captured subjects showed that the eyepiece technology had actually grown out from the inside, rather than having been installed. She pulled hard on the two exposed wires, which came free with a small flash of sparks and smoke. The woman convulsed slightly and went limp, falling to the ground.

Repeating the process with the second, she moved to the other three, seeing what she had prayed she wouldn’t see. The hivewomen had already attached their acquisition disk to Lenni’s neck. It would already be starting her transformation; there wouldn’t be much time left.

Cabiria deactivated the other three Hive women. They weren’t dead: somehow it was very hard to kill a Hive slave; they could be immobilized for a time, but they would either regenerate or be taken back to the ship and repaired. Humans had learned early on that capturing and trying to return Hive slaves to their human selves was hopeless: no matter what was tried, the Hive always reasserted itself, and worse, the rescuers were often swept up when the Hive came to retrieve its property.

Moving back to Lenni, Cabiria looked for something to wrap her hand in and pull the now partially embedded disk free from Lenni’s neck. Not finding anything she pulled her sweater arm over her hand and hoped it would be enough.

Grabbing and pulling, she felt the disk come free, leaving an angry welt on her friend’s skin. Then she felt the heavy jolt.

“Shit!” she dropped the disk and clenched her throbbing hand. The disk had infected her, or whatever it was that it did. She, not having been flashed, had more time, but probably not a lot more time.

She gathered up the lights from all of the Hive women, along with whatever armor she could detach quickly. She was expendable, and possibly already lost, but these things were key to the survival of her people, the Resistance. Stuffing them in her backpack, she went to Lenni and took her by the arm.

Looking into her deep, blank, blue eyes, she could hear Lenni breathing, no, whispering something. Listening close, the blood nearly froze in her veins. “Obey, obey, obey,” Lenni whisped, over and over. There wasn’t much time.

“Lenni,” Cabiria shook her friend, “focus.” It had been about three minutes since her friend had been flashed and implanted, how long she had, she couldn’t know. Her own symptoms were spreading too, now her forearm was tingling. Whatever it was had begun to hit her bloodstream.

“Obey, obey, obey,” Lenni breathed.

Cabiria couldn’t do anything else; she roughly grabbed Lenni and threw her into a fireman’s carry, setting off toward base. Moving through debris out into the street she was no longer hiding, but rather running, running for her life, and that of her friend. Lenni began to shiver on Cabiria’s back, and she could feel the other woman’s perspiration beginning to soak through her sweater . . . or was it her own perspiration?

The tingling had now moved up her arm into her shoulder. Somehow she thought she almost felt stronger, as if Lenni was no longer as heavy as before.

It had taken them three hours moving slowly through the ruins to reach this point from base, running with her load it would be forty-five minutes getting back, at least. It had now been fifteen minutes since Lenni had been . . . whatever had been done to her . . . was happening to both of them. Her head began to feel foggy, as Lenni convulsed suddenly, knocking Cabiria off her footing and sending both of them tumbling against the wreckage on a military vehicle.

“Fuck!” Cabiria spat, righting herself and sitting up. She looked around quickly, hearing bootsteps coming from somewhere. Looking up, half of the sky was blotted by the ever present shadow of the alien Hive.

Lenni was shaking, her breaths coming short and heavy. Her skin looked gray, her eyes were shut tight, but Cabiria knew they would be turning soulless gray as well. There was not much time left.

Pulling a sheet of tattered green canvas over them both just in time, she heard the boots of what sounded to be a dozen Hive soldiers, ‘drones’ a stray thought crossed her mind, but she quickly turned her attention to Lenni. In the pale light under the covering, Lenni was still shaking, still chanting her (only now there were more words, but Cabiria couldn’t make most of them out) still it was all punctuated by the repetition of “Obey”.

The boots sounded as if they were right outside now, and Lenni seemed to stiffen: “Obey, obey, obey.” Cabiria could almost hear it in her own head, now. Her whole body tingled, every nerve feeling electric, alive.

