The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Story: Tiger Eyes

by J. Darksong


Devon pulled his black leather jacket tighter around himself, focusing only on two goals: listening as intently as possible to the conversation going on in the room behind him, and being invisible. It was hard enough to do the latter without expending mental energy on the former; in the best of times, he had been able to hold the illusion of NOT BEING in a passerby’s mind for twenty minutes at most, and this was hardly the best of times. His own stress level was quite high from his own daring escape from capture, and needless worry about a repeat attack was an even deeper drain on his power.

Plus, hospitals really stressed him out to begin with.

After the attack at the mall, he had hooked up with Alvin and made themselves scarce for a day or two, laying low at a secondary retreat they’d prepared long ago, for just such an emergency. After a few hours, they’d sent Amanda and Maxine out for a little “recon”, to see if anyone was still tracking them. Only when it seemed that Denton’s capture squad had truly vanished for good did they allow Amanda to return to her home.

At least Amber had been left alone, he thought dimly. For all that selfish bastard Alvin left her to fend for herself! Lousy, stinking, cowardly... He broke off that train of thought. He, too, in the heat of the moment, had thought to sacrifice Maxine in order to make his escape. For all of his supposed “scruples”, he wasn’t much different from his amoral friend. Still, in the end, I DIDN’T use Max. And I managed to escape WITH HER instead of leaving her behind. Alvin just doesn’t get that part... that if you’re going to fuck around with someone’s head, make them into your plaything, your TOY... then you should at least have enough responsibility to take CARE of them!

Are you STILL bitching about that?!? Alvin sent back at him. Man, give it a fucking break, willya? We’re only here right now because YOU are so dedicated to finding out what happened to Shanna. Denton has her. In my mind, that means she’s lost. But you want to go after her... want to try and stage a damned rescue. Fine... since I don’t plan on going through life as a solo act, I suppose I have to back you up. But you can damn well lay off with the Guilt Trip, okay? Alright?

Devon sighed. Alright. Anyway, you know how I feel. Now shut up... looks like that guy is finally waking up. Maybe I’ll be able to get something from his mind n—

Cut off in mid-thought, Devon blinked as a tall man in a brown trench coat walked by, entering into the hospital room just behind him. He’d been caught off guard, and had nearly dropped his NOT BEING projection... but it hadn’t mattered. The man looked STRAIGHT AT HIM!! Nodding as he walked by, he entered the room, and closed the door behind him.

Shit! he sent frantically. Houston, we have a problem!

What? Al sent back at him. What happened? Are we under attack again? Is it Denton Industries?

Devon shook his head. No. Not that bad, but still bad news. A cop just walked by and went into Jeffrey Chandler’s room! And not a uniform... a Detective! I’ve seen enough of them in my lifetime to know out a “Suit” when I see one. But Al... he said in a despairing whisper, he SAW me! Through my shield!

Al cursed loudly. Man, our luck has turned to SHIT! What are the chances the cops would send someone to talk to this guy while we’re here, and then that the one guy they sent would be a damned Resistor? Dev, man, I think we’d better abort. We can’t afford to get caught in this... it would attract too much attention!

He was right, Devon knew, but this was perhaps their best and only lead to finding out what happened to Shanna. He sighed, shaking his head. No. I’m staying. We have to know what he knows. I’ll just have to take my chances, and trust I can talk my way out of anything if I get noticed. Moving quietly to the doorway, he extended his senses to their fullest...

* * *

Jeffrey sat up in the hospital bed, trying vainly to smooth down the stupid paper gown they’d given him to wear. His shoulder ached terribly; during the strangeness in the dorm study room he had taken a bullet in his upper right shoulder just below the collarbone. Still, all things considered, he felt lucky to be alive. The three shots that had taken him in the chest had been tranquilizer darts.

“So, you are feeling better, Mr. Chandler?”

Jeffrey’s eyes narrowed slightly at his visitor. Taking something from his pocket, he held it up for Jeffrey to see. A badge. “I’m Detective Ben Sullivan. If you feel up to it, I have a couple of questions...”

Sighing deeply, Jeffrey turned away, staring at the window. He’d been deeply drugged, nearly delirious, when they’d first brought him in. He vaguely remembered a number of police arguing with the doctors, not much of what was said, but he clearly remembered the word “suspect” when the uniformed man had pointed directly at him. He had lain in the study room, unconscious, leaking blood from the shoulder wound for nearly an hour before anyone had found him. THEN the ambulance and police had been called.

