Unorthodox Research chapter 7
Inside Jeffery had already advised what clothing Andy should wear and the male proprietor was ready, usually the female partner managed the shop and the male partner the factory but Jeffery had requested a change so his wishes could be achieved for both Heather and Andy. Heather took Andy into the changing room and told him to undress and he nearly creamed himself while carrying out her command. When he came to the silk knickers, she stopped him and showed him to the shop owner, who said, “Well isn’t she gorgeous pink is definitely her colour, let me find something for her to wear.” Heather said, “I wanted to choose his clothing.” The man whispered in her ear something Andy could not hear and Heather said submissively, “Alright.” She took Andy back to the changing room and undressed herself. Andy wanted to ask her what was happening but he knew he could not talk in fear of making his feminization last longer.
The owner returned with two matching outfits in shocking pink and told them both to put them on. The first item was a very tight corset with suspenders attached and he helped them each to get them as tight as they would go. He next produced, pink stockings which, were lolled up their legs and attached to the suspenders. As Heather was dressing, he was telling her how much she liked it and how much she would want Andy to wear it along with her. Andy recognised that while the proprietor, was giving Heather instructions, he could not alert her. And as Andy continued to do as he was told he continued to feel pleasure to such an extent he forgot about Heather’s Instructions. The owner continued to instruct them as they dressed in a girly top and short skirt and lastly a pair of pink ankle boots with four inch heels. As he was filling the little pad locks onto the boots to lock them on his shop bell sounded, indicating that someone had come into the shop so he instructed Heather to lock Andy’s and left them to serve whoever it was in the shop.
A mature woman in her late forties and a young teenager bought two large butt plugs and some latex clothing for the young one and then left allowing the owner to return to his two young customers in the changing room. Before he entered, he found two short latex mackintoshes in pink and took those in with him. He checked that they were dressed correctly and then instructed them put on the mackintosh. They both looked gorgeous in the pink latex but Andy had the edge. The man asked Heather what her quiet girlfriend was called and Heather said, “Andria.” Then man said, “So now that you have your uniforms for the next two weeks who is going to pay?” Heather said, “Andria will pay”
Outside Heather said, “I like your uniform but I don’t know how I ended up with one as well, I am supposed to be on top this week.” Heather drove them both home.
In the lab Jeffery had built his latest design into an A4 binder the antennas were in the front cover and the electronic and batteries were in the spine. The binder was filled with drawing of disused circuits and failed attempts and some financial information of a failed piece of research. His remote incorporating the audio transmitter were in the guise of a mobile phone.
He put the folder and phone in his haversack and walked into the elevator. As it climbed he thought life is very happy and as he came out of the elevator he ran into Yvette who said, “I am glad I have found you, I have received this from the board and it concerns you. Jeffery read the facsimile and realised that Nancy must have followed up on her suggestion. They were offering him a general manager’s position but they didn’t say where. He was expected in London for an interview on Thursday.
Jeffery asked Yvette if she knew any more about it. Yvette replied, “I have no other knowledge I seem to have been kept out of the loop, I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t for here, I don’t think I am in favour anymore.” Jeffery replied, “Don’t be so negative apart from my project you initiated all the others and have had some startling results, just keep doing what you did before you decided to change sex.” Yvette was about to say it wasn’t her idea but she decided it might have been,” and felt much better about the whole situation, “Jeffery was right, I still have all my knowledge and intellect I should go back to finding this job easy.” She smiled, turned and walked back to her office. Jeffery looked out into the car park; no sign of his car, Isabella was late.
As it was only a mile and half between the factory and his home he decided to walk. As he set out across the car park, he noticed that most of the car park was empty, Jeffery considered that most of the cars that were missing were from the workers in Marion’s team. Jeffery decided they were taking liberties and that would have to stop. As he walked out onto the road he realised that his morals had taken a shift. He was a little regretful that he lost his temper with Andy but there were some people, that needed a gentle reminder when they broke the rules. He walked down to the traffic lights on Wimborne Road and turned right and followed the road to his turn off. He turned into Stapehill Road, and walked down the rural road that did not have any pavement for pedestrians and after having to jump out of the way of two separate drivers as they sped down the road, his perverted sense of logic returned. He made a note of the car registrations just in case he ever met them again. As he arrived at the track that led to his house, he was intent on dispensing some vengeance.
