Veiled Threats
by J. Darksong
“How is your Aunt doing, love?” Veronica asked as her boyfriend made his way down the second floor stairway of Eugene Frasier’s home.
“I’m not sure. She’s resting at the moment. Melissa and my Mom are upstairs with her now.” He shook his head. “Frankly, I don’t know what we would have done if she hadn’t shown up when she did. I didn’t even think to call her about this.”
“One of the benefits of living with psychics,” Roni said with a shrug. “I guess she ‘foresaw’ what would happen and made the trip here ahead of time.”
The stood together in the hallway for a few moments, just taking comfort in each other’s presence. Parker reached out to take her hand, then paused, feeling the wrappings. “Sorry. Forgot which wrist was which,” he said softly.
“Hey, that was pretty good,” Roni said, grinning. “I bet you can’t say that again.”
“Huh? You mean, which wrich wrast w... whist rich... wrist... gah!” he grumbled as Veronica burst into giggles. “You jinxed me. I did it perfectly well before without even thinking about it.” He sighed. “Still... my point was that I hope I didn’t hurt your wrist.”
“It’s okay, love,” Roni said, wiggling her fingers slightly. “Dr. Boardman’s friend did a preliminary X-ray scan, and scheduled me for first thing next week. In the meantime, he gave me a cortisone injection, and a few pain pills to take the edge off. What about your arm? How’re you holding up?”
Parker shrugged. “It’s not that bad. I’m on the same pain killers as you, so I’m pretty mellow right now. Besides, I had my other arm broken a few years back, so I’m kind of used to the cast.”
“Well, I have to say that this is a new experience for me. I’ve gotten banged up on occasion... cut, scraped, slashed, burnt and bruised... I’ve spent my share of time bandaged up like a mummy. But, well... this is the first time I’ve truly been injured... truly been dealt a blow that I couldn’t just shrug off, or tough it out and keep going.” She stared down at her hand, clutched gently in Parker’s. “I’m ambidextrous. It’s not as if the temporary loss of one of my hands is a big deal... and yet, at the same time... it kind of emphasizes just how important my hands are... how much of what I do is based on my manual dexterity and speed.”
“Yeah. It kinda sucks when you lose the use of an ability that pretty much defines you.”
Roni sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of what you’re going through. I only meant that I now know, in a small way, what it’s been like for you.”
Parker pulled away to face her directly. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. It’s gonna be okay. For both of us. You’re seeing a specialist about your hand next week, and ‘Doc Frankenstein’ is injecting me with tiny robots later to fix my other problem.” He sighed. “Hey, here’s a thought. I’ll go see the hand specialist, and we’ll let Gene inject YOU with robots! How does that sound?”
“Sorry, love,” Roni said with a giggle, “it doesn’t work that way,”
The front door opened, and Eugene walked in. “How’s your Auntie faring? Has she regained consciousness yet?”
“Not yet,” Parker replied with a shake of his head. “Mom’s not exactly sure whether it’s the exhaustion of what they put her through, or some kind of psychic defense mechanism to try and protect her sanity, but she’s having a tough time reaching her. Don’t worry. As soon as she’s awake, we’ll be the first ones to know.”
“How about you, Gene?” Veronica asked. “Any luck on finding your wife?”
“No. Nothing so far.” The Scotsman walked over to a recliner and dropped wearily into it. “Dr. Boardman had them grant me full access to the security station. I checked every second of every security camera’s footage, and went back over Lacie’s stats recorded on the monitors up until the point where she left.” He pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. “Near as I can figure, she was awake before it happened. The camera shows her talking to someone, but there’s no sound to go with the picture. At one point, she slips out of bed and walks over to the corner... but then, either the recording file was corrupted, or someone altered it, because about a second or two after she reached the corner of the room, she was somehow instantly back in her bed again. She lay in bed for a few minutes more, and then... poof! She vanished without a trace.”
“And no one on the hospital’s staff saw or heard anything?” Parker asked.
“No. Nobody saw or heard anything,” Gene replied, defeated. “No one knows what happened. At the time, pretty much everyone’s attention was on the big brouhaha happening outside in the front of the hospital. At first, I thought perhaps Wyldcard had a part in Lacie’s abduction, but I got a pretty good read on her when I interrogated her last night,” Parker started to comment, but just sighed, “and she told the truth when she said she didn’t know anything about Lacie being kidnapped. Whoever took my wife merely took advantage of Wyldcard’s attack, and used it as a diversion. If I hadn’t blown out my armor’s circuits trying to save Dominic, you two wouldn’t have had to leave your rooms to save my hide... again... which meant you two would have been there to help Lacie’s instead.”