“I’m not sure how much of your ordeal you can recall,” Detective Sullivan continued smoothly, “but from our end we have a lot of clues that don’t make much sense. I am hoping you can help me with this.” Flipping through his notebook, he paused. “For instance, might you know the current whereabouts of your study partner, a Miss Shanna Cartwright?”

Jeffrey stiffened. “You mean... she’s still missing?”

Still missing? Detective Sullivan noted that in his notes. “Yes, she is. Not that anyone knows very much about her. I’m told she was the quiet type... really withdraw, almost... secretive, if you catch my meaning.”

Scowling, Jeffrey shook his head. “Yeah, I know what you’re getting at. But it wasn’t Shanna that did this to me. There were these... these men... I dunno. Commandos, maybe! They were dressed in black, with masks, and they—”

“Men... dressed all in black, wearing masks?” the Detective asked, dubiously. “Walking around in plain sight dressed like that?”

“No! It wasn’t in plain sight, anyway.” Biting his tongue to contain his frustration, Jeffrey sat up all the straighter, despite his shoulder, and stared directly at the officer. “Look. I know how this all mush sound to you, alright. I lived it, and even I am not sure what exactly happened. But there was a black out... someone cut the power. The entire dorm went black, and at the same instant, the guys just burst into the room, with guns pointing everywhere. Next thing I know, I’m waking up here in the hospital.”

Sullivan murmured softly to himself. The power outage had at least been confirmed when he’d spoken to some of the students at the dorm. Problem was, no one had seen or heard ANYTHING, not the gunshots, and certainly not a squad of armed men lurking about. The physical evidence was confusing as well. The boy had been discovered lying face down on the desk, in a small pool of blood. Two tranquilizer darts had been left in his chest, as well as the bullet in his shoulder. A second bullet had been found embedded in the plaster of the wall behind him. That bespoke two sets of intruders, one trying to incapacitate, the other trying to KILL.

“Okay, okay. Why don’t you start from the beginning, and tell me EXACTLY how this all wend down?”

Jeffrey nodded. He spoke of meeting up with Shanna at the front desk, of going back to the study room, and of working together on several math problems for half an hour before the incident. He decided NOT to mention their little argument, however, or what Shanna had revealed to him about herself. About her telepathy, her ESP, or whatever it was.

First of all, he probably wouldn’t believe me anyway, Jeffrey reasoned. And just saying out loud would probably make him think I was either a nut... or that I was making up the entire thing. And, there was also another disturbing possibility. He might actually BELEIVE it. For all I know, he might be working with the ones that kidnapped her and took her away, and is just testing me to see how much I know. Whoever those guys were, they seemed professional. Like damned military. The less I talk about Shanna’s power, the better I think this will turn out.

Nodding throughout the story, Detective Sullivan read back over his notes for a moment before answering. “A very interesting story. But, I have a few questions about all this. The biggest one is... why?” He leaned forward, staring hard at the boy. “Why would a group of armed men break into a school dorm, of all things? And why, of the more than two hundred and fifty people staying there were you and Miss Cartwright the only ones attacked?”

“I... I don’t know.”

“Oh really? So, you’re saying you’re just a victim of circumstance, then?”

Affronted by the implied insult, Jeffrey scowled. “Look! I told you what happened, alright? I don’t KNOW what they were after! All I know is that they were after Shanna, and not me, or else I’d have been taken with her, wherever she is. All of this, the lights going out, the armed assault, it was just about kidnapping her!”

Ben raised an eyebrow sardonically. “These unknown men of yours kidnapped her... for what reason? We did a background check on her when we noted her missing. Your young friend is an orphan. She was never adopted, has no family, no living relatives. And she is only here at this university on a scholarship—she has no vast fortune tucked away, no real money to speak of at all. So why in the hell would anyone kidnap her?”

Jeffrey was at a loss. True, knowing of Shanna’s power, he could very well guess why someone would kidnap her. But he couldn’t tell HIM that. While he sat there, gaping, not knowing what to say, the Detective continued on.

