The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

White Knight and Titmouse

Issue #8

Fly Me to the Moon (OK, Maybe Not That Far)

“I always thought that it was funny that your name was ‘Titmouse’, but you can’t really fly under your own power,” smiled White Knight. He held his fiancée as they flew a thousand feet in the air.

“True, but I’m really good a gliding with my costume. It’s built to withstand a lot of pressure,” she stated. “OK, you can drop me.”

“You sure?” he asked.

“As I said, I’m really good at gliding,” she grinned.

White Knight let go of Titmouse and she slowly extended the wings of her super suit. She immediately shot upward into a glide. White Knight followed her.

“Whee!!!!” cried Titmouse. “This is probably higher than I’ve ever soared before,” she thought as she saw her Knight fly closer to her. She felt him wrap his arms around her.

“Hey! I was having fun,” she complained. Then she was silenced by a passionate kiss. Soon her disappointment was crowded out by her love.

When White Knight broke the kiss, he smiled and looked at her.

“You didn’t bring me here just to fly, did you?” she murmured.

“No,” he said. “I wanted to spend some time alone with you. I’m worried that you are losing track of what’s truly important.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

The Knight sighed. “While I love the others, you’re the one that I want. You’ll always be the one.”

Titmouse started to cry. She thought, “Villains don’t cry… Oh, yeah… I’m not a villain anymore.”

“I’m also telling you this because I believe that you haven’t thought a number of things through.”

“Like what?”

“Well, you basically handed control of an incredibly powerful super heroine to a rather callow young man.”

“You mean Fish Girl and Neil?”

“Yes. Do realize that her desire to please him may end up corrupting her values?”

“Aside from being somewhat of a stalker, he seems like a good guy.”

“Maybe, but the human heart can be easily corrupted. Neil seems like a good guy, but better men have been swayed by avarice and greed. If you hope to keep Fish Girl on the right side, you’ll need to find a way to control him to keep him on the straight and narrow.”

“Well Amazon and I did program him under the effects of the silver rope. While not usually permanent, she believed that the amazing sexual experience, the effects of the rope and her commands will make Neil love Dahla as much as she loves him.”

White Knight laughed. “OK, hopefully that will be enough. If Neil does not want to hurt her by changing her values, then everything should be fine. Still, we’ll need to monitor them and do our best to ensure that Neil feels like he is a part of our enterprise.”

“Right, as always Baby. You really are a genius,” she smiled.

“Yeah, but you gotta stop saying that. Without Christy belittling me, my ego might go unchecked,” he grinned.

“I’m sure she’ll keep teasing you to keep you in line. Amazing Amazon may be in love with us, but she’s still bitchy when she wants to be.”

“Just like some ‘hot bird chick, with a tight little body and sweet mountains’ I know.”

“What a sweet thing to say,” she giggled.

“Those are actually Dark Avenger’s words, but they’re my sentiments too.”

“Well, your friend is kind of creepy, but when the man is right, he’s right.”

“Baby, he may be right, but you are a hell of a lot more than the story his words tell,” he leaned in and kissed her, before suddenly tossing her into the air.”

“Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!” cried Titmouse in excitement, as she felt herself rise even higher.

* * *

“So you want to offer us jobs?” asked Howard Reed.

“Yes. To be honest, it may not pay as much as you two are used to making,” said Sage.

“But it means that you would get to live here, which is where I’ll be,” smiled their daughter, also known as Glory Girl.

“And my role would be?” asked her Mother.

“You’d be chief of staff. Since you own a successful restaurant and are a great chef, you would be the perfect choice,” smiled Christy.

“How big would this staff be?”

“About six. There are four girls and two boys; most of them are from the group home that Mary and I were in when we were teens,” ” informed Sage. “They’re mostly untrained labor, but oldest girl, Anya is twenty. She’s had cooking and waitressing experience. Her boyfriend is the same age and has worked as a busboy and as kitchen help. I’m sure that they’d love to learn from you. They’re sweet kids, but like the rest, they’ve suffered abuse. You’d need to be patient with them…”

“Are you saying that these kids need…”

“They need a mom, Mom,” said Glory.

