DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction, the characters and plot are a figment of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance between characters in this work and actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. This work contains scenes of sex between adults, and is intended for the entertainment of adults only. If you are offended by depictions of adult intercourse or if you are less than the age of majority in your jurisdiction please do not read or download this file. Because this is a fantasy, characters in this work engage in unprotected sex in a universe where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist. In reality, sex without protection is unwise and nothing in this work should be taken as condoning such activity, or any of the other activities depicted herein.
This story is the copyright of Latexthom and must not be copied or published or otherwise displayed on sites other than mcstories without the explicit permission of the author: Comments and suggestions are always welcome: latexthom@live.co.uk.
Unorthodox research
By Latexthom
A retired chairman of a technology research facility had commissioned one of his research teams to embark on a specific arm of research, before he retired, He had set up this team with a large budget and ring fenced the dissemination of information from the team and protected their finances indefinitely. This had angered the Managing Director who had on a number of occasions, tried to exert control, but had always failed.
He had no idea what research they were undertaking and could not reallocate the substantial budget.
One of the other financially strapped teams, had developed a cell that could convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, carbon and water and this had resulted in the company being acquired by a multinational conglomerate. The Managing Director had been asked to justify all the research being undertaken by the various groups. He described the justification and interim results of each team except the ex-chairman’s team.
The new owners were intrigued and told the Managing Director to find out what was being done by this team otherwise he would be replaced by someone who could.
The Managing Director decided to try a two pronged attack and secured the services of two female consultants form a now sister company, one was from Human Resources and the other one was a Financial Auditor.
Returning to his Factory in Ferndown Dorset the Managing Director sent out a memo to all team leaders that the new owners wanted to establish a skill and career plan for all employees and a delivery plan and financial audit of all research endeavours. He went on to instruct team leaders to cooperate fully with the visiting professionals.
Jeffery, the project manager of this covert project had been handpicked by the previous Chairman and had kept himself to himself ever since. He had two assistants on the team, were all buried in the bowels of the company in what had once been the sub-basement car park. Although the Chairman had indicated that this research was military based, it was in fact his private research, he had three troublesome female members of his family, and he wanted a way to bring them in-line. As such, he had engaged the countries cleverest pervert, one Dr Jeffery Highcliff, to develop the means to program his family.
Since the start of the project, a number of devices and products had been successfully developed and the three females had been brought in line. The team was now engaged on refining the process to remove the need for the drug and to make it the whole thing portable.
Earlier working versions were very large and required the target to be given a drug then to sit in the centre of a concentrated signal from an array of antennas. This had successfully been used on the Chairman’s family and he was now a very happy man.
The latest version was based on a PDA and had a range of 3 metres the only disadvantage they were addressing was that the owner of the PDA had to be outside this range otherwise he would be programmed also.
Unfortunately, the drug they developed to make the earlier solution work was still needed for permanent changes. The signals from the transmitter could make new synapses in the brain but these would naturally decay over a week or two. The drug caused newly created synapses to become permanent in the way children learnt morals and knowledge that remain with them all their lives.
The teams accommodation in the sub-basement was divided into two laboratories a kitchen two offices and a meeting room. The meeting room had been equipped as a faraday cage and had all the now redundant antennas built into the walls.
One of the offices was used by Jeffery and the other was shared by his two assistants. Andy was a chemist and Colin together with Jeffery were electronics experts.
Jeffery received the Memo from the MD and decided he would have to protect the project and as such would need to use it to control any visitor to his domain.
Being a rubber fetishist, he thought of using it for his personal ends but had never had the opportunity. Perhaps he thought I could kill two birds with one stone. He decided that if the visitor is young female and attractive they would have some fun, if not they would just protect the project.
He gathers his team in the meeting room, telling them of the memo also told them what he had decided, and they both agreed wholeheartedly. Jeffery sent them to recheck their deliverables and Andy said, “I have refined the fixer and I need to test the new compound.” Jeffery replied, “We need a new subject how about the MDs new secretary.” Andy said, “If you use her, can I have her afterwards she was very rude to me at the Christmas bash last year when she was the Facility Managers Secretary.”
Jeffery agreed saying to Andy “Ok if you can get her down here you can have her.” Andy phoned her up and said “Heather this is Andy down in the sub-basement the MD has asked for a financial summary for this quarter and we are very busy with an experiment today could you come down to collect it.”
Heather informed the MD and he said, “Of course go and take as long as you need and while you are there find out what the experiment is about.”