“I have a little scenario of my own. Maybe you can tell me what you think of MY interpretation of all this, and see which version sounds much closer to the truth? We have a young girl, a loner, a quiet girl with a somewhat questionable past, here on a scholarship that pays room and board, and supplies, but nothing else. She’s a freshman, finally away from the institution she’s been forced to live in for most of her life. She falls in with the bad crowd, they talk her into trying something they swear will ‘make her feel good’. Next thing you know, she’s hooked. She starts staying out late, starts missing classes, her grades begin to slip. Now, she’s addicted, and to help pay for her habit she starts doing things not exactly legal to earn the money. But she’s still short. So, to help supplement, she begins tutoring in math, something she knows, something that’s easy for her. It’s all good. But this time, the guys she is in debt to decide they are tired of waiting for her to pay them back. So... they send some guys to grab her and bring her in. Guys with guns. How’s it sound so far?”

Jeffrey merely blinked. It made an odd sort of sense, in a way... if you knew nothing at all about Shanna! The girl was the shyest, kindest, most straight-laced girl he had ever known! The one time he had offered her a cigarette, she had turned him down flat, spouting off about how much it would affect him later in life. There was no doubt in his mind whatsoever that she had never done drugs in her life!

Taking his silence for assent, Sullivan drove the matter home. “So, they show up to grab her, and you decide to play the hero-protector. You tell your friend to run, you try and block their way, and you get plugged for it. Two of the guys are carrying tranquilizer rounds, after all, the idea is to take her back to the boss. But one of the guys is prepared for any trouble. He’s carrying a REAL gun, and when you don’t go down fast enough, he fires off one into your shoulder. That puts you down. Then, they grab the girl, and escape out the back in the confusion with the lights off.”

“That’s... that crazy!!” Jeffrey protested.

“Actually, that’s the most likely scenario,” Sullivan replied smugly. “Unless you’d care to enlighten me to some OTHER reason why these men would attack only the two of you?”

“Um... I...”

“That is, of course, assuming these guys weren’t after YOU for the drugs,” Sullivan interjected. “And that the bullet was just a reminder to pay up. They might have taken the girl as a way of keeping you quiet... or simply because she was there and had seen too much. And THAT’S assuming that you are telling the truth about these armed men, that it wasn’t Shanna herself that shot you and ran away, and that you’re trying to protect her from some misguided sense of loyalty.”

Jeffrey’s head was beginning to swim. The detective was trying to trip him up, he knew, trying to get him to reveal something. The way the man looked at him, he probably even suspected Jeffrey himself of being behind this... that he’d shot himself in the shoulder to cover his own tracks!

“Look,” he said after a moment, “I know its your job to try and rattle me, to make me let something slip, but I’ve already told you exactly what happened. I’m not hiding anything!” Well, mostly nothing. “Shanna and I are not the perpetrators here, we’re the victims. I’m sitting here with tubes and wires and bandages because someone SHOT me to get to her. And now she is missing!” He stared hotly at the older man. “You think maybe you should get out of here and let me rest, and spend your energy trying to FIND the ones that did this, and rescue Shanna instead?”

Folding his notebook closed, Sullivan turned towards the door. “I think I have all I need,” he said blithely. “For now,” he added, glancing back. “You get plenty of rest, young man. If I find out anything more, I be sure to let you know.” He smiled, a false humorless smile. “Don’t worry. You’ll be hearing from me again, I’m sure.”

Stepping outside the room, he frowned, glancing at the dark haired boy in the leather jacket and sunglasses. “Hey. You.”

The boy started slightly. “Yes, officer?”

“It’s Detective, actually. What are you doing out here?” And how did he know I was a police officer? Was he listening in this whole time?

The boy shrugged. “Just, um, waiting for a chance to visit Jeffrey. I heard about him being laid up, so I brought him a card.” Taking the hastily prepared card from his jacket he held it up. “I was just getting up the courage to go in, when you walked by, so I have been waiting for you to finish with him.”

Sullivan nodded slowly. “A friend of his, hmmm? And what is your name?”

“Dylan,” Devon replied smoothly. “Dylan Saunders. I have English with him.”

“Okay, Dylan.” Sullivan turned as if to walk away, then turned again. “You don’t happen to know what happened to him, do you? Didn’t happen to see or hear anything that night?”

Devon considered. “Well, not really. I stay across campus, in one of the boarding houses. I was just cutting across campus, heading home, when I saw what looked like all of the lights going out in the dorm at the same time. I thought that was kinda strange, but I just figured it was a blown fuse or something. Then I saw what looked like a bunch of guys in black running out the fire escape on the south exit, and figured it must be a panty raid, or some kind of fraternity prank.” He shook his head. “It wasn’t until later that I heard what really happened.”