“Oh, Gene,” Veronica said, walking over to comfort her friend. “You can’t think that way. You tried to save Dominic because you’re a brave and caring person. You’re a hero, Gene. There was no way you could just stand by and let that young man die like that without doing everything in your power to help. You didn’t know anything would happen to Lacie any more than the rest of us did! And if you HAD known something was going to happen, can you honestly say you wouldn’t have still tried to save the boy’s life?”
“Besides,” Parker pointed out, “just because we were nearby doesn’t necessarily mean we would have been able to stop the abduction from happening, either. We’re talking about someone powerful enough to subdue Lacie, stealthy enough to slip past all of us AND the hospital staff roaming up and down the halls AND the security cameras, not to mention being capable of leaving a crowded populated hospital carrying a woman in his arms without anyone noticing.”
Gene grunted, looking down. “Yes, well... fat lot of good it did in the end. Dominic still died an agonizing and painful death when that unnatural genetic manipulation finally caught up with him. Still... it does help give us an little more insight into what’s going on here, and helps us better understand the big picture.”
Alexis Boardman entered the main room a few seconds later. “Well, Eugene, your suspicions were correct. I’ve arranged to have Karen Summers transferred here to River City, specifically, into my care at River City Memorial.” Gene nodded.
“Wait? Did you say Karen Summers?” Parker asked. “What happened to Ultra Girl? And, what did you mean by his suspicions being correct?”
“Eugene surmised that everything that has happened to you all over the past several days is all related. He asked me to make a few inquiries among my colleagues in medical community, particularly over in the Crystal City area. Sure enough, the city had been recently plagued with attacks from what was described as ‘a large, malformed grey-skinned giant’. Several people were injured in the attacks, and hospitalized, including the city’s resident super heroine.” She sighed deeply. “The poor girl tried to go toe-to-toe with that monster, and nearly lost her life in the process. Dr. Forrest at CCM said she’s currently in stable condition, but like all of you, it will be some time before she’s able to go back to protecting and serving.”
“Damn,” Parker said softly. “That’s... that sucks. I wouldn’t exactly say we got along... but getting beat down by that walking steroid... dammit!” He glanced at Gene. “If he’s on a revenge trip, he’s probably gonna go after everyone he feels had a part of getting him locked up! Tina’s in danger! We have to—”
“Warn her? Already taken care of,” Gene replied. “I sent the company driver over to pick her up and take her to my satellite research center in Redburton. It’s top secret, and underground, so even if Phelps knew she was there, he wouldn’t be able to find it. She can stay in the living areas with the other researchers assigned there, and continue her work, which was her one stipulation on letting me ship her off some place safe.” He chuckled ruefully. “She’s a rare one, that girl. Even after seeing the kind of destruction Phelps is capable of up close and personal, she still refuses to let him keep her from living her life.”
“Okay, good. That takes care of her,” Roni said. “But what about the others he might be holding a grudge against? Lodestone, Banshee, and Hotshot are all locked up, but I heard Strobe and Torque broke out a little while back. Do you think he’ll go after them next?”
“He already has,” Gene said, removing a newspaper page from his pocket. He handed it to her. “A few days before he hit us, Phelps broke into the maximum security lockup, smashed his way down to the Metahuman Restraint cells, and paid each of them a little visit. They were all taken to the infirmary after he left. Lodestone and Banshee are listed as critical but stable. Alvin Temperence, aka, Hoshot, didn’t survive. As for the newspaper clipping I gave you, it seems that both Torque and Strobe were in the process of trying to ‘pull a job’ when Mr. Phelps busted in. He not only thrashed them to within a inch of their lives, to add insult to injury, he took off with their ill-gotten loot.”
“That tears it!’ Parker yelled. “This is ridiculous! We have GOT to come up with some way to take this guy down!”
“Sorry, lad, but I think ye’ve lost sight of the big picture here. Phelps is a problem, yes, but he’s not our immediate concern.” He sighed deeply. “And, as much as it pains me to say this, neither is finding Lacie. The same people that turned James Phelps into an unstoppable brute then turned him loose on the world are the same ones that transformed Elise from a nice, normal college girl into a homicidal entity like Wyldcard... and injected Dominic with a genetic altering substance that eventually killed him. There’s a lot more going on here besides a simple kidnapping-for-experimentation scheme. The Doctor that was controlling Wyldcard is dead and gone, but I find it hard to believe that HE was the mastermind behind all of this.”
“And you’d be right.”