Marion felt a tear come to her eye. While she owned one of the most successful restaurants in town and cooked there as kind of a hobby, she now had a chance to help her daughter and her daughter’s friends. More importantly, the restaurant had filled a void that was left by her daughter’s absence after the accident. Now she could be a mother again; not only to her daughter, but to six other kids who needed love. The choice for her was obvious. Still she needed to hear what her husband thought.

“I suppose my background in Corporate Law is something you need,” smiled Howard.

“We are looking to incorporate under White Knight’s name and need someone to help us with the various filings,” said Vanessa. “We also know that having our own Corporate Counsel to advise us concerning Corporate Risk would be helpful. I’ve had some training on the subject myself.”

Howard looked at his wife. While he was a senior partner at his firm, he still had some ambition. He was working toward becoming a named partner, but realized that from a personal standpoint he had been given a second chance with his daughter. He also sensed that helping people who would be saving lives and “doing the public good” would be quite fulfilling. Finally, he knew his wife would trade all of her personal success over the last five years to be a real family again. He knew, looking in her eyes, that she would. He realized that he felt the same way. He smiled at her. “Do we have anything to discuss?”

“Nope. You know what I want,” she said hopefully.

Howard smiled and looked at his daughter. “Count us in, honey!”

Stacy excitedly launched herself out of her chair and into her parent’s arms.

* * *

In the Righteous Squad Headquarters, Willow Wisp and Dark Avenger lay in bed after a little “afternoon delight”. “Baby, you have to stop bugging me… everybody knows that you’re my lady.”

“What about Energy Lass?”

“‘Bolt Girl’ and I still hook up a lot, but you’re still my ‘number one’ girl.”

“Avenger… I’m not sure I can do this anymore.”


“I’m not getting any younger… I see all my friends getting married and having families…”

“Shit, baby! There is no way I’m going in that direction and you know it.”

“I know, Baby, but the same thing is happening to you. Look at the Knight.”

“You mean that do-gooder sucker.”

“Is that anyway to talk about your best friend?”

“Trust me, Baby; it’s a term of endearment.”

Willow Wisp groaned. “With you, I’m not surprised. I can only guess what you say about me.”

Dark Avenger smiled and thought “Yeah, you would, you hot, fuckin’ ho.”

“If it weren’t for your fucking magnetism…” cried Willow Wisp.


“I’d leave you and go out with the Warrior.”


“He likes me, you know.”

“If that mother-fucker has said anything…” yelled the Avenger in a rage.

Willow Wisp got scared. “He didn’t. I can just sense it.” She paused. “Look Avenger, it’s clear that we want two very different things. I know that now… please…” she said pathetically.


“Please release me…”


“You know that you really don’t want me…”

“Of course, I want you. You are the hottest bitch in the Righteous Squad and a helluva a good lay. If you think I’m going to let you go, you have another fuckin’ think coming.”

Willow Wisp cried, as she began to get dressed in her costume. Then she composed herself and walked out the door.

* * *

The Emerald Warrior saw Willow Wisp walking past him in the corridor. He gave his greeting with a smile. She gave hers with a murmur and kept walking. The Warrior knew something was wrong. Dark Avenger left a trail of broken hearts where ever he went. In conversations with Willow Wisp, he knew that she was not happy in her relationship with the bad boy hero. She had even hinted that she wanted to end it. He also felt a real chemistry with her. He had no doubt that he was in love with Willow Wisp, the Ebony goddess, and that she might even be capable of returning his feelings if the apparent spell that the Avenger had woven over her could be broken. He had honestly begun to believe that Avenger was somehow controlling her against her will. Then he thought about something.

