Wrapped for Christmas — Hypnosis Session Log
Key: MD, MC
Description: The girls volunteer for a hypnotic session where they are put to sleep by a magical Christmas themed person and stuffed into a sack to be wrapped up and programmed to be the perfect Christmas gift!
This session was used to create the real hypnosis video: Wrapped for Christmas
- Sleepyhypno 12:55 AM
- Alright, we shoudl probably start before it gets too late =cPwe also should probably wake up Sleepygirl before we start =cP
[Hypnotists Note: Sleepygirl was hypnotized to believe she was a cat while we were waiting for everyone to filter into the chat. She was hypnotized using a bell based visual trigger]
[Sleepygirl Comment: apparently i was the opening act for the evening entertainment]
- Amazonian Princess 12:57 AM
- Probably
- Sleepyhypno 12:57 AM
- I doubt it will last longSG... 1... 2... 3... Wide awake
- SleepyGirl 12:58 AM
- blink blink damn bell... :cP
- Kitty 12:58 AM
- you don’t like the bell?
- SleepyGirl 12:59 AM
- i was caught off guard by it :cP
- Sleepyhypno 12:59 AM
- Thats the magic of it, you never see it coming [TRIGGER] [A trigger I have in both Kitty and Sleepygirl but not in the others]
- Kitty 12:59 AM
- ye smaster
- SleepyGirl 12:59 AM
- yes master
- Sleepyhypno 1:00 AM
- New Toy =c)
- Psyco Turnipt 1:00 AM
- Fun toy. ^^
- Amazonian Princess 1:00 AM
- You always have a new one
[Sleepygirl Comment: And he always likes to use them liberally]
- Sleepyhypno 1:00 AM
- yes, I do. I will refrain from using the others that affect more people tonight because we have some that just want to watch. =c)Everyone here ready to begin?
- SleepyGirl 1:01 AM
- yep
- Psyco Turnipt 1:01 AM
- But I’m told audience participation is part of the fun.Yessir.
- Kitty 1:01 AM
- sure
- Sleepyhypno 1:02 AM
- Heheh, the audience is more then welcome to participate should they find themselves inclined to do so during the course of the session. If not they are also more then welcome to just watch or comment in DMs to me =c)
[Princess Comment: Definitely appreciate the courtesy and just the overall kindness and attention you put in to paying attention to everyone. Understand it’s a lot, even with someone just watching, but you always make it work. So truly, thank you.]
[Hypnotists Note: It’s important when you have normal subjects in the chat that are just there to watch that you make it clear they are free to do so… but that if they slip under thats ok too. I had talked to both of the people that said they wanted to watch (Princess and Kitty) before hand, but wanted to reiterate it.]
[Princess Comment: It’s good to know that even though I didn’t set out to participate, he’s still okay with letting me watch. And that even if I did fall, he would make room for me. Really can’t meet a better guy out there.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:02 AM
- Which brings us to the disclaimer. do you consent to being hypnotized, kidnapped, brainwashed, turning into a feline, bonked on thehead, chloroformed, and to have it all broadcast via a session log to the masses to basically jsut watch and enjoy in naughty ways, whether you intend to simply watch or go under?
- Kitty 1:03 AM
- yes
- SleepyGirl 1:03 AM
- yes
- Amazonian Princess 1:04 AM
- Yep
- Psyco Turnipt 1:04 AM
- Understood and accepted, you’re good to go.
