Unorthodox Research chapter 10
Jeffery then dialed Mr. Winslow’s number and was put through to him. After Jeffery had explained who he was, Winslow asked, “What do you know about a chemical we found in Mr Morgan’s house along with some very interesting sex toys.” Jeffery replied, “I learnt about the chemical after I saw the two female board members but have not had time to track it down yet.” Winslow asked, “Do you know if there is any more floating around with other unscrupulous villains.” Jeffery replied, “I think not, but I will investigate and let you know what I find out.” Winslow asked, “What do you know about Mr Morgan’s disappearance.” Jeffery replied, “He blew himself up with three of those sex toys and there was nothing left but a scorch mark on my drive.” Winslow asked, “Why did you not report his death to the Police.” Jeffery replied, “I believe I just did, I was waiting to talk to someone with a modicum of Knowledge so I didn’t have to spend a week explaining what a bastard he was.”
Winslow said, “I think you and I need to sit down together and talk but I am not at all sure if that would be wise. I have heard what you did to Tracy Lord and Jennifer Harkness and have learnt what they were like beforehand. I therefore assume that Mr. Morgan killed himself at your command and you have some psychic ability or technology that gives you that influence and that was what Mr. Morgan wanted at your address.”
Jeffery said, “Roderick Morgan stuffed two of my female friends with his naughty sex toys and expected me to hand over my technology. I can’t do that without damaging my health and I did not want him to hurt my friends any more than he had done. I told him to take the sex toys out of my friends and put them in himself and then to walk beyond the proximity trigger and he did.” Winslow asked, “And how did Theo Goldman meet his end?” Jeffery replied, “At the hands of Roderick Morgan.” Winslow continued, “That corroborates what we have gleamed from the other witnesses. I would really like to meet you one day Dr Highcliff, but will have to be another day. If by chance we come across more victims of Mr Morgan, could I call on you for assistance if it is beyond my psychiatrist?” Jeffery replied, “Of course, but if you give that chemical, you found, to your psychiatrist, he will become invincible. Might I suggest you don’t have it analyzed there are many unscrupulous people out there and if that gets into general use, the world as we know it will end.”
Winslow said, “I will bear that in mind. So it was Kathleen McCartney who used the chemical, thank you Dr Highcliff, do you know why she was murdered.” Jeffery replied, “I took away her ability to hypnotize people, I had no idea, she was part of a criminal gang using mind control to take over the decision makers in the Company that recently bought ours, I inadvertently stopped her from carrying out her assigned task of enslaving our General Manager, my fiancée and me.”
Winslow concluded, “It appears they had gone unchecked for several years and only came unstuck when they got involved with you. I would like to thank you for what you have done and I hope you continue to protect yourself and your friends.” After the call was terminated Isabella said, “He grilled me for several minutes, and I didn’t tell he anything different.” Jeffery said. What are we doing for lunch; I fancy a steak and a Gin and Tonic with ice and a slice.” Jeffery said, “Why not, I’ll tell Colin we are going out.” After passing on the message, Jeffery and Isabella ascended in the elevator and walked out of the Company.
Jeffery’s bag was slung over his shoulder as they walked to his car. They drove to The Old Thatch and found a table straight away. Jeffery put his bag down at his feet and placed the remote on the table. The waitress took their order for drink and food and Jeffery looked around the room. He first spotted a couple of young females in business attire having a good friendly chat. As he looked around he took notice of a couple who came in just behind them and as he covertly watched them he became aware that they were both observing Isabella and him. He picked up the remote and pressed several keys as if making a telephone call and then turned it on, he held it to his ear and said, “If you are a man and you are following or observing Jeffery Highcliff and Isabella Mendez then drop your knife on the floor now.” The man who had come in behind Jeffery dropped his knife. Jeffery continued, “I am talking to the man who dropped his knife and the woman sitting at his table, everyone else ignore this, You will both look across at each other, regardless of whether you have families at home you are now wholly and completely in love with the person opposite you.