The Warrior had always been friendly with White Knight. While the Knight was kind of a loner, he had always been kind and generous to Emerald Warrior. He had come to see the slightly older White Knight as the big brother he never had. White Knight had confided in Emerald Warrior that the dumb thing was only an act and had sworn him to secrecy. The Warrior hadn’t even told Dark Avenger or Lightning Quick that he knew even though the Knight had confided in them as well. While the Knight and the Avenger were close, Emerald Warrior also knew that White Knight had a code. He was sure that his friend would not condone the Avenger’s actions if he was using his powers to manipulate others to his own ends. He cared too much about Willow Wisp not to take the chance that the hero might be willing to help.

* * *

“Hey, Knight, do you have a few?” came Emerald Warrior’s voice over his ear bud.

“Actually, I’m playing catch with Titmouse, quite literally,” laughed the hero, as his beloved soared towards him.

“Do you think you could call me later?”

“Sure,” he said. The impact of his beloved hit him so that the word came out as a grunt.

“Again! Again!” cried Mary, as if she were about four.

“Well, you sound busy, I’ll let you go,” stated the Warrior.

“No, hold on for a minute,” he said, “Honey, I have the Warrior on the line. I think he really needs help.”

“Hi Warrior, honey!” exclaimed Titmouse, with a giggle. Mary’s thoughts momentarily flashed back to the three times she had eluded him. She had even seduced him once; just for kicks. She smiled at the memory, knowing that she could tease the handsome hero the next time she saw him.

“Tell her ‘Hi’,” said the green clad hero. Had Knight and Titmouse seen him, they would have noticed that he was blushing profusely.

“He says ‘Hi.’”

“Hi back, cutie!” she yelled.

“Well, as I said, you’re busy…”

“Hey buddy, you know I always have time for someone who shtooped my bride to be,” he laughed.

“You know?!” he asked fearfully.

“Of course. We tell each other everything.”

“Knight, I’m sorry…”

“No apologies necessary, my friend. Besides your colossal failure at apprehending her is legendary,” he laughed.

“I couldn’t help it,” said the Warrior in a mix of embarrassment and shame.

“Don’t worry, Pal. You’re not the only one to fall victim to my fiancée’s charm. She’s smoking hot and her pheromones were rather irresistible then. They’re almost completely irresistible now.”

”So, no hard feelings?”

“None at all.”

“I hope we can be friends now,” yelled Mary, guessing what was being said by Warrior.

“Tell her that I’d like that.”

“He says, he’d like that,” smiled Knight, before kissing Titmouse just as they landed on the balcony of their bedroom.

“Thanks,” said the Emerald Warrior’s voice.

“So what can I do for you, Bro?”

“I hate to have to tell you this, but it has to do with our fearless leader and Willow Wisp.”

* * *

“Do you believe him?” asked Mary. She and White Knight sat on their bed after listening to Emerald Warrior’s suspicions.

“I hate to think that it’s true, but it would explain a lot of things. I know that Lightning Quick and Dark Avenger have the ‘Presence’ power like I do, but they may have found a way to invert it differently than the way I did. Perhaps they have been using it for seduction and lust instead of relaxation like I have.”

“Well, they both have a gaggle of former super villainesses who pine for them. I used to be kind of friendly with Willow Wisp before she changed. She used to be wild and full of life. The way she seems now and the way you described her, it sounds like her soul has been neutered. Fire Maid and Calypso Femme on the other hand seem belligerent towards me. I know heroes and villains don’t get along, but they’re attitudes are over the top. We used to all party together before they changed. I was upset when they reformed, but I didn’t feel the kind of hate they were displaying for me,” stated Mary.

“Well, maybe it is true. Lighting Quick always joked that he loved his women wild with lust for him. The Avenger prefers more docile girls. Perhaps they both inverted their ‘Presence’ differently.”

“So Fanatic Feline, Morathia, Energy Lass and Willow Wisp are docile subbies for Avenger…”

“And Lightning Quick made Fire Maid, Metalia and Calypso Femme into passionate women, eager to compete for his attentions. I also hear they like to compete for each other’s attentions too.”

