The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

What Dreams May Come

By The Sympathetic Devil

Chapter 1

Stephanie tossed and turned, making a tangled mess of her bedclothes and her long dark hair. She was dressed in an over-sized T-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms.

But within her sleeping mind she wore nothing but her horn-rimmed glasses and a pink silk ribbon around her neck.

She stood on a dais set up in her high school gymnasium, a place she hadn’t seen in 15 years. Everyone was dressed in graduation robes, except for her, of course. In the dream, she wasn’t sure why her outfit was different but she felt only vaguely uncomfortable at being naked in front of all those people. She made no attempt to cover her bush or her breasts, which were much, much larger than they were in waking life. She just stood beside the podium, starring out at the crowd, blushing slightly and giggling nervously.

“Now at last we come to Ms. Smiley,” said the principal who stood behind the podium. It wasn’t her high school principal. Indeed, the young man didn’t seem to be more than 20, but somehow, in the way of dreams, she knew he was a man of authority and she guessed he must be the principal. Although the whole thing was very confusing and this even more so.

“Miss Smiley, of course, will not be graduating today,” the young principal announced, “Since she is, as we all know, a complete and utter bimbo.”

The crowd laughed. They were all laughing at her. The principal was laughing too, and everyone on the dais. Stephanie blushed harder, smiled so big it hurt her mouth, and giggled. She waved at the crowd and they cheered and hooted. Stephanie felt her nipples spring to attention and her clitoris buzz. She was so horny!

“But despite being entirely too stupid to graduate,” the principal continued as the roar of the crowd diminished. “Our dear Stephanie has by no means wasted these past 6 years of high school. Indeed, we will all look back on her with fondness as we go forth to whatever destiny awaits us. She has touched many of us. Indeed, she has touched most of us in some very nice places and with the enthusiasm and single-mindedness that are the domain of a woman who hasn’t got a single other thought in her head.”

Again, the crowd erupted into laughter, cheers and vulgar shouts. Stephanie couldn’t quite follow the principal’s meaning. He was using such big words and she was so horny it was hard to concentrate.

“And so, in lieu of a diploma, it is my pleasure to award Ms. Stephanie ‘Stefi’ Smiley with this crystal dildo, inscribed with her title of ‘Valued-Dick-Epicurean’, this plastic tiara, declaring her “Most Likely to Put Out” and this sash, declaring her “Little Miss Bimbo”.

Three big, well-muscled and shirtless men came out bearing her awards. Stephanie looked about, utterly confused but ecstatically happy as they put the tiara on her head, the sash between her breasts, the large dildo in her right hand.

“Would you like to say anything Stefi?” the principal asked.

Stephanie looked around in delirium.

“I’m so horny!” she announced and the crowd laughed knowingly.

And then the three young men were upon her, their pants gone, their members huge and hard. Stephanie’s knees went weak at the sight of them and her mouth formed a delighted capital O. Two of them lifted her up off the floor and spread her legs, then slid them along the third man’s hips, lining his erect cock up perfectly with her pussy, then sliding her home with a wet ‘shlup!’ and a squeak of delight from Stephanie. She never would have thought something so big could fit inside of her so well, but her sex clenched greedily at the turgid member as it throbbed and smoldered. The owner of the wonderful thing grinned at her with dazzling teeth and Stephanie giggled back, then moaned as her ass, supported by her other two consorts, began to swivel as they rocked her gently, twisting her about on the middle man’s rod.

The two with their hands on her ass and thighs pressed their heads in between her and the man who was impaling her and began to suck her hard and tingling nipples. Their hard cocks rubbed against the bottom of her thighs. They seemed to be growing. Soon, it seemed that the huge, hard cocks were all that were supporting her. The two beneath her and the third that was pumping in and out and in and out of her, growing and growing as well.

The physics of how she was staying up didn’t occur to her in the dream. All she knew was that this was the best fuck she could have hoped for on her graduation day.

“I’m going to….I’m gonna….I’m gonna cum!” she announced to her lovers and the spectators who continued to laugh and cheer. “I’m gonna….EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”

Mortarboards flew into the air. Fireworks exploded.