- Sleepyhypno 1:05 AM
- Sweet, before we being, thank you all for being here, I really do appreciate each and every one of you and what you bring to the session that is unique and interesting and always fun and energizing for me. it’s been a .... SHITTY.... month and a half... and I thank you all for being here to help me do something naughty and stupid this holiday season =c)
- SleepyGirl 1:05 AM
- always happy to help :c) hugs
- Psyco Turnipt 1:06 AM
- My absolute pleasure, run wild with all that caffeinated energy. ;p
- Amazonian Princess 1:06 AM
- Glad to be of service any time
- Sleepyhypno 1:06 AM
- =c)an daway we go...Just allow yourself to getinto a comfortable positiona place where you can simplyfocus on my wordsand allow yourself to justrelaxto just drift awayallow yoruself to simplybreatheslowly and easilyletting the muscles in your bodystart to driftstart to loosenstart to just tingleand relaxslipping back into whatever it isthat you are sittingor laying on nowand just letting your mindslip awayand simplysinkSinkSINKdeeper and deeper downevery breath helps you to justrelaxand driftdowndowndowninto a nicesoothinghypnotic sleeprelaxed and calmon this cold winters nightyou can do that for me can’t you now?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:09 AM
- Yes.
- SleepyGirl 1:09 AM
- yes
- Kitty 1:09 AM
- Yes
[Hypnotist’s Note: and right off the bat… I am getting a response from Kitty, whom I was expecting to just watch! Not arguing… but I was pleasantly surprised by it.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:09 AM
- very goodjust let everything fade awayand allow yoruself to imaginethe perfect roomthat embodies whatchristmas isfor you.you are free to add any details to this roombut the ones I likeare a nice warm fire placewith a lowbut warm firecrackling slowlythe flames just high enoughto send flickers or lightaround the mostly dark roomin a corner is a tree
[Sleepygirl Comment: this is basically what i was imagining, along with a window off to the side where i was able to see snow falling outside]
- Sleepyhypno 1:09 AM
- talland widedecorated with lots of ornimentssome that may remind you of the pastsome that may be comicaland there is always that onethat one that is justspecialthat when you hold ityou just can’t helpbut smileall on a treewith slowlyblinking color lightsslowand steadyin the warm roomcan you imagine that for me now ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:12 AM
- yes
- Kitty 1:12 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 1:12 AM
- Yes.
- Sleepyhypno 1:12 AM
- very gooddoing so wellthis place just gives youa feeling of peacea feeling of comfortit helps you to justrelaxand feel the warmthof that Christmas spiritbut as you snuggle backin a warm fluffy couchone that just wraps around your bodyyou fail to notice that the fireis slowly flickering outand that there is a smallalmost sprinkling of snowcoming from the fireplace
[Psyco Comment: As someone who lives in the Far North and runs unreasonably hot all cold is temperatures are welcome and made me very cozy.
A lot of induction go into detail about being warm and comfortable and I’ve had to work past this sensation. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a induction that involves accepting cold much less focusing on it. Was a welcome surprise and help me sink real fast.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:12 AM
- you just sitand watch the treeslowly relaxingand feleing a slightshiver of coldrun through you bodyas the tinyunnoticable flakes of snowslowlydrift into the roomand along your skinlanding on your armson your handson your faceand maybe eventhe tip of your nose.you can imagine that for me now, can’t you?
- SleepyGirl 1:14 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 1:14 AM
- Yes Sir.
- Kitty 1:15 AM
- yes
- Sleepyhypno 1:15 AM
- how do you feel now ladies?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:15 AM
- Comfy in the cold Sir.
[Psyco Comment: See previous rant.]
- SleepyGirl 1:15 AM
- calm, relaxed, comfortable
- Kitty 1:16 AM
- Relaxed
[Hypnotist’s Note: at this point I have pretty good confidence that everyone here is slipping under, I confirmed a few things in private message to make sure everyone that was under was comfortable and then continued on.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:16 AM
- Very goodall of you doign so wellso relaxed.as the snow flakes land on your skinyou notice a strangetingle through you bodya ripple of soft energy
[Psyco Comment: Permeating energy always gets me good, love the descriptions and sensations.]
