Unorthodox Research chapter 6
Jeffery was in the lab he shared with Colin and was clearing out all the old abandoned prototypes and broken chassis. While he was clearing the back of one of the cupboards he found a very early prototype and thought, why did this one not work it was very similar to the latest version but not miniaturised. He looked at the components and after some deliberation noticed that one of the diodes was in the wrong way round. As he re-soldered a new diode into position he thought back to when they had built it and thought it needs a test but without the drug and somewhere remote from the operator. He rigged up a wireless receiver to the device and put both modules into an old briefcase with a large battery. He had remembered that this device was using a very different antenna and they had thought that it would work without the need for the drug.
While trying to think of a suitable prey, he remembered a dispute between him and one of the other project managers and decided to use her in his experiment. Picking up the briefcase he walked to the elevator and ascended to the factory level. He then walked through the other project cells to where his antagonist was located. She was holding a meeting with all her project team in an office when Jeffery walked by, so he deposited the briefcase against the window of the office and walked on by. Marilyn’s team comprised five females and two males. Jeffery walked into an empty office and turned on his transmitter then started his dialogue.
I am talking directly to your subconscious and everything I say is the absolute truth. You will all do as Jeffery Highcliff instructs and any new truth he dispenses will be your rule for life. If you are female you are now subservient to the two men in the room and you will develop an overwhelming fetish for latex, over the next seven days. You will perform any sexual undertaking as directed by either of your two masters. If you are male you are now naturally dominant to all the females in the room and especially Marilyn, who has no free will at all and is subject to the whims of all of you. In addition Marilyn as well as having no free will, your latex fetish will be at its maximum within an hour and your skin will hate other fabric. Now these instructions, I have just given you, will become active when Marilyn offers to make you all a cup of coffee.”
Jeffery turned off the transmitter and retraced his steps around the factory collecting the briefcase on the way. Everyone in the room felt a little queasy and Marilyn said, “That is all I would like to say but before we get back to work, who would like a coffee. I’ll make it.” One of the girls replied, “I’ll have a green tea please.” Marilyn moved to the small kitchen to start making the drinks. One of the men looked at the female he had been lusting over for months and said, “Remove your knickers and sit your pussy on my cock this instant.”
Jeffery thought, “Normal synapses should decay after about a week, I will test how things are in a fortnight.” Rather than taking the briefcase back to the lab he took it outside and put it in the trunk of his car. As Jeffery walked in the back door to the factory. Marilyn walked out of the front door on her way to the Sealwear shop. Her confused mind did not know where she was going but she knew whereever it was, it was very important.
Descending in the old elevator Jeffery considered his next action and decided to clear out all the paperwork as well as the discarded frames. While he was considering his next actions, a random thought popped into his mind and he remembered that at the time they were building the prototype in the briefcase, there had been an argument on going about Andy and the drugs and Colin had concluded that there was no mileage in attempting to find a device that worked without out Andy’s help. When Jeffery reached the lab, he opened Andy’s door and asked, “Do you remember this time last year, we were trying to develop a modulator and an array and would work without drugs. What did you do to Colin to make him side with you.” Andy said, “Colin thought he had a working prototype and while you were at that electronics conference in Cambridge I used it on him and made him forget that it worked and instructed him to sabotage it, why have you found it again?. Jeffery said, “I remembered it after I broke it all up but I couldn’t remember any tests.”
Andy replied, “Colin was the only test, I was worried what would happen to me, if my chemical expertise was no longer needed.” Jeffery said, “You don’t need to worry I can’t remember what we did that was different, so I would not be able to rebuild it.”
Andy replied, “So you are not upset about it then.” Jeffery said, “That was the end of four years work and you just cast it aside.” Andy replied, “Look I am sorry but you did go on to develop a foolproof device.”
Jeffery conceded, “Yes I suppose you are right, however if we had that device it would have provided another means of attack and a bigger arsenal.” Andy replied, “Well don’t ask Colin to remember, I made him forget that it ever worked or was worth any effort to proceed. I told him that over the next four weeks he would forget everything to do with it and concentrate on getting the synapse builder to work, which he did.”
