The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Wild Thing

Part Four

June awoke in darkness. She tried to get up and found herself unable to—something tight and constraining was wrapped around her, pinning down her arms, her legs, her tail. Her neck was still free, though, and she craned her head around to try and find a source of light. She could see nothing.

After a moment everything became blindingly bright. Her eyelids flicked shut in pain but she was able to open them a moment later and examine her surroundings. She was strapped down to a table by bands of a glossy grey material. All around her were machines of unguessable function, all matte black metal and sharp angles, and most of them were pointing lights at her. She hissed in irritation but her bindings hadn’t loosened any. The most she could manage was to roll her head and twitch the very end of her tail.

After a moment an entrance dilated somewhere down past her feet. June caught a glimpse of a passage of blue metal before a figure stepped through and the door irised shut again. The figure had two legs, two arms and a face, but the proportions were all wrong and the face seemed melted—blurred and unfeatured. It was clearly not human. Despite everything, her situation and the tail thrashing between her legs and her warped limbs and flesh, the sight of this certainly-alien creature before her sparked a wild thought: she was seeing an alien creature, for sure. She had suspected something of the kind, before hunger and need had swamped her ability to think completely, but for a moment the thought burned bright and ecstatic in her mind.

Then the alien wheezed something and the straps spread her legs, a machine of glittering green lenses and sharp lights leaning in to stare at her vagina and tail. Her former glee vanished, replaced by a mounting fury as she realized she was a specimen being studied. She thrashed hard in the implacable restraints. The alien wheezed again, and somewhere in the circle of machinery a voice that couldn’t quite manage human speech said “Is to be still. The examination must take place of the parasite.”

The word ‘parasite’ kicked off another tangential train of thought in June’s mind. The alien had kidnapped her, experimented on her with a alien creature, remade her (better? worse? different!) and in the end it had all been some kind of test. An experiment. It was just seeing what would happen. Except the alien was wrong—this was no parasite. It was a symbiote—together they were stronger than they were apart. And no featureless piece of shit alien was going to hold her down.

June screamed incoherently and arched her back with every muscle straining, incandescent with rage, aching to get her claws on the insufferable alien. Muscles bulging, the restraints creaked and stretched minutely, but held. The featureless alien leaned over, looking closer at her restrained body. Her rage white hot, in a moment of clarity she suddenly realized that the aliens had made an almost comical mistake—while they had made an effort to restrain her tail, they hadn’t secured its entire length!

“Please to be still...erk!” The alien make an strange sound as the last couple feet of her prehensile tail flicked inhumanly quickly, sticking its stinger into the a fleshy part of the alien’s lower appendage. Its eyes widened suddenly and it made gasping sounds, limbs flailing wildly as it crashed to the floor. June hissed a laugh, pleased at her body’s ingenuity, not at all concerned as to whether the alien lived or died.

The rage now fading, she started systematically working her restraints to test for weaknesses. After a few minutes of testing, she discovered that if she pulled her tail as far as it would go, she could get some extra leverage against the cuffs holding her arms down. One push, two, the restraints creaking the entire time, she kept up the assault.

Hissing gleefully, she watched as the material on one of the cuffs started to split. A few more bursts from her powerful muscles and the cuff split explosively, her arm shooting out of the restraint. From there she made short work of the rest, rising smoothly and smashing the irritating lighting that would have been used to examine her.

Crouching over the alien, she flicked her tongue and examined its body. It smelled like metallic pain and sweat, an unpleasant combination. She raked her talons gently over its side, and it made weird noises when they lightly punctured a shimmering yellow surface that only vaguely looked like skin. Still alive, then, but it needed to be restrained. Now able to use more leverage, June tore out what remained of the restraints on the chair and hogtied the unknown creature. It wasn’t going anywhere.

But where was she? An underground lab? A UFO? Her golden eyes scanned the room, searching for clues. She felt an urgent need to find her progeny, especially Clarice. There was strength in numbers, and with an unknown number of beings on the loose, she felt a deep seated need to gather her clutch and hold them close, to hunt down and destroy those who would hurt her or her brood.

She scanned the circular chamber, looking for an exit. The dim light was no hindrance to her enhanced senses, but there wasn’t much to detect. Outside the pool of light where the examination table was mounted there was a mostly smooth, featureless wall. However, one section of the gray surface was broken with minute indentations that could possibly indicate an opening.

