The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Witch Queen

Purple Victory

The red slave-wagon trundled over the cobbles as it entered the gates of the city of Beston, former capital of Grent. Inside the wagon, secure behind the bars, the six sex-slaves, three in black leather and three in red, lounged on the dozens of large plush cushions scattered around the inside of the wagon. The two slaves belonging to General Leandra Benina, one of which was the unnamed woman that prime had watched being made into as a sex-slave five days earlier, weren’t interested in anything but themselves. Their faces were buried between each others thighs as they sucked and licked avidly at each others cunts and arses. The slave that was now called vril after the Generals recently deceased hunting dog had asked prime if it would like to join it and the General’s other slave klis as they fucked but prime had declined.

Instead prime was watching through the bars of the cage as the city passed by. Prime had only been in Grent once and was interested to see what the parts it had not yet travelled through looked like. The three slaves owned by the Arch-Abbess, all dressed in black leather, lay entwined together and around prime, they were also watching as the wagon entered the city. The wagon was the only slave-wagon coming into the city, the others that had followed it across the plains of Grent were now parked outside its walls; every one of the women they had held had now been transformed into sex-slaves, the property of the Witch-Queens warriors and priests, all were now dressed in either red or black leather. The wagons were almost empty as the Witch-Queens army celebrated the fall of the city and country of Grent, orgies were taking place all around the city walls as the new slaves were fucked by their owners.

“Where are they all?” asked velvet, the oldest of the Arch-Abbesses three sex-slaves, as it looked at the empty streets and locked doors they were passing, “Don’t they want mistresses to own them and fuck them?” Candida had renamed her slaves the morning the city fell, calling them after various materials.

Prime was wondering the same thing, “This slave doesn’t know,” it said as it noticed curtains twitching as the wagon passed houses, shops and business buildings.

Prime had stood next to the Voice of the Witch Queen as the Council of Grent had accepted the Witch-Queens terms. The Council Leader, alone in the vast chamber, had given the councils decision to the Voice of the Witch-Queen, admitting defeat but begging that the hostages left behind be kept safe and treated well. To prime this had made no sense and still didn’t; it was obvious what the fate of the hundreds of women left in the city would be.

Behind the slave-wagon thousands of the Witch-Queens troops were entering Beston, spreading out through the streets and thoroughfares. Prime could hear doors being broken open and the shouts, screams and protests of women being taken from their houses. Ahead of the slave-wagon rode five hundred of the Witch-Queen’s personal guard, the Blood-Guard. At the head of the column was the Witch-Queen herself, entering the city in triumph next to General Benina and Arch-Abbess Candida Renville. Prime wondered what the day would hold; it was all rather exciting.

* * *

Prime entered the enormous council chamber at the end of the leash attached to its collar. Its Mistress leading it, the Witch Queen stopped and looked around. The chamber was filled with women, all of them extremely beautiful, the most attractive women in the city had been chosen and brought here. Elianna Holzberg surveyed the chamber with satisfaction, these woman had been selected and brought here because they were the most attractive of the thousands that had been left behind as so called hostages; these women were the cream of the crop. The women’s ages stretched from eighteen to fifty and their position within the city of Beston went from servants to two members of the ruling Council of Grent. Truly the women in the chamber represented every level of Grentian society.

Elianna tugged on prime’s leash and the slave walked to its owner’s side. Around the walls of the chamber where soldiers of the city guard had stood when prime had last entered this chamber there were now Blood-Guard. The female warriors watched the women in the chamber for any hint of a risk to their Queen.

With the Witch-Queen were two other women, Arch-Abbess Candida Renville and Kristina Collerton, the official Royal Procuress and now the Madam in charge of the Royal Brothel. Elianna was still dressed in her blood red leather armour, the Arch-Abbess was in her usual black velvet robes with all three of her pain-sluts behind her. Kristina Collerton was also wearing red but in the brothel keepers case it was a red form-fitting gown with a corset top and a halter neck made of satin. Shoulder length red leather gloves and red high-heeled ankle boots completed her outfit. Kristina’s blonde hair was styled into a tight curl at the back of her head and her red lipstick matched her satin gown.

Behind the three women and the slaves was a line of Blood-Guard carrying boxes between them. Around the chamber women were gathered in groups, many holding onto each other in fear, some weeping, some talking but all looking in the direction of the Witch-Queen and her companions. From one group two women that prime recognised began to walk towards the Witch-Queen, a look of determination on their faces as they approached.

The Blood-Guard stationed around the walls watched intently as the two women approached the Witch-Queen, for a moment there was quiet, “I am Esther Ventner, I am… or was a member of the Council of Grent and this is Audrey Treberrin, she was also a member of the Council.”