All heads turned, glancing up at the top of the stairs. The willowy blonde stood with both hands braced against the banister. Her eyes were red, her normally lustrous hair matted and disheveled. One of Gene’s t-shirts was the only thing covering her body, but the large man’s shirt stretched halfway down to the shorter blonde’s thighs. A moment later, her twin sister Ana, looking just as tired and worn out but fully dressed in her casual clothes, came to stand behind her, putting an arm around her, followed by Melissa, who moved to Eva’s other side.
“Aunt Eva!” Parker exclaimed, sprinting up the stairs in a flash. “You’re finally awake! Thank goodness! We were starting to get worried.”
“I’m fine,” she said wearily, leaning more into her lover. “At least as fine as I can be until I get the chance to visit my dear friend Mystic and see if she can uproot all the garbage that was planted into my head over the past several hours.” She managed a wan smile. “And don’t worry. I’m not going to suddenly go blank and start declaring my obedience to the evil forces or anything. Ana can attest to the fact that I’m still more or less my usual perky self.” Ana nodded, smirking slightly.
“That’s incredible,” Veronica stated, slightly awed. “I still hold a few memories of Wyldcard’s last session on that chair, and it was definitely no picnic. How did you managed to resist the Doctor’s hypnotic commands?”
Anastasia grinned. “The good Doctor made a slight error when he set up the system to try and take control of my sister’s mind. He set the recording to play back continuously in his voice, telling her over and over to submit to him, to give in, to relax, and let him guide her deeper.”
“Uh huh,” Roni nodded. “So, what was his mistake?”
“Isn’t it obvious? The Doctor used his voice in the recording, to make his victim imprint onto him once the programming was complete. He apparently didn’t know my about sister’s sexual preferences!” Ana burst into laughter. “If there was one way to make sure dear Eva fought tooth and nail, it was to use a man’s voice to try and make her submit! Now, if they’d used a nice sexy female voice,” Ana said smirking devilishly, “she would have folded in a matter of seconds!”
Eva colored a deep shade of red. “T... th... that’s not true!” she sputtered indignantly as everyone in the room burst into laughter. “I’m NOT some sex-starved nympho that would slip into a stupor from a few pretty words whispered in my ear from a cute girl!”
“Oh, really?’ Melissa said, eyebrow raised with mirth. She leaned forward, whispering softly into Eva’s ear for a few seconds, making the blonde go even redder with embarrassment. Eva pulled away, eyes slightly unfocused, panting slightly, then shook her head amidst even more raucous laughter.
“Alright. I’ll concede that a few pretty words from CERTAIN cute girls would do the trick,” she amended. “But it’s not as if the Doctor would have been able to use Melissa’s voice on me anyway!”
“Hold it, hold it,” Gene said, standing up. “I think we’re getting sidetracked again. You said when you came in that I was right in assuming that the before mentioned Dr. MacDonald was NOT the ultimate mastermind behind all of our recent troubles. Can you elaborate on that statement a wee bit?”
“Alright,” Eva agreed, composing herself. “First of all, I want to thank all of you for saving me. As it’s no doubt obvious by now, I’ve been investigating this case on my own for a while now. I thought... I thought I could handle this alone. I wanted to solve this one myself, without any help for a change. At first, I didn’t want to get Eugene and Lacie involved, because of your own issues over Lacie’s pregnancy. Then, later, once Jerry got back to me with the leads I gave him to check up for me, I didn’t want to take the chance of ANY of you getting involved, in case things went from bad to worse.” She sighed wearily, and Mel squeezed her gently. “I made Melissa promise not to tell any of you what I was up to. I knew I was into something really big, and I was already in too deep to simply walk away from it.”
“Just how big are we talking, lass?”
“Very big. According to the information Jerry was able to dig up, MacDonald was the head of some kind of illegal genetic research plot, for this area! Meaning that there are most likely similar cells setup in other cities scattered across the country, from New York, to LA, from Midas City to Dolores. People are being snatched up, abducted to use as guinea pigs to try and isolate the specific genetic structure of every super powered being in existence. In fact, most likely all those abductions of women years ago for the slave markets were a part of this. Lacie helped break up the ring here in River City, and Silver Girl and company took down the one in Midas. But think about how many runaways there are in big cities like Manhattan, or D.C., or San Francisco, how many homeless people living on the streets that simply fall through the cracks, unnoticed, every day. And it gets worse. Not only is this operation really big, it’s well financed. I’m not sure exactly where the money trail originated exactly, and Jerry flat out refused to give me the specifics... but whoever this group’s benefactor is, he or she is big enough that it scared Jerry shitless. He refused to dig any deeper, out of fear that he might be discovered... but when I pinned him down for an answer, he finally stated that it had to come from only one of two possible sources.”