Lenni’s eyes suddenly shot open, “Cee,” she breathed, “Oh, Cee . . .” her gray eyes almost glowed in the shadowlight. There was no time left. Cabiria moved her hand, exposing the lens of her armband and pointing it, and then froze, half remembering that the flash would affect her as well, but not being able to grasp what that meant.

It took her slow seconds to remember that she had to close her eyes. Lenni was beginning to move.

There was no longer any sound outside. In the cavity beneath the canvas, Lenni stretched herself on the ground, moving, writhing slowly, sensuously, almost sexually. “I am the Hive,” Lenni sighed. “I obey.” Slowly she began pushing her uniform wool pants down, and in long languid motions kicking away her shoes “I am the Hive,” her breath rasped. “I obey.”

Cabiria was stiff, her mind moving like slow sap, thoughts rolled into tangled knots, holding her brain fast. She could feel it, hear it sounding through her: “Obey.” The word was a shattering blow to her mind, and a warm lick between her legs.

Lenni was naked now, her body glistening and gray with sweat. Her hands grabbed and kneaded her breasts, nipples standing out, crisp and erect, the scene holding Cabiria mesmerized. She knew she had to move, that she had very little time left, but the tangled thoughts still wrapped her mind and bound her body motionless: “Obey.” The word was devastating, echoing through her brain, altering all it touched.

Lenni had moved one hand, and then both, lower, spreading the lips of her engorged pussy open and plunging her fingers inside. A loud, long moan sounded from her throat as her hands and fingers moved faster, pulling and plunging seemingly with minds of their own.

Cabiria felt herself shaking, trembling all over, but she wasn’t cold, and somehow she couldn’t manage to feel afraid. “Obey.” The word slipped from between her lips like a kiss. It felt like a heavy weight taken from her and she fell backward to the ground with her eyes closed tight. “Obey, obey, obey, obey.” The mantra flowed like syrup from her whispering mind. Outside, she could hear booted feet coming closer; inside she could hear Lenni moaning louder, and her own mouth breathing the words now flowing through her mind. Strange alien words; she didn’t understand them all, but she knew they were important and letting them flow from her was like sweet fire to her lustful need.

The boots were now coming very close.

Lenni let out a very loud, long moan, and her back arched up in an almost primal scream, then she sat up, facing Cabiria, who had just opened her eyes. Crawling slowly, ass weaving back and forth in the air toward Cabiria, Lenni looked like a cat in the deep shadows as Cabiria slowly pushed her clothes away.

She knew there was no time left.

Lenni’s voice crashed through her like a train. “Obey,” she cooed, breathing the word into Cabiria’s ear. Cabiria saw Lenni’s face above hers, framed against their cloth shelter. It was beautiful. Her gray eyes sparkled, almost glowed with new purpose.

“I am Hive,” the breathless words swept Cabiria away as hands began softly guiding hers to her breasts, “I obey.” Cabiria almost didn’t know whether she had repeated them.

A second later she could no longer care.

Her hands were feverishly pawing and mashing her own breasts, other hands were probing at her swollen nethers; her body was set afire with need, writhing in glistening sweat.

She knew there was no more time; there was no more noise outside.

“I am Hive, I obey.”

Hands, she knew two were hers, assaulted her pussy. Frantically, urgently, she moaned, pushing and pulling, dragging herself closer to the edge. Distantly, she thought it had suddenly become lighter, that she could somehow see the sky, and the ship looming above.

“I am Hive, I obey.”

She moaned louder, drawing ever closer to the edge, feeling waves of ecstasy flowing through her body and mind. She knew it was time.

“I am Hive, I obey.”

Cabiria felt herself fall away in her mind, replaced by something else, something new, as her body arched upward toward the sky in a mind obliterating orgasm . . .

She settled back to the ground, a new creature, softly falling against the gravel, all weight of former worry leaving her in a slow exhale.

Lenni, or the new drone who had been Lenni, stood over her, face held in soft, serene emptiness. She felt a compulsion to stand as well.

Seven drones stood in a semi circle, facing them. The new drone who had been Cabiria bent to retrieve a backpack from the ground, and set off in line behind her fellow drones, her new purpose filling her newborn mind.

“I am Hive, I obey.”