[Sleepygirl Reply: agreed, the tingling was a nice touch]
- Sleepyhypno 1:16 AM
- moving through your skinthrough your nervous systeman energya feeling ofsleepwashing over youa feeling of controlyour control slipping awayand another controlwashing over you
[Psyco Comment: I can’t explain it but this but the visual I had for this was the Winter Warlock from the Rankin and Bass Christmas special Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town. I have no words as to why.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:16 AM
- there is a power to this energyit feels liek to touchesa deep connection down in yoru soulit makes you feel peacefuland warmand oh so sleepyas the warmththe peacewashes through your mindthrough your body
[Sleepygirl Comment: thats the combination im here for, honestly...it was the perfect mix of calm, cozy, and fuzzy]
- Sleepyhypno 1:16 AM
- you feel yourselfgive a softtender smileas your eyes start to driftslowlygentlydowndowndowndriftin away to a nicesoothinghypnotic sleepfeeling yourself sighand sink backinto that warm comfy couchand let your bodyjsut relaxand driftdown to sleepstill able to replystill able to typebut in a nicesoothinghypnotic sleepisn’t that right ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:18 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 1:18 AM
- Yes Master.
[Hypnotist’s Note: always a good sign of how deep Psyco is when she starts calling me master unprompted]
[Psyco Comment: Came in super tired, the rare cold sensation took me by surprise (in a good way) and I’ve been looking for a lovely sink for a couple weeks now so I was... very receptive.]
- Kitty 1:19 AM
- yes
- Sleepyhypno 1:19 AM
- Very goodso calm and peacefulasleep on this couchyou are unaware of someone elsein the room with youa magical individualyou feel their handssurprisingly strongsurprisingly soothinglifting you upeasilyit’s like you are as light as a feather to themthey cradle your headagasint their shoulderas your arms hang limpat your sideyour legs scooped up with an armunder your kneesand simplylifted updeeply asleep
[Psyco Comment: This solidified the Winter Warlock imagery for me.]
[Hypnotist Note: I was going for Santa Clause, but left it vague enough for personal interpretations]
- Sleepyhypno 1:19 AM
- fuzzy and relaxedyour mind is so openso peacefulyou feel yourself being placedinto what feels like a sleeping bagthickwith velvet materialvery softit seems to conform to your bodyas you find yourself being carried awaystuffed into a magical baga bag tht trickles with energyenergy that seems to make you feelmore openmore at peacehelplessbut in a way that just makes you feel..so veryvery exciteddeeply asleepand calm nowisn’t that right ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:22 AM
- Yes
[Sleepygirl Comment: and i do enjoy being helpless…]
- Psyco Turnipt 1:22 AM
- Yes Master.
- Kitty 1:22 AM
- yes
- Sleepyhypno 1:22 AM
- doing so very godo nowrelaxed and calmhow deep do you feel now my dear friend?
- Kitty 1:23 AM
- 70
- Psyco Turnipt 1:23 AM
- 163% Master.
- SleepyGirl 1:23 AM
- 640,000
[Hypnotist’s note: Kitty and Sleepygirl are about average for what I would expect for a trance like this, Psyco howere, is dropping a bit more quickly, she commented later she enjoyed the colod winter imagery]
[Psyco Comment: Foreshadowing but also the ribbons, holy cow the ribbons.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:23 AM
- very goodall doing so well.as you feel yourselfslowly rocking side to side
[Sleepygirl Comment: the feeling of rocking back and forth definitely helped in dropping me a little more here]
- Sleepyhypno 1:23 AM
- as the person holding the bag movesthe magic in the bagstarts to go to work.you start to feel ribbonsthick and strongsurprisingly strongsliding along your bodyalong yoru legsand along your armsevery place it touchestrickles with an energyan energy that seem sto justmake you more fuzzymore peacefulmore open toSuggestions…
[Psyco Comment: Hypno ropes?! Shut up and take my money!
In all seriousness though as someone who loves being bound and/or suspended these sensations are top tier and I love them.]
[Hypnotist Reply: makes notes]
- Sleepyhypno 1:23 AM
- and you feel a ribbonsliding along your headtrickling with energywashing away your thoughtscreating a voiddeep in your mindopening youputting your personalityon pausefreezing it upand stuffing it awaygently in the back of your mind.you can feel that can’t you now?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:26 AM
- Yes Master.