When she didn’t immediately continue, Gene prompted her. “And those would be?”
“The first is a criminal organization so vast, well-connected, and woven into every aspect of the global economy, that they can easily funnel the several billions of dollars such a project is costing through any number of laundering shell companies to make them appear absolutely one hundred percent legitimate, yet so clandestine that no one has stumbled across it. Think about Jesse Colloten, and Chronos, from a few years back, only infinitely larger, instead of being confined to a single city, encompassing the entire country, possibly the entire world.” She paused, giving everyone a moment to digest that thought. “Scary stuff, huh? There was a lot of fallout from the uncovering of that particular conspiracy, and of everyone involved, only two people really know what went down at the end. At the time, Sarah wasn’t really in much condition to reveal everything, and Colloten herself refused to.”
“Another Chronos,” Gene said, shuddering slightly. If that is the case, it would explain someone going through all the trouble of abducting Lacie. If I were trying to rebuild an army of mind-controlled Supers, I’d definitely pick her to start my recruiting drive.
“You said there were two possibilities, Eva,” Roni said, bringing Gene’s attention back to the topic at hand. “What’s the second?”
“Believe it or not, the second possibility is even worse, and unfortunately, far more likely: that it is all part of a fully sanctioned government operation. You know, the kind of under-the-table deal you see in the movies, only worse. Consider that for a moment. The military is always looking for the newest ‘big thing’, and with the number of Supers living these days, standard-use weaponry just doesn’t cut it anymore.” She saw Gene’s expression darken, and she sighed. “I’m sorry Gene. I know how you feel personally on the subject, but hear me out. The world we live in right now... the relative peace we’re enjoying... it wasn’t always like this. Indeed, Lacie herself told us a very fascinating story of what she lived through facing Jeremiah King. In the timeline she lived through, the governments of the world basically declared war on her, even sending the Air Force after her to try and blow her out of the sky. Thankfully, she managed to win, and went on to stop King and fix all the changes he made, bringing us back to where we are now. But think of it another way. What if WE were the government, and someone like Omega Girl declared war on us... what could we do to stop her?”
Gene growled softly, but nodded. “Aye. I get yer point. I dinnae agree with it, but I can understand the perspective. We’re basically facing that verra scenario right now in Phelps.” He closed his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose. He felt a headache coming on. “Phelps was injected with Omega Girl’s DNA. He’s basically a disfigured mutant version of Lacie.”
“WHAT?” Parker and the others said in unison. “Wait! Hold on a second!” Parker said. “Are you SURE? Positively sure? And... even if you are... how? How did they managed to inject Phelps with her DNA? You guys were out of town during the whole episode that ended with Phelps going to jail. Heck, you guys had only recently returned home before Phelps made his appearance here in River City, and from what we’ve just found out, he was in Crystal City the week BEFORE fighting Ultra Girl, and tearing through Lodestone, Banshee, and Hotshot the week before that!”
“I cannae say for certain where they got her DNA, but aye, it was HERS. My scanners recorded his energy signature during our fight, and it was an exact match for Omega Girl’s Omega Beams. If these people are so well financed and connected, it would be pretty easy, all things considered. Think about the most recent battles we’ve been in, against Phelps and against Wyldcard. Did any of you get scratched, or cut? Did any of you bleed? I certainly did. And I’m pretty sure the rest of you have as well. And I for one didn’t bother to clean up after the fight was over. So, what’s to stop anyone from going to the scene of two Supers fighting and wiping up a drop or two of blood after the fact? But, let’s make it tougher, and say that the police have blocked off the area, and aren’t letting anyone except authorized personnel on the scene. It’s not out of the rim of possibility that someone might bribe a police officer, or a CSI to nab a sample or two of blood, sweat, or hair from the scene. And how many... um... far less violent, but particularly physical encounters have you faced where you left behind your genetic material, either on the bed, or ground, or on another person?” He sighed. “And that’s not even considering the more direct issue of having someone infiltrate a medical facility like River City Memorial and simply TAKE genetic samples from the ones on file for all of us.”