Eager to try, June bounded over to the wall, skillfully avoiding the alien equipment scattered throughout the room. She would have liked to have expended her rage against the inanimate objects, but the unverbalized feelings that were making up an increasing portion of her thoughts now held her in restraint—a huntress should not make any excessive noise while on the prowl.

She scraped her talons along the wall near the indentations, testing to see what kind of material she was dealing with. To her surprise, her claws easily penetrated the grey metal, digging great divots into the wall. Encouraged by how easy it was to penetrate the barrier, she started carving in with a vengeance, tearing out great chunks at a time. It felt good to exercise her strength, channeling some of her frustrations into gleeful destruction.

It didn’t take long for her to carve out a roughly circular hole, revealing a well lit room beyond. The wall material was fairly fluffy, and June quickly came to the conclusion that it must have been chosen for its sound muffling characteristics, and not for containment. Crouching down easily on her scaled legs and using her tail for stability, she was able to slip through the ragged hole into the chamber beyond.

She was in a brightly lit boxy room, with equipment scattered around the interior. Laid out in a grid pattern there were more cylindrical chambers similar to the one she had been held in. None of the chambers extended to the ceiling—it was almost as they were simply a collection of operating or probing chambers.

Her pinpoint eyes narrowed further in the brighter light, a sharp sound drawing her attention to a chamber several rows down from where she had frozen, half-crouched, while evaluating the situation. The light material of the chamber didn’t hide the movement of dark shapes. She could see a slit starting to form in the material, spreading from the bottom upwards, slowly resolving into the shape of a door.

Not waiting to see what would come out of the chamber, her animal instincts took over. As silent as a tiger, she stalked around one of the other round chambers to avoid being caught. Even though there were copious amounts of unrecognizable equipment scattered around, she was sure on her feet and brushed against nothing. Crouching, she moderated her breathing and concentrated on listening for any sounds.

Soon enough, she heard what she was listening for. A soft, irregular tread; perhaps another one of the aliens was moving through the room just around the curve from where she stood as still as a statue. The sounds of movement stopped, and there was a short, sharp sound that could have been similar to an exclamation of surprise a human would have made.

June grinned with what little flexibility was left in her jaw and decided that this was her opportunity. Silently moving around the circle of the chamber she was hiding behind, she quickly spotted the figure. It had its back to her, but her nostrils flared as she realized that she recognized the alien. It wasn’t wearing a uniform any more, but its shape was identical to the ‘police officer’ that had originally abducted her off the streets. Much like the alien that had attempted to examine her earlier, this new alien’s features also seemed blurred and indistinct. It was surprising that the old her had ever mistaken the alien for an actual officer of the law.

There were a lot of things that her old, weak version wouldn’t have noticed or done, however. Old her wouldn’t coil up and spring like a bird of prey at her target. Old her wouldn’t have taken joy in sinking her fangs and talons into a prey animal. Old her wouldn’t experience a rage so towering that time itself seemed to stop, giving her what seemed like an eternity to stare into the surprised face of the weak alien.

Old her would still have wanted revenge, however.

The ferocious, feral joy that came from kicking its guts open with her heel claws was a bonus, perhaps, but the joy of the huntress striking the killing blow on her prey was wrapped around some tiny spark of joy in her vengeance. Purplish liquid dripped from her jaws as she clamped down hard on its neck, her claws ripping gigantic gobs of flesh out until the floor was spattered with its internal fluids. It tasted horrendous, but she wouldn’t let go, shaking whatever alien life the creature had out of it. The floor became slick as she viciously slashed at its legs with one foot, maintaining her balance with her tail.

She was an unstoppable force of nature, a two hundred pound wrecking ball of pure viciousness. It wasn’t long before the creature ceased its struggles, the unexpected assault killing it almost instantly. Victorious, June screeched loudly, the flesh of the alien’s neck still hanging, hot and dripping, from her jaws. Not trusting alien physiology, she crunched the neck a few more times, then sliced off what might be considered to be a head with her talons. The two discrete chunks dropped to the floor with a wet thud, her head buzzing with the messy victory.

The unfair fight had roused her hormones. She needed to kill and eat and fuck, and satisfying one urge had sharpened the other two. Still, the overwhelming need to find her brood was pushing her on. Coming down from the red haze induced by the fight, she lifted her scaly head and looked at the chamber the dead alien had come from. Maybe she could find some of what she was looking for in these chambers?