“These guys, did you get a good look at them?” Detective Sullivan asked intently.

Devon merely shook his head. “No. I was across the road, heading off campus. I was at least thirty feet from the dorm. All I saw was a bunch of guys in dark clothes acting sneaky. Then the lights came back on, they vanished, and I kept walking back home.”

Sullivan nodded again. “Well, Mr. Saunders, I would very much appreciate it if you would come downtown with me and make an official statement. What you have seen would be very beneficial to our investigation.”

Devon nodded. “Okay. Sure. Anything to help you find the guys that shot Jeffrey. But, um, not right now, okay? I still wanna go see him, let him know how much he’s missed, and well, you know.” He sighed. “I’ll come down this evening, after my last class, okay?”

“Yes, yes, that’s fine.” Detective Sullivan walked towards the elevator, scanning his notebook again, re-reading the notes he had taken from Jeffrey Chandler in a much different light. Once the elevator door closed, Devon let out a sigh of relief.

Did you get what you needed? Al asked at once.

Yeah. Everything. The guy was kind of fuzzy on some things once the tranquilizers kicked in, but I Saw everything in his mind. Even better, he himself made a few guesses about what happened to him that WE never quite figured out. Those guys that hit us... they were mercs. Ex-military. He walked past the room, heading towards the stairs.

Military... ah, shit, Al groaned. Looks like Denton has upped the ante in this one. Guess he learned from the Cleveland incident as much as we did.

Devon exited the hospital, moving through the parking lot where Al waited, the engine already running. “We’re in this pretty deep now,” he said, face to face. “Before, we were just facing a bunch of hired thugs, rent-a-cop wannabe’s, and amateurs. But if Denton Industries has decided to invest enough time and effort in finding us to start using hired mercenaries and heavy duty surveillance...”

“Then we need to get the hell out of here,” Al finished, driving off. “Personally, I’m thinking Jamaica, maybe Maui. Some tropical island somewhere, far away from the mainland, and insane domestic industrial businessmen.”

Devon snorted. “Al, you’re like two steps from being an albino. You go to a tropical island, you’re burn up like a roman candle.” He shook his head. “Besides, you’re forgetting about Shanna. She’s one of us, man. We can’t just write her off and run away, tails between our legs. Somehow, we’ve got to rescue her.”

Alvin looked at him as if he’s just dropped from the sky. “Are you fucking INSANE?!? You just got finished telling me we were up against the fucking military here! Play time in kiddie land is over! These guys are serious! We only escaped because they were a bit too cautious about being caught! This was a covert operation. That’s probably why they let Chandler there live instead of putting a bullet in his brain!”

“I’m not letting them take her—”

“They already HAVE her!” Al cut in. “Dammit, man, I liked her too. But she’s gone. She’s a casualty of war, now. We have to think about our own survival now. Denton is only going to be more relentless now. He’s never going to stop coming after us—”

“Which is why I say its time we go after HIM!”

Alvin blinked. “Go after him?”

“Yeah,” Devon agreed. “That was the plan, after all. Once we had found a third child, and had taught her, trained her, we would take the fight to that bastard James Denton himself. That was the idea. So... the situation has changed. We found our third, but he managed to grab her before we were ready. We COULD spend the next couple of years searching for ANOTHER kid with the special eyes, searching for a needle in a world full of haystacks... and in the meanwhile, we’d be running from Denton’s thugs day and night!” He scowled. “No. I think we need to take the fight to him now, while we still have a chance of getting Shanna back. At least if we strike now while he’s gloating over his little victory, we can maybe catch him off guard.”


Sigh. “Alvin, c’mon,” he began.

“No, Devon.” Alvin’s tone left no room for doubt. “I am NOT doing this. Personally, I think you’ve played one video game too many. You think you are kind of Hero, a lone crusader trying to rescue the damsel. Well guess what? YOU’RE NOT!! You are not some mythical warrior! You’re just a twenty year old KID, a freak, an accident of nature, just like me!” Devon glared at him, but Alvin glared right back. “You’re not invincible, and neither am I! If there is ONE THING I did learn from Cleveland, its that there is a time to fight, and a time to run away. And dammit, its RUNNING time!”