He reached his front door and there was no sign of his car or Isabella. He did however find the front door unlocked and a note in the hall table, it read:
Jeffery my love,
Sorry that you had to find your own way home I hope you took a cab that road out there is dangerous. Nancy had an urgent call from Oxford, the world up there has gone tits up, and so I have decided to take her home. I will call you when I find out what is going on and come back later tonight.
We shopped for some new clothes that Nancy could wear at work and I have ordered my wedding outfit, I know you will like it. We shopped in the Sealwear shop. Nancy says she will see you on Thursday but I do not know what she means, she is coming back here on Friday.
Dinner is in the refrigerator and again I am sorry for having to do this, when I find out what it is all about, I’m sure you will understand.
Your loving and faithful wife-to-be We both love you.
Isabella and Nancy. XXXXXXX
Jeffery went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, he liked what her saw. He laid the table for one and pored himself some chilled white wine to have with the pouched salmon, salad Isabella had prepared.
The dinner was delicious and Jeffery was feeling more relaxed, he cleared up and retired to the sitting room to watch the early evening news. He caught the end of a report detailing an event at a technology company in Oxford to which the Police were investigating but he failed to learn what the event consisted. He turned on his computer and after it had loaded and he was logged on, he opened internet explorer and opened the BBC Television News page.
After reading through the two top stories he came to the third and learned that there had been an explosion in one of the research laboratories at Nancy’s establishment and the Police were investigating a possible cover up to a previous crime. Jeffery had no idea what projects were being undertaken by Nancy’s workforce so he could not imagine what could have occurred.
He paced up and down the sitting room and then decided he could do nothing so he descended to the dungeon and started tidying the floor. He swept all the sawdust he had created when he made the vacuum bed and he cleaned away all the excess materials he had used for the construction. He then finished bolting each leg to the basement floor and strengthened the bed platform. When he made it he could wobble the frame slightly but now it would not give a millimetre. He was now pleased with his over engineered construction and the room in general. All the sawdust and waste material were now in a dustbin at the top of the stairs so he took these out to his incinerator and set them alight. He was standing over the flames when a car drove into the courtyard and stopped with a screech as the tyres as they tried to maintain traction on the flagstones. Two men got out of the car and walked purposefully towards him. The obvious leader said, “Are you Dr Jeffery Highcliff?” Jeffery replied, “Who wants to know?” The younger of the two, said, “Apologies, we are from the Poole Police Constabulary, and we have been asked to verify the alibis of Miss Nancy Edwards and Miss Isabella Mendez.”
Jeffery asked, “Can I see your warrant cards please.” The big man started to pull out a gun and Jeffery threw a piece of burning wood at them and ran into the house. He had left his A4 binder on the hall table when he read Isabella message, so he grabbed the mobile phone and hid in the dining room. He turned the remote on and as soon as the two followed him in he shouted freeze and they both stopped completely still. Jeffery continued, “You are now both 100% obedient to me and will do whatever I want, you are prohibited to harm me or anyone else unless I instruct you to do so. If you attempt to take out your gun in this house you will pull the trigger before you move it out of its pocket. You will also answer any question that you are asked, with the absolute truth. Now you will wake up forgetting that you have been in a trance or that I have communicated with your mind.” Jeffery then turned off the remote and walked back towards them. The big man said, “So you decided not to hide, it would have been rather foolish.” Jeffery said, “Who are you, who sent you and what do you want?”
The big man opened his mouth intending to ask Jeffery a question but he said, “We are hired heavies sent by Roderick Morgan who is interested in what you have done to Kathleen.” Jeffery asked who is, Roderick Morgan and what is he to do with Kathleen.” The big man answered, “He is the man who bought your company and he often used Kathleen to find out things using hypnosis. He sent her to find out what you were doing and she ended up hypnotising someone else and now she can’t hypnotise anyone. He is now holding Nancy and Isabella and if you do not cooperate he will cause them severe harm.” Jeffery said, “Who said I wasn’t cooperating, all I asked is who are you and you still haven’t told me.” The big man said, “I am Theo Goldman and this is Gordon Haskin.” Jeffery said, “Well Theo how do I get Isabella and Nancy back safely.” Theo replied, “You have to give me what you used on Kathleen and then I am to kill you.” Phone your boss and tell I do not deal with the hired help and if he wants to trade he will have to bring the girls and come himself. Tell him you have me under wraps.” Theo pulled out a mobile phone and called his boss and passed on the message. The person on the other end was not buying it until Theo said, “We have tried everything and if we take it any further he will die and you will get nothing.” Theo closed the phone and said, “He is on his way and he will bring the women.” Jeffery thought, “If he is coming from Oxford it will take him just under two hours.” He instructed the two gangsters to move to the sitting room and sit down and then he instructed them to go to sleep until he called them by name. Two hours later a car drew up in the court yard and a man in a suit got out of the car and Jeffery saw from his vantage site that Isabelle and someone else were sitting in the back.