Stephanie sat bolt upright in bed, wracked with confusion, tangled in her sheets and still in the middle of the biggest orgasm of her life as she screamed out into the early morning.

Panting, she looked around in bewilderment. It took a few moments to convince herself that she was in her own room, that she really was a 33 year old Certified Public Accountant. Everything seemed so blurry!

She shook her head violently and groped for her glasses, chiding herself for her confusion. As her glasses brought the world in to focus, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was such a bizarre dream.

But it was only a dream. She had been celibate since a few weeks before she kicked David out, six months ago. She didn’t think she had missed sex so much. Of course, sex had never felt like that with David…

As she walked, a little wobbly, to the bathroom, more details of the dream trickled back beyond those of the world-shaking orgasm it had finished with. It had just been confusing in the dream, but waking, her face burned and anger roiled within her.

A bimbo? A BIMBO? In all her life she had NEVER been called a BIMBO! She was top of her class! She had never giggled like she had in her dream…ever! She detested women who giggled, especially when they were being demeaned by sexist pigs like that…like that…principal!

Who was that? He seemed so familiar. But while everything else in the dream was vivid in her memory, the young man’s face was indistinct. Whoever he was, she despised him. How dare he!?!

Her heart was pounding with furry. She placed her hand on her chest and focused on her breathing, slowing it. It was just a dream, she reminded herself. Just a dream. It didn’t mean anything. She should just forget it.

Three hours later, she hadn’t forgotten it yet. She sat in her office, auditing a spreadsheet, stopping every few minutes to seethe or shudder. She just couldn’t get it out of her mind.

Part of the problem was her breasts, she realized. She had hurried to the shower after calming down, feeling dirty. Once naked, though, the dream came back even more vividly and she couldn’t help notice that her nipples were unusually erect and sensitive.

She chalked it up to the chill, yet in the warm water, they stood even more at attention and the sensation of water dripping from them sent shivers up and down her spine. She had cut her shower short, disturbed by how it was making her feel, and had dried herself off carefully, almost fearfully, futilely willing her nips to calm down.

The worst moment, however, had come when she went to put on a bra. None of her bras seemed to fit properly. At first she thought it was just the turgid nipples, but once she forced herself to endure the pressure and fasten the straps, she found that her breasts were pushing up out of the cups like rising loaves of bread.

She had thrown the bra away in disgust, but five bras later she had resolved herself to wearing an ill-fitting bra. Not wearing one wasn’t an option. Not with her nipples going crazy like they were. Had she gained weight? How could every bra she owned shrink all at once? It didn’t make any sense.

The spreadsheet didn’t make any sense either. She had gone over the current line 4 times now. She just kept getting distracted. If it wasn’t a flash of dream remembered, it was a tingle in her nipples or a pain as a bra strap or underwire bit into her flesh. She resolved to go out at lunch and buy a new bra.

She was so tempted to take the current one off. But she couldn’t. She was quite certain Mr. Porque would notice. Nothing seemed to have escaped her boss’s notice that morning, despite her having put on a bulky jacket over her blouse. Somehow, she kept opening the jacket up without noticing; only realizing it when Mr. Porque stopped by to check on something.

He was checking on a lot of somethings that morning. But it was pretty obvious he was checking on two things in particular.

It was intolerable. She had never put up with any sort of sexual harassment in the workplace. Not that she had been targeted often. Most men had more sense than to make presumptions about a self-possessed woman like herself. There had been that intern a couple years ago, but she had certainly made a lesson of him!

A sudden paroxysm of pleasure wracked Stephanie’s body as she remembered getting the cocky little intern fired. It slowly dawned on her that she had just experienced a small orgasm just sitting there in her office. And David had claimed near the end that she was the hardest woman to get off he had ever known. What the hell was going on with her?

Her screen saver had activated. She swore softly. She should have been done with this spreadsheet an hour ago, but she was not even half way there! She had to focus, she told herself. Focus on the spreadsheet. Focus with the enthusiasm and single mindedness that are the domain of a woman who hasn’t got a single other thought in her head.