With no need for sneaking about now, she marched commandingly to the circular chamber, its door still open from when the alien had exited. Inside she found a similar setup to the chamber she had been held in, Clarice strapped into the chair mounted in the center. Delicately, but firmly, June slashed the restraints, quickly freeing her progeny.

Clarice blinked gently, her eyes fluttering in a dopey manner. She attempted to speak, her words slurred softly, obscured even more by her toothy mouth. “Iss that you, June?” She hissed softly. “Where are we?”

Stroking the bony ridge around Clarice’s eyes, June looked down upon her tenderly. She briefly considered feeding her some of the dismembered ‘police officer’ but decided against it. Whatever that thing was made out of tasted vile. “Don’t worry, little ssister-daughter, relax. The area is ssafe. I will find my eggs and figure out where they have sstored us. Relax and regain your sstrength.”

Making a soft noise of relief and contentment, Clarice smiled faintly, shifted then dozed again. Now more determined than ever to find out where they were, June returned to the room filled with cylindrical chambers. Perhaps there was an exit somewhere on the perimeter of the room. Failing that, there may be a vent system of some kind she might be able to follow to get outside.

Unlike the interior of the isolation rooms, the ceiling of the larger outside room was not smooth. She sniffed, but only the unknowable smells of the alien environment—and the lingering nasty smell of the alien’s death—could be detected in the room. Irregularities in the ceiling looked suspiciously like pipes, but they were unlabeled in any way. Likely alien construction, since they didn’t appear to be joined in any way June’s fading human knowledge could make sense of. There weren’t any grates or anything else that looked like an access point.

She was a bit relieved. Even with her enhanced body, she didn’t really want to crawl through a vent anyway. That left the outside wall, then. It had a rough, blackish texture. It looked somewhat technological in nature, so it was more likely that she was in a larger vessel or facility of some kind. Even in the dim light, it was simple for her enhanced eyesight to pick out details that any mere human would have missed. Unlike the chamber she had woken up in, there was an area that was clearly made as an entrance of some kind, rectangular in nature.

Naturally suspicious, she sidled up the opening, wondering if the place had been put on lockdown since she had managed to escape her bonds. To her surprise, the door-like opening irised open, a faint green light lining the sides of the door. Even aliens used similar color coding to humans, interesting.

She moved through the doorway into a passage, the only sound a faint clicking of her talons on the floor. She wasn’t trying to move completely silently, though her head rotated sinuously to keep track of her surroundings to avoid being surprised. She moved slowly down a circular corridor, the walls here having an articulated substance. The ground became spongy, her feet sinking slightly into the surface. It seemed to shift and sway slightly under her weight.

Half way down the corridor she spotted what looked like circular portholes. Suspicious, she moved carefully to get a glimpse out one of them. What she saw just outside took her breath away. Hanging in the night sky like a diamond, an enormous vista of Earth spread out in front of her. Clouds swirled lazily away over cerulean seas. The familiar shapes of continents lay out before her delicately like a map, the bounty of green forests and desert plains seemingly close enough to touch.

Either this was an elaborate simulation or she was on a spaceship. She was more willing to believe the latter before the former—everything about the place fit. If it was a ship, though, where was its control room? Wary of being caught distracted simply by looking out a window, June proceeded up the corridor, where she encountered another door. As before, the door irised silently open, sliding easily on lubricated tracks.

It took her some time to look around, but she quickly discovered that the room she had come out of was the center of a central hub, with a circular hallway surrounding it. Off the hallway were various rooms she couldn’t easily discern the function of, but some appeared to have something to do with propulsion and others had what appeared to be supplies. One section had some sort of refrigeration device and contained some meat that looked good to eat. Not yet hungry herself, she made a mental note of its location for later—she wanted to bring some to Clarice on her return.

After quickly peeking at the rooms she had passed, she came upon another longer hallway. Hoping this would lead to something more interesting, she passed through a few more doors. The room at the end of the hallway was egg shaped, a round dome-like structure that had large windows or some kind of transparent material giving a panoramic view of space. Wrapped around the periphery at waist height was a series of panels, lit with the glow of various symbols.

She took a step forward in wonder, looking at the array of lights laid out before her. It was more complicated than an aircraft flight deck, an amazing number of instruments, dials, and buttons arranged in infinite seeming rows. She noticed over on one side a diagram of the ship they were on, with various colored icons scattered over the minimap. Most of them looked green, but some of them glowed red.