They are your whole life you cannot regard anything else. While you are sitting opposite your soul mate and lover you will gaze into their eyes and disregard everything else. When you leave here you will go to the Sealwear shop and buy clothes, you saw Isabella when you came in and you are both dying to try the same. When you dress in latex you will realise that you will never wear any other fabric and you will then find somewhere to make love. It will not be raw sex it will be the best, most sensuous mating of your life in it will solidify your love for each other. You are both new 100% obedient to the words of Jeffery Highcliff and you are forbidden to cause any harm to Isabella or Jeffery. You will not forget this trance or the fact that you have been manipulated, now reach across and kiss this will be the best kiss of your life and the first of many.” Jeffery turned off his remote as the waitress brought their drinks.
After she had gone Isabella said, “You are definitely getting better there was no evil, hurtful instructions in all that.” Jeffery said, “I am still interested to find out who sent them and if it was Mr Winslow, I could become very evil. Mind you if it wasn’t Mr Winslow, we may have a new adversary.” Isabella said, “You had better go and ask them.” Jeffery replied, “I’ll go to the toilet and ask them on the way back.”
Jeffery checked the plumbing and relieved his bladder. His latex underwear made a lot of noise and another patron gave him a funny look. Jeffery did not care, in the slightest. When he had straightened his clothing and washed his hands he returned to the main restaurant and sat down with the two lovers. Jeffery asked, “Sorry to disturb you but I need to know who sent you and what is your actual assignment.” The man replied, “I am Detective Inspector Philip Piper and this is Detective Sergeant Roseanne Heavers, we were tasked by Detective Chief Superintendent Winslow to keep you under observation and try to lean if you are psychic or if use some form of technology.” Jeffery asked, “What will you tell him?” Roseanne replied, “Philip has been trying to get into my knickers for months, so you have given him the best birthday present in the history of the human race, I would have to say that you spotted us and manipulated us far too quickly for it to be technology based. Do we really have to visit that shop when we leave here.” Jeffery replied, “You could try not to, but I think you will be doing exactly as I instructed. When you speak to Mr. Winslow tell him it will happen to everyone he sends, until he comes here himself.”
Jeffery then stood and returned to Isabella, the waitress had delivered their food. Phillip and Roseanne left before Jeffery and Isabella had finished and when they returned to the factory there was no sign of anyone following or observing. Down in the subbasement Colin had moved the box and his tools into Andria’s lab and they were working together. There was a note pad next to Andria where she communicated all her observations and suggestions.
Jeffery and Isabella drafted a letter of acceptance and when they were happy with the wording Isabella sealed the envelope and took it upstairs to the post room. Jeffery looked in on Colin and Andria and asked how they were doing. Colin replied, “Andria has been very helpful, she has worked out how we can change the composition of the electrolyte so it ceases to produce electricity. We should have a working prototype by the middle of next week. She is currently looking into the plastic explosive, cyanide issue. Jeffery replied, “It’s a pity Andria was such a shit, you two always did work well together.” Andria moaned into her gag and picked up the pen to write something and Jeffery said, “Don’t bother trying to make excuses your judgment has been made and your punishment has been fixed,” he then returned to his office leaving Andria totally frustrated.
After the workday was finished, Heather came down to fetch Andria and Jeffery thought what a lovely pair of girls they make, dressed in their lovely short pink mackintoshes. Isabella said, “I saw you ogling those two, do you want me to get one of those pink mackintoshes.” Jeffery replied, “May be once we are married and we are living in London. Let’s go and see if Helen has arrived, I need to be evil to balance out what I did at lunch time.” Colin, Jeffery and Isabella rode the elevator together and Colin said, “I think we made some real progress today. And now I have a new project I am enthused again.” Jeffery said, “In my new position I will guarantee that you will both be kept busy.”
When they exited the factory on the way to the car, Phillip and Roseanne were waiting and were both were resplendent in their latex attire.” Phillip said, “DCS Winslow would like to meet you this evening at your home but asked that he not be addicted to latex.” Jeffery looked at the smile on Roseanne’s face and said, “You look happy, have you been having fun.” Roseanne replied, “How did you do that, I have never liked sex with a man before and now I can not get enough of Phillip.” Jeffery continued, “I am glad I was able to help. Now if you will excuse me I need to be evil.” Isabella said, “Tell your boss he is welcome at seven and that he will be safe. You two had better come too. I’ll prepare a meal for everyone.”