The man came into the house and as he passed the A4 folder, Jeffery spoke into his remote “Freeze, you are now 100% subservient to Jeffery Highcliff and you will be 100% obedient to him and believe everything he tells as the absolute truth. You are forbidden to directly or indirectly harm Jeffery, Isabella or Nancy. If they have been harmed while in your care you will feel twice the pain they would had endured and this will increase hourly until it is just less as the maximum you could have endured.” Jeffery looked at the man and realised that this could not be Roderick Morgan. So he continued, “Take the A4 folder and give it to your boss and tell him, it is all in there.”
The man picked up the folder and turned to walk out. Jeffery ran to the kitchen window which was the nearest to the car and watched from behind the curtains. The stooge opened the rear passenger door away from Isabella and handed the file to the person sitting next to her. Jeffery counted to ten and the said into his remote, “You are now 100% subservient to Jeffery Highcliff and you will be 100% obedient to him and believe everything he tells as the absolute truth. You are forbidden to directly or indirectly harm Jeffery, Isabella or Nancy. If you have harmed them already you will release Isabella now and then your heart will stop. If you are still considering harming Isabella or Nancy you will lose the control of your bladder forever. Now release the girls and join Jeffery in the house.” Jeffery saw a commotion at the car as a big man jumped out with a dark stain on his trousers. The other man opened the Trunk and pulled Nancy out and then opened Isabella’s door and guided her out.
The four of them started to walk towards the front door. The big man was still carrying the A4 folder. Jeffery saw the fear on Isabella face and ran out of the house to meet them. Looking straight at the big man, Jeffery said, “Stop where you are all of you and tell me what you are intending to do to Isabella and Nancy. Then big man said, “They are both wearing dildos in their twats packed with explosives that will go off when they reach twenty yards or so from the car.“ Jeffery said to the stooge, Take the dildo out of Isabella and shove it up your boss’ ass. Jeffery watched the man fumble under Isabella’s skirt and then step back holding a large black dildo he then turned to his boss and said, bend over.” Roderick, appealed, “No stop this we need to talk.” Jeffery replied, “You should have thought of that before you packed my fiancée with explosives. Now bend over an allow him to stuff your ass. Is there a similar device in Nancy?” Roderick replied, “Yes both her holes are filled.” Jeffery instructed, “Nancy, go back to the car and remove your explosives.”
Roderick stood up with his ass filled and said, “We need to negotiate I obviously underestimated you, let’s sit down and talk, I am sure I can interest you in what I have to offer.” Nancy returned with two ugly looking dildos and Jeffery said, “Nancy please put the one from your lovely pussy in his inside jacket pocket next to his heart and the other one in his mouth and push it down his throat.
The second dildo was restricting the air Roderick was trying to get into his lungs and he went to grab the cause. Jeffery said, “Leave it alone, you cannot touch or remove any of your explosive charges. Now wouldn’t have been simpler to contact me by phone and ask me what I was doing. Isabella and Nancy, can you both confirm that you are no longer at risk of something this man has instigated.” Isabella replied, “We are both fine now, thank you.” Nancy said, “I am now fine too,” Jeffery instructed, “Well Roderick it would seem we have no more use for you, Give me the folder and then start walking back down to the road and if you get there jump in front of a passing bus.” Roderick was looking quite unwell he was still having difficulty breathing but his legs turned his body in the direction of the road and started walking down the track.
Jeffery said, “We had better get inside. Nancy and Isabella ran to the front door and hid in the porch the stooge crouched down behind the car and Jeffery joined the girls. As he watched round the corner of the porch he said, “Well, detonation is not 25 yards from the car he is already twice that. Then there was an almighty explosion as his body erupted into a gigantic ball of flames. The flames started fires in the shrubbery close to where Jeffery had stacked the logs. Jeffery ran to the corner and turned on the tap attached to his hose reel and reeled it out as he ran down the drive. He doused the flames in the shrubs and saw there was nothing left of Roderick just a dry scorch mark on the tarmac. The three sticks of explosives had done their job very effectively.