- SleepyGirl 1:26 AM
- yess
[Sleepygirl Comment: yeah...that got me pretty good, energy from things like this is always a favorite of mine]
- Kitty 1:27 AM
- Maybe
[Hypnotist’s Note: At this point I talked to Kitty in DMs, she was indeed hypnotist, but this script was not really made with her in mind, she experiences hypnosis in a more connection based style, images, and sounds and feelings don’t do much for her. I had tried to add components of that into the script but it still wasn’t clicking right with her, which is completely fine. I confirmed in DMs that she was still hypnotized and happy to just sink and relax, and follow along but not really participate, and I was good with that as well! Psyco and Sleepygirl on the other hand were getting into it as you can see from the double ‘ss’ in Sleepygirl’s reply.]
[Sleepygirl Reply: i don’t actually pay attention to the fact that i do that with my typing when im dropping and given that im your editor it’s a little embarrassing]
- Sleepyhypno 1:27 AM
- it’s ok if you don’t feel it completelyif you don’t feel it in your bodyjust imaginein your mindhow it would feelto feel your body having magical ribbonsthick and strongthat trickle energy into your mindinto your bodyand help you to justdrift awaydeeper downinto the fantasyis that easier?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:29 AM
- Yes Master.
- SleepyGirl 1:29 AM
- yes
- Sleepyhypno 1:30 AM
- just relaxand as the ribbons start to slidealong your bodythey start to trickle with energydeepermore powerful energyyou start to feel your clothesfading awayturned to magic dust
[Psyco Comment: Aww I liked my shirt Hello Kitty…]
- Sleepyhypno 1:30 AM
- and falling away like the snowon a cold winters nightexposing your bodyand moving more freemore intimately along your formfinding all the right placesto stimulatealong your legsalong your buttalong your chestalong your mostprivate of placesall the while the energy tricklesslowlyand easilyinto your bodymaking your mind emptya fuzzy void
[Sleepygirl Comment: pretty sure my mind was a fuzzy void long before we got to this point…]
- Sleepyhypno 1:30 AM
- deep inside of youone that is being filled with desirefilled with pleasureevery trickle of energyhelps you to fadeand driftas the ribbons slide along your bodysilky and smoothlike a lovers touchcaressing you in all the placesthat you enjoyyou can imagine what that might feel like... can’t you?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:33 AM
- Yes Master, very much so.
- SleepyGirl 1:33 AM
- yess master
[Sleepygirl Comment: aaaaand now im definitely gone]
[Hypnotist’s Note: and two for two. Gotta love it!]
- Sleepyhypno 1:34 AM
- There is somethign specialabout the feeling of the ribbonsit makes you think of somethingintimatesomeone you desirefinding that ribbonsfeel like their touchtheir caressmoving along your bodyslowlyintimatelymaking a very specialconnectiondeep downin the most privateand intimate parts of your soulof your mindand of your bodyfeeling the ribbonsmoving along your bodyslowly getting tighterlike a lover squeezing youas you feel the pleasureslowlydeeplydrift through youall the wayuntil you find yourself simplyoverloadingas a wave of pleasurewashes through youit’s ok to let your bodymoan softlyquietlyas you tingleand shiverat your releaseand then simplydriftdowndowndowndeeper down nowhow do you feel?
- Kitty 1:36 AM
- calm relaxed
- Psyco Turnipt 1:37 AM
- Adrift in relaxing bliss Master.
- SleepyGirl 1:37 AM
- tingling, relaxed, drifting
[Hypnotist Note: Following in the idea that Kitty was still following along, she is responding to questions about how she feels, but not questions about the story the trance is revolving around.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:37 AM
- good girlsall doing so wellso peaceful nowas the ribbons move along your bodythey start to slowlydelicatelywrap more tightly around youpulling your legs togetherpulling your arms to your sidewrapping around youbinding you into placethere is no strugglethere is no resistanceyour deep asleepbut deep in the voidthat used to be your mindthe ribbons are binding you there too
[Sleepygirl Comment: once again you do an excellent job of pushing exactly the right buttons..]