“That wouldn’t happen!” Dr. Boardman broke in, angrily. “Not at MY hospital! There’s no way someone could get access to my medical files—”
“I’m sorry to contradict you, Doctor,” Gene said wearily, “but if there’s anything we’ve learned in the past few hours is that there is ALWAYS a way to sneak in. The fact is that they were able to snatch Lacie up from her hospital room in the middle of the night with no one noticing!” He took a deep breath, then spoke again, gently. “I’m sorry, Alexis. I wasnae blaming you, dear. Truly. I was just using this as an example of how even the most secure sources could be suspect with an enemy with the money, skill, and resources to acquire them. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had genetic samples of all of us stored somewhere, though of all of us here, I wouldnae imagine MINE would be of much use to them.”
“Precisely my point,” Eva said resolutely. “Given the number of Supers, good or evil, in the world right now, it would naturally be in our government’s best interest to have some kind of backup plan in place in case the unexpected happened. Now, I’m willing to give our government the benefit of the doubt here and presume it’s a benign operation, at least in theory. Maybe it goes all the way to the White House, maybe it’s the pet project of some Senator looking to make a name for himself. Maybe it’s a military project, something handled by a second or third party organization. Maybe it’s a black-ops type of project, rub by some special branch of the government that the other branches don’t even know exist. Whatever the story, it’s definitely true that what starts out as a good idea on paper sometimes has a way of turning dark when put in the hands of people with their own agendas. The man in charge at the top of the pyramid might be corrupt, or he might be a good honest bloke that has no idea what is going on at the bottom of the pyramid.” She shrugged. “After all, this is the country that coined the phrase ‘plausible deniability’.”
They all stood there quietly for several minutes, absorbing her words. “So... what do we do?” Roni asked, finally. “How do we stop them? How do you take down something this big?”
“Only two ways I can think of,” Gene said finally. “The obvious way would be to go after the head of the organization. Stop the problem at the source. Fill him in on just what’s been going on, and have him shut it all down, or remove him from his position of power.” He shrugged. “Problem with that method is that the organization could very well be a ‘HYDRA’—you cut off the head, only to have another nastier one spring up in its place. The other way would be to blow the whole thing out of the water. Expose them. Show the world what’s really happening, and bring all of this to the light of day.” He shrugged again. “Their success depends on keeping their activities clandestine and secret. Expose it to the world, and the whole thing collapses. The problem with THAT method is that, one: we have to know EVERYTHING about the project, and everyone involved, and right now, we know very little. And, two: these people are very well connected, and have put a LOT of time and effort into this. Obviously they’re not going to just stand by and let their dirty little secret get exposed without a fight.”
“Well, either way, we’re going to need to learn a lot more about what’s going on, who ‘THEY’ are, and what their true objectives really are before we can make a move,” Ana stated. “We need information, and that means we’re going to have to start ‘beating the bushes’, so to speak.”
“Um, aye,” Gene said, somewhat distracted. “But later. In the meantime, I have a few... projects of my own to worry about. Parker, my lad, if you’ll follow me to my study, I think we can take care of the first one right now.”
“Okay. I’ll be there in a bit,” he said, watching as his friend retired to his study. Turning to face his Aunt, he sighed. “So. Any chance you can reach out to Lacie?” he asked. “Like you did before?”
Eva shook her head. “Believe me, I wish I could. Since Ana explained the situation to me upon regaining consciousness, I’ve been trying to contact her. Even while we were discussing what to do, I was reaching out to her with my mind. She’s just not... there.”
“Would you know if she were unconscious, or asleep?” Parker asked.
“Yes. I could still feel her presence, even if I couldn’t make actual contact with her mind.” She shook her head. “No. Nothing. She must be out of the state. I could usually at least sense a person’s presence if they’re within a five hundred square mile radius, but I can’t sense anything of her right now.”
“Um... you don’t think... that... well... maybe she’s... yanno...”
“Dead?” Anastasia replied with a scowl. “Of course not. Eva would have felt it if she’d passed on, and I would have seen it coming long before. No, I agree with Sis. She’s just... out of her range.” Then Ana brightened. “But maybe she’s not out of OUR range! Eva, if we linked like we used to in the old days, do you think we could sense her together? You always said pooling our powers made us a hundred times more powerful.”
Eva nodded slowly, considering. “It... should work. Keep in mind that I’m not exactly at my peak right now. You’ll be supplying more than your fair share of power in our link, Ann.”
“I can handle it,” Ana responded. “Just try not to overexert yourself. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle this AND trying to wake your lazy ass back up again if you put yourself back into a coma.”
Eva rolled her eyes, then scowled at her nephew who tried to cough to cover up his laughter. “Oh, shut up, Parker. Go on and meet up with Eugene, and get yourself taken care of.” As the boy headed back downstairs, she yelled over her shoulder. “And let him know that Ana and I won’t stop searching until we find Lacie. No matter what it takes, we’ll find her.”