“Hello,” said Elianna, “I am Elianna Holzberg, Witch-Queen of Greater Elstrand, this is my dear friend the Arch-Abbess of Keln, Candida Renville and this is Madam Kristina Collerton the Royal Procurer. Shouldn’t you be kneeling or bowing or something similar?” said Elianna with a grin.

Prime looked at the two women from behind the mask that covered all but its eyes and mouth in blood red leather but prime was not looking at the pair as women but as flesh, potential slaves. Prime thought that they would both make extremely attractive slave-sluts if a Mistress enslaved them, but prime didn’t know what the plans were for the women in the room so it could only speculate.

The two women looked nervously at each other then bowed deeply to the Witch-Queen, “We apologise… Majesty, there hasn’t been a King or Queen of Grent for over two hundred years,” said Audrey Treberrin a tall statuesque redhead who still wore the dark green robes of a Council member, “We are not accustomed to royalty.”

“Your apology is accepted,” said Elianna almost jovially, “Now, what can I do for you?”

Esther and Audrey looked at each other; Esther nodded, “As… former members of the Council we have been requested by the women you have gathered here to ask you what you want of them. Most have husbands and children who left when your Majesty’s forces took over the city and they have asked if it would be possible to get messages to them?” said Audrey Treberrin.

Prime was looking at Esther Ventner who was in return staring uneasily at the leather-clad sex-slave; prime’s scarlet coloured lips bent into a smile just visible through the opening in the red leather slave-mask. Prime thought that the woman would look exceptional in a slave-skin and mask.

“There are also two women who were visiting Beston and were trapped here, they would like to know if they may be permitted to leave and return to their home city of Calleste in Östernne?”

“Reasonable requests,” said the Witch-Queen, “Unfortunately I am unable to acquiesce to them. I understand there are private meeting rooms, where the council would deliberate, is that correct?”

“Yes,” said Audrey Treberrin in an unhappy voice.

“Good, kindly show me where they are.”

Esther and Audrey looked at each other, obviously unhappy but unsure of what to do, “Please follow me,” said Esther.

With Elianna, Candida, Kristina and their slaves following, Esther and Audrey led them through the Council Chamber to a door behind the Council leaders seat. Prime looked with interest at the women it was led past, noting the looks of horror on their faces as they stared at the slave-skin, mask, boots and gloves it was dressed in and the unresisting and obedient way it followed its Mistress at the end of the leash attached to the collar around its throat. Prime knew that this was probably the first time most of the women had ever seen a sex-slave and now there were four striding erotically amongst them.

The door led to a corridor with doors leading left and right, Esther led the way to a door at the end of the corridor, she opened it and walked in, “This is where the Council would meet to make its decisions,” said Esther, “This is where the decision was made to surrender the city to you.”

The room was lined with twenty-one chairs but the centre was an empty space, “Where does that door lead?” asked Elianna as she pointed to a door at the far end of the room.

“To the rear of the building and private stables, it means the members of the council could enter and leave privately.”

“Perfect,” said Elianna, “Bring the boxes in,” she ordered the twelve Blood-Guard; obeying their orders the Blood-Guard deposited the six large boxes in the centre of the room the stood back waiting for orders. Elianna unclipped the leash from prime’s collar, “Heel,” said Elianna; prime sank to its knees as it had been taught to do when it was not leashed.

There was a look of horror on Esther and Audrey’s faces as they looked at prime kneeling obediently and submissively beside its Mistress. Then they turned an equally horrified and fearful look at the three slaves standing leashed behind the Arch-Abbess; their skin tight slave-skins and the hoods that left only their eyes uncovered were midnight black leather and the thigh boots they wore arched their feet so much that they stood on their toes and long thin stiletto heels, the position mimicking that of dancers balanced on the points of their toes.

From where it knelt prime looked up at the two women who stood fearfully and uncertainly in front of the slave’s owner, the Witch-Queen looked around the room once more satisfied with what she saw. Elianna turned her attention to Audrey and Esther, looking the pair up and down, appraising their figures and faces even though the flowing robes they wore hid the majority of their bodies. Elianna was an expert in judging women, both were beautiful or they wouldn’t have been selected but the Witch-Queen could also tell that they also had excellent figures.

The silence that had descended on the room was finally broken, “Your Majesty,” said Esther Ventner with a nervous tone in her voice, “May I ask what you propose to do with us and the other hostages?” she asked.

Elianna looked at the woman and then began to laugh, “Did you hear that Candida, she wants to know what I’m going to do with the hostages?” she said as she continued to laugh, “Tell me, what made you think that you were hostages?” she asked.