Wait. What? Where had she heard that before….

“How’s that spreadsheet coming, Stephanie?”

“Ah!” she shouted, jumping in her seat and pushing out her chest. Her jacket was wide open again. Her nipples were prominently pressing through bra and blouse. And here was Mr. Porque again looking entirely too happy for what was quite possibly the worst Monday morning in history.

“Sorry!” Mr. Porque grinned, bemused. :”I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, I…I just….was focusing,” she said lamely, wondering if she could close her jacket discretely enough that he wouldn’t notice that was what she was doing. Then she chided herself for even thinking she needed to. He was her boss! He didn’t have a right to stare at her pretty titties! BREAST! She meant breasts. She closed her jacket.

“Can I help you?” she asked, trying to let her annoyance show in her voice.

“The spreadsheet you’re auditing,” he said, still grinning. “I was wondering if I could get an ETA.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, embarrassed. He had said that, hadn’t he? And she was nowhere near done. “Um, five more minutes?”

“Great!” he said. “I appreciate that! Once you’re done, why don’t you take a long lunch? You look tired. Bad night last night?”

“No!” Stephanie exclaimed. “I mean, um, kind of. I…I could use a break. Thanks.”

“No problem,” Mr. Porque said, grinning harder. “I appreciate all the hard work you do around here.”

He left. Stephanie sighed. How the hell could she finish auditing that spreadsheet in just 5 minutes? Even at the top of her game she couldn’t do it!

“Think, Stephanie, think!” she muttered, tapping her right temple with her index finger. “Think, you stupid bimbo!”

She blushed furiously when she realized what she had said. She shook her head vigorously, trying to clear it. She would just have to do a half-assed job on the audit. Check the big numbers, let the little numbers take care of themselves. Surely the marketing department had checked it over themselves before they sent it to her. Her job wasn’t that important. She could just let it slide.

Just let it slide. Her hand slid down the front of her pants. It felt really good. She sighed and closed her eyes, leaned back in her chair, not thinking of anything. Let it all slide….

Stefi sat in a doctor’s examining room. She was naked except for a pink ribbon around her neck, but that was normal. She was at the doctor’s after all. The doctor needed to see her titties. That was why she was there.

The doctor came in. He was a very young man for a doctor, but Stefi knew that she could trust him. He knew what was best for her.

“Good morning Miss Smiley,” he said looking at his clipboard. “It says here that you told the nurse your ‘big boobies are all ouchy’. Is that correct?”

“Yes Mister Doctor!” she said.

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” he said looking up and looking her over with a lascivious grin. “They are such very nice big boobies.”

Stefi giggled.

“Thank you, Mister Doctor!” she said.

“Let’s see, it says here in your medical history that you have a history of bimboism, is that right?” he asked.

“Ummmm, I think so,” she said. “I don’t know lots about doctor stuff.”

“But you are a bimbo, aren’t you?” he pressed.

“Oh! Is that what that means?” she said, brightening. “Well, yeah, then! I’m a bimbo all right!”

She giggled, glad she could answer at least one question right.

“And how long have you been a bimbo?” he asked.

Stefi pouted. That was a hard one. She thought it probably had something to do with numbers, but math was hard.

“Do you remember ever not being a bimbo?” he asked.

Stefi’s eyes went wide. Not being a bimbo? Had she ever…in all honesty, she didn’t even remember how she got to the doctor’s office.

“Well, in some cases of bimboism the bimbo experiences sudden boobie growth,” the doctor explained. “If the bimbo fails to change her bra size accordingly, it can make her bimbo boobies very uncomfortable. The technical term is titsmashinbrasiertosis.”

“Is there anything I can do, Mister Doctor?” Stefi asked, wide-eyed at the big word for her condition.

“Well, my prescription would be for you to go underwear shopping as soon as you get out of here,” he said.

“Oh!” Stefi exclaimed. “I like shopping!”

“Of course you do!” the doctor said. “But while you’re here, there is something more important we should address.”