Devon hung his head for a long moment. The car came to a stop at a traffic light. “So,” he said at last, “you’re not going to come with me then?”

“No way.”

Nodding, as if to himself, Devon opened the car door and slid out. “WAIT! Devon! What the hell?!? Get back in the car!”

“Sorry, Al,” he replied with a shake of his head. “I can’t run away from this. Not this time. I’m going to find her... on my own, if I have to. You want to run and hide... and that’s cool. Normally, I’d agree with you. But I can’t this time.” Turning he walked away.

Damn you! Al shot back at him mentally. You’re picking HER over ME! After all we’ve been through together! After Cleveland... and you’re throwing it all away for some stupid little BITCH that wasn’t even really one of us! Devon continued walking away, heedless. Okay. Fine. You’ve made your point, Dev. This is what you want to do, then go ahead. But I’m NOT coming with you. I won’t be there to bail you out when things turn bad this time.

The squeal of tires behind him alerted Devon to Al’s decision as much as his final words had. He sighed inwardly. True, Alvin was a lot of things, not all of them good, but he had been Devon’s best, and sometimes, ONLY friend for more years that he cared to remember. What am I doing, anyway? he thought to himself. Is this all about playing the hero, like Al said? I mean... I’ve never been the self-sacrificing type. I’ve always used my Gift to get whatever I wanted, whatever I needed. Admittedly, only seeing how wild and free Al was with his powers made me act a bit more responsible, but for all intents and purposes, I’m the same as him.

So why the hell am I doing this?

Why am I tossing away a friendship I’ve had since I was ten years old, for half my life, for a girl I’ve known little more than a month?

Still, he walked on, making his way to an underground parking lot. He needed to prepare if he was going to go after Shanna. He needed money. He needed weapons. Hell, he needed a plan. But first, he needed transportation.

Maybe its because I like her? he though idly to himself, as he scanned the parked vehicles for a likely target. I’ve never been in love before. I definitely felt... something different about her. So vulnerable. So innocent. And yet... He laughed, shaking his head. No. Not love. Heh. What a joke. I doubt anyone like ME could actually BE in love. I guess its more of a big brother-little sister thing. Hmmm. Yeah, that feels more true. At any rate, I suppose I could learn a lesson from her. She lived her entire life up to this point without using her powers. She never came to depend on them for everything like Al and I have. In this upcoming battle, I’m going to have to be smarter, and more resourceful. Mind control got me into this mess, but I have a feeling its not going to get me out of it.

He finally spotted a car he liked, a red 2005 BMW with the license plate: HOTCHIK. He smiled, taking out his favorite tool, a police-issue lock pick. Case in point. My power couldn’t unlock this door, no matter how hard I think at it. Granted, I used it to get the lock pick from that female traffic cop that pulled me over that one time... but from now on, I’m going to get by without using my Gift. I can at least go the next couple of hours without the need—

“Hey! What the hell are you doing to my car?”

Devon whirled around, the lock pick falling to the pavement. Standing behind him, hands on her hips, was a stunningly beautiful blonde. She was dressed modestly enough in biker shirts, and a tank top—well, modest for anyone without her figure. Her heavy forty-four DD breasts strained against the material encasing them, and her obviously muscular yet feminine thighs cut an impressive shape against the slick shiny material of her shorts. Her lips were unpainted, yet stood out a stunning pink against her soft butter-tanned flesh. Her eyes were a perfect shade of ice blue, like a topaz, her golden waist-length hair pulled back in a single ponytail behind her back. Even her feet were the perfect size six, clad in her sporty Nike sneakers.

The only flaw in her perfect face was the deep scowl she wore as she glared at him. “I said, what the hell are you doing to my car?”

Sighing inwardly, Devon considered his options. He had dropped his lock pick on the ground for her to see, so he couldn’t even claim to have mistaken her car for his own. He could, he supposed, talk his way out of it, convince her it was all a mistake, and possibly avoid having her call the police. He was good at thinking on his feet, after all. But another overt glance at her beautiful shape made him reconsider his earlier statement about using his powers.

Taking off his sunglasses, he smirked slightly as the girl’s eyes widened, taking in the sight of his own. Okay. No more using my Gift after today, he amended, as he focused his gaze upon the ‘Hot Chick’ before him. After all, it would be a crime to let a beauty like this go to waste.

“What in the... OH! Oh... your eyes! They’re... ooohhhh... mmmm...”

((to be continued...))