Jeffery concluded that if there was any mileage in taking the prototype, he had repaired, forward. He would have to do it himself. Jeffery realised that he should have thought of this before, but he had never got past the annoyance associated with Colin’s amnesia. He concluded that Andy must have used the device on him so he would not resurrect that branch of research.
Jeffery left Andy and returned to Isabella who was still in his office with Nancy. As Jeffery entered, “Nancy said, “I should go and check on Kathleen but I don’t seem to be able to leave Isabella. Every time I stand up to go out, I get an urge to eat her pussy and the further I get the stronger the urge becomes. The farthest I have managed to get is the door to Andy’s lab. Jeffery said, “Isabella would you escort Nancy back to Yvette’s office and see where Kathleen is, I’ll follow you in a minute or two.”
After Isabella and Nancy had left the sub-basement, Jeffery opened some of the old box files in his office where the earlier research was archived and found the majority empty. Jeffery was now convinced Andy had been inside his head and he would have to dispense some justice. He told Andy he was going to see the boss and followed Isabella out of the sub-basement.
He caught them up in Yvette’s office and Kathleen was updating Nancy on what had taken place. Nancy was not happy at all, and berated Kathleen for hypnotising Yvette in the first place. Jeffery said, “Nancy, leave poor Kathleen alone, she has tried her best today and it is not her fault, that she has been unable to change Yvette, there is nothing to change Yvette is Yvette and does not need changing. The only issue that needs addressing is the fact that this business was once managed by an aggressive man and now it is managed by a submissive woman.” Nancy replied, “There is nothing wrong with having a submissive woman at the helm as long as she has an aggressive woman on her staff. What about Marilyn, there are a number of complaints on file about her aggressive behaviour? She should be able to help Yvette when an aggressive stance is called for.” Jeffery said, “Ok wait here everyone and I will fetch Marilyn.” Jeffery walked out of the room and around to Marilyn’s project accommodation. When he got there, chaos reigned and very little work was been done. Marilyn dressed in a latex mackintosh was in her office eating out one of the older females and there were two more waiting. Jeffery knocked and entered and said, “Sorry to disturb you ladies, but Marilyn’s attendance is required in the Bosses office so when you have finished, I would like to take her from you.” As soon as the woman being satisfied orgasmed, she said, “Ok Marilyn you go and see the boss and we will wait here for your return.” Jeffery and Marilyn walked out of the project accommodation, and half way back to Yvette’s office, Jeffery stopped. Turning to Marilyn he said, “Marilyn, you are expected as your old aggressive self so for the remainder of today, you must pretend to be as you were, and not divulge to anyone any details of your new personality or that of changes to your workforce. Marilyn said, “Could you make me pretend to be my old self all the time, it would be so much better.” Jeffery replied, “Let’s take is small steps at a time, see how you get on in here.”
As they walked the remainder of the way, Marilyn became visibly more assertive and confident and when Jeffery knocked on the door. She was back to her old self.
Kathleen opened the door and after Marilyn entered said, “We need your help, Robert has decided to come out as a woman, and unfortunately a rather submissive one. Therefore, when a firm stand is required we would like you to assist him, this is where your natural aggressive nature will be of benefit to the company.” Marilyn replied, “I would love to help, All Robert need to do is call me up and ask me to be aggressive and I will come running.” Kathleen said, “She is called Yvette now, and she must be referred to as a woman all the time.” Marilyn said, “Sorry Yvette, I will not make that mistake again, you can rely on me.”
Nancy said, “I see you have adopted latex as your clothing choice, I hope this does not mean you have been compromised.” Marilyn said, “No I have developed an allergy for cotton and after speaking with Heather I tried latex and all me itches and rashes have disappeared. I noticed that you four ladies are also wearing latex does this mean, that you have been compromised.” Isabella replied, “Kathleen has been wearing latex for as long as I can remember and she created Yvette. I have been wearing Latex since I moved in with Jeffery and Nancy tried it last weekend and liked it.”
Marilyn said, “Well we girls should get together for a latex party sometime just make sure Jeffery is not invited.” Isabella replied, “Jeffery is my chosen partner and fiancée and I go where he goes.” Nancy said, “I don’t see any need to exclude Jeffery either, he has been the perfect gentleman to me.”