“But why did you insist all of us remained in the city?” asked Audrey in disbelief.

“I’m amazed you haven’t guessed, I have no need of hostages but slaves are a different thing, I always have need of slaves,” said Elianna as the colour drained from the two women’s faces as shock took over, “Even as we speak the women in the city are being sorted and processed. The more attractive ones will undoubtedly be taken as personal property by my troops and the others will become general-purpose slaves, while you two and the others in the council room have already been pre-selected; you will be enslaved as sex-slaves. By the end of today every woman in Beston will be a slave.”

There was a look of disbelief and horror on the faces of Esther and Audrey as they listened to Elianna, “No!” screamed Audrey as she looked desperately around while Esther could only stare in open-mouthed incredulity at the Witch-Queen, “Take them,” said the Witch-Queen.

As the two women looked frantically for an escape route four of the Blood-Guard that had brought in the boxes moved quickly forward and took hold of the two shocked women. Esther and Audrey began to struggle and scream, hysterically attempting to break free as the Witch-Queen stepped towards them.

From the left side of her leather armour Elianna took a leather bottle hanging from a loop, removing the stopper of the bottle Elianna reached out and gripped Esther’s jaw, holding it open as the woman looked at her in undisguised terror, “No, no, I’m married, I have children” screamed Esther as Elianna raised the leather bottle and poured the thick black contents into Esther’s mouth. Esther coughed and spluttered as the viscous black fluid filled her mouth, spilling down her chin, Esther was forced to swallow or choke on the fluid, she had no choice Esther swallowed. As the black fluid flowed down her throat and into her stomach the effect on Esther was rapid; Esther’s struggles swiftly ceased and she stood unresisting and relaxed. Elianna looked at Esther for a moment then she turned her attention to Audrey.

Audrey’s eyes were wide and desperate as she clamped her jaw tightly closed attempting to resist the inevitable, Elianna laughed and pinched Audrey’s nose closed as she held the leather bottle near Audrey’s face, moments later Audrey opened her mouth to take a breath but instead Elianna forced the leather bottle between Audrey’s lips, emptying its remaining contents into Audrey’s mouth. As the bottle was pulled from her lips Audrey began to cough and splutter, thick black fluid spraying from her mouth and flowing down her chin and neck. Moments later she also stood, relaxed and tranquil, as the calming juice took control of her body, mind and emotions, “Strip them,” ordered Elianna and the four Blood-Guard began to remove Esther and Audrey’s robes.

The two women offered no resistance and remained totally silent as their clothing was removed, minutes later the two were naked, Elianna stepped forward and ran her hand over the women’s bodies then through Audrey’s pubic hair, “Here you go Candida, a genuine redhead to add to you stable,” she said as she fondled Audrey’s pussy.

Passing the leashes of her three slaves to one of the Blood-Guard the obese Arch-Abbess went to stand beside Elianna, Candida smiled as she looked at the naked woman, “She is a tasty slut,” she said squeezing Audrey’s breasts, “And as you say a redhead, yes I’ll take it,” she said sealing Audrey’s fate, “I think it should make a fine pain-slut once it’s properly enslaved and its mind restructured.”

Walking back to her three sex-slaves the Arch-Abbess unfastened the leashes from their collars, “In the boxes you will find black slave-skins, hoods, collars and ballet boots, dress my new slut,” she ordered.

There was no answer from Candida’s three slaves, the leather hoods that encased their heads included large leather penis gags that filled their mouths adding to the gagging effect of the black leather that covered their lips. With only their eyes clear of the skin-tight black leather hoods the three silently went to the six boxes and removed the items they needed before returning to the naked woman, without waiting they began to dress her.

“What about this one Candida?” asked Elianna as she ran her fingers across Esther’s cheek, “You were after a pair of brunettes,” she said as she wiped away a tear running down Esther’s cheek with her gloved hand.

Candida walked around the magically drugged woman, her fingers stroking Esther’s buttocks and thighs, “No, she’ll make someone a scrumptious slut but not for me,” said the massively fat Arch-Abbess.

Elianna turned to Kristina Collerton, “Well Kristina it seems this one is all yours, what do you wish to do with her?”

“I have a list of your senior officers and senior temple members who cannot be here to choose a slave because of their duties in the city,” said Kristtina, as she unfurled a sheaf of papers, “So as well as my own requirement for whores I’ve agreed to pick out slaves that meet these requests. It just so happens that this female fits the specifications given to me by Abbess Truda Kirten,” said Kristina.