“I wonder why they didn’t try anything on the normal heroines of the Righteous Squad,” mused Titmouse.

“My guess is Fish Girl is immune to their powers. She’s immune to my Presence. Christy is partially immune…”

“Though when you mixed it with my super whammy smell, it worked pretty damn good,” observed Mary.

“True,” agreed Hal.

“What about Glory?”

“My guess is that Mentos did something to make her resistant. Mentos wasn’t a dummy.”

“Yeah, the old boy was pretty charming too. He almost got me once.” sighed Titmouse in agreement. “So, what are we going to do about it?”

“Well, we don’t really have any proof, though I think our speculation is warranted.”

“We have to do something!” cried Mary.

“I agree. I don’t think directly confronting either hero would be a good idea. Also, I know that Warrior has a huge crush on Willow Wisp, but I feel his heart is in the right place on this.”

“She could do a hell of a lot worse. Warrior is a cutie,” grinned Mary. She caught a strange look from Hal that she perceived as jealousy. “Don’t worry Baby, you’re the only guy I want,” she said as her green eyes softened.

“I better be,” he said, kissing her possessively.

After breaking the kiss, he smiled. “If Emerald Warrior thinks Willow Wisp is being manipulated, perhaps we can find out. Between your powers, my powers and Christy’s magic rope, we might just get to the bottom of this.

* * *

Based upon the conversation with her fiancée, Titmouse decided to reach out to an old friend.

“I’m really flattered Titmouse but…”

“Look Willow Wisp, I’m expanding my bridal party and I want you to be one of my bridesmaids. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it before, but White Knight mentioned that since I knew you from my old life and now will be working with you in my new one, you were really a perfect choice. Since your boyfriend is in the wedding party, it’s even better,” interrupted Titmouse into her phone.

“Well, why do I have to go with the Amazing Amazon? Shouldn’t I be going with D.A.?”

“Last time I heard, Dark Avenger has a penis,” she laughed. “This is strictly a girl’s night out,” she lied.

Willow Wisp felt a tear come to her eye. She thought about all of the times that she, Sagacity, Titmouse and Fire Maid had raised hell in their villainess days. Now, when she was not with Dark Avenger, what passed for fun was a glass of red wine and TV. She hated her life. Dark Avenger had told her that she could not hang out alone with Fire Maid, Calypso Femme or any of Lightning Quick’s other ladies, citing them as a bad influence. However, he had not yet given her a command to avoid Titmouse or Sagacity. She had not cared for the Amazon or Glory Girl. He knew that she had no intention of hanging out with them so there was no point in ordering her to avoid them. She decided that if this was going to be her last chance to have fun before Dark Avenger knew, she was going to go for it. “OK, Count me in!”

“Don’t tell the Avenger though, OK?”

“I have no intention of doing that,” she smiled through a tear.

* * *

Dark Avenger was horny, but he was tired of Willow Wisp’s guff. He thought of Energy Lass’ huge breasts, blond hair and svelte form. Lately, she had become his favorite sex partner. She was always eager and ready to fuck. She had reacted far more favorably to the Avenger’s “Reverse Presence” than Willow Wisp. She was unconditionally his and never talked back. Unlike WW, no sex act was off limits. She readily offered up her big, beautiful butt whenever he asked and she seemed to love his cock buried in there as much as she liked it in her pussy. He knew this because not only was she a screamer, but she was a squirter too. He remembered the first time he had felt her empty pussy squirt all over his leg as he spurted into her bowels. While Willow Wisp was more classically beautiful with her high cheek bones and dark skin, “Bolt Girl” was no slouch with her lovely round face and alabaster skin. “Fuck the Warrior! ‘Bolt Girl’s’ pussy is too fine for him,” he thought. “Of course she would fuck him if I wanted her too, but I think I’m gonna keep her fine ass for me alone. If he’s lucky, I’ll give him a shot with Morathia. If he likes black pussy that much, I’ll let him tap her big ol’ ass.”