Marilyn said, “Well if that is all ladies, I will leave you and I will await your call Yvette.”
Marilyn left the office and Jeffery said, “Well ladies you seem to have everything in order. Come, Isabella we have much work to do.” Isabella has walked four yards and Nancy said, “Wait you two I need a word, here Kathleen take my car keys and go home without me. I will stay for a day or two to make sure everything works properly at this end.” Then turning to Isabella said, “Could I stay with you while I am here.” Isabella said, “Ok come with us and we can talk about it.” Jeffery said, “You two go down to the basement and I will see you in a minute or two I need to speak to Marilyn.”
Jeffery walked back to Marilyn’s accommodation and found her aggressively putting everyone back to work. Jeffery picked out the youngest girl on the team and said, “You there what is your name.” The girls answered, “My name is Jo why do you want to know?” Jeffery instructed Marilyn to bring Jo into her office and to close the door.”
When the door was closed, Jeffery said, “Marilyn I see you are once again lording it over your team. I have a job for Jo here and I’m sure you will agree when you hear what it is.” Marilyn replied, “What do you want her for.” Jeffery replied, “To help you be aggressive. While Jo has a finger in your ass, you will be aggressive as you were yesterday. However, while it is out you will be as submissive as a slut. Jo it is your job to ensure this project does not suffer from Marilyn’s slovenliness. When you see the need for Marilyn to direct you must stick one of your fingers in her ass. Marilyn will reward you by eating your pussy, for every time you stick your finger in, but only when the need for aggressive direction has passed.”
Jeffery left the two females and after he had gone Jo said, “If you think I am going to stick my finger in your ass, you have another thing coming.” Marilyn replied, “We will see when I need to direct.” One of the male members put his head around the door and asked, “What was that about, are we loosing Jo.” Jo replied, “No he wanted me to help Marilyn when she needs to be assertive.” The young man said, “Ok whenever you feel the need to assist Marilyn to be assertive come and ask my permission before you help her.” Marilyn was about to shout at him but her aggression evaporated and she said, “Please Nigel, there are times when the job and the company needs my aggression.” Nigel replied, “We men are the only aggressive people here, so go and make everyone a drink like a good little girl.”
Jeffery returned to the sub-basement and found Nancy under Isabella’s skirt. Andy was watching and said, “What have you done to Nancy she doesn’t seem to be able to stop.” Before Jeffery was able to reply his phone started, ringing and he reached over to answer it. On the other end was Marilyn who said, “Jeffery, your attempt to protect my project and the company has been thwarted Nigel has instructed Jo to ask him before offering to help me.” Jeffery said, “Put me through so I can speak to Jo.” Moments later Jo came on the phone and “Jeffery said, “So you have failed a simple instruction, you will need to be punished, Tonight on your way home nip into the Sealwear shop and buy some butt plugs get two large ones and bring them to work with you tomorrow and remember my instructions take precedence over anyone else’s. When you get in tomorrow, bring Marilyn down to the sub-basement to see me and bring your toys. While you are at the shop, buy some latex clothes you could wear to work.” Jo replied, “I don’t have much money.” Jeffery said, “Take Marilyn with you and get her to pay.”
Jo said, “OK I’ll see you in the morning.” After Jeffery put the phone down, he turned to Isabella and said, “Are you going to let her up for air.” Isabella replied, “Not yet, I am getting my own back for all the hassle she caused me in Oxford.” Jeffery said, “What will you have her do when we get married.” Isabella said, “I think I will have Nancy and Yvette as bridesmaids dressed in little girl costumes.” Nancy moaned and Isabella said, “If you moan again like that I will make you dress as a little girl all the time.”