Candida nodded, “Truda has been looking for a suitable female to enslave for a while, this one would be a perfect choice for her,” Candida laughed and patted Esther’s cheek, “It looks as if you’ll be spending the rest of your life dressed in black leather and being regularly whipped. Even for our order Truda is renowned for being a particularly vicious sadist,” said Candida.

Kristina made a tick next to a name on the paperwork she held, “Very well, I’ll dress it and get it properly enslaved Majesty,” said Kristina.

“Of course, then we’ll get the next one in,” said Elianna as she looked at the still naked Esther for the last time, “I can see you’ve got your sluts trained well Candida,” said Elianna as she turned back to Audrey.

“Oh yes,” said the Arch-Abbess, “They are absolutely obedient and totally devoted to me,” said Candida as she and the Witch-Queen watched what was happening. For a time there was quiet as Candida and Elianna watched Candida’s slaves as they silently worked on Audrey; finally they were finished. The former member of the city council was now covered from head to toe in skin-tight black leather.

From the neck down Audrey was dressed in a tightly laced and buckled black leather slave-skin beneath which a large and well-greased butt plug filled and stretched her anus. Black kid leather gloves covered her hands and reached to her elbows while her feet were now arched viciously in the thigh length ballet-boots that had been laced unyielding around her feet and legs. Audrey’s head and face were now sheathed in an equally tightly laced black leather hood that left only her wide, staring eyes uncovered and allowed her stringently braided auburn hair to come out of a hole in the top of the hood and reach down her leather covered back. A thick, three-inch wide leather collar was buckled snugly around Audrey’s neck, just tight enough that it didn’t choke her. Audrey was now dressed in leatherwear identical to Candida’s other sex-slaves that were holding her up in the extreme heels she was wearing for the first time.

“That’s better, you look perfect Audrey,” said Candida as she ran her hands over Audrey’s leather covered body, Candida held out her hand and the slave that had once been a woman called Georgina Benson but was now a slave called whore passed its Mistress what it held.

“I bet when you woke up this morning that you never thought you’d be a sex-slave before lunchtime, or that you’d be getting fucked by me, your new owner, with this,” said Candida as she held up the large black dildo lined with throbbing purple and green veins in front of Audrey’s eyes. Candida ran the tip of the dildo down Audrey’s leather covered breasts and then her stomach until it reached Audrey’s uncovered pubes. Placing the tip of the dildo at the opening of Audrey’s vagina the Arch-Abbess looked at Audrey’s eyes, the only other part of the doomed woman not covered by black leather, “Look at me Audrey,” said Candida.

Audrey’s eyes focused on Candida’s just as the Arch-Abbess’s eyes turned completely black, Audrey’s irises widened as her eyes became locked to those of the Arch-Abbess. Candida began to chant quietly as at the same time she pushed the dildo into Audrey’s pussy. Candida continued chanting as she began to fuck Audrey with the black dildo, as Candida fucked her Audrey began to shudder her body twitching and juddering as the dildo slid in and out, then her eyes rolled up into there sockets until only the whites showed.

Candida continued to fuck the helpless woman, sliding the whole length of the black dildo in and out of Audrey’s dripping wet cunt continuing to chant as she fucked Audrey, her all black eyes never leaving those of Audrey. The shuddering and twitching of Audrey’s body becoming more intense as Candida’s magic overwhelmed her. Finally Candida pulled the sopping wet, and now totally black, dildo from Audrey’s cunt as she stopped chanting and her eyes returned to their normal colour Audrey’s eyes rolled back down and she looked at Candida, her green eyes focusing on Candida’s face.

Candida grinned and passed the dildo back to the slave called whore then she stepped back and looked at the leather-clad figure in front of her, “I was right Audrey you make a delicious slave, but of course you aren’t Audrey any more are you,” Candida looked her new slave up and down, “Seeing as my other pets are called velvet, lace, and latex you will now be called leather,” she said. The new slaves eyes shone as it looked at its beloved Mistress; Candida clipped leashes to her four sex-slaves then walked to a chair and sat down, her bulky body making the chair groan as she sat in it, the four slaves followed then lowered themselves to the floor at their owner’s feet.

“Your Majesty may I use one of your Blood-Guard to deliver this slut to its new owner?” asked Kristina Collerton holding a leash in her gloved hand; the leash was attached to the spiked collar around the neck of the slave that had been Esther Ventner. Dressed in a black leather slave-skin with a strictly buckled and laced black leather corset built into it, knee high boots with six-inch stiletto heels, wrist length black leather gloves and a black leather mask with holes for the eyes and mouth Esther Ventner was now a nameless sex-slave ready for delivery to its new Mistress.

“Certainly,” said Elianna, “Captain, if you would assist Madam Collerton,” said Elianna.