Back at the car the stooge was beside himself, he had seen what Jeffery had done and knew he could not disobey him. As Jeffery returned to the car he asked, Have you any more of those handy dildos?” The stooge said, “Not here but back at his mansion there are boxes of them.” Jeffery asked, “Who will morn his passing and who will come looking for him.” The stooge replied, “No one in either case. All he had was enemies and victims.” Jeffery continued, “Well while I am talking to my two favourite girls take this bag and collect any parts of Reginald that have survived and we will incinerate it.”
Jeffery took Isabella and Nancy inside and into the dining room saying, “What happened in Oxford that made you rush back and where is my car?” Nancy replied, “I was called while we were on the way to Bournemouth and it was my secretary Margaret, apparently there was a fracas in one of the project teams and Kathleen had gone to try and sort it out and there had been an explosion. We turned around and after making your dinner, drove straight to oxford. Your car is in the company car park but we never reached the main entrance we were grabbed by two large men and bundled into a van. We were taken to Roderick’s and there he asked us what had happened to Yvette and Kathleen and why we were both wearing latex. He griddled us for about half an hour and then the two men were despatched to get you.
After their phone call he stuffed us with the explosives and put us in the car with a proximity detonator.” Isabella said, “He told me in the car that Kathleen should have enslaved both you and me when she came down here. Apparently he has been out to get me for six months and Nancy had always thwarted Kathleen’s attempts to enslave me for him.” Nancy said, “That was because I wanted you for myself and I thought I was in competition with Kathleen so when she wanted to take you away from the office I always blocked it.” Jeffery said, “Who was Roderick and what does he have to do with the organisation.” Nancy replied, “He took over the board in an underhanded way about two years ago and with Kathleen’s help, he must have enslaved all the other members of the main board.” Jeffery asked, “Where is Kathleen now.” Nancy replied, “Kathleen was badly injured in the explosion and is unlikely to survive. According to Margaret she lost her legs and has significant damage to her abdomen.”
Jeffery turned to the Roderick’s driver who had just entered and said, “Where did Roderick keep all his records on important things.” The driver replied, “He as two books one with details of Kathleen’s hypnosis and one dealing with all his financial information.” Jeffery asked where, are these books now.” The driver replied, “In his briefcase in the car, he never went anywhere without it, but it has a built-in booby-trap against unauthorised opening.” Jeffery continued, “Go and fetch it, I have something in the attic that I built as part of my PhD research that could help us. Jeffery left the room to go up to the attic and the driver went to fetch the brief case.
The driver returned first and gently placed the case on the dining room table and a few minutes later Jeffery returned with a large metal box on wheels. Jeffery opened a lid over half of the box and placed the case in a faraday cage. He then wheeled the box out into the yard away from the car, he opened a door in the side away from the faraday cage and took out a coil of wire with a detonator plunger on the end. He then walked back to the house. Inside the hallway Isabella asked, “What does it do?” Jeffery said, “It was intended to neutralise a bomb, but it worked a little too well with certain explosives like C4. The driver said, “I have no knowledge relating to the kind of explosives he used. Jeffery said, “Not to worry, you win some and you lose some,” and he pushed down the plunger. The electricity generated by the plunger went into a pulse forming generator which transformed the micro wave pulse into a mega watt RF pulse which was transmitted inside the faraday cage. The power behind the pulse took out any electronics and the frequency of the pulse was such that plastic explosives would lose the bonding integrity within the explosive turning it to mud.
Jeffery waited two or three minutes and then said, “The faraday cage in the box caused the energy created to rattle around for several minutes and it can be dangerous to humans, let’s have a cup of tea.
Isabella made four mugs of tea and brought them back to the dining room. Nancy said, “Where did your PhD go, did this research find an opening.” Jeffery replied, “It needed further research but my professor was more interested in another piece of research.” Nancy asked, “Who was, you’re Professor.” Jeffery replied, “He was the Chairman of Ferndown Technologies until he retired two years ago.
Nancy said, “Well I think the research on your box needs to be finished.” Jeffery said, “And it will be when I run my own company.” When the four mugs were empty, Jeffery moved to the sitting room and said, “Theo wake up we need your services.” He took Theo out in to the yard and over to the box. Jeffery opening the faraday cage and said “Take that suitcase out of the box and over to the garden seat and them open the suitcase protecting if possible the contents.”
Theo did as instructed and opened the case and a white cloud was released to the atmosphere. Theo coughed vigorously and then slumped down in the seat. Jeffery waited for the cloud to dissipate and then took the suitcase from Theo’s still body.