Andy said, “What are you three doing for lunch, I am hungry.” Jeffery said, “Go up and see what Heather would like and get enough for all of us. Then bring Heather down here I would like a word with you both.” After Andy had gone, Jeffery went up to his car and brought back the briefcase and planted it in the meeting room in the corner behind the door. Nancy was sitting in Jeffery’s chair in his office and Isabella was in the only other chair. As Jeffery entered, Nancy said, “I am going to need your help Jeffery, Isabella is intent on making me a little girl at your wedding. Surely you can persuade her against it.” Jeffery said, “You told Kathleen you were going to stay a couple of days, you realise that the longer you stay the harder it will be to leave.” Nancy replied, “It is already too hard, I cannot bear to be more than a few feet from Isabella, you have to help me.” Jeffery said, “Isabella have you finished subjugating Nancy.” Isabella said, “Not yet, she made me a nervous wreck for over a year.” Nancy replied, “Isabella I didn’t realise I made you nervous, I have wanted you from the beginning and I did not know I had frightened you off.”
Jeffery said, “Ok girls, I don’t want Nancy to suffer too much, she has a company to run back in Oxford and she will need to go home at some point.” Nancy replied, “Thank you Jeffery but how can I do that if I need to be close to Isabella. Jeffery replied, “I will give that some thought, perhaps you will need to take Isabella back with you.” Isabella exclaimed, “I cannot do that my place is here with you.” Jeffery replied, “Leave it with me I will think of something before dinner tonight.”
Jeffery went back into the lab and back to his clear out. When he reached the bottom of the archive he found what he was looking for, the engineering records of the development of the device in the briefcase. He read through them and his memories started coming back and with it his anger. By the time Andy and Heather arrived with the lunch, Jeffery was seething. Andy put the food for everyone in the Meeting room and then called everyone when he opened Jeffery’s door and passed on the message Jeffery replied, “I have nearly finished here, and I will be there in five minutes you all start without me. He watched as everyone else congregated in the meeting room.
Jeffery waited thirty seconds and the turned on the transmitter and said into the microphone, I am talking to your subconscious and for the time being your conscious mind can go to sleep.
Isabella, I love you and I want you to reconcile your dominance over Nancy, you must give her some compassion so she can do her job.
Nancy your obedience to Isabella and Jeffery is absolute you will feel immense pleasure when you obey an instruction and deep despair when you attempt not to. Your despair will grow until you give in and obey where upon your pleasure will be the more rewarding. All instruction pertaining to your need to remain close to Isabella are now rescinded and purged. You can leave as soon as Isabella gives you permission.
Heather, in a moment Andy is going to ask you again to marry him and you are going to say yes but with conditions. When Andy asked what conditions you will say, that you have had enough of being submissive and you would like a turn on top. When you take over as the dominant party you will do to him what he did to you. You will dress him up as a slutty latex female that spends most of her time between your legs eating your pussy. You will from this moment on be Jeffery’s slave and do as he directs your obedience to him is absolute and your will believe or adopt and truth or rule as he or Colin commands. You will still be submissive and slutty to every other male accept Andy.
Andy, you are also Jeffery’s slave, and you will be one hundred percent obedient and you will believe or adopt any truth or rule as he directs. When you awake, you will forget that you have asked Heather to marry you before and ask her to marry you again. If she applies any conditions you will accept her terms and become as she prescribes, if she wants you to be submissive your submissiveness will be absolute and permanent even if you agree a time limit. Once you slid down to the bottom, there will be no means to crawl back up.
Now I am talking to you all, I am your absolute Master and none of you will ever try to harm me or allow harm to befall me or Isabella. Now count down from fifty and wake up when you reach zero with no memory of this conversation or trance.
Jeffery turned off the transmitter and locked the remote in his cupboard than walked slowly to the meeting room. They were all walking up when Jeffery entered the room and Isabella hugs and kissed him saying, “I do love you with all my heart.” Jeffery replied thank you I love you too.” Andy said, “These two are getting married, would you like to marry me and we could make it a double wedding.” Heather replied, “I will on one condition.” Andy said, “Only one, of cause, what is it.” Heather said, “I want to be on top for a while just to see what it is like.” Andy said, “How long for a week.” Heather replied, “I was thinking more of a Month.” Andy proposed, “How about a fortnight then.” Heather said, “Ok a fortnight from this minute.” Colin was unsure what to do, so he said, “Alright Mistress what is your wish?” Heather said, “After lunch we will nip out and do some shopping.” After Jeffery finished his lunch he said, “Ok Isabella and Nancy what do you want to do this afternoon there is very little to do here, why don’t you go shopping too. Here Isabella take my car key just remember to come back and pick me up at Five o’clock.”