The Blood-Guard officer raised her fist in salute, “Yes Majesty,” she said and turned to one of the Witch-Queens personal guard and spoke quietly to her. With its stiletto heels clicking on the floor the sex-slave was led away to begin its new life.

“Thank you Captain, if you would arrange for three slave-wagons to be brought to the rear of the building where the stables then have the women brought in one at a time,” ordered Elianna.

Elianna took a seat and prime lay languidly at its Mistress’s feet as one-by-one the unsuspecting women were brought into the room. Unaware of what was going to happen to them, the majority of the women walked nervously but willingly into the room. Briefly questioned and assessed by Kristina Collerton the women had no chance of escape and each one was rapidly transformed and left the room at the end of a leash as a leather covered sex-slave either being delivered to its new owner or being placed into one of the slave-wagons that had been placed at the rear of the building. The slaves placed in the slave-wagon were slave-whores, given to Kristina Collerton as stock for the new brothel she was opening in the city.

Candida had been successful in her search for two brunettes to complete her collection and six identically dressed sex-slaves know lay around Candida’s feet. The two brunettes had been sisters aged twenty-one and twenty-three called Sara and Tania, now dressed in black leather and enslaved they had been renamed by Candida as silk and satin. However the sisters were not the only members of their family to be turned into sex-slaves; Sara and Tania’s forty year-old mother Claudia was now dressed form head to toe in red leather and locked in the slave-wagon, enslaved as slave-whore twenty-three

Prime had watched with interest as each woman was brought in then transformed into sex-slaves, watching the women become property was making its cunt wet. As the day had gone on food and drink had been brought for prime’s Mistress and the others while prime and the six slaves belonging to Candida Renville had been fed from bowls. The Arch-Abbess’s slaves were un-hooded for the time it took them to eat and lap from the metal bowls then their heads and faces were once again encased in black leather hoods.

Prime was lying with its masked face resting contentedly on its Mistress’s booted feet when the next woman was brought into the room; prime’s eyes opened in surprise, of all the women it had seen during the day, everyone of which had been beautiful, this one was without doubt the most stunning. The Witch-Queen obviously agreed with her pet, “Well, well,” she said, “That is something special don’t you agree prime,” prime rose to its knees, looking intently at the woman who stood nervously in the centre of the room.

“Yes Mistress, it will make a superb slave,” said prime.

Elianna stood up and prime rose to its feet and followed its Mistress as the Witch-Queen walked to where the woman stood being appraised by Kristina Collerton, the brothel owner bowed and stepped back. For a moment Elianna’s eyes looked the young woman over, scrutinising her intently, “Do you know who I am?” asked Elianna.

The woman swallowed nervously “Yes,” she answered, “You are the Witch-Queen.”

“Good, and who are you?”

“My name is Theresa de Mornstad, I’m from Calleste in Östernne, I was visiting my cousin Belinda and got stuck in Beston because of the war,” Theresa looked around, “I thought Belinda was in here, your soldiers came into the Council Chamber and took her with them before they brought me here.”

Elianna said nothing for a moment, the woman who had been brought in before Theresa was now dressed in the red leather of an Elstrandian sex-slave and was already being delivered to its new Mistress.

“How old are you Theresa?” asked Elianna.

“I’m twenty-two,” said Theresa surprised by the question, for a moment she looked at prime but then quickly averted her eyes.

Elianna had noticed the look, she tugged on prime’s leash and the slave moved forward to stand beside its Mistress, “I suppose you’re wondering where the others are,” said Elianna.

“Yes,” said Theresa looking around the room, her eyes resting for a moment on the six slaves lying at Candida’s feet, the six slaves looked back at her through the eyeholes in their black leather hoods.

“They have been processed,” said Elianna.

“I… I don’t understand, what do you mean processed?” Theresa asked as she looked at the Witch-Queen.

Elianna paused for a moment, “Processed into slaves,” said Elianna as Theresa’s mouth fell open in shock, “More precisely they have been processed as sex-slaves,” said Elianna with a grin on her face.

Theresa was shaking her head in disbelief, “No… oh no,” she said as the colour left her face, then she looked around wildly, staring at the Arch-Abbess’s slaves and then at prime, her eyes wide with shock, “My… my… cousin… Belinda” she stammered.

“Is now a sex-slave,” said Elianna letting the information sink into the shocked young woman’s mind, “Now it’s your turn.”

“But… but I’m not… not from… Grent… my country… my country has nothing… nothing to do with the war,” she stammered in stunned incredulity.