All this talk of asses and pussies began to make him hotter. Three of his girls (including Fanatic Feline) were in the Righteous Squad Auxiliary. Basically “The Auxiliary” did most of the patrols and grunt work for the Righteous Squad and acted as kind of a “weigh station” for lesser heroes until they “got the call” to join the R-Squad. He knew Energy Lass was scheduled to go on Patrol with Fire Maid tonight. He picked up his phone. “Hey Morathia, baby? Take ‘Bolt Girl’s’ place on Patrol tonight and tell her to come to me right away.”

“OK.” said Morathia passively.

* * *

Back at the “Keep of Quiet” a reunion was taking place.

“Hey Wispy!” cried Sagacity, as she ran and gave Willow Wisp a big hug. It was returned cautiously.

“Hi,” she replied quietly.

“Hey Honey! Good to see you again,” smiled Titmouse, as she took Sagacity’s place in Willow Wisp’s arms. “Kind of quiet, aren’t you?”

‘She was like that whole way on the copter ride over,” grinned the Amazon. “Let’s face it, the girl just can’t cut loose!” she added with a laugh.

Willow Wisp was shocked. Amazing Amazon was more animated than she had ever seen her; at least when she had been sober.

When she saw Glory Girl and the Amazon exchange smiles she knew that something was wrong. “Those two basically hang out together because nobody else other than Fish Girl would talk to either of them; yet AA and GG were never close,” she thought.

“I’m really happy and honored that you invited me to be a bridesmaid,” smiled Willow Wisp.

“Well, I’m happy that you accepted, but we have some serious business to discuss,” said Mary

‘What?” asked the confused, ebony heroine.

“This,” smiled the Amazon. She tossed her rope around the surprised heroine. “Stay solid, do not move and listen to everything I say,” smiled Christy, as she cinched her rope tight around her prey.

Titmouse spoke into her ear bud communicator. “We’ve got her, Hal.”

“Great work, Baby! I’ll give you about an hour and then I’ll bring our friend in,” replied the Knight.

“That should give us plenty of time,” she grinned.

* * *

“I never thought you’d ever let anybody see this place,” smiled Emerald Warrior, as he sat in the lab at the Keep of Quiet.

“Well, I’ve been kind of a loner up until now, but Titmouse has really gotten me to see how needlessly lonely I’ve been. You’re among my best friends, so I wanted to have you over. We also need to talk about Willow Wisp.

“Do you believe me?”

“Yes. Titmouse and I talked it over and we agree that she’s profoundly different than she was before she reformed.

“I didn’t know her then as our paths never crossed, but I heard she was a wild super-villainess. When I met her, all I could think about how sweet a person she was.”

“Well, I helped the Avenger catch her and I can tell you that she was a pain in the ass before. I felt that she really had changed for the better too, but I’m afraid that the change came with a steep price tag. Now I think that the price might just have been too steep.”

“So the Avenger changed her personality?”

“Yes. To make matters worse; I think he broke her spirit. She’s been a great super-heroine. She’s been really smart and methodical in her approach to fighting crime, which is why I voted wholeheartedly for her admittance into the R-Squad. While she’s been really sweet, I fear that she is hurting inside from what D.A. has done to her.”

“He’s clearly breaking her heart. He fucks around on her constantly with almost half of the female members of the Auxiliary Squad.”

“The thing is, he’s always saying that they’re not exclusive and if she doesn’t like it, ‘tough’,” reminded White Knight. “However, if he is controlling her…”

“Then she’s forced to stay,” interrupted the green clad hero. The Knight nodded his agreement. “So what can we do?”

“Well, steps are being taken as we speak. A number of her female friends are having an intervention for her right now.”

“If the Chairman’s control over her is so powerful, what hope is there that any intervention could help?”

“Don’t worry, my friend. The people involved are pretty powerful themselves.”

* * *

“Why are you doing this to me, A.A.?” asked the lovely captive.