“More important than my boobies?” Stefi asked.

“Yes,” the doctor nodded. “Your underwear problem in indicative that you’re not managing your bimboism as diligently as you should be. When was the last time you were thoroughly fucked Stefi?”

“Gosh, Mister Doctor!” she exclaimed. “I don’t even remember!”

The doctor sighed.

“That’s what I was afraid of,” he said. “Silly, silly bimbo! Bimbos need to be fucked, thoroughly and often! Luckily, my next patient canceled. Bend over and I’ll take care of you.”

“Oh, would you Mister Doctor?” she asked. “Thank you! Thank you!”

She hopped off the table, the discomfort in her boobies forgotten, and bent over, grabbing her ankles.

“I’m ready Mister Doctor!” she declared. “Fuck me!”

“Miss Smiley?” the doctor asked.

“You can call me Stefi!” she told him.

“Miss Smiley?” he asked again.

Why didn’t he fuck her? She needed it! He knew that!


Stephanie woke with a start.

Jessica, the intern who had replaced the creepy guy, was there looking very uncomfortable. Stephanie blinked away sleep and realized her hand was down the front of her pants. Her cheeks flamed and she sat up quick. Where was she? What was going on?

“Mister Porque asked me to check in on you, Ma’am,” Jessica said shyly. “He said you might need some help with an audit.”

Stephanie blushed even harder. She had never needed help completing a project. Interns were usually more trouble than they were worth. But she still hadn’t finished going through the numbers. How long had she been asleep? The clock on her monitor said 12:20. That shocking realization was not nearly so shocking as the second realization that she still hadn’t taken her hand out of her pants. Jessica was very uncomfortably trying not to notice.

Stephanie slipped her hand out as casually as she could, but the stroke made her quiver and the quiver sent stabs of pain through her breasts and back and shoulders. Her bra was so tight! She had to get out of there. Buy a new bra. One that fit.

“Yes,” she stammered. “Help. I…could you review this spread sheet? Check the numbers with the invoices in this folder?”

“Oh, a, sure!” Jessica said. “Want to email it to me?

“No, just…here. Take my desk. I need to go,” she said. Having made the decision to go get a new bra, she was not able to focus on anything else. “You do it here. I’ll be back. Soon.”

“Yeah, well, I’m glad to help,” Jessica assured her as Stephanie got to her feet and grimaced as the unkind undergarment bit into her flesh with every motion. “Should I just send it to Mr. Porque when I…

But Stephanie was already on her way to her car.

* * *

Stephanie ducked into a bathroom on her way to the parking garage. She had to get the bra off. It was killing her! She had to struggle with the damned thing for several minutes just to get the over-burdened clasps to release. There were angry red marks on her where the straps and cups had proven unaccommodating.

“God, my titties are huge!” she said in awe, then shook her head. “BREASTS! My breasts are…really really big. Gotta get a new bra. Need one now.”

She was driving to the Nordstrom’s that she most often shopped at when it occurred to her that she really didn’t want to explain her unusual need to any of the sales staff that might remember her.

Across the street there was a Fredrick’s of Hollywood, though. She had always found the store tacky and had never been in it. But she could be certain that no one she knew would be in there. She turned across three lanes of traffic, to the angry honks of several cars, and peeled into the parking lot of the lingerie shop.

Stephanie shook her head. That had been stupid, she told herself. Reckless. What was wrong with her? She was acting like some kind of…

She noticed a pink bra and panty set in the window and lost her train of thought. It was so pretty!

Stephanie hurried into the store. It was empty, being just past noon. The lone sales girl was a bottle-blonde with clearly fake boobs. She was wearing a tight pink blouse that showed off nipples that seemed almost as troublesome as Stephanie’s own, with a heart-shaped cut-out revealed a spectacular amount of cleavage. It was so tacky. And yet somehow, so very cute!

“Hi! I’m Tiff!” said the sales girl. “How can I help you today?”