Elianna shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, you are here and therefore your fate will be the same as every other woman. However I have some good news for you, I have decided to take you as one of my own slaves, you will join prime as my personal property, the other good news is that I’ve decided that if you want you can become my slave willingly; you won’t be drugged, dressed and ravished like the others have been. Don’t be deceived you are going to be fucked and enslaved, you are going to be my property, you are going to be my sex-slave it’s just the method that you are able to choose.”

Theresa was trembling with fear, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to speak, her eyes turning to look at prime, “You… you are going to make me like… like her,” whispered Theresa.

“Yes,” said the Witch-Queen as she looked at Theresa.

“Please don’t I beg you Majesty, let me leave, I’ll go back to my city, to my fiancé and I won’t tell anybody anything, I swear, I swear just don’t turn me into… into a slave!”

Elianna smiled and shook her head, “I believe you I really do, but it makes no difference Theresa, you are going to be enslaved as my property, the only question is which way it happens. Will you become my slave willingly or do I drug you, have prime dress you, then fuck you while you stand immobile and helpless, trapped inside your own body, unable to move?”

Theresa eyes were wide and staring, her mouth opening and closing as she looked at Elianna, tears began to fall from her eyes, “Please,” she whimpered desperately.

Elianna smiled and placed her hand on Theresa’s shoulder, Theresa flinched at the touch, “It will be over very quickly Theresa and when it’s finished you’ll be so happy. All you will ever think about is sex, absolute obedience to me and unconditional love for me; you’ll have no worries, no concerns, no decisions to make, no choices to consider just total and utter submission. You are going to be a superb slave Theresa, and consider this, no slave I have ever owned has been made this offer before, they are all drugged before they are ravished, mind-wiped and enslaved, you will be a unique slave Theresa,” said Elianna as she squeezed the terrified young woman’s shoulder.

“Now less of this silliness, will you be enslaved willingly or do I have to use calming juice on you?”

Tears were running freely down Theresa’s cheeks as she looked at prime, “I… I don’t want to be drugged, please, I’ll… I’ll do what you said,” she sobbed.

“Excellent, prime help my new pet undress while I get its new clothing and jewellery,” said Elianna.

“No, please, I can undress myself, please I don’t want her to touch me,” begged Theresa.

“You are being ridiculous, you will do as I’ve told you, and don’t worry you will soon welcome prime’s touch so stop being disobedient and let prime help you or I will use the calming juice on you,” said Elianna as she looked intently at Theresa.

Theresa was shaking with fear, her eyes wide with terror as prime reached out with her leather gloved hands and began to undo the young woman’s expensive clothing. The Witch-Queen watched for a moment then with a smile she turned and walked over to the boxes, opening them Elianna found what she wanted then headed back to prime and Theresa.

Theresa was standing rigidly in position her eyes closed as prime pulled down her satin panties, the only item of clothing left on the young woman’s body, “I definitely made the right choice when I chose you,” said Elianna as she admired the young woman’s body.

“Now, it’s time for you to have your new jewellery fitted,” said Elianna as opened a black lacquered box, “Remember what I said, if you resist or struggle in any way I will use calming juice on you, just stand there and do as your told.”

As Elianna took hold of Theresa’s right breast her eyes flew open in shock and she looked down, Theresa’s mouth opened to protest but Elianna spoke first, “Keep quiet and this will soon be painlessly over,” said Elianna firmly the she began to work on Theresa.

Elianna finally stepped back to look at what she’d done. Theresa’s nipples each held a seamless gold ring, a gold ring pierced Theresa’s navel; six rings were through each of the outer lips of her labia and one through her clitoris. Two gold studs pierced her tongue while a dozen studs lined each of her ears and the centre of her lower lip was pierced with another gold ring.

There was an expression of horror on Theresa’s face as she looked down at the rings through her nipples, with a shaking hand she reached up and touched the ring through her lower lip. She pushed out her tongue and, even though the magic used by the Witch-Queen had meant there was no pain or blood involved with any of her piercings, gingerly touched the two studs that were now permanently impaled and sealed through her flesh.

Prime stood patiently waiting as its Mistress sat down, its eyes never leaving its beloved owner, “Braid its hair for it prime and dress it in its leathers,” ordered prime’s Mistress.

“Yes Mistress,” replied prime as it picked up the blood-red leather slave-skin, “The slave will obey and put this on then this slave will braid its hair,” it said as it held the slave-skin out towards Theresa.

“Please… I beg you… please don’t make me wear that,” said Theresa in desperation, lisping slightly around the studs in her tongue.

“The slave will put this slave-skin on or this slave will dress it as our Mistress has commanded,” said prime in a firm voice as it continued to hold out the leather slave-skin. Theresa looked at Elianna who looked back at her with an impassive and unreadable grin on her face. Theresa looked at prime, the slaves face hidden behind the blood-red leather slave-mask that covered its face was indecipherable as the slave held the leather suit towards Theresa.