- Sleepyhypno 1:37 AM
- you find yourselfbeing slowly transformedslowly changedfinding yourself becoming morecompliant
[Psyco Comment: Always loved the word compliant, might just be my affinity for cyberpunk settings.]
[Sleepygirl Reply: I’m a fan of it, too, but just because its a nice alternative to ‘obedient’ (not that I mind that either but it’s nice to deviate from the norm sometimes)]
- Sleepyhypno 1:37 AM
- more open and obedientready to serveready to pleaseit’s as if you are beingtransformedinto the perfect christmas giftfor someone who has beenvery good....or very naughty in all the best waysis that something you could imagine now?
- SleepyGirl 1:40 AM
- yesss master
- Psyco Turnipt 1:40 AM
- Yes Master, made to serve.
- Sleepyhypno 1:40 AM
- as your mind drifts more deeply downmade to be a perfect gifta perfect presentobedientand pleasingsensual and seductivesomething so veryintimateyou feel your body being slowly coveredfrom the neck downin wrapping paperpulling tight enough along your skinto show off your formshow off your mostappealing assessetswhile still keeping you tightand warmand snugfirmly held in placewhile your mind is programmedslowlyeasilydeeply downisn’t that right ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:42 AM
- yes master
- Psyco Turnipt 1:42 AM
- Yes Master.
- Sleepyhypno 1:43 AM
- as the ribbons continue to trickle their energythrough your bodythrough your mindyou feel the bagthat is carrying youbeing laid along the floorslowlytenderlyyou find yourself beingslowly removed from the bagslide out of the velvet sackgentlyeasilyas if you were light as a featherand placed under a christmas treewhose tree this isyou’ll have to wait and seewait until morningwhen you are unwrappedbut while you are hereunder the treeyou feel the ribbons trickling through your mindthrough your bodyprogramming you to obeyto serveto be a goodpleasurablegift for someone very special
[Sleepygirl Comment: again, the energy/programming from the ribbon got me good here]
- Sleepyhypno 1:43 AM
- someone that will find youand open the papperrevealing your bodyrevealing your formas they do your eyes will openand you’ll realize nowthat you are therestheirs to enjoyyou will serveyou will obeyyou are their gifthow does that make you feel?
- Psyco Turnipt 1:46 AM
- Incredibly aroused and excited Master.
- SleepyGirl 1:46 AM
- obedient and aroused, master
- Sleepyhypno 1:46 AM
- Very gooddoing so very wellunder the treewaiting to be openedand while you waityou’ll feel the ribbonstrickling along your bodyalong your mindyou’ll fe the flickering lights of the treethat you are nestled underblinkingslowlyrythmicallyvisible through you eye lidsas nothing more then an ever fadingand then growing lightbut the warmth of the lightsmakes you feel warmand safewrapped upunder the tree.waiting...waiting... to be openedwaiting to be... enjoyedisn’t that right ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:48 AM
- yes master
- Psyco Turnipt 1:48 AM
- Yes Master.
- Sleepyhypno 1:48 AM
- Very goodwhen you go to sleep tonightyou are free to keep this fantasygoing in your minddreamingdriftingimagining who it might bethat would awaken youwho it would be that you are...gifted tooand just enjoying how peacefuland arousing it would beto be openedpiece by pieceto be revealedto be cherishedand enjoyedand able to justlet that fantasy play outin your mindin whatever way you’d like it to the mostunderstand ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:50 AM
- yes master
- Psyco Turnipt 1:50 AM
- Yes Master.
- Kitty 1:50 AM
- yes
- Sleepyhypno 1:50 AM
- very good ladiesyou’ve all done so very welland now if i can give you a little gift of my own .we have about a weeka week till christmasI want you to imagineto think abouthow every time you see some christmas lightsblinking and flashignto just take a momenta moment to just stopand take a breathand just let yourself relaxlet yourself justlet go for a momentand just watch the lightsa moment of peacein your busy day.