“Because we know that you are under the Avenger’s power. There’s no use in denying it. You must speak the truth,” replied the red head.

Willow Wisp squeezed her eyes tight and shook her head trying to fight. The Avengers command to never reveal his control was strong, but was weak in comparison to the irresistible power of the magic silver cord cinched tightly around her torso. Soon tears were in her eyes, as she cried out in pain. She felt a hand gently rubbing her head and when she opened her eyes she saw Titmouse’s smiling face. Titmouse leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips. Then her old friend kissed her on the forehead. Despite her tears, Willow Wisp smiled. Then she heard her captor speak again.

“Dark Avenger is controlling you, right?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.


“He used his powers to program me to be docile to him.”

“What else?” asked the Amazon.

“He made pleasing him the most important thing in my life. He’s the only person I can have sex with. I am unable to achieve orgasm without him. I must respect his wishes.”

“Do you have to obey him completely?” asked Titmouse.

“No, but I feel pain if I don’t please him. The only thing I’ve ever refused him is his desire to have anal sex with me. I was sodomized when I was a teenager and it caused me a lot of physical and emotional anguish. When he realized that any pain I felt from not allowing him to take my ass was balanced by the pain I would feel from letting him do it, he stopped trying,” said Willow Wisp calmly. The rope had forced her to relax.

“Thank God for that,” muttered Sagacity.

“Well, we have a plan to free you from his control, but it may push you into the arms of someone else. How do you feel about Emerald Warrior?” asked Titmouse.

“I like him a lot. He’s really sweet. I know he is really attracted me, but I sense he cares too.”

“Are you attracted to him,” asked Glory, with a blush.

“I don’t know. The Avenger’s control over me only allows sexual thoughts about him. Objectively, I can say that Emerald Warrior has a nice body and he’s handsome.”

“Would you be surprised to know that he’s in love with you?” asked Amazing Amazon.

“I guess not. I mean I sense he wants me, but I did not know it was that much.”

“Would you like it if we could help you return his feelings?” asked Titmouse.

Willow Wisp closed her eyes. She used to fantasize about getting married to Dark Avenger, going on their honeymoon, having children. Then she tried something different. In all of these fantasies, she exchanged the image of Dark Avenger for the image of Emerald Warrior. By the time her eyes had reopened, she was wearing a huge smile. “Yes! Please help me!” she exclaimed.

* * *

“Where are we going?” asked the Warrior.

“In here,” smiled White Knight, as they entered the Master bedroom.

What the Warrior saw both shocked and aroused him. He saw Titmouse and Amazing Amazon laying naked on the bed in a sixty-nine. Next to them, he saw Glory Girl and Sagacity doing the same thing. He then saw the woman of his dreams lying next to the copulating women; equally naked, stroking her pussy. Her eyes were shut tight in passion. He felt his cock grow painfully hard in his tights. He wasn’t sure if his erection was due to what he was seeing or to the all too familiar feeling of Titmouse’s pheromones that were obviously flooding the room. He was awakened from his lustful daze by the Knight. “The one on the left is yours, the other four are mine,” he said as he began to strip out of his suit.

Emerald Warrior tried to fight it but, as in the past, the former villainess’s scent was too strong for him. In fact it felt stronger than before. He quickly shed his costume and climbed on the bed. As he walked, he saw the Knight enter Amazing Amazon from behind while the heroine attacked the Knight’s fiancée with her tongue.

Willow Wisp felt a body on top of hers and opened her eyes. She saw the lust hazed image of Emerald Warrior above her and heard him moan. “God, I love you! I’ve always loved you!” he cried. He collapsed on her before kissing her deeply.

The Warrior felt his lover kissing him back enthusiastically. He felt her take his cock and maneuver it to her drenched pussy. She broke the kiss and moaned, “Prove you love me! Fuck me! Fuck me yours!”