As Jeffery and Isabella got into Jeffery’s car, Isabella asked, “Can we go home via the butchers, I need to get some meat, we have plenty of vegetables.” Jeffery replied, “Yes what are you thinking of making?” Isabella continued, “I was thinking of a Lancashire hotpot.” Jeffery replied, “Make it a Cumberland tattie pot, which is one of my favorites.”
They called at the butchers in Ferndown and bought two and a half pounds of lean lamb cubes and a pound of black pudding. The butcher joked that he would like to come to dinner, but Isabella said, “We have enough already, and our table only seats eight”.
When they arrived at home Nancy and Helen were already there, Jeffery apologized for being late and explained about the additional dinner guests and the need to buy meat. Nancy replied, “Not to worry we have only been here five minutes anyway, although Helen has been getting very anxious since we arrived.” Jeffery said, “There is a small secure paddock at the back, put her out there where she can run off some energy.” As Nancy led her away, Jeffery said in a load voice, “I will need to clean out the stable.” Isabella asked, “I did not know we had a stable.” Jeffery said, “My mother used to have a horse here and I sold it after my parents had their accident.” Isabella asked, “I had wondered how long you had lived here?” Jeffery replied, “I was born in this house, although it belonged to my grandparents back then.”
By then Nancy had returned and asked, “What happened to your grandparents?” Jeffery said, “They both died in the same coach crash as my parents when I was in my second year at University.” Nancy replied, “You must have been devastated losing two generations like that.” Jeffery replied, “I was for about ten microseconds and then I realized that I would have the perfect house for someone with a latex fetish.” Isabella said, “Let’s get inside, I need to start making dinner”. Nancy added, “Can I help.”
Jeffery unlocked the door and let his two ladies in and then went to find Helen. He stood looking over the gate into the paddock and saw Helen frisking about Helen’s long mackintosh was hanging folded over the gate. When she saw him she ran over to the gate and pointed to her crutch. Jeffery asked, “Do you need the toilet or are you randy.” Helen mimed the toilet so he reached in and opened her crutch zip and then spanked her bottom before turning and walking away.
Helen found a sheltered spot and crouched down as Jeffery walked into the house. He placed his bag on the side table in the dining room just in case and put the remote in his pocket. He then joined the girls in the kitchen and said, “So Helen got to you alright in Oxford then and how was your day.” Nancy replied, “I had a visit from DCS Winslow this morning and he spoke to you from my office. Isabella tells me he is coming here tonight; I thought he had finished his investigation.” Jeffery continued, “He must have another agenda, perhaps he will tell us this evening. In the meantime I am going up to get changed.”
Soon all the vegetables were prepared and the hotpot was in the oven and Isabella and Nancy walked upstairs to Jeffery. Jeffery had showered and changed into a latex suit and he was fitting a hands-free microphone for his remote into the inside of the jacket and connecting it to the remote in his pocket. Nancy asked, “Is that for your phone or something else.” Jeffery replied, “Nancy you will forget seeing my microphone and asking that silly question.” Isabella asked, “What would you like us to wear.” Jeffery said, “I have laid out some clothing for both of you in the bathroom. You can choose which outfit you would prefer.”
While Nancy and Isabella were getting changed, Jeffery returned to the dining room and taking the binder out of his bag he moved it in between two similar binders on the sideboard and laid them out in a random, un-contrived way. He then stood by the door and tested his system by turning on the remote in his pocket and, giving himself an instruction. The previous command to ignore all attempts to program caused a miniscule sense of conflict in his mind. That was his method of testing the equipment arrangements and he considered it successful for any part of the room. As he walked out of the room, he turned off the remote and went out to find Helen.
When he arrived at the paddock gate he saw Helen in the middle of the paddock with her hands in her pussy. He then remembered he had made her 100% subservient to Nancy and then assumed Nancy had given her an instruction as she put her in the field. He stood by the gate for several minutes waiting for Helen to notice that he was there and when she did she cantered over to him. When she arrived, he said, “Are you enjoying yourself in your field or would you like to put your mackintosh back on. Helen nudged the mackintosh and Jeffery held it open for her to slide her arms in it. As she fastened the front of the coat her mannerisms became less horsy and more human. Jeffery said, “Come into the house and we will see if you would like to join us for dinner.” Jeffery had decided that Helen would sleep in the vacuum bed and Nancy would sleep with him and Isabella. Tomorrow he would clear out the stable and see what state it was in.