[Princess Comment: The first time he suggested/commanded something similar to this was about 3 or 4 years ago. And ever since then, anytime I look at Christmas lights I get this exact feeling. So I would personally like to thank you very much for that. It’s always meant a lot to me.]
- this is not just a giftnot just a suggestionthis is a command.
[Psyco Comment: Yes Sir~]
- Sleepyhypno 1:50 AM
- becuse I think we all knowthat things work betterwhen you have no choice but to obey
[Sleepygirl Comment: yes master]
[Hypnotist’s Note: Yes that is Psyco and Sleepygirl, being hypnotized while reading the log and replying to the log session, of the real hypnosis session they were previously hypnotized in. Ain’t this job great?!]
- Sleepyhypno 1:50 AM
- so as you watch the lightsawake and awareyou’ll feel that little smilein the back of your mindforming as you realizeyou will obeyeven if it’s just to make youfor a brief momentrelaxin the hectic holiday seasonand you will obey...with easewon’t you my friend?
[Psyco Comment: I have a sudden and strong urge to go to the Zoolights... No correlation.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: explains why i was paying more attention to christmas lights when i was out today…]
- SleepyGirl 1:53 AM
- yes master, i will obey
- Kitty 1:53 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 1:53 AM
- Yes Master, I will obey.
- Sleepyhypno 1:54 AM
- good girlsand now in a momentyou will awakeninto a waking tranceable to thinkable to moveable to respond as if you were awakeas if you were fully alert and awakebut you’ll still be hypnotizedstill relaxed and calmthis way when you slip away to bedyou’ll be able to just lay downand feel yourselfdrift awayhearing me whisper your triggerinto your earand jsut feeling your bodydriftdeeperand deeper downinto your bedto finish your fantasyfinish your littlepresent openingand letting your mind run freewith whatever it might bethat you would find the most enjoyableuntil you drift away to sleep.understand ladies?
- SleepyGirl 1:55 AM
- yes master
- Psyco Turnipt 1:56 AM
- Yes Master.
- Kitty 1:56 AM
- yes
[Hypnotist’s Note: a waking trance, if your subjects can do it can be a lot of fun. They are alert, able to talk, able to move like normal but are still hypnotized, still very suggestible and in most cases will still feel it in their body and their mind. Like there is a weight or a sluggishness to their thoughts and movements. What’s even better is if you are in person with them their eyes are usually slightly more dilated then they would usually be! Which is a standard physical sign of a hypnotic trance.]
[Sleepygirl Comment: good way to put it, for me it’s just feeling fuzzy and slow to process things]
- Sleepyhypno 1:56 AM
- good girlsentering a waking tranceon the count of three1...2...3...waking trancealert and relaxeddeeply hypnotized, but able to moveand thinkHello =c0
- Kitty 1:57 AM
- hi
- Psyco Turnipt 1:57 AM
- Howdy Master.
[Hypnotist Note: waking trance means Psyco still calls me master!]
[Psyco Comment: Legit I didn’t notice the Master in nearly all my responses here until I read them now.]
- SleepyGirl 1:57 AM
- hello :c)
- Sleepyhypno 1:57 AM
- hows everyone feeling?
- Kitty 1:57 AM
- nice
- Psyco Turnipt 1:57 AM
- Fantabulous Master. ❤️
- SleepyGirl 1:58 AM
- good, nice and relaxed
- Sleepyhypno 1:58 AM
- Princess you still with us?
- Amazonian Princess 1:58 AM
- Yeah I’m here
[Hypnotist’s Note: I had checked in with Prince once or twice to make sure she was in fact awake and still with us, and she was awake the whole time just didn’t want to say anything for fear of derailing the trance. Which is just good audience etiquette.]