Heather left her desk and walked to the back of the factory where there was an old slow service elevator to the sub-basement level. She entered the elevator and started the decent. As she exited the elevator she saw the two laboratories and they both had, the “Do not enter” signs illuminated. She walked past the Labs, found Andy in his office, and said, “Ok where is it.” Andy said, “It’s in the Lab with Jeffery and he won’t be out until this part of the experiment is complete, would you like a cup of coffee while you wait.” Heather replied, “Yes I’ll have a cup of coffee and you can tell me what they’re doing.” Andy went in to the kitchen where he had earlier prepared a mug with a dose of the drug in it. He made a mug of instant coffee into the mug, handed it to Heather, and made another one in a clean cup for him. Andy took her to the meeting room where there were some files, a notebook, and a PDA on the desk and said “You can wait in here and Jeffery will bring you the financial summary when he is ready.” Heather agreed and as soon as Andy was out of sight, she picked up the notebook and found lists a formula that meant nothing to her. She opened the file and found lots of electric circuits and copious notes about what the circuit did or did not do. There was no mention as to what was expected so she got no idea about what they were building.
The PDA had a fingerprint access feature so she could not find anything on that. She sat drinking her coffee until it was all gone. In the electronics lab, Jeffery and Colin were looking at a monitor from a hidden camera in the meeting room and watched Heather finish her coffee he set a two-minute timer and when this expired he picked up another PDA similar to the one in the meeting room and established a connection.
When the connect icon was highlighted he started talking “Heather you must never pass on any knowledge that you gain while you are in this project area and you will never accept that any change in your person or beliefs took place while you were here. However, from this moment and for the rest of your life you will be completely subservient to Andy. You will do whatever he tells you to do and believe everything he says. Any new rule he applies to you will become your rule that must apply and you cannot break it. When you wake up tomorrow, wherever you are, you will no longer want to or be able to wear underwear and you will become an exhibitionist who likes to wear short skirts and show off her naked pussy.”
He turned off the device and extinguished the “Do not enter” signs. Leaving the Lab, he went into his office, picked up his quarterly financial statement, and continued into the meeting room. As he entered, he said, “Sorry for the delay Heather, I had to finish that experiment we have a presentation to our military masters next week and we are trying to get everything ready.”
Handing the sheets of paper to Heather, he said, “Here you are; I think this is what your boss wants and I hope Andy looked after you.” She replied wondering why she felt so relaxed “Thank you I will take this to Robert now and yes Andy was the perfect host was he not part of the experiment.” Jeffery replied, “Oh yes a major part, but he had finished his part of it, before you came down.”
Heather walked back to the elevator and left the project area. Andy met Jeffery as he walking to the kitchen and said, “How did it go,” Jeffery replied, “If she comes to work tomorrow in a short skirt showing off a naked pussy she is all yours.” Andy jumped for joy and said “Thanks I can’t wait.”
Next morning Andy walked in late and came into the factory by the front entrance instead of his usual entrance via the loading bay next to the service elevator. He walked passed Heather’s office and then walked back and entered, and when he saw the micro skirt he said, “Heather would you like to go out with me tonight, or should I say you would love to go out with me tonight.” Heather was about to tell him to get lost, but when he added the second part of the sentence he replied “I would love to: where would you; like to go.” Andy said, “be ready at five and I will pick you up from here, it will be a surprise.”
Andy left her with a confused look on her face and continued down to the lab. When he got there, he said to Jeffery and Colin “Success she is now the biggest tart I have seen and it will get worse for her from now on.” Jeffery asked, “Ok tell me what the differences are between the last version of the fixer and this one.” The last one always caused the victim to act dumber because the new fixed synapses were thicker than the normal ones. Now they should be the same size as natural ones only stronger and the subject thinks as fast as they always did only they will not know what is happening. You should have seen the look on Heather’s face when she accepted my invitation for a date.”
Jeffery said, “I wonder what she did with the Financial Summary yesterday I told her not to pass on any knowledge she learnt down here. Well if we are happy with the plan for the visitors let us get back to work. Colin have you had any thought on how we can protect ourselves.” Colin replied “only a radical one. What would happen if we used it on ourselves and instructed us to disregard any subsequent propagation?” Andy replied “That is a radical thought; you could test that on me.” Colin and Andy had both been test subjects before and the only instruction Jeffery had given them was not to divulge what they did to anyone and not to worry about further experiments.”
Andy then said “Ok I’ll administer the fixer and wait in the meeting room when its time.
Jeffery went into the electronics Lab and got everything ready. When he saw Andy in the meeting room on the monitor, he turned on the device and said, “Andy you are not to respond to any instruction, or commands using this technology unless I say the following password “Andy’s rubber mackintosh fetish” before I give the command. If you understand this please stand up.” Andy stood up and waved to the hidden camera.