As they arrived at the house, Jeffery opened the door and indicated she should enter in front of him. Helen was mentally confused and overwhelmed, she had dehumanized herself to such an extent and here he was treating her like a lady. Jeffery was no psychologist but he knew what he was doing to her. He led her up stairs and into the main bathroom and instructed, “In this room, you can remove all your clothing and you will remain Helen, however you must be dressed as you are before you leave. Now get undressed and have a shower or a bath.” He then left the room and closed the door.” Helen ran a hot bath and then got undressed; she was still confused by Jeffery seemingly being nice to her.”
She laid in the bath luxuriating in the bubbles from the bottle of perfumed bubble bath she had found and thought about her day. She was very hungry having drunk several glasses of cool water to quenched her thirst using the glass by the wash basin; she was hoping that Jeffery would allow her to join them for dinner.
After she had dried herself, she found she could not even touch the door handle to leave the bathroom and started to get dressed in the pony suit. As she pushed the gag into her mouth and pulled on the hood/mask she sighed despondently and as soon the she pulled the zip all the way down she nearly started to cry. After dressing in the mackintosh she opened the bathroom door and clipped clopped out. While Helen was in the bath, Jeffery had asked what Nancy had instructed Helen when she put her in the paddock. Nancy replied, “I instructed her to be like a pony and enjoy the freedom of the field and to only be Helen again when someone helped her on with her coat.”
The kitchen was becoming quite steamy with five saucepans cooking vegetables and the clock on the wall said six thirty five. Jeffery asked, “Should I, go and lay the table?” Isabella said, “It is already laid, go and find some nice wine to go with Cumberland hotpot.” Jeffery descended into the cellar and unlocked the wine store. He found four nice bottles of St. Emillion Merlot and carried them to the dining room after locking the door. As he placed the bottles on the table he heard the rustle of latex behind him and turned to see Helen coming through the doorway. Jeffery said, “If you are hungry and would like to join us, you have to promise to be good.”
Helen nodded and Jeffery said, “Ok come and sit here and I will remove the mask but you are not allowed to leave the chair without it being on.” Helen sat down and Jeffery unzipped the hood and pulled it off her head saying, “One wrong word tonight and this goes straight back on.” Helen replied, “I promise to be good.” Jeffery took the pony mask and put in a drawer in the side board well away from where Helen was sitting. Helen was about to ask, why her mask was so far away but the front door bell sounded and Jeffery went to answer it.
When Jeffery opened the door, he found Phillip, Roseanne and another man in a pinstripe suit. Jeffery held out his hand and said, “Mr. Winslow I presume?” DCS Winslow returned the handshake and replied, “Not unless you know something I don’t, it’s DCS Winslow.” Jeffery was not fazed and said, “Well whoever you are, welcome. Come through to the dining room, Isabella and Nancy are in the kitchen and are planning to put food on plates at seven.”
Jeffery showed his guests through to the dining room and introduced them to Helen. He sat them all on the side opposite Helen and said, “I hope you had an event free journey, and that this meeting has not interrupted anything important?” DCS Winslow replied, “The journey was good and event free and there can be nothing more important than this.”
Jeffery continued, “It’s only a meal, I’ll go and see if it is ready.” As Jeffery walked out of the room he turned on the remote and left it switched on.” He met Nancy coming out of the kitchen door was two tureens of vegetables and said, “Can I help,” taking the tureens from her and walking back to the table. DCS Winslow said, “I would like to talk to you about Inspector Piper and Sergeant Heavers.” Jeffery replied. “I’m sure you can wait until I sit down. Then we can find out if Inspector Piper and Sergeant Heavers would like us to talk about them.” Jeffery then returned to the Kitchen and picked up two more tureens. Isabella was taking the casserole dish out of the oven wearing oven gloves and she followed Jeffery into the dining room and placed it on the mat in front of her place. Nancy came in with the warm plates and placed them in front of Isabella also. Jeffery had placed his two tureens on the mats in the centre on the table together with the other two and then sat down in his carver chair at the head of the table.