Curious, she carefully ran a talon over one of the red icons. Given where it was located, it seemed to indicate her presence in the cockpit. There was also a glowing purple indicator back from where she had started, which likely indicated the tied up alien. The ship probably had some sort of tracking system so that whoever was in the cockpit could quickly figure out where everyone was.

Using that conclusion June scanned the rest of the board, her immediate concern that there may be more aliens on the ship that she wasn’t aware of, though she hadn’t seen any other creatures on her way to the bridge. There was a red indicator on the board that was almost certainly Clarice, but there were no other red or purple indicators left to be found. However, there was a small cluster of green dots and a row of pale yellow dots in one of the side rooms off the central corridor. Some of the yellow dots were more yellow than others, with one of them closer to orange. Perhaps some of these were her precious eggs?

There was more to learn, including how to pilot and operate the ship, but what she had deduced would have to do for now. She grimaced at the amount of knowledge she would have to cram to even get a rudimentary understanding of how the ship worked. The alien was unlikely to be cooperative once it woke up, so running what she could of the ship would have to be her job.

In the end, it turned out to be simple for her to locate the room on the map. It was dark when she entered, but some sort of motion sensing turned lights on when she cautiously moved further into the room. The walls were colored with vibrant purple stripes in a somewhat distracting color scheme, but what immediately seized her attention were the containers that littered the deck. Her eyes must have skimmed over them before during her initial exploration, but now it was obvious—these were all capsules, storing various samples from Earth in small environmentally controlled containers.

She strode down the aisle between the containers confidently, not entirely certain what she was looking at. Some of them had plant life of all varieties, and others insect life. It was a rather eclectic collection, but none of it was what she was looking for. There were quite a few larger capsules near the end that piqued her curiosity, so she loped forward to get a better look.

The contents of the first container brought a motherly grin to her face. Here were her eggs, unharmed and intact! Under the glass they appeared cozy, nestled together in a bed of straw. When she rubbed her clawed hands over the surface it felt slightly hot, like an incubator. She wasn’t quite sure how to get them out, but she knew that she needed to be careful and not simply smash the box. To her they meant the survival of her species and were worth more than gold. They were her family. She counted carefully, noting that there were four gold colored ostrich-sized eggs, ready to hatch. One of them was even trembling slightly; it was about to crack.

This could pose a problem, because she knew that once they hatched they would need to find a host mate soon. If they weren’t able to drink from their mother they would surely be unable to survive for long periods of time. She needed to find them mates, and quickly.

But what was in the other capsules? If the aliens had been collecting samples, maybe they also collected samples of the human variety? Since the aliens were experimenting with her and Clarice, perhaps they had kidnapped more humans to test with her eggs?

It didn’t take much more investigation for her to hit paydirt. Nestled against the far wall were two rows of vertical capsules that faced each other, situated perpendicular to the door so she hadn’t been able to see their contents from the start. Down one row were nude women mounted vertically, down the other men. There was more than a dozen of them, their skin color varying widely from pale to black as night, suggesting that the aliens had been selecting their samples very purposefully. They looked almost peaceful lying in their caskets, each having a breathing mask of some sort stretched over their faces with a tube that went down their throats. The women had tubes plugged into their vaginas and asses, while the men had one up their asses and a large suction-looking tube wrapped around their penises. Their chests rose silently under the covers of the capsules, breathing steadily as they slept.

She got a surprise when she reached the capsule with the last male. This one had been transformed in a similar manner to her—scaly skin, jaw altered to accommodate sharper teeth and a longer tongue, hands and feet warped and sharpened into claws. He had no tail, however, and his overall stature was also smaller. She suddenly realized that his face was familiar, even after it had been so radically transformed—this was the male she had stung with her tail and fucked brutally days ago. The venom her body produced must have more mutagenic properties than she had initially realized!

He rustled softly under the same breathing mask as the other humans, indicating that his sleep wasn’t quite as deep as theirs. June looked speculatively at his penis—it was larger and, even half-asleep, harder-looking than it had been in their first encounter, June noted approvingly. She was briefly overcome with fantasizing what it would be like to order him to take her deeply, his gangly body worshipping hers. The need was becoming more urgent, but she dismissed her baser instincts—it wasn’t yet time for lewd thoughts, but hopefully she would be able to slake her desires soon.