- Sleepyhypno 1:58 AM
- Just checking =cP I know you were awake but i wasn’t sure if you knew you could talk or not =cp
- Amazonian Princess 2:00 AM
- I’ll let the participating audience hold the spotlight, I’m just backstage tonight
- Sleepyhypno 2:00 AM
- feel free to comment asyou see fit =cPso what did you ladies think, given that what I had that passed for a plan got thrown out the window about line 3 and I just shot from the hip the wholetime.
[Sleepygirl Comment: line 3 was barely after just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position, technically, how did it not make it past that?]
[Hypnotist’s Reply: Well ya see… I forgot what I was going to do so I just winged it.]
- SleepyGirl 2:01 AM
- i think it worked out pretty well in that case, you did a good job (as usual) :c)
- Psyco Turnipt 2:02 AM
- I’ll never turn away Shibari/bondage Master, also love anything cold or snow related. ^^
- Amazonian Princess 2:02 AM
- It seemed like a hit from my POV
- Sleepyhypno 2:03 AM
- yeah, i didn’t think you of all people would mind a snow related one =cpI do thank you all for lending me your time and your minds =c) I really did want to get a christmas video up this year.
- Psyco Turnipt 2:05 AM
- You crushed it Master. ❤️
- Sleepyhypno 2:05 AM
- hehe you may be mildly biased right now =cp
- Psyco Turnipt 2:05 AM
- I’m usually Biased Master. ;p
[Sleepygirl Comment: can confirm, i am also usually biased]
- Sleepyhypno 2:05 AM
- ... also true...
- Kitty 2:06 AM
- hehe
- Sleepyhypno 2:06 AM
- scratches the felines
[Sleepygirl Comment: why do i still have the residual urge to purr…]
- Kitty 2:06 AM
- purrs
- Sleepyhypno 2:07 AM
- I do believe however that a few people need to head to bed in the near future (or recent past)
- Kitty 2:07 AM
- mmhm
- Psyco Turnipt 2:07 AM
- Right here Master. Raises hand
- Sleepyhypno 2:08 AM
- yeah you were the two I was thinking... I don’t know about Sleepygirl or Princess, exactly. although I am also yawning like crazy =cP
- Psyco Turnipt 2:09 AM
- Caffeine finally losing out on ya Master?
- Amazonian Princess 2:09 AM
- It is getting pretty late
- Sleepyhypno 2:09 AM
- The last 3 weeks I have been powered by nothing but caffeine, sugar, and good intentions. but the longer you do that the less effective it is =cP
- Psyco Turnipt 2:10 AM
- True true.
[Hypnotist’s Note: For those of you wondering. November and December sucked assed for me. Thank you for asking]
- Sleepyhypno 2:10 AM
- Sleepygirl... are you wanting to go to bed as well?
- SleepyGirl 2:10 AM
- i’m ok for now
[Sleepygirl Comment: read as: i am stubborn and won’t go to bed until forced]
- Sleepyhypno 2:10 AM
- ok....would the three of you that are heading to bed light a nudge to bed or just go on your own?
- Kitty 2:11 AM
- yes
- Amazonian Princess 2:11 AM
- On my own
- Psyco Turnipt 2:12 AM
- hmm...Dealers choice Master.
- Sleepyhypno 2:12 AM
- right like thats not going to go the same way 100% of the time.Ladies...focusand relaxtake a deep breath inand let it outslowlygentlyeasilydrifting down5relaxing4letting go3back into a nice2compliant1hypnotic0SLEEPnice and deepnice and openrelaxed and calm nowisn’t that right ladies?
[Sleepygirl Comment: yes...blink blink]
- Kitty 2:13 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 2:13 AM
- Yes Master.
- Amazonian Princess 2:13 AM
- Yes
- SleepyGirl 2:13 AM
- yes master
[Hypnotist’s Note: Didn’t expect to get Princess, not arguing, just didn’t expect it!]
[Princess Reply: I wasn’t either. But after you’ve been in the game with a person so long, it doesn’t really take much if I’m not actively focusing on staying awake.]