“I…” hesitated Stephanie, wondering if she had made a mistake. “I need a bra. A couple bras. At least”

“Oh we’ve got plenty of those,” said Tiff. “Any style in particular or should I surprise you?”

Stephanie liked surprises. Wait. No she didn’t. What?

“The…the pink one. In the window,” she said, mostly to have something to say and to distract from her confusion.

“Ooooh! Good choice!” Tiff said and Stephanie brightened, inexplicably happy that the girl approved of her choice.

“What size are you?” Tiff asked.

“Thirty four buh….um…I’m not actually sure anymore,” Stephanie admitted, feeling foolish and blushing.

“Your boobs getting bigger?” Tiff inquired unabashedly.

“No!” Stephanie denied, then blushed harder, knowing her lie was obvious. “I mean, well, yeah. Nothing fit this morning.”

“It happens,” Tiff said, nodding knowingly.

“It…it does?” Stephanie asked. “Really?”

“Oh sure!” the salesgirl reassured. “Who knows why! It happened to me just before I dropped out of college. I get girls in here all the time like this. Been the same size for years and then: boom!”

The girl giggled and Stephanie giggled too. She was so relieved! Nothing was wrong with her after all!

“Do you want me to measure you?” Tiff asked, indicating the dressing rooms.

“Would you?” Stephanie asked.

She wouldn’t normally have accepted such an offer, but she was so grateful to this happy blonde girl for telling her she was normal she didn’t hesitate.

“Oh you poor girl!” Tiff exclaimed once Stephanie’s jacket and blouse were off, revealing the flesh of her swollen mammaries rubbed red by the ill-fitting undergarment she had forced herself into that morning.

“Oh!” Stephanie exclaimed and massaged her abused breasts.

The pain was just a memory now. It felt so good to be free! So good! So good! Her nipples rubbing against her palms sent happy bolts of electricity all through her body, screeching to a buzzing stop in her clitoris.

“Um, shall we see how big you are now?” Tiff asked. It was her turn to blush.

“Oh, uh, yes…” Stephanie said, confused. “Thanks.”

The salesgirl was efficient and professional, wielding her measuring tape with confidence and gentleness.

“Oh, they’re very nice aren’t they?” Tiff said. “I see your nips are as precocious as mine! Let me grab you a few different options and we’ll see how they like them!”

Stephanie didn’t know what to say, but apparently she didn’t have to say anything. Tiff was gone, leaving her topless, embarrassed, confused and decidedly horny.

She looked at herself in the mirror and blushed harder. They were most assuredly bigger. Could that really be normal? She had a sudden urge to get out of there. She was feeling entirely too much affinity for Tiff. Sure, she was nice enough, but she was such a bi…”:

“Knock knock!” the blonde called out and then opened the door without waiting for a response.

She had half a dozen bras and several panties with them. The frilly pink one was among them. It was so cute! She really liked pink! Why hadn’t she ever gotten pink underwear before?

“That one first!” she said, pointing to the pink bra, her reluctance suddenly forgotten. Tiff helped her into the bra and it fit perfectly! More than perfectly! And it looked 10 times cuter on her than it had on the mannequin!

“Want to try the panties on too?” Tiff asked.

“Can I?” Stephanie asked.

“Oh sure!” Tiff assured her. “If you don’t want to buy them we can always have them dry cleaned. We do it all the time. I think you’re gonna want them, though. That bra is just too cute on you! Pink is totally your color!”

“You think so?” Stephanie asked, undoing her slacks. “I was just thinking that myself!”

“Great minds think alike!!” Tiff said, and giggled. “Try those on and I’ll go get some more pink thinks for you to try!”

Tiff left the other bras in the dressing room but Stephanie couldn’t imagine they’d look cuter on her than the frilly pink one. The panties though she just had to try. She discarded the white cotton briefs she had been wearing, blushing slightly at the smell and dampness, and slipped into the frilly French-cut underwear.

It was a racier cut than she usually wore, but they went perfectly with the super cute bra. She couldn’t help but squeal with delight when she saw herself in them. She turned about and tried to see herself from the back, straining her neck.