There was silence in the large room as everyone watched Theresa reach out with violently shaking hands and took the blood-red leather suit from prime’s leather gloved hands, “Good,” said prime, “Now dress as our Mistress has commanded.”

It took almost half an hour for Theresa’s transformation to be completed then prime stepped back and turned to the Witch-Queen, “The slave is dressed as you commanded Mistress,” said prime.

Elianna looked at Theresa and smiled broadly, “Very nice,” she said, “Very nice indeed, you’ll definitely do.”

Theresa was now almost indistinguishable from prime; a blood red, skin-tight, leather slave-skin with a built in corset coated Theresa’s body like a second skin and squeezed her waist to twenty-two inches. Laced thigh length boots with six-inch spiked stiletto heels reached to within inches of Theresa’s exposed blond haired pussy. Equally tight blood red leather opera gloves reached to high on Theresa’s biceps and around her neck was a two-inch wide red leather collar encrusted with rubies. Theresa’s hair had been pulled back over her head in a taut blond cap and then braided with red leather strips to hang down to the middle of her leather covered back. The final item covered Theresa’s face, held in place by securely buckled straps was a leather slave-mask identical to the one that covered prime’s face and leaving only Theresa’s eyes and mouth free. Theresa looked every inch the sex-slave she was about to become.

“Stand there,” said the Witch-Queen as she pointed to a spot just in front of her.

Walking unsteadily in the extremely high heels, Theresa moved to where Elianna was pointing, just in front of the Witch-Queen’s booted feet. Theresa’s eyes bulged as she saw what was jutting from the Witch-Queen’s crotch, attached to a harness around Elianna’s hips was a black, nine-inch long, strap-on dildo. The dildo was covered in what looked like sickly coloured green and purple veins that appeared to pulse as if they were alive, “Oh no,” whispered Theresa as she stared at the dildo, her eyes wide and filled with horror.

The Witch-Queen’s grin broadened, “Straddle my cock,” she said sliding forward in her chair.

“Please don’t, I implore you please don’t, I’m… I’m a virgin, I’ve never… never had sex, not even with my fiancé, please don’t,” begged Theresa desperately.

“Mm, still a virgin, how enchanting, then I’ll be your first,” said a delighted Elianna, “Now straddle my cock and squat on it, or would you rather I ravished you?”

“No, not that, anything but that” whimpered Theresa, “I’ll do what you’ve said but please don’t… don’t ravish me,” she said.

Still unsteady in her extreme heels, Theresa did as she been ordered, moving forward until her legs straddled Elianna’s hips and her pussy was above the dildo then she bent her knees the leather of her boots and suit creaking quietly as she did until the dildo was touching the lips of her pussy then she paused.

“I… I…” stammered Theresa.

“No more talk,” said Elianna as she took hold of Theresa’s corseted waist and with surprising ease forced Theresa down onto the slickly coated dildo. For a moment there was resistance then Theresa cried out in pain as her hymen was ruptured and then the dildo slid into her, filling the young woman’s virgin cunt.

Behind the mask that covered her face Theresa’s eyes were wide, her mouth open in shock, “Look at me Theresa,” said the Witch-Queen, for a moment Theresa resisted, her eyes unfocused with shock, “Look at me Theresa,” repeated the Witch-Queen. Theresa’s eyes looked at the Witch-Queen; Elianna’s eyes had become featureless black orbs, as soon as Theresa’s blue eyes looked at the Witch-Queen’s all black ones she was lost.

Elianna began to chant a spell of dark corrupt magic as her hips began to move and she started to fuck Theresa. As with all the other women that had been enslaved Theresa began to twitch and writhe as the dildo slid in and out of her moistening cunt, moans of pleasure began to escape Theresa’s lips as her mind and body were taken over by the Witch-Queens magic. Gradually her eyes rolled up into her head until only the whites showed but still the Witch-Queen fucked her as the chanting of her spell continued.

A mixture of blood and pussy juice were running from Theresa’s cunt as the Witch-Queen continued to fuck her, Elianna’s all black eyes never once leaving Theresa’s face as she continued her enchantment of the young woman. Groans and sighs of lust were coming from Theresa’s lips as she was fucked, with one final scream of orgasmic pleasure from Theresa the Witch-Queen’s eyes returned to their normal colour, she lifted Theresa free of the dildo and stood her up as the young woman’s eyes rolled back down and she looked at Elianna.