It was time to return to Clarice—she had found everything she wanted in this room, and more. Gleefully, she ran back to the observation room, picking up some food from the meat locker along the way, eager to share her conclusions.

June kneeled next to her prone broodmate, feeling victorious as the meat she had found was quickly wolfed down by Clarice. She could see the color returning to Clarice’s body as her enhanced digestive system quickly went to work breaking down the nutrients from the heavy meal.

Hissing with contentment, she stroked Clarice’s side, watching her every move carefully. There would be many more as her pack grew, but Clarice was her first, special in a way others could not be. “Eat up, regain your sstrength. We have much to do!” said June gleefully, giddy at possibilities that she could now see spreading out before them.

“But what will we do next?” asked Clarice, concern and devotion in her eyes.

“I have located my eggss and food. We have a sship. I have an alien to interrogate about how it workss. There are sleepy humans and the clutch has not yet fully hatched. It’s time to figure out the ship and do some recruiting. There are enough sstuds in cold storage for everyone to try out.” June made a toothy, lecherous grin that Clarice readily returned.

* * *

The cylindrical chambers made of foamy material had been removed and shoved into the corner, the observation lab reconfigured with all of its restraint chairs in two rows. Each chair contained one occupant, tightly restrained with their legs spread, ready to be converted and toyed with. One row held the four likeliest-looking females, while the other had six of the males. To the side was a pile of thawing flesh, slowly warming to room temperature.

She surveyed her new victims speculatively while she sat on a stool. All of them were still drowsy except for the male that attended her. She couldn’t resist releasing him from cold storage before the others—there is always something special about your first. Whatever name he used to have was irrelevant; the males were subservient to the needs of the females; both of them knew this instinctively. He stared at her longingly with yellow eyes, but waited patiently for her command. His cock, the only part of his body not restrained, stood eagerly at attention.

Pleased at the display, June found herself becoming wet at the thought of finally having an entire pack to lead. “Clarice,” she rasped breathily, “proceed with the conversssion. My eggss are ready and willing to take on new hostsss.”

Clarice carefully moved down the row of restrained humans, carefully setting an egg near the vagina of the females and swiftly stinging the males near their genitals. As the transformative venom was injected, they twitched slightly but otherwise made no sound, the sleep they were in still deep enough to dampen the pain. Once Clarice had finished, she made a small pirouette and watched the humans speculatively, her lustful eyes carefully choosing one of the males for future attention.

“Stimulate me!” June hissed at the male as she continued to watch the display, her need increasing as she imagined dominating her new converts.

The eggs cracked as the tongue of the male laved her pussy, sending a bolt of arousal from the tip of her tail to the top of her ridged head. The tiny new life slipped out of the eggs and into the vaginas of their hosts, seeking the warmth the small openings could provide. It wouldn’t be long before they absorbed sufficient nutrients to come back out and firmly attach themselves to the spines of their hosts. Without her mother’s milk, the process would take somewhat longer, but the end result would be the same.

She waited patiently for something to happen, the tickling at her pussy increasing as the male swirled his tongue slowly, providing a slow warmth that was starting to light her arousal. For a period of time, nothing happened. Her clit swelled and ached with frustration; but June sat patiently, straddling the male, knowing perfectly well that changes were boiling under the surface. Her sibling-children would join her soon, she knew, if she just waited. Soon enough, the males began twitching, their veins popping out and their limbs twisting. Simultaneously, her babies started peeking out of the vaginas of their new hosts, slowly oozing out and sliding back in.

The respiration of her victims started to increase, the venom and the creatures starting to arouse both sexes. Their eyes flickered open and they started moaning. Some of them tested their restraints and found themselves completely immobile, their shouts turning to fear. Others relaxed and let the sensations take them, staring at nothing as their bodies were transformed.

The small creatures finally made their move, sliding roughly out of vaginas with a tiny push and quickly attaching themselves to the butts of their victims. Bodies thrashed as their new small tails grew into them, changes now cascading across their bodies. Their skin started to get more leathery, bony ridges starting to build on their heads and around their breasts.

The penises on the males became thicker and longer, growing until they became thick and turgid. They started to take on the skin characteristics of the females as well, but their bodies started to shrink slightly, using up their fat and re-allocating it to make them more lithe, less bulky. Perfect for pleasuring females in odd positions.