Nancy sat next to Helen and Isabella sat between Jeffery and Nancy. Isabella took the lid off the casserole dish and said, “I am Isabella Jeffery’s fiancée and who doesn’t want casserole. No one spoke so she put two ladle full’s on each plate and handed them out saying, “Help your selves to the vegetables.” When everyone was sitting in front of a plate of food and all the serving spoons had been set down. Jeffery stood up and walked around the table filling everyone’s glass. He started with Isabella and ended with DCS Winslow before filling his own. Before he sat down, DCS Winslow said, “This is very nice, on behalf of the Metropolitan Police; I would like to thank you for your hospitality and for a very nice meal. This is one of my personal favorite dishes. Before I joined the Met I was stationed in Carlisle and really got a taste for this. Isabella said, “When I was little my parents took me to the Lake District and that was where I got the recipe.” Helen said, “I have never had this before but it absolutely delicious.” DCS Winslow said, “With everyone here dressed in Latex, I am feeling incorrectly attired. However I have no desire to get changed.” Jeffery said, “Phillip, Roseanne are you wearing latex against your will,” Phillip replied, “It is difficult to answer that I would not say it was against my will but I could say that my will might have been changed.” Roseanne said, “I am not complaining at all, I did not know what my body wanted until it was persuaded to try it. I have found my one true love and I would like to keep it.” DCS Winslow asked, “Is that one true love Philip or latex.” Rosemary replied, “They are both part of my true love.”
Jeffery asked, “So Roseanne, would you like to change back to how you were.” Roseanne replied, “Definitely not.” Jeffery asked, “What about you Philip.” Philip replied, “I am saying nothing I have been lusting after Roseanne since she became my partner and now that I have got her I want to keep her and if keep her means I have to wear latex then I’ll wear latex.” DCS Winslow said, “I see you were not specifically evil with my two detectives but you have made their lives untenable in the city of London. Jeffery said, “When I go to London I wear a suit over my latex and no one knows the difference between me and anyone else.” Roseanne said, “We tried that in the Sealwear shop but we couldn’t touch the fabric.” Did you try putting on a pair of latex gloves and then getting dressed?” Roseanne said, “No, we didn’t.” Jeffery said, “I rest my case”. DCS Winslow pleaded, “Could you not allow then to touch normal fabrics with their hands, that way at least they could do their jobs?” Jeffery instructed, “Philip, Roseanne, providing more that seventy five percent of your body in covered in latex you can touch normal fabrics with your hands.” DCS Winslow asked, “Why seventy five percent.” Jeffery answered before putting his fork in his mouth, “Because it was better that eighty.” Helen said, “What about me I am stuck in the chair without my mask, Could I be allowed to move about.” Jeffery replied, “Philip and Rosemary were not being punished, I just gave then something different to occupy them. You on the other hand should consider yourself lucky; there are some much worse off than you.”
DCS Winslow said, “Your talent could be useful to the countries administration but if you are judge jury and executioner, I would have to rule you out.” Jeffery instructed, “DCS Winslow you cannot expect me not to use the talents I have been empowered with, in the way I see fit. As you look at the latex clothing on the people around you are you not stimulated at all, you must becoming aroused.”