He adjusted his angle and leaned forward. Soon he was plumbing her depths with his shaft while she feverishly humped her body up to meet his. Her first orgasm came on quickly and unexpectedly. She quaked and screamed his name. His lust filled body continued to pound hers, despite her grasping pussy’s attempt to hold him. He recaptured her lips just before he felt the first jets of his cum leave his body.

When Willow Wisp felt his seed enter her, another climax hit her squarely. This time her world exploded and she blacked out.

In a few minutes, she awoke. She felt the Warrior starting to get hard in her pussy again. He carefully rolled her on top; away from the others to his right on the more than king-sized bed. She started to ride him.

While Willow Wisp was still in the throes of her lust, she looked down lovingly at the Warrior. His blond hair and fair complexion were a stark contrast with her dark hair and skin. She smiled as she began to ride him faster. She noted the lust filled look he was giving her. His hands began to fondle her lovely pert, breasts; forcing her to slow her pace a little. Still, the sensation was too strong and she climaxed yet again. The sensation of her hungry pussy devouring his member soon pushed him over the edge too.

* * *

After more than an hour of passionate rutting, Willow Wisp and Emerald Warrior were now alone. They lay in each other’s arms just kissing and caressing each other. Willow Wisp knew that Dark Avenger’s spell over her was broken. Her body had betrayed his strongest command that only he was capable of giving her pleasure. The pleasure that she had just received from her new lover had greatly exceeded even the most passionate encounter with her former master. Titmouse had promised her that she would be freed from Dark Avenger and she was.

White Knight’s fiancée also promised that she would find happiness with her new lover and master. Belonging to him was a small price to pay. Yes, she knew that she belonged to Emerald Warrior, but she also knew he belonged to her. She remembered feeling Amazing Amazon’s silver cord around both of their bodies reinforcing this fact. The combination of lust, love and affection for each other was cemented by the magic rope. She knew the Warrior had always cared for her. Now, not only could she return his feelings, but they were both head-over-heels in love with each other. That was all that mattered to her. She felt his strong arms possessively grip her as sleep claimed her exhausted body.

* * *

Dark Avenger lay prone on his bed in his huge suite at Righteous Squad Headquarters. He felt the strong yet soft hands of a naked beauty rubbing his shoulders.

“That’s it, baby. Let Energy Lass take care of your big, strong muscles,” cooed the svelte, blond, former super villainess.

“Mmmm. That feels nice, Baby” moaned The Avenger.

“Anything for the man I love,” she beamed from above.

“You love me?” he asked.

“Of course. What choice do I have?” she laughed.

“If I gave you a choice to leave… would you?”

“I don’t know. If you had asked me that question about six months ago, I would have been out the door screaming.”

“What about now?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve changed I guess. So have you.”

“I’ve changed?”


“How so?”

“Well, when you took me about a year ago, you wanted me all the time. I guess I was your new toy then and you wanted to play with me all the time. Then, you were back with Willow Wisp most of the time. Lately, I’m back to being your most frequent booty call. Now I feel like I’m on my honeymoon, except with a cheating husband who fucks around on me occasionally.”

“You know we’re never getting married, right?

Energy Lass sighed. “Yeah, I know, but I know something else too.”


“I know that for all you proclaim that Willow Wisp is your favorite, I know that I’m your best.”

Dark Avenger laughed. “Well, you’re an amazing masseuse and an incredible fuck…”

“And the best cook, confidante and friend. It’s close, but I have bigger tits than Morathia, who is number two in your harem on that count and our asses are comparable, even if hers is slightly bigger. I know you like your tits and asses about the same, which is an awful lot,” she interrupted with a grin.

Avenger kept laughing, but was starting to realize the truth. Things had not been great between him and Willow Wisp for some time. He used to believe that they may have actually had real feelings for each, but lately she had been cold and distant toward him. He was convinced that she was actively trying to fight his control and that only made him feel angrier at her; especially when he began to feel that she might feel some affection for Emerald Warrior. The Avenger was beginning to grow tired of “puppy dog pussies” like the Warrior and the Knight. Then an evil smile crossed his face. If Emerald Warrior wanted to take Willow Wisp to the wedding as his date, so be it. He had been willing to turn Morathia into the Warrior’s date and private slutty ho for the whole weekend. With Willow Wisp, the Warrior wouldn’t even get a peck on the cheek from his date. She would be cold to him the whole time and there would be nothing either of them could do about it.