As they changed, their utterances changed from shrieks of fear and worry to those of pleasure and lust. A deep unabiding hunger rose in their bellies, causing their stomachs to rumbles and their long forked tongues to lick their lips. The demand for food started to become more insistent.

The stimulation on June’s pussy felt good, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy her as she watched human bodies being twisted into new, superior forms. She wanted to be fucked, and fucked hard. “Mount me!” she demanded, her gaze still fixed on the humans slowly being irrevocably transformed into her hunter sisters and breeding slaves in front of her.

Clarice released the restraints of the new hungry hosts and fed them. Their mouths were open, making sounds much like hungry birds. As each one was given a huge steak they seized the meat and tore into it, their teeth lengthening as they masticated, their instincts making them no more than hungry animals.

Blood dripping down over bare breasts, their eyes flashing yellow, the females pounced on the males. Clarice joined in on the fun, grabbing the male she had chosen and forcing him up against an examination chair. Animalistic grunts filled the chamber as each female took her male in a different way. Some kept their males on the ground, riding their rigid penises while they held their mate’s arms to the ground in a spread eagled fashion. Others kissed their mates possessively while fucking them upright.

June pushed her pelvis forward on the stool she was sitting on, forcing her male to lean forwards and downwards to mount her, her slick pussy easily accepting the rock hard silvery rod of the male. Her internal passage had been strengthened to accept the scaly penis of her mate, and she rode him wildly while in the throes of her passion, their leathery skin rubbing together with intense friction.

Her mate fucked her just the way she wanted, massaging and licking her breasts as she watched the rest of her pack procreating. Sweat poured down her face and her tail thrashed unconsciously as her mate’s cock pounded her mercilessly. Grunting and thrusting, her arousal started to peak, her pinprick eyes rolling as she climaxed, the male pumping his cum deep inside her willing snatch.

Breathing heavily, she kissed the forehead of her mate, and pushed him down gently until he knelt at her feet. She watched as the orgy continued, the new creatures exploring the limits of their transformed bodies until they, too reached their limit and climaxed as well.

Cum trickling slowly down her legs, she flicked her tongue, tasting the arousal in the room, waiting for everyone to finish their first round. Once she sensed the moment had arrived, she stood and bellowed into the room. “Come, my sssisterss and matesss, attend your queen!”

The creatures reluctantly disengaged from their erotic positions, an irresistible compulsion moving them into her orbit. Their tails, except Clarice’s, had not yet reached their full lengths, but were slowly and visibly growing on them. The females kneeled before her, the males prostrate on the ground in front of them, their bodies still twisting into their new shape in minor ways, their minds already obedient to their queen. The scent of her dominance filled the air, detectable even over the thick musk of lust, instantly cementing their loyalty to her. “Mistressss,” they chanted in soft voices, “how may we sssserve?”

Looking with approval over her completed brood, she smiled hungrily. “Eat, fuck, and be merry. For tomorrow we grow our pack and expand our brood.”

* * *

As the ship departed Earth orbit, June found herself idly wondering if her stud was ready to be ridden again. He had seemed pretty drawn out after she had toyed with him for a few hours, but the alterations made by her venom were working to give him more stamina. It almost made her wet just to see the utter devotion in his eyes. His enslavement was complete—he no longer even remembered his old life, his body and mind completely overwhelmed with the joy of serving her. When she or any of her sisters entered the room he and the other males couldn’t keep themselves from springing to attention to service them.

Everything was as it should be. She could already feel her body changing, getting ready to support new life once again. It wouldn’t be long before she could breed again and feel the wonderful fullness of eggs forming inside her. She never felt more like a queen than when she was filled to the brim with another brood. Of course, once she ran out of humans in the sleeper pods, this would lead to new complications in finding her new offspring proper hosts, but that was a concern for the future.

The bonding had changed her more in some ways, and in others not at all. Her drive and instinct to eat bloody red meat and fuck constantly was a new and integral part of her now. She still felt the softer emotions around her own kind, but it was more tribal in nature. She would do anything needed to protect and ensure the growth and wealth of her pack. Anything.

The thought of breeding more creatures and implanting them in more species ignited a fire deep inside. They were done with Earth; let it roll on, while she found new hosts for her children. Anything that stood in her way would be torn asunder; the pack was her family now. She used to imagine visiting the stars. Now she would conquer them.

End Part Four