With juices dripping from her freshly used cunt and down her leather covered thighs Theresa stepped back from the grinning Witch-Queen, “Mistress, how may your slave be of service to you?” asked Elianna’s new slave as it looked adoringly at its Mistress. Elianna also stood, undoing the harness around her waist she let the now black and featureless strap-on fall to the floor. Elianna reached to the arm of her chair, “Prime, stand beside this slave,” she ordered, prime quickly obeyed. Elianna looked from prime to the slave that had been Theresa; satisfied she clipped a leash to the collar of each slave then sat down again.

“You are called bliss,” said Elianna as she looked at the slave that had been Theresa, “Prime down, bliss down,” she commanded. Without comment the two slaves lowered themselves sensuously to the floor to lie happily at their owners feet, “Bring in the next one,” said the Witch-Queen.

* * *

Prime strode contentedly, beside it the leather clad sex-slave that had been Theresa de Mornstad but was now called bliss walked at the end of the leash attached to its ruby encrusted collar. Although now fully enslaved bliss’s mind still held memories of the woman it had been; its new owner would soon magically erase the remnants of the slave’s former identity and memories to remove any trace of the woman that once had been just as she done with prime.

The process took time and care if the slave was not to end up totally mindless and therefore useless as a sex-slave. The Witch-Queen had no intention of that happening so bliss’s final processing would happen later, after that bliss would also be physically altered by the Witch-Queens magic. As with prime, bliss was a stunningly beautiful slave but although they were the same height the two sex-slaves physiques were different. Bliss had smaller breasts, less rounded buttocks and a broader waist to Elianna this was unacceptable so the new slave would be made physically identical to prime.

Prime obediently followed its Mistress through the chamber that had once been the meeting room for the council of the city and realm. It was now empty, the women that had been held here were now all sex-slaves sent to their new owners or the brothel that would soon open in the city. The stiletto heels on bliss and prime’s boots clicked on the wood floor of the chamber as they were led through the enormous, empty room and out through the double doors at the end.

Evening was beginning to darken the sky as the Witch-Queen walked out onto the top of the council buildings steps, a broad set of seven steps, one for each of the counties that made up the country that had been Grent. The Witch-Queen stopped and looked down the wide boulevard that led from the steps of the council building towards the city centre. A troop of the Blood-Guard formed up around the Witch-Queen and her slaves as an officer in the grey, studded leather armour of an infantry general walked up the steps and bowed deeply.

“General Cavalla, how are things proceeding?”

“Exactly as you commanded Majesty,” said the General as she straightened, “We have manned the walls and guard-posts of the city and have begun reinforcing the walls and outer defences as you specified. We are sweeping the city for any males either left behind as spies or who remained despite your warning, so far seventeen potential spies have been located and eliminated and sixty-four males were found hiding with their families, twelve were kept as breeding stock while the rest were also disposed of. We suspect there may be agents amongst the females in the city but as the majority of women will have been processed in the next two days we consider that this will resolve itself once we have conducted more sweeps. We estimate that as little as five percent of the women listed on the city census remain unaccounted for and should also eventually be tracked down. The three-quarters of the army that have not entered the city are dispersed around its walls and the outlying areas between here and the border with Sinter as you ordered.”

“Very good,” said Elianna, “Anything else?”

“Yes, Majesty, news has arrived from the 3rd, 6th and 8th Armies, they have positioned themselves to prevent intervention from Östernne, Trest and Esk-Karsten, the 2nd and 5th armies are preparing themselves as you commanded.”

“Thank you General, once you are satisfied with progress then you may allow your troops the run of the city, let them enjoy themselves, they’ve earned it,” said a grinning Elianna.

The General bowed deeply, “Thank you Majesty, it is your leadership that has led us to this victory” she said before turning and marching down the steps with her head held high.

Elianna watched the General leave then she looked around, a line of female slaves in brown leather smocks with ropes tied from collar to collar was being led in front of the steps Elianna stood on. Drifting on the breeze the sound of screams and shouts could be heard from around the city.

The Witch-Queen was content, Grent was gone, the country now part of High Elstrand, its citizens either dead, enslaved or fled into other countries as refugees and Beston had fallen without a single one of her troops being killed or injured. This was not the first country that the Witch-Queen and her armies had conquered and Elianna knew it would not be the last but for now she was satisfied. Let her armies celebrate, let the Council of the Five Lands, oops sorry thought Elianna, the Council of the Four Lands and the rulers of the other countries that bordered her realms worry about what she intended to do next.

For this one night she would relax and enjoy herself, tomorrow she would worry about ruling once again, the Witch-Queen smiled, “Come on sluts, I need a really good fucking,” she said as she tugged on bliss and prime’s leashes. With her two sex-slaves following her Elianna walked down the steps.