Jeffery turned off the transmitter and joined Colin and Andy in the meeting room.
Jeffery said “What do you remember and how long before the fixer is inactive.” Andy replied, “I remember standing up, that’s all and we had best leave the fixer for about two hours.”
They went back to work on their various tasks after agreeing to meet up at 12:00.
Jeffery and Colin were working on a miniaturised version that would look like a pen and Andy was working on an atomised version of the fixer.
At 12:00, theyy all got together and then Andy went into the meeting room, Colin, and Jeffery to the electronics lab. With no administration of the fixer, all instructions would expire naturally within a few days.
Jeffery turned on the transmitter and said “Andy until 5 o’clock this evening you will not remember your name or where you live and you will sneeze every time you hear Colin talk.” Turning off the equipment they both joined Andy in the meeting room. Colin gave a piece of paper to Andy and said, “write your name and address on here.”
Andy did not sneeze and he wrote both his full name and address on the paper. Colin punched his fist into the air saying “perfect results how do you feel.” Andy replied “I feel great no ill effects and no fuzzy feeling like last time.” Jeffery said, “OK administer the fixer to Colin and we can do him then, he can do me”
When Colin was in the meeting room, Jeffery turned on the equipment and said, “Colin you are not to respond to any instruction, or commands using this technology unless I say the following password “Colin’s rubber dildo fetish” before I give the command. When you do me, you will not insert a password or any other covert instruction. If you understand this please stand up.” Colin stood up smiled and waved to the hidden camera.
As soon as Colin came out of the meeting room Andy handed a drink to Jeffery and the process started again this time Colin just instructed Jeffery to ignore all subsequent uses of the technology.
At the end of the day Jeffery and Colin left to go home and Andy went to pick up Heather.
Heather had had a very bad day she had lost Jeffery’s financial report for her boss and she had been getting a lot of abuse because of her dress choice. Andy walked into the Office, and said, “Are you ready.” Heather wanted more than anything, to say no, but all that came out of her mouth was “Yes I am raring to go.” They walked out of the front door arm in arm and Andy said, “Do you have another boyfriend.” Heather replied, “Yes I had to cancel my date with my fiancée for tonight we were going to see the new Star Trek film.” Andy continued, “Did you tell him you were going out with me.” Heather replied “No I did not that would be very foolish, I don’t want to do anything to lose him.” Andy said, “You no longer love him in fact you find his body odder offensive and his cock is far too small for you. In the morning, you will even have forgotten his name.” Heather said, “How and why are you doing this.” Andy replied “The how is I hypnotised you when you were in our meeting room yesterday and the why is because you caused me much embarrassment at the Christmas bash.”
Heather was about to plead but Andy continued, “You are now my slave you will do everything I tell you and believe everything I instruct you to believe. You’re being my slave is our secret, you will tell anyone who, is interested, that you love me with all your heart and would willingly do anything to keep me. When in my presence you will always smile and act as though I am your soul mate. Now let’s go and you can buy us a nice dinner.”
Heather was crying inside but on the outside, she was a smiling happy female in the company of her loved one. They ended up and at a posh expensive restaurant in Wimborne and both had three courses and with two bottles of very expensive wine. When the bill came Heather had to split it between two cards because she maxed out one.
After they left the restaurant Andy took them to his flat and at the door he instructed her that in his flat she was to be naked at all times and would walk on her hands and knees he then made her take her clothes off outside the door.
Once they were inside, he made her masturbate with a rubber dildo, and when she came, he told her she needed to keep the dildo so she could masturbate hourly at work. As she reached for her handbag to put the dildo away, he said, “Not in there you need to keep it close, stick it in your bum.” Heather squealed and shook her head as her hand pushed it into her renal passage. She started to cry and Andy asked, “why are you crying.” Heather said, “you are being very cruel and hurtful.” Heather “You cannot be sad or unhappy you are a worthless that a piece of shit you should feel elated just because I am spending my time with you.” Heather stopped crying immediately and looked at Andy longingly. Andy then said, “Over there next three weeks you must liquidise all your assets and give all your money to me you will also need to get in touch with HR to change your address to here and inform salaries to pay your salary into my bank account. I own you so I own all that was, is, or shall be yours.”
That night Andy slept in his bed and Heather slept on the floor with a large dildo deeply embodied in her ass. In the morning Andy had, a hot shower Heather had a cold one and they both had breakfast. Andy carried the clothes she had on yesterday outside and made her dress in the hallway.
They then drove to work Andy parked around the back and they went into the goods-in entrance and they separated at the lift. Andy instructed her to be at the lift at five o’clock. Heather has to walk through the factory wearing her sluttish clothing and with the dildo in her arse.