DCS Winslow said, “Seeing you all wearing latex so happily is a very enticing sight, but I am reminded that I have a responsibility to the people of London.” Jeffery replied, “And you think that if you try a little latex you will not be able to uphold that responsibility.” DCS Winslow adjusted his crutch and then said, “Are you doing this I am never like this.” Jeffery said, “Helen you can move from your chair and far as the DCS under the table. He needs some relief.” Helen felt relieved and lucky not to be worse off and never thought to argue as she scooted under the table and diagonally across to the DCS and soon as she got there she opened his zip and fished out his enormous cock and then swallowed it whole. Helen was an expert at fellatio and the DCS was soon feeling something very special. As his eyes rolled into the back of his head, Jeffery said, “Mr. Winslow you are now feeling the thing you like the most and Helen is the person who will always give it to you, you will seek her out a regular intervals while you are in London to get a repeat of this bliss. Each time she blows you, you will reach down and caress her latex shoulders and if she is wearing this mackintosh you will love the feel of her coat and you will become addicted to that feel. Now you will all forget that I said any of that.” Philip said, “Did you just, no that’s impossible.” Roseanne said, “Perhaps it isn’t.” At that moment the DCS reached the end of his blue touch paper and his firework exploded into Helen’s mouth. She swallowed him whole and decided I need more of this.” Jeffery said, “Helen when you have finished go back to you seat.” Isabella started clearing away the dirty plated and Nancy helped her to clear the table. While they were out,
Jeffery instructed, “Helen, DCS Winslow, go into a deep trance until I tell you to awake. Phillip, Roseanne, You were aware that something had happened but not sure what it was tidy up your mind to remove the event and all knowledge that the event took place or that there has been a tidy up. Your latex fetish is now a normal fetish and you can, if you really want to, not wear any latex at all. Your love for each other is the most natural emotion there is and it will never die. Now wake up and kiss while I talk to your boss and don’t listen to what I am saying until I say your name. DCS Winslow, you are forbidden to instigate or allow any harm to befall Jeffery, Isabella or Nancy, from now on you will caress the latex of Helen’s clothing whenever you can and your own fetish will grow. You will start by wearing latex underwear under your work clothes and then compete latex outfits at home and then you will need to wear only latex when you visit Helen, who will become your paramour. Helen you will never hide from the Detective Chief Superintendent and always invite him in when he calls. Whenever he massages your latex covered shoulder, you will become very aroused and the longer he does it the more aroused you will become. You will now only be able to come when you give fellatio and you will orgasm when your mouth fills up with sperm, also over time becoming addicted to DCS Winslow’s sperm. DCS Winslow, Helen, Philip and Roseanne, when I next say the word ‘awake’ you will wake up forgetting that you have been in a trance and all instructions I have given you and you will believe that everything that has happened to you today is a natural choice of your own and not caused by mind control. You will each of you always do whatever I instruct you to do and you will always believe that my instructions are your wills. Now, awake.”
Isabelle was waiting outside the door for him to finish speaking and when he did, she entered carrying a large apple and blackberry crumble and Nancy brought in a jug of custard and a box of ice cream. Isabella returned to the kitchen and came back with seven dessert dishes then she sat down and said, “Who would like some crumble.” Spooning a large helping into a dish and handing it to DCS Winslow, she continued handing out dishes of crumble serving Jeffery and herself last. Everyone helped themselves to custard or ice cream.
After the desert was finished Isabelle and Nancy cleared the table again and DCS Winslow walked around and stood behind Helen stroking her shoulders. Jeffery brought out a bottle of Port and asked if anyone would like one. He handed a glass to Phillip and then one to DCS Winslow but the DCS couldn’t take his hands of Helen so Jeffery placed it on the table. Roseanne didn’t want one because she was driving so he placed a glass in front of Helen and one for Nancy, Isabella and him. DCS Winslow continued to caress Helen’s shoulders even after Isabella and Nancy had returned. Jeffery said, “Surely you have massaged Helen’s shoulders enough, come and have your drink,” which enabled him to stop. As DCS Winslow sat down on his chair, Helen once again scooted underneath the table and undid his zip. Taking his cock in her mouth she started again and had the biggest orgasm of her life as he came in her mouth.
Jeffery refilled everyone’s glasses with more port and Roseanne asked to use the toilet, Isabelle showed her where it was and while she was away. Helen crawled out from under the table and sat next to the DCS in Roseanne’s seat. The DCS said. “Where do you work we must get together again?” Helen replied, “I work in Grosvenor Crescent and I live in Frith Street”. DCS had his hand on Helen’s knee and he was stroking the latex. Helen could not understand why her body was reacting so much to this man, but his hand rubbing gently across her leg was fuelling her arousal again.”
When Roseanne returned she said, “Host, Hostesses and Sir’s this has been a very nice meal and we have enjoyed it very much and as I have to get my two colleagues back to London, I think it is time we were going.” Helen relied, “You can not go yet.” Roseanne continued, “But we must, we all have work tomorrow.” DCS Winslow and Philip stood and both agreed with Roseanne. Helen was incensed, her arousal was sky high and her only means of relief was walking out of the door and because of Jeffery’s instruction to stay at the table she could not follow him and persuade him to stay for one more fellatio. Helen was left on her own when the hosts said good buy to their guests at the door.