- Sleepyhypno 2:14 AM
- good girlsKitty, and Psycoin a moment you will find yourselvesmoving to beddeeply hypnotizedevery step you takeevery little task you complete before bedwill only help to tkae you deeperand deeperinto trancewalking yourself very slowlyeasily to bedcurling upand relaxingand just letting yourselfdriftdowndeeply to sleeprestingand relaxingunderstand?
- Kitty 2:15 AM
- yes
- Psyco Turnipt 2:15 AM
- Yes Master.
- Sleepyhypno 2:15 AM
- good girlsthank you for helping me tonightyou will go to bedNOW
- Kitty 2:15 AM
- nini
- Psyco Turnipt 2:15 AM
- Yes Master, good night.
- Sleepyhypno 2:16 AM
- Princess, Sleepygirl, how do you ladies feel?
- Amazonian Princess 2:16 AM
- Tired, but content
- SleepyGirl 2:16 AM
- relaxed, compliant
- Sleepyhypno 2:16 AM
- good girlsit wasn’t my intention to put you under Princess... but I’m not complaining in the slightest. would you like me to give you a suggestion to go to sleep? like I did for Kitty and Psyco?
- Amazonian Princess 2:17 AM
- Yes
- Sleepyhypno 2:17 AM
- good girlin a moment Princessyou will go to bedevery step you takeevery task you do before bedwill only serve to take you downdeeperand deeperuntil you are in a nicedeephypnotic sleepcurled up in your bedand letting yourselffantasizemaybe about the fantasy i did with the otherso rmaybe something else that would help youto relaxand restand unqindunwindunderstand Princess?
- Amazonian Princess 2:18 AM
- Yes
- Sleepyhypno 2:18 AM
- Good girlthank you for sitting on this tonight. even when you aren’t hypnotized I always enjoy having you here.You may go to bed... NOW princess. good night.
- Amazonian Princess 2:19 AM
- Night
- Sleepyhypno 2:19 AM
- And now Sleepygirl, how do you feel?
- SleepyGirl 2:20 AM
- relaxed, compliant
- Sleepyhypno 2:20 AM
- good girl.how deep did you end up Sleepygirl
- SleepyGirl 2:21 AM
- 1,630,000
- Sleepyhypno 2:21 AM
- very good,Would you like to tell the readers... what happened to you before the session log started?
- SleepyGirl 2:22 AM
- i was hypnotized...and turned into a cat
[Sleepygirl Comment: and clearly enjoyed it]
- Sleepyhypno 2:23 AM
- and how did that make you feel Sleepygirl?
- SleepyGirl 2:23 AM
- fuzzy...helpless
- Sleepyhypno 2:24 AM
- And what did you do whlie you were a cat Sleepygirl?
- SleepyGirl 2:24 AM
- purred and meowed...
- Sleepyhypno 2:25 AM
- would you like to do something feline for the chat readers?
- SleepyGirl 2:26 AM
- yes master
- Sleepyhypno 2:26 AM
- good girls, do something sexy and feline for the readers... whatever you feel would show off just how helplessly hypnotized you were.
- SleepyGirl 2:29 AM
- slides down to my hands and knees, moving over to you and rubbing against you, purring softly and letting out a mroowwww
- Sleepyhypno 2:30 AM
- Good Sleepycat scratches behind your ear softly
[Sleepygirl Comment: mrow...shivers]
- SleepyGirl 2:30 AM
- ppuurrrrr leans against you while you scratch
- Sleepyhypno 2:32 AM
- Good Sleepycat.... I wanted to thank you as well for coming in today and helping me out, Iappreciate having you here, and am happy with how comfortable you’ve become with things like... well scratches your head this.
[Sleepygirl Comment: aww...purrs im glad]
- SleepyGirl 2:34 AM
- purrs softly and leans against you im always glad to help, master
- Sleepyhypno 2:34 AM
- Thank you.... now Deep sleep Sleepygirl....
- SleepyGirl 2:35 AM
- yess master
- Sleepyhypno 2:35 AM
- good girl.... say good night to the readers Sleepygirl
- SleepyGirl 2:35 AM
- good night