“Knock knock!” came Tiff’s voice as the blonde joined her again, arms loaded. “Oh! Here! Let me help!”

She grabbed a hand mirror and let her see herself from the back. “You’ve got such a cute bum! And those really frame it nice!”

Stephanie tittered nervously, unused to a woman talking so openly about her ass. She was very proud that Tiff liked it, though. She must see a lot of ass in her line of work.

“You have GOT to get these!” Tiff continued to encourage.

“I will!” Stephanie nodded enthusiastically, continuing to stare besotted at her reflection. “You’re so totally right!”

“Cool!” Tiff exclaimed. “Now, I don’t know that we’re gonna find anything cuter than that, but could you at least take a look at these? I think you’ll really like them.”

The sales girl was holding out a hot pink bra with little white hearts embroidered all over it. It seemed a lot smaller than the bra she was currently wearing.

“Will it fit me?” she asked doubtfully.

Tiff giggled.

“Trust me!” she said.

Stephanie did trust her. Enough to put the tiny bra on and find that it did fit her quite well. The flesh that spilled out of the cups above and below and to the sides did so quite naturally and comfortably, not at all like the ill-fitting thing she had worn that morning. She even trusted her enough to try on the matching thong panties, though she did need assurances that the thong would not be uncomfortable. When Tiff slipped it on her, she found it was very comfortable indeed!

And again, she looked so damned cute!

Again and again, Tiff brought her underwear in different shades of pink, now with sequins, now with pink plastic beads. She brought garters and stockings and Stephanie loved them so much that Tiff told her she just HAD to see what they would look like with a corset and G-string set they had in the back. Stephanie had never worn a corset, but she couldn’t deny it really made the outfit!

Soon, Tiff had moved on to blouses and skirts, letting Stephanie keep the last underthings she had tried on beneath them. She had every intention of buying all of it, after all! Stephanie tried on the exact outfit that Tiff was wearing and they giggled and took pictures of each other together using their cell phones.

It was only when Tiff rang her up, with Stephanie, dressed in a pink camisole, pink bolero jacket, and pink skirt with a slit up the side to flash the pink garters holding up her pink stockings in her pink heels that it once again occurred to Stephanie that she might have made a mistake. The bill was for almost a thousand dollars!

“Is that all right:?” Tiff asked when she saw the shocked look on her face. “We can put some of it back…”

“No!” Stephanie exclaimed, her heart aching at the idea of giving up any of her lovelies. “I mean…I can afford it.”

She could, as a matter of fact. She had invested wisely and had very few expenses. She had always managed her money well and this was well within the limits of both her credit cards. Stephanie bit her lower lip and handed over her Visa Platinum.

She clicked out to her car in her new heels, Tiff in tow with bags of pink loveliness. She thanked the salesgirl; they exchanged cell numbers and promised that they absolutely must go out together soon.

Alone in her car, Stephanie had to look at herself once more in the sunshade mirror. It had all been worth it. The make-up that Tiff had done for her was really a nice touch, wet pink lip gloss and cotton candy pink eye shadow with blush that was almost magenta but looked oh-so-cute.

There just seemed to be something missing, though. Jewelry, maybe. The pink plastic hoops in her ears were nice but she needed something around her neck. A chocker of pink pearls, perhaps…or maybe just a pink ribbon! Yes that would be per…

. Her dreams came flooding back. The pink ribbon. The pink ribbon she had worn when she had come so hard. The pink ribbon she had worn when she was a bim…when she was a bimbo!

What had she done? She couldn’t go to work dressed like this! She…she had been on her lunch break for almost two hours now! She just meant to buy one bra! One stupid bra! And she had spent an hour and a half dressing up like some over-sexed bimbo!

She saw in the mirror that Tiff was coming back out, no doubt wondering why she was still parked outside the store. Stephanie couldn’t talk to her! Couldn’t explain! Couldn’t let the salesgirl drag her back in to enjoying that silly, sexy, slutty…

Her nipples tingled. She turned the key and zoomed out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.

To be continued. Feedback welcomed.