Once Jeffery was on his own, he made several phone calls and then settled down in the lab, he laid the circuit diagram out on the table and scrutinised it with a view to miniaturise the circuit board so it would fit into a smaller enclosure A Doupble wedding had been arranged for the 16th of the following month. A lot of the components were similar to those used in their latest product apart from the modulator and antenna. He spent the afternoon drafting a variety of designs but could not reduce the design of the antenna array. While he was deliberating over the design his memory came back and he remembered what they had proposed to do next. He made copious notes and then solved part of the problem and formulated a plan.
When Andy and Heather had gone out and heather had directed him to Sealwear, he thought she was shopping for herself but when he got inside he found it was him being fitted for a new outfit and the outfit was for a girl. The young proprietor said, “He needs his legs, lips and hair done before he will look good in that, why don’t you take him here first and then come back,” handing Heather a business card with the address of the shop Kathleen took Robert. Andy said, “Just remember this is only for a fortnight you cannot make this permanent.” Heather replied, “Come on it will be fun.” Andy drove Heather to Bracknell and parked right outside the shop. Heather said, “You stay here while I see what they do and what we can afford.”
Leaving Andy in the car Heather goes into the shop. What Heather does not know is that Jeffery had already been in touch and has agreed to pay for the full service. The man/woman in the shop listened to Heather and confirmed that only temporary changes would be made and as she brought Andy into the shop and handed him over to the proprietor the phone in the shop rang and it was Marion form work and she told Heather that she need to get back immediately. Heather agreed to return for Andy at five thirty and borrowed his car.
Once Heather had left, the proprietor started working on Andy, removing all his body hair permanently and then making up his face with permanent tattooed on make-up. His tongue was pierced and a stud welded in place, he was then injected with female hormones and inhibitors for male erections His lips were made fuller and his voice box feminized. His eye brows were plucked and dyed to match the luscious red wig that was fastened to his scalp. Lastly he was fitted with a breathable latex body suit that provided realistically looking beasts and trim waist and hidden plumbing for his captured penis. The body suit was the same pigment and appearance of his skin colour and feel and it was almost impossible to see the join. Andy had been unconscious through the whole process as the first injection was a strong sedative.
As Andy started to come around the proprietor as instructed phoned Jeffery and when he was on the line held to phone against Andy’s ear. Jeffery said, “Andy, you are not allowed to talk for 24 hours, the injection in the voice box will soften and lift your voice and the effects will die off after 10 to 14 days providing you leave it for 24 hours. You have done this change because Heather wanted it and as you are 100% subservient to Heather you are not unhappy. Over the next two weeks, you will receive immense pleasure in obedience to Heather or anyone else and acute pain when you attempt to disobey. By the end of the fortnight you will be getting so much pleasure from being her pet that you will not want it to end. Whenever you see yourself in a mirror you will like what you see. Now in a moment you will wake up forgetting this phone call you will then get dressed and order a taxi to bring you back to Sealwear. I will arrange for Heather to meet you there. Hand the phone back to the proprietor, count twenty-five and then wake up.” Jeffery settled the check and then put his end down and went back to work; he was on a roll and was very pleased with his latest design.
After Andy handed the phone back to the man/woman in the shop he then slowly came around. The proprietor said, “You were obviously meant to be a women, your small frame and girly face were made for this kind of transformation. You are by far the most gorgeous female I have ever created and I am intensely jealous. Here are your clothes you should get dressed although it will spoil the appearance.
Andy was about to put his boxers on when the proprietor said, “You cannot put those on to such a beautiful body, here put these on,” and handed him a pair of pink silk frilly knickers. Andy did as he was told and felt wonderful. The Proprietor ordered the Taxi and wished Andy well when he got in. All the way the Ferndown the driver was sneaking glances at the gorgeous woman in the back and Andy was becoming embarrassed. As he was dropped off outside the Sealwear factory the driver said, “Would you like me to wait I would love to see what you are wearing when you come out. Andy shook his head as Heather pulled up in his car. Andy and Heather kissed and walked into the factory/shop together and the sullen driver departed.