He returned his thoughts to his current companion. She was a kind of a big girl. Not fat, per se, but large framed. She was like a slightly chunky blond haired version of Amazing Amazon. Everything about her screamed sex. She had confided in him that she had previously had a poor body image, but credited him with unleashing her sexy side and turning her into a sexual being. Under his guidance, she had lost weight, but still maintained all of the curves he desired. When he thought of her confession to him about maybe being willing to stay with him, he felt a real affection for her. He had not felt this way toward any of his women since the early days with Willow Wisp.

He quickly rolled on his back and pulled Energy Lass down on top of him. His mouth captured hers and she moaned as they hungrily kissed. He loved the way her lips tasted with the strawberry flavor of her lip gloss. He felt her huge porcelain breasts pressed up to his mahogany chest and began to rub her big but shapely ass. He then rolled on top of her and gazed down on his prey. Her eyes shone with a hunger that spurred his own. Soon he felt his shaft being massaged by her syrupy sugar walls; her eager tongue wresting with his to the death.

* * *

“So what now?” asked Sagacity, as she sat with a number of people in the great room.

“Well, we could invite them to join our business,” suggested Glory.

“With Fish Girl, we have six supers already,” observed Amazing Amazon.

“Adding them would pretty much decimate the Righteous Squad,” added White Knight.

“Then they would just need to raid the Auxiliary for new members,” stated Titmouse.

“Then Dark Avenger and Lightning Quick would have their hands full,” grinned the Amazon.

“Why?” asked Glory Girl.

“Lightning Quick has Calypso Femme on the premises, so to speak. The odds are he would have to at least add Fire Maid. The Avenger would probably have to at least add Energy Lass and Morothia. Maybe Fanatic Feline too. I’d love to see that fur fly,” she laughed, joined by the others.

“Fanatic Feline is barely respectable, let alone litter trained,” cracked Glory.

“Well, Lightning Quick doesn’t have to worry. I hear his girls not only have the hots for him, but they have the hots for each other. Fire Maid and Calypso Femme were kind of like me and Sage back in the day,” said Mary.

“Yeah, LQ constantly brags about how many three-ways he has,” admitted the Knight.

“Well, I agree with Glory. We should ask Emerald Warrior and Willow Wisp to join us. Eventually, we should get plenty of work to justify adds to the staff. Anyway, this is not about us getting rich; just about making a living doing good and having fun together,” said Titmouse.

“What about the Righteous Squad?” asked Christy.

“Let the Avenger and Lighting Quick worry about their own domestic situations when they fill in holes left by those of you who are resigning.” stated Mary.

White Knight scratched his head. “With all of the Aux Squad members being promoted, what will that mean in terms of patrols?”

“Even with the promotions, there are a lot of members on the Aux Squad so they should be OK. They would just have to train some of their newer members to do more,” said Christy.

“In the meantime, we can pick up the slack and help out,” suggested Sage.

“True. That can be part of the pro-bono work we do,” agreed Mary.

“That could work. We could set up teams like the Aux Squad. I kind of miss going on patrols. We used to do it before there was an Auxiliary Squad. Of course I know who I want my teammate to be,” grinned the Knight, as he pulled Titmouse into his arms.

“That could be fun,” she grinned back and kissed him.

“I want Sage!” laughed Glory, as she hugged her lover and Sagacity leaned in and kissed her.

“I figure that if Wisp and Warrior say yes then they will want to be a team, so I’ll team with my friend Fish Girl,” smiled Christy.

“Good. Now that we have all of that hashed out, let’s make an offer to Willow Wisp and Emerald Warrior. I’m guessing that they’ll want to join,” smiled Mary.